def __init__(self, address, port): """ RPMDispatcher constructor. Initialized instance vars and registers this server with the frontend server. @param address: Address of this dispatcher server. @param port: Port assigned to this dispatcher server. @raise RPMInfrastructureException: Raised if the dispatch server is unable to register with the frontend server. """ self._address = address self._port = port self._lock = threading.Lock() self._worker_dict = {} # We assume that the frontend server and dispatchers are running on the # same host, and the frontend server is listening for connections from # the external world. frontend_server_port = rpm_config.getint('RPM_INFRASTRUCTURE', 'frontend_port') self._frontend_server = 'http://%s:%d' % (socket.gethostname(), frontend_server_port) 'Registering this rpm dispatcher with the frontend ' 'server at %s.', self._frontend_server) client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self._frontend_server) # De-register with the frontend when the dispatcher exit's. atexit.register(self._unregister) try: client.register_dispatcher(self._get_serveruri()) except socket.error as er: err_msg = ('Unable to register with frontend server. Error: %s.' % errno.errorcode[er.errno]) logging.error(err_msg) raise RPMInfrastructureException(err_msg)
import os import pexpect import Queue import re import threading import time from config import rpm_config import dli_urllib import rpm_logging_config import common from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import retry RPM_CALL_TIMEOUT_MINS = rpm_config.getint('RPM_INFRASTRUCTURE', 'call_timeout_mins') SET_POWER_STATE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = rpm_config.getint( 'RPM_INFRASTRUCTURE', 'set_power_state_timeout_seconds') PROCESS_TIMEOUT_BUFFER = 30 class RPMController(object): """ This abstract class implements RPM request queueing and processes queued requests. The actual interaction with the RPM device will be implemented by the RPM specific subclasses. It assumes that you know the RPM hostname and that the device is on the specified RPM.
# found in the LICENSE file. import argparse import logging import sys import xmlrpclib import common from config import rpm_config from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import retry RPM_FRONTEND_URI = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( 'CROS', 'rpm_frontend_uri', type=str, default='') RPM_CALL_TIMEOUT_MINS = rpm_config.getint('RPM_INFRASTRUCTURE', 'call_timeout_mins') POWERUNIT_HOSTNAME_KEY = 'powerunit_hostname' POWERUNIT_OUTLET_KEY = 'powerunit_outlet' HYDRA_HOSTNAME_KEY = 'hydra_hostname' class RemotePowerException(Exception): """This is raised when we fail to set the state of the device's outlet.""" pass def set_power(host, new_state, timeout_mins=RPM_CALL_TIMEOUT_MINS): """Sends the power state change request to the RPM Infrastructure. @param host: A CrosHost or ServoHost instance.
DISPATCHER_URI = 1 LOG_FILENAME_FORMAT = rpm_config.get('GENERAL', 'frontend_logname_format') DEFAULT_RPM_ID = rpm_config.get('RPM_INFRASTRUCTURE', 'default_rpm_id') # Valid state values. VALID_STATE_VALUES = ['ON', 'OFF', 'CYCLE'] # Servo-interface mapping file MAPPING_FILE = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), rpm_config.get('CiscoPOE', 'servo_interface_mapping_file')) # Size of the LRU that holds power management unit information related # to a device, e.g. rpm_hostname, outlet, hydra_hostname, etc. LRU_SIZE = rpm_config.getint('RPM_INFRASTRUCTURE', 'lru_size') class RPMFrontendServer(object): """ This class is the frontend server of the RPM Infrastructure. All clients will send their power state requests to this central server who will forward the requests to an avaliable or already assigned RPM dispatcher server. Once the dispatcher processes the request it will return the result to this frontend server who will send the result back to the client. All calls to this server are blocking. @var _dispatcher_minheap: Min heap that returns a list of format-
# found in the LICENSE file. import mox import socket import unittest from config import rpm_config import rpm_dispatcher DUT_SAME_RPM1 = 'chromeos-rack8e-hostbs1' DUT_SAME_RPM2 = 'chromeos-rack8e-hostbs2' RPM_HOSTNAME = 'chromeos-rack8e-rpm1' DUT_DIFFERENT_RPM = 'chromeos-rack1-hostbs1' FAKE_DISPATCHER_URI = 'fake-dispatcher' FAKE_DISPATCHER_PORT = 9999 FRONT_END_PORT = rpm_config.getint('RPM_INFRASTRUCTURE', 'frontend_port') PROPER_URI_FORMAT = 'http://%s:%d' class TestRPMDispatcher(mox.MoxTestBase): """ Simple unit tests to verify that the RPM Dispatcher properly registers with the frontend server, and also initializes and reuses the same RPM Controller for DUT requests on the same RPM. queue_request is the only public method of RPM Dispatcher, however its logic is simple and relies mostly on the private methods; therefore, I am testing primarily RPMDispatcher initialization and _get_rpm_controller (which calls _create_rpm_controller) to verify correct implementation. """ def setUp(self):