def set_theme(context, m): history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) add_scrollback('From the following list pick an index and type "theme_<idx>"', 'INFO') import os fullpath = directory = os.path.dirname(fullpath) num = str([0]) + '.' + str([1]) fullext_path = (num + "/scripts/presets/interface_theme").split("/") seekable_path = os.path.join(directory, *fullext_path) def path_iterator(path_name, kind): for fp in os.listdir(path_name): if fp.endswith("." + kind): yield fp themes = list(path_iterator(seekable_path, 'xml')) if m.split('_')[1] == 'list': print(themes) for idx, line in enumerate(themes): add_scrollback('[{0}] - '.format(idx) + line[:-4], 'OUTPUT') elif m.split('_')[1].strip().isnumeric(): idx = int(m.split('_')[1].strip()) fullest_path = os.path.join(seekable_path, themes[idx]) bpy.ops.script.execute_preset('INVOKE_DEFAULT', filepath=fullest_path, menu_idname="USERPREF_MT_interface_theme_presets")
def print_most_useful(): content = '''\ for full verbose descriptor use -man command | description -----------+---------------- tt | tb | turntable / trackball nav. cen | centers 3d cursor cenv | centers 3d cursor, aligns views to it cento | centers to selected endswith! | copy current console line if ends with exclm. x?bpy | search blender python for x x?bs | search blenderscripting.blogspot for x x?py | search python docs for x x?se | search B3D StackExchange x??se | regular StackExchange search vtx, xl | enable or trigger tinyCAD vtx (will download) ico | enables icon addon in texteditor panel (Dev) 123 | use 1 2 3 to select vert, edge, face -img2p | enabled image to plane import addon -or2s | origin to selected. -dist | gives local distance between two selected verts -gist -o x | uploads all open text views as x to anon gist. -debug | dl + enable extended mesh index visualiser. it's awesome. --sort | sorting operator: sorts open edgeloop, by index handy for polyline export -----------+---------------------------------------------------------- -idxv | enable by shortcut name (user defined) enable <named addon> | package name or folder name v2rdim | sets render dimensions to current strip. fc | fcurrent -> end.frame gif <dir> | make animated gif of content of dir ''' add_scrollback(content, 'OUTPUT')
def in_bpm_commands(context, m): if m.startswith("bpm "): if m.startswith('bpm pydict '): if not current_pydict: gist_id = 'ba45d7e0ebea646ce0b5' dict_str = get_gist_as_string(gist_id) current_pydict.update(ast.literal_eval(dict_str)) else: add_scrollback('Using local copy from earlier..', 'INFO') if not current_pydict: add_scrollback('failed to access remote listing', 'ERROR') add_scrollback('No local copy was found either..', 'ERROR') return True # to debug..example if m == 'bpm pydict cat Mesh': g = current_pydict['categories']['Mesh'] for addon, info in g.items(): msg = '{0}: {1}'.format(addon, info['rev']) add_scrollback(msg, 'OUTPUT') add_scrollback(m, 'INFO') else: return False return True
def set_theme(context, m): history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) add_scrollback('From the following list pick an index and type "theme_<idx>"', 'INFO') import os fullpath = directory = os.path.dirname(fullpath) num = str([0]) + '.' + str([1]) fullext_path = (num + "/scripts/presets/interface_theme").split("/") seekable_path = os.path.join(directory, *fullext_path) def path_iterator(path_name, kind): for fp in os.listdir(path_name): if fp.endswith("." + kind): yield fp themes = list(path_iterator(seekable_path, 'xml')) if m.split('_')[1] == 'list': print(themes) for idx, line in enumerate(themes): add_scrollback('[{0}] - '.format(idx) + line[:-4], 'OUTPUT') elif m.split('_')[1].strip().isnumeric(): idx = int(m.split('_')[1].strip()) fullest_path = os.path.join(seekable_path, themes[idx]) bpy.ops.script.execute_preset('INVOKE_DEFAULT', filepath=fullest_path, menu_idname="USERPREF_MT_interface_theme_presets") elif m.strip() == 'theme_flatty_light': fullest_path = os.path.join(seekable_path, "flatty_light.xml") bpy.ops.script.execute_preset('INVOKE_DEFAULT', filepath=fullest_path, menu_idname="USERPREF_MT_interface_theme_presets")
def make_optimized_animated_gif(m): try: temp_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) fp = os.path.join(temp_root, 'tmp', '') print(fp) f2 = 'bash {0} {1}'.format(fp, m) print(f2) subprocess.Popen(f2.split()) except: add_scrollback('failed.. - with errors', 'ERROR')
def run_operator_register(a, b): base = os.path.dirname(__file__) path_to_file = os.path.join(base, a, b) text = ctx = bpy.context.copy() ctx['edit_text'] = text bpy.ops.text.run_script(ctx) msg = 'added ' + b add_scrollback(msg, 'INFO')
def make_animated_gif(m): if not os.path.exists(m): add_scrollback('{0} does not exist'.format(m), 'ERROR') initial_location = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(m) f = "convert -delay 10 -loop 0 *png animated.gif" subprocess.Popen(f.split()) except: add_scrollback('failed.. - with errors', 'ERROR') os.chdir(initial_location)
def make_animated_gif(m): if not os.path.exists(m): add_scrollback('{0} does not exist'.format(m), 'ERROR') initial_location = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(m) f = "convert -delay 20 -loop 0 *png animated.gif" subprocess.Popen(f.split()) except: add_scrollback('failed.. - with errors', 'ERROR') os.chdir(initial_location)
