def write(mydb, out, rs, station, base): TODAY = out.write("""# LENGTH OF SEASON FOR STATION NUMBER %s BASE TEMP=%s # LAST SPRING OCCURENCE FIRST FALL OCCURENCE YEAR MONTH DAY DOY MONTH DAY DOY LENGTH OF SEASON """ % (station, base) ) s = mx.DateTime.DateTime(constants.startyear(station), 1, 1) e = constants._ENDTS interval = mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(years=+1) now = s d = {} while now <= e: ep = now + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(month=12, day=31) sp = now + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(month=1, day=1) d[int(now.year)] = {'sts': sp, 'ets': ep} now += interval for i in range(len(rs)): low = int(rs[i]["low"]) if low > base: continue ts = mx.DateTime.strptime(rs[i]["day"], "%Y-%m-%d") mp = ts + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(month=7, day=1) if (ts > mp): # Fall if (ts < d[ int(ts.year) ]['ets'] ): d[int(ts.year)]['ets'] = ts else: if (ts > d[ int(ts.year) ]['sts'] ): d[int(ts.year)]['sts'] = ts sjdaytot = 0 ejdaytot = 0 yrs = 0 for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR): if (yr == constants._THISYEAR): continue if d[yr]['ets'] > TODAY: continue yrs += 1 sjdaytot += int(d[yr]['sts'].strftime("%j")) ejdaytot += int(d[yr]['ets'].strftime("%j")) out.write("%7i%4i%6i%4i %4i%6i%4i %3s\n" % ( yr, d[yr]['sts'].month, d[yr]['sts'].day, int(d[yr]['sts'].strftime("%j")), d[yr]['ets'].month, d[yr]['ets'].day, int(d[yr]['ets'].strftime("%j") ), (d[yr]['ets'] - d[yr]['sts']).strftime("%d") ) ) smean = sjdaytot / yrs emean = ejdaytot / yrs sts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(2001,1,1) + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(days=smean) ets = mx.DateTime.DateTime(2001,1,1) + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(days=emean) out.write("%7s%4i%6i%4i %4i%6i%4i %3s\n" % ( "MEAN", sts.month,, smean, ets.month,, emean, emean - smean) )
def write(monthly_rows, out, station): YRCNT = constants.yrcnt(station) out.write( """# THESE ARE THE MONTHLY HEATING DEGREE DAYS (base=65) %s-%s FOR STATION %s YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC """ % (constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR, station) ) db = {} db60 = {} for row in monthly_rows: mo = mx.DateTime.DateTime(row["year"], row["month"], 1) db[mo] = row["hdd65"] db60[mo] = row["hdd60"] moTot = {} moTot60 = {} for mo in range(1, 13): moTot[mo] = 0 moTot60[mo] = 0 second = """# THESE ARE THE MONTHLY HEATING DEGREE DAYS (base=60) %s-%s FOR STATION %s YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC\n""" % ( constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR, station, ) yrCnt = 0 for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR): yrCnt += 1 out.write("%4i" % (yr,)) second += "%4i" % (yr,) for mo in range(1, 13): ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(yr, mo, 1) if ts >= constants._ARCHIVEENDTS: out.write("%7s" % ("M",)) second += "%7s" % ("M",) continue if ts < constants._ARCHIVEENDTS: moTot[mo] += db[ts] moTot60[mo] += db60[ts] out.write("%7.0f" % (db[ts],)) second += "%7.0f" % (db60[ts],) out.write("\n") second += "\n" out.write("MEAN") second += "MEAN" for mo in range(1, 13): out.write("%7.0f" % (float(moTot[mo]) / float(YRCNT[mo]))) second += "%7.0f" % (float(moTot60[mo]) / float(YRCNT[mo])) out.write("\n") second += "\n" out.write(second)
def write(mydb, out, station): YRCNT = constants.yrcnt(station) out.write("""# THESE ARE THE MONTHLY COOLING DEGREE DAYS (base=65) %s-%s FOR STATION %s YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC """ % (constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR, station) ) rs = mydb.query("""SELECT * from r_monthly WHERE station = '%s'""" % ( station,) ).dictresult() db = {} db60 = {} for i in range(len(rs)): mo = mx.DateTime.strptime( rs[i]["monthdate"], "%Y-%m-%d") db[mo] = rs[i]["cdd"] db60[mo] = rs[i]["cdd60"] moTot = {} moTot60 = {} for mo in range(1,13): moTot[mo] = 0 moTot60[mo] = 0 second = """# THESE ARE THE MONTHLY COOLING DEGREE DAYS (base=60) %s-%s FOR STATION %s YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC\n""" % ( constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR, station) yrCnt = 0 for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR): yrCnt += 1 out.write("%4i" % (yr,) ) second += "%4i" % (yr,) for mo in range(1, 13): ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(yr, mo, 1) if (ts >= constants._ARCHIVEENDTS): out.write("%7s" % ("M",) ) second += "%7s" % ("M",) continue if (ts < constants._ARCHIVEENDTS): moTot[mo] += db[ts] moTot60[mo] += db60[ts] out.write("%7.0f" % (db[ts],) ) second += "%7.0f" % (db60[ts],) out.write("\n") second += "\n" out.write("MEAN") second += "MEAN" for mo in range(1, 13): out.write("%7.0f" % ( float(moTot[mo]) / float( YRCNT[mo] ) ) ) second += "%7.0f" % ( float(moTot60[mo]) / float( YRCNT[mo] ) ) out.write("\n") second += "\n" out.write(second)
