def open_consumer(stream_host_and_port_list, topic_name, group_name): consumer = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': stream_host_and_port_list, # kafka broker '': group_name, # consumer group 'api.version.request':'true' }) consumer.subscribe([topic_name]) return consumer
def analytics_internet3_logs(): consumer = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': kafka_hosts, '': 'Internet3_logs_%s' %dt, 'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'latest', 'auto.commit.enable': 'true'}}) consumer.subscribe(['haproxy_logs']) try: while True: msg = consumer.poll() if not msg.error(): Msg = msg.value().decode('utf-8').strip() try: tm = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M', time.localtime()) if Msg: Msg = Msg.split() if len(Msg) >= 17: internet_access_minute = 'internet_access_minute_%s' % tm RC.incr(internet_access_minute) RC.expire(internet_access_minute,3600) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) continue elif msg.error().code() != KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: logging.error(msg.error()) continue except Exception as e: logging.error(e) finally: consumer.close()
def test_any_method_after_close_throws_exception(): """ Calling any consumer method after close should thorw a RuntimeError """ c = Consumer({'': 'test', '': True, '': False, '': 50, '': 100}) c.subscribe(["test"]) c.unsubscribe() c.close() with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex: c.subscribe(['test']) assert 'Consumer closed' == str(ex.value) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex: c.unsubscribe() assert 'Consumer closed' == str(ex.value) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex: c.poll() assert 'Consumer closed' == str(ex.value) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex: c.consume() assert 'Consumer closed' == str(ex.value) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex: c.assign([TopicPartition('test', 0)]) assert 'Consumer closed' == str(ex.value) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex: c.unassign() assert 'Consumer closed' == str(ex.value) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex: c.assignment() assert 'Consumer closed' == str(ex.value) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex: c.commit() assert 'Consumer closed' == str(ex.value) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex: c.committed([TopicPartition("test", 0)]) assert 'Consumer closed' == str(ex.value) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex: c.position([TopicPartition("test", 0)]) assert 'Consumer closed' == str(ex.value) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex:[TopicPartition("test", 0, 0)]) assert 'Consumer closed' == str(ex.value) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex: lo, hi = c.get_watermark_offsets(TopicPartition("test", 0)) assert 'Consumer closed' == str(ex.value)
def test_basic_api(): """ Basic API tests, these wont really do anything since there is no broker configured. """ try: kc = Consumer() except TypeError as e: assert str(e) == "expected configuration dict" def dummy_commit_cb (err, partitions): pass kc = Consumer({'':'test', '':'100', '': 1000, # Avoid close() blocking too long 'on_commit': dummy_commit_cb}) kc.subscribe(["test"]) kc.unsubscribe() def dummy_assign_revoke (consumer, partitions): pass kc.subscribe(["test"], on_assign=dummy_assign_revoke, on_revoke=dummy_assign_revoke) kc.unsubscribe() msg = kc.poll(timeout=0.001) if msg is None: print('OK: poll() timeout') elif msg.error(): print('OK: consumer error: %s' % msg.error().str()) else: print('OK: consumed message') partitions = list(map(lambda p: TopicPartition("test", p), range(0,100,3))) kc.assign(partitions) kc.unassign() kc.commit(async=True) try: kc.commit(async=False) except KafkaException as e: assert e.args[0].code() in (KafkaError._TIMED_OUT, KafkaError._NO_OFFSET) # Get current position, should all be invalid. kc.position(partitions) assert len([p for p in partitions if p.offset == -1001]) == len(partitions) try: offsets = kc.committed(partitions, timeout=0.001) except KafkaException as e: assert e.args[0].code() == KafkaError._TIMED_OUT kc.close()
def consume(): c = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': KAFKA_SERVER, '': 'mygroup', 'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest'}}) c.subscribe([KAFKA_TOPIC]) while True: msg = c.poll() if not msg.error(): print('Received message: %s' % msg.value().decode('utf-8')) c.close()
def subscribe(): c = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': '0', '': 'test-consumer-group', 'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest'}}) c.subscribe(['neuronraindata']) while True: msg = c.poll() if not msg.error() and msg.value(): print('Received message: ' , msg.value().encode("utf-8")) else: print(msg.error()) c.close()
class KafkaWorkflowResultsReceiver(object): _requires = ['confluent-kafka'] def __init__(self, message_converter=ProtobufWorkflowResultsConverter, current_app=None): import walkoff.server.workflowresults # Need this import self.thread_exit = False kafka_config = walkoff.config.Config.WORKFLOW_RESULTS_KAFKA_CONFIG self.receiver = Consumer(kafka_config) self.topic = walkoff.config.Config.WORKFLOW_RESULTS_KAFKA_TOPIC self.message_converter = message_converter self.workflows_executed = 0 if current_app is None: self.current_app = Flask(__name__) self.current_app.config.from_object(walkoff.config.Config) self.current_app.running_context = context.Context(init_all=False) else: self.current_app = current_app def receive_results(self): """Constantly receives data from the Kafka Consumer and handles it accordingly"""'Starting Kafka workflow results receiver') self.receiver.subscribe(['{}.*'.format(self.topic)]) while not self.thread_exit: raw_message = self.receiver.poll(1.0) if raw_message is None: gevent.sleep(0.1) continue if raw_message.error(): if raw_message.error().code() == KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: gevent.sleep(0.1) continue else: logger.error('Received an error in Kafka receiver: {}'.format(raw_message.error())) gevent.sleep(0.1) continue with self.current_app.app_context(): self._send_callback(raw_message.value()) self.receiver.close() return def _send_callback(self, message_bytes): event, sender, data = self.message_converter.to_event_callback(message_bytes) if sender is not None and event is not None: with self.current_app.app_context(): event.send(sender, data=data) if event in [WalkoffEvent.WorkflowShutdown, WalkoffEvent.WorkflowAborted]: self._increment_execution_count() def _increment_execution_count(self): self.workflows_executed += 1
def analytics_intranet_logs(): consumer = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': kafka_hosts, '': 'Intranet_logs_%s' %dt,'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'latest','auto.commit.enable':'true'}}) consumer.subscribe(['haproxy2_logs']) try: while True: msg = consumer.poll() if not msg.error(): Msg = msg.value().decode('utf-8').strip() try: tt = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.localtime()) th = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H', time.localtime()) tm = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M', time.localtime()) H_key = 'haproxy2_topic_%s' % tt top2_url_hour = 'top2_url_hour_%s' % th top2_url_minute = 'top2_url_minute_%s' % tm if len(Msg.split()) >= 17: val = Msg.split('{') if len(val) >= 2: Topic = val[1].split('}')[0] Rtime = val[0].split()[8] Rtime = int(Rtime.split('/')[4]) if ':' in Topic: Topic = str(Topic.split(':')[0]) if '|' in Topic: Topic = str(Topic.split('|')[0]) if '' in Topic: Key = 'haproxy2_logs_%s_%s' % (tt, Topic) Rt_Key = 'Rtime2_%s_%s' % (tt, Topic) # 接口 PATH = str(Msg.split()[17]).split('?')[0] URL = 'http://%s%s' % (Topic,PATH) RC.zincrby(top2_url_hour, URL, 1) RC.zincrby(top2_url_minute, URL, 1) for KEY in (H_key, Key, Rt_Key,top2_url_hour,top2_url_minute): RC.expire(KEY,3600) RC.sadd(H_key, Topic) RC.incr(Key) if Rtime: RC.lpush(Rt_Key, Rtime) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) continue elif msg.error().code() != KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: logging.error(msg.error()) continue except Exception as e: logging.error(e) finally: consumer.close()
def analytics_internet_logs(): consumer = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': kafka_hosts, '': 'Internet_logs_%s' %dt,'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'latest','auto.commit.enable':'true'}}) consumer.subscribe(['haproxy_logs']) try: while True: msg = consumer.poll() if not msg.error(): Msg = msg.value().decode('utf-8').strip() try: tt = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.localtime()) th = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H', time.localtime()) pv_key = 'baihe_pv_%s' % tt if Msg: Msg = Msg.split() RC.incr(pv_key) if len(Msg) >= 17: Topic = str(Msg[14]).split('|')[0].replace('{', '').strip() IP = str(Msg[5]) H_key = 'haproxy_topic_%s' % tt top_ip = 'top_ip_%s' % tt top_ip_hour = 'top_ip_%s' % th top_url_hour = 'top_url_%s' % th PATH = str(Msg[16]).split('?')[0] URL = 'http://%s%s' % (Topic,PATH) Ha_Key = 'haproxy_logs_%s_%s' % (tt, Topic) top_ip_domain = 'top_%s_domain_%s' % (IP, tt) top_ip_domain_hour = 'top_%s_domain_%s' % (IP, th) for KEY in (H_key, pv_key, top_ip, top_url_hour, top_ip_hour,Ha_Key, top_ip_domain, top_ip_domain_hour): RC.expire(KEY,3600) RC.sadd(H_key, Topic) RC.incr(Ha_Key) # ip RC.zincrby(top_ip, IP, 1) RC.zincrby(top_ip_hour, IP, 1) # IP_接口 RC.zincrby(top_ip_domain, URL, 1) RC.zincrby(top_ip_domain_hour, URL, 1) # 接口 RC.zincrby(top_url_hour, URL, 1) except: continue elif msg.error().code() != KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: logging.error(msg.error()) continue except Exception as e: logging.error(e) finally: consumer.close()
def test_multiple_close_throw_exception(): """ Calling Consumer.close() multiple times should throw Runtime Exception """ c = Consumer({'': 'test', '': True, '': False, '': 50, '': 100}) c.subscribe(["test"]) c.unsubscribe() c.close() with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex: c.close() assert 'Consumer already closed' == str(ex.value)
def WAF_logs(): consumer = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': kafka_hosts, '': 'Waf_logs_%s' %dt,'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'latest','auto.commit.enable':'true'}}) consumer.subscribe(['haproxy_logs']) try: while True: msg = consumer.poll() if not msg.error(): Msg = msg.value().decode('utf-8').strip() try: tm = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M',time.localtime()) if Msg: Msg = Msg.split() if len(Msg) >= 17: url_code = Msg[9] Topic =str(Msg[14]).split('|')[0].replace('{','').strip() IP = str(Msg[5]) if url_code in ('200', '206', '301', '302', '304', '404'): top_ip_minute = 'top_ip_%s' % tm top_url_minute = 'top_url_%s' % tm PATH = str(Msg[16]).split('?')[0] URL = 'http://%s%s' % (Topic,PATH) top_ip_domain_minute = 'top_%s_domain_%s' % (IP, tm) top_url_ip_minute = 'top_%s_ip_%s' % (URL, tm) # ip RC.zincrby(top_ip_minute, IP, 1) RC.expire(top_ip_minute, 300) # IP_接口 RC.zincrby(top_ip_domain_minute, URL, 1) RC.expire(top_ip_domain_minute, 300) # 接口 RC.zincrby(top_url_minute, URL, 1) RC.expire(top_url_minute, 300) # 接口_ip RC.zincrby(top_url_ip_minute, IP, 1) RC.expire(top_url_ip_minute, 300) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) continue elif msg.error().code() != KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: logging.error(msg.error()) continue except Exception as e: logging.error(e) finally: consumer.close()
def test_store_offsets(): """ Basic store_offsets() tests """ c = Consumer({'': 'test', '': True, '': False, '': 50, '': 100}) c.subscribe(["test"]) try: c.store_offsets(offsets=[TopicPartition("test", 0, 42)]) except KafkaException as e: assert e.args[0].code() == KafkaError._UNKNOWN_PARTITION c.unsubscribe() c.close()
def test_calling_store_offsets_after_close_throws_erro(): """ calling store_offset after close should throw RuntimeError """ c = Consumer({'': 'test', '': True, '': False, '': 50, '': 100}) c.subscribe(["test"]) c.unsubscribe() c.close() with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex: c.store_offsets(offsets=[TopicPartition("test", 0, 42)]) assert 'Consumer closed' == str(ex.value) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex: c.offsets_for_times([TopicPartition("test", 0)]) assert 'Consumer closed' == str(ex.value)
async def consume_events(topic, group, brokers, callback, schema=None,registry=None,delay=0.01,**kwargs): """ Connect to the Kafka endpoint and start consuming messages from the given `topic`. The given callback is applied on each message. """ global consumer if topic in consumers: raise RuntimeError("A consumer already exists for topic: %s" % topic) if (not registry_serializer or not registry_client) and registry: r_client,serializer = create_registry_client(registry) consumer = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': brokers, '': group, 'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'largest'}}) consumer.subscribe([topic]) consumers[topic] = consumer try: while True: message = consumer.poll(1) if message: if not message.error(): if registry: message = serializer.decode_message(message.value()) else: message = message.value() await callback(message) consumer.commit() else: await asyncio.sleep(delay) except KafkaException as ex: pass else: consumer.close() finally: consumers.pop(topic, None)
