Exemple #1
def test_is_reboot_required(monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'if \[ ! -e /usr/bin/needs-restarting \] ; then echo notexists ; fi':
            'stdout': 'notexists',
            'failed': False
        r'yum -y install yum-utils': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
        r'/usr/bin/needs-restarting -r': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.system, 'run', mock_run)
    assert is_reboot_required() is False
    run_state = {
        r'if \[ ! -e /usr/bin/needs-restarting \] ; then echo notexists ; fi':
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
        r'/usr/bin/needs-restarting -r': {
            'Reboot is required to ensure that your system benefits from these updates.',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.system, 'run', mock_run)
    assert is_reboot_required() is True
Exemple #2
def test_disable_selinux(monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'if \[ -e /etc/selinux/config \] ; then echo exists ; fi': {
            'stdout': 'exists',
            'failed': False
        r'if \[ -e /usr/sbin/setenforce \] && \[ -e /usr/sbin/getenforce \] ; then echo exists ; fi':
            'stdout': 'exists',
            'failed': False
        r'STATUS=\$\(getenforce\) ; if \[ "\$STATUS" == "Enforcing" \] ; then setenforce 0 ; echo perm ; fi':
            'stdout': 'perm',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.system, 'run', mock_run)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.system, 'edit_file', lambda x, y: True)
    assert disable_selinux() is True
    run_state = {
        r'if \[ -e /etc/selinux/config \] ; then echo exists ; fi': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
        r'if \[ -e /usr/sbin/setenforce \] && \[ -e /usr/sbin/getenforce \] ; then echo exists ; fi':
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.system, 'run', mock_run)
    assert disable_selinux() is False
Exemple #3
def test__copy_file_acl(monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'if \[ -e /usr/bin/getfacl \] && \[ -e /usr/bin/setfacl \] ; then echo exists ; fi':
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, 'run', mock_run)
    assert _copy_file_acl('/old', '/new') is None
    run_state = {
        r'if \[ -e /usr/bin/getfacl \] && \[ -e /usr/bin/setfacl \] ; then echo exists ; fi':
            'stdout': 'exists',
            'failed': False
        r'getfacl --absolute-names -- .* | setfacl --set-file=- -- .*': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, 'run', mock_run)
    assert _copy_file_acl('/old', '/new') is None
Exemple #4
def test_timedatectl_set_timezone(monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Kiev': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.system, 'run', mock_run)
    assert timedatectl_set_timezone('Europe/Kiev') == ''
Exemple #5
def test_localectl_set_locale(monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.system, 'run', mock_run)
    assert localectl_set_locale('LANG=en_US.UTF-8') == ''
Exemple #6
def test_run(monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'command': {
            'stdout': 'stdout',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabric.api, 'run', mock_run)
    assert run('command') == 'stdout'
Exemple #7
def test_get_user_home_directory(monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'getent passwd': {
            'stdout': PASSWD,
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.passwd, 'run', mock_run)
    assert get_user_home_directory("root") == "/root"
    assert get_user_home_directory("none") is None
Exemple #8
def test_systemctl_set_default(monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'systemctl daemon-reload ; systemctl set-default multi-user.target ; systemctl daemon-reload':
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.system, 'run', mock_run)
    assert systemctl_set_default('multi-user.target') == ''
Exemple #9
def test_systemctl_preset(monkeypatch):
    name = 'name'
    run_state = {
        r'systemctl daemon-reload ; systemctl preset ' + name + ' ; systemctl daemon-reload':
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.system, 'run', mock_run)
    assert systemctl_preset(name) is None
Exemple #10
def test_get_virtualization_type(monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'hostnamectl status': {
            'stdout': """
           Static hostname: test-centos
                 Icon name: computer-container
                   Chassis: container
                Machine ID: f8889d6132eb43658e8f6ea6f30c394e
                   Boot ID: 20e212fab38942e4b499f100f75f575c
            Virtualization: openvz
          Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
               CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:centos:centos:7
                    Kernel: Linux 2.6.32-042stab124.2
              Architecture: x86-64
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.system, 'run', mock_run)
    assert get_virtualization_type() == 'openvz'
    run_state = {
        r'hostnamectl status': {
            'stdout': """
           Static hostname: example.com
                 Icon name: computer-server
                   Chassis: server
                Machine ID: 4c500bbc51bb45539b5206bcbc523a42
                   Boot ID: 9c6aa7f2c066445e92f74f14d38bdc13
          Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
               CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:centos:centos:7
                    Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-693.2.2.el7.x86_64
              Architecture: x86-64
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.system, 'run', mock_run)
    assert get_virtualization_type() is None
Exemple #11
def test_remove_user(monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'userdel .*': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.passwd, 'run', mock_run)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.passwd, 'is_user_exists', lambda x: True)
    assert remove_user("user") is None
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.passwd, 'is_user_exists', lambda x: False)
    assert remove_user("user") is None
Exemple #12
def test_reboot_and_wait(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setitem(env, "host_string", '')
    run_state = {
        r'reboot': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.system, 'run', mock_run)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.system.connections, 'connect', lambda x: None)
    monkeypatch.setattr(time, 'sleep', lambda x: None)
    assert reboot_and_wait() is None
Exemple #13
def test_is_group_exists(monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'getent group': {
            'stdout': GROUP,
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.passwd, 'run', mock_run)
    assert is_group_exists("wheel") is True
    assert is_group_exists("nonex") is False
    assert is_group_not_exists("daemon") is False
    assert is_group_not_exists("not-ex") is True
Exemple #14
def test_is_user_exists(monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'getent passwd': {
            'stdout': PASSWD,
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.passwd, 'run', mock_run)
    assert is_user_exists("nginx") is True
    assert is_user_exists("not-exists") is False
    assert is_user_not_exists("nginx") is False
    assert is_user_not_exists("not-exists") is True
Exemple #15
def test_delete_user_from_group(monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'gpasswd .*': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.passwd, 'run', mock_run)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.passwd, 'is_user_in_group', lambda x, y: True)
    assert delete_user_from_group("user", "group") is None
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.passwd, 'is_user_in_group', lambda x, y: False)
    assert delete_user_from_group("user", "group") is None
Exemple #16
def test_create_group(monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'groupadd .*': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.passwd, 'run', mock_run)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.passwd, 'is_group_not_exists', lambda x: True)
    assert create_group("group") is None
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.passwd, 'is_group_not_exists', lambda x: False)
    assert create_group("group") is None
Exemple #17
def test__copy_file_owner_and_mode(monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'chown --reference=.* -- .*': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
        r'chmod --reference=.* -- .*': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, 'run', mock_run)
    assert _copy_file_owner_and_mode('/old', '/new') is None
Exemple #18
def test_yum_install(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'yum -y install a b c': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
        r'yum -y install A B C': {
            'stdout': 'Nothing to do',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.rpmyum, 'run', mock_run)
    assert yum_install(["c", "b"], "a") is True
    assert yum_install(""" C B A """) is False
Exemple #19
def test_is_user_in_group(monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'getent group': {
            'stdout': GROUP,
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.passwd, 'run', mock_run)
    assert is_user_in_group("postfix", "man") is False
