Exemple #1
import numpy as np
import constants as con
import cccmaNC as cnc
import cccmautils as cutl
import scipy as sp
import scipy.signal 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# from scipy import signal

""" This class is actually for the CanESM2 LE. Not general runs. CMIP style.


def get_timepers(casename):

    if casename=='piControl':
        timepers = ('201501-231012','231101-241012','241101-251012','251101-261012',
    elif casename=='gregory_2xco2':
        timepers = ('245101-255012',)

    return timepers

def build_filenames(fielddict, casename, ftype=None,timesel=None,verb=True,local=False):
    """ ftype and timesel are not implemented here yet.

        ftype: type of filename to build. Right now just 'fullts' for full timeseries
              or 'fullclimo' for '1950-2020_climo' or, given timesel:
              for styr-enyr_climo. or 'ensmean'
    cmax = 8  # annual mean
    if level==30000:
        cmin = -15; cmax = 15
        #cminsea=-20; cmaxsea = 20
        cminm = -20; cmaxm = 20  # for monthly
        #cminsea = -15; cmaxsea = 15
        cminm = -15; cmaxm = 15  # for monthly

    print 'No settings for ' + field

# # # ########## Read NC data ###############
basepath=bp['basepath'] + model + '/'; subdir=bp['subdir']

## plat = platform.system()

## if plat == 'Darwin':  # means I'm on my mac
##     basepath = '/Volumes/MyPassport1TB/DATA/CanSISE/' + model + '/'
##     subdir = '/'
## else:  # on linux workstation in Vic
##     basepath = '/home/rkm/work/DATA/' + model + '/'
##     subdir = '/ts/'

# prob don't need this next chunk if looping down below @@@
if field=='turb':
    print 'not fully implemented! @@, no second set of sims'
Exemple #3
import cccmaNC as cnc
import cccmautils as cutl
import constants as con

basedir = bp['basepath']

casenames = ('preipreiice', 'prei2xco2iceb','pi2xco2ipulse', '2xco22xco2ice','2xco2preiice')
shortnames = {'preipreiice': '1C_1I',
             'prei2xco2iceb': '1C_2I',
             'pi2xco2ipulse': '1C_2Ipulse',
             '2xco22xco2ice': '2C_2I',
             '2xco2preiice': '2C_1I'}

def get_timeinfo(last='last100',includeyr1=False):

    if last=='last100':
        timeper1="3022-3121"; timeper2='2552-2651'; # end of 200 yr runs
        timeper3='2652-2751'; timeper4='3122-3221' # end of 300 yr runs
        timesel1='3022-01-01,3121-12-31'; timesel2='2552-01-01,2651-12-31'; 
        timesel3='2652-01-01,2751-12-31'; timesel4="3122-01-01,3221-12-31"; 
