def onOpenCase(self, event): #creates a filedialog that only allow user to select .db files openFileDialog = wx.FileDialog(self, "Open", "", "","*.db", wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) openFileDialog.ShowModal() global caseDbPath #get path selected in filedialog caseDbPath = openFileDialog.GetPath() global caseDetails, openTabs try: #try to connect to Case Database and get Case and Evidence Details conn = connectdb.create_connection(caseDbPath) self.conn = connectdb.create_connection(caseDbPath) caseDetails = connectdb.select_case_details(self.conn) #get EvidenceName, EvidenceDbPath, EvidenceDatatime and Md5 from Case Database self.evidenceDetails = connectdb.select_evidence_details(self.conn) #opens summary page self.addAuiTab("Summary", self.evidenceDetails) openTabs.append("Summary") self.recreateTree(caseDbPath) except: #ignore if try: fails pass openFileDialog.Destroy()
def recreateTree(self, caseDbFile): self.tree_ctrl_1.Freeze() self.tree_ctrl_1.DeleteAllItems() global caseName for x in caseDetails: caseName = str(x[2]) + "_" + x[3] root = self.tree_ctrl_1.AddRoot( caseName) #adds the name of case as root item in treectrl summary = self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(root, "Summary") conn = connectdb.create_connection( caseDbFile) #connect to case database evidenceInfo = connectdb.select_evidence_details( conn ) #get evidenceName, EvidenceDbPath EvidenceDatetime and Md5 from case database #EvidenceDbPath = path to tsk database generated when onAddEvidence is called for x in evidenceInfo: evidenceDbConn = connectdb.create_connection( x[2]) #connect to tsk database evidenceDbInfo = connectdb.select_image_info( evidenceDbConn ) #get evidence name, size and md5 from tsk database evidencePart = connectdb.select_image_partitions( evidenceDbConn) #get partition info from tsk database count = 0 for i in evidenceDbInfo: fileName = os.path.basename(i[0]) temp = self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem( summary, fileName) #append evidence name to treectrl for i in evidencePart: i = list(i) count += 1 self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem( temp, "Vol{count} {desc}: {start}-{end})".format( count=count, desc=str(i[2]), start=str(i[0]), end=str(i[1])) ) #append evidence partition to evidence name self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(summary, "Timeline") self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(summary, "Bookmarks") self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(summary, "Search") analyzedData = self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(root, "Analyzed Data") for x in analyzedDataTree: self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(analyzedData, x) docTree = self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(analyzedData, "Documents") for x in documentsTree: self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(docTree, x) exeTree = self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(analyzedData, "Executables") for x in executablesTree: self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(exeTree, x) self.tree_ctrl_1.ExpandAll() self.tree_ctrl_1.Thaw()
def on_menu_Open_Case(self, event): # wxGlade: mainNetAnalysis.<event_handler> openFileDialog = wx.FileDialog( self, "Open", "", "", "*.db", #creates a filedialog that only allow user to select .db files wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) openFileDialog.ShowModal() global caseDbPath caseDbPath = openFileDialog.GetPath() #get path selected in filedialog global caseDetails, evidenceDetails try: conn = connectdb.create_connection( caseDbPath ) #try to connect to case database and get case and evidence details caseDetails = connectdb.select_case_details(conn) evidenceDetails = connectdb.select_evidence_details( conn ) #get EvidenceName, EvidenceDbPath, EvidenceDatatime and Md5 from case database self.addAuiTab("Summary", evidenceDetails) #opens summary page openTabs.append("Summary") self.recreateTree(caseDbPath) except: pass #ignore if try: fails openFileDialog.Destroy()