    assert is_user_in_group("postfix", "zzz") is False
    assert is_user_in_group("postfix", "mail") is True
    assert is_user_not_in_group("postfix", "man") is True
    assert is_user_not_in_group("postfix", "zzz") is True
    assert is_user_not_in_group("postfix", "mail") is False
Exemple #20
def test_yum_remove(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'yum -y remove a b c': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
        r'yum -y remove A B C': {
            'stdout': 'No Packages marked for removal',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.rpmyum, 'run', mock_run)
    assert yum_remove(["c", "b"], "a") is True
    assert yum_remove(""" C B A """) is False
Exemple #21
def test_is_file_exists(monkeypatch):
    with abort('remote filename must be absolute, .*'):
    run_state = {
        r'if \[ -f /path/to/file \] ; then echo exists ; fi': {
            'stdout': 'exists',
            'failed': False
        r'if \[ -f /path/to/none \] ; then echo exists ; fi': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, 'run', mock_run)
    assert is_file_exists('/path/to/file') is True
    assert is_file_exists('/path/to/none') is False
Exemple #22
def test_is_directory_not_exists(monkeypatch):
    with abort('remote dirname must be absolute, .*'):
    run_state = {
        r'if \[ ! -d /path/to/none \] ; then echo notexists ; fi': {
            'stdout': 'notexists',
            'failed': False
        r'if \[ ! -d /path/to/dire \] ; then echo notexists ; fi': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, 'run', mock_run)
    assert is_directory_not_exists('/path/to/none') is True
    assert is_directory_not_exists('/path/to/dire') is False
Exemple #23
def test_remove_directory(monkeypatch):
    with abort('remote directory name must be absolute, ".*" given'):
    run_state = {
        r'if \[ -d /path/to/dire \] ; then rmdir -- /path/to/dire ; echo removed ; fi':
            'stdout': 'removed',
            'failed': False
        r'if \[ -d /path/to/none \] ; then rmdir -- /path/to/none ; echo removed ; fi':
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, 'run', mock_run)
    assert remove_directory('/path/to/dire') is True
    assert remove_directory('/path/to/none') is False
Exemple #24
def test_create_file(monkeypatch):
    with abort('remote file name must be absolute, ".*" given'):
    run_state = {
        r'if \[ ! -f /path/to/file \] ; then touch -- /path/to/file ; echo created ; fi':
            'stdout': 'created',
            'failed': False
        r'if \[ ! -f /path/to/none \] ; then touch -- /path/to/none ; echo created ; fi':
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, 'run', mock_run)
    assert create_file('/path/to/file') is True
    assert create_file('/path/to/none') is False
Exemple #25
def test_chown(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'chown --changes root:root -- /path/to/changed': {
            'changed ownership of /srv/default/grub from ftp:ftp to root:root\n',
            'failed': False
        r'chown --changes root:root -- /path/to/not-changed': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, 'run', mock_run)
    with abort(
            'chown: remote path \'.*\' must be absolute in file .* line .*'):
        chown("remote-file-name", "root", "root")
    assert chown("/path/to/changed", "root", "root") is True
    assert chown("/path/to/not-changed", "root", "root") is False
Exemple #26
def test_yum_update(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'yum -y update a b c$': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
        r'yum -y update A B C$': {
            'stdout': 'No packages marked for update',
            'failed': False
        r'yum -y update $': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.rpmyum, 'run', mock_run)
    assert yum_update(["c", "b"], "a") is True
    assert yum_update(""" C B A """) is False
    assert yum_update() is True
Exemple #27
def test_chmod(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'chmod --changes 0644 -- /path/to/changed': {
            'mode of /srv/default/grub changed from 0644 (rw-r--r--) to 0600 (rw-------)\n',
            'failed': False
        r'chmod --changes 0644 -- /path/to/not-changed': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
        r'chmod --changes -x\+X -- /path/to/not-changed': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, 'run', mock_run)
    with abort(
            'chmod: remote path \'.*\' must be absolute in file .* line .*'):
        chmod("remote-file-name", 0644)
    assert chmod("/path/to/changed", 0644) is True
    assert chmod("/path/to/not-changed", 0644) is False
