def create_shard_dataset(rows, shards, output_path): tf_record_close_stack = contextlib2.ExitStack() output_tf_records = open_sharded_output_tfrecords( tf_record_close_stack, output_path, shards) for index, row in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm(rows)): tf_record_sample = create_tf_record_sample(*row) output_tf_record = output_tf_records[index % shards] output_tf_record.write(tf_record_sample.SerializeToString()) for tf_record in output_tf_records: tf_record.close()
def main(args=None): """Runs lighthouse checks and deletes reports.""" parsed_args = _PARSER.parse_args(args=args) if parsed_args.mode == LIGHTHOUSE_MODE_ACCESSIBILITY: lighthouse_mode = LIGHTHOUSE_MODE_ACCESSIBILITY server_mode = SERVER_MODE_DEV elif parsed_args.mode == LIGHTHOUSE_MODE_PERFORMANCE: lighthouse_mode = LIGHTHOUSE_MODE_PERFORMANCE server_mode = SERVER_MODE_PROD else: raise Exception( 'Invalid parameter passed in: \'%s\', please choose' 'from \'accessibility\' or \'performance\'' % parsed_args.mode) enable_webpages() atexit.register(cleanup) if lighthouse_mode == LIGHTHOUSE_MODE_PERFORMANCE: python_utils.PRINT('Building files in production mode.') # We are using --source_maps here, so that we have at least one CI check # that builds using source maps in prod env. This is to ensure that # there are no issues while deploying oppia. build.main(args=['--prod_env', '--source_maps']) elif lighthouse_mode == LIGHTHOUSE_MODE_ACCESSIBILITY: build.main(args=[]) run_webpack_compilation() else: raise Exception( 'Invalid lighthouse mode: \'%s\', please choose' 'from \'accessibility\' or \'performance\'' % lighthouse_mode) common.start_redis_server() # TODO(#11549): Move this to top of the file. import contextlib2 managed_dev_appserver = common.managed_dev_appserver( APP_YAML_FILENAMES[server_mode], port=GOOGLE_APP_ENGINE_PORT, clear_datastore=True, log_level='critical', skip_sdk_update_check=True) with contextlib2.ExitStack() as stack: stack.enter_context(common.managed_elasticsearch_dev_server()) if constants.EMULATOR_MODE: stack.enter_context(common.managed_firebase_auth_emulator()) stack.enter_context(managed_dev_appserver) # Wait for the servers to come up. common.wait_for_port_to_be_open(feconf.ES_LOCALHOST_PORT) common.wait_for_port_to_be_open(GOOGLE_APP_ENGINE_PORT) run_lighthouse_puppeteer_script() run_lighthouse_checks(lighthouse_mode)
def create_tf_record(output_filename, num_shards, label_map_dict, annotations_dir, image_dir, examples, faces_only=True, mask_type='png'): """Creates a TFRecord file from examples. Args: output_filename: Path to where output file is saved. num_shards: Number of shards for output file. label_map_dict: The label map dictionary. annotations_dir: Directory where annotation files are stored. image_dir: Directory where image files are stored. examples: Examples to parse and save to tf record. faces_only: If True, generates bounding boxes for pet faces. Otherwise generates bounding boxes (as well as segmentations for full pet bodies). mask_type: 'numerical' or 'png'. 'png' is recommended because it leads to smaller file sizes. """ with contextlib2.ExitStack() as tf_record_close_stack: output_tfrecords = tf_record_creation_util.open_sharded_output_tfrecords( tf_record_close_stack, output_filename, num_shards) for idx, example in enumerate(examples): if idx % 100 == 0:'On image %d of %d', idx, len(examples)) xml_path = os.path.join(annotations_dir, 'xmls', example + '.xml') mask_path = os.path.join(annotations_dir, 'trimaps', example + '.png') if not os.path.exists(xml_path): logging.warning('Could not find %s, ignoring example.', xml_path) continue with tf.gfile.GFile(xml_path, 'r') as fid: xml_str = xml = etree.fromstring(xml_str) data = dataset_util.recursive_parse_xml_to_dict(xml)['annotation'] try: tf_example = dict_to_tf_example( data, mask_path, label_map_dict, image_dir, faces_only=faces_only, mask_type=mask_type) if tf_example: shard_idx = idx % num_shards output_tfrecords[shard_idx].write(tf_example.SerializeToString()) except ValueError: logging.warning('Invalid example: %s, ignoring.', xml_path)
