def parser(self): with open(options().file, "r") as f: # If URL has invalid characterrs in it, replace urls = [ url.strip("\n").replace("__", "://").replace("_", ".").replace( "*.", "http://") for url in f ] # took out + / urls = [url for url in urls if not url.startswith("#")] # If url does not start with http://, add it, redirect will handle the rest urls = [ f"http://{url}" for url in urls if not url.startswith("http") ] # Let user choose threads, else use default of 20 if options().threads: threads = options().threads else: threads = self.threads # Start thread pool with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=threads) as executor: for _ in, urls): pass
def errors(self, url, rurl, status): if options().errorfile: with open("Error_report.txt", "a") as ef: ef.write(f"URL: {url}\nRedirect: {rurl}\nStatus: {status}\n\n") elif not options().errorfile: with open(options().out, "a") as ef: ef.write(f"URL: {url}\nRedirect: {rurl}\nStatus: {status}\n\n")
def url_responses(self, url): # If user specifies a different timeout option, else use default of 3 if options().timeout: timeout = options().timeout else: timeout = self.timeout try: # Use a default header headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36" } # Make request response = requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True, verify=False, timeout=timeout, stream=True, headers=headers) # Grab URL. This will also grab the redirected URL rurl = response.url # Grab IP number of URL IP = str(response.raw._connection.sock.getpeername()[0]) # Grab port number requests made connection on port = str(response.raw._connection.sock.getpeername()[1]) # Grab status code information status_code = response.status_code # if url was redirected if url != rurl: if options().statuscode: if status_code in options().statuscode: print( f"URL:{self.BLUE} {url}\n{self.WHITE}Redirect:{self.GREEN} {rurl}\n{self.WHITE}Port:{self.MAG} {port}\n{self.WHITE}IP:{self.CYAN} {IP}\n{self.WHITE}Status Code:{self.YELLOW} {status_code}{self.RESET}\n" ) else: pass elif not options().statuscode: print( f"URL:{self.BLUE} {url}\n{self.WHITE}Redirect:{self.GREEN} {rurl}\n{self.WHITE}Port:{self.MAG} {port}\n{self.WHITE}IP:{self.CYAN} {IP}\n{self.WHITE}Status Code:{self.YELLOW} {status_code}{self.RESET}\n" ) if options().out: if options().statuscode: if status_code in options().statuscode: self.success(url=url, rurl=rurl, port=port, IP=IP, statuscode=status_code) else: pass elif not options().statuscode: self.success(url=url, rurl=rurl, port=port, IP=IP, statuscode=status_code) # If url never redirected elif url == url: if options().statuscode: if status_code in options().statuscode: print( f"{self.white}URL:{self.GREEN} {url}\n{self.white}Port: {self.MAG} {port}\n{self.WHITE}IP:{self.CYAN} {IP}\n{self.white}Status Code:{self.YELLOW} {status_code}{self.RESET}\n" ) else: pass elif not options().statuscode: print( f"{self.white}URL:{self.GREEN} {url}\n{self.white}Port:{self.MAG} {port}\n{self.WHITE}IP:{self.CYAN} {IP}\n{self.white}Status Code:{self.YELLOW} {status_code}{self.RESET}\n" ) if options().out: if options().statuscode: if status_code in options().statuscode: self.success(url=url, rurl=None, port=port, IP=IP, statuscode=status_code) else: pass elif not options().statuscode: self.success(url=url, rurl=None, port=port, IP=IP, statuscode=status_code) # Connection Errors except requests.ConnectionError: if options().noerrors: pass elif not options().noerrors: print( f"{self.WHITE}URL:{self.RED} {url}\n{self.WHITE}Status:{self.RED}Connection Error{self.RESET}\n" ) pass if options().out: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="Connection Error") elif options().errorfile: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="Connection Error") # Invalid URL Errors except socket.gaierror: if options().noerrors: pass elif not options().noerrors: print( f"{self.WHITE}URL:{self.RED} {url}\n{self.WHITE}Status:{self.RED}GAI Error{self.RESET}\n" ) pass if options().out: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="GAI Error") elif options().errorfile: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="GAI Error") except requests.exceptions.InvalidURL: if options().noerrors: pass elif not options().noerrors: print( f"{self.WHITE}URL:{self.RED} {url}\n{self.WHITE}Status:{self.RED}Invalid URL Error{self.RESET}\n" ) pass if options().out: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="Invalid URL Error") elif options().errorfile: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="Invalid URL Error") except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: if options().noerrors: pass elif not options().noerrors: print( f"{self.WHITE}URL:{self.RED} {url}\n{self.WHITE}Status:{self.RED}Invalid URL Error{self.RESET}\n" ) pass if options().out: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="Invalid URL Error") elif options().errorfile: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="Invalid URL Error") # Timeout Errors except socket.timeout: if options().noerrors: pass elif not options().noerrors: print( f"{self.WHITE}URL:{self.RED} {url}\n{self.WHITE}Status:{self.RED}Timeout Error{self.RESET}\n" ) pass if options().out: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="Timeout Error") elif options().errorfile: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="Timeout Error") except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: if options().noerrors: pass elif not options().noerrors: print( f"{self.WHITE}URL:{self.RED} {url}\n{self.WHITE}Status:{self.RED}Read Timeout Error{self.RESET}\n" ) pass if options().out: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="Read Timeout Error") elif options().errorfile: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="Read Timeout Error") # Redirect Errors except requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects: if options().noerrors: pass elif not options().noerrors: print( f"{self.WHITE}URL:{self.RED} {url}\n{self.WHITE}Status:{self.RED}Too Many Redirects Error{self.RESET}\n" ) pass if options().out: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="Too Many Redirects Error") elif options().errorfile: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="Too Many Redirects Error") # MISC Errors except TypeError: if options().noerrors: pass elif not options().noerrors: print( f"{self.WHITE}URL:{self.RED} {url}\n{self.WHITE}Status:{self.RED}Type Error{self.RESET}\n" ) pass if options().out: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="Type Error") elif options().errorfile: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="Type Error") except UnicodeError: if options().noerrors: pass elif not options().noerrors: print( f"{self.WHITE}URL:{self.RED} {url}\n{self.WHITE}Status:{self.RED}Unicode Error{self.RESET}\n" ) pass if options().out: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="Unicode Error") elif options().errorfile: self.errors(url=url, rurl=None, status="Unicode Error") except AttributeError: # Although status code probability is most likely 200. The status code is still an undetermined error. For that, if noerror mode is enabled, pass. if options().noerrors: pass elif not options().noerrors: print( f"{self.WHITE}URL:{self.GREEN} {url}\n{self.WHITE}Redirect:{self.BLUE} {rurl}\n{self.WHITE}Status Code:{self.RED} Undetermined\n{self.WHITE}Status Code Probability:{self.YELLOW} 200{self.RESET}\n" ) pass if options().out: self.errors(url=url, rurl=rurl, status="Undetermined\nStaus Code Probability: 200") elif options().errorfile: self.errors(url=url, rurl=rurl, status="Undetermined\nStaus Code Probability: 200") # If user cancels program except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0)
def success(self, url, rurl, port, IP, statuscode): with open(options().out, "a") as f: f.write( f"URL: {url}\nRedirect: {rurl}\nPort: {port}\nIP: {IP}\nStatus Code: {statuscode}\n\n" )