cmap = asianFont['cmap'] for t, s in OpenCC_T2S.items(): us = str(ord(s)) if us in cmap: ut = str(ord(t)) cmap[ut] = cmap[us] if __name__ == '__main__': param = sys.argv[1] param = json.loads(param) dep = configure.ResolveDependency(param) with open( "build/noto/{}.otd".format(configure.GenerateFilename( dep['Latin'])), 'rb') as baseFile: baseFont = json.loads('UTF-8', errors='replace')) upm = baseFont["head"]["unitsPerEm"] if (upm != 1000): Rebase(baseFont, 1000 / upm, roundToInt=True) NameFont(param, baseFont) hhea = baseFont["hhea"] os_2 = baseFont["OS_2"] if os_2["version"] < 4: os_2["version"] = 4 hhea['ascender'] = 880 hhea['descender'] = -120 hhea['lineGap'] = 200 os_2['sTypoAscender'] = 880
cff['version'] = configure.config.version if 'notice' in cff: del cff['notice'] cff['copyright'] = configure.config.copyright cff['fontName'] = friendly[1033].replace(" ", "-") cff['fullName'] = friendly[1033] cff['familyName'] = family[1033] cff['weight'] = subfamily if __name__ == '__main__': param = sys.argv[1] param = Namespace(**json.loads(param)) dep = configure.ResolveDependency(param) with open("noto/{}.otd".format(configure.GenerateFilename(dep['Latin'])), 'rb') as baseFile: baseFont = json.loads('UTF-8', errors='replace')) NameFont(param, baseFont) baseFont['hhea']['ascender'] = 880 baseFont['hhea']['descender'] = -120 baseFont['hhea']['lineGap'] = 200 baseFont['OS_2']['sTypoAscender'] = 880 baseFont['OS_2']['sTypoDescender'] = -120 baseFont['OS_2']['sTypoLineGap'] = 200 baseFont['OS_2']['fsSelection']['useTypoMetrics'] = True baseFont['OS_2']['usWinAscent'] = 1050 baseFont['OS_2']['usWinDescent'] = 300 # replace numerals if in [ "WarcraftSans", "WarcraftUI" ]:
import sys import json import codecs from types import SimpleNamespace as Namespace import configure if __name__ == '__main__': param = sys.argv[1] param = Namespace(**json.loads(param)) dep = Namespace(**param.__dict__) dep.encoding = "unspec" with open("nowar/{}.otd".format(configure.GenerateFilename(dep)), 'rb') as baseFile: baseFont = json.loads('UTF-8', errors='replace')) baseFont['OS_2']['ulCodePageRange1'][param.encoding] = True outStr = json.dumps(baseFont, ensure_ascii=False) with"nowar/{}.otd".format(configure.GenerateFilename(param)), 'w', 'UTF-8') as outFile: outFile.write(outStr)
fuColonKernValue = { "CN": (0, -300), "TW": (-150, -150), "HK": (-150, -150), "JP": (-150, -150), "KR": (-150, -150), "CL": (-150, -150), "GB": (0, -300), } if __name__ == "__main__": param = sys.argv[1] param = json.loads(param) font = TTFont("build/unkerned-otf/{}.otf".format( configure.GenerateFilename(param)), recalcBBoxes=False, recalcTimestamp=False) kern = newTable('kern') kern.version = 0 kern.kernTables = [ BuildGenericKernSubtable(font, "CyR" not in param["feature"]) ] font['kern'] = kern if "F**K" in param["feature"]: left, right = fuColonKernValue[param["region"]] kern.kernTables.append(BuildFuColonKernSubtable(font, left, right))"build/final-otf/{}.otf".format(
if 'notice' in cff: del cff['notice'] cff['copyright'] = configure.config.copyright cff['fontName'] = friendly.replace(" ", "-") cff['fullName'] = friendly cff['familyName'] = family cff['weight'] = subfamily if __name__ == '__main__': param = sys.argv[1] param = Namespace(**json.loads(param)) dep = configure.ResolveDependency(param) with open("noto/{}.otd".format(configure.GenerateFilename(dep['Latin'])), 'rb') as baseFile: baseFont = json.loads('UTF-8', errors='replace')) NameFont(param, baseFont) baseFont['hhea']['ascender'] = 850 baseFont['hhea']['descender'] = -150 baseFont['hhea']['lineGap'] = 200 baseFont['OS_2']['sTypoAscender'] = 850 baseFont['OS_2']['sTypoDescender'] = -150 baseFont['OS_2']['sTypoLineGap'] = 200 baseFont['OS_2']['fsSelection']['useTypoMetrics'] = True baseFont['OS_2']['usWinAscent'] = 1050 baseFont['OS_2']['usWinDescent'] = 300
import sys import json import codecs import configure if __name__ == '__main__': param = sys.argv[1] param = json.loads(param) dep = {**param, "encoding": "unspec"} with open("build/nowar/{}.otd".format(configure.GenerateFilename(dep)), 'rb') as baseFile: baseFont = json.loads('UTF-8', errors='replace')) baseFont['OS_2']['ulCodePageRange1'][param["encoding"]] = True outStr = json.dumps(baseFont, ensure_ascii=False, separators=(',', ':')) with "build/nowar/{}.otd".format(configure.GenerateFilename(param)), 'w', 'UTF-8') as outFile: outFile.write(outStr)
import sys import json import codecs from types import SimpleNamespace as Namespace import configure if __name__ == '__main__': param = sys.argv[1] param = Namespace(**json.loads(param)) dep = Namespace(**param.__dict__) dep.encoding = "unspec" with open("build/nowar/{}.otd".format(configure.GenerateFilename(dep)), 'rb') as baseFile: baseFont = json.loads('UTF-8', errors='replace')) baseFont['OS_2']['ulCodePageRange1'][param.encoding] = True outStr = json.dumps(baseFont, ensure_ascii=False, separators=(',',':')) with"build/nowar/{}.otd".format(configure.GenerateFilename(param)), 'w', 'UTF-8') as outFile: outFile.write(outStr)
if v in substitution: asianFont['cmap'][k] = substitution[v] # Rewrite this table st = {} for u in asianSymbol: u = str(u) if u in baseFont['cmap'] and u in asianFont['cmap']: st[baseFont['cmap'][u]] = asianFont['cmap'][u] lut['subtables'] = [ st ] if __name__ == '__main__': param = configure.ParamFromArgument(sys.argv[1]) dep = configure.ResolveDependency(param) with open("build/noto/{}.otd".format(configure.GenerateFilename(dep['Latin'])), 'rb') as baseFile: baseFont = json.loads('UTF-8', errors='replace')) NameFont(param, baseFont) SetHintFlag(baseFont) baseFont['hhea']['ascender'] = 880 baseFont['hhea']['descender'] = -120 baseFont['hhea']['lineGap'] = 200 baseFont['OS_2']['sTypoAscender'] = 880 baseFont['OS_2']['sTypoDescender'] = -120 baseFont['OS_2']['sTypoLineGap'] = 200 baseFont['OS_2']['fsSelection']['useTypoMetrics'] = True baseFont['OS_2']['usWinAscent'] = 1050 baseFont['OS_2']['usWinDescent'] = 300 with open("build/shs/{}.otd".format(configure.GenerateFilename(dep['CJK'])), 'rb') as asianFile: