Exemple #1
def update_waitinglist_highlight(dbo, wlid, himode):
    Toggles a waiting list ID record as highlighted.
    wlid: The waiting list id to toggle
    himode: a highlight value from 1 to 5 for a colour
    hl = list(configuration.waiting_list_highlights(dbo).split(" "))
    wlid = str(wlid).strip()
    # Create a new highlight list that doesn't have our id in it
    nl = []
    removed = False
    for hi in hl:
        if hi != "":
            if hi.find("|") != -1:
                wid, h = hi.split("|")
                wid = hi
                h = "1"
            if wlid == wid:
                removed = True
                nl.append(wid + "|" + h)
    # If our id wasn't present in the list, add it (so we're
    # effectively toggling the id on and off)
    if not removed:
        nl.append(wlid + "|" + himode)
    configuration.waiting_list_highlights(dbo, " ".join(nl))
def update_waitinglist_highlight(dbo, wlid, himode):
    Toggles a waiting list ID record as highlighted.
    wlid: The waiting list id to toggle
    himode: a highlight value from 1 to 5 for a colour
    hl = list(configuration.waiting_list_highlights(dbo).split(" "))
    wlid = str(wlid).strip()
    # Create a new highlight list that doesn't have our id in it
    nl = []
    removed = False
    for hi in hl:
        if hi != "":
            if hi.find("|") != -1:
                wid, h = hi.split("|")
                wid = hi
                h = "1"
            if wlid == wid:
                removed = True
                nl.append(wid + "|" + h)
    # If our id wasn't present in the list, add it (so we're
    # effectively toggling the id on and off)
    if not removed:
        nl.append(wlid + "|" + himode)
    configuration.waiting_list_highlights(dbo, " ".join(nl))
Exemple #3
def get_waitinglist(dbo,
    Retrieves the waiting list
    priorityfloor: The lowest urgency to show (1 = urgent, 5 = lowest)
    species: A species filter or -1 for all
    addresscontains: A partial address
    includeremoved: Whether or not to include removed entries
    namecontains: A partial name
    descriptioncontains: A partial description
    l = dbo.locale
    ranks = get_waitinglist_ranks(dbo)
    sql = get_waitinglist_query() + " WHERE a.Urgency <= " + str(priorityfloor)
    if includeremoved == 0: sql += " AND a.DateRemovedFromList Is Null"
    if species != -1: sql += " AND a.SpeciesID = " + str(species)
    if addresscontains != "":
        sql += " AND UPPER(OwnerAddress) Like '%" + str(
            addresscontains).upper().replace("'", "`") + "%'"
    if namecontains != "":
        sql += " AND UPPER(OwnerName) Like '%" + str(
            namecontains).upper().replace("'", "`") + "%'"
    if descriptioncontains != "":
        sql += " AND UPPER(AnimalDescription) Like '%" + str(
            descriptioncontains).upper().replace("'", "`") + "%'"
    sql += " ORDER BY a.Urgency, a.DatePutOnList"
    rows = db.query(dbo, sql)
    wlh = configuration.waiting_list_highlights(dbo).split(" ")
    for r in rows:
        r["HIGHLIGHT"] = ""
        for hi in wlh:
            if hi != "":
                if hi.find("|") == -1:
                    wid = hi
                    h = "1"
                    wid, h = hi.split("|")
                if wid == str(r["WLID"]).strip():
                    r["HIGHLIGHT"] = h
        if ranks.has_key(r["WLID"]):
            r["RANK"] = ranks[r["WLID"]]
            r["RANK"] = ""
        r["TIMEONLIST"] = date_diff(l, r["DATEPUTONLIST"], now(dbo.timezone))
    return rows
def get_waitinglist(dbo, priorityfloor = 5, species = -1, addresscontains = "", includeremoved = 0, namecontains = "", descriptioncontains = ""):
    Retrieves the waiting list
    priorityfloor: The lowest urgency to show (1 = urgent, 5 = lowest)
    species: A species filter or -1 for all
    addresscontains: A partial address
    includeremoved: Whether or not to include removed entries
    namecontains: A partial name
    descriptioncontains: A partial description
    l = dbo.locale
    ranks = get_waitinglist_ranks(dbo)
    sql = get_waitinglist_query() + " WHERE a.Urgency <= " + str(priorityfloor)
    if includeremoved == 0: sql += " AND a.DateRemovedFromList Is Null"
    if species != -1: sql += " AND a.SpeciesID = " + str(species)
    if addresscontains != "": sql += " AND UPPER(OwnerAddress) Like '%" + str(addresscontains).upper().replace("'", "`") + "%'"
    if namecontains != "": sql += " AND UPPER(OwnerName) Like '%" + str(namecontains).upper().replace("'", "`") + "%'"
    if descriptioncontains != "": sql += " AND UPPER(AnimalDescription) Like '%" + str(descriptioncontains).upper().replace("'", "`") + "%'"
    sql += " ORDER BY a.Urgency, a.DatePutOnList"
    rows = db.query(dbo, sql)
    wlh = configuration.waiting_list_highlights(dbo).split(" ")
    for r in rows:
        r["HIGHLIGHT"] = ""
        for hi in wlh:
            if hi != "":
                if hi.find("|") == -1:
                    wid = hi
                    h = "1"
                    wid, h = hi.split("|")
                if wid == str(r["WLID"]).strip():
                    r["HIGHLIGHT"] = h
        if ranks.has_key(r["WLID"]):
            r["RANK"] = ranks[r["WLID"]]
            r["RANK"] = ""
        r["TIMEONLIST"] = date_diff(l, r["DATEPUTONLIST"], now(dbo.timezone))
    return rows
Exemple #5
def get_waitinglist(dbo,
    Retrieves the waiting list
    priorityfloor: The lowest urgency to show (1 = urgent, 5 = lowest)
    species: A species filter or -1 for all
    size: A size filter or -1 for all
    addresscontains: A partial address
    includeremoved: Whether or not to include removed entries
    namecontains: A partial name
    descriptioncontains: A partial description
    l = dbo.locale

