Exemple #1
        self.as_nodes = None
        return None  # i.e. return an ASN_Graph

for msm_id in reqd_msms:
    no_asnf = no_whoisf = False
    asns_fn = c.asns_fn(msm_id)
    print("asns file >%s<" % asns_fn)
    if not os.path.isfile(asns_fn):
        print("No asns file; run pypy3 bulk-bgp-lookup.py <<<")
    dgs_stem = c.dgs_stem
    # full_graphs adds "-asn" to dgs_stem !
    print("dgs_stem = >%s<" % dgs_stem)

    in_graphs_fn = c.msm_graphs_fn(msm_id)
    print("graph_fn = %s" % in_graphs_fn)
    n_bins_to_read = c.n_bins  # 3  ########################  c.n_bins

    dgs = dgs_ld.load_graphs(
        in_graphs_fn,  # Load a DestGraphs file (dgs)
    # dgs.ba is an array of BinGraphs
    # each BinGraph has a .pops dictionary, keys are IPprefixes

    print("BinGraphs: %s %s %d traces, %d,%d" %
          (dgs.msm_id, dgs.dest, dgs.n_traces, mx_depth, mn_trpkts))

    tb = timebins.TimeBins(dgs.start_dt, dgs.end_dt)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, msm_id, node_dir, n_bins, asn_graph,
            n_asns, no_asn_nodes, mx_allowed_depth, mn_allowed_trpkts):
        write_ne_data = False  # Write fie of counts
        if write_ne_data:
            ne_data = open("%s/%s-ne-data.txt" % (c.start_ymd, msm_id),
                "w", encoding='utf-8')
            ne_data.write("ne-data %s/%d\n" % (c.start_ymd, msm_id))
                # build_graphs only allows a single ymd !!
            ne_data.write("bn  nodes all_nodes  s_nodes  edges all_edges\n")
        self.msm_id = msm_id
        self.mn_allowed_trpkts = mn_allowed_trpkts
        self.fn = None  # graphs- filename
        self.n_traces = self.n_succ_traces = self.n_dup_traces = \
            self.t_addrs = self.t_hops = self.t_hops_deleted = 0

        self.node_dir = node_dir;  self.n_bins = n_bins
        print("  GraphInfo node_dir len = %d" % len(self.node_dir))
        self.asn_graph = asn_graph;  self.no_asn_nodes = no_asn_nodes
        self.n_asns = n_asns
        self.sub_root_icounts = {}  # in_count (for all bins)

        self.stats = {}
        self.p_counts = np.zeros(self.n_bins+1)  # Edges in bins 0..(c.n_bins)
        self.stats['edges_counts'] = self.p_counts

        self.n_traces = np.zeros(self.n_bins)  # Totals from BinGraph lines
        self.stats["n_traces"] = self.n_traces
        self.n_succ_traces = np.zeros(self.n_bins)
        self.stats["tr_success"] = self.n_succ_traces
        self.n_dup_traces = np.zeros(self.n_bins)
        self.stats["n_dup_traces"] = self.n_dup_traces
        self.t_addrs = np.zeros(self.n_bins)
        self.stats["t_addrs"] = self.t_addrs
        self.t_hops = np.zeros(self.n_bins)
        self.stats["t_hops"] = self.t_hops
        self.t_hops_deleted = np.zeros(self.n_bins)
        self.stats["t_hops_deleted"] = self.t_hops_deleted

        self.dest = ""        # Dest IP address for traces
        self.distal_nodes = {}  # sn_nodes not in all_nodes
        self.sn_nodes = {}    # Nodes from s_nodes lines
        self.all_s_nodes = {}   # Edges (from s_nodes lines)
        self.all_edges = {}   # Edges from s_nodes lines
        self.all_nodes = {}   # Nodes from Node lines
        self.nodes_tot = np.zeros(self.n_bins)  # nodes per bin
            # All nodes in graph (from s_node_nodes)
        self.stats["nodes"] = self.nodes_tot
        self.nodes_distal = np.zeros(self.n_bins)  # Nodes with no s_node lines
        self.stats["nodes_distal"] = self.nodes_distal
        self.nodes_internal = np.zeros(self.n_bins)  # Nodes in s_nodes lines
        self.stats["nodes_internal"] = self.nodes_internal
        self.nodes_1hop = np.zeros(self.n_bins)  # 1 hop before dest
        self.stats["nodes_1hop"] = self.nodes_1hop
        self.trpkts_tot = np.zeros(self.n_bins)  # trs from probes
        self.stats["trpkts_tot"] = self.trpkts_tot
        #lsp_trpkts = [39, 60, 93, 141, 213, 327, 501, 768, 1176]