if __name__ == '__main__': from confluent_kafka import Consumer, KafkaError # 'enable.partition.eof': False # # # c = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': '<kafka server>', '': 'mygroup', 'enable.partition.eof': False, 'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest'}}) c.subscribe(['<topic>']) running = True while running: msg = c.poll() if not msg.error(): print('Received message: %s' % msg.value().decode('utf-8')) elif msg.error().code() != KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: print(msg.error()) running = False c.close()
def consumer(args, poll_timeout=3.0): """ Consumes packets from a Kafka topic. """ # setup the signal handler signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # where to start consuming messages from kafka_offset_options = { "begin": seek_to_begin, "end": seek_to_end, "stored": seek_to_stored } on_assign_cb = kafka_offset_options[args.kafka_offset] # connect to kafka logging.debug("Connecting to Kafka; %s", args.kafka_configs) kafka_consumer = Consumer(args.kafka_configs) kafka_consumer.subscribe([args.kafka_topic], on_assign=on_assign_cb) # if 'pretty-print' not set, write libpcap global header if args.pretty_print == 0: sys.stdout.write(global_header(args)) sys.stdout.flush() try: pkts_in = 0 while not finished.is_set() and (args.max_packets <= 0 or pkts_in < args.max_packets): # consume a message from kafka msg = kafka_consumer.poll(timeout=poll_timeout) if msg is None: # no message received continue; elif msg.error(): if msg.error().code() == KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: if args.pretty_print > 0: print "Reached end of topar: topic=%s, partition=%d, offset=%s" % ( msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset()) else: raise KafkaException(msg.error()) else: pkts_in += 1 logging.debug("Packet received: pkts_in=%d", pkts_in) if args.pretty_print == 0: # write the packet header and packet sys.stdout.write(packet_header(msg)) sys.stdout.write(msg.value()) sys.stdout.flush() elif pkts_in % args.pretty_print == 0: # pretty print print 'Packet[%s]: date=%s topic=%s partition=%s offset=%s len=%s' % ( pkts_in, to_date(unpack_ts(msg.key())), args.kafka_topic, msg.partition(), msg.offset(), len(msg.value())) finally: sys.stdout.close() kafka_consumer.close()
class StreamAbsGen(object): def __init__(self,data_storage,data_source): #For Apache Cassandra, HBase and Hive, code from for HiveServer2, and has been #replicated in __iter__(). #Possible storages: #self.data_storage="file" #self.data_storage="hive" #self.data_storage="hbase" #self.data_storage="cassandra" #self.data_storage="USBWWAN_stream" #self.data_storage="KingCobra" #self.data_storage="Spark_Parquet" #self.data_storage="AsFer_Encoded_Strings" self.data_storage=data_storage #Possible datasources: #self.data_source="RZF" #self.data_source="movielens" #self.data_source="USBWWAN" #self.data_source="file" #self.data_source="KingCobra" #self.data_source="Spark_Streaming" #self.data_source="NeuronRain" self.data_source=data_source if self.data_storage=="KingCobra": self.inputfile=open("/var/log/kingcobra/REQUEST_REPLY.queue") if self.data_storage=="AsFer_Encoded_Strings": self.inputfile=open("../cpp-src/asfer.enterprise.encstr") if self.data_storage=="file": self.inputfile=open(data_source,"r") if self.data_storage=="USBWWAN_stream": self.inputfile=open("../../usb-md-github-code/usb_wwan_modified/testlogs/kern.log.print_buffer_byte") if self.data_storage=="hbase": self.hbase_connection = happybase.Connection(host='localhost',port=9090,transport='buffered') self.hbase_table = self.hbase_connection.table('stream_data') print "StreamAbsGen:__init__():connected to HBase table" if self.data_storage=="hive": #pyhs2 client - requires SASL self.hive_conn=pyhs2.connect(host='localhost', port=10000, authMechanism="PLAIN", user='******', password='******', database='default') self.hive_cur=self.hive_conn.cursor() #Show databases print self.hive_cur.getDatabases() #Execute query self.hive_cur.execute("CREATE TABLE stream_data (alphanum STRING)") self.hive_cur.execute("select * from stream_data") #Return column info from query print self.hive_cur.getSchema() print "StreamAbsGen:__init__():connected to Hive table" if self.data_storage=="cassandra": self.session ='cassandrakeyspace') inputf=open('') for line in inputf: linetoks=line.split(' ') query='INSERT INTO stream_data(row_id,alphanum) VALUES (\''+linetoks[0]+'\',\''+linetoks[1]+'\');' print query session.execute(query) self.query='SELECT * FROM stream_data' self.resultrows=self.session.execute(self.query) print "StreamAbsGen:__init__(): connected to Cassandra" if self.data_storage=="Kafka": self.c = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': '0', '': 'test-consumer-group', 'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest'}}) self.c.subscribe(['neuronraindata']) if self.data_storage=="Socket_Streaming": self.streaming_host=self.data_source self.streaming_port=64001 if self.data_storage=="OperatingSystem": self.streaming_host="localhost" if self.data_storage=="TextHistogramPartition": self.partition_stream=[] for ds in data_source: self.partition_stream.append(open(ds,"r")) if self.data_storage=="DictionaryHistogramPartition": self.partition_stream=open(data_source,"r") def __iter__(self): if self.data_storage=="Spark_Parquet": self.spark=SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()"../java-src/bigdata_analytics/spark_streaming/word.parquet") row: (row.word)) spark_stream_parquet_DS=spark_stream_parquet.rdd.filter(lambda row: row.word not in [' ','or','and','who','he','she','whom','well','is','was','were','are','there','where','when','may', 'The', 'the', 'In','in','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z',' ','.', '"', ',', '{', '}', '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '&', '(', ')', '[', ']', '=', '@', '#', ':', '|', ';','\'s','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0']) for r in spark_stream_parquet_DS.collect(): print "StreamiAbsGen(Spark Parquet): iterator yielding %s" % r.word.encode("UTF-8") yield r.word.encode("UTF-8") if self.data_storage=="KingCobra": for i in self.inputfile: print "StreamAbsGen(file storage): iterator yielding %s" % i yield i if self.data_storage=="hbase": for key,value in self.hbase_table.scan(): print "StreamAbsGen(HBase storage): iterator yielding %s" % i yield value['cf:alphanum'] if self.data_storage=="AsFer_Encoded_Strings": for i in self.inputfile: print "StreamAbsGen(file storage): iterator yielding %s" % i yield i if self.data_storage=="file": for i in self.inputfile: words=i.split() for word in words: print "StreamAbsGen(file storage): iterator yielding %s" % word.strip() yield word.strip() if self.data_storage=="hive": #Fetch table results for i in self.hive_cur.fetch(): print "StreamAbsGen(Hive storage): iterator yielding %s" % i[0] yield i[0] if self.data_storage=="cassandra": for row in self.resultrows: #print row.row_id,' ',row.alphanum print "StreamAbsGen(Cassandra storage): iterator yielding %s" % row.alphanum yield row.alphanum if self.data_storage=="USBWWAN_stream": for i in self.inputfile: #print "StreamAbsGen(USBWWAN byte stream data): iterator yielding %s" % i yield i if self.data_storage=="Kafka": while True: print "Polling Kafka topic to receive message ..." msg = self.c.poll() if not msg.error() and msg.value(): print('Received message: ' , msg.value().encode("utf-8")) yield msg else: print(msg.error()) self.c.close() if self.data_storage=="Socket_Streaming": s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((self.streaming_host,self.streaming_port)) print "socket_streaming_client(): host = ",self.streaming_host,"; post=",self.streaming_port data="" while data != None: data=s.recv(100) yield data if self.data_storage=="OperatingSystem" and self.data_source=="SchedulerRunQueue": from DeepLearning_SchedulerAnalytics import sched_debug_runqueue while True: schedrunqueue=sched_debug_runqueue() #df=DataFrame(data=schedrunqueue) #yield df yield schedrunqueue if self.data_storage=="TextHistogramPartition": = SparkContext() for ps in self.partition_stream: line: line.split(" ")).map(lambda word: (word,[1])).reduceByKey(lambda v1,v2: v1+v2).groupByKey().mapValues(list) partition=partition_stream_DS.collect() print "partition:",partition if partition[0] is not '': print "StreamAbsGen(Spark Parquet): iterator yielding labelled partition: %s" % partition yield partition if self.data_storage=="DictionaryHistogramPartition": dict_stream=ast.literal_eval( for d in dict_stream: yield d
kafka_settings = { 'bootstrap.servers': kafka_server, '': 'kafka_scanner_clients', '': 'kafka_scanner_client_%s' % kafka_scanner_name, '': True, '': 6000, 'security.protocol': 'SSL', '': '/Certs/client-ca.cer', 'ssl.certificate.location': '/Certs/client.cer', 'ssl.key.location': '/Certs/client.key', 'ssl.key.password': kafka_ssl_password, 'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest' } try: consumer = Consumer(kafka_settings) consumer.subscribe(['ENTITY_RISK_LEVEL']) except: print( Fore.RED + 'There was an issue with your kafka consumer settings. Please ensure the SSL certs are in the correct directory and your settings are correct.' ) continue print(Fore.GREEN + 'Your kafka settings were successful. Moving on.') break # Write out configuration file print() print(Fore.CYAN + 'Writing Kafka Scanner settings configuration...' + Fore.RESET) with open(parentdir + '\\', 'a+') as f: f.write('# KAFKA SETTINGS\n')
client = MongoClient( "mongodb+srv://" + username + ":" + password + "") db = client["realTime"] tweetCol = db["tweets_test"] consumer = Consumer({ 'bootstrap.servers': 'kafka:9092', '': 'mygroup', 'default.topic.config': { 'auto.offset.reset': 'latest' } }) consumer.subscribe(['example_topic']) print('subscribed') while True: msg = consumer.poll(1) print("here") if msg is None: continue if msg.error(): if msg.error().code() == KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: continue else: print(msg.error()) break
class KafkaConsumer: """Defines the base kafka consumer class""" def __init__( self, topic_name_pattern, message_handler, is_avro=True, offset_earliest=False, sleep_secs=1.0, consume_timeout=0.1, ): """Creates a consumer object for asynchronous use""" self.topic_name_pattern = topic_name_pattern self.message_handler = message_handler self.sleep_secs = sleep_secs self.consume_timeout = consume_timeout self.offset_earliest = offset_earliest # TODO: Configure the broker properties below. Make sure to reference the project README # and use the Host URL for Kafka and Schema Registry! self.broker_properties = { "bootstrap.servers": ",".join(["PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092"]), "": f"{topic_name_pattern}", "default.topic.config": {"auto.offset.reset": "earliest"}, } # TODO: Create the Consumer, using the appropriate type. if is_avro is True: self.broker_properties["schema.registry.url"] = "http://localhost:8081" self.consumer = AvroConsumer(self.broker_properties) else: self.consumer = Consumer(self.broker_properties) # TODO: Configure the AvroConsumer and subscribe to the topics. Make sure to think about # how the `on_assign` callback should be invoked. self.consumer.subscribe([self.topic_name_pattern], on_assign=self.on_assign) def on_assign(self, consumer, partitions): """Callback for when topic assignment takes place""" # TODO: If the topic is configured to use `offset_earliest` set the partition offset to # the beginning or earliest for partition in partitions: if self.offset_earliest is True: logger.debug( f"setting partitions to earliest for {self.topic_name_pattern}" ) logger.debug(f"before: {partition}") partition.offset = confluent_kafka.OFFSET_BEGINNING logger.debug(f"after: {partition}")"partitions assigned for {self.topic_name_pattern}") # TODO: Assign the consumer the partitions consumer.assign(partitions) async def consume(self): """Asynchronously consumes data from kafka topic""" while True: num_results = 1 while num_results > 0: num_results = self._consume() await gen.sleep(self.sleep_secs) def _consume(self): """Polls for a message. Returns 1 if a message was received, 0 otherwise""" # TODO: Poll Kafka for messages. Make sure to handle any errors or exceptions. # Additionally, make sure you return 1 when a message is processed, and 0 when no message # is retrieved. logger.debug(f"consuming from topic pattern {self.topic_name_pattern}") try: message = self.consumer.poll(timeout=self.consume_timeout) except SerializerError as e: logger.error( f"failed to deserialize message {self.topic_name_pattern}: {e}" ) return 0 if message is None: logger.debug("no messages to be consumed") return 0 elif message.error() is not None: logger.error( f"failed to consume message {self.topic_name_pattern}: {message.error()}" ) return 0 logger.debug(f"message received: ({message.key()}) {message.value()}") self.message_handler(message) return 1 def close(self): """Cleans up any open kafka consumers""" # TODO: Cleanup the kafka consumer logger.debug("closing consumer...") self.consumer.close()