def write(cursor, out, station): out.write("""# Number of days exceeding given temperature thresholds # -20, -10, 0, 32 are days with low temperature at or below value # 50, 70, 80, 93, 100 are days with high temperature at or above value """) out.write(("%s %4s %4s %4s %4s %4s %4s %4s %4s %4s\n" "") % ('YEAR', -20, -10, 0, 32, 50, 70, 80, 93, 100)) cursor.execute("""SELECT year, sum(case when low <= -20 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as m20, sum(case when low <= -10 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as m10, sum(case when low <= 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as m0, sum(case when low <= 32 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as m32, sum(case when high >= 50 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as e50, sum(case when high >= 70 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as e70, sum(case when high >= 80 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as e80, sum(case when high >= 93 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as e93, sum(case when high >= 100 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as e100 from %s WHERE station = '%s' and day >= '%s-01-01' GROUP by year ORDER by year ASC """ % (constants.get_table(station), station, constants.startyear(station))) for row in cursor: out.write(("%(year)4i %(m20)4i %(m10)4i %(m0)4i %(m32)4i %(e50)4i " "%(e70)4i %(e80)4i %(e93)4i %(e100)4i\n") % row)
def write(mydb, out, station): r = {} out.write("""# DAILY RECORD HIGHS AND LOWS OCCURRING DURING %s-%s FOR STATION NUMBER %s JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC DY MX MN MX MN MX MN MX MN MX MN MX MN MX MN MX MN MX MN MX MN MX MN MX MN """ % (constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR, station) ) rs = mydb.query("SELECT * from %s WHERE station = '%s'" % ( constants.climatetable(station), station) ).dictresult() for i in range(len(rs)): day = mx.DateTime.strptime(rs[i]["valid"], "%Y-%m-%d") r[day] = rs[i] for day in range(1,32): out.write("%3i" % (day,) ) for mo in range(1,13): try: ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(2000, mo, day) if not r.has_key(ts): print ("Records missing for table: %s station: %s " +"date: %s") % (constants.climatetable(station), station, ts.strftime("%b %d")) out.write(" *** ***") continue except: out.write(" *** ***") continue if (r[ts]['max_high'] is None or r[ts]['min_low'] is None): out.write(" *** ***") continue out.write("%4i%4i" % (r[ts]["max_high"], r[ts]["min_low"]) ) out.write("\n")
def process(id, csv): # Fetch Yearly Totals sql = """SELECT year, round(avg(high)::numeric,1) as avg_high, round(avg(low)::numeric,1) as avg_low, round(sum(precip)::numeric,2) as rain from %s WHERE station = '%s' and year >= %s GROUP by year ORDER by year ASC""" % (constants.get_table(id), id, constants.startyear(id) ) rs = constants.mydb.query(sql).dictresult() data = {} for i in range(len(rs)): year = int(rs[i]["year"]) data[year] = {'oHigh': rs[i]["avg_high"], 'oLow': rs[i]["avg_low"], 'oRain': rs[i]["rain"]} for i in range(1893, constants._ENDYEAR): if (not data.has_key(i)): data[i] = {'oHigh': "M", 'oLow': "M", 'oRain': "M"} csv.write("%s,%s,%s,"%(data[i]['oLow'],data[i]['oHigh'],data[i]['oRain'])) # Need to do climate stuff # Then climate sql = """SELECT round(avg(high)::numeric,1) as avg_high, round(avg(low)::numeric,1) as avg_low, round(sum(precip)::numeric,2) as rain from %s WHERE station = '%s' """ % ( constants.climatetable(id), id) rs = constants.mydb.query(sql).dictresult() aHigh = rs[0]["avg_high"] aLow = rs[0]["avg_low"] aRain = rs[0]["rain"] csv.write("%s,%s,%s," % (aLow,aHigh,aRain) ) csv.write("\n") csv.flush()
def write(mydb, out, rs, station): """standard iterative here....""" startyear = constants.startyear(station) years = constants._ENDYEAR - startyear # 0.01, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 data = np.zeros((13, years+1, 6), 'i') for i in range(len(rs)): precip = float(rs[i]["precip"]) if precip <= 0: continue offset = int(rs[i]['year']) - startyear data[0, offset, :] += np.where(precip >= CATS, 1, 0) data[int(rs[i]['month']), offset, :] += np.where(precip >= CATS, 1, 0) out.write("""# Number of days per year with precipitation at or above threshold [inch] # Partitioned by month of the year, 'ANN' represents the entire year """) for c in range(len(CATS)): out.write("""YEAR %4.2f JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANN """ % (CATS[c],)) for yr in range(startyear, constants._ENDYEAR): out.write("%s %4.2f " % (yr, CATS[c])) for mo in range(1, 13): out.write("%3.0f " % (data[mo, yr-startyear, c], )) out.write("%3.0f\n" % (data[0, yr-startyear, c], ))
def write(mydb, out, station): out.write("""# NUMBER OF DAYS WITH PRECIPITATION PER MONTH PER YEAR # Days with a trace accumulation are not included YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANN """) rs = mydb.query("SELECT * from r_monthly WHERE station = '%s'" % ( station,) ).dictresult() db = {} for i in range(len(rs)): ts = rs[i]["monthdate"] db[ts] = int(rs[i]["rain_days"]) moCnt = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR): tot = 0 out.write("%s " % (yr,) ) for mo in range(1, 13): cnt = db["%s-%02i-01" % (yr, mo)] ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(yr,mo,1) if (ts >= constants._ARCHIVEENDTS): out.write("%3s " % ("M",) ) continue out.write("%3i " % (cnt,)) tot += cnt out.write("%3i\n" % (tot,)) rs = mydb.query("""select extract(month from monthdate) as month, stddev(rain_days), avg(rain_days) from r_monthly WHERE station = '%s' GROUP by month ORDER by month ASC""" % ( station,) ).dictresult() db = {} for i in range(len(rs)): db[ int(rs[i]["month"]) ] = rs[i] rs = mydb.query("""SELECT avg(cnt), stddev(cnt) from ( select extract(year from monthdate) as year, sum(rain_days) as cnt from r_monthly WHERE station = '%s' GROUP by year) as foo""" % (station,) ).dictresult() yrStd = rs[0]['stddev'] yrAvg = rs[0]['avg'] out.write("STDDEV ") for mo in range(1, 13): out.write("%3.0f " % (db[mo]['stddev'],)) out.write("%3.0f\n" % (yrStd,) ) out.write("AVG ") for mo in range(1, 13): out.write("%3.0f " % (db[mo]['avg'],)) out.write("%3.0f\n" % (yrAvg,))
