def guess_breed(dbo, s): """ Guesses a breed, returns the default if no match is found """ s = str(s).lower() guess = db.query_int( dbo, "SELECT ID FROM breed WHERE LOWER(BreedName) LIKE '%" + db.escape(s) + "%'") if guess != 0: return guess return configuration.default_breed(dbo)
def create_animal(dbo, username, wlid): """ Creates an animal record from a waiting list entry with the id given """ a = db.query(dbo, "SELECT * FROM animalwaitinglist WHERE ID = %d" % wlid)[0] l = dbo.locale data = { "animalname": _("Waiting List {0}", l).format(wlid), "markings": str(a["ANIMALDESCRIPTION"]), "reasonforentry": str(a["REASONFORWANTINGTOPART"]), "species": str(a["SPECIESID"]), "comments": str(a["COMMENTS"]), "broughtinby": str(a["OWNERID"]), "originalowner": str(a["OWNERID"]), "animaltype": configuration.default_type(dbo), "breed1": configuration.default_breed(dbo), "breed2": configuration.default_breed(dbo), "basecolour": configuration.default_colour(dbo), "size": configuration.default_size(dbo), "internallocation": configuration.default_location(dbo), "dateofbirth": python2display(l, subtract_years(now(dbo.timezone))), "estimateddob": "1" } # If we're creating shelter codes manually, we need to put something unique # in there for now. Use the id if configuration.manual_codes(dbo): data["sheltercode"] = "WL" + str(wlid) data["shortcode"] = "WL" + str(wlid) nextid, code = animal.insert_animal_from_form(dbo, data, username) # Now that we've created our animal, we should remove this entry from the waiting list db.execute(dbo, "UPDATE animalwaitinglist SET DateRemovedFromList = %s, ReasonForRemoval = %s " \ "WHERE ID = %d" % ( db.dd(now(dbo.timezone)), db.ds(_("Moved to animal record {0}", l).format(code)), wlid)) return nextid
def csvimport(dbo, csvdata, createmissinglookups=False, cleartables=False): """ Imports the csvdata. createmissinglookups: If a lookup value is given that's not in our data, add it cleartables: Clear down the animal, owner and adoption tables before import """ reader = csv.reader(StringIO(csvdata), dialect="excel") # Make sure we have a valid header cols = None for row in reader: cols = row break if cols is None: raise utils.ASMValidationError("Your CSV file is empty") onevalid = False hasanimal = False hasanimalname = False hasperson = False haspersonlastname = False haspersonname = False hasmovement = False hasmovementdate = False hasdonation = False hasdonationamount = False hasoriginalowner = False hasoriginalownerlastname = False for col in cols: if col in VALID_FIELDS: onevalid = True if col.startswith("ANIMAL"): hasanimal = True if col == "ANIMALNAME": hasanimalname = True if col.startswith("ORIGINALOWNER"): hasoriginalowner = True if col == "ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME": hasoriginalownerlastname = True if col.startswith("PERSON"): hasperson = True if col == "PERSONLASTNAME": haspersonlastname = True if col == "PERSONNAME": haspersonname = True if col.startswith("MOVEMENT"): hasmovement = True if col == "MOVEMENTDATE": hasmovementdate = True if col.startswith("DONATION"): hasdonation = True if col == "DONATIONAMOUNT": hasdonationamount = True # Any valid fields? if not onevalid: raise utils.ASMValidationError( "Your CSV file did not contain any fields that ASM recognises") # If we have any animal fields, make sure at least ANIMALNAME is supplied if hasanimal and not hasanimalname: raise utils.ASMValidationError( "Your CSV file has animal fields, but no ANIMALNAME column") # If we have any person fields, make sure at least PERSONLASTNAME or PERSONNAME is supplied if hasperson and not haspersonlastname and not haspersonname: raise utils.ASMValidationError( "Your CSV file has person fields, but no PERSONNAME or PERSONLASTNAME column" ) # If we have any original owner fields, make sure at least ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME is supplied if hasoriginalowner and not hasoriginalownerlastname: raise utils.ASMValidationError( "Your CSV file has original owner fields, but no ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME column" ) # If we have any movement fields, make sure MOVEMENTDATE is supplied if hasmovement and not hasmovementdate: raise utils.ASMValidationError( "Your CSV file has movement fields, but no MOVEMENTDATE column") # If we have any donation fields, we need an amount if hasdonation and not hasdonationamount: raise utils.ASMValidationError( "Your CSV file has donation fields, but no DONATIONAMOUNT column") # We also need a valid person if hasdonation and not (haspersonlastname or haspersonname): raise utils.ASMValidationError( "Your CSV file has donation fields, but no person to apply the donation to" ) # Read the whole CSV file into a list of maps. Note, the # reader has a cursor at the second row already because # we read the header in the first row above data = [] for row in reader: currow = {} for i, col in enumerate(row): currow[cols[i]] = col data.append(currow) # If we're clearing down tables first, do it now if cleartables: db.execute(dbo, "DELETE FROM adoption") db.execute(dbo, "DELETE FROM animal") db.execute(dbo, "DELETE FROM owner") db.execute(dbo, "DELETE FROM ownerdonation") # Now that we've read them in, go through all the rows # and start importing. errors = [] rowno = 1 for row in data: # Do we have animal data to read? animalid = 0 if hasanimal and gks(row, "ANIMALNAME") != "": a = {} a["animalname"] = gks(row, "ANIMALNAME") a["sheltercode"] = gks(row, "ANIMALCODE") a["shortcode"] = gks(row, "ANIMALCODE") if gks(row, "ANIMALSEX") == "": a["sex"] = "2" # Default unknown if not set else: a["sex"] = gks( row, "ANIMALSEX").lower().startswith("m") and "1" or "0" a["breed1"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALBREED1", "breed", "BreedName", createmissinglookups) if a["breed1"] == "0": a["breed1"] = str(configuration.default_breed(dbo)) a["breed2"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALBREED2", "breed", "BreedName", createmissinglookups) if a["breed2"] != "0" and a["breed2"] != a["breed1"]: a["crossbreed"] = "on" a["basecolour"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALCOLOR", "basecolour", "BaseColour", createmissinglookups) if a["basecolour"] == "0": a["basecolour"] = str(configuration.default_colour(dbo)) a["species"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALSPECIES", "species", "SpeciesName", createmissinglookups) if a["species"] == "0": a["species"] = str(configuration.default_species(dbo)) a["animaltype"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALTYPE", "animaltype", "AnimalType", createmissinglookups) if a["animaltype"] == "0": a["animaltype"] = str(configuration.default_type(dbo)) a["size"] = str(configuration.default_size(dbo)) a["internallocation"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALLOCATION", "internallocation", "LocationName", createmissinglookups) if a["internallocation"] == "0": a["internallocation"] = str( configuration.default_location(dbo)) a["comments"] = gks(row, "ANIMALCOMMENTS") a["hiddenanimaldetails"] = gks(row, "ANIMALHIDDENDETAILS") a["healthproblems"] = gks(row, "ANIMALHEALTHPROBLEMS") a["notforadoption"] = gkbi(row, "ANIMALNOTFORADOPTION") a["housetrained"] = gkynu(row, "ANIMALHOUSETRAINED") a["goodwithcats"] = gkynu(row, "ANIMALGOODWITHCATS") a["goodwithdogs"] = gkynu(row, "ANIMALGOODWITHDOGS") a["goodwithkids"] = gkynu(row, "ANIMALGOODWITHKIDS") a["reasonforentry"] = gks(row, "ANIMALREASONFORENTRY") a["estimatedage"] = gks(row, "ANIMALAGE") a["dateofbirth"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALDOB") a["datebroughtin"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALENTRYDATE", True) a["deceaseddate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALDECEASEDDATE") a["neutereddate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALNEUTEREDDATE") if a["neutereddate"] != "": a["neutered"] = 1 a["microchipnumber"] = gks(row, "ANIMALMICROCHIP") if a["microchipnumber"] != "": a["microchipped"] = 1 # If an original owner is specified, create a person record # for them and attach it to the animal as original owner if gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME") != "": p = {} p["title"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERTITLE") p["initials"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERINITIALS") p["forenames"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERFIRSTNAME") p["surname"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME") p["address"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERADDRESS") p["town"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERCITY") p["county"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERSTATE") p["postcode"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERZIPCODE") p["hometelephone"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERHOMEPHONE") p["worktelephone"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERWORKPHONE") p["mobiletelephone"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERCELLPHONE") p["emailaddress"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNEREMAIL") try: ooid = person.insert_person_from_form(dbo, p, "import") a["originalowner"] = str(ooid) # Identify an ORIGINALOWNERADDITIONAL additional fields and create them create_additional_fields(dbo, row, errors, rowno, "ORIGINALOWNERADDITIONAL", "person", ooid) except Exception, e: errors.append( (rowno, str(row), "originalowner: " + str(e))) try: animalid, newcode = animal.insert_animal_from_form( dbo, a, "import") # Identify an ANIMALADDITIONAL additional fields and create them create_additional_fields(dbo, row, errors, rowno, "ANIMALADDITIONAL", "animal", animalid) except Exception, e: errors.append((rowno, str(row), str(e)))
def create_animal(dbo, username, wlid): """ Creates an animal record from a waiting list entry with the id given """ l = dbo.locale a = dbo.first_row( dbo.query("SELECT * FROM animalwaitinglist WHERE ID = ?", [wlid])) data = { "animalname": _("Waiting List {0}", l).format(wlid), "markings": str(a["ANIMALDESCRIPTION"]), "reasonforentry": str(a["REASONFORWANTINGTOPART"]), "species": str(a["SPECIESID"]), "hiddenanimaldetails": str(a["COMMENTS"]), "broughtinby": str(a["OWNERID"]), "originalowner": str(a["OWNERID"]), "animaltype": configuration.default_type(dbo), "breed1": configuration.default_breed(dbo), "breed2": configuration.default_breed(dbo), "basecolour": configuration.default_colour(dbo), "size": configuration.default_size(dbo), "internallocation": configuration.default_location(dbo), "dateofbirth": python2display(l, subtract_years(now(dbo.timezone))), "estimateddob": "1" } # If we aren't showing the time brought in, set it to midnight if not configuration.add_animals_show_time_brought_in(dbo): data["timebroughtin"] = "00:00:00" # If we're creating