def icatconfig(setupicat, testConfig, request):
    client, conf, config = getConfig(ids="mandatory")
    mainbase = request.config.getini('mainstoragebase')
    archivebase = request.config.getini('archivestoragebase')
    conf.cmdargs.append("--mainStorageBase=%s" % mainbase)
    conf.cmdargs.append("--archiveStorageBase=%s" % archivebase)
    incomingbase = request.config.getini('incomingbase')
    proposaldir = os.path.join(incomingbase, testProposalNo.replace('/', '_'))
    conf.proposaldir = proposaldir

    def cleanup():
        client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
        query = Query(client,
                      conditions={"name": "LIKE '%s-%%'" % testDatasetPrefix})
        wipe_data(client, query)
        query.setLimit((0, 500))
        while True:
            objs =
            if not objs:

    if testConfig.cleanup:
    return (conf, config)
Exemple #2
def test_download(tmpdirsec, client, case, method):
    conf = getConfig(confSection=case['dluser'])
    if len(case['dfs']) > 1:
        zfname = os.path.join(tmpdirsec.dir, "" % case['dsname'])
        print("\nDownload %s to file %s" % (case['dsname'], zfname))
        args = conf.cmdargs + [ '--outputfile', zfname, 
                                case['invname'], case['dsname'], method ]
        callscript("", args)
        zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zfname, 'r')
        zinfos = zf.infolist()
        assert len(zinfos) == len(case['dfs'])
        for df in case['dfs']:
            zi = None
            for i in zinfos:
                if i.filename.endswith(df['dfname']):
                    zi = i
            assert zi is not None
            assert "%x" % (zi.CRC & 0xffffffff) == df['testfile'].crc32
            assert zi.file_size == df['testfile'].size
    elif len(case['dfs']) == 1:
        df = case['dfs'][0]
        dfname = os.path.join(tmpdirsec.dir, "dl_%s" % df['dfname'])
        print("\nDownload %s to file %s" % (case['dsname'], dfname))
        args = conf.cmdargs + [ '--outputfile', dfname, 
                                case['invname'], case['dsname'], method ]
        callscript("", args)
        assert filecmp.cmp(df['testfile'].fname, dfname)
        raise RuntimeError("No datafiles for dataset %s" % case['dsname'])
def test_add_relateddatafile(data, user, rdfname):
    client, conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    rdfdata = data['related_datafiles'][rdfname]
    rdf ="relatedDatafile")
    initobj(rdf, rdfdata)
    rdf.sourceDatafile = get_datafile(client, rdfdata['source'])
    rdf.destDatafile = create_datafile(client, data, rdfdata['dest'])
def test_add_publication(data, user, pubname):
    client, conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    pubdata = data['publications'][pubname]
    publication ="publication")
    initobj(publication, pubdata)
    query = "Investigation [name='%s']" % pubdata['investigation']
    publication.investigation = client.assertedSearch(query)[0]
Exemple #5
def client(setupicat, request):
    conf = getConfig(ids="mandatory")
    client = icat.Client(conf.url, **conf.client_kwargs)
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    def cleanup():
        query = "SELECT df FROM Datafile df WHERE df.location IS NOT NULL"
    return client
Exemple #6
def test_add_relateddatafile(data, user, rdfname):
    conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    client = icat.Client(conf.url, **conf.client_kwargs)
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    rdfdata = data['related_datafiles'][rdfname]
    rdf ="relatedDatafile")
    initobj(rdf, rdfdata)
    rdf.sourceDatafile = get_datafile(client, rdfdata['source'])
    rdf.destDatafile = create_datafile(client, data, rdfdata['dest'])
def test_clone_ids(setupicat):
    """Same as above, but configure ids this time.
    client, conf = getConfig(ids="mandatory")
    clone = client.clone()
    assert isinstance(clone, icat.client.Client)
    assert clone.url == client.url
    assert clone.ids.url == client.ids.url
    assert clone.kwargs == client.kwargs
    assert clone.apiversion == client.apiversion
def test_clone_minimal(setupicat):
    """Clone a simple client.  Not logged in, no ids.
    client, conf = getConfig(ids=False)
    clone = client.clone()
    assert isinstance(clone, icat.client.Client)
    assert clone.url == client.url
    assert clone.ids is None
    assert clone.kwargs == client.kwargs
    assert clone.apiversion == client.apiversion
Exemple #9
def test_add_publication(data, user, pubname):
    conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    client = icat.Client(conf.url, **conf.client_kwargs)
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    pubdata = data['publications'][pubname]
    publication ="publication")
    initobj(publication, pubdata)
    query = "Investigation [name='%s']" % pubdata['investigation']
    publication.investigation = client.assertedSearch(query)[0]
Exemple #10
def client(setupicat, request):
    conf = getConfig(ids="mandatory")
    client = icat.Client(conf.url, **conf.client_kwargs)
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)

