Exemple #1
    def run(self):

        if self.options.dest_file and self.options.topdir:
            die(6, "Error: conflicting options --dest-file and --topdir")

        if len(self.args) == 0:
            die(0, "No files supplied (use --help for help)")

        channel = self.options.channel

        if not channel:
            die(6, "Config channel not specified")

        r = self.repository
        if not r.config_channel_exists(channel):
            die(6, "Error: config channel %s does not exist" % channel)

        topdir = self.options.topdir
        revision = self.options.revision

        files_to_diff = []

        files = map(utils.normalize_path, self.args)
        files_count = len(files)

        if files_count != 1 and revision is not None:
            die(8, "--revision can only be used with a single file")

        if self.options.dest_file:
            if files_count != 1:
                die(7, "--dest-file accepts a single file")

            files_to_diff.append((files[0], self.options.dest_file))

        elif topdir:
            if not os.path.isdir(topdir):
                die(8, "--topdir specified, but `%s' not a directory" % topdir)

            #5/11/04 wregglej - 141790 remove trailing slash in topdir, if present.
            topdir = utils.rm_trailing_slash(topdir)

            for f in files:
                if not f.startswith(topdir):
                        "--topdir %s specified, but file `%s' doesn't comply" %
                        (topdir, f))
                if os.path.isdir(f) and not os.path.islink(f):
                    die(8, "Cannot diff %s; it is a directory" % f)
                files_to_diff.append((f, f[len(topdir):]))
            for f in files:
                if os.path.isdir(f) and not os.path.islink(f):
                    die(8, "Cannot diff %s; it is a directory" % f)
                files_to_diff.append((f, f))

        for (local_file, remote_file) in files_to_diff:
                self.diff_file(channel, remote_file, local_file, revision))
Exemple #2
    def run(self):

        if self.options.dest_file and self.options.topdir:
            die(6, "Error: conflicting options --dest-file and --topdir")

        if len(self.args) == 0:
            die(0, "No files supplied (use --help for help)")

        channel = self.options.channel

        if not channel:
            die(6, "Config channel not specified")

        r = self.repository
        if not r.config_channel_exists(channel):
            die(6, "Error: config channel %s does not exist" % channel)

        topdir = self.options.topdir
        revision = self.options.revision

        files_to_diff = []

        files = [utils.normalize_path(x) for x in self.args]
        files_count = len(files)

        if files_count != 1 and revision is not None:
            die(8, "--revision can only be used with a single file")

        if self.options.dest_file:
            if files_count != 1:
                die(7, "--dest-file accepts a single file")

            files_to_diff.append((files[0], self.options.dest_file))

        elif topdir:
            if not os.path.isdir(topdir):
                die(8, "--topdir specified, but `%s' not a directory" %

            #5/11/04 wregglej - 141790 remove trailing slash in topdir, if present.
            topdir = utils.rm_trailing_slash(topdir)

            for f in files:
                if not f.startswith(topdir):
                    die(8, "--topdir %s specified, but file `%s' doesn't comply"
                        % (topdir, f))
                if os.path.isdir(f) and not os.path.islink(f):
                    die(8, "Cannot diff %s; it is a directory" % f)
                files_to_diff.append((f, f[len(topdir):]))
            for f in files:
                if os.path.isdir(f) and not os.path.islink(f):
                    die(8, "Cannot diff %s; it is a directory" % f)
                files_to_diff.append((f, f))

        for (local_file, remote_file) in files_to_diff:
                self.diff_file(channel, remote_file, local_file, revision))
Exemple #3
    def run(self):

        if self.options.dest_file and self.options.topdir:
            die(6, "Error: conflicting options --dest-file and --topdir")

        if len(self.args) == 0:
            die(0, "No files supplied (use --help for help)")

        channel = self.options.channel

        if not channel:
            die(6, "Config channel not specified")

        r = self.repository
        if not r.config_channel_exists(channel):
            die(6, "Error: config channel %s does not exist" % channel)

        files = map(utils.normalize_path, self.args)
        files_to_push = []
        if self.options.dest_file:
            if len(files) != 1:
                die(7, "--dest-file accepts a single file")
            if not (self.options.dest_file[0] == os.sep):
                die(7, "--dest-file argument must begin with " + os.sep)
            files_to_push.append((files[0], self.options.dest_file))
        elif self.options.topdir:
            if not os.path.isdir(self.options.topdir):
                die(8, "--topdir specified, but `%s' not a directory" %

