def homepage(): if not 'logged_in' in session: return render_template('home.html', TOPIC_DICT=content(), LoggedIN=True) elif session['logged_in'] == False: return render_template('home.html', TOPIC_DICT=content(), LoggedIN=True) else: return render_template('home.html', TOPIC_DICT=content(), LoggedIN=False)
def update_buy(): account = account_details() if len(account['pending_orders']['buying']) == 0: return redirect('/buybtc') else: if request.method == 'GET': return render_template( 'update_buy.html', TOPIC_DICT=content(trade=True), price_per_bitcoin=account['pending_orders']['buying'][0] ['price'], PENDING_ORDER=account['pending_orders']['buying'][0], account_balance=account['account_balance']) if request.method == "POST": if request.form.get('button') == 'cancel': return redirect('/wallet') elif request.form.get('button') == 'update': price = request.form.get('price') print price deposit = request.form.get('amount') update_buying_bid(transaction_id=account['pending_orders'] ['buying'][0]['transaction_id'], price=float(price), deposit=float(deposit)) return redirect('/trade')
def update_sell_btc(): # price_per_bitcoin = 50000 account = account_details() if len(account['pending_orders']['selling']) > 0: if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('update_sell.html', TOPIC_DICT=content(trade=True), person_account_details=account['bitcoins'], price_per_bitcoin=account['pending_orders'] ['selling'][0]['price']) else: if request.form.get('submit') == 'update': if request.form.get('btcSellingVolume') < account['bitcoins']: return price = request.form.get('btcSellingPrice') volume = request.form.get('btcSellingVolume') update_sell_bid(price=price, volume=volume, transactionId=account['pending_orders'] ['selling'][0]['transaction_id']) return redirect('/trade') elif request.form.get('submit') == 'cancel': return redirect('/wallet') else: return redirect('/sellbtc')
def here_login(): if session['logged_in'] == True: # flash(u'You are loggedin') print 'passed' else: flash('Login First') return render_template('test.html', TOPIC_DICT=content())
def livemarket(): if session['logged_in'] == True: PENDING_ORDERS = mongo.db.account.find_one( {'_id': ObjectId(session['_id'])}, { 'pending_orders': 1, '_id': 0 })['pending_orders'] return render_template('trade.html', TOPIC_DICT=content(trade=True), PENDING_ORDERS=PENDING_ORDERS) else: return redirect('/login')
def wallet(): if not 'logged_in' in session: session['logged_in'] = False return redirect('/login') elif session['logged_in'] == True: if request.method == 'GET': account = account_details() return render_template('wallet.html', TOPIC_DICT=content(trade=True), account=account) else: if request.form.get('submit') == 'add_money': return redirect('/addmoney') elif request.form.get('submit') == 'buy_bitcoins': return redirect('/buybtc') return redirect('/wallet') else: return redirect('/login')
def register(): if request.method == 'POST': first = request.form.get('first') last = request.form.get('last') email = request.form.get('email') password = request.form.get('password') confirm = request.form.get('confirm') if password == confirm: user = { 'first': first, 'last': last, 'email': email, 'password': password, 'confirmed': False } # mongo.db.users.delete({u'email': u'*****@*****.**'}) try: mongo.db.users.insert(user) except: return redirect('/login') user_id = mongo.db.users.find_one({ 'email': email, 'password': password })['_id'] session['logged_in'] = True session['_id'] = str(user_id) mongo.db.account.insert({ '_id': ObjectId(user_id), 'account_balance': 0, 'bitcoins': 0, 'pending_orders': { 'selling': [], 'buying': [] }, 'account_history': { 'sold': [], 'bought': [] } }) return redirect('/home') return render_template('register.html', TOPIC_DICT=content())
def login(): error = None if request.method == 'POST': email = request.form.get('email') password = request.form.get('password') database_user = mongo.db.users.find_one({ 'email': email, 'password': password }) if database_user is None: # flash('Invalid Username/Password','error') return redirect('/login') session['logged_in'] = True session['_id'] = str(database_user['_id']) # flash('Loggedin Successfuly') return redirect('/wallet') if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('login.html', TOPIC_DICT=content())
def sellbtc(): account = account_details() if len(account['pending_orders']['selling']) == 0: if request.method == 'GET': # price_per_bitcoin = 50000 return render_template('sell_btc.html', TOPIC_DICT=content(trade=True), person_account_details=account['bitcoins'], price_per_bitcoin=last_trade_price()) if request.method == 'POST': if request.form.get('btcSellingVolume') < account['bitcoins']: return bitcoins = request.form.get('btcSellingVolume') price_per_bitcoin = request.form.get('btcSellingPrice') new_sell = seller(userId=session['_id'], price_per_btc=price_per_bitcoin, bitcoins=bitcoins) new_sell.market_processing_for_seller() return redirect('/trade') else: return redirect('/updatesell')
