def wait(targets, timeout=..., logger=None, threshold=None, can_trace=True, trace_frame=0): trace_frame += 1 if isinstance(targets, str): targets = (targets, ) if timeout is ...: timeout = config.get("utils:default-wait-timeout") target_names = ", ".join(targets) tm = time.time() while 1: sample = client.get_sample() for t in targets: match = templates[t].find(sample=sample, threshold=threshold) if match: if can_trace: trace.trace("<done>", sample, match, trace_frame=trace_frame) return match.set_logger(logger) if timeout is not None and (time.time() - tm) > timeout: match = NoMatch(targets).set_logger(logger) if can_trace: trace.trace("<timeout>", sample, match, trace_frame=trace_frame) return match if logger and tm - time.time() > 2.:"waiting [%s]", target_names, extra={"rate": 1 / 5}) client.new_sample()
def find_all(self, sample=None, threshold=None): threshold = threshold or settings.IMAGE_SEARCH_TRHESHOLD if sample is None: sample = client.get_sample() res = cv2.matchTemplate(sample, self.img, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) loc = np.where(res >= threshold) return self.without_intersections(zip(*loc[::-1]))
def match(self, sample=None): if sample is None: sample = client.get_sample() res = cv2.matchTemplate(sample, self.img, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) if len(res): _, coef, _, _ = cv2.minMaxLoc(res) return coef return 0.0
def find(self, sample=None, threshold=None): threshold = threshold or settings.IMAGE_SEARCH_TRHESHOLD if sample is None: sample = client.get_sample() res = cv2.matchTemplate(sample, self.img, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) if len(res): _, coef, _, match = cv2.minMaxLoc(res) if coef >= threshold: width, height = self.img.shape[::-1] left, top = match return Match(, left, top, width, height)
def reshaped_sample(left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0, sample=None): assert 0 <= left <= 1 assert 0 <= top <= 1 assert 0 <= right <= 1 assert 0 <= bottom <= 1 if sample is None: sample = client.get_sample() w, h = sample.shape[::-1] left = int(w * left) right = int(w * (1 - right)) top = int(h * top) bottom = int(h * (1 - bottom)) return sample[top:bottom, left:right]
def find(targets, logger=None, sample=None, threshold=None, can_trace=True, trace_frame=0): trace_frame += 1 if isinstance(targets, str): targets = (targets, ) if sample is None: sample = client.get_sample() for t in targets: match = templates[t].find(sample=sample, threshold=threshold) if match: if can_trace: trace.trace("<done>", sample, match, trace_frame=trace_frame) return match.set_logger(logger) return NoMatch(targets).set_logger(logger)
def wait_while(targets, timeout=..., logger=None, threshold=None, can_trace=True, trace_frame=0): trace_frame += 1 if isinstance(targets, str): targets = (targets, ) if timeout is ...: timeout = config.get("utils:default-wait-timeout") tm = time.time() attempt = 1 while 1: sample = client.get_sample() for t in targets: match = templates[t].find(sample=sample, threshold=threshold) if match: if logger and tm - time.time() > 2.:"still can find [%s]", match, extra={"rate": 1 / 5}) break else: if can_trace: match = NoMatch(targets) trace.trace("<done>", sample, match, trace_frame=trace_frame) return True if timeout is not None and (time.time() - tm) > timeout: if can_trace: trace.trace("<timeout>", sample, match, trace_frame=trace_frame) return False client.new_sample() attempt += 1
def get_sample_part(x, y, width, height, sample=None): if sample is None: sample = client.get_sample() return sample[y:y + height, x:x + width]