def do_console_rewriter(ctx, m): fail = 'null ops, check spelling or be less specific' msg = fail if (m == 'obj='): msg = 'obj = bpy.context.active_object' elif (m == 'obj=['): msg = 'obj =[\'' elif (len(m) > 5) and (m[5:] in msg = "obj =['{0}']".format(m[5:]) add_scrollback(m + ' --> ' + msg, 'OUTPUT') history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) if not (msg == fail): ctx.space_data.history[-1].body = msg
def get_sv(): add_scrollback('getting sverchok bootstrapper', 'OUTPUT') string_load = get_gist_as_string("5a4440e7455940174ab9") print(string_load[:100]) svbl ='sverchok bootloader') svbl.write(string_load) add_scrollback('execuion bootstrapper complete', 'OUTPUT') # until a tidier solution comes along ctx = bpy.context.copy() ctx['edit_text'] = svbl # specify the text datablock to execute # ctx['area'] = area # not actually needed... # ctx['region'] = area.regions[-1] # ... just be nice bpy.ops.text.run_script(ctx)
def view_types_to_console(): content = """\ bl_<prop> | allowed ---------------+------------------------------------------------------------- bl_space_type | 'CLIP_EDITOR', 'CONSOLE', 'DOPESHEET_EDITOR', 'EMPTY', | 'FILE_BROWSER', 'GRAPH_EDITOR', 'IMAGE_EDITOR', 'INFO', | 'LOGIC_EDITOR', 'NLA_EDITOR', 'NODE_EDITOR', 'OUTLINER', | 'PROPERTIES', 'SEQUENCE_EDITOR', 'TEXT_EDITOR', 'TIMELINE', | 'USER_PREFERENCES', 'VIEW_3D' ---------------+------------------------------------------------------------- bl_region_type | 'CHANNELS', 'HEADER', 'PREVIEW', 'TEMPORARY', 'TOOLS', | 'TOOL_PROPS', 'UI', 'WINDOW' ---------------+------------------------------------------------------------- bl_context | 'armature_edit', 'curve_edit', 'imagepaint', 'lattice_edit', | 'mball_edit', 'mesh_edit', 'objectmode', 'particlemode', | 'posemode', 'sculpt_mode', 'surface_edit', 'text_edit', | 'vertexpaint', 'weightpaint' """ add_scrollback(content, 'OUTPUT')
def do_console_rewriter(ctx, m): fail = 'null ops, check spelling or be less specific' msg = fail if (m == 'obj='): msg = 'obj = bpy.context.active_object' elif (m == 'obj=['): msg = 'obj =[\'' elif (len(m) > 5) and (m[5:] in msg = "obj =['{0}']".format(m[5:]) elif (m == 'n='): msg = 'nodes =[\'NodeTree\'].nodes' elif m.startswith('-fem'): msg = 'bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(' elif (m == 'n=['): msg = "ng =[\'" add_scrollback(m + ' --> ' + msg, 'OUTPUT') history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) if not (msg == fail): ctx.space_data.history[-1].body = msg
def in_sverchok_commands(context, m): if m.startswith('_svc_'): bcp_justbrowse('') elif m.startswith('_svc'): # sv commits url = "" github_commits(url, 5) elif m.startswith('times '): command, named_group = m.split(' ') if not (named_group in pass else: get_sv_times(named_group) elif m == 'times': get_sv_times_all() elif m == 'get sverchok': get_sv() elif m.startswith('sv '): addon_name = 'sverchok' addon = bpy.context.user_preferences.addons.get(addon_name) if not addon: add_scrollback('sverchok not found', 'ERROR') # end early for sanity for the following code return True prefs = addon.preferences if m == 'sv blossom': prefs.sv_theme = 'nipon_blossom' bpy.ops.node.sverchok_apply_theme() add_scrollback('enabled nipon!', 'OUTPUT') elif m == 'sv icons': prefs.show_icons = not prefs.show_icons add_scrollback('set icons = {0}'.format(prefs.show_icons), 'OUTPUT') else: return False return True
def in_sverchok_commands(context, m): if m.startswith("_svc_"): bcp_justbrowse("") elif m.startswith("_svc"): # sv commits url = "" github_commits(url, 5) elif m.startswith("times "): command, named_group = m.split(" ") if not (named_group in pass else: get_sv_times(named_group) elif m == "times": get_sv_times_all() elif m == "get sverchok": get_sv() elif m.startswith("sv "): addon_name = "sverchok" addon = bpy.context.user_preferences.addons.get(addon_name) if not addon: add_scrollback("sverchok not found", "ERROR") # end early for sanity for the following code return True prefs = addon.preferences if m == "sv blossom": prefs.sv_theme = "nipon_blossom" bpy.ops.node.sverchok_apply_theme() add_scrollback("enabled nipon!", "OUTPUT") elif m == "sv icons": prefs.show_icons = not prefs.show_icons add_scrollback("set icons = {0}".format(prefs.show_icons), "OUTPUT") else: return False return True
def in_upgrade_commands(context, m): if m.startswith("-up "): # inputs | argument result # ------------------+------------------- # -up win32 | option = ['win32'] # -up win64 berry | option = ['win64', 'berry'] cmd, *option = m.split(" ") res = peek_builder_org(option) if res: for line in res: add_scrollback(line, "OUTPUT") add_scrollback("", "OUTPUT") if len(res) == 1: process_zip(res[0]) else: msg = "too many zips, narrow down!" add_scrollback(msg, "INFO") else: return False return True