    def cleanup():
        query = "SELECT df FROM Datafile df WHERE df.location IS NOT NULL"

    return client
def test_check_summary_user(tmpdirsec, user):
    """Check the number of objects from a user's point of view.

    This checks which objects a given user may see and thus whether
    the (read) access rules work as expected.
    summary = os.path.join(tmpdirsec, "summary.%s" % user)
    ref = refsummary[user]
    _, conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    with open(summary, "wt") as out:
        callscript("", conf.cmdargs, stdout=out)
    assert filecmp.cmp(ref, summary), "ICAT content was not as expected"
def test_client_sslContext_kwarg(setupicat):
    """Set the `sslContext` keyword argument to the Client constructor.
    Issue #34.
    _, conf = getConfig()
    kwargs = getClientKWargs(conf)
    sslverify = kwargs.pop('checkCert', True)
    cafile = kwargs.pop('caFile', None)
    capath = kwargs.pop('caPath', None)
    kwargs['sslContext'] = create_ssl_context(sslverify, cafile, capath)
    client = icat.Client(conf.url, **kwargs)
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
Exemple #13
def test_check_summary_user(tmpdirsec, user):
    """Check the number of objects from a user's point of view.

    This checks which objects a given user may see and thus whether
    the (read) access rules work as expected.
    summary = os.path.join(tmpdirsec.dir, "summary.%s" % user)
    ref = refsummary[user]
    conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    with open(summary, "wt") as out:
        callscript("", conf.cmdargs, stdout=out)
    assert filecmp.cmp(ref, summary), "ICAT content was not as expected"
def test_get_icat_version():
    """Query the version from the test ICAT server.

    This implicitly tests that the test ICAT server is properly
    configured and that we can connect to it.

    client, conf, _ = getConfig(needlogin=False, ids=False)
    # python-icat supports ICAT server 4.2 or newer.  But actually, we
    # just want to check that client.apiversion is set and supports
    # comparison with version strings.
    assert client.apiversion >= '4.2'
    print("\nConnect to %s\nICAT version %s\n" % (conf.url, client.apiversion))
Exemple #15
def client(setupicat, testConfig, request):
    client, conf, _ = getConfig(ids="mandatory")
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    def cleanup():
        query = Query(client, "Dataset", conditions={
            "name": "LIKE '%s-%%'" % testDatasetName
        wipe_data(client, query)
    if testConfig.cleanup:
    createDatasets(client, testConfig)
    return client
def test_add_study(data, user, studyname):
    client, conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    studydata = data['studies'][studyname]
    study ="study")
    initobj(study, studydata)
    query = "User [name='%s']" % data['users'][studydata['user']]['name']
    study.user = client.assertedSearch(query)[0]
    for invname in studydata['investigations']:
        query = "Investigation [name='%s']" % invname
        si ="studyInvestigation")
        si.investigation = client.assertedSearch(query)[0]
def test_get_icat_version():
    """Query the version from the test ICAT server.

    This implicitly tests that the test ICAT server is properly
    configured and that we can connect to it.

    conf = getConfig(needlogin=False)
    client = icat.Client(conf.url, **conf.client_kwargs)
    # python-icat supports ICAT server 4.2 or newer.  But actually, we
    # just want to check that client.apiversion is set and supports
    # comparison with version strings.
    assert client.apiversion >= '4.2'
    print("\nConnect to %s\nICAT version %s\n" % (conf.url, client.apiversion))
def test_get_ids_version():
    """Query the version from the test IDS server.