class KafkaConsumer: def __init__(self, kafka_env = 'LOCAL', kafka_brokers = "", kafka_user = "", kafka_password = "", topic_name = "",autocommit = True): self.kafka_env = kafka_env self.kafka_brokers = kafka_brokers self.kafka_user = kafka_user self.kafka_password = kafka_password self.topic_name = topic_name self.kafka_auto_commit = autocommit # See # Prepares de Consumer with specific options based on the case def prepareConsumer(self, groupID = "pythonconsumers"): options ={ 'bootstrap.servers': self.kafka_brokers, '': groupID, 'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest', '': self.kafka_auto_commit, } if (self.kafka_env != 'LOCAL'): options['security.protocol'] = 'SASL_SSL' options['sasl.mechanisms'] = 'PLAIN' options['sasl.username'] = self.kafka_user options['sasl.password'] = self.kafka_password if (self.kafka_env == 'OCP'): options['sasl.mechanisms'] = 'SCRAM-SHA-512' options[''] = os.environ['PEM_CERT'] # Printing out producer config for debugging purposes print("[KafkaConsumer] - This is the configuration for the consumer:") print("[KafkaConsumer] - -------------------------------------------") print('[KafkaConsumer] - Bootstrap Server: {}'.format(options['bootstrap.servers'])) if (self.kafka_env != 'LOCAL'): # Obfuscate password if (len(self.kafka_password) > 3): obfuscated_password = self.kafka_password[0] + "*****" + self.kafka_password[len(self.kafka_password)-1] else: obfuscated_password = "******" print('[KafkaConsumer] - Security Protocol: {}'.format(options['security.protocol'])) print('[KafkaConsumer] - SASL Mechanism: {}'.format(options['sasl.mechanisms'])) print('[KafkaConsumer] - SASL Username: {}'.format(options['sasl.username'])) print('[KafkaConsumer] - SASL Password: {}'.format(obfuscated_password)) if (self.kafka_env == 'OCP'): print('[KafkaConsumer] - SSL CA Location: {}'.format(options[''])) print("[KafkaConsumer] - -------------------------------------------") # Create the consumer self.consumer = Consumer(options) self.consumer.subscribe([self.topic_name]) # Prints out and returns the decoded events received by the consumer def traceResponse(self, msg): msgStr = msg.value().decode('utf-8') print('[KafkaConsumer] - Consumed message from topic {} partition: [{}] at offset {}:'.format(msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset())) print('[KafkaConsumer] - key: {}, value: {}'.format(str(msg.key()), msgStr)) return msgStr # Polls for events until it finds an event where keyId=keyname def pollNextEvent(self, keyID, keyname): gotIt = False anEvent = {} while not gotIt: msg = self.consumer.poll(timeout=10.0) # Continue if we have not received a message yet if msg is None: continue if msg.error(): print("[KafkaConsumer] - Consumer error: {}".format(msg.error())) # Stop reading if we find end of partition in the error message if ("PARTITION_EOF" in msg.error()): gotIt= True continue msgStr = self.traceResponse(msg) # Create the json event based on message string formed by traceResponse anEvent = json.loads(msgStr) # If we've found our event based on keyname and keyID, stop reading messages if (anEvent["payload"][keyname] == keyID): gotIt = True return anEvent # Polls for events until it finds an event with same key def pollNextEventByKey(self, keyID): if (str(keyID) == ""): print("[KafkaConsumer] - Consumer error: Key is an empty string") return None gotIt = False anEvent = {} while not gotIt: msg = self.consumer.poll(timeout=10.0) # Continue if we have not received a message yet if msg is None: continue if msg.error(): print("[KafkaConsumer] - Consumer error: {}".format(msg.error())) # Stop reading if we find end of partition in the error message if ("PARTITION_EOF" in msg.error()): gotIt= True continue msgStr = self.traceResponse(msg) # Create the json event based on message string formed by traceResponse anEvent = json.loads(msgStr) # If we've found our event based on keyname and keyID, stop reading messages if (str(msg.key().decode('utf-8')) == keyID): gotIt = True return anEvent # Polls for events endlessly def pollEvents(self): gotIt = False while not gotIt: msg = self.consumer.poll(timeout=10.0) if msg is None: continue if msg.error(): print("[ERROR] - [KafkaConsumer] - Consumer error: {}".format(msg.error())) if ("PARTITION_EOF" in msg.error()): gotIt= True continue self.traceResponse(msg) def close(self): self.consumer.close()
class KafkaConsumer: """Defines the base kafka consumer class""" def __init__( self, topic_name_pattern, message_handler, is_avro=True, offset_earliest=False, sleep_secs=1.0, consume_timeout=0.1, ): """Creates a consumer object for asynchronous use""" self.topic_name_pattern = topic_name_pattern self.message_handler = message_handler self.sleep_secs = sleep_secs self.consume_timeout = consume_timeout self.offset_earliest = offset_earliest # # # TODO: Configure the broker properties below. Make sure to reference the project README # and use the Host URL for Kafka and Schema Registry! # # self.broker_properties = { 'BROKER_URL': 'PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092', 'SCHEMA_REGISTRY': 'http://localhost:8081', } schema_registry = CachedSchemaRegistryClient({ 'url': self.broker_properties['SCHEMA_REGISTRY'], '': None, 'ssl.certificate.location': None, 'ssl.key.location': None }) # TODO: Create the Consumer, using the appropriate type. if is_avro is True: self.broker_properties[ "schema.registry.url"] = "http://localhost:8081" self.consumer = AvroConsumer( { "bootstrap.servers": self.broker_properties['BROKER_URL'], "": "0" }, schema_registry=schema_registry) else: self.consumer = Consumer({ "bootstrap.servers": self.broker_properties['BROKER_URL'], "": "0", "auto.offset.reset": "earliest" }) # # # TODO: Configure the AvroConsumer and subscribe to the topics. Make sure to think about # how the `on_assign` callback should be invoked. # # self.consumer.subscribe([self.topic_name_pattern], on_assign=self.on_assign) def on_assign(self, consumer, partitions): """Callback for when topic assignment takes place""" # TODO: If the topic is configured to use `offset_earliest` set the partition offset to # the beginning or earliest if self.offset_earliest: for partition in partitions: partition.offset = OFFSET_BEGINNING # TODO: Assign the consumer the partitions # See:"partitions assigned for %s", self.topic_name_pattern) consumer.assign(partitions) async def consume(self): """Asynchronously consumes data from kafka topic""" while True: num_results = 1 while num_results > 0: num_results = self._consume() await gen.sleep(self.sleep_secs) def _consume(self): """Polls for a message. Returns 1 if a message was received, 0 otherwise""" # # # TODO: Poll Kafka for messages. Make sure to handle any errors or exceptions. # Additionally, make sure you return 1 when a message is processed, and 0 when no message # is retrieved. # # message = c.poll(self.consume_timeout) if message is None: print("no message received by consumer") return 0 elif message.error() is not None: raise Exception(f"error from consumer {message.error()}") else: print(f"consumed message {message.key()}: {message.value()}") return 1 def close(self): """Cleans up any open kafka consumers""" # # # TODO: Cleanup the kafka consumer # # self.consumer.unsubscribe() self.consumer.close()
# Scope = chat:write token = os.environ["SLACK_BOT_TOKEN"] sc = WebClient(token) # Set 'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest' if you want to consume all messages # from the beginning of the topic settings = { "bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092", "": "kafka-notify", "default.topic.config": {"auto.offset.reset": "largest"}, } c = Consumer(settings) # Topic = "SLACK-KAFKA" c.subscribe(["SLACK-KAFKA"]) # TODO: Make bolts with Apache Storm try: while True: msg = c.poll(0.1) # read data time.sleep(5) if msg is None: continue elif not msg.error(): print("Received message: {0}".format(msg.value())) if msg.value() is None: continue try: app_msg = json.loads(msg.value().decode())
class KafkaApp: def __init__(self, name, consumer_config, producer_config, consumer_batch_size=1, consumer_timeout=60): = name self.consumer_config = consumer_config self.producer_config = producer_config self.processors = [] self.subs = {} self.logger = logging.getLogger(f'KafkaApp[{name}]') self.consumer_batch_size = consumer_batch_size self.consumer_timeout = consumer_timeout self.on_processed_callbacks = [] self.consumer = Consumer(consumer_config) self.producer = Producer(producer_config) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.exit_gracefully) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.exit_gracefully) self.running = False def exit_gracefully(self, signum, frame): self.producer.flush() self.running = False'Exiting gracefully') sys.exit() @retry(wait_fixed=5000, retry_on_exception=retry_if_buffer_error_or_retriable) def _initialise_clients(self): """ Try to initialise until successful """'Trying to initialise clients...') self.consumer = Consumer(self.consumer_config) self.producer = Producer(self.producer_config) topics = list(self.subs.keys()) self.logger.debug(f'Subscribing to topics: {topics}') self.consumer.subscribe(topics)'Clients initialised') @retry(wait_fixed=5000, retry_on_exception=retry_if_buffer_error_or_retriable) def _consume_messages(self): """ Try to consume until successful (unless error is fatal) """ return self.consumer.consume( num_messages=self.consumer_batch_size, timeout=self.consumer_timeout ) @retry(wait_fixed=5000, retry_on_exception=retry_if_buffer_error_or_retriable) def _produce_message(self, key, value, publish_to): """ Try to produce until successful (unless error is fatal) """ self.producer.produce( key=key, value=value, topic=publish_to ) self.producer.poll(0) @retry(wait_fixed=5000, retry_on_exception=retry_if_buffer_error_or_retriable) def _commit_message(self, msg): """ Try to commit until successful (unless error is fatal) """ self.consumer.commit(msg) def run(self): """ Main loop of kaf. Should never exit. Pseudo-code: inputs = consume() for input in inputs: outputs = process(input) for output in outputs: produce(output) commit(input) """ self.logger.debug('Run loop started') self._initialise_clients() # Loop forever self.running = True while self.running: iter_t0 = time.perf_counter() self.logger.debug('Iteration started') # Try to consume messages until successful f"Consuming messages. Topics: {self.consumer.list_topics()}, Partitions: {self.consumer.assignment()}") msgs = self._consume_messages() if len(msgs) == 0: f'No messages consumed for {self.consumer_timeout} seconds') else:'Consumed {len(msgs)} message(s)') for i, msg in enumerate(msgs): # Case 1a: msg has retriable error => don't commit # Case 1b: msg has fatal error => commit # Case 2: msg was processed successfully => commit # Case 3: msg processing failed => don't commit # Completely process each message before continuing to next try: i += 1 t0 = time.perf_counter()'Input message[{i}] processing started') error = msg.error() if error is not None: # Case 1a / 1b if error.code() == KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: f' {msg.topic()}[{msg.partition()}] reached end \ of offset {msg.offset()}' ) else: self.logger.error(error) else: # Call user functions process_output = self._process_message(msg) # Materialise output, so that user functions are forced to complete process_output = list(process_output) # Publish results for j, (value, key, publish_to) in enumerate(process_output): j += 1 self._produce_message( key=key, value=value, publish_to=publish_to ) f'Output message[{j}] produced to topic "{publish_to}" on broker(s) {self.producer_config["bootstrap.servers"]}') # We don't care if callback raises an Exception t1 = time.perf_counter() for callback in self.on_processed_callbacks: try: callback(msg, t1 - t0) except Exception as e_inner: self.logger.exception(e) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f'An error occured in run loop: {e}') self.logger.exception(e) finally: try: self._commit_message(msg)'Input message[{i}] committed') except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f'Input message[{i}] not committed') self.logger.exception(e) iter_t1 = time.perf_counter() self.logger.debug( f'Iteration completed in {iter_t1 - iter_t0} seconds') def _process_message(self, msg): """ Process a single message by calling all subscribed user functions """ input_bytes = msg.value() topic = msg.topic() subs = self._get_subs(topic) self.logger.debug( f'Found {len(subs)} function(s) subscribed to topic "{topic}"') for func, publish_to, accepts, returns in subs: try: input_obj = self._parse(input_bytes, accepts) outputs = func(input_obj) f'User function "{func.__name__}" completed successfully') for output_obj, key in outputs: if publish_to is None: continue key = self._keyify(key) output_bytes = self._serialize(output_obj, returns) yield output_bytes, key, publish_to except Exception as e: self.logger.error( f'User function "{func.__name__}" raised an exception: {e}') self.logger.exception(e) def _parse(self, input_bytes, accepts): if accepts == 'bytes': return input_bytes elif accepts == 'json': return json.loads(input_bytes) else: raise TypeError( f'Unsupported value for accepts parameter: {accepts}') def _keyify(self, key): if key is None: return key else: return bytes(key) def _serialize(self, output_obj, returns): """ Serialize an output from a user function, i.e. turn it into bytes. """ if returns == 'bytes': # Assert that already serialized if type(output_obj) != bytes: raise TypeError( f'User function should return bytes, but returned {type(output_obj)}') return output_obj elif returns == 'json': try: return json.dumps(output_obj).encode('utf-8') except: raise TypeError( f'User function returned value that can not be serialized to JSON: {output_obj}') else: raise TypeError( f'User function returned unsupported type: {type(output_obj)}') def _get_subs(self, topic): """ Returns a list of user functions subscriptions on a a topic. """ return self.subs.get(topic) or [] def process(self, topic, publish_to=None, accepts='bytes', returns='bytes'): """ Decorator for user functions that processes a single event. The value of the event is passed to the user function. - The accepts parameter can be set to 'bytes' or 'json' - The returns parameter can be set to 'bytes' or 'json' The user function should return results as `yield value, key`, where the type of value depends on the returns parameter (either raw bytes or something that can be passed to json.dumps). The key should be either None or bytes. """ assert(accepts in ['bytes', 'json']) assert(returns in ['bytes', 'json']) def process_decorator(func): sub = (func, publish_to, accepts, returns) self.subs.setdefault(topic, []).append(sub) return func return process_decorator def on_processed(self, func): """ Decorator for user callbacks """ self.on_processed_callbacks.append(func) return func
