class Uploader: """ Uploads files to Sharepoint. """ def __init__(self, params): self._debug = params.debug self._subsite = params.subsite self._logger = Logger("spuppy", "logs", params.debug) self._path = self._files = params.files self._out = params.out def main(self): """ Orchestrate upload of a file using given configurations. """ spconf = SharepointConfig(self._subsite) runtime = RuntimeConfig(self._debug) fconf = FilesConfig(self._path, self._files, self._out) verify = fconf.verify() if self._debug: self._logger.debug(spconf) self._logger.debug(runtime) self._logger.debug(fconf) if verify: for v in verify: self._logger.error(v) return if self._debug: self._logger.debug(fconf) try: sp = Sharepoint(fconf, spconf, runtime, self._logger) sp.get_token() if self._debug: self._logger.debug(sp) if not sp.verify_url(): return if fconf.out_folder and not sp.add_folder(): return sp.upload_files() except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except # This `except` is intentionally broad to capture it in # the log for posterity. main exists anyway. self._logger.exception(e)
class GoDaddyConnector: def __init__(self, connection_params: Config, logger: Logger): self._connection_params = Config( ) if connection_params is None else connection_params self._logger = Logger() if logger is None else logger self._domain = '' self._dns_type = 'A' self._dns_record_name = '@' def fetch_ip_from_dns(self) -> str: self._logger.debug('Fetching current ip set in dns...') response = requests.get(self._get_url(), headers=self._get_headers()) self._logger.debug(response.content) return IpUtils.gather_ip_from_dns_response( response.content.decode('utf-8')) def update_dns(self, target_ip: str) -> str: self._logger.debug('Updating dns information...') response = requests.put(self._get_url(), data=self._build_new_dns_info(target_ip), headers=self._get_headers()) self._logger.debug(response.content) return response.content def _get_url(self) -> str: return '%s/v1/domains/%s/records/%s/%s' % ( self._connection_params.get_godaddy_url_base(), self._domain, self._dns_type, self._dns_record_name) def _get_headers(self): return { 'Authorization': 'sso-key %s:%s' % (self._connection_params.get_api_key(), self._connection_params.get_api_secret()), 'accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } def _build_new_dns_info(self, target_ip: str): return '[{ "data": "%s", "ttl": 3600 }]' % target_ip