def OnBookmarkSelect(self, event): #item = self.popupmenu.FindItemById(event.GetId()) sel = self.list_ctrl.GetFocusedItem() #get selected item fileName = self.list_ctrl.GetItemText(sel, 0) parentPath = self.list_ctrl.GetItemText(sel, 9) filePath = parentPath+fileName conn = connectdb.create_connection(caseDb) #connect to case database isUnique = connectdb.chkUniqueBookmark(conn, fileName, parentPath) #check if bookmarks table has selected item if isUnique == True: _rows = [] for x in evidenceInfo: _image = '' if Path(caseDirectory+"/Extracted/"+x[1]+filePath).is_file(): _image = x[1] selRow = [] for x in range(0,11): temp = self.list_ctrl.GetItemText(sel, x) selRow.append(temp) #adds each column of selected row into selRow selRow.append(_image) #adds the image directory name to selRow _rows.append(selRow) #add selRow to _rows with conn: for x in _rows: if x[11] != '': _fileInfo = (x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5], x[6], x[7], x[8], x[9], x[10], x[11]) #insert _rows to bookmarks table in case database connectdb.insertBookmarks(conn, _fileInfo) else: wx.MessageBox("Selected item already exist in Bookmarks")
def __init__(self, parent, caseDetails, evidenceDetails): # begin wxGlade: MyFrame.__init__ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent=parent) self.SetSize((655, 673)) self.panel_1 = wx.Panel(self, wx.ID_ANY) self.panel_2 = wx.ScrolledWindow(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL) self.txtCaseDb = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY, "", style=wx.TE_READONLY | wx.BORDER_NONE) self.txtCaseDesc = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY, "", style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY) global evidenceInfo for x in caseDetails: try: conn = connectdb.create_connection( x[5]) #call to get evidence database from evidence table evidenceInfo = connectdb.select_evidence_details(conn) except Error as e: print(e) self.__set_properties() self.__do_layout(caseDetails, evidenceDetails)
def onOpenCase(self, event): openFileDialog = wx.FileDialog( self, "Open", "", "", "*.db", #creates a filedialog that only allow user to select .db files wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) openFileDialog.ShowModal() global caseDbPath caseDbPath = openFileDialog.GetPath() #get path selected in filedialog global caseDetails, evidenceDetails try: conn = connectdb.create_connection( caseDbPath ) #try to connect to case database and get case and evidence details caseDetails = connectdb.select_case_details(conn) evidenceDetails = connectdb.select_evidence_details( conn ) #get EvidenceName, EvidenceDbPath, EvidenceDatatime and Md5 from case database self.addAuiTab("Summary", evidenceDetails) #opens summary page openTabs.append("Summary") self.recreateTree(caseDbPath) wx.MessageBox('Case Opened!', ' ', wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) except: pass #ignore if try: fails openFileDialog.Destroy()
def recreateTree(self, caseDbFile): self.tree_ctrl_1.Freeze() self.tree_ctrl_1.DeleteAllItems() global caseName for x in caseDetails: caseName = str(x[2]) + "_" + x[3] #adds the name of case as root item in treectrl root = self.tree_ctrl_1.AddRoot(caseName) self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(root, "Summary") #connect to case database conn = connectdb.create_connection(caseDbFile) #get evidenceName, EvidenceDbPath EvidenceDatetime and Md5 from case database #EvidenceDbPath = path to tsk database generated when onAddEvidence is called evidenceInfo = connectdb.select_evidence_details(conn) self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(root, "Bookmarks") self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(root, "File") self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(root, "Images") self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(root, "Sessions") self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(root, "DNS") self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(root, "Credentials") self.tree_ctrl_1.ExpandAll() self.tree_ctrl_1.Thaw()
def onConfirm(self, event): #create case dir dirPath = self.txtCaseFolder.GetValue() #get case folder path casePath = Path(dirPath) if casePath.is_dir(): #check if it exist print("dir exist") else: os.mkdir(dirPath) #create if does not #create case database dbFilePath = self.txtCaseDb.GetValue() #get case database path my_file = Path(dbFilePath) #print(dbFilePath) if my_file.is_file(): #check if file exist print("file exist") else: conn = connectdb.create_connection(dbFilePath) #creates db file and connection if it does not exist caseInfoTable = "CREATE TABLE 'CaseInfo' ( 'CaseID' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, 'InvestigatorName' TEXT, 'CaseNum' INTEGER, 'CaseName' TEXT, 'CaseFolder' TEXT, 'CaseDb' TEXT, 'CaseDesc' TEXT, 'Datetime' TEXT);" evidenceInfoTable = "CREATE TABLE 'EvidenceInfo' ('CaseID' INTEGER, 'EvidenceName' TEXT, 'EvidenceDbPath' TEXT, 'EvidenceDatetime' TEXT, 'Md5' TEXT, 'EvidencePath' TEXT, 'EvidenceSize' TEXT);" bookmarksTable = "CREATE TABLE 'Bookmarks' ('fileName' TEXT, 'ctime' TEXT, 'crtime' TEXT, 