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter('%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')) logger.addHandler(handler) # Create Consumer instance # Hint: try debug='fetch' to generate some log messages c = Consumer(conf, logger=logger) def print_assignment(consumer, partitions): print('Assignment:', partitions)"subscribing to the topic : " + str(topics)) # Subscribe to topics c.subscribe(topics, on_assign=print_assignment)"Reading msg from the topic : " + str(topics)) # Read messages from Kafka, print to stdout try: while True: msg = c.poll(timeout=1.0) if msg is None: continue if msg.error(): raise KafkaException(msg.error()) else: # Proper message sys.stderr.write('%% %s [%d] at offset %d with key %s:\n' % (msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset(), str(msg.key())))
class KafkaConsumer: """Defines the base kafka consumer class""" def __init__( self, topic_name_pattern, message_handler, is_avro=True, offset_earliest=False, sleep_secs=1.0, consume_timeout=0.1, ): """Creates a consumer object for asynchronous use""" self.topic_name_pattern = topic_name_pattern self.message_handler = message_handler self.sleep_secs = sleep_secs self.consume_timeout = consume_timeout self.offset_earliest = offset_earliest # # # DONE: Configure the broker properties below. Make sure to reference the project README # and use the Host URL for Kafka and Schema Registry! # # self.broker_properties = { "bootstrap.servers": "PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092", "": "opt-group" # # DONE # } # DONE: Create the Consumer, using the appropriate type. if is_avro is True: self.broker_properties[ "schema.registry.url"] = "http://localhost:8081" self.consumer = AvroConsumer(self.broker_properties) else: self.consumer = Consumer(self.broker_properties) # # # DONE: Configure the AvroConsumer and subscribe to the topics. Make sure to think about # how the `on_assign` callback should be invoked. # # self.consumer.subscribe([topic_name_pattern], on_assign=self.on_assign) def on_assign(self, consumer, partitions): """Callback for when topic assignment takes place""" # DONE: If the topic is configured to use `offset_earliest` set the partition offset to # the beginning or earliest"on_assign...") for partition in partitions: try: if self.offset_earliest: partition.offset = confluent_kafka.OFFSET_BEGINNING except:"something wrong with OFFSET_BEGINNING...") # # # DONE # #"partitions assigned for %s", self.topic_name_pattern) consumer.assign(partitions) async def consume(self): """Asynchronously consumes data from kafka topic""" while True: num_results = 1 while num_results > 0: num_results = self._consume() await gen.sleep(self.sleep_secs) def _consume(self): """Polls for a message. Returns 1 if a message was received, 0 otherwise""" # # # DONE: Poll Kafka for messages. Make sure to handle any errors or exceptions. # Additionally, make sure you return 1 when a message is processed, and 0 when no message # is retrieved. # #"consume message...") message = self.consumer.poll(1.0) if message is None:"no message") return 0 elif message.error() is not None:"error from consumer {message.error()}") return 0 elif message.value() is None:"empty message") return 0 else:"consumed message {message.key()}: {message.value()}") self.message_handler(message) return 1 def close(self): """Cleans up any open kafka consumers""" # # # DONE: Cleanup the kafka consumer # # self.consumer.close()
class KafkaConsumer: """Defines the base kafka consumer class""" def __init__( self, topic_name_pattern, message_handler, is_avro=True, offset_earliest=False, sleep_secs=1.0, consume_timeout=0.1, ): """Creates a consumer object for asynchronous use""" self.topic_name_pattern = topic_name_pattern self.message_handler = message_handler self.sleep_secs = sleep_secs self.consume_timeout = consume_timeout self.offset_earliest = offset_earliest # # # Done: Configure the broker properties below. Make sure to reference the project README # and use the Host URL for Kafka and Schema Registry! # # self.broker_properties = { 'BROKER_URL': 'localhost:9092', 'SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL': 'localhost:8081', 'REST_PROXY': 'localhost:8082' } # Done: Create the Consumer, using the appropriate type. if is_avro is True: self.broker_properties["schema.registry.url"] = "http://localhost:8081" schema_registry = CachedSchemaRegistryClient( self.broker_properties["schema.registry.url"]) self.consumer = AvroConsumer( {"bootstrap.servers": self.broker_properties.get("BROKER_URL"), "":f"{self.topic_name_pattern}"}, schema_registry = schema_registry) else: self.consumer = Consumer( {"bootstrap.servers": self.broker_properties.get("BROKER_URL"), "": "0"}) # # # Done: Configure the AvroConsumer and subscribe to the topics. Make sure to think about # how the `on_assign` callback should be invoked. # # self.consumer.subscribe([f"^{self.topic_name_pattern}"], on_assign=self.on_assign) def on_assign(self, consumer, partitions): """Callback for when topic assignment takes place""" # Done: If the topic is configured to use `offset_earliest` set the partition offset to # the beginning or earliest"on_assign is incomplete - skipping") for partition in partitions: partition.offset = OFFSET_BEGINNING"partitions assigned for %s", self.topic_name_pattern) consumer.assign(partitions) async def consume(self): """Asynchronously consumes data from kafka topic""" while True: num_results = 1 while num_results > 0: num_results = self._consume() await gen.sleep(self.sleep_secs) def _consume(self): """Polls for a message. Returns 1 if a message was received, 0 otherwise""" # # # Done: Poll Kafka for messages. Make sure to handle any errors or exceptions. # Additionally, make sure you return 1 when a message is processed, and 0 when no message # is retrieved. # # message = self.consumer.poll(1.0) ret_code = 0 if message is None: logger.debug("no message received by consumer") ret_code = 0 elif message.error() is not None: logger.debug(f"error from consumer {message.error()}") ret_code = 0 else:"consumed meaage, {message.topic()}")"consumed message, {message.key()}: {message.value()}") ret_code = 1 self.message_handler(message) #await asyncio.sleep(self.sleep_secs)"_consume is incomplete - skipping") return ret_code def close(self): """Cleans up any open kafka consumers""" # # # Done: Cleanup the kafka consumer # # self.consumer.close()
Print published run information from Kafka stream """ def parseMessage(buf): buf = bytearray(buf) runInfo = ISISStream.RunInfo.RunInfo.GetRootAsRunInfo(buf, 0) start_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(runInfo.StartTime()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') string_to_print = "Run number: " + str(runInfo.RunNumber()) + \ ", Start time: " + start_time + \ ", Instrument name: " + runInfo.InstName() + \ ", Stream offset: " + str(runInfo.StreamOffset()) print string_to_print if __name__ == "__main__": c = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': 'sakura', '': 'python-read-run-info', 'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest'}, '': False}) c.subscribe(['test_run_topic']) running = True while running: msg = c.poll(1000) if not msg.error(): parseMessage(msg.value()) elif msg.error().code() != KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: print(msg.error()) running = False else: running = False c.close()
class KafkaConsumerWorker(BaseWorker): topic_name = None consumer_name = None consumer_settings = {} commit_on_complete = True async_commit = True poll_timeout = 0.01 sleep_time = 0.05 timestamp_fields = ['timestamp'] decimal_fields = [] boolean_fields = [] def setup(self): self.consumer = Consumer(**self.get_consumer_settings()) self.serializer = self.get_message_serializer() self.set_topic() def teardown(self): self.consumer.close() def get_topic_name(self): if self.topic_name is None: raise NotImplementedError return self.topic_name def get_consumer_name(self): if self.consumer_name is None: raise NotImplementedError return self.consumer_name def get_broker_url(self): broker_url = settings.BROKER_URL if broker_url is None: raise NotImplementedError return broker_url def get_zookeeper_url(self): zookeeper_url = settings.ZOOKEEPER_URL if zookeeper_url is None: raise NotImplementedError return zookeeper_url def get_consumer_settings(self): broker_url = self.get_broker_url() logger.debug('connecting to kafka: ' + broker_url) consumer_name = self.get_consumer_name() logger.debug('using group id: ' + consumer_name) initial_settings = { 'api.version.request': True, 'broker.version.fallback': '0.9.0', '': 'JanglConsumer', 'bootstrap.servers': broker_url, '': consumer_name, 'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest'}, '': False, 'on_commit': self.on_commit, '': 10000, '': 1000, } return generate_client_settings(initial_settings, self.consumer_settings) def get_message_serializer(self): schema_registry_url = self.get_schema_registry_url() logger.debug('loading schema registry: ' + schema_registry_url) schema_client = CachedSchemaRegistryClient(url=schema_registry_url) return MessageSerializer(schema_client) def get_schema_registry_url(self): schema_microservice = settings.SCHEMA_MICROSERVICE if schema_microservice: schema_registry_url = get_service_url(schema_microservice) else: schema_registry_url = settings.SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL if schema_registry_url is None: raise NotImplementedError return schema_registry_url def set_topic(self): topic_name = self.get_topic_name() logger.debug('set kafka topic: ' + topic_name) self.consumer.subscribe([topic_name], on_assign=self.on_assign, on_revoke=self.on_revoke) def on_assign(self, consumer, partitions): logger.debug('partitions assigned: {}'.format(partitions)) consumer.assign(partitions) def on_revoke(self, consumer, partitions): logger.debug('partitions revoked: {}'.format(partitions)) try: consumer.commit(async=False) except KafkaException: pass consumer.unassign() def on_commit(self, err, partitions): if err is None: logger.debug('commit done: {}'.format(partitions)) else: logger.error('commit error: {} - {}'.format(err, partitions)) def handle(self): message = self.consumer.poll(timeout=self.poll_timeout) if message is not None: if message.error(): if message.error().code() == KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: # End of partition event'%% %s [%d] reached end at offset %d\n' % (message.topic(), message.partition(), message.offset())) elif message.error(): raise KafkaException(message.error()) else: message = DecodedMessage(self.serializer, message) message = self.parse_message(message) self.consume_message(message) if self.commit_on_complete: self.commit() self.done() else: self.wait() def parse_message(self, message): for field in self.timestamp_fields: if field in message: try: message[field] = datetime.fromtimestamp(message[field], utc) except ValueError: try: message[field] = datetime.fromtimestamp(message[field]/1000, utc) except TypeError: pass except TypeError: pass for field in self.decimal_fields: if field in message: try: message[field] = decimal.Decimal(message[field]) except (TypeError, decimal.InvalidOperation): pass for field in self.boolean_fields: if field in message: try: message[field] = bool(message[field]) except TypeError: pass return message def commit(self): if not self.consumer_settings.get(''): self.consumer.commit(async=self.async_commit) def consume_message(self, message): pass
