Exemple #1
def set_blueprints(app, blueprints):
    Registers blueprints with the app.
    # Register blueprints.
    for blueprint in blueprints:
        url_prefix = None
        if len(blueprint) == 2:
            blueprint, url_prefix = blueprint
        blueprint_object = import_string('%s:BLUEPRINT' % blueprint, silent=True)
        blueprint_name, blueprint_import_name = blueprint.split('.')[-1], blueprint
        if not blueprint_object:
            options = dict(static_folder='static', template_folder='templates')
            blueprint_object = Blueprint(blueprint_name, blueprint_import_name, **options)
        blueprint_routes = import_string('%s.urls:routes' % blueprint_import_name, silent=True)
        if blueprint_routes:
            urls.set_urls(blueprint_object, blueprint_routes)

        # Other initializations.
        for fn, values in [(set_before_handlers, import_string('%s:BEFORE_REQUESTS' % blueprint, silent=True)),
                           (set_before_app_handlers, import_string('%s:BEFORE_APP_REQUESTS' % blueprint, silent=True)),
                           (set_after_handlers, import_string('%s:AFTER_REQUESTS' % blueprint, silent=True)),
                           (set_after_app_handlers, import_string('%s:AFTER_APP_REQUESTS' % blueprint, silent=True)),
                           (set_context_processors, import_string('%s:CONTEXT_PROCESSORS' % blueprint, silent=True)),
                           (set_app_context_processors, import_string('%s:APP_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS' % blueprint, silent=True)),
                           (set_error_handlers, import_string('%s:ERROR_HANDLERS' % blueprint, silent=True)),
                           (set_app_error_handlers, import_string('%s:APP_ERROR_HANDLERS' % blueprint, silent=True))]:
            if values:
                fn(blueprint_object, values)
        # Can be mounted at specific prefix.
        if url_prefix:
            app.register_blueprint(blueprint_object, url_prefix=url_prefix)
def init(basic_app=False):
    Sets up flask application object `app` and returns it.
    If `basic_app` is true, it creates the app and the db object.
    Mainly useful for using models outside of the app.
    # Instantiate main app, load configs, register modules, set
    # url patterns and return the `app` object.
    app = Flask(__name__)
    if not basic_app:
        # Other initializations.
        for fn, values in [
            (set_middlewares, getattr(settings, "MIDDLEWARES", None)),
            (set_blueprints, getattr(settings, "BLUEPRINTS", None)),
            (set_before_handlers, getattr(settings, "BEFORE_REQUESTS", None)),
            (set_after_handlers, getattr(settings, "AFTER_REQUESTS", None)),
            (set_log_handlers, getattr(settings, "LOG_HANDLERS", None)),
            (set_context_processors, getattr(settings, "CONTEXT_PROCESSORS", None)),
            (set_error_handlers, getattr(settings, "ERROR_HANDLERS", None)),
            (set_template_filters, getattr(settings, "TEMPLATE_FILTERS", None)),
            if values:
                fn(app, values)
        # URL rules.
        #: Wrap the `app` with `Babel` for i18n.
        config.cache = Cache(app)
    # Init SQLAlchemy wrapper.
    config.db = SQLAlchemy(app)
    return app
Exemple #3
def init():
    Sets up flask application object `app` and returns it.
    # Instantiate main app, load configs, register modules, set
    # url patterns and return the `app` object.
    app = Flask(__name__)
    config.app = app
    # Init SQLAlchemy wrapper.
    config.db = SQLAlchemy(app)
    if app.debug:
    #: Wrap the `app` with `Babel` for i18n.
    config.cache = Cache(app)
    app.jinja_env.slim_debug = app.debug
    config.bcrypt = Bcrypt(app)
    # Other initializations.
    for fn, values in [(set_middlewares, getattr(settings, 'MIDDLEWARES', None)),
                        (set_context_processors, getattr(settings, 'CONTEXT_PROCESSORS', None)),
                        (set_template_filters, getattr(settings, 'TEMPLATE_FILTERS', None)),
                        (set_before_handlers, getattr(settings, 'BEFORE_REQUESTS', None)),
                        (set_after_handlers, getattr(settings, 'AFTER_REQUESTS', None)),
                        (set_log_handlers, getattr(settings, 'LOG_HANDLERS', None)),
                        (set_error_handlers, getattr(settings, 'ERROR_HANDLERS', None)),
                        (set_blueprints, getattr(settings, 'BLUEPRINTS', None))]:
        if values:
            fn(app, values)
    # URL rules.
    return app
def init():
    Sets up flask application object `app` and returns it.
    # Instantiate main app, load configs, register modules, set
    # url patterns and return the `app` object.
    app = Flask(__name__)
    config.app = app
    # Init SQLAlchemy wrapper.
    config.db = SQLAlchemy(app)
    if app.debug:
    #: Wrap the `app` with `Babel` for i18n.