'atime' TEXT, 'mtime' TEXT, 'uid' INTEGER, 'gid' INTEGER, 'md5' TEXT, 'size' INTEGER, 'parentPath' TEXT, 'extension' TEXT, 'image' TEXT);" connectdb.createTable(conn, caseInfoTable) #creates CaseInfo table connectdb.createTable(conn, evidenceInfoTable) #creates EvidenceInfo table connectdb.createTable(conn, bookmarksTable) #creates Bookmarsk table connectdb.createFilesEvidenceTable(conn) connectdb.createSessionsEvidenceTable(conn) connectdb.createDNSEvidenceTable(conn) connectdb.createCredentialsEvidenceTable(conn) #insert case details with conn: caseDetails = (self.txtInvestigatorName.GetValue(), self.txtCaseNum.GetValue(), self.txtCaseName.GetValue(), self.txtCaseFolder.GetValue(), self.txtCaseDb.GetValue(), self.txtCaseDescription.GetValue(),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) connectdb.insertCaseDetails(conn, caseDetails) #insert case details to CaseInfo self.Close()
def onSearchBtn(self, event): try: caseDetails except: print("Case not open") else: dlg = search.searchDialog(None) #calls searchDialog() from dlg.Center() dlg.ShowModal() searchItem = dlg.searchItems() #calls searchItem() to get search and search option searchReturn = [] if searchItem[1] == "Normal Search": for x in evidenceDetails: conn = connectdb.create_connection(x[2]) #connect to tsk database searchResults = connectdb.search_file_name(conn, searchItem[0]) #search in tsk database if searchResults != []: for i in searchResults: i = i + (x[1],) #adds image location to end of result searchReturn.append(i) #append each result self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Search", "Searching for {val}".format(val=searchItem[0]), 100) LoadingDialog(self._dialog) self.auiNotebook.AddPage(searchTab.searchTabPanel(self.auiNotebook, searchReturn, caseDir), "Search ("+searchItem[0]+")", False, wx.NullBitmap) #call and add searchTab aui page LoadingDialog.endLoadingDialog(self) else: print("Regular Expression") dlg.Destroy()
def load_queried_files(self, list_ctrl, extension, dbFilePath): try: conn = connectdb.create_connection(dbFilePath) #connect to tsk database queriedFileInfo = connectdb.select_queried_files(conn, extension) #returns with files of defined extensions for x in queriedFileInfo: if x[2] != "NULL": ctime = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + timedelta(seconds=x[2]) #convert seconds to datetime else: ctime = x[2] if x[3] != "NULL": crtime = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + timedelta(seconds=x[3]) else: crtime = x[3] if x[4] != "NULL": atime = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + timedelta(seconds=x[4]) else: atime = x[4] if x[5] != "NULL": mtime = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + timedelta(seconds=x[5]) else: mtime = x[5] self.list_ctrl.Append((x[0], ctime, crtime, atime, mtime, x[6], x[7], x[8], x[1], x[9], x[10])) #append to listctrl except: pass
def loadBookmarks(self): conn = connectdb.create_connection(caseDb) #connect to case database bookmarkQuery = connectdb.selectBookmarks( conn) #lookup bookmarks table for x in bookmarkQuery: self.list_ctrl.Append( (x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5], x[6], x[7], x[8], x[9], x[10], x[11])) #apped to listctrl
def onRemoveBookmark(self, event): #item = self.popupmenu.FindItemById(event.GetId()) sel = self.list_ctrl.GetFocusedItem() fileName = self.list_ctrl.GetItemText(sel, 0) parentPath = self.list_ctrl.GetItemText(sel, 9) conn = connectdb.create_connection(caseDb) with conn: connectdb.deleteBookmarkItem(conn, fileName, parentPath) self.list_ctrl.DeleteItem(sel)
def addAuiTab(self, tabName, evidenceDetails): global caseDir for x in caseDetails: caseDir = x[4] if tabName == "Summary": self.auiNotebook.AddPage(SummaryTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, caseDetails, evidenceDetails), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) if tabName == "Deleted files": mainFrame._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100) #create loading dialog LoadingDialog(mainFrame._dialog) #start loading self.auiNotebook.AddPage(DeletedFilesTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, caseDir), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) #calls and open a aui tab from LoadingDialog.endLoadingDialog(self) #stop loading if tabName == "Bookmarks": mainFrame._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100) LoadingDialog(mainFrame._dialog) self.auiNotebook.AddPage(AnalyzedDataTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, evidenceDetails, caseDir, caseDbPath), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) #calls and open a aui