def in_upgrade_commands(context, m): if m.startswith("-up "): # inputs | argument result # ------------------+------------------- # -up win32 | option = ['win32'] # -up win64 berry | option = ['win64', 'berry'] cmd, *option = m.split(' ') res = peek_builder_org(option) if res: for line in res: add_scrollback(line, 'OUTPUT') add_scrollback('', 'OUTPUT') if len(res) == 1: process_zip(res[0]) else: msg = 'too many zips, narrow down!' add_scrollback(msg, 'INFO') else: return False return True
def in_modeling_tools(context, m): if m in {"vtx", "xl"}: vtx_specials(self, m) elif m == "-dist": msg = distance_check() add_scrollback(msg, "INFO") elif m == "-steps": registers_operator = [bpy.ops.mesh, "steps_add"] module_to_enable = "mesh_add_steps" url_prefix = "" url_repo = "rawr/master/blender/scripts/addons_contrib/" file_name = "" dl_url = url_prefix + url_repo + file_name packaged = dict(operator=registers_operator, module_to_enable=module_to_enable, url=dl_url) test_dl_run(packaged) elif m == "-debug": # formerly -debug_mesh if "index_visualiser" in dir(bpy.ops.view3d): # bpy.ops.wm.addon_enable(module='view3d_idx_view') # msg = 'enabled modified debugger in N panel' # add_scrollback(msg, 'OUTPUT') return True registers_operator = [bpy.ops.view3d, "index_visualiser"] module_to_enable = "view3d_idx_view" url_prefix = "" hasher = "/205610d27968305dfd88b0a521fe35aced83db32/" file_name = "" dl_url = url_prefix + hasher + file_name packaged = dict(operator=registers_operator, module_to_enable=module_to_enable, url=dl_url) test_dl_run(packaged) elif m == "-snaps": url_prefix = "" module_to_enable = "mesh_snap_utilities_line" dl_url = url_prefix + (module_to_enable + ".py") registers_operator = [bpy.ops.mesh, "snap_utilities_line"] packaged = dict(operator=registers_operator, module_to_enable=module_to_enable, url=dl_url) test_dl_run(packaged) elif m == "-or2s": url_prefix = "" burp = "5844379/raw/01515bbf679f3f7a7c965d732004086dd40e64c0/" mod = "space_view3d_move_origin" dl_url = url_prefix + burp + mod + ".py" lazy_power_download(mod, dl_url, bpy.ops.object, "origin_to_selected") msg = "start with space-> Origin Move To Selected" add_scrollback(msg, "INFO") elif m == "get comprendo": url_prefix = "" burp = "eff101fca227ac706d9b/raw/53360a0e4ac6af8d371ed2d91c77ea6d83e12ad0/" mod = "image_editor_flatten" dl_url = url_prefix + burp + mod + ".py" lazy_power_download(mod, dl_url, bpy.ops.image, "tkd_callback_operator") msg = "downloaded or checked if composite+render is present" add_scrollback(msg, "INFO") elif m in lazy_dict: try: f, cmd = lazy_dict[m] f(module=cmd) msg = "enabled: " + cmd add_scrollback(msg, "OUTPUT") except: rt = "failed to do: " + str(lazy_dict[m]) elif m == "-itx": perform_face_intersection() elif m.startswith("enable "): command, addon = m.split() t = bpy.ops.wm.addon_enable(module=addon) if t == {"FINISHED"}: msg = "enabled {0}".format(addon) elif t == {"CANCELLED"}: msg = "addon not enabled, is it spelled correctly?" add_scrollback(msg, "INFO") elif m == "-bix2": do_bix2() else: return False return True
def in_core_dev_commands(context, m): if m.endswith("??"): m = m[:-2] console, stdout, stderr = get_console(hash(context.region)) if m in console.locals.keys(): f = str(dir(console.locals[m])) else: try: f = str(eval("dir({0})".format(m))) except: f = "failed to find reference.." add_scrollback(f, "OUTPUT") elif m.endswith("!"): """copy current line to clipboard""" m = m[:-1] context.window_manager.clipboard = m add_scrollback("added to clipboard", "OUTPUT") elif m == "ico": try: bpy.ops.wm.addon_enable(module="development_icon_get") add_scrollback("added icons to TextEditor", "OUTPUT") except:{"INFO"}, "ico addon not present!") elif m == "-keys": write_keys_textfile() elif m == "syntax": do_text_glam() elif m in {"syntax lt", "syntax dk"}: do_text_glam() theme = m.split()[1] print("theme", theme) do_text_synthax(theme) elif m.startswith("-gist "): # will not upload duplicates of the same file, placed in Set first. if m == "-gist -o": # send all visible, unnamed. pass if m.startswith("-gist -o "): # like: "-gist -o test_gist" # send all visible, try naming it. gname = m[9:].strip() gname = gname.replace(" ", "_") file_names = find_filenames() to_gist(file_names, project_name=gname, public_switch=True) elif m.startswith("-sel -t "): # starting2 not implemented yet # accepts: # '-sel -t CU CurveObj56' # '-sel -t CU CurveObj 56' # '-sel -t CURVE CurveObj 56' _type, *find_str = m[8:].split() select_starting2(" ".join(find_str), _type) elif m.startswith("-sel "): find_str = m[5:] select_starting(find_str) elif m == "-man": throw_manual() elif m == "-gh": import os import subprocess _root = os.path.dirname(__file__) f = [os.path.join(_root, "tmp", "github_start.bat")] elif m == "bl<": view_types_to_console() elif m.startswith("!"): """ dispatch a threaded worker """ cmd_controller(m[1:]) elif m.startswith("obj=") or m.startswith("n="): do_console_rewriter(context, m) elif m == "git help": git_strings = ( "git pull (--all)", "git push (--all)", "git add (--all)", "git add <specify file> # do this from inside the right directory", 'git commit -am "commit message here"', "git checkout -b <branch_name> # new_branch_name_based_on_current_branch", "git branch -D <branch_name> # deletes branch locally (you must be on a different branch first)", "git branch", " ", "-- be in master, or branch to merge into", " git merge <branch_to_merge>", " git push --all", " ", " ", "To reset unstaged things..:", " git fetch origin", " git reset --hard origin/master", " git clean -f", ) for line in git_strings: add_scrollback(line, "OUTPUT") else: return False return True