    This implicitly tests that the test ICAT and IDS servers are
    properly configured and that we can connect to them.

    client, conf, _ = getConfig(needlogin=False, ids="mandatory")
    # python-icat supports all publicly released IDS server version,
    # e.g. 1.0.0 or newer.  But actually, we just want to check that
    # client.apiversion is set and supports comparison with version
    # strings.
    assert client.ids.apiversion >= '1.0.0'
    print("\nConnect to %s\nIDS version %s\n" 
          % (conf.idsurl, client.ids.apiversion))
def test_add_study(data, user, studyname):
    pytest.skip("Study disabled, see Issue icatproject/icat.server#155")
    conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    client = icat.Client(conf.url, **conf.client_kwargs)
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    studydata = data['studies'][studyname]
    study ="study")
    initobj(study, studydata)
    query = "User [name='%s']" % studydata['user']
    study.user = client.assertedSearch(query)[0]
    for invname in studydata['investigations']:
        query = "Investigation [name='%s']" % invname
        si ="studyInvestigation")
        si.investigation = client.assertedSearch(query)[0]
def test_client_set_transport(setupicat):
    """Try setting a custom transport in the client using set_options().
    See Issue #33 why this is relevant.
    _, conf = getConfig()
    kwargs = getClientKWargs(conf)
    client = icat.Client(conf.url, **kwargs)
    proxy = {}
    if conf.http_proxy:
        proxy['http'] = config.http_proxy
    if conf.https_proxy:
        proxy['https'] = config.https_proxy
    transport = MyHTTPSTransport(client.sslContext, proxy=proxy)
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    assert transport.sendCounter >= 1
def test_get_ids_version():
    """Query the version from the test IDS server.

    This implicitly tests that the test ICAT and IDS servers are
    properly configured and that we can connect to them.

    conf = getConfig(needlogin=False, ids="mandatory")
    client = icat.Client(conf.url, **conf.client_kwargs)
    # python-icat supports all publicly released IDS server version,
    # e.g. 1.0.0 or newer.  But actually, we just want to check that
    # client.apiversion is set and supports comparison with version
    # strings.
    assert client.ids.apiversion >= '1.0.0'
    print("\nConnect to %s\nIDS version %s\n" 
          % (conf.idsurl, client.ids.apiversion))
Exemple #22
def test_add_study(data, user, studyname):
    pytest.skip("Study disabled, see Issue icatproject/icat.server#155")
    conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    client = icat.Client(conf.url, **conf.client_kwargs)
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    studydata = data['studies'][studyname]
    study ="study")
    initobj(study, studydata)
    query = "User [name='%s']" % studydata['user']
    study.user = client.assertedSearch(query)[0]
    for invname in studydata['investigations']:
        query = "Investigation [name='%s']" % invname
        si ="studyInvestigation")
        si.investigation = client.assertedSearch(query)[0]
def test_equality_client(client):
    """Test that objects that belong to different clients are never equal.

    There used to be a bug such that the client was not taken into
    account, fixed in c9a1be6.
    # Get a second client that is connected to the same server.
    client2, _ = getConfig(needlogin=False)
    u1 ="user", id=728, name="u_a")
    u2 ="user", id=728, name="u_a")
    # u1 and u2 have all attributes, including the id the same.
    assert ==
    assert ==
    # But they belong to different client instances and thus, they are
    # still not equal.
    assert u1 != u2
    assert not (u1 == u2)
Exemple #24
def test_equality_client(client):
    """Test that objects that belong to different clients are never equal.

    There used to be a bug such that the client was not taken into
    account, fixed in c9a1be6.
    # Get a second client that is connected to the same server.
    conf = getConfig(needlogin=False)
    client2 = icat.Client(conf.url, **conf.client_kwargs)
    u1 ="user", id=728, name="u_a")
    u2 ="user", id=728, name="u_a")
    # u1 and u2 have all attributes, including the id the same.
    assert ==
    assert ==
    # But they belong to different client instances and thus, they are
    # still not equal.
    assert u1 != u2
    assert not (u1 == u2)
Exemple #25
def icatconfig(setupicat, testConfig, request):
    client, conf, config = getConfig(ids="mandatory")
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    mainbase = request.config.getini('mainstoragebase')
    archivebase = request.config.getini('archivestoragebase')
    conf.cmdargs.append("--mainStorageBase=%s" % mainbase)
    conf.cmdargs.append("--archiveStorageBase=%s" % archivebase)
    incomingbase = request.config.getini('incomingbase')
    proposaldir = os.path.join(incomingbase, testProposalNo.replace('/', '_'))
    conf.proposaldir = proposaldir

    def cleanup():

    if testConfig.cleanup:
    return (client, conf, config)
def test_login(user):
    """Login to the ICAT server.

