Exemple #1
def backup_csv(cli_args):
    log = MainLog(cli_args.verbose)
    timestamp = now_timestamp()
    backup_path = config.ConfigurationManager().get(
        config.SettingKeys.PATH_BACKUP, convert=Path)
    csv_file_path = config.ConfigurationManager().get(
        config.SettingKeys.PATH_ECONOMY_CSV, convert=Path)
    dest = backup_path / "databases" / f"{csv_file_path.name}_{timestamp}"
        shutil.copy(csv_file_path, dest)
    except PermissionError:
        shutil.copyfile(csv_file_path, dest)
    log.log(f"backed up: {csv_file_path} --> {dest}")
Exemple #2
def download(item: dict, extr: bool = False, server=Server.WB1, limit=None):
    file_name = item["name"]
    repl_list = [
        (" ", r"\ "),  # TODO: use escaped for all?
        ("'", "*"),
        ("[", "*"),
        ("]", "*"),
        ("(", "*"),
        (")", "*")
    for char, repl in repl_list:
        file_name = file_name.replace(char, repl)
    print(f'downloading: {cstr(file_name, "orange")}')
    conf = config.ConfigurationManager()
    dl_dir = conf.get("path_download")
    limit_str = f"-l {limit} " if limit is not None else ""
    command = f'scp {limit_str}-r {server.value}:"~/files/{file_name}" "{dl_dir}"'
    local_command(command, hide_output=False)
    # only run extract if dest was default dl dir
    if extr:
        path_for_extract_cmd = Path(dl_dir) / file_name
        if not path_for_extract_cmd.exists():
        pfcs(f"running extract command on: g[{path_for_extract_cmd}]")
def test_config_default(tmp_path):
    _file = tmp_path / "_settings.txt"
    with open(_file, "w") as settings_file:
            ["[default]", r"hue_ip=", "", "[wb]", "password=abc123"]))
    cfg = config.ConfigurationManager(file_path=_file, verbose=False)
    assert cfg.get(config.SettingKeys.WB_USERNAME) is None
    assert cfg.get(config.SettingKeys.WB_USERNAME, default="user") == "user"
def test_config_get(tmp_path):
    _file = tmp_path / "_settings.txt"
    with open(_file, "w") as settings_file:
            ["[default]", r"hue_ip=", "", "[wb]", "password=abc123"]))
    cfg = config.ConfigurationManager(file_path=_file, verbose=False)
    assert cfg.get(config.SettingKeys.IP_HUE) == ""
    assert cfg.get(config.SettingKeys.WB_PASSWORD,
                   section=config.SettingSection.WB) == "abc123"
Exemple #5
 def _determine_language(self):
     cfg = config.ConfigurationManager()
     path_txt = Path(cfg.get('path_scripts')) / 'txt'
     langs = {'en': {'points': 0}, 'sv': {'points': 0}}
     for lang in langs:
         with open(path_txt / f'sub_words_{lang}.txt',
                   encoding='utf-8') as word_file:
             for word in word_file.read().split('\n'):
                 langs[lang]['points'] += self.contents.count(f' {word} ')
     self.language = Language.English if langs['en']['points'] > langs[
         'sv']['points'] else Language.Swedish
Exemple #6
def read_csv(cli_args) -> [list, None]:
    log = MainLog(True)
    csv_path = config.ConfigurationManager().get(
        config.SettingKeys.PATH_ECONOMY_CSV, convert=Path)
    if csv_path is None:
        log.log_warn(f"csv path not set in settings file!")
        return None
    if not csv_path.is_file():
        log.log_warn(f"not such file: {csv_path}")
        return None
    with open(csv_path, mode="r", newline="") as csvfile:
        reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
        return [r for r in reader]
Exemple #7
def update_csv(cli_args):
    log = MainLog(cli_args.verbose)
    date = datetime.now().strftime(DATE_FMT)
    csv_path = config.ConfigurationManager().get(
        config.SettingKeys.PATH_ECONOMY_CSV, convert=Path)
    fieldnames = [c.value for c in Columns]
    if not csv_path.is_file():
        log.log(f"creating new file: {csv_path}")
        with open(csv_path, "w", newline="") as csvfile:
            writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
    with open(csv_path, "a+", newline="") as csvfile:
        writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
        data_dict = {Columns.Date.value: date,
                     Columns.Bank.value: cli_args.bank,
                     Columns.Account.value: cli_args.account,
                     Columns.Balance.value: cli_args.balance}
        log.log(f"wrote to {csv_path}:", info_str_line2=f"{data_dict}")
Exemple #8
def wb_scp_torrents(server=Server.WB1):
    "send torrent files to wb watch dir"
    torrent_file_list = []
    conf = config.ConfigurationManager()
    dl_paths = [
        Path.home() / "mnt" / "downloads",
    for dl_path in dl_paths:
        if not dl_path.exists():
        torrent_file_list += dl_path.glob("**/*.torrent")
    for torrent_file in torrent_file_list:
        command = f'scp "{str(torrent_file)}" {server.value}:~/watch'
        pfcs(f"sending torrent: g[{torrent_file.name}]")
        if local_command(command, hide_output=True):
                torrent_file.unlink()  # remove file
                pfcs(f"removed local torrent: o[{torrent_file.name}]")
                pfcs(f"failed to remove local torrent: e[{torrent_file.name}]")
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import argparse
import os
import sys
import platform
import config
from printout import cstr, pcstr
from run import local_command

CONFIG = config.ConfigurationManager()
NAS_IP = CONFIG.get('ds_ip')

def is_ds_special_dir(dir_str):
    return dir_str.startswith('@')

def get_ds_shares() -> list:
    return ['APPS', 'TV', 'FILM', 'MISC', 'BACKUP', 'DATA', 'DOCEDU']

def get_mount_dest() -> str:
    return CONFIG.get("ds_mount_path")

def _print_error_invalid_share(string):
    print(f"invalid share: {cstr(string, 'red')}")

def mount(ds_share):
Exemple #10
import argparse
import glob
import os
import shutil
from pathlib import Path

import config
import run
import util
import util_movie
import util_tv
from printout import cstr, pfcs

OPJ = os.path.join
CFG = config.ConfigurationManager()

def validate_path(path):
    if isinstance(path, str):
        path = Path(path)
    if not isinstance(path, Path):
        print(f"invalid path: {path}")
        return None
    path = path.resolve()
    if not path.exists():
        print(f"path does not exist: {str(path)}")
        return None
    return path