Exemple #1
def make_wavgen_ios():
    clk = Signal(False)
    reset = Signal(False)
    select = unsigned_bus(2)
    threshold = unsigned_bus(N)
    delta_phase = unsigned_bus(PHASEWIDTH)
    _output = signed_bus(N)
    return (clk, reset, select, threshold, delta_phase, _output)
Exemple #2
def make_wavgen_ios():
    clk = Signal(False)
    reset = Signal(False)
    select = unsigned_bus(2)
    threshold = unsigned_bus(N)
    delta_phase = unsigned_bus(PHASEWIDTH)
    _output = signed_bus(N)
    return (clk, reset, select, threshold, delta_phase, _output)
Exemple #3
def vca(clk, input_signed, input_unsigned, output_signed):
    a = signed_bus(18)
    b = unsigned_bus(18)
    ab = signed_bus(36)

    def get_inputs():
        a.next = input_signed
        b.next = input_unsigned

    def multiply():
        ab.next = a * b

    def drive_output():
        output_signed.next = (ab >> N)

    return (get_inputs, multiply, drive_output)
Exemple #4
def vca(clk, input_signed, input_unsigned, output_signed):
    a = signed_bus(18)
    b = unsigned_bus(18)
    ab = signed_bus(36)

    def get_inputs():
        a.next = input_signed
        b.next = input_unsigned

    def multiply():
        ab.next = a * b

    def drive_output():
        output_signed.next = (ab >> N)

    return (get_inputs, multiply, drive_output)
Exemple #5
def interpolator(fastclk, clk, reset, input_data, interp_out):

    # There are 800 fastclk periods during each clk period, so on each fastclk we want to
    # advance 1/800th from the previous sound sample to the current sample. 800 is pretty
    # close to (1<<22) divided by 5243, so we can compute a delta by multiplying the
    # difference between samples by 5243, which is easy because it's constant and not too
    # many non-zero bits. By accumulating this difference and right-shifting 22 bits, we
    # arrive almost exactly where we want to end up after 800 accumulations.

    delay_1 = signed_bus(N)
    x = signed_bus(N)
    interp_step = signed_bus(N + FRACTION_BITS)
    interp_data = signed_bus(N + FRACTION_BITS)

    @always(fastclk.posedge, reset.posedge)
    def do_stuff():
        if reset:
            delay_1.next = 0
            interp_data.next = 0
            interp_step.next = 0
            if clk:
                interp_data.next = delay_1 << FRACTION_BITS
                delay_1.next = input_data
                # multiply by 5243 in binary
                interp_step.next = (x << 12) + (x << 10) + (x << 6) + (x << 5) + \
                    (x << 4) + (x << 3) + (x << 1) + x
            elif (interp_data + interp_step) < interp_data.min:
                interp_data.next = interp_data.min
            elif (interp_data + interp_step) >= interp_data.max:
                interp_data.next = interp_data.max - 1
                interp_data.next = interp_data + interp_step

    def rightshift_for_output():
        x.next = input_data - delay_1
        interp_out.next = interp_data >> FRACTION_BITS

    return (do_stuff, rightshift_for_output)
Exemple #6
def interpolator(fastclk, clk, reset, input_data, interp_out):

    # There are 800 fastclk periods during each clk period, so on each fastclk we want to
    # advance 1/800th from the previous sound sample to the current sample. 800 is pretty
    # close to (1<<22) divided by 5243, so we can compute a delta by multiplying the
    # difference between samples by 5243, which is easy because it's constant and not too
    # many non-zero bits. By accumulating this difference and right-shifting 22 bits, we
    # arrive almost exactly where we want to end up after 800 accumulations.

    delay_1 = signed_bus(N)
    x = signed_bus(N)
    interp_step = signed_bus(N + FRACTION_BITS)
    interp_data = signed_bus(N + FRACTION_BITS)

