def POST(self):
     f = self.form()
     # due a bug in webpy we have to do web.input(_unicode=False) 
     # when having a File input element in a form
     if not f.validates(web.input(_unicode=False)):
         return view.application_form_simple(f)
         success = handle_post(f, simple=True)
         raise web.seeother('/affiliated/submit_application?success=%s' % success)
 def POST(self):
     f = self.form()
     # due a bug in webpy we have to do web.input(_unicode=False) 
     # when having a File input element in a form
     if not f.validates(web.input(_unicode=False)):
         f.resume.value = '' # avoid utf8 codec error in new webpy version 
         return view.application_form_simple(f)
         success = handle_post(f, simple=True)
         raise web.seeother('/affiliated/submit_application?success=%s' % success)
 def GET(self):
     success = web.input(success='').success
     return view.application_form_simple(self.form(), success)
 def GET(self):
     success = web.input(success='').success
     return view.application_form_simple(self.form(), success)