Exemple #1
    def docker(cls, service, params):
        Consul Docker Check

         SERVICE_CHECK_DOCKER=curl --silent --fail example.com
        # https://github.com/cablehead/python-consul/blob/53eb41c4760b983aec878ef73e72c11e0af501bb/consul/base.py#L111
        # https://www.consul.io/docs/discovery/checks#docker-interval
        # NOTE: consul agent should be able to access docker socket: -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
        script = cls._value(params, 'docker')
        if script:
            # Invoke *script* packaged within a running docker container with
            # *container_id* at a specified *interval* on the configured
            # *shell* using the Docker Exec API.  Optional *register* after which a
            # failing service will be automatically deregistered.
            script = script.replace('$SERVICE_IP', service.ip).replace(
                '$SERVICE_PORT', str(service.port))
            container_id = service.container_id[:12]
            shell = cls._value(params, 'shell')
            interval, deregister = cls._common_values(params)
            ret = Check.docker(container_id,
            # FIXME: as 2021/01/24, python-consul2 uses old script instead of args
            # it was removed in consul 1.1.0
            # https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#110-may-11-2018
            if cls.consul_version >= (1, 1, 0):
                ret['args'] = script.split(" ")
                del ret['script']
            return cls._post_process(ret, params)
        return None