def get_blacklist(self): conn = get_mysql_conn('db_stock', 'local') cursor = conn.cursor() query = 'select CODE from tb_blacklist' cursor.execute(query) ret = cursor.fetchall() return [i[0] for i in ret]
def break_low(self, date): ''' 筛选出一年内创新低的股票 :param date: 某一天的日期 ‘'2017-11-11 :return: ''' # cmd = 'select * from `{}`'.format(date) df = pd.read_sql_table(date, daily_engine, index_col='index') # **** 这里的index需要删除一个 low_db = get_mysql_conn('db_selection') low_cursor = low_db.cursor() for i in range(len(df)): code = df.loc[i]['code'] cur_low = df.loc[i]['low'] mins_date, mins = self.get_lowest(code, '2017', date) if not mins_date: continue if mins and float(cur_low) <= float(mins) and float( cur_low) != 0.0: print(code, ) print(df.loc[i]['name']) print('year mins {} at {}'.format(mins, mins_date)) print('curent mins ', cur_low) create_cmd = 'create table if not exists break_low' \ '(`index` int primary key auto_increment,datetime datetime,code text,name text,low_price float,last_price float, last_price_date datetime);' low_cursor.execute(create_cmd) insert_cmd = 'insert into break_low (datetime,code,name,low_price,last_price,last_price_date) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);' insert_data = (date, code, df.loc[i]['name'], cur_low, mins, mins_date) low_cursor.execute(insert_cmd, insert_data) low_db.commit()
def get_code(name): conn = get_mysql_conn('db_stock') cur = conn.cursor() cmd = 'select code from tb_basic_info where name=\'{}\''.format(name) cur.execute(cmd) ret = cur.fetchone() return ret[0]
def clone_database(): local_db = get_mysql_conn('db_zdt', local=True) cur = local_db.cursor() cur.execute('show tables') tables = cur.fetchall() local_engine = get_engine('db_zdt', local=True) dfs = [] for table in tables: try: result = re.findall('(\d+)zdt$', table[0]) if result: print(table[0]) current = result[0] # d= datetime.datetime.strptime(current,'%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # print(d) df = pd.read_sql(table[0], local_engine, index_col='index') # df['涨停日期']=d df = df.rename(columns={ '最后一次涨停时间A': '最后一次涨停时间', '第一次涨停时间A': '第一次涨停时间' }) try: print(df.head()) df.to_sql(table[0], local_engine, if_exists='replace') except Exception as e: print(e) except Exception as e: print(e) print(table[0])
def dongbei(code): dongbei_area = ['黑龙江','吉林','辽宁'] conn = get_mysql_conn('db_stock') cur = conn.cursor() cmd = 'select area from tb_basic_info where code=\'{}\''.format(code) cur.execute(cmd) ret = cur.fetchone() if ret[0] in dongbei_area: return True else: return False
def check_blacklist(code): conn = get_mysql_conn('db_stock') cur = conn.cursor() cmd = 'select * from tb_blacklist where code=\'{}\''.format(code) cur.execute(cmd) ret = cur.fetchone() if len(ret)==0: return False else: print(ret[3]) return True
def update_sold(self): cur = self.conn.cursor() tb_name = 'tb_sold_stock' cur.execute('select * from {}'.format(tb_name)) content = cur.fetchall() db_daily = get_mysql_conn('db_daily') db_cursor = db_daily.cursor() stock_table ='%Y-%m-%d') # stock_table = '2018-05-02' for i in content: cmd = 'select `trade` from `{}` where `code`=\'{}\''.format( stock_table, i[0]) print(cmd) db_cursor.execute(cmd) ret = db_cursor.fetchone() sold_price = i[3] percentange = round( float(ret[0] - sold_price) / sold_price * 100, 2) update_cmd = 'update `{}` set `当前价`={} ,`卖出后涨跌幅`= {} where `代码`=\'{}\''.format( tb_name, ret[0], percentange, i[0]) print(update_cmd) cur.execute(update_cmd) self.conn.commit()
def merge_database(): local_db = get_mysql_conn('db_zdt', local=True) cur = local_db.cursor() cur.execute('show tables') tables = cur.fetchall() local_engine = get_engine('db_zdt', local=True) dfs = [] for table in tables: try: result = re.findall('(\d+)zdt$', table[0]) if len(result) > 0: print(table[0]) df = pd.read_sql(table[0], local_engine, index_col='index') dfs.append(df) except Exception as e: print(e) print(table[0]) dfx = pd.concat(dfs) print(dfx.head()) # ali_engine = get_engine(None,local=False) local_engine_stock = get_engine('db_stock', local=True) dfx.to_sql('tb_zdt', local_engine_stock, if_exists='replace')