def write(mydb, out, station): out.write("""# Top 30 single day rainfalls MONTH DAY YEAR AMOUNT """) rs = mydb.query("""SELECT precip, day from %s WHERE station = '%s' and day >= '%s-01-01' ORDER by precip DESC LIMIT 30""" % ( constants.get_table(station), station, constants.startyear(station) ) ).dictresult() for i in range(len(rs)): ts = mx.DateTime.strptime(rs[i]["day"], "%Y-%m-%d") out.write("%4i%7i%6i%9.2f\n" % (ts.month,, ts.year, rs[i]["precip"]) )
def write(cursor, out, station): out.write("""# OF DAYS EACH YEAR WHERE MIN >=32 F\n""") cursor.execute( """ SELECT year, count(low) from %s WHERE station = '%s' and low >= 32 and day >= '%s-01-01' and year < %s GROUP by year """ % (constants.get_table(station), station, constants.startyear(station), constants._THISYEAR) ) tot = 0 d = {} for row in cursor: tot += row["count"] d[row["year"]] = row["count"] mean = tot / float(cursor.rowcount) for year in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._THISYEAR): out.write("%s %3i\n" % (year, d.get(year, 0))) out.write("MEAN %3i\n" % (mean,))
def write(mydb, out, station): out.write("""# OF DAYS EACH YEAR WHERE MIN >=32 F\n""") rs = mydb.query("""SELECT year, count(low) from %s WHERE station = '%s' and low >= 32 and day >= '%s-01-01' and year < %s GROUP by year""" % (constants.get_table(station), station, constants.startyear(station), constants._THISYEAR) ).dictresult() tot = 0 d = {} for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._THISYEAR): d[yr] = 0 for i in range(len(rs)): tot += int(rs[i]["count"]) d[ int(rs[i]["year"]) ] = int(rs[i]["count"]) mean = tot / len(rs) for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._THISYEAR): out.write("%s %3i\n" % (yr, d[yr])) out.write("MEAN %3i\n" % (mean,) )
def write(cursor, out, station): # Load up dict of dates.. cnt = {} for day in range(30, 183): cnt[day] = {32: 0.0, 28: 0.0, 26: 0.0, 22: 0.0} cnt_years = {32: 0.0, 28: 0.0, 26: 0.0, 22: 0.0} for base in (32, 28, 26, 22): # Query Last doy for each year in archive sql = """ select year, max(extract(doy from day)) as doy from %s WHERE month < 7 and low <= %s and low > -40 and station = '%s' and year >= %s and year < %s and month > 1 GROUP by year ORDER by doy ASC """ % (constants.get_table(station), base, station, constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR) cursor.execute(sql) cnt_years[base] = cursor.rowcount if cursor.rowcount == 0: return for row in cursor: cnt[row['doy']][base] += 1.0 sts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(2000, 1, 1) running = {32: 0.0, 28: 0.0, 26: 0.0, 22: 0.0} out.write("""# Low Temperature exceedence probabilities # (On a certain date, what is the chance a temperature below a certain # threshold will be observed again that spring) DOY Date <33 <29 <27 <23 """) ar = [] for day in range(181, 29, -1): ts = sts + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(days=day-1) for base in (32, 28, 26, 22): running[base] += cnt[day][base] if day % 2 == 0: ar.append((" %3s %s %3i %3i %3i %3i" "") % (ts.strftime("%-j"), ts.strftime("%b %d"), running[32] / cnt_years[32] * 100.0, running[28] / cnt_years[28] * 100.0, running[26] / cnt_years[26] * 100.0, running[22] / cnt_years[22] * 100.0)) ar.reverse() out.write("\n".join(ar))
def main(): """Go Main""" for station in nt.sts: sts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(constants.startyear(station), 1, 1) ets = constants._ENDTS # Check for obs total now = sts interval = mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(years=1) while now < (ets - interval): days = int(((now + interval) - now).days) ccursor.execute("""SELECT count(*) from alldata_%s WHERE year = %s and station = '%s'""" % (state, now.year, station)) row = ccursor.fetchone() if row[0] != days: print('Mismatch station: %s year: %s count: %s days: %s' '') % (station, now.year, row[0], days) fix_year(station, now.year) now += interval # Check records database... sts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(2000, 1, 1) ets = mx.DateTime.DateTime(2001, 1, 1) interval = mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(days=1) for table in ['climate', 'climate51', 'climate71', 'climate81']: ccursor.execute("""SELECT count(*) from %s WHERE station = '%s'""" % (table, station)) row = ccursor.fetchone() if row[0] == 366: continue now = sts while now < ets: ccursor.execute("""SELECT * from %s WHERE station = '%s' and valid = '%s' """ % (table, station, now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))) if ccursor.rowcount == 0: print(("Add %s station: %s day: %s") % (table, station, now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))) ccursor.execute(""" INSERT into %s (station, valid) values ('%s', '%s') """ % (table, station, now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))) now += interval ccursor.close() COOP.commit()
def process(sid, csv): # Fetch Yearly Totals cursor.execute(""" SELECT year, round(avg(high)::numeric,1) as avg_high, round(avg(low)::numeric,1) as avg_low, round(sum(precip)::numeric,2) as rain from %s WHERE station = '%s' and year >= %s GROUP by year ORDER by year ASC """ % (constants.get_table(sid), sid, constants.startyear(sid))) data = {} for row in cursor: year = row["year"] data[year] = { 'oHigh': row["avg_high"], 'oLow': row["avg_low"], 'oRain': row["rain"] } for i in range(1893, constants._ENDYEAR): if i not in data: data[i] = {'oHigh': "M", 'oLow': "M", 'oRain': "M"} csv.write("%s,%s,%s," % (data[i]['oLow'], data[i]['oHigh'], data[i]['oRain'])) # Need to do climate stuff # Then climate cursor.execute(""" SELECT round(avg(high)::numeric,1) as avg_high, round(avg(low)::numeric,1) as avg_low, round(sum(precip)::numeric,2) as rain from %s WHERE station = '%s' """ % (constants.climatetable(sid), sid)) row = cursor.fetchone() aHigh = row["avg_high"] aLow = row["avg_low"] aRain = row["rain"] csv.write("%s,%s,%s," % (aLow, aHigh, aRain)) csv.write("\n") csv.flush()