shelter codes manually, we need to put something unique # in there for now. Use the id if configuration.manual_codes(dbo): data["sheltercode"] = "WL" + str(wlid) data["shortcode"] = "WL" + str(wlid) nextid, code = animal.insert_animal_from_form(dbo, utils.PostedData(data, l), username) # Now that we've created our animal, we should remove this entry from the waiting list dbo.update( "animalwaitinglist", wlid, { "DateRemovedFromList":, "ReasonForRemoval": _("Moved to animal record {0}", l).format(code) }, username) # If there were any logs and media entries on the waiting list, create them on the animal # Media for me in dbo.query( "SELECT * FROM media WHERE LinkTypeID = ? AND LinkID = ?", (media.WAITINGLIST, wlid)): ext = me.medianame ext = ext[ext.rfind("."):].lower() mediaid = dbo.get_id("media") medianame = "%d%s" % (mediaid, ext) dbo.insert( "media", { "ID": mediaid, "DBFSID": 0, "MediaSize": 0, "MediaName": medianame, "MediaMimeType": media.mime_type(medianame), "MediaType": me.mediatype, "MediaNotes": me.medianotes, "WebsitePhoto": me.websitephoto, "WebsiteVideo": me.websitevideo, "DocPhoto": me.docphoto, "ExcludeFromPublish": me.excludefrompublish, # ASM2_COMPATIBILITY "NewSinceLastPublish": 1, "UpdatedSinceLastPublish": 0, # ASM2_COMPATIBILITY "LinkID": nextid, "LinkTypeID": media.ANIMAL, "Date":, "RetainUntil": me.retainuntil }, generateID=False) # Now clone the dbfs item pointed to by this media item if it's a file if me.mediatype == media.MEDIATYPE_FILE: filedata = dbfs.get_string(dbo, me.medianame) dbfsid = dbfs.put_string(dbo, medianame, "/animal/%d" % nextid, filedata) dbo.execute( "UPDATE media SET DBFSID = ?, MediaSize = ? WHERE ID = ?", (dbfsid, len(filedata), mediaid)) # Logs for lo in dbo.query("SELECT * FROM log WHERE LinkType = ? AND LinkID = ?", (log.WAITINGLIST, wlid)): dbo.insert( "log", { "LinkID": nextid, "LinkType": log.ANIMAL, "LogTypeID": lo.LOGTYPEID, "Date": lo.DATE, "Comments": lo.COMMENTS }, username) return nextid
def csvimport(dbo, csvdata, encoding = "utf8", user = "", createmissinglookups = False, cleartables = False, checkduplicates = False): """ Imports the csvdata. createmissinglookups: If a lookup value is given that's not in our data, add it cleartables: Clear down the animal, owner and adoption tables before import """ # Convert line endings to standard unix lf to prevent # the Python CSV importer barfing. csvdata = csvdata.replace("\r\n", "\n") csvdata = csvdata.replace("\r", "\n") if user == "": user = "******" else: user = "******" % user reader = None if encoding == "utf8": reader = utils.UnicodeCSVReader(StringIO(csvdata)) else: reader = utils.UnicodeCSVReader(StringIO(csvdata), encoding=encoding) # Make sure we have a valid header cols = None for row in reader: cols = row break if cols is None: asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file is empty") return onevalid = False hasanimal = False hasanimalname = False hasmed = False hasvacc = False hasperson = False haspersonlastname = False haspersonname = False haslicence = False haslicencenumber = False hasmovement = False hasmovementdate = False hasdonation = False hasdonationamount = False hasoriginalowner = False hasoriginalownerlastname = False for col in cols: if col in VALID_FIELDS: onevalid = True if col.startswith("ANIMAL"): hasanimal = True if col == "ANIMALNAME": hasanimalname = True if col.startswith("ORIGINALOWNER"): hasoriginalowner = True if col.startswith("VACCINATION"): hasvacc = True if col.startswith("MEDICAL"): hasmed = True if col.startswith("LICENSE"): haslicence = True if col == "LICENSENUMBER": haslicencenumber = True if col == "ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME": hasoriginalownerlastname = True if col.startswith("PERSON"): hasperson = True if col == "PERSONLASTNAME": haspersonlastname = True if col == "PERSONNAME": haspersonname = True if col.startswith("MOVEMENT"): hasmovement = True if col == "MOVEMENTDATE": hasmovementdate = True if col.startswith("DONATION"): hasdonation = True if col == "DONATIONAMOUNT": hasdonationamount = True # Any valid fields? if not onevalid: asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file did not contain any fields that ASM recognises") return # If we have any animal fields, make sure at least ANIMALNAME is supplied if hasanimal and not hasanimalname: asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has animal fields, but no ANIMALNAME column") return # If we have any person fields, make sure at least PERSONLASTNAME or PERSONNAME is supplied if hasperson and not haspersonlastname and not haspersonname: asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has person fields, but no PERSONNAME or PERSONLASTNAME column") return # If we have any original owner fields, make sure at least ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME is supplied if hasoriginalowner and not hasoriginalownerlastname: asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has original owner fields, but no ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME column") return # If we have any movement fields, make sure MOVEMENTDATE is supplied if hasmovement and not hasmovementdate: asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has movement fields, but no MOVEMENTDATE column") return # If we have any donation fields, we need an amount if hasdonation and not hasdonationamount: asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has donation fields, but no DONATIONAMOUNT column") return # We also need a valid person if hasdonation and not (haspersonlastname or haspersonname): asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has donation fields, but no person to apply the donation to") return # If we have any med fields, we need an animal if hasmed and not hasanimal: asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has medical fields, but no animal to apply them to") return # If we have any vacc fields, we need an animal if hasvacc and not hasanimal: asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has vaccination fields, but no animal to apply them to") return # If we have licence fields, we need a number if haslicence and not haslicencenumber: asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has license fields, but no LICENSENUMBER column") return # We also need a valid person if haslicence and not (haspersonlastname or haspersonname): asynctask.set_last_error(dbo, "Your CSV file has license fields, but no person to apply the license to") # Read the whole CSV file into a list of maps. Note, the # reader has a cursor at the second row already because # we read the header in the first row above data = [] for row in reader: currow = {} for i, col in enumerate(row): if i >= len(cols): continue # skip if we run out of cols currow[cols[i]] = col data.append(currow) al.debug("reading CSV data, found %d rows" % len(data), "csvimport.csvimport", dbo) # If we're clearing down tables first, do it now if cleartables: al.warn("Resetting the database by removing all non-lookup data", "csvimport.csvimport", dbo) dbupdate.reset_db(dbo) # Now that we've read them in, go through all the rows # and start importing. errors = [] rowno = 1 asynctask.set_progress_max(dbo, len(data)) for row in data: al.debug("import csv: row %d of %d" % (rowno, len(data)), "csvimport.csvimport", dbo) asynctask.increment_progress_value(dbo) # Should we stop? if asynctask.get_cancel(dbo): break # Do we have animal data to read? animalid = 0 if hasanimal and gks(row, "ANIMALNAME") != "": a = {} a["animalname"] = gks(row, "ANIMALNAME") a["sheltercode"] = gks(row, "ANIMALCODE") a["shortcode"] = gks(row, "ANIMALCODE") if gks(row, "ANIMALSEX") == "": a["sex"] = "2" # Default unknown if not set else: a["sex"] = gks(row, "ANIMALSEX").lower().startswith("m") and "1" or "0" a["basecolour"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALCOLOR", "basecolour", "BaseColour", createmissinglookups) if a["basecolour"] == "0": a["basecolour"] = str(configuration.default_colour(dbo)) a["species"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALSPECIES", "species", "SpeciesName", createmissinglookups) if a["species"] == "0": a["species"] = str(configuration.default_species(dbo)) a["animaltype"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALTYPE", "animaltype", "AnimalType", createmissinglookups) if a["animaltype"] == "0": a["animaltype"] = str(configuration.default_type(dbo)) a["breed1"] = gkbr(dbo, row, "ANIMALBREED1", a["species"], createmissinglookups) if a["breed1"] == "0": a["breed1"] = str(configuration.default_breed(dbo)) a["breed2"] = gkbr(dbo, row, "ANIMALBREED2", a["species"], createmissinglookups) if a["breed2"] != "0" and a["breed2"] != a["breed1"]: a["crossbreed"] = "on" a["size"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALSIZE", "lksize", "Size", False) if gks(row, "ANIMALSIZE") == "": a["size"] = str(configuration.default_size(dbo)) a["internallocation"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALLOCATION", "internallocation", "LocationName", createmissinglookups) if a["internallocation"] == "0": a["internallocation"] = str(configuration.default_location(dbo)) a["unit"] = gks(row, "ANIMALUNIT") a["comments"] = gks(row, "ANIMALCOMMENTS") a["markings"] = gks(row, "ANIMALMARKINGS") a["hiddenanimaldetails"] = gks(row, "ANIMALHIDDENDETAILS") a["healthproblems"] = gks(row, "ANIMALHEALTHPROBLEMS") a["notforadoption"] = gkbi(row, "ANIMALNOTFORADOPTION") a["nonshelter"] = gkbi(row, "ANIMALNONSHELTER") a["housetrained"] = gkynu(row, "ANIMALHOUSETRAINED") a["goodwithcats"] = gkynu(row, "ANIMALGOODWITHCATS") a["goodwithdogs"] = gkynu(row, "ANIMALGOODWITHDOGS") a["goodwithkids"] = gkynu(row, "ANIMALGOODWITHKIDS") a["reasonforentry"] = gks(row, "ANIMALREASONFORENTRY") a["estimatedage"] = gks(row, "ANIMALAGE") a["dateofbirth"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALDOB", True) if gks(row, "ANIMALDOB") == "" and a["estimatedage"] != "": a["dateofbirth"] = "" # if we had an age and dob was blank, prefer the age a["datebroughtin"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALENTRYDATE", True) a["deceaseddate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALDECEASEDDATE") a["neutered"] = gkbc(row, "ANIMALNEUTERED") a["neutereddate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALNEUTEREDDATE") if a["neutereddate"] != "": a["neutered"] = "on" a["microchipnumber"] = gks(row, "ANIMALMICROCHIP") if a["microchipnumber"] != "": a["microchipped"] = "on" a["microchipdate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALMICROCHIPDATE") # image data if any was supplied imagedata = gks(row, "ANIMALIMAGE") if imagedata.startswith("http"): # It's a URL, get the image from the remote server r = utils.get_image_url(imagedata, timeout=5000) if r["status"] == 200: al.debug("retrieved