Exemple #1
def add_waypoint_handler(packet_contents):
    latitude, longitude = packet_contents.data
    waypoint = constants.Coordinate(latitude, longitude)
    print("YO im addin a point")
    tempString = time.strftime("%H%M%S") + " Add Waypoint: lat,lon: " + str(
        latitude) + "," + str(longitude)
    print("Added waypoint %s" % (waypoint, ))
def add_waypoint_handler(packet_contents):
    latitude, longitude = packet_contents.data
    waypoint = constants.Coordinate(latitude, longitude)
    print("YO im addin a point")
    #loggingFile = open(logging, 'a')
    #log = "Add waypoint lat,lon: " + str(latitude) + "," + str(longitude) + "\n"
    print("Added waypoint %s" % (waypoint, ))
Exemple #3
def add_waypoint_handler(packet_contents):
    latitude, longitude = packet_contents.data
    waypoint = constants.Coordinate(latitude, longitude)
    print("YO im addin a point")
    outFile = open(logging, 'a')
    tempString = time.strftime("%H%M%S") + " Add Waypoint: lat,lon: " + str(
        latitude) + "," + str(longitude) + "\n"
    print("Added waypoint %s" % (waypoint, ))
 def process_gps_data(self, packet):
     # The GPS sends data as two int32_t's
     lon, lat = packet.data
     lat = lat * 1e-7
     lon = -lon * 1e-7
     timeDifference = time.time() - self._lastTime
     # print("5")
     # print(timeDiffernce)
     # print(time.localtime(time.time()))
     self._lastTime = time.time()
     self._location = constants.Coordinate(lat, lon)
    def __init__(self, rove_comm, filename):
        self._pitch = 0
        self._roll = 0
        self._heading = 0
        self._location = constants.Coordinate(0, 0)
        self._distToGround = 0
        self._lidarQuality = 0  # int 5 for brand new data, counts down 1 every 50ms, should never go below 3.
        self._lastTime = time.time()
        self.rove_comm_node = rove_comm


        self.rove_comm_node.callbacks[IMU_DATA_ID] = self.process_imu_data
        self.rove_comm_node.callbacks[GPS_DATA_ID] = self.process_gps_data
        self.rove_comm_node.callbacks[LIDAR_DATA_ID] = self.process_lidar_data
        self.loggingFile = filename  # see CannyTracking to add logging
def calculate_next_coordinate(start, former_goal):
    # these need to be mapped to radians for math stuff, otherwise they break in very terrible ways. We might want to just use Haversine here as well?
    diff_lat = (start.lat - former_goal.lat) * 1000
    diff_lon = (start.lon - former_goal.lon) * 1000

    r = math.sqrt(diff_lat ** 2 + diff_lon ** 2)
    theta = r / constants.SEARCH_DISTANCE

    # Add delta theta to calculate new point with
    theta += constants.DELTA_THETA # We should definitely decrease theta from math.pi/2 to pi/4, pi/6 or even pi/8
    # needs additional scaling at some point to handle large search patterns appropriately.
    r = constants.SEARCH_DISTANCE * theta

    diff_lat = r * math.sin(theta)
    diff_lon = r * math.cos(theta)

    return constants.Coordinate(start.lat + diff_lat/1000, start.lon + diff_lon/1000)
 rovecomm_node.write(drive.send_drive(0, 0))
 # rovecomm_node.write(RoveCommPacket(1000, 'h', (0,0), ip_octet_4=140))
 r = 6371  # radius of earth
 brng = math.radians(nav_board._heading - 90)  # target heading
 d = 0.0005  # 5 meters
 lat1 = math.radians(nav_board._location[0])
 lon1 = math.radians(nav_board._location[1])
 lat2 = math.asin(
     math.sin(lat1) * math.cos(d / r) +
     math.cos(lat1) * math.sin(d / r) * math.sin(brng))
 lon2 = lon1 + math.atan2(
     math.sin(brng) * math.sin(d / r) * math.cos(lat1),
     math.cos(d / r) - math.sin(lat1) * math.sin(lat2))
 lat2 = math.degrees(lat2)
 lon2 = math.degrees(lon2)
 target = constants.Coordinate(lat2, lon2)
 left, right = gps_nav.calculate_move(target, nav_board.location(),
                                      start, drive, nav_board)
 if nav_board._distToGround > constants.LIDAR_MAXIMUM:
     rovecomm_node.write(drive.send_drive(0, 0))
 rovecomm_node.write(drive.send_drive(left, right))
 distance = 10
 while distance > gps_nav.WAYPOINT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD:
     if state_switcher.state != rs.ObstacleAvoidance():
         rovecomm_node.write(drive.send_drive(0, 0))
     left, right = gps_nav.calculate_move(target, nav_board.location(),
                                          start, drive, nav_board)
Exemple #8
def add_waypoint_handler(packet_contents):
    latitude, longitude = packet_contents.data
    waypoint = constants.Coordinate(latitude, longitude)
    print("Added waypoint %s" % (waypoint,))
Exemple #9
import logging
import time
import constants
import rover_states
import algorithms.marker_search as marker_search
import algorithms.gps_navigate as gps_nav

state_switcher = rover_states.StateSwitcher()
state_switcher.state = rover_states.Searching()
gps_data = gps_nav.GPSData()

gps_data.start = constants.Coordinate(37.950271, -91.777770)
current_loc = gps_data.start
gps_data.goal = marker_search.calculate_next_coordinate(
    gps_data.start, current_loc)
print("Origin: " + str(gps_data.start.lat) + ", " + str(gps_data.start.lon))

while True:

    if state_switcher.state == rover_states.Searching():

        goal, start = gps_data.data()

        #print("Current: " + str(current_loc))
        #print("Goal: " + str(goal))

        new_goal = marker_search.calculate_next_coordinate(start, current_loc)

        print("New Goal: " + str(new_goal.lat) + ", " + str(new_goal.lon))
        current_loc = goal