def write(monthly_rows, out, station): out.write("""# NUMBER OF SNOWY DAYS PER MONTH PER YEAR # Days with a trace of snowfall reported are not included YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANN """) db = {} monthly = [0]*13 for i in range(13): monthly[i] = [] for row in monthly_rows: ts = datetime.datetime(row['year'], row['month'], 1) db[ts] = row["snow_days"] monthly[ts.month].append(row['snow_days']) for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR): tot = 0 out.write("%s " % (yr,)) for mo in range(1, 13): ts = datetime.datetime(yr, mo, 1) cnt = db.get(ts, None) if ts >= constants._ARCHIVEENDTS or cnt is None: out.write("%3s " % ("M",)) continue out.write("%3i " % (cnt,)) tot += cnt out.write("%3i\n" % (tot,)) out.write("STDDEV ") for mo in range(1, 13): out.write("%3.0f " % (np.std(monthly[mo]),)) out.write("%3.0f\n" % (0,)) out.write("AVG ") for mo in range(1, 13): out.write("%3.0f " % (np.average(monthly[mo]),)) out.write("%3.0f\n" % (0,))
def write(monthly_rows, out, station): out.write("""# NUMBER OF DAYS WITH PRECIPITATION PER MONTH PER YEAR # Days with a trace accumulation are not included YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANN """) db = {} monthly = [0]*13 for i in range(13): monthly[i] = [] for row in monthly_rows: ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(row['year'], row['month'], 1) db[ts] = row["rain_days"] monthly[ts.month].append( row['rain_days'] ) for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR): tot = 0 out.write("%s " % (yr,) ) for mo in range(1, 13): cnt = db.get("%s-%02i-01" % (yr, mo), None) ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(yr,mo,1) if ts >= constants._ARCHIVEENDTS or cnt is None: out.write("%3s " % ("M",) ) continue out.write("%3i " % (cnt,)) tot += cnt out.write("%3i\n" % (tot,)) out.write("STDDEV ") for mo in range(1, 13): out.write("%3.0f " % (np.std(monthly[mo]),)) out.write("%3.0f\n" % (0,) ) out.write("AVG ") for mo in range(1, 13): out.write("%3.0f " % (np.average(monthly[mo]),)) out.write("%3.0f\n" % (0,))
def process(sid, csv): # Fetch Yearly Totals cursor.execute(""" SELECT year, round(avg(high)::numeric,1) as avg_high, round(avg(low)::numeric,1) as avg_low, round(sum(precip)::numeric,2) as rain from %s WHERE station = '%s' and year >= %s GROUP by year ORDER by year ASC """ % (constants.get_table(sid), sid, constants.startyear(sid))) data = {} for row in cursor: year = row["year"] data[year] = {'oHigh': row["avg_high"], 'oLow': row["avg_low"], 'oRain': row["rain"]} for i in range(1893, constants._ENDYEAR): if i not in data: data[i] = {'oHigh': "M", 'oLow': "M", 'oRain': "M"} csv.write("%s,%s,%s," % (data[i]['oLow'], data[i]['oHigh'], data[i]['oRain'])) # Need to do climate stuff # Then climate cursor.execute(""" SELECT round(avg(high)::numeric,1) as avg_high, round(avg(low)::numeric,1) as avg_low, round(sum(precip)::numeric,2) as rain from %s WHERE station = '%s' """ % (constants.climatetable(sid), sid)) row = cursor.fetchone() aHigh = row["avg_high"] aLow = row["avg_low"] aRain = row["rain"] csv.write("%s,%s,%s," % (aLow, aHigh, aRain)) csv.write("\n") csv.flush()
# This will drive the modules import pg, string, constants import network nt = network.Table("IACLIMATE") mydb = pg.connect("coop", 'iemdb',user='******') import genPrecipEvents, genGDD, genDailyRecords import genDailyRecordsRain, genDailyRange, genDailyMeans, genCountLows32 import genSpringFall, genMonthly, genHDD, genCDD, genHeatStress import genCountRain, genFrostProbabilities, genSpringProbabilities, genCycles import genTempThresholds, genRecordPeriods, gen_precip_cats updateAll = True #for id in st.ids: for id in ['IA0200',]: print "processing [%s] %s" % (id, nt.sts[id]["name"]) dbid = string.upper(id) rs = mydb.query("""SELECT * from %s WHERE station = '%s' and day >= '%s-01-01' ORDER by day ASC""" % ( constants.get_table(dbid), dbid, constants.startyear(dbid) ) ).dictresult() #genSpringFall.write(mydb, rs, dbid, 32, "09") genHDD.go(mydb, rs, dbid, updateAll) genHDD.write(mydb, dbid)
def write(monthly_rows, out, out2, out3, out4, station): s = constants.startts(station) e = constants._ENDTS YRCNT = constants.yrcnt(station) YEARS = e.year - s.year + 1 interval = mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(months=+1) now = s db = {} while now < e: db[now] = {"avg_high": "M", "avg_low": "M", "rain": "M"} now += interval for row in monthly_rows: ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(row["year"], row["month"], 1) db[ts] = {"avg_high": row["avg_high"], "avg_low": row["avg_low"], "rain": row["sum_precip"]} out.write( """# Monthly Average High Temperatures [F] YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANN """ ) moTot = {} for mo in range(1, 13): moTot[mo] = 0 yrCnt = 0 yrAvg = 0 for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR): yrCnt += 1 out.write("%4i" % (yr,)) yrSum = 0 for mo in range(1, 13): ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(yr, mo, 1) if ts < constants._ARCHIVEENDTS: moTot[mo] += int(db[ts]["avg_high"]) yrSum += int(db[ts]["avg_high"]) out.write(safePrint(db[ts]["avg_high"], 6, 0)) if yr != constants._ARCHIVEENDTS.year: yrAvg += float(yrSum) / 12.0 out.write("%6.0f\n" % (float(yrSum) / 12.0,)) else: out.write(" \n") out.write("MEAN") for mo in range(1, 13): moAvg = moTot[mo] / float(YRCNT[mo]) out.write("%6.0f" % (moAvg,)) out.write("%6.0f\n" % (yrAvg / (float(YEARS)),)) out2.write( """# Monthly