tab from LoadingDialog.endLoadingDialog(self) for x in analyzedDataTree: if tabName == x and tabName != "Deleted files": mainFrame._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100) LoadingDialog(mainFrame._dialog) addingPage = self.auiNotebook.AddPage(AnalyzedDataTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, evidenceDetails, caseDir, caseDbPath), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) LoadingDialog.endLoadingDialog(self) for x in documentsTree: if tabName == x: mainFrame._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100) LoadingDialog(mainFrame._dialog) self.auiNotebook.AddPage(AnalyzedDataTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, evidenceDetails, caseDir, caseDbPath), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) LoadingDialog.endLoadingDialog(self) for x in executablesTree: if tabName == x: mainFrame._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100) LoadingDialog(mainFrame._dialog) self.auiNotebook.AddPage(AnalyzedDataTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, evidenceDetails, caseDir, caseDbPath), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) LoadingDialog.endLoadingDialog(self) for x in evidenceDetails: evidenceDbConn = connectdb.create_connection(x[2]) #connects to tsk database evidenceDbInfo = connectdb.select_image_info(evidenceDbConn) #get name, size and md5 from tsk database evidencePart = connectdb.select_image_partitions(evidenceDbConn) #get partition info from tsk database count = 0 for i in evidencePart: count += 1 if tabName == "Vol{count} {desc}: {start}-{end})".format(count=count, desc=str(i[2]), start=str(i[0]), end=str(i[1])): mainFrame._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100) LoadingDialog(mainFrame._dialog) self.auiNotebook.AddPage(AnalyzedDataTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, evidenceDetails, caseDir, caseDbPath), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) LoadingDialog.endLoadingDialog(self)
def load_queried_files(self, list_ctrl): if Path(caseDirectory + "/Evidence_Database/Deleted_Files.db").is_file( ): #check if Deleted_Files.db exist deletedFilesDb = caseDirectory + "/Evidence_Database/Deleted_Files.db" conn = connectdb.create_connection( deletedFilesDb) #connect to Deleted_Files.db query = connectdb.select_deleted_files( conn) #get all deleted files for x in query: self.list_ctrl.Append( (x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5], x[6], x[7], x[8], x[9], x[10], x[11])) #add all to listctrl
def onNewCase(self, event): dialog = NewCaseDialog.newCase(None) dialog.Center() dialog.ShowModal() dbPath = dialog.getCaseDb() global caseDetails try: conn = connectdb.create_connection(dbPath) #connects to new case database caseDetails = connectdb.select_case_details(conn) #get InvestigatorName, CaseNum, CaseName, CaseFolder, CaseDb, CaseDesc, Datatime from case database self.recreateTree(dbPath) #creates treectrl except: pass dialog.Destroy()
def addAuiTab(self, tabName, evidenceDetails): global caseDir for x in caseDetails: caseDir = x[4] if tabName == "Summary": self.auiNotebook.AddPage(SummaryTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, caseDetails, evidenceDetails), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) if tabName == "File": self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100) #create loading dialog LoadingDialog(self._dialog) #start loading self.auiNotebook.AddPage(pcapFilesTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, caseDir), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) #calls and open a aui tab from LoadingDialog.endLoadingDialog(self) #sequence = [frameNumber, evidencePath, src_host_str, src_port, dst_host_str, dst_port, protocol, fileName, ext, size, timestamp] window = self.auiNotebook.GetPage(self.auiNotebook.GetPageCount() - 1) # we've just added a page so the page we want to access is the last one sequence = [1, "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11"] pcapFilesTab.TabPanel.addPcapDetails(window, sequence) # Get the PCAP data from the database and display in the GUI (File tab) index = 1 while (True): row = connectdb.selectPcapEvidenceDetails(self.conn, index) if ( () == row or None == row ): break # from while-loop (no more data) pcapFilesTab.TabPanel.addPcapDetails(window, row) index = index + 1 if tabName == "Images": self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100) LoadingDialog(self._dialog) self.auiNotebook.AddPage(AnalyzedDataTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, evidenceDetails, caseDir, caseDbPath), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) LoadingDialog.endLoadingDialog(self) if