image from %s (%s bytes)" % (imagedata, len(r["response"])), "csvimport.csvimport", dbo) imagedata = "data:image/jpeg;base64,%s" % base64.b64encode(r["response"]) else: row_error(errors, "animal", rowno, row, "error reading image from '%s': %s" % (imagedata, r), dbo, sys.exc_info()) continue elif imagedata.startswith("data:image"): # It's a base64 encoded data URI - do nothing as attach_file requires it pass else: # We don't know what it is, don't try and do anything with it imagedata = "" # If an original owner is specified, create a person record # for them and attach it to the animal as original owner if gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME") != "": p = {} p["title"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERTITLE") p["initials"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERINITIALS") p["forenames"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERFIRSTNAME") p["surname"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME") p["address"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERADDRESS") p["town"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERCITY") p["county"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERSTATE") p["postcode"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERZIPCODE") p["jurisdiction"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ORIGINALOWNERJURISDICTION", "jurisdiction", "JurisdictionName", createmissinglookups) p["hometelephone"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERHOMEPHONE") p["worktelephone"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERWORKPHONE") p["mobiletelephone"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERCELLPHONE") p["emailaddress"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNEREMAIL") try: if checkduplicates: dups = person.get_person_similar(dbo, p["emailaddress"], p["surname"], p["forenames"], p["address"]) if len(dups) > 0: a["originalowner"] = str(dups[0]["ID"]) if "originalowner" not in a: ooid = person.insert_person_from_form(dbo, utils.PostedData(p, dbo.locale), user, geocode=False) a["originalowner"] = str(ooid) # Identify an ORIGINALOWNERADDITIONAL additional fields and create them create_additional_fields(dbo, row, errors, rowno, "ORIGINALOWNERADDITIONAL", "person", ooid) except Exception as e: row_error(errors, "originalowner", rowno, row, e, dbo, sys.exc_info()) try: if checkduplicates: dup = animal.get_animal_sheltercode(dbo, a["sheltercode"]) if dup is not None: animalid = dup["ID"] if animalid == 0: animalid, newcode = animal.insert_animal_from_form(dbo, utils.PostedData(a, dbo.locale), user) # Identify any ANIMALADDITIONAL additional fields and create them create_additional_fields(dbo, row, errors, rowno, "ANIMALADDITIONAL", "animal", animalid) # If we have some image data, add it to the animal if len(imagedata) > 0: imagepost = utils.PostedData({ "filename": "image.jpg", "filetype": "image/jpeg", "filedata": imagedata }, dbo.locale) media.attach_file_from_form(dbo, user, media.ANIMAL, animalid, imagepost) except Exception as e: row_error(errors, "animal", rowno, row, e, dbo, sys.exc_info()) # Person data? personid = 0 if hasperson and (gks(row, "PERSONLASTNAME") != "" or gks(row, "PERSONNAME") != ""): p = {} p["ownertype"] = gks(row, "PERSONCLASS") if p["ownertype"] != "1" and p["ownertype"] != "2": p["ownertype"] = "1" p["title"] = gks(row, "PERSONTITLE") p["initials"] = gks(row, "PERSONINITIALS") p["forenames"] = gks(row, "PERSONFIRSTNAME") p["surname"] = gks(row, "PERSONLASTNAME") # If we have a person name, all upto the last space is first names, # everything after the last name if gks(row, "PERSONNAME") != "": pname = gks(row, "PERSONNAME") if pname.find(" ") != -1: p["forenames"] = pname[0:pname.rfind(" ")] p["surname"] = pname[pname.rfind(" ")+1:] else: p["surname"] = pname p["address"] = gks(row, "PERSONADDRESS") p["town"] = gks(row, "PERSONCITY") p["county"] = gks(row, "PERSONSTATE") p["postcode"] = gks(row, "PERSONZIPCODE") p["jurisdiction"] = gkl(dbo, row, "PERSONJURISDICTION", "jurisdiction", "JurisdictionName", createmissinglookups) p["hometelephone"] = gks(row, "PERSONHOMEPHONE") p["worktelephone"] = gks(row, "PERSONWORKPHONE") p["mobiletelephone"] = gks(row, "PERSONCELLPHONE") p["emailaddress"] = gks(row, "PERSONEMAIL") p["gdprcontactoptin"] = gks(row, "PERSONGDPRCONTACTOPTIN") flags = gks(row, "PERSONFLAGS") if gkb(row, "PERSONFOSTERER"): flags += ",fosterer" if gkb(row, "PERSONMEMBER"): flags += ",member" if gkb(row, "PERSONDONOR"): flags += ",donor" p["flags"] = flags p["comments"] = gks(row, "PERSONCOMMENTS") p["membershipnumber"] = gks(row, "PERSONMEMBERSHIPNUMBER") p["membershipexpires"] = gkd(dbo, row, "PERSONMEMBERSHIPEXPIRY") p["matchactive"] = gkbi(row, "PERSONMATCHACTIVE") if p["matchactive"] == "1": if "PERSONMATCHADDED" in cols: p["matchadded"] = gkd(dbo, row, "PERSONMATCHADDED") if "PERSONMATCHEXPIRES" in cols: p["matchexpires"] = gkd(dbo, row, "PERSONMATCHEXPIRES") if "PERSONMATCHSEX" in cols: p["matchsex"] = gks(row, "PERSONMATCHSEX").lower().startswith("m") and "1" or "0" if "PERSONMATCHSIZE" in cols: p["matchsize"] = gkl(dbo, row, "PERSONMATCHSIZE", "lksize", "Size", False) if "PERSONMATCHCOLOR" in cols: p["matchcolour"] = gkl(dbo, row, "PERSONMATCHCOLOR", "basecolour", "BaseColour", createmissinglookups) if "PERSONMATCHAGEFROM" in cols: p["matchagefrom"] = gks(row, "PERSONMATCHAGEFROM") if "PERSONMATCHAGETO" in cols: p["matchageto"] = gks(row, "PERSONMATCHAGETO") if "PERSONMATCHTYPE" in cols: p["matchanimaltype"] = gkl(dbo, row, "PERSONMATCHTYPE", "animaltype", "AnimalType", createmissinglookups) if "PERSONMATCHSPECIES" in cols: p["matchspecies"] = gkl(dbo, row, "PERSONMATCHSPECIES", "species", "SpeciesName", createmissinglookups) if "PERSONMATCHBREED1" in cols: p["matchbreed"] = gkbr(dbo, row, "PERSONMATCHBREED1", p["matchspecies"], createmissinglookups) if "PERSONMATCHBREED2" in cols: p["matchbreed2"] = gkbr(dbo, row, "PERSONMATCHBREED2", p["matchspecies"], createmissinglookups) if "PERSONMATCHGOODWITHCATS" in cols: p["matchgoodwithcats"] = gkynu(row, "PERSONMATCHGOODWITHCATS") if "PERSONMATCHGOODWITHDOGS" in cols: p["matchgoodwithdogs"] = gkynu(row, "PERSONMATCHGOODWITHDOGS") if "PERSONMATCHGOODWITHCHILDREN" in cols: p["matchgoodwithchildren"] = gkynu(row, "PERSONMATCHGOODWITHCHILDREN") if "PERSONMATCHHOUSETRAINED" in cols: p["matchhousetrained"] = gkynu(row, "PERSONMATCHHOUSETRAINED") if "PERSONMATCHCOMMENTSCONTAIN" in cols: p["matchcommentscontain"] = gks(row, "PERSONMATCHCOMMENTSCONTAIN") try: if checkduplicates: dups = person.get_person_similar(dbo, p["emailaddress"], p["surname"], p["forenames"], p["address"]) if len(dups) > 0: personid = dups[0].ID # Merge flags and any extra details person.merge_flags(dbo, user, personid, flags) person.merge_gdpr_flags(dbo, user, personid, p["gdprcontactoptin"]) # If we deduplicated on the email address, and address details are # present, assume that they are newer than the ones we had and update them # (we do this by setting force=True parameter to merge_person_details, # otherwise we do a regular merge which only fills in any blanks) person.merge_person_details(dbo, user, personid, p, force=dups[0].EMAILADDRESS == p["emailaddress"]) if personid == 0: personid = person.insert_person_from_form(dbo, utils.PostedData(p, dbo.locale), user, geocode=False) # Identify any PERSONADDITIONAL additional fields and create them create_additional_fields(dbo, row, errors, rowno, "PERSONADDITIONAL", "person", personid) except Exception as e: row_error(errors, "person", rowno, row, e, dbo, sys.exc_info()) # Movement to tie animal/person together? movementid = 0 if hasmovement and personid != 0 and animalid != 0 and gks(row, "MOVEMENTDATE") != "": m = {} m["person"] = str(personid) m["animal"] = str(animalid) movetype = gks(row, "MOVEMENTTYPE") if movetype == "": movetype = "1" # Default to adoption if not supplied m["type"] = str(movetype) m["movementdate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "MOVEMENTDATE", True) m["returndate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "MOVEMENTRETURNDATE") m["comments"] = gks(row, "MOVEMENTCOMMENTS") m["returncategory"] = str(configuration.default_entry_reason(dbo)) try: movementid = movement.insert_movement_from_form(dbo, user, utils.PostedData(m, dbo.locale)) except Exception as e: row_error(errors, "movement", rowno, row, e, dbo, sys.exc_info()) # Donation? if hasdonation and personid != 0 and gkc(row, "DONATIONAMOUNT") != 0: d = {} d["person"] = str(personid) d["animal"] = str(animalid) d["movement"] = str(movementid) d["amount"] = str(gkc(row, "DONATIONAMOUNT")) d["fee"] = str(gkc(row, "DONATIONFEE")) d["comments"] = gks(row, "DONATIONCOMMENTS") d["received"] = gkd(dbo, row, "DONATIONDATE", True) d["chequenumber"] = gks(row, "DONATIONCHECKNUMBER") d["type"] = gkl(dbo, row, "DONATIONTYPE", "donationtype", "DonationName", createmissinglookups) if d["type"] == "0": d["type"] = str(configuration.default_donation_type(dbo)) d["payment"] = gkl(dbo, row, "DONATIONPAYMENT", "donationpayment", "PaymentName", createmissinglookups) if d["payment"] == "0": d["payment"] = "1" try: financial.insert_donation_from_form(dbo, user, utils.PostedData(d, dbo.locale)) except Exception as e: row_error(errors, "payment", rowno, row, e, dbo, sys.exc_info()) if movementid != 0: movement.update_movement_donation(dbo, movementid) # Vaccination? if hasvacc and animalid != 0 and gks(row, "VACCINATIONDUEDATE") != "": v = {} v["animal"] = str(animalid) v["type"] = gkl(dbo, row, "VACCINATIONTYPE", "vaccinationtype", "VaccinationType", createmissinglookups) if v["type"] == "0": v["type"] = str(configuration.default_vaccination_type(dbo)) v["required"] = gkd(dbo, row, "VACCINATIONDUEDATE", True) v["given"] = gkd(dbo, row, "VACCINATIONGIVENDATE") v["expires"] = gkd(dbo, row, "VACCINATIONEXPIRESDATE") v["batchnumber"] = gks(row, "VACCINATIONBATCHNUMBER") v["manufacturer"] = gks(row, "VACCINATIONMANUFACTURER") v["comments"] = gks(row, "VACCINATIONCOMMENTS") try: medical.insert_vaccination_from_form(dbo, user, utils.PostedData(v, dbo.locale)) except Exception as e: row_error(errors, "vaccination", rowno, row, e, dbo, sys.exc_info()) # Medical? if hasmed and animalid != 0 and gks(row, "MEDICALGIVENDATE") != "" and gks(row, "MEDICALNAME") != "": m = {} m["animal"] = str(animalid) m["treatmentname"] = gks(row, "MEDICALNAME") m["dosage"] = gks(row, "MEDICALDOSAGE") m["startdate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "MEDICALGIVENDATE") m["comments"] = gks(row, "MEDICALCOMMENTS") m["singlemulti"] = "0" # single treatment m["status"] = "2" # completed try: medical.insert_regimen_from_form(dbo, user, utils.PostedData(m, dbo.locale)) except Exception as e: row_error(errors, "medical", rowno, row, e, dbo, sys.exc_info()) # License? if