# Look at listsongpack.py and imitate what it's doing for each song pack. # Make a logger for this script. jsonsToWrite = [] totalTime = 0.0 print(">>> parsesongsfolder.py: MAKE: Making JSONs for the song packs.") try: for songPack in songPacks: songPackDir = os.path.join(songsDirectory,songPack) if os.path.isdir(songPackDir): try: # Parse the stepfile information for the song pack. print(">>> parsesongsfolder.py: MAKE: Making JSON for Song Pack '" + songPack + "'.") start = time.time() pack = SongPack(songPackDir) pack.retrieveSongFolders() # Initialize search fields and list of folders in batch directory. pack.constructStepfiles(); pack.parseStepfiles() # Make the stepfile objects and parse them. # Get the Song Array (has dictionaries for each chart) from the SongPack object and save it. packName = pack.getPackName() songs = pack.getSongs() jsonsToWrite.append(songs) end = time.time() elapsed = end - start totalTime += elapsed print(">>> parsesongsfolder.py: MAKE: Made JSON. Time Elapsed: " + str(round(elapsed,3)) + " seconds.") except: print(">>> parsesongsfolder.py: MAKE: {0}: {1}".format(sys.exc_info()[0].__name__, str(sys.exc_info()[1])))
import pprint import json import os # MAIN # C:\dev\cs_site\site_idea\Sexuality Violation if __name__ == "__main__": # Create prettyprinter object pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) # Create Batch Object with user specified directory. print(">>> listsongpack.py looks through a song pack directory and retrieves song " "information from it including chart information.") songPackPath = (input(">>> Input full path to directory of Song Pack Folder: ")).strip() pack = SongPack(songPackPath) # Initialize search fields and list of folders in batch directory. print(">>> Getting list of folders in song pack directory.") pack.retrieveSongFolders() print(pack) # Make the stepfile objects and parse them. print(">>> Constructing Simfile Objects and parsing them.") pack.constructStepfiles() pack.parseStepfiles() print(pack) """ The following would be for checking each Stepfile object. """