Average Low Temperatures [F] YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANN """ ) moTot = {} for mo in range(1, 13): moTot[mo] = 0 yrCnt = 0 yrAvg = 0 for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR): yrCnt += 1 out2.write("%4i" % (yr,)) yrSum = 0 for mo in range(1, 13): ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(yr, mo, 1) if ts < constants._ARCHIVEENDTS: moTot[mo] += int(db[ts]["avg_low"]) yrSum += int(db[ts]["avg_low"]) out2.write(safePrint(db[ts]["avg_low"], 6, 0)) if yr != constants._ARCHIVEENDTS.year: yrAvg += float(yrSum) / 12.0 out2.write("%6.0f\n" % (float(yrSum) / 12.0,)) else: out2.write(" M\n") out2.write("MEAN") for mo in range(1, 13): moAvg = moTot[mo] / float(YRCNT[mo]) out2.write("%6.0f" % (moAvg,)) out2.write("%6.0f\n" % (yrAvg / float(YEARS),)) out3.write( """# Monthly Average Temperatures [F] (High + low)/2 YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANN """ ) moTot = {} for mo in range(1, 13): moTot[mo] = 0 yrCnt = 0 yrAvg = 0 for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR): yrCnt += 1 out3.write("%4i" % (yr,)) yrSum = 0 for mo in range(1, 13): ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(yr, mo, 1) if ts >= constants._ARCHIVEENDTS: out3.write("%6s" % ("M",)) continue v = (float(db[ts]["avg_high"]) + float(db[ts]["avg_low"])) / 2.0 if ts < constants._ARCHIVEENDTS: moTot[mo] += v yrSum += v out3.write("%6.0f" % (v,)) if yr != constants._ARCHIVEENDTS.year: yrAvg += float(yrSum) / 12.0 out3.write("%6.0f\n" % (float(yrSum) / 12.0,)) else: out3.write(" M\n") out3.write("MEAN") for mo in range(1, 13): moAvg = moTot[mo] / float(YRCNT[mo]) out3.write("%6.0f" % (moAvg,)) out3.write("%6.0f\n" % (yrAvg / float(yrCnt),)) out4.write( """# Monthly Liquid Precip Totals [inches] (snow is melted) YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANN\n""" ) moTot = {} for mo in range(1, 13): moTot[mo] = 0 yrCnt = 0 yrAvg = 0 for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR): yrCnt += 1 out4.write("%4i" % (yr,)) yrSum = 0 for mo in range(1, 13): ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(yr, mo, 1) if ts < constants._ARCHIVEENDTS: moTot[mo] += db[ts]["rain"] yrSum += db[ts]["rain"] out4.write(safePrint(db[ts]["rain"], 6, 2)) yrAvg += float(yrSum) out4.write("%6.2f\n" % (float(yrSum),)) out4.write("MEAN") for mo in range(1, 13): moAvg = moTot[mo] / float(YRCNT[mo]) out4.write("%6.2f" % (moAvg,)) out4.write("%6.2f\n" % (yrAvg / float(YEARS - 1),))
def write(cursor, out, station): out.write(("# THESE ARE THE HEAT STRESS VARIABLES FOR STATION # %s\n" ) % (station,)) s = constants.startts(station) e = constants._ENDTS interval = mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(months=+1) monthlyCount = {} monthlyIndex = {} now = s while now < e: monthlyCount[now] = 0 monthlyIndex[now] = 0 now += interval cursor.execute(""" SELECT year, month, high from %s WHERE station = '%s' and high > 86 and day >= '%s-01-01 '""" % (constants.get_table(station), station, constants.startyear(station))) for row in cursor: ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(row["year"], row["month"], 1) monthlyCount[ts] += 1 monthlyIndex[ts] += int(row["high"]) - 86 monthlyAveCnt = {} monthlyAveIndex = {} for mo in range(5, 10): monthlyAveCnt[mo] = 0 monthlyAveIndex[mo] = 0 out.write(""" # OF DAYS MAXT >86 ACCUMULATED (MAXT - 86 ) YEAR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT TOTAL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT TOTAL\n""") yrCnt = 0 for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR): yrCnt += 1 out.write("%5s" % (yr,)) totCnt = 0 for mo in range(5, 10): ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(yr, mo, 1) if (ts >= constants._ARCHIVEENDTS): out.write("%6s" % ("M",)) continue totCnt += monthlyCount[ts] monthlyAveCnt[mo] += monthlyCount[ts] out.write("%6i" % (monthlyCount[ts], )) out.write("%6i " % (totCnt,)) totInd = 0 for mo in range(5, 10): ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(yr, mo, 1) if (ts >= constants._ARCHIVEENDTS): out.write("%6s" % ("M",)) continue totInd += monthlyIndex[ts] monthlyAveIndex[mo] += monthlyIndex[ts] out.write("%6i" % (monthlyIndex[ts], )) out.write("%6i\n" % (totInd,)) out.write(" **************************************************************************************\n") out.write("MEANS") tot = 0 for mo in range(5, 10): val = float(monthlyAveCnt[mo]) / float(yrCnt) tot += val out.write("%6.1f" % (val, )) out.write("%6.1f " % (tot,)) tot = 0 for mo in range(5, 10): val = float(monthlyAveIndex[mo]) / float(yrCnt) tot += val out.write("%6.1f" % (val, )) out.write("%6.1f\n" % (tot, ))
def write(out, rs, station): s = constants.startts(station) e = constants._ENDTS YEARS = e.year - s.year + 1 out.write("""# SEASONAL TEMPERATURE CYCLES PER YEAR # 1 CYCLE IS A TEMPERATURE VARIATION FROM A VALUE BELOW A THRESHOLD # TO A VALUE EXCEEDING A THRESHOLD. THINK OF IT AS FREEZE/THAW CYCLES # FIRST DATA COLUMN WOULD BE FOR CYCLES EXCEEDING 26 AND 38 DEGREES F THRES 26-38 26-38 24-40 24-40 20-44 20-44 14-50 14-50 YEAR SPRING FALL SPRING FALL SPRING FALL SPRING FALL """) data = {} for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR): data[yr] = {'26s': 0, '26f': 0, '24s': 0, '24f': 0, '20s': 0, '20f': 0, '14s': 0, '14f': 0} prs = [[26, 38], [24, 40], [20, 44], [14, 50]] cycPos = {'26s': -1, '24s': -1, '20s': -1, '14s': -1} for i in range(len(rs)): ts = mx.DateTime.strptime(rs[i]["day"], "%Y-%m-%d") high = int(rs[i]['high']) low = int(rs[i]['low']) for pr in prs: l, u = pr key = '%ss' % (l, ) ckey = '%ss' % (l, ) if ts.month >= 7: ckey = '%sf' % (l, ) # cycles lower if cycPos[key] == 1 and low < l: # print 'Cycled lower', low, ts cycPos[key] = -1 data[ts.year][ckey] += 0.5 # cycled higher if cycPos[key] == -1 and high > u: # print 'Cycled higher', high, ts cycPos[key] = 1 data[ts.year][ckey] += 0.5 s26 = 0 f26 = 0 s24 = 0 f24 = 0 s20 = 0 f20 = 0 s14 = 0 f14 = 0 for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR): s26 += data[yr]['26s'] f26 += data[yr]['26f'] s24 += data[yr]['24s'] f24 += data[yr]['24f'] s20 += data[yr]['20s'] f20 += data[yr]['20f'] s14 += data[yr]['14s'] f14 += data[yr]['14f'] out.write(("%s %-8i%-8i%-8i%-8i%-8i%-8i%-8i%-8i\n" "") % (yr, data[yr]['26s'], data[yr]['26f'], data[yr]['24s'], data[yr]['24f'], data[yr]['20s'], data[yr]['20f'], data[yr]['14s'], data[yr]['14f'])) out.write(("AVG %-8.1f%-8.1f%-8.1f%-8.1f%-8.1f%-8.1f%-8.1f%-8.1f\n" "") % (s26/YEARS, f26/YEARS, s24/YEARS, f24/YEARS, s20/YEARS, f20/YEARS, s14/YEARS, f14/YEARS))
def go(mydb, rs, stationID): db = {} for i in range(1,54): # Store climateweek values db[i] = {} db[i]["maxval"] = 0 db[i]["maxyr"] = 0 db[i]["total"] = 0 db[i]["events"] = 0 db[i]["cat1"] = 0 db[i]["cat2"] = 0 db[i]["cat3"] = 0 db[i]["cat4"] = 0 db[i]["cat5"] = 0 db[i]["totprec"] = [0]* (constants._ENDYEAR - constants.startyear(stationID)) for i in range(len(rs)): climoweek = int(rs[i]["climoweek"]) precip = float(rs[i]["precip"]) yr = int(rs[i]['year']) # First we do the CATS if (precip >= 0.01 and precip <= 0.25): db[climoweek]["cat1"] += 1 elif (precip >= 0.26 and precip <= 0.50): db[climoweek]["cat2"] += 1 elif (precip >= 0.51 and precip <= 1.00): db[climoweek]["cat3"] += 1 elif (precip >= 1.01 and precip <= 2.00): db[climoweek]["cat4"] += 1 elif (precip >= 2.01): db[climoweek]["cat5"] += 1 # Work the Max if (precip > 0): db[climoweek]["totprec"][yr - constants.startyear(stationID)] += precip # Add in for the total db[climoweek]["total"] += precip annEvents = 0 maxVal = 0 totRain = 0 cat1 = 0 cat2 = 0 cat3 = 0 cat4 = 0 cat5 = 0 for i in range(1,54): totEvents = db[i]["cat1"] + db[i]["cat2"] + db[i]["cat3"] + \ db[i]["cat4"] + db[i]["cat5"] meanRain = db[i]["total"] / totEvents annEvents += totEvents maxVal = max( db[i]['totprec'] ) maxyr = db[i]['totprec'].index(maxVal) + constants.startyear(stationID) cat1 += db[i]["cat1"] cat2 += db[i]["cat2"] cat3 += db[i]["cat3"] cat4 += db[i]["cat4"] cat5 += db[i]["cat5"] totRain += db[i]["total"] mydb.query("""DELETE from r_precipevents WHERE station = '%s' and climoweek = %s""" % (stationID, i) ) mydb.query("""INSERT into r_precipevents(station, climoweek, maxval, maxyr, meanval, cat1e, cat2e, cat3e, cat4e, cat5e) values ('%s', %s, %s, %s, %4.2f, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""" % (stationID, i, maxVal, maxyr, meanRain, db[i]["cat1"], db[i]["cat2"], db[i]["cat3"], db[i]["cat4"], db[i]["cat5"]))
def write(mydb, out, rs, station): out.write("""# First occurance of record consecutive number of days # above or below a temperature threshold """) out.write("# %-27s %-27s %-27s %-27s\n" % (" Low Cooler Than", " Low Warmer Than", " High Cooler Than", " High Warmer Than") ) out.write("%3s %5s %10s %10s %5s %10s %10s %5s %10s %10s %5s %10s %10s\n" % ( 'TMP', 'DAYS', 'BEGIN DATE', 'END DATE', 'DAYS', 'BEGIN DATE', 'END DATE', 'DAYS', 'BEGIN DATE', 'END DATE', 'DAYS', 'BEGIN DATE', 'END DATE') ) highs = np.zeros( (len(rs),), 'f') lows = np.zeros( (len(rs),), 'f') for i in range(len(rs)): highs[i] = rs[i]['high'] lows[i] = rs[i]['low'] for thres in range(-20,101,2): condition = lows < thres max_bl = 0 max_bl_ts = for start, stop in contiguous_regions(condition): if (stop - start) > max_bl: max_bl = int(stop - start) max_bl_ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(constants.startyear(station), 1, 1) + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime( days=int(stop)) condition = lows >= thres max_al = 0 max_al_ts = for start, stop in contiguous_regions(condition): if (stop - start) > max_al: max_al = int(stop - start) max_al_ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(constants.startyear(station), 1, 1) + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime( days=int(stop)) condition = highs < thres max_bh = 0 max_bh_ts = for start, stop in contiguous_regions(condition): if (stop - start) > max_bh: max_bh = int(stop - start) max_bh_ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(constants.startyear(station), 1, 1) + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime( days=int(stop)) condition = highs >= thres max_ah = 0 max_ah_ts = for start, stop in contiguous_regions(condition): if (stop - start) > max_ah: max_ah = int(stop - start) max_ah_ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(constants.startyear(station), 1, 1) + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime( days=int(stop)) out.write(("%3i %5s %10s %10s %5s %10s %10s " +"%5s %10s %10s %5s %10s %10s\n") % ( thres, wrap(max_bl), wrap(max_bl, (max_bl_ts - mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(days=max_bl)).strftime("%m/%d/%Y")), wrap(max_bl, max_bl_ts.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") ), wrap(max_al), wrap(max_al, (max_al_ts - mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(days=max_al)).strftime("%m/%d/%Y")), wrap(max_al, max_al_ts.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") ), wrap(max_bh), wrap(max_bh, (max_bh_ts - mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(days=max_bh)).strftime("%m/%d/%Y")), wrap(max_bh, max_bh_ts.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") ), wrap(max_ah), wrap(max_ah, (max_ah_ts - mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(days=max_ah)).strftime("%m/%d/%Y")), wrap(max_ah, max_ah_ts.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") ) ) )