    @always(fastclk.posedge, reset.posedge)
    def do_stuff():
        if reset:
            delay_1.next = 0
            interp_data.next = 0
            interp_step.next = 0
            if clk:
                interp_data.next = delay_1 << FRACTION_BITS
                delay_1.next = input_data
                # multiply by 5243 in binary
                interp_step.next = (x << 12) + (x << 10) + (x << 6) + (x << 5) + \
                    (x << 4) + (x << 3) + (x << 1) + x
            elif (interp_data + interp_step) < interp_data.min:
                interp_data.next = interp_data.min
            elif (interp_data + interp_step) >= interp_data.max:
                interp_data.next = interp_data.max - 1
                interp_data.next = interp_data + interp_step

    def rightshift_for_output():
        x.next = input_data - delay_1
        interp_out.next = interp_data >> FRACTION_BITS

    return (do_stuff, rightshift_for_output)
Exemple #7
def delta_sigma_dac(fastclk, clk, reset, input_data, dac_bit):

    interp_result = signed_bus(N)
    interp_result_unsigned = unsigned_bus(N)
    # the input of the Xilinx multiplier is an 18-bit factor
    vc_estimate = unsigned_bus(16)
    # the output of the Xilinx multiplier is a 36-bit product
    sum_of_products = unsigned_bus(32)
    dac_bit_internal = Signal(False)

    def drive_dac_bit():
        dac_bit.next = dac_bit_internal

    @always(fastclk.posedge, reset.posedge)
    def do_stuff():
        # sum_of_products is the next value for vc_estimate, with lots of fraction
        # bits. vc_estimate already has fraction bits beyond N. All these fraction
        # bits are helpful in keeping out audible artifacts.
        if reset:
            dac_bit_internal.next = 0
            vc_estimate.next = 1 << 15
            dac_bit_internal.next = interp_result_unsigned > (
                sum_of_products >> (32 - N))
            vc_estimate.next = sum_of_products >> 16

    def multiply():
        if dac_bit_internal:
            if A + (B * vc_estimate) >= (1 << 32):
                sum_of_products.next = (1 << 32) - 1
                sum_of_products.next = A + (B * vc_estimate)
            sum_of_products.next = B * vc_estimate

    things = [
        # Interpolation is a huge help with anti-aliasing.
        interpolator(fastclk, clk, reset, input_data, interp_result),
        signed_to_unsigned(N, interp_result, interp_result_unsigned)
    return things
Exemple #8
def delta_sigma_dac(fastclk, clk, reset, input_data, dac_bit):

    interp_result = signed_bus(N)
    interp_result_unsigned = unsigned_bus(N)
    # the input of the Xilinx multiplier is an 18-bit factor
    vc_estimate = unsigned_bus(16)
    # the output of the Xilinx multiplier is a 36-bit product
    sum_of_products = unsigned_bus(32)
    dac_bit_internal = Signal(False)

    def drive_dac_bit():
        dac_bit.next = dac_bit_internal

    @always(fastclk.posedge, reset.posedge)
    def do_stuff():
        # sum_of_products is the next value for vc_estimate, with lots of fraction
        # bits. vc_estimate already has fraction bits beyond N. All these fraction
        # bits are helpful in keeping out audible artifacts.
        if reset:
            dac_bit_internal.next = 0
            vc_estimate.next = 1 << 15
            dac_bit_internal.next = interp_result_unsigned > (sum_of_products >> (32 - N))
            vc_estimate.next = sum_of_products >> 16

    def multiply():
        if dac_bit_internal:
            if A + (B * vc_estimate) >= (1 << 32):
                sum_of_products.next = (1 << 32) - 1
                sum_of_products.next = A + (B * vc_estimate)
                sum_of_products.next = B * vc_estimate

    things = [
        # Interpolation is a huge help with anti-aliasing.
        interpolator(fastclk, clk, reset, input_data, interp_result),
        signed_to_unsigned(N, interp_result, interp_result_unsigned)
    return things
Exemple #9
def fpga(fastclk, reset, param_data, param_clk, audio_req, audio_ack, dac_bit):

    aclk_counter = unsigned_bus(10)
    clk = Signal(False)

    # audio rate clock
    @always(fastclk.posedge, reset.posedge)
    def drive_audio_clock():
        if reset:
            aclk_counter.next = 0
            clk.next = True
        elif aclk_counter >= 800:
            aclk_counter.next = 0
            clk.next = True
            aclk_counter.next = aclk_counter + 1
            clk.next = False

    ignored, ignored2, select, threshold, delta_phase, wavgen_output = make_wavgen_ios()

    keydown = Signal(False)
    select = unsigned_bus(2)
    attack = unsigned_bus(4)
    decay = unsigned_bus(4)
    sustain = unsigned_bus(4)
    _release = unsigned_bus(4)
    amplitude = unsigned_bus(N)
    _output = signed_bus(N)