        self.trpkts_part = []
        for k in range(0,len(self.trpart_sizes)):
            self.trpkts_part.append(np.zeros(self.n_bins))  # trs in each part

        self.start_msm_id()  # Initialise depth and tr variables
        self.stats["depth_16 (%)"] = self.depth_16
        self.stats["depth_19 (%)"] = self.depth_19
        self.stats["depth_25 (%)"] = self.depth_25
        self.stats["depth_32 (%)"] = self.depth_32
        self.stats["depth_max"] = self.mx_depth
        self.stats["trpkts_3 (%)"] = self.trpkts_3
        self.stats["trpkts_9 (%)"] = self.trpkts_9
        self.stats["trpkts_27 (%)"] = self.trpkts_27
        self.stats["trpkts_38 (%)"] = self.trpkts_81

        self.trs_dest = np.zeros(self.n_bins)  # trs arriving at dest
        self.stats["trpkts_dest"] = self.trs_dest
        self.stats["asns"] = self.n_asns
        self.n_subroots = np.zeros(self.n_bins)  # subroots for each bn
        self.stats["subroots"] = self.n_subroots
        self.n_subroot_trs = np.zeros(self.n_bins)
        self.stats["trpkts_subroot"] = self.n_subroot_trs

        self.tot_edges = np.zeros(self.n_bins)  # edges per bin
        self.stats['edges'] = self.tot_edges
        self.bin_same_edges = np.zeros(self.n_bins)
        self.bin_inter_edges = np.zeros(self.n_bins)
        self.stats['edges_same'] = self.bin_same_edges
        self.stats['edges_inter'] = self.bin_inter_edges

        self.same_counts = np.zeros(self.n_bins+1)
        self.inter_counts = np.zeros(self.n_bins+1)
        # same_counts[] and inter_counts[] are np arrays
        #   indicating the number of bins their edges were actaully present.
        #   Computed by the asn_edges() function (below)
        # Used by cum-edge-presence-v-timebins.py

        self.distal_mx_depth = np.zeros(self.n_bins)
        self.stats['distal_mx_depth'] = self.distal_mx_depth
        self.distal_min_ntrs = np.zeros(self.n_bins)
        self.stats['distal_min_trs'] = self.distal_min_ntrs

        self.same_asn_edges = np.zeros(self.n_bins)  # Edges in same ASN
        self.stats['edges_same'] = self.same_asn_edges
        self.inter_asn_edges = np.zeros(self.n_bins)  # Edges between ASNs
        self.stats['edges_inter'] = self.inter_asn_edges
        self.stats_fn = c.stats_fn(c.msm_id)
        #?sf = open(self.stats_fn, "r")
        #?for line in sf:
        ###self.last_bn = 0#; self.ne = 3  #################################

        #info_f.write("msm_id %d\n" % msm_id)

        self.fn = c.msm_graphs_fn(self.msm_id)
        print(" >>> %s / %d: %s" % (c.start_ymd, msm_id, self.fn))
        f = open(self.fn, "r")
        gf_version = 1
        bn = -1
        mxa_depth = mna_trpkts = 0
        if mx_allowed_depth:
            mxa_depth = mx_allowed_depth  # True
        if mn_allowed_trpkts:
            mna_trpkts = mn_allowed_trpkts  # True
        print("   mxa_depth %d, mna_trpkts %d" % (mxa_depth, mna_trpkts))

        s_nodes = {}  # Nodes found in s_nodes lines
        trpkts_tot = 0 
        mx_depth_seen = 0;  mx_n_depth_seen = 0
        for line in f:  # Read in the graphs file
            la = line.strip().split(maxsplit=1)
            if la[0] == "BinGraph":
                if bn >= 0:
                    self.trpkts_tot[bn] = trpkts_tot
                    self.n_subroots[bn] = n_subroots
                    self.n_subroot_trs[bn] = n_subroot_trpkts
                    self.tot_edges[bn] = len(self.edges)
                    self.same_asn_edges[bn] = bin_same_edges
                    self.inter_asn_edges[bn] = bin_inter_edges
                    if write_ne_data:
                        ne_data.write("%2s %6d %6d  %6d  %6d %6d\n" % (
                            bn, len(self.nodes), len(self.all_nodes),
                            len(self.edges), len(self.all_edges)))
                    #    print("  ##$$ %d nodes, %d all_nodes,  %d s_nodes,  %d edges  %d all_edges" % (
                    #        len(self.nodes), len(self.all_nodes), len(s_nodes), len(self.edges), len(self.all_edges)))