####################################################################### # KAFKA CONSUMER MICROSERVICE # FRANKO ORTIZ # KAFKA CONFLUENT PYTHON CLIENT ####################################################################### # FAKER + RANDOM FOR CREATE SYNTHETIC FROM SOURCE KAFKA TOPIC fake = Faker() c = Consumer({ 'bootstrap.servers': 'broker:9092', '': 'consumer9', 'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest' }) c.subscribe(['sciencesourcetopic']) es = Elasticsearch( ['es01:9200', 'es02:9200', 'es03:9200'], sniff_on_start=True, # sniff before doing anything sniff_on_connection_fail= True, # refresh nodes after a node fails to respond sniffer_timeout=60) # and also every 60 seconds ####################################################################### # USER DEFINE FUNCTIONS def random_nat_prov_id(rng): prov_id = '' for _ in range(rng):
from confluent_kafka import Consumer, KafkaError c = Consumer({ 'bootstrap.servers': '', '': '10', 'default.topic.config': { 'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest' } }) c.subscribe(['test_kafka']) while True: msg = c.poll(1.0) msgValue = msg.value() if msgValue.decode('utf-8') != 'Broker: No more messages': f = open("testcase.txt", "r") fline = f.readline() for x in fline: if msgValue == 'Broker: No more messages': print('No messages at this point') break print('Received: ' + msgValue + "; Expected: " + x) msg = c.poll(1.0) msgValue = msg.value().decode('utf-8') # print('Received message: {}'.format(msg.value().decode('utf-8'))) continue else: print('No messages at this point')
class KafkaConsumer: """Defines the base kafka consumer class""" def __init__( self, topic_name_pattern, message_handler, is_avro=True, offset_earliest=False, sleep_secs=1.0, consume_timeout=0.1, ): """Creates a consumer object for asynchronous use""" self.topic_name_pattern = topic_name_pattern self.message_handler = message_handler self.sleep_secs = sleep_secs self.consume_timeout = consume_timeout self.offset_earliest = offset_earliest self.BROKER_URL = 'PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092' self.SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL = 'http://localhost:8081' self.broker_properties = { "bootstrap.servers": self.BROKER_URL, "": "0" } if is_avro is True: schema_registry = CachedSchemaRegistryClient( {"url": self.SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL}) self.consumer = AvroConsumer(self.broker_properties, schema_registry=schema_registry) else: self.consumer = Consumer(self.broker_properties) pass self.consumer.subscribe([self.topic_name_pattern], on_assign=self.on_assign) def on_assign(self, consumer, partitions): for partition in partitions: partition.offset = OFFSET_BEGINNING consumer.assign(partitions) async def consume(self): """Asynchronously consumes data from kafka topic""" while True: num_results = 1 while num_results > 0: num_results = self._consume() await gen.sleep(self.sleep_secs) def _consume(self): """Polls for a message. Returns 1 if a message was received, 0 otherwise""" while True: message = self.consumer.poll(timeout=1.0) if message is None: return 0 elif message.error(): logger.error(message.error()) else: if self.topic_name_pattern == '': return 1 def __del__(self): pass def close(self): self.consumer.close() self.__del__()
class InventoryEventsConsumer: """Inventory events consumer.""" def __init__(self): """Create a Inventory Events Consumer.""" self.consumer = Consumer({ 'bootstrap.servers': INSIGHTS_KAFKA_ADDRESS, '': GROUP_ID, '': False }) # Subscribe to topic self.consumer.subscribe([INVENTORY_EVENTS_TOPIC]) self.event_type_map = { 'delete': self.host_delete_event, 'created': self.host_create_update_events, 'updated': self.host_create_update_events } self.prefix = 'PROCESSING INVENTORY EVENTS' def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): msg = self.consumer.poll() if msg is None: raise StopIteration return msg def run(self): """Initialize Consumer.""" for msg in iter(self): if msg.error(): print(msg.error()) raise KafkaException(msg.error()) try: msg = json.loads(msg.value().decode("utf-8")) event_type = msg['type'] if event_type in self.event_type_map.keys(): handler = self.event_type_map[event_type] handler(msg) else:'Event Handling is not found for event %s - %s', event_type, self.prefix) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: LOG.error('Unable to decode kafka message: %s - %s', msg.value(), self.prefix) except Exception as err: LOG.error( 'An error occurred during message processing: %s in the system %s created from account: %s - %s', repr(err), msg['host']['id'], msg['host']['account'], self.prefix, ) finally: self.consumer.commit() LOG.warning("Stopping inventory consumer") self.consumer.close() def host_delete_event(self, msg): """Process delete message.""" self.prefix = "PROCESSING DELETE EVENT" host_id = msg['id'] insights_id = msg['insights_id'] with app.app_context(): 'Deleting performance profile records with insights_id %s - %s', insights_id, self.prefix) rows_deleted = db.session.query( == host_id).delete() if rows_deleted > 0:'Deleted host from inventory with id: %s - %s', host_id, self.prefix) db.session.commit() def host_create_update_events(self, msg): """ Process created/updated message ( create system record, store new report )""" self.prefix = "PROCESSING Create/Update EVENT" if 'is_ros' in msg['platform_metadata']: self.process_system_details(msg) def process_system_details(self, msg): """ Store new system information (stale, stale_warning timestamp) and return internal DB id""" host = msg['host'] performance_record = get_performance_profile( msg['platform_metadata']['url']) if performance_record: performance_utilization = self._calculate_performance_utilization( performance_record, host) with app.app_context(): account = get_or_create(db.session, RhAccount, 'account', account=host['account']) system = get_or_create( db.session, System, 'inventory_id',, inventory_id=host['id'], display_name=host['display_name'], fqdn=host['fqdn'], cloud_provider=host['system_profile']['cloud_provider'], instance_type=performance_record.get('instance_type'), stale_timestamp=host['stale_timestamp']) get_or_create(db.session, PerformanceProfile, ['system_id', 'report_date'],, performance_record=performance_record, performance_utilization=performance_utilization, report_date=datetime.datetime.utcnow().date()) # Commit changes db.session.commit() "Refreshed system %s (%s) belonging to account: %s (%s) via report-processor", system.inventory_id,, account.account, def _calculate_performance_utilization(self, performance_record, host): MAX_IOPS_CAPACITY = 16000 memory_utilized = (float(performance_record['mem.util.used']) / float(performance_record['mem.physmem'])) * 100 cpu_utilized = self._calculate_cpu_score(performance_record) cloud_provider = host['system_profile']['cloud_provider'] if cloud_provider == 'aws': MAX_IOPS_CAPACITY = 16000 if cloud_provider == 'azure': MAX_IOPS_CAPACITY = 20000 io_utilized = (float(performance_record['']) / float(MAX_IOPS_CAPACITY)) * 100 performance_utilization = { 'memory': int(memory_utilized), 'cpu': int(cpu_utilized), 'io': int(io_utilized) } return performance_utilization def _calculate_cpu_score(self, performance_record): idle_cpu_percent = ( (float(performance_record['kernel.all.cpu.idle']) * 100) / int(performance_record['total_cpus'])) cpu_utilized_percent = 100 - idle_cpu_percent return cpu_utilized_percent
class KafkaConsumer: """Defines the base kafka consumer class""" def __init__( self, topic_name_pattern, message_handler, is_avro=True, offset_earliest=False, sleep_secs=1.0, consume_timeout=0.1, ): """Creates a consumer object for asynchronous use""" self.topic_name_pattern = topic_name_pattern self.message_handler = message_handler self.sleep_secs = sleep_secs self.consume_timeout = consume_timeout self.offset_earliest = offset_earliest # # # TODO: Configure the broker properties below. Make sure to reference the project README # and use the Host URL for Kafka and Schema Registry! # # self.broker_properties = { "": f"{topic_name_pattern}", "default.topic.config": { "auto.offset.reset": "earliest" }, 'bootstrap.servers': BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS, } # TODO: Create the Consumer, using the appropriate type. if is_avro is True: self.broker_properties["schema.registry.url"] = SCHEMA_REGISTRY self.consumer = AvroConsumer(self.broker_properties) else: self.consumer = Consumer(self.broker_properties) # # # TODO: Configure the AvroConsumer and subscribe to the topics. Make sure to think about # how the `on_assign` callback should be invoked. # # self.consumer.subscribe([self.topic_name_pattern], on_assign=self.on_assign) def on_assign(self, consumer, partitions): """Callback for when topic assignment takes place""" # TODO: If the topic is configured to use `offset_earliest` set the partition offset to # the beginning or earliest for partition in partitions: if self.offset_earliest: partition.offset = OFFSET_BEGINNING"partitions assigned for %s", self.topic_name_pattern) consumer.assign(partitions) async def consume(self): """Asynchronously consumes data from kafka topic""" while True: num_results = 1 while num_results > 0: num_results = self._consume() await gen.sleep(self.sleep_secs) def _consume(self): """Polls for a message. Returns 1 if a message was received, 0 otherwise""" # # # TODO: Poll Kafka for messages. Make sure to handle any errors or exceptions. # Additionally, make sure you return 1 when a message is processed, and 0 when no message # is retrieved. # # try: message = self.consumer.poll(timeout=self.consume_timeout) if message is None: return 0 elif message.error() is not None: return 0 self.message_handler(message) return 1 except SerializerError as e: logger.error("Message deserialization failed for %s: %s" % (message, e)) return 0 def close(self): """Cleans up any open kafka consumers""" # # # TODO: Cleanup the kafka consumer # # self.consumer.close()
settings = { 'bootstrap.servers': 'kafka:29092', '': 'mygroup', '': 'client-1', '': True, '': 6000, 'default.topic.config': { 'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest' } } c = Consumer(settings) c.subscribe([vehicleConstants.KAFKA_TOPIC_VEHICLE_LOCATION_UPDATE]) try: while True: msg = c.poll(0.1) if msg is None: continue elif not msg.error(): print('Received message: {0}'.format(msg.value())) elif msg.error().code() == KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: print('End of partition reached {0}/{1}'.format( msg.topic(), msg.partition())) else: print('Error occured: {0}'.format(msg.error().str())) print(msg) persistKafkaMsgInDB(msg)
lv_bootstrap_servers = '' else:'******* Set local kafka broker') lv_bootstrap_servers = 'localhost:9092' settings = { 'bootstrap.servers': lv_bootstrap_servers, '': 'group-1', '': 'client-1', '': False, '': 6000, # 'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest'} 'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'latest'} } c = Consumer(settings) c.subscribe(['gcp.orders.fct.btcusd.0']) full_df = pd.DataFrame({'': pd.Series([], dtype='int'), 'data.id_str': pd.Series([], dtype='str'), 'data.order_type': pd.Series([], dtype='int'), 'data.datetime': pd.Series([], dtype='str'), 'data.microtimestamp': pd.Series([], dtype='str'), 'data.amount': pd.Series([], dtype='float'), 'data.amount_str': pd.Series([], dtype='str'), 'data.price': pd.Series([], dtype='float'), 'data.price_str': pd.Series([], dtype='str'), 'channel': pd.Series([], dtype='str'), 'event': pd.Series([], dtype='str')}) try: cnt = 0
class KafkaConsumer: """Defines the base kafka consumer class""" def __init__( self, topic_name_pattern, message_handler, is_avro=True, offset_earliest=False, sleep_secs=1.0, consume_timeout=0.1, ): """Creates a consumer object for asynchronous use""" self.topic_name_pattern = topic_name_pattern self.message_handler = message_handler self.sleep_secs = sleep_secs self.consume_timeout = consume_timeout self.offset_earliest = offset_earliest self.broker_properties = { "": "consumer_group", "bootstrap.servers": "PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092", "auto.offset.reset": "earliest" } if is_avro is True: self.broker_properties[ "schema.registry.url"] = "http://localhost:8081" self.consumer = AvroConsumer(self.broker_properties) else: self.consumer = Consumer(self.broker_properties) pass self.consumer.subscribe([self.topic_name_pattern], on_assign=self.on_assign) def on_assign(self, consumer, partitions): """Callback for when topic assignment takes place""""on_assign is incomplete - skipping") for partition in partitions: if self.offset_earliest is True: partition.offset = confluent_kafka.OFFSET_BEGINNING"partitions assigned for %s", self.topic_name_pattern) consumer.assign(partitions) async def consume(self): """Asynchronously consumes data from kafka topic""" while True: num_results = 1 while num_results > 0: num_results = self._consume() await gen.sleep(self.sleep_secs) def _consume(self): """Polls for a message. Returns 1 if a message was received, 0 otherwise""" while True: message = self.consumer.poll(1.0) if message is 0: print(f"error from consumer {message.error()}") elif message.error() is not None: print(f"error from consumer: {message.error()}") else: print( f"consumed message with {message.key()} and value {message.value()}" )"consumer completed") return 0 def close(self): """Cleans up any open kafka consumers""" logger.debug("closing consumer") self.consumer.close()