def in_core_dev_commands(context, m): if m.endswith('??'): m = m[:-2] console, stdout, stderr = get_console(hash(context.region)) if m in console.locals.keys(): f = str(dir(console.locals[m])) else: try: f = str(eval('dir({0})'.format(m))) except: f = 'failed to find reference..' add_scrollback(f, 'OUTPUT') elif m.endswith('!'): '''copy current line to clipboard''' m = m[:-1] context.window_manager.clipboard = m add_scrollback('added to clipboard', 'OUTPUT') elif m == 'ico': try: bpy.ops.wm.addon_enable(module="development_icon_get") add_scrollback('added icons to TextEditor', 'OUTPUT') except:{'INFO'}, "ico addon not present!") elif m == '-keys': write_keys_textfile() elif m == 'syntax': do_text_glam() elif m in {'syntax lt', 'syntax dk'}: do_text_glam() theme = m.split()[1] print('theme', theme) do_text_synthax(theme) elif m.startswith('-gist '): # will not upload duplicates of the same file, placed in Set first. if m == '-gist -o': # send all visible, unnamed. pass if m.startswith('-gist -o '): # like: "-gist -o test_gist" # send all visible, try naming it. gname = m[9:].strip() gname = gname.replace(' ', '_') file_names = find_filenames() to_gist(file_names, project_name=gname, public_switch=True) elif m.startswith('-sel -t '): # starting2 not implemented yet # accepts: # '-sel -t CU CurveObj56' # '-sel -t CU CurveObj 56' # '-sel -t CURVE CurveObj 56' _type, *find_str = m[8:].split() select_starting2(' '.join(find_str), _type) elif m.startswith('-sel '): find_str = m[5:] select_starting(find_str) elif m == "-man": throw_manual() elif m == '-gh': import os import subprocess _root = os.path.dirname(__file__) f = [os.path.join(_root, 'tmp', 'github_start.bat')] elif m == 'bl<': view_types_to_console() elif m.startswith("!"): ''' dispatch a threaded worker ''' cmd_controller(m[1:]) else: return False return True
def in_scene_commands(context, m): if m == "cen": '''cursor to center''' context.scene.cursor_location = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if m == 'cenv': context.scene.cursor_location = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) align_view_to_3dcursor() elif m == 'cento': center_to_selected(context) elif m.startswith("cen="): ''' cursor to coordinate, anything that can be evalled.. eg:[1].data.verts[1].co ''' right = m.split('=')[1] context.scene.cursor_location = eval(right) elif m == 'wipe': remove_obj_and_mesh(context) add_scrollback('wiped objects and meshes', 'OUTPUT') # history_append(text=m, current_character=0, remove_duplicates=True) history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) elif m == 'wipe+': remove_obj_and_mesh(context) [ for i in] add_scrollback('wiped objects, meshes, and materials', 'OUTPUT') history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) elif m == 'wipem': [ for i in] add_scrollback('wiped materials only', 'OUTPUT') history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) elif m in {'tt', 'tb'}: prefs = context.user_preferences method = {'tb': 'TRACKBALL', 'tt': 'TURNTABLE'}.get(m) prefs.inputs.view_rotate_method = method msg = 'set rotation_method to {0} ({1})'.format(method, m) add_scrollback(msg, 'OUTPUT') elif m == '123': set_keymap() add_scrollback('enabled: 1=VERT_SEL, 2=EDGE_SEL, 3=FACE_SEL', 'OUTPUT') elif m == 'mesh2json': add_mesh_2_json('zup') add_scrollback( 'added mesh 2 json script to text editor! remember to triangulate first', 'OUTPUT') elif m == 'mesh2json2': add_mesh_2_json('yup') add_scrollback( 'added mesh 2 json (y up) script to text editor! remember to triangulate first', 'OUTPUT') elif m.startswith('v2rdim'): SCN = bpy.context.scene SE = SCN.sequence_editor if m == 'v2rdim': sequence = SE.active_strip elif m.startswith('v2rdim '): vidname = m[7:] sequence = SE.sequences.get(vidname) if not sequence: print(vidname, 'is not a sequence - check the spelling') return True def get_size(sequence): clips = fp = sequence.filepath mv = clips.load(fp) x, y = mv.size[:] clips.remove(mv) return x, y x, y = get_size(sequence) SCN.render.resolution_x = x SCN.render.resolution_y = y SCN.render.resolution_percentage = 100 elif m in {'crop to active', 'cta'}: se = bpy.context.scene.sequence_editor start = se.active_strip.frame_start duration = se.active_strip.frame_duration bpy.context.scene.frame_start = start bpy.context.scene.frame_end = start + duration elif m.startswith("gif ") and (len(m) > 5): make_animated_gif(m[4:]) elif m == 'sel lights': for o in if o.type == 'LAMP': = True elif m == 'rm lights': objs = named_lights = [] for o in objs: if o.type == 'LAMP': named_lights.append( for n in named_lights: o = objs[n] o.user_clear() bpy.context.scene.objects.unlink(o) objs.remove(o) elif m in {'frame_end = frame_current', 'fend=fcur', 'fc'}: scn = bpy.context.scene scn.frame_end = scn.frame_current elif m == 'psel': new_empty = parent_selected_to_new_empty() if new_empty: msg = 'parented selected to {0}' msg = msg.format( output_type = 'OUTPUT' else: msg = 'no objects selected to parent to' output_type = 'ERROR' add_scrollback(msg, output_type) else: return False return True