    ands = []
    values = []

    def add(a, v=None):
        if v: values.append(v)

    add("a.Urgency <= ?", priorityfloor)
    if includeremoved == 0: add("a.DateRemovedFromList Is Null")
    if species != -1: add("a.SpeciesID = ?", species)
    if size != -1: add("a.Size = ?", size)
    if addresscontains != "":
        add("UPPER(OwnerAddress) LIKE ?", "%%%s%%" % addresscontains.upper())
    if namecontains != "":
        add("UPPER(OwnerName) LIKE ?", "%%%s%%" % namecontains.upper())
    if descriptioncontains != "":
        add("UPPER(AnimalDescription) LIKE ?",
            "%%%s%%" % descriptioncontains.upper())
    if siteid != 0: add("(o.SiteID = 0 OR o.SiteID = ?)", siteid)

    sql = "%s WHERE %s ORDER BY a.Urgency, a.DatePutOnList" % (
        get_waitinglist_query(dbo), " AND ".join(ands))
    rows = dbo.query(sql, values)

    wlh = configuration.waiting_list_highlights(dbo).split(" ")
    ranks = get_waitinglist_ranks(dbo)
    for r in rows:
        r.HIGHLIGHT = ""
        for hi in wlh:
            if hi != "":
                if hi.find("|") == -1:
                    wid = hi
                    h = "1"
                    wid, h = hi.split("|")
                if wid == str(r.WLID).strip():
                    r.HIGHLIGHT = h
        if r.WLID in ranks:
            r.RANK = ranks[r.WLID]
            r.RANK = ""
        r.TIMEONLIST = date_diff(l, r.DATEPUTONLIST, now(dbo.timezone))
    return rows