def create_controls(self): self.logger = wx.TextCtrl(self, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY) self.labelChangeMonitorFolder = wx.StaticText(self, label="Отслеживаемая папка") self.btnChangeMonitorFolder = wx.Button(self, label="...") self.textMonitorFolder = wx.TextCtrl(self, style=wx.TE_READONLY, value=config.get_config_value("Local", "MonitorPath")) self.labelAccessKey = wx.StaticText(self, label="Ключ доступа") self.textAccessKey = wx.TextCtrl(self, value=config.get_config_value("Amazon", "AccessKey")) self.btnSecretKeyChange = wx.Button(self, label="Изменить секрет") #self.labelSecretKey = wx.StaticText(self, label="Секретный ключ") #self.textSecretKey = wx.TextCtrl(self, value="Введите секретный ключ") self.labelBucket = wx.StaticText(self, label="Репозиторий") self.textBucket = wx.TextCtrl(self, value=config.get_config_value("Amazon", "bucket"))
def change_secret_key(self, event): self.__log('Change secret button pressed') dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(None, "Введите секретный ключ, выданный вам", "Секретный ключ", config.get_config_value("Amazon", "SecretKey"), style=wx.OK|wx.CANCEL) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: config.set_config_value("Amazon", "SecretKey", dlg.GetValue()) self.__log("SecretKey changed") dlg.Destroy()
def start(identifier, threads, loops): init_ssh() path = get_path(identifier) controlHost = get_config_value('control_host') allHosts = get_all_hosts() execute(start_jmeter_server, identifier=identifier, path=path, hosts=allHosts) execute(start_jmeter_loadtest, path=path, allHosts=allHosts, threads=threads, loops=loops, hosts=controlHost) execute(close_screen_sessions, identifier=identifier, hosts=allHosts) execute(get_jmeter_logs, hosts=controlHost, path=path)
def main(): while True: time_str = get_config_value("general", "update_time").strip() update_time = [int(part) for part in time_str.split(":")] wait_until_time(*update_time) print("-" * 20) print("updating", time.strftime("%d/%m/%y")) print() try: update() except Exception as e: print(e)
def show_gui(): window = Tk() window.title("Укажите Excel файл:") window.geometry('300x400+300+300') window.resizable(False, False) kw_pause_txt = StringVar(value=get_config_value("keyword_pause")) st_pause_txt = StringVar(value=get_config_value("ste_pause")) Label(window, text='Пауза между \nключевыми словами (сек):').place(relx=0.1, rely=0.13) kw_text = Entry(textvariable=kw_pause_txt), rely=0.23) Label(window, text='Пауза между офферами (сек):').place(relx=0.1, rely=0.33) st_text = Entry(textvariable=st_pause_txt), rely=0.43) Button(window, text="Старт", command=lambda: parser_process(kw_text, st_text), width=25, height=2).place(relx=0.1, rely=0.53) window.mainloop()
async def __play_audio(self, ctx): ''' Generic function to play an audio file specified by the context object ''' await self.connect(ctx) vc = ctx.voice_client filename = audio_source = discord.PCMVolumeTransformer( discord.FFmpegPCMAudio( source='{}\\{}.mp3'.format(AUDIO_FOLDER, filename))) audio_source.volume = get_config_value('volume') if not vc.is_playing(): else: await Audio.__play_audio(self, ctx)
def get_json(): show_peaks = request.args.get('show_peaks') per_month_max = request.args.get('per_month_max') if per_month_max == "1": return json.dumps(list(get_max_json().items())) csv_enum = csv_enumerator(show_peaks == "1") hide = get_config_value("webserver", "hide").strip().split(",") res = OrderedDict() last_date = None for line in csv_enum: date = line.pop("Date") insert_empty_values(res, last_date, date) last_date = date date = get_timestamp(date) for key, val in line.items(): if key not in hide: val = float(val) res.setdefault(key, list()).append([date, val]) total = sum([float(val) for val in line.values()]) res.setdefault("Total", list()).append([date, total]) return json.dumps(list(res.items()))
def help(text=None, recent=False): """Open VACUMM website in a web browser and optionally search for a string :Params: - **text**, optional: String to search for. - **recent**, optional: Use the most recent version of the documentation. """ from config import get_config_value key = 'url_recent' if recent else 'url' url = get_config_value('vacumm', key) if url is None: url = '' from webbrowser import open if text is not None: if not isinstance(text, basestring): if hasattr(text, 'func_name'): text = text.func_name else: text = text.__class__.__name__ if not text.startswith('/'): text = '/search.html?q=%s&check_keywords=yes&area=default' % text url += text open(url, new=2)
def help(text=None, recent=False): """Open VACUMM website in a web browser and optionally search for a string :Params: - **text**, optional: String to search for. - **recent**, optional: Use the most recent version of the documentation. """ from config import get_config_value key = 'url_recent' if recent else 'url' url = get_config_value('vacumm', key) if url is None: url = '' from webbrowser import open if text is not None: if not isinstance(text, basestring): if hasattr(text, 'func_name'): text = text.func_name else: text = text.__class__.__name__ if not text.startswith('/'): text = '/search.html?q=%s&check_keywords=yes&area=default'%text url += text open(url, new=2)
