def main(): print('Put txt file in the same folder of exe!') table_name = 'lst_' + (input('Please name your list (lst_ will be add as prefix automatically):').lower()) if table_name == 'lst_': sys.exit(0) exist_control = exist_list(table_name) if exist_control is None: create_table(table_name) elif exist_control == 0: drop_table(table_name) create_table(table_name) else: print('The named table is exist and contain ' + str(exist_control) + ' Records') ask = input('Do you want to drop ' + str(exist_control) + ' table? (yes/no)') if ask.lower() == 'yes': drop_table(table_name) create_table(table_name) else: print('Exit without any change!') sys.exit(0) extension = str(input('Please Enter Your Extension(ir, ,...):')) list_method=input('Choice your Method( 1:Auto Letter Generator 2:Import Text File ) :') if list_method == '1': letter_number = int(input('Number of Letters:')) keywords = [''.join(i) for i in product(ascii_lowercase, repeat=letter_number)] db_config = read_db_config() conn = MySQLConnection(**db_config) for line in range(0, len(keywords)): cursor = conn.cursor() Query = "insert into %s (site) values (concat('%s','.','%s'));" \ % (table_name, '{0}'.format(str(keywords[line])),extension) cursor.execute(Query) print(str(line+1),end='\r') print(str(line+1),'Records Imported!') elif list_method == '2': dic_filename_mask = str(input('Whats the Text Dictionary Filename {without extension}:')) filename = dic_filename_mask + '.txt' dic_list = open(filename) print('Total Count of Records: ' + str(sum(1 for _ in dic_list))) dic_list.close() db_config = read_db_config() conn = MySQLConnection(**db_config) cursor = conn.cursor() load_text_file_query = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '%s' INTO TABLE %s LINES TERMINATED BY '\\r\\n' (SITE);" \ % (filename, table_name) print('Transferring List...') cursor.execute(load_text_file_query) print('Add Extension to list...') update_extension_query = "update %s set site=concat(site,'.','%s')" % (table_name, extension) cursor.execute(update_extension_query) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close() else: print('Wrong Choice,Bye!') print("Finish")
def db_update(query): db_reconnect_status = 0 global conn while db_reconnect_status == 0: try: query_result_exec = conn.cursor() query_result_exec.execute(query) conn.commit() db_reconnect_status += 1 query_rows = query_result_exec.rowcount query_id = conn.connection_id return query_rows, query_id except Exception: db_reconnect2_status = 0 while 0 == db_reconnect2_status: print(Fore.RED + 'Connecting Database...' + '{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(, end='\r')) try: db_config = read_db_config() conn = MySQLConnection(**db_config) db_reconnect2_status += 1 print(Fore.BLUE + 'Database Connection ID:' + str(conn.connection_id)) except Exception: sleep(5) db_reconnect2_status = 0
def create_table(tbl_name_val): query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s ( " \ "No int NOT NULL auto_increment," \ "Site varchar(100)," \ "Status varchar(30)," \ "Email varchar(100)," \ "Person varchar(100)," \ "Phone varchar(25)," \ "lockedby bigint, " \ "lockedat datetime," \ "Trycount int default 0 , " \ "Hostname varchar(50)," \ "HFlag char(1) DEFAULT NULL," \ "IP varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL," \ "PRIMARY KEY (No)" \ ") ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;" % tbl_name_val args = tbl_name_val try: db_config = read_db_config() conn = MySQLConnection(**db_config) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(query) print('New Table Created:' + str(tbl_name_val)) except Error as error: print(error) finally: cursor.close() conn.close()
def db_select(query): db_reconnect_status = 0 while db_reconnect_status == 0: try: global conn query_result_exec = conn.cursor() query_result_exec.execute(query) query_result = query_result_exec.fetchall() db_reconnect_status += 1 return query_result except Exception: db_reconnect2_status = 0 while 0 == db_reconnect2_status: print( Fore.RED + "Reconnecting Database..." + "{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format(, end="\r") ) try: db_config = read_db_config() conn = MySQLConnection(**db_config) db_reconnect2_status += 1 print(Fore.RED + "Database Connection ID:" + str(conn.connection_id)) except Exception: sleep(5) db_reconnect2_status = 0