# @Time : 2020/2/26 9:38 # @File : # 查看基金最后暴力拉伸的 import datetime import random import time from configure.settings import get_mysql_conn,llogger import tushare as ts table='2020-02-25' # 用于获取code列 conn = get_mysql_conn('db_fund', local='local')'%Y-%m-%d') print(today) logger = llogger(f'{today}_fund_raise_monitor.log') query='select `基金代码`,`基金简称` from `2020-02-25`' # print(query) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(query) ret = cursor.fetchall() code_list=[] for item in ret: code = item[0] df = ts.get_realtime_quotes(code) close_p=float(df['pre_close'].values[0]) b1=float(df['b1_p'].values[0]) a1=float(df['a1_p'].values[0])
def getinfo(days=-30): last_day = + datetime.timedelta(days=days) url = "{}&num=20&showstock=0" page = 1 temp_time = time.strftime("[%Y-%m-%d]-[%H-%M]", time.localtime()) store_filename = "StockNews-%s.log" % temp_time f_open =, 'w', 'utf-8') db_name = 'db_stock' conn = get_mysql_conn(db_name, local='local') cur = conn.cursor() run_flag = True while run_flag: headers = { 'Referer': '', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.131 Safari/537.36', } retry = 3 response = None for _ in range(retry): try: response = requests.get(url=url.format(page), headers=headers) response.encoding = 'utf8' except Exception as e: if hasattr(e, 'code'):"error code %d" % e.code) elif hasattr(e, 'reason'):"error reason %s " % e.reason) time.sleep(5) else: if response.status_code == 200: break try: text = response.text.encode('utf8').decode('unicode_escape') js = 'jQuery19107348148582372209_1557710326005\((.*?)\)$', text, re.S).group(1) js = re.sub('\r\n', '', js) js_data = json.loads(js) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return None content = js_data.get('data', {}).get('item', {}) if content is None: continue for item in content: title = item.get('title') if '晚间重要公告集锦' in title or '停复牌汇总' in title: continue link = item.get('link') link = link.replace('\\', '') pubdate_t = item.get('time') pubdate_dtype = datetime.datetime.strptime(pubdate_t, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if pubdate_dtype < last_day: run_flag = False keyword = item.get('keyword') if keyword: keyword = ' '.join(keyword) sub_content = None for i in range(2): try: sub_content = requests.get(url=link, headers=headers) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) continue # 重试 else: if sub_content.status_code == 200: break root = Selector(text=sub_content.text) detail_content = root.xpath('//div[@id="qmt_content_div"]')[ 0].xpath('string(.)').extract_first() if detail_content: detail_content = detail_content.strip() temp_tuple = (pubdate_dtype, title, link, detail_content, keyword) insert_sql = 'insert into tb_cnstock (Date,Title,URL,Content,keyword) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' # es try: pubdate_dtype = pubdate_dtype.strftime("%Y-%m-%d" 'T' "%H:%M:%S") body = { 'Title': title, 'ULR': link, 'keyword': keyword, 'content': detail_content, 'Date': pubdate_dtype } es.index(index='cnstock', doc_type='doc', body=body) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) # mysql try: cur.execute(insert_sql, temp_tuple) conn.commit() except Exception as e: logger.error(e) conn.rollback() file_content = '{} ---- {}\n{}\n\n'.format(pubdate_t, title, link) f_open.write(file_content) page += 1 f_open.close()
def __init__(self): self.conn = get_mysql_conn('db_stock', local=True) self.cur = self.conn.cursor() self.table_name = 'tb_profit' ='%Y-%m-%d')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2019/1/19 14:37 # @File : # 股东信息获取 import pandas as pd import time import pymysql import tushare as ts import config from configure.settings import get_mysql_conn conn = get_mysql_conn('db_stock', 'local') cursor = conn.cursor() token = config.token ts.set_token(token) pro = ts.pro_api() def get_stock_list(): df = pro.stock_basic(exchange='', list_status='L', fields='ts_code,symbol,name,area,industry,list_date') return dict(zip(list(df['ts_code'].values), list(df['name'].values))) # 生产日期 2000到2018 def create_date(): start_date = '20{}0101' end_date = '20{}1231'