    client, conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    sessionId = client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    assert sessionId
    assert sessionId == client.sessionId
    username = client.getUserName()
    assert username == "%s/%s" % (conf.auth, user)
    print("\nLogged in as %s to %s." % (user, conf.url))
    assert client.sessionId is None

    # Verify that the logout was effective, e.g. that the sessionId is
    # invalidated.
    with tmpSessionId(client, sessionId):
        with pytest.raises(icat.exception.ICATSessionError):
            username = client.getUserName()
Exemple #27
def test_upload(tmpdirsec, client, case):
    f = DummyDatafile(tmpdirsec.dir, 
                      case['dfname'], case['size'], case['mtime'])
    print("\nUpload file %s" % case['dfname'])
    conf = getConfig(confSection=case['uluser'])
    args = conf.cmdargs + [case['invname'], case['dsname'], 
                           case['dfformat'], f.fname]
    callscript("", args)
    query = Query(client, "Datafile", conditions={
        "name": "= '%s'" % case['dfname'],
        "": "= '%s'" % case['dsname'],
        "": "= '%s'" % case['invname'],
    df = client.assertedSearch(query)[0]
    assert df.location is not None
    assert df.fileSize == f.size
    assert df.checksum == f.crc32
    if f.mtime:
        assert df.datafileModTime == f.mtime
    case['testfile'] = f
Exemple #28
def icatconfig(setupicat, testConfig, request):
    client, conf, config = getConfig(ids="mandatory")

    def cleanup():
        client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
        query = Query(client,
                      conditions={"name": "LIKE '%s-%%'" % testDatasetName})
        wipe_data(client, query)
        query.setLimit((0, 500))
        while True:
            objs =
            if not objs:

    if testConfig.cleanup:
    return (client, conf, config)
def test_login(user):
    """Login to the ICAT server.

    conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    client = icat.Client(conf.url, **conf.client_kwargs)
    sessionId = client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    assert sessionId
    assert sessionId == client.sessionId
    username = client.getUserName()
    assert username == user
    print("\nLogged in as %s to %s." % (user, conf.url))
    assert client.sessionId is None

    # Verify that the logout was effective, e.g. that the sessionId is
    # invalidated.
    with tmpSessionId(client, sessionId):
        with pytest.raises(icat.exception.ICATSessionError):
            username = client.getUserName()
Exemple #30
def test_upload(tmpdirsec, client, case):
    f = DummyDatafile(tmpdirsec.dir, case['dfname'], case['size'],
    print("\nUpload file %s" % case['dfname'])
    conf = getConfig(confSection=case['uluser'])
    args = conf.cmdargs + [
        case['invname'], case['dsname'], case['dfformat'], f.fname
    callscript("", args)
    query = Query(client,
                      "name": "= '%s'" % case['dfname'],
                      "": "= '%s'" % case['dsname'],
                      "": "= '%s'" % case['invname'],
    df = client.assertedSearch(query)[0]
    assert df.location is not None
    assert df.fileSize == f.size
    assert df.checksum == f.crc32
    if f.mtime:
        assert df.datafileModTime == f.mtime
    case['testfile'] = f
def test_clone_login(setupicat):
    """Clone a client that is logged in.