def run_station(dbid): """Actually run for the given station""" table = constants.get_table(dbid) # print "processing [%s] %s" % (dbid, constants.nt.sts[dbid]["name"]) sql = """ SELECT d.*, c.climoweek from %s d, climoweek c WHERE station = '%s' and day >= '%s-01-01' and d.sday = c.sday and precip is not null ORDER by day ASC """ % (table, dbid, constants.startyear(dbid)) rs = caller(mydb.query, sql).dictresult() # Compute monthly cursor.execute(""" SELECT year, month, sum(precip) as sum_precip, avg(high) as avg_high, avg(low) as avg_low, sum(cdd(high,low,60)) as cdd60, sum(cdd(high,low,65)) as cdd65, sum(hdd(high,low,60)) as hdd60, sum(hdd(high,low,65)) as hdd65, sum(case when precip >= 0.01 then 1 else 0 end) as rain_days, sum(case when snow >= 0.1 then 1 else 0 end) as snow_days, sum(gddxx(40,86,high,low)) as gdd40, sum(gddxx(48,86,high,low)) as gdd48, sum(gddxx(50,86,high,low)) as gdd50, sum(gddxx(52,86,high,low)) as gdd52 from """+table+""" WHERE station = %s GROUP by year, month """, (dbid, )) monthly_rows = cursor.fetchall() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "01") caller(genPrecipEvents.write, cursor, out, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "02") caller(gen30rains.write, mydb, out, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "03") caller(genGDD.write, monthly_rows, out, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "04") caller(genDailyRecords.write, mydb, out, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "05") caller(genDailyRecordsRain.write, mydb, out, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "06") caller(genDailyRange.write, mydb, out, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "07") caller(genDailyMeans.write, mydb, out, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "08") caller(genCountLows32.write, cursor, out, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "09") caller(genSpringFall.write, out, rs, dbid, 32) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "10") caller(genSpringFall.write, out, rs, dbid, 30) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "11") caller(genSpringFall.write, out, rs, dbid, 28) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "12") caller(genSpringFall.write, out, rs, dbid, 26) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "13") caller(genSpringFall.write, out, rs, dbid, 24) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "14") out2 = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "15") out3 = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "16") out4 = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "17") caller(genMonthly.write, monthly_rows, out, out2, out3, out4, dbid) out.close() out2.close() out3.close() out4.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "18") caller(genHDD.write, monthly_rows, out, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "19") caller(genCDD.write, monthly_rows, out, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "20") caller(genHeatStress.write, cursor, out, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "21") caller(genCountRain.write, monthly_rows, out, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "25") caller(genCountSnow.write, monthly_rows, out, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "22") caller(genFrostProbabilities.write, mydb, out, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "23") caller(genSpringProbabilities.write, cursor, out, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "24") caller(genCycles.write, out, rs, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "26") caller(genTempThresholds.write, cursor, out, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "27") caller(genRecordPeriods.write, mydb, out, rs, dbid) out.close() out = constants.make_output(constants.nt, dbid, "28") caller(gen_precip_cats.write, mydb, out, rs, dbid) out.close()
while now < ets: ccursor.execute("""SELECT count(*) from alldata_%s where station = '%s' and day = '%s' """ % (state, station, now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))) row = ccursor.fetchone() if row[0] == 0: print 'Adding Date: %s station: %s' % (now, station) ccursor.execute("""INSERT into alldata_%s (station, day, sday, year, month) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', %s, %s) """ % (state, station, now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), now.strftime("%m%d"), now.year, now.month)) now += interval for station in nt.sts.keys(): sts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(constants.startyear(station), 1, 1) ets = constants._ENDTS # Check for obs total now = sts interval = mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(years=1) while now < (ets - interval): days = int(((now + interval) - now).days) ccursor.execute("""SELECT count(*) from alldata_%s WHERE year = %s and station = '%s'""" % (state, now.year, station)) row = ccursor.fetchone() if row[0] != days: print('Mismatch station: %s year: %s count: %s days: %s' '') % (station, now.year, row[0], days) fix_year(station, now.year) now += interval
