Exemple #1
def test_history_correctly_represents_history_after_one_move():
    env = Environment(2, 2, 2)
    action = 0
    start_state = env.get_state()
    reward = env.take_action(action)

    assert env.history == [(start_state, action, reward)]
Exemple #2
def test_history_correctly_represents_history_after_several_moves():
    env = Environment(2, 2, 2)

    # make some moves

    # make one more move
    action = 0
    most_recent_state = env.get_state()
    reward = env.take_action(action)

    # check that history correctly appended to
    last_move = env.history[-1]
    assert last_move == (most_recent_state, action, reward)
Exemple #3
def test_get_state_red_replaced_with_M():
    The position
    R E
    R B
    should be represented as
    Y E
    Y M
    when playing as black (M=mine, Y=yours)
    env = Environment(2, 2, 2)
    env.cur_player = Cell.RED
    env.take_action(0)  # red moves
    env.take_action(1)  # black moves
    env.take_action(0)  # red moves
    result = env.get_state()
    expected = 'YYEM'  # what black sees
    assert result == expected