if token is None: print('\n\n*******\nYou need to set your Slack API token in the SLACK_API_TOKEN environment variable\n\nExiting.\n\n*******\n') sys.exit(1) sc = SlackClient(token) # Set 'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest' if you want to consume all messages # from the beginning of the topic settings = { 'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:9092', '': '', 'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'largest'} } c = Consumer(settings) c.subscribe(['UNHAPPY_PLATINUM_CUSTOMERS']) try: while True: msg = c.poll(0.1) time.sleep(5) if msg is None: continue elif not msg.error(): print('Received message: {0}'.format(msg.value())) if msg.value() is None: continue try: app_msg = json.loads(msg.value().decode()) except: app_msg = json.loads(msg.value())
def kafka_confluent_reader( path, topics=None, topic=None, # deprecated identity=None, raw=False, poll_timeout=1.0, **kwargs ): """ Reads events from Kafka. Kafka URIs look like: kafka:///b1:9092,b2:9092?topics=topic1,topic2&identity=consumer_group& & This uses the Consumer from the librdkafka backed confluent-kafka python library. You may pass any configs that the librdkafka Consumer take as keyword arguments via URI query params. is by default 5 seconds. If is True (the default), then messages will be marked as done based on the time period. This has the downside of committing message offsets before work might be actually complete. E.g. if inserting into MySQL, and the process dies somewhere along the way, it is possible that message offsets will be committed to Kafka for messages that have not been inserted into MySQL. Future work will have to fix this problem somehow. Perhaps a callback? The 'topic' parameter is provided for backwards compatibility. It will be used if topics is not given. Arguments: *path (str): Comma separated list of broker hostname:ports. *topics (list): List of topics to subscribe to. *topic (str): Deprecated topic to subscribe to. Use topics instead. Ignored if topics is provided. *identity (str): Used as the Kafka consumer, and the prefix of the Kafka If not given, a new unique identity will be created. *raw (bool): If True, the generator returned will yield a stream of strings, else a stream of Events. Default: False. *poll_timeout (float) Timeout in seconds to use for call to consumer.poll(). poll will only block for this long if there are no messages. Default: 1.0. """ if not topics and not topic: raise ValueError( 'Cannot consume from Kafka without providing topics.' ) from confluent_kafka import Consumer, KafkaError import signal # Use topics as an array if given, else just use topic topics = topics.split(',') if topics else [topic] # Get kafka client_id and group_id based on identity. (client_id, group_id) = kafka_ids(identity) # Remove anything that we know is not going to be a valid # Kafka Consumer parameter from kwargs and then set some required # configs. eventlogging_keys = ('port', 'hostname', 'uri') kafka_args = {k: kwargs[k] for k in kwargs if k not in eventlogging_keys} kafka_args['bootstrap.servers'] = path.strip('/') kafka_args[''] = group_id kafka_args[''] = client_id kafka_consumer = Consumer(**kafka_args) 'Consuming topics %s from Kafka in group %s as %s', topics, group_id, client_id ) # Callback for logging during consumer rebalances def log_assign(consumer, partitions):'Partition assignment change for %s. Now consuming ' 'from %s partitions: %s', client_id, len(partitions), partitions) # Subscribe to list of topics. kafka_consumer.subscribe(topics, on_assign=log_assign) # Define a generator to read from the Consumer instance. def consume(consumer, timeout=1.0): # Make sure we close the consumer on SIGTERM. # SIGINT should be caught by the finally in consume(). def shutdown_handler(_signo, _stack_frame):'Caught SIGTERM, closing KafkaConsumer %s ' 'to commit outstanding offsets.', client_id) consumer.close() sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, shutdown_handler) # Wrap the poll loop in a try/finally. try: while True: # Poll for messages message = consumer.poll(timeout=timeout) # If no message was found in timeout, poll again. if not message: continue # Else if we encountered a KafkaError, log and continue. elif message.error(): # _PARTITION_EOF is pretty normal, just log at debug if message.error().code() == KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: logging.debug( 'KafkaConsumer %s consuming %s [%d] ' 'reached end at offset %d\n' % ( client_id, message.topic(), message.partition(), message.offset() ) ) # Else this is a real KafkaError, log at error. else: logging.error(message.error()) # Else we got a proper message, yield it. else: yield message.value() except BaseException as e: error_message = 'Exception while KafkaConsumer %s consuming' % ( client_id ) # Add more info if message is defined. if message: error_message += ' from %s [%s] at offset %s' % ( message.topic(), message.partition(), message.offset(), ) logging.error(error_message) if (type(e) != KeyboardInterrupt): raise(e) finally:'Finally closing KafkaConsumer %s ' 'to commit outstanding offsets.', client_id) consumer.close() # Return a stream of message values. return stream(consume(kafka_consumer, poll_timeout), raw)
# Create Consumer instance # 'auto.offset.reset=earliest' to start reading from the beginning of the # topic if no committed offsets exist c = Consumer({ 'bootstrap.servers': conf['bootstrap.servers'], 'sasl.mechanisms': 'PLAIN', 'security.protocol': 'SASL_SSL', 'sasl.username': conf['sasl.username'], 'sasl.password': conf['sasl.password'], '': 'python_example_group_1', 'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest' }) # Subscribe to topic c.subscribe([topic]) # Process messages total_count = 0 try: while True: print("Waiting for message or event/error in poll()") msg = c.poll(1.0) if msg is None: # No message available within timeout. # Initial message consumption may take up to # `` for the consumer group to # rebalance and start consuming continue elif not msg.error(): # Check for Kafka message
# after each produce() call to trigger delivery report callbacks. p.flush(10) c = Consumer({ 'bootstrap.servers': '<ccloud bootstrap servers>', 'broker.version.fallback': '', '': 0, 'sasl.mechanisms': 'PLAIN', 'security.protocol': 'SASL_SSL', 'sasl.username': '******', 'sasl.password': '******', '': str(uuid.uuid1()), # this will create a new consumer group on each invocation. 'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest' }) c.subscribe(['python-test-topic']) try: while True: msg = c.poll(0.1) # Wait for message or event/error if msg is None: # No message available within timeout. # Initial message consumption may take up to `` for # the group to rebalance and start consuming. continue if msg.error(): # Errors are typically temporary, print error and continue. print("Consumer error: {}".format(msg.error())) continue print('consumed: {}'.format(msg.value()))
class ConfluentKafkaReader(object): def __init__(self, host, port, group, topic, buffer_size, reconnect_wait_time=2): """ Initialize Kafka reader """"Initializing Confluent Kafka Consumer") = host self.port = str(port) = group self.topic = [topic] self.buffer_size = buffer_size self.reconnect_wait_time = reconnect_wait_time self.reconnect_retries = 0 self.max_reconnect_retries = 10 # TODO: implement config parameter self.buffer = [] # Initialized on read self.consumer = None def on_assign(self, consumer, partitions): # for p in partitions: # p.offset=-2 # consumer.assign(partitions) logging.debug('on_assignment callback...')'Assignment:', partitions) def _connect(self): connection = {'bootstrap.servers':":"+self.port, '':, '': 6000, 'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'largest'}}"Connecting to Kafka at %s...", connection) self.consumer = Consumer(**connection) self.consumer.subscribe(self.topic, on_assign=self.on_assign) def read(self): """ Read from Kafka. Reconnect on error. """ try: self._connect() msgcn = 0 while True: msg = self.consumer.poll(timeout=1.0) if msg is None: continue if msg.error(): # Error or event if msg.error().code() == KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: # End of partition event logging.debug('Catching KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF') logging.error('%s [%d] reached end at offset %d\n', msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset()) logging.error('%s [%d] at offset %d with key %s:\n', msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset(), str(msg.key())) break elif msg.error(): # Error # TODO : extend exception handling scope as we will end here # for a lot of reasons ! logging.debug('Catching other errors...') logging.error("Kafka error: %s.", msg.error()) logging.error("Trying to reconnect to %s:%s",, self.port) self.reconnect_retries += 1 time.sleep(self.reconnect_wait_time) if self.reconnect_retries >= self.max_reconnect_retries: logging.error("Max reconnection attempt limit reached (%d). Aborting", self.max_reconnect_retries) break else: self.consumer.close() self._connect() pass #raise KafkaException(msg.error()) else: # Proper message logging.error('%s [%d] at offset %d with key %s:\n', msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset(), str(msg.key())) (self.buffer).append(msg.value().rstrip('\n')) # otherwise the #writter will add extra \n msgcn += 1 #self.consumer.commit(async=False) if msgcn >= self.buffer_size: logging.debug("Read buffer [%d] reached.",self.buffer_size) break except KeyboardInterrupt:'Aborted by user\n') # Close down consumer to commit final offsets. self.consumer.close() return(self.buffer)
# See props = { 'bootstrap.servers': KAFKA_BROKER_URL, # Kafka集群在那裡? (置換成要連接的Kafka集群) '': STUDENT_ID, # ConsumerGroup的名稱 (置換成你/妳的學員ID) 'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest', # Offset從最前面開始 '': 6000, 'error_cb': error_cb # 設定接收error訊息的callback函數 } # 步驟2. 產生一個Kafka的Consumer的實例 consumer = Consumer(props) # 步驟3. 指定想要訂閱訊息的topic名稱 topicName = 'ak02.hw.translog' # 步驟4. 讓Consumer向Kafka集群訂閱指定的topic consumer.subscribe( [topicName], on_assign=seek_to_begin) # ** Tips: 讓這支程式每次重起時都把offset移到最前面 # 步驟5. 持續的拉取Kafka有進來的訊息 # 產生一個Map: key是part_no, value是qty balance <---- 存放 "題目#16" 庫存異動數的容器 parts_transQtyBalance = {} # 初始庫存值 - 透過第15題的結果來把每一個part_no的值取負並放進parts_transQtyBalance中來做為初始值 # parts_transQtyBalance['part_01'] = 0 # parts_transQtyBalance['part_02'] = 0 # parts_transQtyBalance['part_03'] = 0 # parts_transQtyBalance['part_04'] = 0 # parts_transQtyBalance['part_05'] = 0 # parts_transQtyBalance['part_06'] = 0 # parts_transQtyBalance['part_07'] = 0 # parts_transQtyBalance['part_08'] = 0
logger = logging.getLogger('consumer') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter('%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')) logger.addHandler(handler) # Create Consumer instance # Hint: try debug='fetch' to generate some log messages c = Consumer(conf, logger=logger) def print_assignment(consumer, partitions): print('Assignment:', partitions) # Subscribe to topics c.subscribe(['topico-demo-python'], on_assign=print_assignment) # Read messages from Kafka, print to stdout try: while True: msg = c.poll(timeout=1.0) if msg is None: continue if msg.error(): raise KafkaException(msg.error()) else: # Proper message sys.stderr.write('%% %s [%d] at offset %d with key %s:\n' % (msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset(), str(msg.key()))) print(msg.value())
class KafkaConnector(object): """Simple wrapper class to configure a simple kafka consumer and producer pair, so that they can be used to perform simple filter() and map() operations over the received tweets""" def __init__( self, group_id=None, consumer_topic='consumer_limbo', producer_topic='consumer_limbo', logging_topic='minteressa_stats', bootstrap_servers='kafka:9092' ): self.group_id = group_id self.bootstrap_servers = bootstrap_servers self.consumer_topic = consumer_topic self.producer_topic = producer_topic self.logging_topic = logging_topic self.consumer = None self.producer = None def listen(self): while True: msg = self.consumer.poll() if msg is None: continue if msg.error(): # Error or event if msg.error().code() == KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: # End of partition event sys.stderr.write( '%% %s [%d] reached end at offset %d\n' % ( msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset() ) ) elif msg.error(): # Error raise KafkaException(msg.error()) else: # Proper message sys.stdout.write( '%s [partition-%d] at offset %d with key %s:\n' % ( msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset(), str(msg.key()) ) ) yield msg def connect(self): self.consumer = Consumer({ 'bootstrap.servers': self.bootstrap_servers, '': self.group_id, 'default.topic.config': { 'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest' } }) print("subscribing to %s" % self.consumer_topic) self.consumer.subscribe([ self.consumer_topic ]) print("Subscribed to topic %s " % self.consumer_topic) self.producer = Producer({ 'bootstrap.servers': self.bootstrap_servers, '': self.group_id }) def send(self, message, producer_topic=None): producer_topic = producer_topic \ if producer_topic is not None \ else self.producer_topic self.producer.produce( producer_topic, message ) # self.producer.flush() def log(self, message, logging_topic=None): logging_topic = logging_topic \ if logging_topic is not None \ else self.logging_topic self.producer.produce(logging_topic, message) self.producer.flush() def close(self): self.consumer.close() self.producer.close()