import datetime def caller(func, *args): #start = ret = func(*args) #end = #print "%s %s took %s" % (func.__name__, args[-1], (end-start)) return ret updateAll= False for dbid in nt.sts.keys(): #print "processing [%s] %s" % (dbid, nt.sts[dbid]["name"]) sql = """SELECT d.*, c.climoweek from %s d, climoweek c WHERE station = '%s' and day >= '%s-01-01' and d.sday = c.sday ORDER by day ASC""" % (constants.get_table(dbid), dbid, constants.startyear(dbid) ) rs = caller(mydb.query, sql).dictresult() caller(genPrecipEvents.go, mydb, rs, dbid) out = caller(constants.make_output, nt, dbid, "01") caller(genPrecipEvents.write, mydb, out, dbid) out.close() out = caller(constants.make_output, nt, dbid, "02") caller(gen30rains.write, mydb, out, dbid) out.close() caller(genGDD.go, mydb, rs, dbid, updateAll) out = caller(constants.make_output, nt, dbid, "03") caller(genGDD.write, mydb, out, dbid)
now = sts while now < ets: ccursor.execute("""SELECT count(*) from alldata_%s where station = '%s' and day = '%s' """ % (state, station, now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))) row = ccursor.fetchone() if row[0] == 0: print 'Adding Date: %s station: %s' % (now, station) ccursor.execute("""INSERT into alldata_%s (station, day, sday, year, month) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', %s, %s) """ % (state, station, now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), now.strftime("%m%d"), now.year, now.month)) now += interval for station in nt.sts.keys(): sts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(constants.startyear(station), 1, 1) ets = constants._ENDTS # Check for obs total now = sts interval = mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(years=1) while now < (ets - interval): days = int(((now + interval) - now).days) ccursor.execute("""SELECT count(*) from alldata_%s WHERE year = %s and station = '%s'""" % (state, now.year, station)) row = ccursor.fetchone() if row[0] != days: print ('Mismatch station: %s year: %s count: %s days: %s' '') % (station, now.year, row[0], days) fix_year(station, now.year) now += interval
def write(mydb, out, out2, out3, out4, station): s = constants.startts(station) e = constants._ENDTS YRCNT = constants.yrcnt(station) YEARS = e.year - s.year + 1 interval = mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(months=+1) now = s db = {} while (now < e): db[now] = {"avg_high": "M", "avg_low": "M", "rain": "M"} now += interval rs = mydb.query("SELECT * from r_monthly WHERE station = '%s'" % ( station,) ).dictresult() for i in range(len(rs)): ts = mx.DateTime.strptime(rs[i]["monthdate"], "%Y-%m-%d") if ts < constants._ARCHIVEENDTS: db[ts] = rs[i] out.write("""# Monthly Average High Temperatures [F] YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANN """) moTot = {} for mo in range(1,13): moTot[mo] = 0 yrCnt = 0 yrAvg = 0 for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR): yrCnt += 1 out.write("%4i" % (yr,) ) yrSum = 0 for mo in range(1, 13): ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(yr, mo, 1) if (ts < constants._ARCHIVEENDTS): moTot[mo] += int(db[ts]["avg_high"]) yrSum += int(db[ts]["avg_high"]) out.write( safePrint( db[ts]["avg_high"], 6, 0) ) if yr != constants._ARCHIVEENDTS.year: yrAvg += float(yrSum) / 12.0 out.write("%6.0f\n" % ( float(yrSum) / 12.0, ) ) else: out.write(" \n") out.write("MEAN") for mo in range(1,13): moAvg = moTot[mo] / float( YRCNT[mo]) out.write("%6.0f" % (moAvg,) ) out.write("%6.0f\n" % (yrAvg / (float(YEARS)),) ) out2.write("""# Monthly Average Low Temperatures [F] YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANN """) moTot = {} for mo in range(1,13): moTot[mo] = 0 yrCnt = 0 yrAvg = 0 for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR): yrCnt += 1 out2.write("%4i" % (yr,) ) yrSum = 0 for mo in range(1, 13): ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(yr, mo, 1) if (ts < constants._ARCHIVEENDTS): moTot[mo] += int(db[ts]["avg_low"]) yrSum += int(db[ts]["avg_low"]) out2.write( safePrint( db[ts]["avg_low"], 6, 0) ) if yr != constants._ARCHIVEENDTS.year: yrAvg += float(yrSum) / 12.0 out2.write("%6.0f\n" % ( float(yrSum) / 12.0, ) ) else: out2.write(" M\n") out2.write("MEAN") for mo in range(1,13): moAvg = moTot[mo] / float( YRCNT[mo]) out2.write("%6.0f" % (moAvg,) ) out2.write("%6.0f\n" % (yrAvg / float(YEARS),) ) out3.write("""# Monthly Average Temperatures [F] (High + low)/2 YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANN """) moTot = {} for mo in range(1,13): moTot[mo] = 0 yrCnt = 0 yrAvg = 0 for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR): yrCnt += 1 out3.write("%4i" % (yr,) ) yrSum = 0 for mo in range(1, 13): ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(yr, mo, 1) if (ts >= constants._ARCHIVEENDTS): out.write("%6s" % ("M",)) continue v = (float(db[ts]["avg_high"]) + float(db[ts]["avg_low"])) / 2.0 if (ts < constants._ARCHIVEENDTS): moTot[mo] += v yrSum += v out3.write("%6.0f" % ( v, ) ) if yr != constants._ARCHIVEENDTS.year: yrAvg += float(yrSum) / 12.0 out3.write("%6.0f\n" % ( float(yrSum) / 12.0, ) ) else: out3.write(" M\n") out3.write("MEAN") for mo in range(1,13): moAvg = moTot[mo] / float( YRCNT[mo] ) out3.write("%6.0f" % (moAvg,) ) out3.write("%6.0f\n" % (yrAvg / float(yrCnt),) ) out4.write("""# Monthly Liquid Precip Totals [inches] (snow is melted) YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANN\n""") moTot = {} for mo in range(1,13): moTot[mo] = 0 yrCnt = 0 yrAvg = 0 for yr in range(constants.startyear(station), constants._ENDYEAR): yrCnt += 1 out4.write("%4i" % (yr,) ) yrSum = 0 for mo in range(1, 13): ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(yr, mo, 1) if (ts < constants._ARCHIVEENDTS): moTot[mo] += db[ts]["rain"] yrSum += db[ts]["rain"] out4.write( safePrint( db[ts]["rain"], 6, 2) ) yrAvg += float(yrSum) out4.write("%6.2f\n" % ( float(yrSum), ) ) out4.write("MEAN") for mo in range(1,13): moAvg = moTot[mo] / float( YRCNT[mo] ) out4.write("%6.2f" % (moAvg,) ) out4.write("%6.2f\n" % (yrAvg / float(YEARS -1) ,) )