haslicence and personid != 0 and gks(row, "LICENSENUMBER") != "": l = {} l["person"] = str(personid) l["animal"] = str(animalid) l["type"] = gkl(dbo, row, "LICENSETYPE", "licencetype", "LicenceTypeName", createmissinglookups) if l["type"] == "0": l["type"] = 1 l["number"] = gks(row, "LICENSENUMBER") l["fee"] = str(gkc(row, "LICENSEFEE")) l["issuedate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "LICENSEISSUEDATE") l["expirydate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "LICENSEEXPIRESDATE") l["comments"] = gks(row, "LICENSECOMMENTS") try: financial.insert_licence_from_form(dbo, user, utils.PostedData(l, dbo.locale)) except Exception as e: row_error(errors, "license", rowno, row, e, dbo, sys.exc_info()) rowno += 1 h = [ "<p>%d success, %d errors</p><table>" % (len(data) - len(errors), len(errors)) ] for rowno, row, err in errors: h.append("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % (rowno, row, err)) h.append("</table>") return "".join(h)
def guess_breed(dbo, s): """ Guesses a breed, returns the default if no match is found """ s = str(s).lower() guess = db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT ID FROM breed WHERE LOWER(BreedName) LIKE '%" + db.escape(s) + "%'") if guess != 0: return guess return configuration.default_breed(dbo)
def handler_addanimal(l, homelink, dbo): h = [] h.append(header(l)) h.append(jqm_page_header("animaladd", _("Add Animal", l), homelink)) h.append(jqm_form("animalform")) h.append(jqm_hidden("posttype", "aa")) h.append( jqm_fieldcontain("animalname", _("Name", l), jqm_text("animalname"))) h.append( jqm_fieldcontain("estimatedage", _("Age", l), jqm_text("estimatedage", "1.0"))) h.append( jqm_fieldcontain("sex", _("Sex", l), jqm_select("sex", html.options_sexes(dbo)))) h.append( jqm_fieldcontain( "animaltype", _("Type", l), jqm_select( "animaltype", html.options_animal_types(dbo, False, configuration.default_type(dbo))))) h.append( jqm_fieldcontain( "species", _("Species", l), jqm_select( "species", html.options_species(dbo, False, configuration.default_species(dbo))))) h.append( jqm_fieldcontain( "breed1", _("Breed", l), jqm_select( "breed1", html.options_breeds(dbo, False, configuration.default_breed(dbo))))) h.append( jqm_fieldcontain( "basecolour", _("Color", l), jqm_select( "basecolour", html.options_colours(dbo, False, configuration.default_colour(dbo))))) h.append( jqm_fieldcontain( "internallocation", _("Location", l), jqm_select( "internallocation", html.options_internal_locations( dbo, False, configuration.default_location(dbo))))) h.append(jqm_fieldcontain("unit", _("Unit", l), jqm_text("unit"))) h.append( jqm_fieldcontain( "size", _("Size", l), jqm_select( "size", html.options_sizes(dbo, False, configuration.default_size(dbo))))) h.append(jqm_submit(_("Add Animal", l))) h.append(jqm_form_end()) h.append(jqm_page_footer()) h.append("</body></html>") return "\n".join(h)
def csvimport(dbo, csvdata, createmissinglookups = False, cleartables = False): """ Imports the csvdata. createmissinglookups: If a lookup value is given that's not in our data, add it cleartables: Clear down the animal, owner and adoption tables before import """ reader = csv.reader(StringIO(csvdata), dialect="excel") # Make sure we have a valid header cols = None for row in reader: cols = row break if cols is None: raise utils.ASMValidationError("Your CSV file is empty") onevalid = False hasanimal = False hasanimalname = False hasperson = False haspersonlastname = False haspersonname = False hasmovement = False hasmovementdate = False hasdonation = False hasdonationamount = False hasoriginalowner = False hasoriginalownerlastname = False for col in cols: if col in VALID_FIELDS: onevalid = True if col.startswith("ANIMAL"): hasanimal = True if col == "ANIMALNAME": hasanimalname = True if col.startswith("ORIGINALOWNER"): hasoriginalowner = True if col == "ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME": hasoriginalownerlastname = True if col.startswith("PERSON"): hasperson = True if col == "PERSONLASTNAME": haspersonlastname = True if col == "PERSONNAME": haspersonname = True if col.startswith("MOVEMENT"): hasmovement = True if col == "MOVEMENTDATE": hasmovementdate = True if col.startswith("DONATION"): hasdonation = True if col == "DONATIONAMOUNT": hasdonationamount = True # Any valid fields? if not onevalid: raise utils.ASMValidationError("Your CSV file did not contain any fields that ASM recognises") # If we have any animal fields, make sure at least ANIMALNAME is supplied if hasanimal and not hasanimalname: raise utils.ASMValidationError("Your CSV file has animal fields, but no ANIMALNAME column") # If we have any person fields, make sure at least PERSONLASTNAME or PERSONNAME is supplied if hasperson and not haspersonlastname and not haspersonname: raise utils.ASMValidationError("Your CSV file has person fields, but no PERSONNAME or PERSONLASTNAME column") # If we have any original owner fields, make sure at least ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME is supplied if hasoriginalowner and not hasoriginalownerlastname: raise utils.ASMValidationError("Your CSV file has original owner fields, but no ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME column") # If we have any movement fields, make sure MOVEMENTDATE is supplied if hasmovement and not hasmovementdate: raise utils.ASMValidationError("Your CSV file has movement