def main(): conn_id = None global conn while conn_id is None: try: db_config = read_db_config() conn = MySQLConnection(**db_config) conn_id = conn.connection_id except Exception: conn_id = None print('Try connecting to database...') if config_section_map("ip_resolver")['default_list_name']: selected_list = str(config_section_map("ip_resolver")['default_list_name']) loop_counter = 1 process_counter = 0 while loop_counter > 0: # lock record for process lock_record_query = 'update %s set lockedby=connection_id(),lockedat=now(),HFlag=\'I\' ' \ 'where lockedby is null and status=\'Site registered\' and HFlag<>\'R\' ' \ 'and (ip is null or ip=\'Fail\') and trycount<%s order by trycount limit %s '\ % (selected_list,config_section_map("ip_resolver")['try_count'], int(config_section_map("ip_resolver")['buffer'])) loop_counter, connection_d = db_update(lock_record_query) if loop_counter: todo_query = 'select no,site from %s where lockedby=%s ' % ( selected_list, connection_d) todo_result = db_select(todo_query) if todo_result: for to_do_line in range(0, len(todo_result)): process_counter += 1 try: look_for = todo_result[to_do_line][1] looking_for = (str(look_for.strip())) ip = host2ip('www.' + looking_for) print(Fore.CYAN + looking_for+': '+ip) if ip == 'Fail': return_update_query = "update %s set HFlag=\'I\',lockedby=null,ip='%s' " \ ",trycount=trycount+1 where No=%s " \ % (selected_list, ip, todo_result[to_do_line][0]) else: return_update_query = "update %s set HFlag=\'R\',lockedby=null,ip='%s' " \ ",trycount=trycount+1 where No=%s " \ % (selected_list, ip, todo_result[to_do_line][0]) db_update(return_update_query) except Exception: print('exception') return_update_query = "update %s set HFlag=Null,lockedby=null " \ ",trycount=trycount+1 where No=%s " \ % (selected_list, todo_result[to_do_line][0]) db_update(return_update_query) else: print('All record are processed for ' + selected_list + ' list!')
def drop_table(tbl_name_val): drop_item = "drop table %s" % tbl_name_val args = tbl_name_val try: db_config = read_db_config() conn = MySQLConnection(**db_config) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(drop_item) print(str(tbl_name_val) + ' Table Droped!') except Error as error: print(error) finally: cursor.close() conn.close()
def exist_list(tbl_name_val): table_list = "select table_name,table_rows from information_schema.tables where table_name='%s' ;" % tbl_name_val args = tbl_name_val try: db_config = read_db_config() conn = MySQLConnection(**db_config) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(table_list) res1 = cursor.fetchall() for row_count in res1: return row_count[1] except Error as error: print(error) finally: cursor.close() conn.close()
def main(): conn_id = None global conn while conn_id is None: try: db_config = read_db_config() conn = MySQLConnection(**db_config) conn_id = conn.connection_id except Exception: conn_id = None print('Try connecting to database...') if config_section_map("dns_reverser")['default_list_name']: selected_list = str(config_section_map("dns_reverser")['default_list_name']) todo_result_rows = 1 process_counter = 0 while todo_result_rows > 0: todo_query = 'select distinct(ip) from %s where ip is not null and ip!=\'Fail\' and ip not in ' \ '(select refrence from harverster_hosts) limit %s' % \ (selected_list, int(config_section_map("dns_reverser")['buffer'])) todo_result, todo_result_rows = db_select(todo_query) if todo_result: for to_do_line in range(0, len(todo_result)): process_counter += 1 look_for = todo_result[to_do_line][0] looking_for = (str(look_for.strip())) reverse_result = reverse_dns(looking_for) if reverse_result is None: return_insert_query = "insert into harverster_hosts (host,refrence) " \ "values ('%s','%s')" \ % ('None', todo_result[to_do_line][0]) db_update(return_insert_query) else: for line in reverse_result: return_insert_query = "insert into harverster_hosts (host,refrence) " \ "values ('%s','%s')" \ % ((reverse_result[line][0])[:100], todo_result[to_do_line][0]) db_update(return_insert_query)