def test_basic_api(): """ Basic API tests, these wont really do anything since there is no broker configured. """ try: kc = Consumer() except TypeError as e: assert str(e) == "expected configuration dict" def dummy_commit_cb(err, partitions): pass kc = Consumer({ '': 'test', '': '100', '': 1000, # Avoid close() blocking too long 'on_commit': dummy_commit_cb }) kc.subscribe(["test"]) kc.unsubscribe() def dummy_assign_revoke(consumer, partitions): pass kc.subscribe(["test"], on_assign=dummy_assign_revoke, on_revoke=dummy_assign_revoke) kc.unsubscribe() msg = kc.poll(timeout=0.001) if msg is None: print('OK: poll() timeout') elif msg.error(): print('OK: consumer error: %s' % msg.error().str()) else: print('OK: consumed message') if msg is not None: assert msg.timestamp() == (TIMESTAMP_NOT_AVAILABLE, -1) msglist = kc.consume(num_messages=10, timeout=0.001) assert len(msglist) == 0, "expected 0 messages, not %d" % len(msglist) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ex: kc.consume(-100) assert 'num_messages must be between 0 and 1000000 (1M)' == str(ex.value) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ex: kc.consume(1000001) assert 'num_messages must be between 0 and 1000000 (1M)' == str(ex.value) partitions = list( map(lambda part: TopicPartition("test", part), range(0, 100, 3))) kc.assign(partitions) # Verify assignment assignment = kc.assignment() assert partitions == assignment # Get cached watermarks, should all be invalid. lo, hi = kc.get_watermark_offsets(partitions[0], cached=True) assert lo == -1001 and hi == -1001 assert lo == OFFSET_INVALID and hi == OFFSET_INVALID # Query broker for watermarks, should raise an exception. try: lo, hi = kc.get_watermark_offsets(partitions[0], timeout=0.5, cached=False) except KafkaException as e: assert e.args[0].code() in (KafkaError._TIMED_OUT, KafkaError._WAIT_COORD, KafkaError.LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE),\ str(e.args([0])) kc.unassign() kc.commit(async=True) try: kc.commit(async=False) except KafkaException as e: assert e.args[0].code() in (KafkaError._TIMED_OUT, KafkaError._NO_OFFSET) # Get current position, should all be invalid. kc.position(partitions) assert len([p for p in partitions if p.offset == OFFSET_INVALID]) == len(partitions) try: kc.committed(partitions, timeout=0.001) except KafkaException as e: assert e.args[0].code() == KafkaError._TIMED_OUT kc.close()
class KafkaConsumer: """Defines the base kafka consumer class""" def __init__( self, topic_name_pattern, message_handler, is_avro=True, offset_earliest=False, sleep_secs=1.0, consume_timeout=0.1, ): """Creates a consumer object for asynchronous use""" self.topic_name_pattern = topic_name_pattern self.message_handler = message_handler self.sleep_secs = sleep_secs self.consume_timeout = consume_timeout self.offset_earliest = offset_earliest self.broker_properties = { "bootstrap.servers": BROKER_URL, "": GROUP_ID } # TODO - NEEDED? # if offset_earliest: # self.broker_properties['auto.offset.reset'] = 'earliest' if is_avro is True: self.broker_properties["schema.registry.url"] = SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL self.consumer = AvroConsumer(self.broker_properties) else: self.consumer = Consumer(self.broker_properties) self.consumer.subscribe([topic_name_pattern], on_assign=self.on_assign) def on_assign(self, consumer, partitions): """Callback for when topic assignment takes place""" if self.offset_earliest: for partition in partitions: partition.offset = confluent_kafka.OFFSET_BEGINNING"partitions assigned for %s", self.topic_name_pattern) consumer.assign(partitions) async def consume(self): """Asynchronously consumes data from kafka topic""" while True: num_results = 1 while num_results > 0: num_results = self._consume() await gen.sleep(self.sleep_secs) def _consume(self): """Polls for a message. Returns 1 if a message was received, 0 otherwise""" try: message = self.consumer.poll(self.consume_timeout) if message is None or message.error(): return 0 else: self.message_handler(message) return 1 except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to consume message: {e}") def close(self): """Cleans up any open kafka consumers""" self.consumer.close()
props = { 'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:9092', # Kafka集群在那裡? (置換成要連接的Kafka集群) '': 'tdea', # ConsumerGroup的名稱 (置換成你/妳的學員ID) 'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest', # Offset從最前面開始 '': 6000, 'error_cb': error_cb # 設定接收error訊息的callback函數 } # 步驟2. 產生一個Kafka的Consumer的實例 consumer = Consumer(props) # 步驟3. 指定想要訂閱訊息的topic名稱 topicName = "test2"; # 步驟4. 讓Consumer向Kafka集群訂閱指定的topic consumer.subscribe([topicName]) # 步驟5. 持續的拉取Kafka有進來的訊息 try: while True: # 請求Kafka把新的訊息吐出來 record = consumer.poll(timeout=1.0) # 逐筆的取回訊息 # 檢查是否有錯誤 if record is None: continue if record.error(): # Error or event if record.error().code() == KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: # End of partition event sys.stderr.write('%% %s [%d] reached end at offset %d\n' %
class KafkaConsumer: def __init__(self, servers, topic, reset_offset=False, reset_type='start', consumer_group=None): self.bootstrap = servers self.consumer = None self.topic = topic self.reset_offset = reset_offset self.reset_type = reset_type self.consumer_group = consumer_group.lower().encode('utf-8') def activate(self): while True: try: conf = { 'bootstrap.servers': self.bootstrap, '': self.consumer_group, '': False, 'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest' } self.consumer = Consumer(**conf) if self.reset_offset is True: if self.reset_type == 'start': tp = TopicPartition(self.topic, 0, OFFSET_BEGINNING) else: tp = TopicPartition(self.topic, 0, OFFSET_END) self.consumer.assign([tp]) else: self.consumer.subscribe([self.topic]) break except: time.sleep(30) logger.warning( 'Kafka Consumer {} Reconnected. Exception {}'.format( self.topic, sys.exc_info())) def consume(self): try: raw = self.consumer.consume(num_messages=1, timeout=0.3) return raw[0] if raw else None except: self.activate() raw = self.consumer.consume(num_messages=1, timeout=0.3) return raw[0] if raw else None def commit_offsets(self): try: self.consumer.commit() except: self.activate() def stop(self): self.consumer.close()
'bootstrap.servers':, '': "foo", 'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest', 'security.protocol': 'SSL', '': args.cacert, 'ssl.certificate.location': args.cert, 'ssl.key.location': args.certkey } logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, filemode='w', format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)"Starting Kafka Consumer injesting from broker {conf['bootstrap.servers']} every {args.interval} seconds") consumer = Consumer(conf)'Subscribing to kafka topic {args.topic}') consumer.subscribe([args.topic]) try:"Open DB connection") conn = psycopg2.connect(args.dsn) cur = conn.cursor()"Create table for metrics if it doesn't exist") cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS metrics (key UUID PRIMARY KEY, value JSONB)") while True:"Setting polling interval {args.interval} seconds to read from Kafka topic.") msg = consumer.poll(int(args.interval)) if msg is None:"Have not received any message within {args.interval}. Retrying.") continue
# Create Consumer instance # 'auto.offset.reset=earliest' to start reading from the beginning of the # topic if no committed offsets exist consumer = Consumer({ 'bootstrap.servers': conf['bootstrap.servers'], 'sasl.mechanisms': conf['sasl.mechanisms'], 'security.protocol': conf['security.protocol'], 'sasl.username': conf['sasl.username'], 'sasl.password': conf['sasl.password'], '': 'python_example_group_1', 'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest', }) # Subscribe to topic consumer.subscribe([topic]) working_data = {} # Process messages # total_count = 0 #f = open('consumer_output.json', 'w') breadcrumb_csv = open(BC_file, 'w') trip_csv = open(TP_file, 'w') failed_csv = open('failed_data.csv', 'w') breadcrumb_headers = [ 'tstamp', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'direction', 'speed',
from confluent_kafka import Consumer, KafkaError settings = { 'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:9092', '': 'consumer_group', '': 'client_1', '': True, '': 6000, 'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest'} } c = Consumer(settings) c.subscribe(topics=['test_topic']) try: while True: message = c.poll() if message is None: continue elif not message.error(): print('Message received: {}'.format(message.value())) elif message.error().code() == KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: print('End of partition reached {}/{}'.format(message.topic(), message.partition())) else: print('Error occurred: {}'.format(message.error().str())) except KeyboardInterrupt:
from builtins import print from confluent_kafka import Consumer import schedule import xlsxwriter FILE_GENERATION_INTERVAL = 60 messages = {} print('Connecting...') consumer = Consumer({ 'bootstrap.servers': 'kafka-broker:9092', '': 'top-words', 'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest' }) consumer.subscribe(['tweets-wordcount']) print('Successfully subscribed to the topic!') def write_to_excel(): print('Writing to excel file') list_of_messages = [] for key, value in messages.items(): if key == '': continue list_of_messages.append({'text': key, 'count': value}) list_of_messages.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda e: e.get('count')) workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('./output/word-count.xlsx') worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
# Create logger for consumer (logs will be emitted when poll() is called) logger = logging.getLogger('consumer') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')) logger.addHandler(handler) # Create Consumer instance # Hint: try debug='fetch' to generate some log messages c = Consumer(conf, logger=logger) def print_assignment(consumer, partitions): print('Assignment:', partitions) # Subscribe to topics c.subscribe(topics, on_assign=print_assignment) # Read messages from Kafka, print to stdout try: while True: msg = c.poll(timeout=1.0) if msg is None: continue if msg.error(): raise KafkaException(msg.error()) else: # Proper message sys.stderr.write('%% %s [%d] at offset %d with key %s:\n' % (msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset(), str(msg.key()))) print(msg.value())
def collect_image(topic: str, kafka_session: Consumer): """Collect an image from the respective image topic Arguments: broker {str} -- Kafka client topic {str} -- topic (ex. images) """ def print_assignment(consumer, partitions): print('Assignment:', partitions) kafka_session.subscribe(topic, on_assign=print_assignment) while True: msg = kafka_session.poll(timeout=1.0) if msg is None: continue"No messages available within topic : %s", topic) if msg.error(): if msg.error().code() == KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF:'%% %s [%d] reached end of offset %d' % (msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset())) else: logs.debug("Kafka Exception : %s", msg.error()) raise KafkaException(msg.error()) else: # Well formed messaged '%% %s [%d] at offset %d with key %s: ' % (msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset(), str(msg.key()))) # image transform image_array, orig_image_array = image_transform(msg) prediction, class_weights, final_conv_layer = do_inference( ts_server="", ts_port=8500, model_input=image_array) # create CAM get_output = K.function([tf.convert_to_tensor(image_array)], [ tf.convert_to_tensor(final_conv_layer), tf.convert_to_tensor(prediction) ]) [conv_outputs, predictions] = get_output([image_array[0]]) conv_outputs = conv_outputs[0, :, :, :] # TODO: Receiving variable results across CAMs generated by this # method. Needs further investigation and comparison to original # CAM paper found here : cam = np.zeros(dtype=np.float32, shape=(conv_outputs.shape[:2])) for i, w in enumerate(class_weights[0]): cam += w * conv_outputs[:, :, i] cam = cam - np.min(cam) cam /= np.max(cam) #h,w = orig_image_array.shape[:2] cam = cv2.resize(cam, orig_image_array.shape[:2]) # TODO : Investigate why the cv2.resize() function transposes # the height and width of the orig_image_array #cam = cv2.resize(cam, (orig_image_array.shape[:2][1], orig_image_array.shape[:2][0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) cam = np.uint8(255 * cam) heatmap = cv2.applyColorMap(cam, cv2.COLORMAP_JET) #heatmap[np.where(cam < 0.2)] = 0 img = heatmap * 0.3 + orig_image_array"Class Activation Map (CAM) Created!") # This is complete hackery and will need to be replaced # I don't know why a numpy array (see `img` array above) # would be 25MB when all constituent arrays are ~ 7MB total. # Let alone when saving an image to disk the image is only 1MB total. cv2.imwrite("inflight_img.png", img) new_img ="inflight_img.png", mode='r') img_bytes = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') img_bytes = img_bytes.getvalue() message = marshall_message(img_bytes, prediction.tolist()) os.remove("inflight_img.png") p = kafka_producer() p.poll(0) p.produce(results_kafka_topic, value=message, callback=kafka_delivery_report) p.flush()