                    self.end_bin(msm_id, bn)
                    #!!!self.nodes_tot[bn] = len(s_nodes)
                    self.nodes_tot[bn] = len(self.nodes)
                    if self.trs_dest[bn] != 0:  # Some trpkts reached dest
                        self.nodes_tot[bn] += 1
                    self.nodes_internal[bn] = len(self.nodes)
                    ext_nodes = 0
                    for nn in s_nodes:
                        if nn not in self.nodes:
                            ext_nodes += 1
                        if nn not in self.all_s_nodes:
                            self.all_s_nodes[nn] = s_nodes[nn]
                    self.nodes_distal[bn] = ext_nodes

                ila = list(map(int, la[1].split()))
                bn = ila[6]
                #if bn == 5:  # Testing, testing . . .
                #    break
                self.n_traces[bn] = ila[0]
                self.n_succ_traces[bn] = ila[1]
                self.n_dup_traces[bn] = ila[2]
                self.t_addrs[bn] = ila[3]
                self.t_hops[bn] = ila[4]
                self.t_hops_deleted[bn] = ila[5]

                roots_line = f.readline()
                rla = roots_line.strip().split()
                self.dest = rla[1]  # Save the dest

                self.nodes = {}  # Dictionary, all nodes seen >> in bin bn <<
                self.edges = {}  # Ditto for edges (use np arrays for the bins)
                self.paths = {}  # Ditto for paths
                trpkts_tot = 0;  s_nodes = {}
                node_lines = n_subroots = n_subroot_trpkts = 0
                bin_same_edges = bin_inter_edges = 0
                for r in rla[2:]:  # rla[0] = mx_counts, rla[1] = dest
                    if not r in self.sub_root_icounts:  # r = subroot name
                        self.sub_root_icounts[r] = np.zeros(self.n_bins+1)
                    n_subroots += 1
            elif la[0] == "Node":
                nv = la[1].split()
                name = nv[0];  subnet = int(nv[1])
                # 'subtree' as found when building the graph
                icount = int(nv[2]);  depth = int(nv[3])
                if depth >  mx_depth_seen:
                    mx_depth_seen = depth
                #print("NO: depth %d, la %s\n    rla %s" % (
                #    depth, la, rla))

                if depth >= len(self.node_depths):
                    self.node_depths = np.append(self.node_depths,
                self.node_depths[depth] += 1
                if icount < len(self.node_trpkts):
                    self.node_trpkts[icount] += 1
                trpkts_tot += icount
                    (np.abs(self.trpart_sizes-icount)).argmin()] += 1

                if name in self.sub_root_icounts and \
                        icount >= self.mn_allowed_trpkts:
                    self.sub_root_icounts[name][bn] = icount
                    n_subroot_trpkts += icount
                fails = -1  # Not in v1 graphs file
                if gf_version != 1:
                    fails = int(nv[3])
                s_nodes_line = f.readline()  # s_nodes line
                sna = s_nodes_line.split()  # name, in_count pairs
                for j in range(0, len(sna)-1, 2):  # name.count pairs, + depth
                    src_name = sna[j];  in_pkts = int(sna[j+1])
                    # <?> if src_name not in self.all_nodes:
                    ###if src_name not in self.sn_nodes:
                    if src_name not in self.sn_nodes:
                        # <?> self.all_nodes[src_name] = NodeInfo(
                        self.sn_nodes[src_name] = NodeInfo(
                            bn, self.dest, src_name, False,
                            self.node_dir, in_pkts, fails, [], [],
                            self.n_bins, no_asn_nodes)
                        #print("bn %2d src_name %s, icounts %s <<< new" % (
                        #    bn, src_name,
                        #    self.sn_nodes[src_name].icounts.astype(int)))
                        # <?> self.all_nodes[src_name].icounts[bn] = in_pkts
                        self.sn_nodes[src_name].icounts[bn] = in_pkts
                        #print("bn %2d src_name %s, in_pkts %s" % (
                        #    bn, src_name, 
                        #    self.sn_nodes[src_name].icounts.astype(int)))
                if name not in self.nodes:  # Nodes in this bin
                    self.nodes[name] = True
                if name not in self.all_nodes:  # Get info about nodes
                    self.all_nodes[name] = NodeInfo(bn, self.dest, name, 
                        True, self.node_dir, icount, fails, rla, sna,
                        self.n_bins, no_asn_nodes)
                        bn, icount, fails, rla, sna)
                #print("-2- %s" % (self.all_nodes[name]))

                if name == self.dest:
                    n_1hop = 0
                    for j in range(0, len(sna)-1, 2):
                        count = int(sna[j+1])
                        if count >= mn_allowed_trpkts:
                            n_1hop += 1  # Edges to be drawn on graphs
                            # There are also _lots_ of edges with count < 27 !!!
                    self.nodes_1hop[bn] = n_1hop
                    self.trs_dest[bn] = icount