tabName == "Sessions": self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100) #create loading dialog LoadingDialog(self._dialog) #start loading self.auiNotebook.AddPage(pcapSessionsTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, caseDir), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) LoadingDialog.endLoadingDialog(self) #sequence = [Packet, timestamp, src_ip, dst_ip, request] window = self.auiNotebook.GetPage(self.auiNotebook.GetPageCount() - 1) # we've just added a page so the page we want to access is the last one sequence = [1, "2", "3", "4", "5"] pcapSessionsTab.TabPanel.addSessionsDetails(window, sequence) # Get the PCAP data from the database and display in the GUI (Sessions tab) index = 1 while (True): row = connectdb.selectPcapSessionsDetails(self.conn, index) if ( () == row or None == row ): break # from while-loop (no more data) pcapSessionsTab.TabPanel.addSessionsDetails(window, row) index = index + 1 if tabName == "DNS": self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100) #create loading dialog LoadingDialog(self._dialog) #start loading self.auiNotebook.AddPage(pcapDNSTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, caseDir), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) LoadingDialog.endLoadingDialog(self) if tabName == "Bookmarks": self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100) LoadingDialog(self._dialog) self.auiNotebook.AddPage(AnalyzedDataTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, evidenceDetails, caseDir, caseDbPath), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) LoadingDialog.endLoadingDialog(self) for x in evidenceDetails: evidenceDbConn = connectdb.create_connection(x[2]) #connects to tsk database evidenceDbInfo = connectdb.select_image_info(evidenceDbConn) #get name, size and md5 from tsk database evidencePart = connectdb.select_image_partitions(evidenceDbConn) #get partition info from tsk database count = 0 for i in evidencePart: count += 1 if tabName == "Vol{count} {desc}: {start}-{end})".format(count=count, desc=str(i[2]), start=str(i[0]), end=str(i[1])): self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100) LoadingDialog(self._dialog) self.auiNotebook.AddPage(AnalyzedDataTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, evidenceDetails, caseDir, caseDbPath), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) LoadingDialog.endLoadingDialog(self)
def __do_layout(self, caseDetails, evidenceDetails): # begin wxGlade: MyFrame.__do_layout sizer_1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer_9 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer_12 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer_14 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) caseInfoGridSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(6, 2, 0, 0) sizer_13 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) evidenceMainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer_2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer_10 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) lblSummary = wx.StaticText(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY, "Summary") lblSummary.SetFont(wx.Font(20, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.LIGHT, 0, "")) sizer_10.Add(lblSummary, 1, wx.ALL, 5) sizer_9.Add(sizer_10, 0, wx.EXPAND, 0) static_line_1 = wx.StaticLine(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY) sizer_9.Add(static_line_1, 0, wx.BOTTOM | wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP, 5) lblExtraction = wx.StaticText(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY, "Extractions: ") lblExtraction.SetFont( wx.Font(15, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, 0, "")) sizer_2.Add(lblExtraction, 0, 0, 0) lblEvidenceCount = wx.StaticText(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY, "0") lblEvidenceCount.SetFont( wx.Font(15, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, 0, "")) sizer_2.Add(lblEvidenceCount, 0, 0, 0) sizer_9.Add(sizer_2, 0, wx.EXPAND, 0) # for x in imageInfo: # x = list(x) # self.addEvidence(evidenceMainSizer, x[0], x[1], x[2]) global evidenceAddDate for x in evidenceDetails: evidenceAddDate = x[3] evidenceCount = 0 for x in evidenceInfo: global imageInfo try: conn = connectdb.create_connection( x[2]) #connect to tsk database imageInfo = connectdb.select_image_info( conn) #get evidence name, size and md5 from tsk database except: pass for i in imageInfo: i = list(i) fileName = os.path.basename(i[0]) self.addEvidence( evidenceMainSizer, fileName, i[1], x[4] ) #sets