def in_scene_commands(context, m): if m == "cen": """cursor to center""" context.scene.cursor_location = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if m == "cenv": context.scene.cursor_location = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) align_view_to_3dcursor() elif m == "cento": center_to_selected(context) elif m.startswith("cen="): """ cursor to coordinate, anything that can be evalled.. eg:[1].data.verts[1].co """ right = m.split("=")[1] context.scene.cursor_location = eval(right) elif m == "wipe": remove_obj_and_mesh(context) add_scrollback("wiped objects and meshes", "OUTPUT") # history_append(text=m, current_character=0, remove_duplicates=True) history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) elif m == "wipe+": remove_obj_and_mesh(context) [ for i in] add_scrollback("wiped objects, meshes, and materials", "OUTPUT") history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) elif m == "wipem": [ for i in] add_scrollback("wiped materials only", "OUTPUT") history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) elif m in {"tt", "tb"}: prefs = context.user_preferences method = {"tb": "TRACKBALL", "tt": "TURNTABLE"}.get(m) prefs.inputs.view_rotate_method = method msg = "set rotation_method to {0} ({1})".format(method, m) add_scrollback(msg, "OUTPUT") elif m == "123": set_keymap() add_scrollback("enabled: 1=VERT_SEL, 2=EDGE_SEL, 3=FACE_SEL", "OUTPUT") elif m == "mesh2json": add_mesh_2_json("zup") add_scrollback("added mesh 2 json script to text editor! remember to triangulate first", "OUTPUT") elif m == "mesh2json2": add_mesh_2_json("yup") add_scrollback("added mesh 2 json (y up) script to text editor! remember to triangulate first", "OUTPUT") elif m == "v2rdim": v2rdim() elif m in {"crop to active", "cta"}: crop_to_active() elif m == "dandc": v2rdim() crop_to_active() add_scrollback("set render dims and cropped timeline", "OUTPUT") elif m.startswith("anim "): fp = m[5:] add_scrollback("going to render to " + fp, "OUTPUT") render_to_filepath(fp) elif m.startswith("gif ") and (len(m) > 5): make_animated_gif(m[4:]) elif m.startswith("ogif ") and (len(m) > 6): make_optimized_animated_gif(m[5:]) elif m.startswith("sizeof"): process_size_query(m) elif m == "sel lights": for o in if o.type == "LAMP": = True elif m == "rm lights": objs = named_lights = [] for o in objs: if o.type == "LAMP": named_lights.append( for n in named_lights: o = objs[n] o.user_clear() bpy.context.scene.objects.unlink(o) objs.remove(o) elif m in {"frame_end = frame_current", "fend=fcur", "fc"}: scn = bpy.context.scene scn.frame_end = scn.frame_current elif m == "psel": new_empty = parent_selected_to_new_empty() if new_empty: msg = "parented selected to {0}" msg = msg.format( output_type = "OUTPUT" else: msg = "no objects selected to parent to" output_type = "ERROR" add_scrollback(msg, output_type) elif m in {"nodeview white", "nv white", "nv111"}: current_theme = bpy.context.user_preferences.themes.items()[0][0] editor = bpy.context.user_preferences.themes[current_theme].node_editor = (1, 1, 1) elif m in {"3dv easy", "3de", "sde"}: current_theme = bpy.context.user_preferences.themes.items()[0][0] editor = bpy.context.user_preferences.themes[current_theme].view_3d editor.grid = [0.533277, 0.533277, 0.533277] = False = [0.701102, 0.701102, 0.701102] else: return False return True
def in_core_dev_commands(context, m): if m.endswith('??'): m = m[:-2] console, stdout, stderr = get_console(hash(context.region)) if m in console.locals.keys(): f = str(dir(console.locals[m])) else: try: f = str(eval('dir({0})'.format(m))) except: f = 'failed to find reference..' add_scrollback(f, 'OUTPUT') elif m.endswith('!'): '''copy current line to clipboard''' m = m[:-1] context.window_manager.clipboard = m add_scrollback('added to clipboard', 'OUTPUT') elif m == 'ico': try: bpy.ops.wm.addon_enable(module="development_icon_get") add_scrollback('added icons to TextEditor', 'OUTPUT') except:{'INFO'}, "ico addon not present!") elif m == '-keys': write_keys_textfile() elif m == 'syntax': do_text_glam() elif m in {'syntax lt', 'syntax dk'}: do_text_glam() theme = m.split()[1] print('theme', theme) do_text_synthax(theme) elif m.startswith('-gist '): # will not upload duplicates of the same file, placed in Set first. if m == '-gist -o': # send all visible, unnamed. pass if m.startswith('-gist -o '): # like: "-gist -o test_gist" # send all visible, try naming it. gname = m[9:].strip() gname = gname.replace(' ', '_') file_names = find_filenames() to_gist(file_names, project_name=gname, public_switch=True) elif m.startswith('-sel -t '): # starting2 not implemented yet # accepts: # '-sel -t CU CurveObj56' # '-sel -t CU CurveObj 56' # '-sel -t CURVE CurveObj 56' _type, *find_str = m[8:].split() select_starting2(' '.join(find_str), _type) elif m.startswith('-sel '): find_str = m[5:] select_starting(find_str) elif m == "-man": throw_manual() elif m == '-gh': import os import subprocess _root = os.path.dirname(__file__) f = [os.path.join(_root, 'tmp', 'github_start.bat')] elif m == 'bl<': view_types_to_console() elif m.startswith("!"): ''' dispatch a