def main(): from mysql.connector import MySQLConnection, Error from tabulate import tabulate from config import read_db_config import sys import os # List available table table_list = "select table_name,table_rows from information_schema.tables " \ "where table_name like 'lst_%' and table_rows>0;" db_config = read_db_config() conn = MySQLConnection(**db_config) cursor_table_list = conn.cursor() cursor_table_list.execute(table_list) table_list_exec = (cursor_table_list.fetchall()) table_list_result = {} for line in range(0, len(table_list_exec)): cursor_table_detail = conn.cursor() table_records_status_query = "select count(site),(select case when count(site)=0 then 'Completed'" \ " else 'Not Completed' end from %s where status='Passed' or status is null ) " \ "as Status from %s where email!='' " \ % (table_list_exec[line][0],table_list_exec[line][0]) cursor_table_detail.execute(table_records_status_query) table_records_status_result = cursor_table_detail.fetchall() table_list_result.setdefault(table_list_exec[line][0], []).append(table_records_status_result[0][0]) table_list_result.setdefault(table_list_exec[line][0], []).append(table_list_exec[line][1]) table_list_result.setdefault(table_list_exec[line][0], []).append(table_records_status_result[0][1]) print('Please Choice your dictionary list from below list') print(tabulate(zip(table_list_result.keys(), table_list_result.values(), ), headers=['List Name', 'Email Count/Record Count/Status'], tablefmt="grid")) selected_list = input('List Name:').lower() if selected_list in table_list_result.keys(): export_list_type = input('0 for all records,1 for records with email\n') start_record = int(input('Export start from record No:(0 for beginning)\n')) result_filename = selected_list + '_result.txt' if os.path.isfile(result_filename): overwrite_ask = input('The result file is exist! do you want to overwrite it?(y/n):') if overwrite_ask.lower() == 'y': try: os.remove(result_filename) except OSError: print('Error:' + OSError.winerror) else: sys.exit(0) result_file = open(result_filename,"w") result_file.write('No|Site|Status|Email|Person|Phone\n') result_file.close() if export_list_type == '1': #Just Data with Email export_list_query = "select No,Site,ifnull(Status,'') as Status,ifnull(Email,'') as Email," \ "ifnull(Person,'') as Person,ifnull(Phone,'') as Phone from %s " \ "where email!='' and email is not null and status='Site registered' " \ "and no>%s order by No " % (selected_list,start_record) else: export_list_query = "select No,Site,ifnull(Status,'') as Status,ifnull(Email,'') as Email," \ "ifnull(Person,'') as Person,ifnull(Phone,'') as Phone from %s " \ "where no>%s order by No;" % (selected_list,start_record) export_list_curssor = conn.cursor() export_list_curssor.execute(export_list_query) export_result=export_list_curssor.fetchall() for line in range(0, len(export_result)): with open(result_filename, "a") as fw: fw.write('{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}\n'.format(str(export_result[line][0]), str(export_result[line][1]), str(export_result[line][2]), str(export_result[line][3]), str(export_result[line][4]),str(export_result[line][5]))) print(str(line+1),'/',str(export_list_curssor.rowcount),'Processed',end='\r') conn.close else: print('Wrong List Name')
def main(): # List available table conn_id = None global conn internet_try_counter = 1 while internet_status() is not True: print( "Connection is lost!,Check your internet connection! Refresh interval:", int(config_section_map("general")["ip_refresh_second"]), "second,Try:", internet_try_counter, ) sleep(int(config_section_map("general")["ip_refresh_second"])) internet_try_counter += 1 ip_address = public_ip() while conn_id is None: try: db_config = read_db_config() conn = MySQLConnection(**db_config) conn_id = conn.connection_id except Exception: conn_id = None print("Try connecting to database...") table_list = ( "select table_name,table_rows from information_schema.tables " "where table_name like 'lst_%' and table_rows>0;" ) table_list_exec = db_select(table_list) table_list_result = {} for