the evidence along with the details on the top panel evidenceCount += 1 lblEvidenceCount.SetLabel(str(evidenceCount)) self.panel_2.SetSizer(evidenceMainSizer) sizer_9.Add(self.panel_2, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0) lblDeviceInfo = wx.StaticText(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY, "Case Info:") lblDeviceInfo.SetFont( wx.Font(15, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, 0, "")) sizer_13.Add(lblDeviceInfo, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5) static_line_2 = wx.StaticLine(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY) sizer_13.Add(static_line_2, 0, wx.BOTTOM | wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP, 5) label_5 = wx.StaticText(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY, "Investigator Name:") caseInfoGridSizer.Add(label_5, 0, 0, 0) lblInvestigatorName = wx.StaticText(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY, "") caseInfoGridSizer.Add(lblInvestigatorName, 0, 0, 0) label_6 = wx.StaticText(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY, "Case Number:") caseInfoGridSizer.Add(label_6, 0, 0, 0) lblCaseNum = wx.StaticText(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY, "") caseInfoGridSizer.Add(lblCaseNum, 0, 0, 0) label_13 = wx.StaticText(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY, "Case Name:") caseInfoGridSizer.Add(label_13, 0, 0, 0) lblCaseName = wx.StaticText(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY, "") caseInfoGridSizer.Add(lblCaseName, 0, 0, 0) label_11 = wx.StaticText(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY, "Date added:") caseInfoGridSizer.Add(label_11, 0, 0, 0) lblDateTime = wx.StaticText(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY, "") caseInfoGridSizer.Add(lblDateTime, 0, 0, 0) label_9 = wx.StaticText(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY, "Case Database:") caseInfoGridSizer.Add(label_9, 0, 0, 0) caseInfoGridSizer.Add(self.txtCaseDb, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5) label_10 = wx.StaticText(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY, "Case Description:") caseInfoGridSizer.Add(label_10, 0, 0, 0) caseInfoGridSizer.Add(self.txtCaseDesc, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5) caseInfoGridSizer.AddGrowableCol(1) for x in caseDetails: #sets the case info lblInvestigatorName.SetLabel(x[1]) lblCaseNum.SetLabel(str(x[2])) lblCaseName.SetLabel(x[3]) lblDateTime.SetLabel(str(x[7])) self.txtCaseDb.SetValue(x[5]) self.txtCaseDesc.SetValue(x[6]) sizer_13.Add( caseInfoGridSizer, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, ) sizer_12.Add(sizer_13, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0) sizer_9.Add(sizer_12, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0) self.panel_1.SetSizer(sizer_9) sizer_1.Add(self.panel_1, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0) self.SetSizer(sizer_1) self.Layout()
def onAddEvidence(self, event): try: caseDetails except NameError: wx.MessageBox('Case not opened!', ' ', wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) #if caseDetails not defined print("Case not opened") else: #if caseDetails is defined openFileDialog = wx.FileDialog( self, "Open", "", "", "*.dd", #creates a filedialog that only allow user to select .dd files wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) openFileDialog.ShowModal() global caseDir, caseDbPath evidencePath = openFileDialog.GetPath( ) #get path of selected dd file fileName = os.path.basename(evidencePath) for x in caseDetails: caseDir = x[4] #get case directory from caseDetails caseDbPath = x[5] #get case database path from caseDetails evidenceDbDir = Path(caseDir + "/Evidence_Database") if evidenceDbDir.is_dir() == False: #check if directory exist os.mkdir( str(evidenceDbDir)) #create directory if it does not exist if fileName != "": self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog( "Adding evidence", "Creating database for '{s}'".format(s=fileName), 100) LoadingDialog(self._dialog) #starts the loading dialog load_db =[ "tsk_loaddb", "-d", "{caseDir}/Evidence_Database/{fileName}.db".format( caseDir=caseDir, fileName=fileName), evidencePath ]) #use tsk_loaddb to generate tsk database LoadingDialog.endLoadingDialog(self) #ends the loading dialog if load_db == 0: #if no error conn = connectdb.create_connection(caseDbPath) with conn: evidenceDbPath = str( evidenceDbDir) + "/" + fileName + ".db" #hash = "md5sum {evidencePath} | awk '{col}".format(evidencePath=evidenceDbPath, col="{print $1}") #evidenceMd5 = subprocess.Popen([hash], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] md5_hash = hashlib.md5() f = open(evidencePath, 'rb') # Read and update hash in chunks of 4K for byte_block in iter(lambda:, b""): md5_hash.update(byte_block) print(md5_hash.hexdigest()) evidenceMd5 = md5_hash.hexdigest() insertEvidence = (1, fileName, evidenceDbPath, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), evidenceMd5) connectdb.insertEvidenceDetails( conn, insertEvidence ) #insert to EvidenceInfo in case database evidenceConn = connectdb.create_connection( caseDir + "/Evidence_Database/" + fileName + ".db") #connect to tsk database evidencePart = connectdb.select_image_partitions( evidenceConn) #get image partitions from tsk database if Path(caseDir + "/Evidence_Database/Deleted_Files.db").is_file( ) == False: #check if Deleted_Files.db exist createDeletedFilesDb = connectdb.create_connection( caseDir + "/Evidence_Database/Deleted_Files.db") deteledFilesTable = "CREATE TABLE 'DeletedFiles' ('fileType' TEXT, 'status' TEXT, 'inode' TEXT, 'filePath' TEXT, 'ctime' TEXT, 'crtime' TEXT, 'atime' TEXT, 'mtime' TEXT, 'size' INTEGER, 'uid' INTEGER, 'gid' INTEGER, 'image' TEXT);" connectdb.createTable( createDeletedFilesDb, deteledFilesTable) #creates if it does not exist else: createDeletedFilesDb = connectdb.create_connection( caseDir + "/Evidence_Database/Deleted_Files.db" ) #connects to Deleted_Files.db for x in evidencePart: if x[2] != "Unallocated": subprocess.Popen( [ "tsk_recover", "-e", "-o", str(x[0]), evidencePath, caseDir + "/Extracted/" + fileName ] ) #recover files from all partitions that re not unallocated listAllDeletedFiles = "fls -rFdl -o {offset} {image}".format( offset=str(x[0]), image=evidencePath) process = subprocess.Popen( listAllDeletedFiles, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) #list all deleted files stdout, stderr = process.communicate() output = stdout.decode() chk = re.sub( r'[ ]\*[ ]', '\t*\t', output ) #change all ' ' in the second and third column of fls output to to '\t' chk = re.sub(r'\n', '\t', chk) #change all '\n' to '\t' chk = chk.split( '\t' ) #splits all values between \t into a list itemList = [] k = 0 for i in range(k, len(chk) - 1, 11): k = i itemList.append( chk[k:k + 11] ) #appends every 11 items into a list with createDeletedFilesDb: for list in itemList: insertDeletedFiles = (list[0], list[1], list[2], list[3], list[4], list[5], list[6], list[7], list[8], list[9], list[10], fileName) connectdb.insertDeletedFiles( createDeletedFilesDb, insertDeletedFiles ) #inserts all deleted files info into Deleted_Files.db wx.MessageBox( "Extracting '{file}' in the background.".format( file=fileName)) global evidenceDetails evidenceDetails = connectdb.select_evidence_details(conn) self.auiNotebook.DeletePage(0) self.auiNotebook.RemovePage(0) self.addAuiTab("Summary", evidenceDetails) self.recreateTree(caseDbPath) openFileDialog.Destroy()
def addAuiTab(self, tabName, evidenceDetails): global caseDir for x in caseDetails: caseDir = x[4] if tabName == "Summary": self.auiNotebook.AddPage( SummaryTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, caseDetails, evidenceDetails), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) if tabName == "File": self.auiNotebook.AddPage( FileTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, caseDetails, evidenceDetails), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) if tabName == "Images": self.auiNotebook.AddPage( ImagesTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, caseDetails, evidenceDetails), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) if tabName == "Sessions": self.auiNotebook.AddPage( SessionsTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, caseDetails, evidenceDetails), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) if tabName == "DNS": self.auiNotebook.AddPage( DNSTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, caseDetails, evidenceDetails), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) if tabName == "Credentials": self.auiNotebook.AddPage( CredentialsTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, caseDetails, evidenceDetails), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) if tabName == "Bookmarks": self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog( "Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100) LoadingDialog(self._dialog) self.auiNotebook.AddPage( AnalyzedDataTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, evidenceDetails, caseDir, caseDbPath), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) #calls and open a aui tab from LoadingDialog.endLoadingDialog(self) for