def run_commit_log_consumer(bootstrap_servers, consumer_group, commit_log_topic, partition_state_manager, synchronize_commit_group, start_event, stop_request_event): start_event.set() logging.debug('Starting commit log consumer...') positions = {} # NOTE: The commit log consumer group should not be persisted into the # ``__consumer_offsets`` topic since no offsets are committed by this # consumer. The group membership metadata messages will be published # initially but as long as this group remains a single consumer it will # be deleted after the consumer is closed. # It is very important to note that the ```` **MUST** be unique to # this consumer process!!! This ensures that it is able to consume from all # partitions of the commit log topic and get a comprehensive view of the # state of the consumer groups it is tracking. consumer = Consumer({ 'bootstrap.servers': bootstrap_servers, '': consumer_group, '': 'false', '': 'true', 'enable.partition.eof': 'false', 'default.topic.config': { 'auto.offset.reset': 'error', }, }) def rewind_partitions_on_assignment(consumer, assignment): # The commit log consumer must start consuming from the beginning of # the commit log topic to ensure that it has a comprehensive view of # all active partitions. consumer.assign([ TopicPartition( i.topic, i.partition, positions.get((i.topic, i.partition), OFFSET_BEGINNING), ) for i in assignment ]) consumer.subscribe( [commit_log_topic], on_assign=rewind_partitions_on_assignment, ) while not stop_request_event.is_set(): message = consumer.poll(1) if message is None: continue error = message.error() if error is not None: raise Exception(error) positions[(message.topic(), message.partition())] = message.offset() + 1 group, topic, partition, offset = get_commit_data(message) if group != synchronize_commit_group: logger.debug('Received consumer offsets update from %r, ignoring...', group) continue if offset in LOGICAL_OFFSETS: logger.debug( 'Skipping invalid logical offset (%r) from %s/%s...', offset, topic, partition) continue elif offset < 0: logger.warning( 'Received unexpected negative offset (%r) from %s/%s!', offset, topic, partition) partition_state_manager.set_remote_offset(topic, partition, offset)
class SynchronizedConsumer(object): """ This class implements the framework for a consumer that is intended to only consume messages that have already been consumed and committed by members of another consumer group. This works similarly to the Kafka built-in ``__consumer_offsets`` topic. The consumer group that is being "followed" (the one that must make progress for our consumer here to make progress, identified by the ``synchronize_commit_group`` constructor parameter/instance attribute) must report its offsets to a topic (identified by the ``commit_log_topic`` constructor parameter/instance attribute). This consumer subscribes to both commit log topic, as well as the topic(s) that we are actually interested in consuming messages from. The messages received from the commit log topic control whether or not consumption from partitions belonging to the main topic is paused, resumed, or allowed to continue in its current state without changes. The furthest point in any partition that this consumer should ever consume to is the maximum offset that has been recorded to the commit log topic for that partition. If the offsets recorded to that topic move non-monotonically (due to an intentional offset rollback, for instance) this consumer *may* consume up to the highest watermark point. (The implementation here tries to pause consuming from the partition as soon as possible, but this makes no explicit guarantees about that behavior.) """ initial_offset_reset_strategies = { 'earliest': get_earliest_offset, 'latest': get_latest_offset, } def __init__(self, bootstrap_servers, consumer_group, commit_log_topic, synchronize_commit_group, initial_offset_reset='latest', on_commit=None): self.bootstrap_servers = bootstrap_servers self.consumer_group = consumer_group self.commit_log_topic = commit_log_topic self.synchronize_commit_group = synchronize_commit_group self.initial_offset_reset = self.initial_offset_reset_strategies[initial_offset_reset] self.__partition_state_manager = SynchronizedPartitionStateManager( self.__on_partition_state_change) self.__commit_log_consumer, self.__commit_log_consumer_stop_request = self.__start_commit_log_consumer() self.__positions = {} def commit_callback(error, partitions): if on_commit is not None: return on_commit(error, partitions) consumer_configuration = { 'bootstrap.servers': self.bootstrap_servers, '': self.consumer_group, '': 'false', '': 'true', 'enable.partition.eof': 'false', 'default.topic.config': { 'auto.offset.reset': 'error', }, 'on_commit': commit_callback, } self.__consumer = Consumer(consumer_configuration) def __start_commit_log_consumer(self, timeout=None): """ Starts running the commit log consumer. """ stop_request_event = threading.Event() start_event = threading.Event() result = execute( functools.partial( run_commit_log_consumer, bootstrap_servers=self.bootstrap_servers, consumer_group='{}:sync:{}'.format(self.consumer_group, uuid.uuid1().hex), commit_log_topic=self.commit_log_topic, synchronize_commit_group=self.synchronize_commit_group, partition_state_manager=self.__partition_state_manager, start_event=start_event, stop_request_event=stop_request_event, ), ) start_event.wait(timeout) return result, stop_request_event def __check_commit_log_consumer_running(self): if not self.__commit_log_consumer.running(): try: result = self.__commit_log_consumer.result(timeout=0) # noqa except TimeoutError: pass # not helpful raise Exception('Commit log consumer unexpectedly exit!') def __on_partition_state_change( self, topic, partition, previous_state_and_offsets, current_state_and_offsets): """ Callback that is invoked when a partition state changes. """ logger.debug('State change for %r: %r to %r', (topic, partition), previous_state_and_offsets, current_state_and_offsets) current_state, current_offsets = current_state_and_offsets if current_offsets.local is None: # It only makes sense to manipulate the consumer if we've got an # assignment. (This block should only be entered at startup if the # remote offsets are retrieved from the commit log before the local # consumer has received its assignment.) return # TODO: This will be called from the commit log consumer thread, so need # to verify that calling the ``consumer.{pause,resume}`` methods is # thread safe! if current_state in (SynchronizedPartitionState.UNKNOWN, SynchronizedPartitionState.SYNCHRONIZED, SynchronizedPartitionState.REMOTE_BEHIND): self.__consumer.pause([TopicPartition(topic, partition, current_offsets.local)]) elif current_state is SynchronizedPartitionState.LOCAL_BEHIND: self.__consumer.resume([TopicPartition(topic, partition, current_offsets.local)]) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unexpected partition state: %s' % (current_state,)) def subscribe(self, topics, on_assign=None, on_revoke=None): """ Subscribe to a topic. """ self.__check_commit_log_consumer_running() def assignment_callback(consumer, assignment): # Since ``auto.offset.reset`` is set to ``error`` to force human # interaction on an offset reset, we have to explicitly specify the # starting offset if no offset has been committed for this topic during # the ``__consumer_offsets`` topic retention period. assignment = { (i.topic, i.partition): self.__positions.get((i.topic, i.partition)) for i in assignment } for i in self.__consumer.committed([TopicPartition(topic, partition) for ( topic, partition), offset in assignment.items() if offset is None]): k = (i.topic, i.partition) if i.offset > -1: assignment[k] = i.offset else: assignment[k] = self.initial_offset_reset(consumer, i.topic, i.partition) self.__consumer.assign([TopicPartition(topic, partition, offset) for (topic, partition), offset in assignment.items()]) for (topic, partition), offset in assignment.items(): # Setting the local offsets will either cause the partition to be # paused (if the remote offset is unknown or the local offset is # not trailing the remote offset) or resumed. self.__partition_state_manager.set_local_offset(topic, partition, offset) self.__positions[(topic, partition)] = offset if on_assign is not None: on_assign(self, [TopicPartition(topic, partition) for topic, partition in assignment.keys()]) def revocation_callback(consumer, assignment): for item in assignment: # TODO: This should probably also be removed from the state manager. self.__positions.pop((item.topic, item.partition)) if on_revoke is not None: on_revoke(self, assignment) self.__consumer.subscribe( topics, on_assign=assignment_callback, on_revoke=revocation_callback) def poll(self, timeout): self.__check_commit_log_consumer_running() message = self.__consumer.poll(timeout) if message is None: return if message.error() is not None: return message self.__partition_state_manager.validate_local_message( message.topic(), message.partition(), message.offset()) self.__partition_state_manager.set_local_offset( message.topic(), message.partition(), message.offset() + 1) self.__positions[(message.topic(), message.partition())] = message.offset() + 1 return message def commit(self, *args, **kwargs): self.__check_commit_log_consumer_running() return self.__consumer.commit(*args, **kwargs) def close(self): self.__check_commit_log_consumer_running() self.__commit_log_consumer_stop_request.set() try: self.__consumer.close() finally: self.__commit_log_consumer.result()
def httpry_logs(): consumer = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': kafka_hosts, '': 'Httpry_logs_%s' %dt,'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'latest','auto.commit.enable':'true'}}) consumer.subscribe(['httpry_logs']) try: while True: msg = consumer.poll() if msg: if not msg.error(): Msg = msg.value().decode('utf-8').strip() try: tm = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M', time.localtime()) httpry_Key = 'httpry_domain.%s' % tm if Msg: msg = Msg.split() if len(msg) == 11: if msg[6] != '-': RC.zincrby(httpry_Key,msg[6], 1) RC.expire(httpry_Key,600) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) continue elif msg.error().code() != KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: logging.error(msg.error()) continue except Exception as e: logging.error(e) finally: consumer.close()
def analytics_internet2_logs(): consumer = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': kafka_hosts, '': 'Internet2_logs_%s' %dt,'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'latest','auto.commit.enable':'true'}}) consumer.subscribe(['haproxy_logs']) try: while True: msg = consumer.poll() if not msg.error(): Msg = msg.value().decode('utf-8').strip() try: tt = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.localtime()) tm = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M', time.localtime()) Tm = time.strftime('%H:%M', time.localtime()) Tra_ser_minute_Key = 'traffic.ser.%s' % tm Tra_cli_minute_Key = 'traffic.cli.%s' % tm if Msg: Msg = Msg.split() if len(Msg) >= 17: traffic_cli = Msg[10] traffic_ser = Msg[11] Topic = str(Msg[14]).split('|')[0].replace('{', '').strip() IP = str(Msg[5]) Rtime = Msg[8].split('/')[-1] if Rtime.isdigit(): Rtime = int(Rtime) else: Rtime = 0 uv_key = 'baihe_uv_%s' % tt Rt_Key = 'Rtime_%s_%s' % (tt, Topic) PATH = str(Msg[16]).split('?')[0] URL = 'http://%s%s' % (Topic,PATH) Tra_ser_url_minute_Key = 'traffic.ser.url_%s' % Tm Tra_cli_url_minute_Key = 'traffic.cli.url_%s' % Tm for KEY in (uv_key,Rt_Key,Tra_ser_url_minute_Key,Tra_cli_url_minute_Key): RC.expire(KEY,3600) # 流量 if traffic_ser.isdigit() and traffic_cli.isdigit(): RC.zincrby(Tra_cli_url_minute_Key, URL, int(traffic_cli)) RC.zincrby(Tra_ser_url_minute_Key,URL, int(traffic_ser)) # 实时流量 RC.zincrby(Tra_cli_minute_Key, Topic, int(traffic_cli)) RC.expire(Tra_cli_minute_Key, 300) RC.zincrby(Tra_ser_minute_Key, Topic, int(traffic_ser)) RC.expire(Tra_ser_minute_Key, 300) # if Rtime: RC.lpush(Rt_Key, Rtime) RC.sadd(uv_key, IP) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) continue elif msg.error().code() != KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: logging.error(msg.error()) continue except Exception as e: logging.error(e) finally: consumer.close()