threaded worker ''' cmd_controller(m[1:]) elif m.startswith('obj=') or m.startswith('n='): do_console_rewriter(context, m) elif m == 'git help': git_strings = ( "git pull (--all)", "git push (--all)", "git add (--all)", "git add <specify file> # do this from inside the right directory", "git commit -am \"commit message here\"", "git checkout -b <branch_name> # new_branch_name_based_on_current_branch", "git branch -D <branch_name> # deletes branch locally (you must be on a different branch first)", "git branch", " ", "-- be in master, or branch to merge into", " git merge <branch_to_merge>", " git push --all", " ", " ", "To reset unstaged things..:", " git fetch origin", " git reset --hard origin/master", " git clean -f") for line in git_strings: add_scrollback(line, 'OUTPUT') else: return False return True
def in_modeling_tools(context, m): if m in {'vtx', 'xl'}: vtx_specials(self, m) elif m == '-dist': msg = distance_check() add_scrollback(msg, 'INFO') elif m == '-steps': registers_operator = [bpy.ops.mesh, 'steps_add'] module_to_enable = 'mesh_add_steps' url_prefix = '' url_repo = 'rawr/master/blender/scripts/addons_contrib/' file_name = '' dl_url = url_prefix + url_repo + file_name packaged = dict( operator=registers_operator, module_to_enable=module_to_enable, url=dl_url ) test_dl_run(packaged) elif m == '-debug': # formerly -debug_mesh if 'index_visualiser' in dir(bpy.ops.view3d): # bpy.ops.wm.addon_enable(module='view3d_idx_view') # msg = 'enabled modified debugger in N panel' # add_scrollback(msg, 'OUTPUT') return True registers_operator = [bpy.ops.view3d, 'index_visualiser'] module_to_enable = 'view3d_idx_view' url_prefix = '' hasher = '/205610d27968305dfd88b0a521fe35aced83db32/' file_name = '' dl_url = url_prefix + hasher + file_name packaged = dict( operator=registers_operator, module_to_enable=module_to_enable, url=dl_url ) test_dl_run(packaged) elif m == '-snaps': url_prefix = "" module_to_enable = "mesh_snap_utilities_line" dl_url = url_prefix + (module_to_enable + '.py') registers_operator = [bpy.ops.mesh, 'snap_utilities_line'] packaged = dict( operator=registers_operator, module_to_enable=module_to_enable, url=dl_url ) test_dl_run(packaged) elif m == '-or2s': url_prefix = "" burp = "5844379/raw/01515bbf679f3f7a7c965d732004086dd40e64c0/" mod = "space_view3d_move_origin" dl_url = url_prefix + burp + mod + '.py' lazy_power_download(mod, dl_url, bpy.ops.object, 'origin_to_selected') msg = 'start with space-> Origin Move To Selected' add_scrollback(msg, 'INFO') elif m == 'get comprendo': url_prefix = "" burp = "eff101fca227ac706d9b/raw/53360a0e4ac6af8d371ed2d91c77ea6d83e12ad0/" mod = "image_editor_flatten" dl_url = url_prefix + burp + mod + '.py' lazy_power_download(mod, dl_url, bpy.ops.image, 'tkd_callback_operator') msg = 'downloaded or checked if composite+render is present' add_scrollback(msg, 'INFO') elif m in lazy_dict: try: f, cmd = lazy_dict[m] f(module=cmd) msg = 'enabled: ' + cmd add_scrollback(msg, 'OUTPUT') except: rt = 'failed to do: ' + str(lazy_dict[m]) elif m == '-itx': perform_face_intersection() elif m.startswith('enable '): command, addon = m.split() t = bpy.ops.wm.addon_enable(module=addon) if t == {'FINISHED'}: msg = 'enabled {0}'.format(addon) elif t == {'CANCELLED'}: msg = 'addon not enabled, is it spelled correctly?' add_scrollback(msg, 'INFO') elif m == '-bix2': do_bix2() else: return False return True
def in_modeling_tools(context, m): if m in {'vtx', 'xl'}: vtx_specials(self, m) elif m == '-dist': msg = distance_check() add_scrollback(msg, 'INFO') elif m == '-steps': registers_operator = [bpy.ops.mesh, 'steps_add'] module_to_enable = 'mesh_add_steps' url_prefix = '' url_repo = 'rawr/master/blender/scripts/addons_contrib/' file_name = '' dl_url = url_prefix + url_repo + file_name packaged = dict(operator=registers_operator, module_to_enable=module_to_enable, url=dl_url) test_dl_run(packaged) elif m == '-debug': # formerly -debug_mesh if 'index_visualiser' in dir(bpy.ops.view3d): # bpy.ops.wm.addon_enable(module='view3d_idx_view') # msg = 'enabled modified debugger in N panel' # add_scrollback(msg, 'OUTPUT') return True registers_operator = [bpy.ops.view3d, 'index_visualiser'] module_to_enable = 'view3d_idx_view' url_prefix = '' hasher = '/205610d27968305dfd88b0a521fe35aced83db32/' file_name = '' dl_url = url_prefix + hasher + file_name packaged = dict(operator=registers_operator, module_to_enable=module_to_enable, url=dl_url) test_dl_run(packaged) elif m == '-snaps': url_prefix = "" module_to_enable = "mesh_snap_utilities_line" dl_url = url_prefix + (module_to_enable + '.py') registers_operator = [bpy.ops.mesh, 'snap_utilities_line'] packaged = dict(operator=registers_operator, module_to_enable=module_to_enable, url=dl_url) test_dl_run(packaged) elif m == '-or2s': url_prefix = "" burp = "5844379/raw/01515bbf679f3f7a7c965d732004086dd40e64c0/" mod = "space_view3d_move_origin" dl_url = url_prefix + burp + mod + '.py' lazy_power_download(mod, dl_url, bpy.ops.object, 'origin_to_selected') msg = 'start with space-> Origin Move To Selected' add_scrollback(msg, 'INFO') elif m == 'get comprendo': url_prefix = "" burp = "eff101fca227ac706d9b/raw/53360a0e4ac6af8d371ed2d91c77ea6d83e12ad0/" mod = "image_editor_flatten" dl_url = url_prefix + burp + mod + '.py' lazy_power_download(mod, dl_url, bpy.ops.image, 'tkd_callback_operator') msg = 'downloaded or checked if composite+render is present' add_scrollback(msg, 'INFO') elif m in lazy_dict: try: f, cmd = lazy_dict[m] f(module=cmd) msg = 'enabled: ' + cmd add_scrollback(msg, 'OUTPUT') except: rt = 'failed to do: ' + str(lazy_dict[m]) elif m == '-itx': perform_face_intersection() elif m.startswith('enable '): command, addon = m.split() t = bpy.ops.wm.addon_enable(module=addon) if t == {'FINISHED'}: msg = 'enabled {0}'.format(addon) elif t == {'CANCELLED'}: msg = 'addon not enabled, is it spelled correctly?' add_scrollback(msg, 'INFO') elif m == '-bix2': do_bix2() else: return False return True