line in range(0, len(table_list_exec)): table_records_status_query = ( "select count(site) from %s where status='Passed' or status is null " "or status='Registered No Email'" % (table_list_exec[line][0]) ) table_records_status_result = db_select(table_records_status_query) table_list_result.setdefault(table_list_exec[line][0], []).append(table_records_status_result[0][0]) table_list_result.setdefault(table_list_exec[line][0], []).append(table_list_exec[line][1]) if config_section_map("general")["default_list_name"]: selected_list = str(config_section_map("general")["default_list_name"]) print("Searching " + selected_list + " list...") if selected_list in table_list_result.keys(): print("Processable,Total Record:" + str(table_list_result[selected_list])) else: print("Please Choice your dictionary list from below list") print( tabulate( zip(table_list_result.keys(), table_list_result.values()), headers=["List Name", "Processable/Record Count"], tablefmt="grid", ) ) selected_list = input("List Name:").lower() if selected_list in table_list_result.keys(): delay = float(config_section_map("search")["delay_second"]) whois = "" port = 43 try_count = config_section_map("search")["try_count"] loop_counter = 1 process_counter = 0 passed_counter = 0 monitoring(socket.gethostname(), "Searching", str(ip_address)) while loop_counter > 0: # lock record for process lock_record_query = ( "update %s set lockedby=connection_id(),lockedat=now()," "trycount=trycount+1,Hostname='%s' " "where lockedby is null and (status='Passed' or status is null " "or status='Registered No Email' ) and trycount<%s order by trycount limit %s" % (selected_list, socket.gethostname(), try_count, int(config_section_map("search")["buffer"])) ) loop_counter, connection_d = db_update(lock_record_query) if loop_counter: todo_query = "select no,site from %s where lockedby=%s and trycount<=%s " % ( selected_list, connection_d, try_count, ) todo_result = db_select(todo_query) if todo_result: for to_do_line in range(0, len(todo_result)): if ( process_counter > 0 and (process_counter / int(config_section_map("search")["mid_sleep_record"])) - (math.floor(process_counter / int(config_section_map("search")["mid_sleep_record"]))) == 0 ): print( Fore.BLUE + "Sleep mode:" + str(config_section_map("search")["mid_sleep_time"]) + " second {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format(, "Session Processed Count:", process_counter, end="\r", ) monitoring(socket.gethostname(), "Sleep Mode", str(ip_address)) sleep(int(config_section_map("search")["mid_sleep_time"])) monitoring(socket.gethostname(), "Searching", str(ip_address)) process_counter += 1 try: sleep(delay) look_for = todo_result[to_do_line][1] looking_for = str(look_for.strip()) telnet_connect = Telnet( whois, port, timeout=int(config_section_map("telnet")["telnet_timeout"]) ) telnet_connect.write(looking_for.encode("ascii") + b"\r\n") telnet_result = str(telnet_connect.read_all()) if telnet_result == "b''": print(str(todo_result[to_do_line][0]) + " : Passed --> " + looking_for, end="\r") return_update_query = ( "update %s set Status='Passed',lockedby=null ,Hostname='%s' " "where No=%s " % (selected_list, socket.gethostname(), todo_result[to_do_line][0]) ) db_update(return_update_query) else: telnet_parser( telnet_result, todo_result, to_do_line, look_for, selected_list, looking_for ) passed_counter = 0 except Exception: passed_counter += 1 print( Fore.RED + "Telnet exception Passed -->", str(look_for), "Count", passed_counter, end="\r", ) winsound.Beep(9000, 300) return_update_query = ( "update %s set Status='Passed',lockedby=null ,Hostname='%s' " "where No=%s " % (selected_list, socket.gethostname(), todo_result[to_do_line][0]) ) db_update(return_update_query) if passed_counter >= int(config_section_map("search")["block_counter_out"]): ip_address = public_ip() monitoring(socket.gethostname(), "Blocked", str(ip_address)) mail_sender(socket.gethostname(), "Blocked") block_out(ip_address) else: print("All record are processed for " + selected_list + " list!") else: monitoring(socket.gethostname(), "Finished", str(ip_address)) print("List does not exist!Bye!") sys.exit(0)