                #print("s_nodes: >%s<" % sna)
                n_depth = int(sna.pop())  # Depth of s_node edges
                #print("     depth %d" % n_depth)
                for j in range(0, len(sna), 2):  # Get info about edges
                    src = sna[j];  count = int(sna[j+1])
                        # "distal" (probe) nodes only appear in s_nodes lines!
                        # "internal" nodes are sources for nodes nearer to dest
                    if src in self.nodes:  # Not an s_node
                            # We only want edges between internal nodes
                            #   i.e. nodes in this bin's graph
                        if not src in s_nodes:
                            s_nodes[src] = True
                        e_key = "%s %s" % (src, name)
                        in_all_edges = False
                        if not e_key in self.all_edges:  # Edges in all bins
                            e = self.all_edges[e_key] = Edge( src, name,
                                self.node_dir, self.n_bins, asn_graph, 
                                no_asn_nodes, n_depth)
                            e = self.all_edges[e_key]
                            in_all_edges = True
                        e.set_icount(bn, count)
                        if e_key not in self.edges:  # Edges in this bin
                            self.edges[e_key] = e
                        if e.inter_as:
                            bin_inter_edges += 1
                            bin_same_edges += 1
            elif la[0] == "DestGraphs":
                nv = la[1].split()  # One or more white-space chars
                self.dest = nv[1]
                if len(nv) > 7:  # nv[7] = min_tr_pkts (last in v1 headers)
                    gf_version = 2

        self.end_msm_id()  # EOF reached

        self.trpkts_tot[bn] = trpkts_tot  # Copied from if bn >= 0 above
        self.n_subroots[bn] = n_subroots
        self.n_subroot_trs[bn] = n_subroot_trpkts
        self.tot_edges[bn] = len(self.edges)
        self.same_asn_edges[bn] = bin_same_edges
        self.inter_asn_edges[bn] = bin_inter_edges
        if write_ne_data:
            ne_data.write("%2s %6d %6d  %6d  %6d %6d\n" % (
                bn, len(self.nodes), len(self.all_nodes),
                len(self.edges), len(self.all_edges)))
        #    print("  ##$$ %d nodes, %d all_nodes,  %d s_nodes,  %d edges  %d all_edges" % (
        #        len(self.nodes), len(self.all_nodes), len(s_nodes), len(self.edges), len(self.all_edges)))

        self.end_bin(msm_id, bn)
        #!!self.nodes_tot[bn] = len(s_nodes)
        self.nodes_tot[bn] = len(self.nodes)
        if self.trs_dest[bn] != 0:  # Some trpkts reached dest
            self.nodes_tot[bn] += 1
        #$self.nodes_internal[bn] = len(nodes_this_bin)
        self.nodes_internal[bn] = len(self.nodes)
        ext_nodes = 0
        for nn in s_nodes:
            #$if nn not in nodes_this_bin:
            if nn not in self.nodes:
                ext_nodes += 1  # Distal nodes in this bin
            if nn not in self.all_s_nodes:
                self.all_s_nodes[nn] = s_nodes[nn]
        self.nodes_distal[bn] = ext_nodes
        print("<<< bn %d, %d edges. %d in all_edges" % (
            bn, len(self.edges), len(self.all_edges)))
        print("mx_depth_seen = %d" % mx_depth_seen)
        self.end_bin(msm_id, bn)  # For last bin

        self.ext_nodes_count = 0
        for sn in self.all_s_nodes:
            if sn not in self.all_nodes:
                self.ext_nodes_count += 1
        print("  ##$$ %d all_nodes, %d ext_nodes_count, %d all_edges $$##" % (
            len(self.all_nodes), self.ext_nodes_count, len(self.all_edges)))
        # >>> total nodes = len(self.all_nodes) + self.ext_nodes_count <<<

        # Delete subroots with max_icount < mn_allowed_trpkts
        if self.mn_allowed_trpkts != 0:
            subrs_to_delete = []
            for sr_key in self.sub_root_icounts.keys():
                sr_icounts = np.array(self.sub_root_icounts[sr_key])
                mx_icount = np.max(sr_icounts)
                if mx_icount < self.mn_allowed_trpkts:
            print("About to delete %d subroots with max_icount < %d" % (
                len(subrs_to_delete), self.mn_allowed_trpkts))
            for sr_key in subrs_to_delete:

        #info_f.write("End (MxDepth %d)\n" % mx_depth_seen)
        print("EOF reached")