    # more bits than we really need, 18 bits would give 6.5536 seconds
    input_driver_count = unsigned_bus(24)

    @always(clk.posedge, reset.posedge)
    def drive_inputs():
        attack.next = 3
        decay.next = 5
        sustain.next = 8
        _release.next = 0
        delta_phase.next = DELTA_PHASE
        select.next = 1
        threshold.next = HALF
        keydown.next = 0
        if reset:
            keydown.next = 0
            input_driver_count.next = 0
        elif input_driver_count >= 5 * SECOND:
            keydown.next = 0
            input_driver_count.next = 0
        elif input_driver_count < 2 * SECOND:
            keydown.next = 1
            input_driver_count.next = input_driver_count + 1
            keydown.next = 0
            input_driver_count.next = input_driver_count + 1

    drivers = [
        waveform_generator(clk, reset, select, threshold, delta_phase, wavgen_output),
        # adsr(clk, reset, keydown, attack, decay, sustain, _release, amplitude),
        # vca(fastclk, reset, wavgen_output, amplitude, _output),
        delta_sigma_dac(fastclk, clk, reset, wavgen_output, dac_bit),
    return drivers
Exemple #10
def make_dsig_ios():
    fastclk = Signal(False)
    clk = Signal(False)
    input_data = signed_bus(N)
    dac_bit = Signal(False)
    return (fastclk, clk, input_data, dac_bit)
Exemple #11
def make_ios():
    clk = Signal(False)
    input_signed = signed_bus(N)
    input_unsigned = unsigned_bus(N)
    output_signed = signed_bus(N)
    return (clk, input_signed, input_unsigned, output_signed)
Exemple #12
def fpga(fastclk, reset, param_data, param_clk, audio_req, audio_ack, dac_bit):

    aclk_counter = unsigned_bus(10)
    clk = Signal(False)

    # audio rate clock
    @always(fastclk.posedge, reset.posedge)
    def drive_audio_clock():
        if reset:
            aclk_counter.next = 0
            clk.next = True
        elif aclk_counter >= 800:
            aclk_counter.next = 0
            clk.next = True
            aclk_counter.next = aclk_counter + 1
            clk.next = False

    ignored, ignored2, select, threshold, delta_phase, wavgen_output = make_wavgen_ios(

    keydown = Signal(False)
    select = unsigned_bus(2)
    attack = unsigned_bus(4)
    decay = unsigned_bus(4)
    sustain = unsigned_bus(4)
    _release = unsigned_bus(4)
    amplitude = unsigned_bus(N)
    _output = signed_bus(N)

    # more bits than we really need, 18 bits would give 6.5536 seconds
    input_driver_count = unsigned_bus(24)

    @always(clk.posedge, reset.posedge)
    def drive_inputs():
        attack.next = 3
        decay.next = 5
        sustain.next = 8
        _release.next = 0
        delta_phase.next = DELTA_PHASE
        select.next = 1
        threshold.next = HALF
        keydown.next = 0
        if reset:
            keydown.next = 0
            input_driver_count.next = 0
        elif input_driver_count >= 5 * SECOND:
            keydown.next = 0
            input_driver_count.next = 0
        elif input_driver_count < 2 * SECOND:
            keydown.next = 1
            input_driver_count.next = input_driver_count + 1
            keydown.next = 0
            input_driver_count.next = input_driver_count + 1

    drivers = [
        waveform_generator(clk, reset, select, threshold, delta_phase,
        # adsr(clk, reset, keydown, attack, decay, sustain, _release, amplitude),
        # vca(fastclk, reset, wavgen_output, amplitude, _output),
        delta_sigma_dac(fastclk, clk, reset, wavgen_output, dac_bit),
    return drivers
Exemple #13
def make_dsig_ios():
    fastclk = Signal(False)
    clk = Signal(False)
    input_data = signed_bus(N)
    dac_bit = Signal(False)
    return (fastclk, clk, input_data, dac_bit)
Exemple #14
def make_ios():
    clk = Signal(False)
    input_signed = signed_bus(N)
    input_unsigned = unsigned_bus(N)
    output_signed = signed_bus(N)
    return (clk, input_signed, input_unsigned, output_signed)