    The clone should not share the session.  Original client and clone
    should be able to login and out without interfering the other.
    client, conf = getConfig()
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    clone = client.clone()
    assert clone.url == client.url
    assert clone.kwargs == client.kwargs
    assert clone.apiversion == client.apiversion
    assert clone.sessionId is None, "the clone must not inherit the session"
    # The clone may start it's own session
    clone.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    assert clone.sessionId
    assert clone.sessionId != client.sessionId
    # both are still logged in as the same user
    assert clone.getUserName() == client.getUserName()
    # Now logout the clone.  This must not affect the client's session.
    assert clone.sessionId is None
    assert client.sessionId
def test_addjob(user, jobname):
    _, conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    args = conf.cmdargs + [testinput, jobname]
    callscript("", args)
def test_addinvdata(user, invname):
    _, conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    args = conf.cmdargs + [testinput, invname]
    callscript("", args)
def test_create_sampletype(user, sample):
    _, conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    args = conf.cmdargs + [testinput, sample]
    callscript("", args)
def client():
    conf = getConfig(needlogin=False)
    client = icat.Client(conf.url, **conf.client_kwargs)
    return client
Exemple #36
    assert df.location is not None
    assert df.fileSize == f.size
    assert df.checksum == f.crc32
    if f.mtime:
        assert df.datafileModTime == f.mtime
    case['testfile'] = f

@pytest.fixture(scope='function', params=["getData", "getPreparedData"])
def method(request):
    return request.param

@pytest.mark.parametrize(("case"), markeddatasets)
def test_download(tmpdirsec, client, case, method):
    conf = getConfig(confSection=case['dluser'])
    if len(case['dfs']) > 1:
        zfname = os.path.join(tmpdirsec.dir, "" % case['dsname'])
        print("\nDownload %s to file %s" % (case['dsname'], zfname))
        args = conf.cmdargs + [
            '--outputfile', zfname, case['invname'], case['dsname'], method
        callscript("", args)
        zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zfname, 'r')
        zinfos = zf.infolist()
        assert len(zinfos) == len(case['dfs'])
        for df in case['dfs']:
            zi = None
            for i in zinfos:
                if i.filename.endswith(df['dfname']):
                    zi = i
def test_create_investigation(invname):
    _, conf = getConfig(confSection="useroffice")
    args = conf.cmdargs + [testinput, invname]
    callscript("", args)
Exemple #38
def test_create_investigation(invname):
    conf = getConfig(confSection="useroffice")
    args = conf.cmdargs + [testinput, invname]
    callscript("", args)
Exemple #39
def client():
    conf = getConfig(needlogin=False)
    client = icat.Client(conf.url, **conf.client_kwargs)
    return client
Exemple #40
def test_addjob(user, jobname):
    conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    args = conf.cmdargs + [testinput, jobname]
    callscript("", args)
def client(setupicat):
    client, conf = getConfig()
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    return client
def client(setupicat):
    client, conf = getConfig(confSection="nbour")
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    return client
def test_getversion():
    """Get version info from the ICAT server.
    conf = getConfig(needlogin=False)
    callscript("", conf.cmdargs)
def test_login(user):
    """Login to the ICAT server.
    conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    callscript("", conf.cmdargs)
Exemple #45
def test_addinvdata(user, invname):
    conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    args = conf.cmdargs + [testinput, invname]
    callscript("", args)
def test_getversion():
    """Get version info from the ICAT server.
    _, conf = getConfig(needlogin=False)
    callscript("", conf.cmdargs)
Exemple #47
def test_create_sampletype(user, sample):
    conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    args = conf.cmdargs + [testinput, sample]
    callscript("", args)
def test_login(user):
    """Login to the ICAT server.
    _, conf = getConfig(confSection=user)
    callscript("", conf.cmdargs)
Exemple #49
def conf(setupicat):
    return getConfig(confSection="acord", ids="mandatory")
def conf(setupicat):
    return getConfig(confSection="acord", ids="mandatory")
Exemple #51
def client(setupicat):
    conf = getConfig()
    client = icat.Client(conf.url, **conf.client_kwargs)
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    return client
def client(setupicat):
    client, conf = getConfig(confSection="acord", ids="mandatory")
    client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)
    return client
def cmdargs(setupicat):
    _, conf = getConfig(confSection="acord", ids="mandatory")
    return conf.cmdargs + ["-f", "XML"]
def checker():
    conf = getConfig(needlogin=False)
    client = icat.Client(conf.url, **conf.client_kwargs)
    return ICATChecker(client)