def upload_files(filelist): putpath ="%Y/%m/%d/%H/%M/%S") # длина префикса мониторируемой папки для отрезания этой части от пути # (формирование относительного пути) + 1 для backslash pathprefix = config.get_config_value("Local", "MonitorPath") pathprefixlen = pathprefix.__len__() + 1 for file in filelist: meta = {} # dict для метаданных, передаваемых с файлом hash = md5_for_file(file) # отрезание префикса и формирование относительного пути originalpath = file[pathprefixlen:] meta['md5'] = hash meta['path'] = originalpath print meta #originalpath + " - " + hash amazon.put_item_to_bucket(file, hash, putpath, meta) meta['storepath'] = putpath + hash amazon.put_message_to_queue(meta) pass return True
LoggingSection = enum( 'CLIENT', 'CRAWLER', 'DATA', 'FRONTIER', 'TEST', 'UTILITIES', ) #region Setup logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s] %(name)s::%(funcName)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%x %X %Z') module_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) logfile = os.path.join(module_dir, get_config_value('LOG', 'path')) logdir = os.path.join(module_dir, get_config_value('LOG', 'dir')) if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.mkdir(logdir) handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(logfile, maxBytes=8192, backupCount=10, ) formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s] %(name)s::%(funcName)s - %(message)s') formatter.datefmt = '%x %X %Z' formatter.converter = time.gmtime handler.setFormatter(formatter) #endregion
def get_asset(asset_section): # type: (str) -> AssetBase class_name = get_config_value(asset_section, "type") asset_options = get_config_options(asset_section) return getattr(assets, class_name)(asset_section, **asset_options)
def get_ctes(keyword, count):'Ключевое слово: {keyword}') url_sku = '' url_offer = '' result = [] output = [] query_cte = { "filter": { "nameLike": None, "costPerUnitGreatEqual": None, "costPerUnitLessEqual": None, "regionPaths": [], "okpdPaths": [], "vendorCodeLike": None, "offersCountGreatEqual": None, "offersCountLessEqual": None, "keyword": keyword, "partNumberLike": None, "productionPaths": [], "productionDirectoryPaths": [], "characteristicFilter": [], "vendorIdIn": None, "hasOffers": None, "state": "actual", "entityStateIn": [1] }, "take": count, "skip": 0, "order": [{ "field": "relevance", "desc": True }], "withCount": True } query_offers = { "filter": { "offerStateIdIn": [2], "skuIdIn": [18800324], "onlyMyOffer": False }, "order": [{ "field": "costPerUnit", "desc": False }], "withCount": True, "take": 10, "skip": 0 } while True: response_tuple = api_post(url_sku, query_cte) if response_tuple[1] == 200: response = response_tuple[0] break else: sleep(get_config_value("keyword_pause")) if response.get('count', 0) == 0: logging.warn('Пост-запрос вернул 0 записей!') return [[keyword, 'По ключевому слову ничего не найдено!']] else:'Всего {response.get("count", 0)} СТЕ.')'Получено {len(response.get("items", []))} СТЕ.') for item in response.get('items', []): item_id = item.get("id", 0) item_offer_count = item.get("offersCount", 0) offers = [] if item_offer_count != 0: query_offers['filter']['skuIdIn'] = [item_id] query_offers['take'] = item_offer_count while True: offers_resp_tuple = api_post(url_offer, query_offers) if offers_resp_tuple[1] == 200: offers_resp = offers_resp_tuple[0] break else: sleep(get_config_value("ste_pause")) for offer in offers_resp.get('items', []): offers.append([ offer.get('supplierName', 'Не найдено'), offer.get('supplierInn', 'Не найдено'), offer.get('costPerUnit', 'Не найдено'), ', '.join(offer.get('regionNames', 'Не найдено')), ]) result.append([ keyword, item.get('name', 'Не найдено'), item.get('id', 'Не найдено'), item.get('offersCount', 'Не найдено'), offers, (f"{item.get('productionCode', 'Не найдено') or ''} - " f" {item.get('productionDirectoryName', 'Не найдено').upper()}" ), ])'Всего нашлось {len(result)} записей.') output = merge_output(result) return output
LoggingSection = enum( 'CLIENT', 'CRAWLER', 'DATA', 'FRONTIER', 'TEST', 'UTILITIES', ) #region Setup logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format='[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s] %(name)s::%(funcName)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%x %X %Z') module_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) logfile = os.path.join(module_dir, get_config_value('LOG', 'path')) logdir = os.path.join(module_dir, get_config_value('LOG', 'dir')) if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.mkdir(logdir) handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( logfile, maxBytes=8192, backupCount=10, ) formatter = logging.Formatter( '[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s] %(name)s::%(funcName)s - %(message)s') formatter.datefmt = '%x %X %Z' formatter.converter = time.gmtime handler.setFormatter(formatter)
def init_ssh(): env.user = get_config_value('ssh_user') env.key_filename = [get_config_value('ssh_key_file')]
def get_all_hosts(): hostsArray = get_hosts_array_from_string(get_config_value('remote_hosts')) hostsArray.append(get_config_value('control_host')) return hostsArray
def get_path(identifier): if not is_valid_identifier(identifier): raise Exception('Session identifier \'' + identifier + '\' is not in a valid format. Session identifier can only contain alphanumerical characters or on of the following special characters: _ - .') return get_config_value('remote_base_path') + '/' + identifier
def get_asset(asset_section): class_name = get_config_value(asset_section, "type") asset_options = get_config_options(asset_section) return getattr(assets, class_name)(asset_section, **asset_options)
def list_monitor_folder(): # возвращает список файлов в директории (из настроек), рекурсивно path = config.get_config_value("Local", "MonitorPath") file_list = list_files(path) return file_list