def addbitcoin(): if request.method == 'GET': if session['logged_in'] == True: return render_template('add_money.html', TOPIC_DICT=content()) else: return redirect('/login') if request.method == 'POST': if session['logged_in'] == True: if request.form['payment'] == 'Pay': added_money = request.form.get('amount') person_account_details = mongo.db.account.find_one( {'_id': ObjectId(session['_id'])}) person_account_details[ 'account_balance'] = person_account_details[ 'account_balance'] + int(added_money) del person_account_details['_id'] mongo.db.account.update({'_id': ObjectId(session['_id'])}, person_account_details) return redirect('/wallet') elif request.form['payment'] == 'Skip': return redirect('/wallet') else: return redirect('/login')
def buy_request(): if request.method == 'GET': if session['logged_in'] == True: account = account_details() if len(account['pending_orders']['buying']) == 0: return render_template( 'buy_btc.html', TOPIC_DICT=content(trade=True), price_per_bitcoin=last_trade_price(), account_balance=account['account_balance']) else: return redirect('/updatebuy') else: return redirect('/login') if request.method == 'POST': #verify he is not making another transaction price_per_bitcoin = request.form.get('price') amount = request.form.get('amount') buying_request = buyer(userId=session['_id'], price_per_btc=price_per_bitcoin, transact_amount=amount) buying_request.market_processing_for_buyer() return redirect('/trade')
import random from flask import Flask, render_template from content_management import content TOPIC_DICT = content() app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): return render_template('main.html') @app.route('/dashboard/') def dashboard(): labels = [str(i) for i in range(24)] values = [random.randint(0, 10) for i in range(24)] return render_template('dashboard.html', TOPIC_DICT=TOPIC_DICT) if __name__ == '__main__':, port=5555)
import os import pandas as pd #from sklearn.extern import joblib import dill as pickle from flask import Flask, jsonify, request,render_template, redirect,url_for from sqlalchemy import create_engine from content_management import content TOPIC_DICT = content() app = Flask(__name__) # @app.route('/') # def index(): # return render_template('main.html') @app.route('/') def dashboard(): return render_template("dashboard.html") @app.route('/',methods = ['POST','GET']) def prediction(): "Here we send pandas data frame as payload from API call"
from flask import Flask, render_template,request,url_for,redirect,flash from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap from pymongo import MongoClient from content_management import content,datosEmpresa,Tablas from funciones import * app = Flask(__name__) Bootstrap(app) app.secret_key = 'RealNet2019' Puntos = content() dEmpresa = datosEmpresa() dTablas = Tablas() @app.route('/',methods=["POST","GET"]) def analisis(): estado = 1 if request.method =="POST": initialDate = request.form['start'] finalDate = request.form['end'] empresa = request.form['empresa'] graph = graph_1(initialDate, finalDate,empresa) graph_2 = tb1_prod(initialDate, finalDate,empresa) if (graph==None): estado = 0 flash("La busqueda no arrojo resultados. Intenta con diferente información") return render_template("/puntos/analisis.html", Puntos=Puntos,initialDate=initialDate,estado=estado,empresa=empresa,dEmpresa=dEmpresa,dTablas=dTablas, grafica1=graph, grafica2=graph_2,
from flask import Flask, render_template, flash, request, url_for, redirect, session # session and g are used to track what the user is doing from content_management import content from wtforms import Form, BooleanField, TextField, validators, PasswordField from passlib.hash import sha256_crypt from MySQLdb import escape_string as thwart import gc from dbconnect import connection TOPIC_DIC = content() app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def homepage(): title = "Epic Tutorials" paragraph = ["wow I am learning so much great stuff!wow I am learning so much great stuff!wow I am learning so much great stuff!wow I am learning so much great stuff!","wow I am learning so much great stuff!wow I am learning so much great stuff!wow I am learning so much great stuff!wow I am learning so much great stuff!wow I am learning so much great stuff!wow I am learning so much great stuff!wow I am learning so much great stuff!wow I am learning so much great stuff!wow I am learning so much great stuff!"] try: return render_template("index.html", title = title, paragraph=paragraph, dashboard="/dashboard") except Exception, e: return str(e) @app.route('/dashboard/')
def chart(): return render_template('charts.html', TOPIC_DICT=content())