    config.cache = Cache(app)
    app.jinja_env.slim_debug = app.debug
    config.bcrypt = Bcrypt(app)
    # Other initializations.
    for fn, values in [
        (set_middlewares, getattr(settings, 'MIDDLEWARES', None)),
        (set_context_processors, getattr(settings, 'CONTEXT_PROCESSORS',
        (set_template_filters, getattr(settings, 'TEMPLATE_FILTERS', None)),
        (set_before_handlers, getattr(settings, 'BEFORE_REQUESTS', None)),
        (set_after_handlers, getattr(settings, 'AFTER_REQUESTS', None)),
        (set_log_handlers, getattr(settings, 'LOG_HANDLERS', None)),
        (set_error_handlers, getattr(settings, 'ERROR_HANDLERS', None)),
        (set_blueprints, getattr(settings, 'BLUEPRINTS', None))
        if values:
            fn(app, values)

    # Register all js and css files.
    assets = Environment(app)
    register_assets(app, assets)

    # URL rules.
    return app
def init():
    Sets up flask application object `app` and returns it.
    # Instantiate main app, load configs, register modules, set
    # url patterns and return the `app` object.
    app = Flask(__name__)
    config.app = app
    # Init SQLAlchemy wrapper.
    config.db = SQLAlchemy(app)
    if app.debug:
    #: Wrap the `app` with `Babel` for i18n.

    config.cache = Cache(app)
    config.bcrypt = Bcrypt(app)
    # Other initializations.
    for fn, values in [(set_middlewares, getattr(settings, 'MIDDLEWARES', None)),
                       (set_context_processors, getattr(settings, 'CONTEXT_PROCESSORS', None)),
                       (set_template_filters, getattr(settings, 'TEMPLATE_FILTERS', None)),
                       (set_before_handlers, getattr(settings, 'BEFORE_REQUESTS', None)),
                       (set_after_handlers, getattr(settings, 'AFTER_REQUESTS', None)),
                       (set_log_handlers, getattr(settings, 'LOG_HANDLERS', None)),
                       (set_error_handlers, getattr(settings, 'ERROR_HANDLERS', None)),
                       (set_blueprints, getattr(settings, 'BLUEPRINTS', None))]:
        if values:
            fn(app, values)

    # Register all js and css files.
    assets = Environment(app)
    for name, bundle in webassets.loaders.YAMLLoader('assets.yml').load_bundles().items():
        assets.register(name, bundle)

    # URL rules.
    # Set flask-cli commands
    import commands
    return app
def set_blueprints(app, blueprints):
    Registers blueprints with the app.
    # Register blueprints.
    for blueprint in blueprints:
        url_prefix = None
        if len(blueprint) == 2:
            blueprint, url_prefix = blueprint
        blueprint_name, blueprint_import_name = blueprint.split(".")[-1], blueprint
        options = dict(static_folder="static", template_folder="templates")
        if not url_prefix:
            options["static_url_path"] = "/%s/static" % blueprint_name
        blueprint_object = Blueprint(blueprint_name, blueprint_import_name, **options)
        blueprint_routes = import_string("%s.urls:routes" % blueprint_import_name, silent=True)
        if blueprint_routes:
            urls.set_urls(blueprint_object, blueprint_routes)
        # Can be mounted at specific prefix.
        if url_prefix:
            app.register_blueprint(blueprint_object, url_prefix=url_prefix)