            #5/11/05 wregglej - 141790 remove the trailing slash from topdir
            self.options.topdir = utils.rm_trailing_slash(self.options.topdir)

            for f in files:
                if not f.startswith(self.options.topdir):
                    die(8, "--topdir %s specified, but file `%s' doesn't comply"
                        % (self.options.topdir, f))
                files_to_push.append((f, f[len(self.options.topdir):]))
            for f in files:
                #if a file is given w/o a full path, then use the abspath of the
                #file as name of the file to be uploaded into the channel
                if not (f[0] == os.sep):
                    files_to_push.append((f, os.path.abspath(f)))
                    files_to_push.append((f, f))

        for (local_file, remote_file) in files_to_push:
            if not os.path.exists(local_file):
                if self.options.ignore_missing:
                    print "Local file %s does not exist. Ignoring file..." %(local_file)
                    die(9, "No such file `%s'" % local_file)

        print "Pushing to channel %s:" % (channel, )

        delim_start = self.options.delim_start
        delim_end = self.options.delim_end

        selinux_ctx = None
        if type(self.options.selinux_context) != None:
            selinux_ctx = self.options.selinux_context

        for (local_file, remote_file) in files_to_push:
                r.put_file(channel, remote_file, local_file,
            except cfg_exceptions.RepositoryFileExistsError, e:
                log_error("Error: %s is already in channel %s" %
                          (remote_file, channel))
            except cfg_exceptions.RepositoryFilePushError, e:
                log_error("Error pushing file:  %s" % e)
Exemple #4
    def run(self):

        if self.options.dest_file and self.options.topdir:
            die(6, "Error: conflicting options --dest-file and --topdir")

        if len(self.args) == 0:
            die(0, "No files supplied (use --help for help)")

        channel = self.options.channel

        if not channel:
            die(6, "Config channel not specified")

        r = self.repository
        if not r.config_channel_exists(channel):
            die(6, "Error: config channel %s does not exist" % channel)

        files = map(utils.normalize_path, self.args)
        files_to_push = []
        if self.options.dest_file:
            if len(files) != 1:
                die(7, "--dest-file accepts a single file")
            if not (self.options.dest_file[0] == os.sep):
                die(7, "--dest-file argument must begin with " + os.sep)
            files_to_push.append((files[0], self.options.dest_file))
        elif self.options.topdir:
            if not os.path.isdir(self.options.topdir):
                die(8, "--topdir specified, but `%s' not a directory" %

            #5/11/05 wregglej - 141790 remove the trailing slash from topdir
            self.options.topdir = utils.rm_trailing_slash(self.options.topdir)

            for f in files:
                if not f.startswith(self.options.topdir):
                    die(8, "--topdir %s specified, but file `%s' doesn't comply"
                        % (self.options.topdir, f))
                files_to_push.append((f, f[len(self.options.topdir):]))
            for f in files:
                #if a file is given w/o a full path, then use the abspath of the
                #file as name of the file to be uploaded into the channel
                if not (f[0] == os.sep):
                    files_to_push.append((f, os.path.abspath(f)))
                    files_to_push.append((f, f))

        for (local_file, remote_file) in files_to_push:
            if not os.path.exists(local_file):
                if self.options.ignore_missing:
                    print "Local file %s does not exist. Ignoring file..." %(local_file)
                    die(9, "No such file `%s'" % local_file)

        print "Pushing to channel %s:" % (channel, )

        delim_start = self.options.delim_start
        delim_end = self.options.delim_end

        selinux_ctx = None
        if type(self.options.selinux_context) != None:
            selinux_ctx = self.options.selinux_context

        for (local_file, remote_file) in files_to_push:
                r.put_file(channel, remote_file, local_file,
            except cfg_exceptions.RepositoryFileExistsError, e:
                log_error("Error: %s is already in channel %s" %
                          (remote_file, channel))
            except cfg_exceptions.RepositoryFilePushError, e:
                log_error("Error pushing file:  %s" % e)