Exemple #1
    def setUp(self):
        self.config_string = '''
foo         = 5
foo.banana  = yellow
foo.mango   = orange
foo.noise   = white

bar.blah    = 23
        self.config = AttributedConfigParser()
Exemple #2
def ini2schema(fd, p=None):
    Turn a fd that refers to a INI-style schema definition into a
    SchemaConfigParser object

    @param fd: file-like object to read the schema from
    @param p: a parser to use. If not set, uses AttributedConfigParser
    if p is None:
        p = AttributedConfigParser()

    parser2option = {'unicode': StringOption,
                     'int': IntOption,
                     'bool': BoolOption,
                     'lines': ListOption}

    class MySchema(Schema):

    for section_name in p.sections():
        if section_name == '__main__':
            section = MySchema
            section = Section(name=section_name)
            setattr(MySchema, section_name, section)
        for option_name in p.options(section_name):
            option = p.get(section_name, option_name)

            parser = option.attrs.pop('parser', 'unicode')
            parser_args = option.attrs.pop('parser.args', '').split()
            parser_fun = getattr(parsers, parser, None)
            if parser_fun is None:
                parser_fun = getattr(__builtin__, parser, None)
            if parser_fun is None:
                parser_fun = lambda x: x

            attrs = {'name': option_name}
            option_help = option.attrs.pop('help', None)
            if option_help is not None:
                attrs['help'] = option_help
            if not option.is_empty:
                attrs['default'] = parser_fun(option.value, *parser_args)
            option_action = option.attrs.pop('action', None)
            if option_action is not None:
                attrs['action'] = option_action

            klass = parser2option.get(parser, StringOption)
            if parser == 'lines':
                instance = klass(item=StringOption(), **attrs)
                instance = klass(**attrs)
            setattr(section, option_name, instance)

    return SchemaConfigParser(MySchema())
Exemple #3
class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Base class to keep common set-up """
    def setUp(self):
        self.config_string = '''
foo         = 5
foo.banana  = yellow
foo.mango   = orange
foo.noise   = white

bar.blah    = 23
        self.config = AttributedConfigParser()
class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Base class to keep common set-up """
    def setUp(self):
        self.config_string = '''
foo         = 5
foo.banana  = yellow
foo.mango   = orange
foo.noise   = white

bar.blah    = 23
        self.config = AttributedConfigParser()
Exemple #5
def ini2schema(fd, p=None):
    Turn a fd that refers to a INI-style schema definition into a
    SchemaConfigParser object

    @param fd: file-like object to read the schema from
    @param p: a parser to use. If not set, uses AttributedConfigParser
    if p is None:
        p = AttributedConfigParser()

    parser2option = {'unicode': StringOption,
                     'int': IntOption,
                     'bool': BoolOption,
                     'lines': ListOption}

    class MySchema(Schema):

    for section_name in p.sections():
        if section_name == '__main__':
            section = MySchema
            section = Section(name=section_name)
            setattr(MySchema, section_name, section)
        for option_name in p.options(section_name):
            option = p.get(section_name, option_name)

            parser = option.attrs.pop('parser', 'unicode')
            parser_args = option.attrs.pop('parser.args', '').split()
            parser_fun = getattr(parsers, parser, None)
            if parser_fun is None:
                parser_fun = getattr(builtins, parser, None)
            if parser_fun is None:
                parser_fun = lambda x: x

            attrs = {'name': option_name}
            option_help = option.attrs.pop('help', None)
            if option_help is not None:
                attrs['help'] = option_help
            if not option.is_empty:
                attrs['default'] = parser_fun(option.value, *parser_args)
            option_action = option.attrs.pop('action', None)
            if option_action is not None:
                attrs['action'] = option_action

            klass = parser2option.get(parser, StringOption)
            if parser == 'lines':
                instance = klass(item=StringOption(), **attrs)
                instance = klass(**attrs)
            setattr(section, option_name, instance)

    return SchemaConfigParser(MySchema())
    def setUp(self):
        self.config_string = '''
foo         = 5
foo.banana  = yellow
foo.mango   = orange
foo.noise   = white

bar.blah    = 23
        self.config = AttributedConfigParser()