fields, but no MOVEMENTDATE column") # If we have any donation fields, we need an amount if hasdonation and not hasdonationamount: raise utils.ASMValidationError("Your CSV file has donation fields, but no DONATIONAMOUNT column") # We also need a valid person if hasdonation and not (haspersonlastname or haspersonname): raise utils.ASMValidationError("Your CSV file has donation fields, but no person to apply the donation to") # Read the whole CSV file into a list of maps. Note, the # reader has a cursor at the second row already because # we read the header in the first row above data = [] for row in reader: currow = {} for i, col in enumerate(row): currow[cols[i]] = col data.append(currow) # If we're clearing down tables first, do it now if cleartables: db.execute(dbo, "DELETE FROM adoption") db.execute(dbo, "DELETE FROM animal") db.execute(dbo, "DELETE FROM owner") db.execute(dbo, "DELETE FROM ownerdonation") # Now that we've read them in, go through all the rows # and start importing. errors = [] rowno = 1 for row in data: # Do we have animal data to read? animalid = 0 if hasanimal and gks(row, "ANIMALNAME") != "": a = {} a["animalname"] = gks(row, "ANIMALNAME") a["sheltercode"] = gks(row, "ANIMALCODE") a["shortcode"] = gks(row, "ANIMALCODE") if gks(row, "ANIMALSEX") == "": a["sex"] = "2" # Default unknown if not set else: a["sex"] = gks(row, "ANIMALSEX").lower().startswith("m") and "1" or "0" a["breed1"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALBREED1", "breed", "BreedName", createmissinglookups) if a["breed1"] == "0": a["breed1"] = str(configuration.default_breed(dbo)) a["breed2"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALBREED2", "breed", "BreedName", createmissinglookups) if a["breed2"] != "0" and a["breed2"] != a["breed1"]: a["crossbreed"] = "on" a["basecolour"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALCOLOR", "basecolour", "BaseColour", createmissinglookups) if a["basecolour"] == "0": a["basecolour"] = str(configuration.default_colour(dbo)) a["species"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALSPECIES", "species", "SpeciesName", createmissinglookups) if a["species"] == "0": a["species"] = str(configuration.default_species(dbo)) a["animaltype"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALTYPE", "animaltype", "AnimalType", createmissinglookups) if a["animaltype"] == "0": a["animaltype"] = str(configuration.default_type(dbo)) a["size"] = str(configuration.default_size(dbo)) a["internallocation"] = gkl(dbo, row, "ANIMALLOCATION", "internallocation", "LocationName", createmissinglookups) if a["internallocation"] == "0": a["internallocation"] = str(configuration.default_location(dbo)) a["comments"] = gks(row, "ANIMALCOMMENTS") a["hiddenanimaldetails"] = gks(row, "ANIMALHIDDENDETAILS") a["healthproblems"] = gks(row, "ANIMALHEALTHPROBLEMS") a["notforadoption"] = gkbi(row, "ANIMALNOTFORADOPTION") a["housetrained"] = gkynu(row, "ANIMALHOUSETRAINED") a["goodwithcats"] = gkynu(row, "ANIMALGOODWITHCATS") a["goodwithdogs"] = gkynu(row, "ANIMALGOODWITHDOGS") a["goodwithkids"] = gkynu(row, "ANIMALGOODWITHKIDS") a["reasonforentry"] = gks(row, "ANIMALREASONFORENTRY") a["estimatedage"] = gks(row, "ANIMALAGE") a["dateofbirth"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALDOB") a["datebroughtin"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALENTRYDATE", True) a["deceaseddate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALDECEASEDDATE") a["neutereddate"] = gkd(dbo, row, "ANIMALNEUTEREDDATE") if a["neutereddate"] != "": a["neutered"] = 1 a["microchipnumber"] = gks(row, "ANIMALMICROCHIP") if a["microchipnumber"] != "": a["microchipped"] = 1 # If an original owner is specified, create a person record # for them and attach it to the animal as original owner if gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME") != "": p = {} p["title"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERTITLE") p["initials"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERINITIALS") p["forenames"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERFIRSTNAME") p["surname"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERLASTNAME") p["address"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERADDRESS") p["town"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERCITY") p["county"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERSTATE") p["postcode"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERZIPCODE") p["hometelephone"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERHOMEPHONE") p["worktelephone"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERWORKPHONE") p["mobiletelephone"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNERCELLPHONE") p["emailaddress"] = gks(row, "ORIGINALOWNEREMAIL") try: ooid = person.insert_person_from_form(dbo, p, "import") a["originalowner"] = str(ooid) # Identify an ORIGINALOWNERADDITIONAL additional fields and create them create_additional_fields(dbo, row, errors, rowno, "ORIGINALOWNERADDITIONAL", "person", ooid) except Exception,e: errors.append( (rowno, str(row), "originalowner: " + str(e)) ) try: animalid, newcode = animal.insert_animal_from_form(dbo, a, "import") # Identify an ANIMALADDITIONAL additional fields and create them create_additional_fields(dbo, row, errors, rowno, "ANIMALADDITIONAL", "animal", animalid) except Exception,e: errors.append( (rowno, str(row), str(e)) )