def in_scene_commands(context, m): if m == "cen": '''cursor to center''' context.scene.cursor_location = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if m == 'cenv': context.scene.cursor_location = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) align_view_to_3dcursor() elif m == 'cento': center_to_selected(context) elif m.startswith("cen="): ''' cursor to coordinate, anything that can be evalled.. eg:[1].data.verts[1].co ''' right = m.split('=')[1] context.scene.cursor_location = eval(right) elif m == 'wipe': remove_obj_and_mesh(context) add_scrollback('wiped objects and meshes', 'OUTPUT') # history_append(text=m, current_character=0, remove_duplicates=True) history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) elif m == 'wipe+': remove_obj_and_mesh(context) [ for i in] add_scrollback('wiped objects, meshes, and materials', 'OUTPUT') history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) elif m == 'wipem': [ for i in] add_scrollback('wiped materials only', 'OUTPUT') history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) elif m in {'tt', 'tb'}: prefs = context.user_preferences method = {'tb': 'TRACKBALL', 'tt': 'TURNTABLE'}.get(m) prefs.inputs.view_rotate_method = method msg = 'set rotation_method to {0} ({1})'.format(method, m) add_scrollback(msg, 'OUTPUT') elif m == '123': set_keymap() add_scrollback('enabled: 1=VERT_SEL, 2=EDGE_SEL, 3=FACE_SEL', 'OUTPUT') elif m == 'mesh2json': add_mesh_2_json('zup') add_scrollback('added mesh 2 json script to text editor! remember to triangulate first', 'OUTPUT') elif m == 'mesh2json2': add_mesh_2_json('yup') add_scrollback('added mesh 2 json (y up) script to text editor! remember to triangulate first', 'OUTPUT') elif m.startswith('v2rdim'): SCN = bpy.context.scene SE = SCN.sequence_editor if m == 'v2rdim': sequence = SE.active_strip elif m.startswith('v2rdim '): vidname = m[7:] sequence = SE.sequences.get(vidname) if not sequence: print(vidname, 'is not a sequence - check the spelling') return True def get_size(sequence): clips = fp = sequence.filepath mv = clips.load(fp) x, y = mv.size[:] clips.remove(mv) return x, y x, y = get_size(sequence) SCN.render.resolution_x = x SCN.render.resolution_y = y SCN.render.resolution_percentage = 100 elif m in {'crop to active', 'cta'}: se = bpy.context.scene.sequence_editor start = se.active_strip.frame_start duration = se.active_strip.frame_duration bpy.context.scene.frame_start = start bpy.context.scene.frame_end = start + duration elif m.startswith("gif ") and (len(m) > 5): make_animated_gif(m[4:]) elif m == 'sel lights': for o in if o.type == 'LAMP': = True elif m == 'rm lights': objs = named_lights = [] for o in objs: if o.type == 'LAMP': named_lights.append( for n in named_lights: o = objs[n] o.user_clear() bpy.context.scene.objects.unlink(o) objs.remove(o) elif m in {'frame_end = frame_current', 'fend=fcur', 'fc'}: scn = bpy.context.scene scn.frame_end = scn.frame_current elif m == 'psel': new_empty = parent_selected_to_new_empty() if new_empty: msg = 'parented selected to {0}' msg = msg.format( output_type = 'OUTPUT' else: msg = 'no objects selected to parent to' output_type = 'ERROR' add_scrollback(msg, output_type) else: return False return True
def in_scene_commands(context, m): if m == "cen": '''cursor to center''' context.scene.cursor_location = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if m == 'cenv': context.scene.cursor_location = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) align_view_to_3dcursor() elif m == 'cento': center_to_selected(context) elif m.startswith("cen="): ''' cursor to coordinate, anything that can be evalled.. eg:[1].data.verts[1].co ''' right = m.split('=')[1] context.scene.cursor_location = eval(right) elif m == 'wipe': remove_obj_and_mesh(context) add_scrollback('wiped objects and meshes', 'OUTPUT') # history_append(text=m, current_character=0, remove_duplicates=True) history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) elif m == 'wipe+': remove_obj_and_mesh(context) [ for i in] add_scrollback('wiped objects, meshes, and materials', 'OUTPUT') history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) elif m == 'wipem': [ for i in] add_scrollback('wiped materials only', 'OUTPUT') history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) elif m in {'tt', 'tb'}: prefs = context.user_preferences method = {'tb': 'TRACKBALL', 'tt': 'TURNTABLE'}.get(m) prefs.inputs.view_rotate_method = method msg = 'set rotation_method to {0} ({1})'.format(method, m) add_scrollback(msg, 'OUTPUT') elif m == '123': set_keymap() add_scrollback('enabled: 1=VERT_SEL, 2=EDGE_SEL, 3=FACE_SEL', 'OUTPUT') elif m == 'mesh2json': add_mesh_2_json('zup') add_scrollback( 'added mesh 2 json script to text editor! remember to triangulate first', 'OUTPUT') elif m == 'mesh2json2': add_mesh_2_json('yup') add_scrollback( 'added mesh 2 json (y up) script to text editor! remember to triangulate first', 'OUTPUT') elif m == 'v2rdim': v2rdim() elif m in {'crop to active', 'cta'}: crop_to_active() elif m == 'dandc': v2rdim() crop_to_active() add_scrollback('set render dims and cropped timeline', 'OUTPUT') elif m.startswith('anim '): fp = m[5:] add_scrollback('going to render to ' + fp, 'OUTPUT') render_to_filepath(fp) elif m.startswith("gif ") and (len(m) > 5): make_animated_gif(m[4:]) elif m.startswith("ogif ") and (len(m) > 6): make_optimized_animated_gif(m[5:]) elif m.startswith('sizeof'): process_size_query(m) elif m == 'sel lights': for o in if o.type == 'LAMP': = True elif m == 'rm lights': objs = named_lights = [] for o in objs: if o.type == 'LAMP': named_lights.append( for n in named_lights: o = objs[n] o.user_clear() bpy.context.scene.objects.unlink(o) objs.remove(o) elif m in {'frame_end = frame_current', 'fend=fcur', 'fc'}: scn = bpy.context.scene scn.frame_end = scn.frame_current elif m == 'psel': new_empty = parent_selected_to_new_empty() if new_empty: msg = 'parented selected to {0}' msg = msg.format( output_type = 'OUTPUT' else: msg = 'no objects selected to parent to' output_type = 'ERROR' add_scrollback(msg, output_type) elif m in {'nodeview white', 'nv white', 'nv111'}: current_theme = bpy.context.user_preferences.themes.items()[0][0] editor = bpy.context.user_preferences.themes[current_theme].node_editor = (1, 1, 1) elif m in {'3dv easy', '3de', 'sde'}: current_theme = bpy.context.user_preferences.themes.items()[0][0] editor = bpy.context.user_preferences.themes[current_theme].view_3d editor.grid = [0.533277, 0.533277, 0.533277] = False = [0.701102, 0.701102, 0.701102] else: return False return True
def in_scene_commands(context, m): if m == "cen": '''cursor to center''' context.scene.cursor_location = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if m == 'cenv': context.scene.cursor_location = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) align_view_to_3dcursor() elif m == 'cento': center_to_selected(context) elif m.startswith("cen="): ''' cursor to coordinate, anything that can be evalled.. eg:[1].data.verts[1].co ''' right = m.split('=')[1] context.scene.cursor_location = eval(right) elif m == 'wipe': remove_obj_and_mesh(context) add_scrollback('wiped objects and meshes', 'OUTPUT') # history_append(text=m, current_character=0, remove_duplicates=True) history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) elif m == 'wipe+': remove_obj_and_mesh(context) [ for i in] add_scrollback('wiped objects, meshes, and materials', 'OUTPUT') history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) elif m == 'wipem': [ for i in] add_scrollback('wiped materials only', 'OUTPUT') history_append(text=m, remove_duplicates=True) elif m in {'tt', 'tb'}: prefs = context.user_preferences method = {'tb': 'TRACKBALL', 'tt': 'TURNTABLE'}.get(m) prefs.inputs.view_rotate_method = method msg = 'set rotation_method to {0} ({1})'.format(method, m) add_scrollback(msg, 'OUTPUT') elif m == '123': set_keymap() add_scrollback('enabled: 1=VERT_SEL, 2=EDGE_SEL, 3=FACE_SEL', 'OUTPUT') elif m == 'mesh2json': add_mesh_2_json('zup') add_scrollback('added mesh 2 json script to text editor! remember to triangulate first', 'OUTPUT') elif m == 'mesh2json2': add_mesh_2_json('yup') add_scrollback('added mesh 2 json (y up) script to text editor! remember to triangulate first', 'OUTPUT') elif m == 'v2rdim': v2rdim() elif m in {'crop to active', 'cta'}: crop_to_active() elif m == 'dandc': v2rdim() crop_to_active() add_scrollback('set render dims and cropped timeline', 'OUTPUT') elif m.startswith('anim '): fp = m[5:] add_scrollback('going to render to ' + fp, 'OUTPUT') render_to_filepath(fp) elif m.startswith("gif ") and (len(m) > 5): make_animated_gif(m[4:]) elif m.startswith("ogif ") and (len(m) > 6): make_optimized_animated_gif(m[5:]) elif m.startswith('sizeof'): process_size_query(m) elif m == 'sel lights': for o in if o.type == 'LAMP': = True elif m == 'rm lights': objs = named_lights = [] for o in objs: if o.type == 'LAMP': named_lights.append( for n in named_lights: o = objs[n] o.user_clear() bpy.context.scene.objects.unlink(o) objs.remove(o) elif m in {'frame_end = frame_current', 'fend=fcur', 'fc'}: scn = bpy.context.scene scn.frame_end = scn.frame_current elif m == 'psel': new_empty = parent_selected_to_new_empty() if new_empty: msg = 'parented selected to {0}' msg = msg.format( output_type = 'OUTPUT' else: msg = 'no objects selected to parent to' output_type = 'ERROR' add_scrollback(msg, output_type) elif m == 'nodeview white': current_theme = bpy.context.user_preferences.themes.items()[0][0] editor = bpy.context.user_preferences.themes[current_theme].node_editor = (1, 1, 1) else: return False return True