x in evidenceDetails: evidenceDbConn = connectdb.create_connection( x[2]) #connects to tsk database evidenceDbInfo = connectdb.select_image_info( evidenceDbConn) #get name, size and md5 from tsk database evidencePart = connectdb.select_image_partitions( evidenceDbConn) #get partition info from tsk database count = 0 for i in evidencePart: count += 1 if tabName == "Vol{count} {desc}: {start}-{end})".format( count=count, desc=str(i[2]), start=str(i[0]), end=str(i[1])): self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog( "Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100) LoadingDialog(self._dialog) self.auiNotebook.AddPage( AnalyzedDataTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, evidenceDetails, caseDir, caseDbPath), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) LoadingDialog.endLoadingDialog(self)
def runddfile(lock): lock.acquire() global fileName, evidencePath for x in caseDetails: caseDir = x[4] #get case directory from caseDetails caseDbPath = x[5] #get case database path from caseDetails evidenceDbDir = Path(caseDir+"/Evidence_Database") if evidenceDbDir.is_dir() == False: #check if directory exist os.mkdir(str(evidenceDbDir)) #create directory if it does not exist if fileName != "": mainFrame._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Adding evidence", "Creating database for '{s}'".format(s=fileName), 100) LoadingDialog(mainFrame._dialog) #starts the loading dialog load_db =["tsk_loaddb", "-d", "{caseDir}/Evidence_Database/{fileName}.db".format(caseDir=caseDir, fileName=fileName), evidencePath]) #use tsk_loaddb to generate tsk database LoadingDialog.endLoadingDialog(mainFrame) #ends the loading dialog if load_db == 0: #if no error conn = connectdb.create_connection(caseDbPath) with conn: evidenceDbPath = str(evidenceDbDir)+"/"+fileName+".db" #hash = "md5sum {evidencePath} | awk '{col}".format(evidencePath=evidenceDbPath, col="{print $1}") #evidenceMd5 = subprocess.Popen([hash], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] evidenceMd5 = "None" insertEvidence = (1, fileName, evidenceDbPath,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), evidenceMd5) connectdb.insertEvidenceDetails(conn, insertEvidence) #insert to EvidenceInfo in case database evidenceConn = connectdb.create_connection(caseDir+"/Evidence_Database/"+fileName+".db") #connect to tsk database evidencePart = connectdb.select_image_partitions(evidenceConn) #get image partitions from tsk database if Path(caseDir+"/Evidence_Database/Deleted_Files.db").is_file() == False: #check if Deleted_Files.db exist createDeletedFilesDb = connectdb.create_connection(caseDir+"/Evidence_Database/Deleted_Files.db") deteledFilesTable = "CREATE TABLE 'DeletedFiles' ('fileType' TEXT, 'status' TEXT, 'inode' TEXT, 'filePath' TEXT, 'ctime' TEXT, 'crtime' TEXT, 'atime' TEXT, 'mtime' TEXT, 'size' INTEGER, 'uid' INTEGER, 'gid' INTEGER, 'image' TEXT);" connectdb.createTable(createDeletedFilesDb, deteledFilesTable) #creates if it does not exist else: createDeletedFilesDb = connectdb.create_connection(caseDir+"/Evidence_Database/Deleted_Files.db") #connects to Deleted_Files.db for x in evidencePart: if x[2] != "Unallocated": subprocess.Popen(["tsk_recover", "-e", "-o", str(x[0]), evidencePath, caseDir+"/Extracted/"+fileName]) #recover files from all partitions that re not unallocated listAllDeletedFiles = "fls -rFdl -o {offset} {image}".format(offset=str(x[0]), image=evidencePath) process = subprocess.Popen(listAllDeletedFiles, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) #list all deleted files stdout,stderr = process.communicate() output = stdout.decode() chk = re.sub(r'[ ]\*[ ]', '\t*\t', output) #change all ' ' in the second and third column of fls output to to '\t' chk = re.sub(r'\n', '\t', chk) #change all '\n' to '\t' chk = chk.split('\t') #splits all values between \t into a list itemList = [] k=0 for i in range(k,len(chk)-1,11): k=i itemList.append(chk[k:k+11]) #appends every 11 items into a list with createDeletedFilesDb: for list in itemList: insertDeletedFiles = (list[0], list[1], list[2], list[3], list[4], list[5], list[6], list[7], list[8], list[9], list[10], fileName) connectdb.insertDeletedFiles(createDeletedFilesDb, insertDeletedFiles) #inserts all deleted files info into Deleted_Files.db wx.MessageBox("Extracting '{file}' in the background.".format(file=fileName)) global evidenceDetails evidenceDetails = connectdb.select_evidence_details(conn) self.auiNotebook.DeletePage(0) self.auiNotebook.RemovePage(0) self.addAuiTab("Summary", evidenceDetails) self.recreateTree(caseDbPath) lock.release()