    assert chmod("/path/to/not-changed", "-x+X") is False
Exemple #28
def test__copy_file_selinux_context(monkeypatch):
    run_state = {
        r'if \[ -e /usr/sbin/getenforce \] ; then echo exists ; fi': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, 'run', mock_run)
    assert _copy_file_selinux_context('/old', '/new') is None
    run_state = {
        r'if \[ -e /usr/sbin/getenforce \] ; then echo exists ; fi': {
            'stdout': 'exists',
            'failed': False
        r'getenforce': {
            'stdout': 'Disabled',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, 'run', mock_run)
    assert _copy_file_selinux_context('/old', '/new') is None
    run_state = {
        r'if \[ -e /usr/sbin/getenforce \] ; then echo exists ; fi': {
            'stdout': 'exists',
            'failed': False
        r'getenforce': {
            'stdout': 'Enabled',
            'failed': False
        r'if \[ -e /usr/bin/chcon \] ; then echo exists ; fi': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, 'run', mock_run)
    assert _copy_file_selinux_context('/old', '/new') is None
    run_state = {
        r'if \[ -e /usr/sbin/getenforce \] ; then echo exists ; fi': {
            'stdout': 'exists',
            'failed': False
        r'getenforce': {
            'stdout': 'Enabled',
            'failed': False
        r'if \[ -e /usr/bin/chcon \] ; then echo exists ; fi': {
            'stdout': 'exists',
            'failed': False
        r'chcon --reference=.* -- .*': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, 'run', mock_run)
    assert _copy_file_selinux_context('/old', '/new') is None
Exemple #29
def test__atomic_write_file(monkeypatch):
    put_state = {
        r'/newfile-put-ok\.tmp\.\w+\.tmp$': False,
        r'/newfile-put-failed\.tmp\.\w+\.tmp$': True,
        r'/1hardlink\.tmp\.\w+\.tmp$': False,
    mock_put = mock_put_factory(put_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, 'put', mock_put)
    run_state = {
        r'if \[ -e /isnotfile \] ; then echo exists ; fi': {
            'stdout': 'exists',
            'failed': False
        r'if \[ ! -f /isnotfile \] ; then echo isnotfile ; fi': {
            'stdout': 'isnotfile',
            'failed': False
        r'if \[ -e /7hardlinks \] ; then echo exists ; fi': {
            'stdout': 'exists',
            'failed': False
        r'if \[ ! -f /7hardlinks \] ; then echo isnotfile ; fi': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
        r'stat --format "%h" -- /7hardlinks': {
            'stdout': '7',
            'failed': False
        r'if \[ -e /newfile-put-ok \] ; then echo exists ; fi': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
        r'mv -f -- /newfile-put-ok\.tmp\.\w+\.tmp /newfile-put-ok': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
        r'if \[ -e /newfile-put-failed \] ; then echo exists ; fi': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
        r'if \[ -e /1hardlink \] ; then echo exists ; fi': {
            'stdout': 'exists',
            'failed': False
        r'if \[ ! -f /1hardlink \] ; then echo isnotfile ; fi': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
        r'stat --format "%h" -- /1hardlink': {
            'stdout': '1',
            'failed': False
        r'mv -f -- /1hardlink\.tmp\.\w+\.tmp /1hardlink': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
        r'cp --attributes-only --preserve=xattr -- .* .*': {
            'stdout': '',
            'failed': False
    mock_run = mock_run_factory(run_state)
    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, 'run', mock_run)
    with abort('remote filename must be absolute, "%s" given' %
        _atomic_write_file('not-absolute-path', 'text')
    with abort('remote filename must be regular file, "%s" given' %
        _atomic_write_file('/isnotfile', 'text')
    with abort('file "%s" has %d hardlinks, it can\'t be atomically written' %
               ('/7hardlinks', 7)):
        _atomic_write_file('/7hardlinks', 'text')
    assert _atomic_write_file('/newfile-put-ok', 'text') is None
    with abort(
            r'uploading file /newfile-put-failed\.tmp\.\w+\.tmp to host .* failed'
        _atomic_write_file('/newfile-put-failed', 'text')

    def mock__copy_file_owner_and_mode(old_filename, new_filename):

    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, '_copy_file_owner_and_mode',

    def mock__copy_file_acl(old_filename, new_filename):

    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, '_copy_file_acl', mock__copy_file_acl)

    def mock__copy_file_selinux_context(old_filename, new_filename):

    monkeypatch.setattr(fabrix.ioutil, '_copy_file_selinux_context',
    assert _atomic_write_file('/1hardlink', 'text') is None