def insert_contact(user_id, contact, cursor, connection): """ :param user_id: :param contact: { "contact": "......", "type": "EMAIL" / "NUMBER" / "ecc" } :param connection: database connection :param cursor: database cursor """ try: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO contact (contact,idOfContactType) " + "values ('{}','{}')".format( contact["contact"], get_id_of_contact_type(contact["type"], cursor, connection) )) contact_id = cursor.lastrowid cursor.execute("INSERT INTO usercontacts (idContact,idUser) values ({},{})".format(contact_id, user_id)) LOGGER.debug("contact inserted correctly, returning associated id {}".format(contact_id)) connection.commit() except Exception as e: LOGGER.error("Error while inserting contact of user {} error {}".format(user_id, e))
def get_user_id_from_link(link, cursor): """ :param link: linkToProfile no prefix :param cursor: database cursor :return: user id """ try: cursor.execute("SELECT idUser FROM user WHERE linkToProfile = '{}'".format(link)) user_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] LOGGER.debug("User {} returning associated id ".format(link, user_id)) return user_id user_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] LOGGER.debug("User {} already present, returning associated id {} ".format(author, user_id)) return user_id except Exception as e: LOGGER.error("Error while getting id of user: {} error: {}".format(link, e))
def handle_reply(self, addr, pubkey, packet_type, packet, match_callback=None): remote_id = keccak256(pubkey) is_match = False for pending in self.pending_hold: if pending.is_alive and packet_type == pending.packet_type: if remote_id == pending.from_id: is_match = True pending.emit(packet) match_callback and match_callback() elif pending.ep is not None and pending.ep == addr: LOGGER.error('{:5} {}@{}:{} mismatch request {}'.format( '', binascii.hexlify(remote_id)[:8], addr[0], addr[1], binascii.hexlify(pending.from_id)[:8])) # is_match = True # pending.emit(packet) # match_callback and match_callback() # for bucket in self.table.buckets: # for node in bucket.nodes: # if node.node_id == pending.from_id: # node.set_pubkey(pubkey) if not is_match: LOGGER.warning('{:5} {}@{}:{} ({}) unsolicited response'.format( '<-//-', binascii.hexlify(remote_id)[:8], addr[0], addr[1], PACKET_TYPES.get(packet.packet_type)))
def __run_worker(self):"[WORKER] Launched!") while (data := self.__queue.get()) != "kill": try: MessageReader.load(data)"[WORKER] [{data}] successfully processed!") except Exception as exp: LOGGER.error("[WORKER] Data processing operation failed!") LOGGER.error(f"[WORKER] {exp}")
def insert_personal_data(profile_link, personal_data): """ :param profile_link: link to profile no standard prefix :param personal_data: { "sex": 1 if male 0 if female "NULL" if not known, "cityName": "...", "contacts": [ { "contact": "......", "type": "EMAIL"/"NUMBER" } ] "jobs": ["..."] } """ connection = None try: connection = get_db_connection(constants.DB_USER, constants.DB_PASSWORD, constants.DB_HOST, constants.DB_NAME) cursor = connection.cursor() user_id = get_user_id_from_link(profile_link, cursor) if personal_data["cityName"] != "NULL": city_id = insert_city( personal_data["cityName"].replace("'", " "), cursor, connection ) else: city_id = "NULL" update_user_query = "UPDATE user SET alreadyVisited = 1 , sex = {} , idCurrentCity = {} WHERE idUser = {}"\ .format(personal_data["sex"], city_id, user_id) cursor.execute(update_user_query) for contact in personal_data["contacts"]: insert_contact(user_id, contact.replace("'", " "), cursor, connection) for job in personal_data["jobs"]: insert_job(user_id, job.replace("'", " "), cursor, connection) connection.commit() except Exception as e: connection.rollback() LOGGER.error("Error while inserting personal data error: {}".format(e)) finally: connection.close()
def load(data: str) -> None: fdata, _comma, check_sum = data.strip().partition("*") expected_sum = hex(int(f"0x{check_sum}", 16)) actual_sum = MessageReader.check_sum(fdata) if expected_sum == actual_sum:"[READER] CheckSum Succeed!") msg_type, _comma, rdata = fdata.partition(",") return getattr(sys.modules[__name__], f"Message_{msg_type}").load(rdata) else: LOGGER.error( f"[READER] CheckSum Failed! Actual: {actual_sum}, Expected: {expected_sum}, Msg: {fdata}" )
def get_db_connection(user, password, host, database_name): """ :param user: :param password: :param host: :param database_name: :return: returns a connection to the db, note that it needs to be closed """ try: return mysql.connector.connect(user=user, password=password, host=host, database=database_name) except Exception as e: LOGGER.error("Error while creating database connection {}" .format(e))
def get_users_not_visited(): """ :return: list of the profile's link of the users we haven't visited yet (the usual facebook prefix is omitted) """ connection = None try: connection = get_db_connection(constants.DB_USER, constants.DB_PASSWORD, constants.DB_HOST, constants.DB_NAME) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT linkToProfile FROM user WHERE alreadyVisited = 0") return cursor.fetchall() except Exception as e: LOGGER.error("Error while retrieving users not visited: {}".format(e)) finally: connection.close()
def insert_job(user_id, job, cursor, connection): """ :param user_id: :param job: :param cursor: :param connection: """ try: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO job (jobName) " + "values ('{}')".format(job)) job_id = cursor.lastrowid cursor.execute("INSERT INTO userjob (idUser,idJob) values ({},{})".format(user_id, job_id)) LOGGER.debug("job inserted correctly") except Exception as e: LOGGER.error("Error while inserting job of user {} error {}".format(user_id, e))
def insert_post(post): """ :param post: dict defined as follows: { postText: "....", comments: [{...},{...},ecc] -> every comment is a dict composed as follows { "author": "...", "text": "..." "linkToProfile": "..." link to facebook profile without standard prefix } location: "..." } function:Inserts the post passed as argument in the database """ connection = None post["postText"] = post["postText"].replace("'", " ") try: connection = get_db_connection(constants.DB_USER, constants.DB_PASSWORD, constants.DB_HOST, constants.DB_NAME) cursor = connection.cursor() post_query = "INSERT INTO post (postText, postSentiment, idOfMentionedLocation) " \ "values ('{}',{},{})" location_id = insert_location(post["location"].replace("'", " "), cursor, connection) if location_id is None: cursor.execute(post_query.format( post["postText"].replace("'", " "), "NULL", # TODO Sentiment "NULL" )) else: cursor.execute(post_query.format( post["postText"].replace("'", " "), "NULL", # TODO Sentiment location_id )) post_id = cursor.lastrowid comment_query = "INSERT INTO comment (commentText, commentSentiment, idOfPost, idOfAuthor) " \ "values ('{}',{},{},{})" for comment in post["comments"]: author = comment["author"].replace("'", " ") text = comment["text"].replace("'", " ") link = comment["linkToProfile"] if ".php" not in link: cursor.execute(comment_query.format( text, "NULL", # TODO Sentiment post_id, insert_user(author, link, cursor, connection) )) connection.commit() LOGGER.debug("Post inserted correctly") except Exception as e: connection.rollback() LOGGER.error("Error while inserting post: {}".format(e)) finally: connection.close()