def create_tf_record_for_visualwakewords_dataset(annotations_file, image_dir, output_path, num_shards): """Loads Visual WakeWords annotations/images and converts to tf.Record format. Args: annotations_file: JSON file containing bounding box annotations. image_dir: Directory containing the image files. output_path: Path to output tf.Record file. num_shards: number of output file shards. """ with contextlib2.ExitStack() as tf_record_close_stack, \ tf.gfile.GFile(annotations_file, 'r') as fid: output_tfrecords = dataset_utils.open_sharded_output_tfrecords( tf_record_close_stack, output_path, num_shards) groundtruth_data = json.load(fid) images = groundtruth_data['images'] category_index = {} for category in groundtruth_data['categories'].values(): # if not background class if category['id'] != 0: category_index[category['id']] = category annotations_index = {} if 'annotations' in groundtruth_data: 'Found groundtruth annotations. Building annotations index.') for annotation in groundtruth_data['annotations'].values(): image_id = annotation[0]['image_id'] if image_id not in annotations_index: annotations_index[image_id] = [] annotations_index[image_id].append(annotation[0]) missing_annotation_count = 0 for image in images: image_id = image['id'] if image_id not in annotations_index: missing_annotation_count += 1 annotations_index[image_id] = []'%d images are missing annotations.', missing_annotation_count) total_num_annotations_skipped = 0 for idx, image in enumerate(images): if idx % 100 == 0:'On image %d of %d', idx, len(images)) annotations_list = annotations_index[image['id']] _, tf_example, num_annotations_skipped = _create_tf_example( image, annotations_list[0], image_dir) total_num_annotations_skipped += num_annotations_skipped shard_idx = idx % num_shards output_tfrecords[shard_idx].write(tf_example.SerializeToString())'Finished writing, skipped %d annotations.', total_num_annotations_skipped)
def _create_tf_record_from_coco_annotations(annotations_file, image_dir, output_path, include_masks, num_shards): """Loads COCO annotation json files and converts to tf.Record format. Args: annotations_file: JSON file containing bounding box annotations. image_dir: Directory containing the image files. output_path: Path to output tf.Record file. include_masks: Whether to include instance segmentations masks (PNG encoded) in the result. default: False. num_shards: number of output file shards. """ with contextlib2.ExitStack() as tf_record_close_stack, tf.gfile.GFile( annotations_file, 'r') as fid: output_tfrecords = open_sharded_output_tfrecords( tf_record_close_stack, output_path, num_shards) groundtruth_data = json.load(fid) images = groundtruth_data['images'] category_index = create_category_index(groundtruth_data['categories']) annotations_index = {} if 'annotations' in groundtruth_data: 'Found groundtruth annotations. Building annotations index.') for annotation in groundtruth_data['annotations']: image_id = annotation['image_id'] if image_id not in annotations_index: annotations_index[image_id] = [] annotations_index[image_id].append(annotation) missing_annotation_count = 0 for image in images: image_id = image['id'] if image_id not in annotations_index: missing_annotation_count += 1 annotations_index[image_id] = []'%d images are missing annotations.', missing_annotation_count) total_num_annotations_skipped = 0 idx = 0 for image in tqdm(images): annotations_list = annotations_index[image['id']] _, tf_example, num_annotations_skipped = create_tf_example( image, annotations_list, image_dir, category_index, include_masks) total_num_annotations_skipped += num_annotations_skipped shard_idx = idx % num_shards output_tfrecords[shard_idx].write(tf_example.SerializeToString()) idx += 1'Finished writing, skipped %d annotations.', total_num_annotations_skipped)
def test_inspect_cpus(self): with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: stack.enter_context( mock.patch.object(self.inspector.connection, 'lookupByUUIDString', return_value=self.domain)) stack.enter_context( mock.patch.object(self.domain, 'info', return_value=(0, 0, 0, 2, 999999))) cpu_info = self.inspector.inspect_cpus(self.instance) self.assertEqual(2, cpu_info.number) self.assertEqual(999999, cpu_info.time)
def test_sharded_tfrecord_writes(self): with contextlib2.ExitStack() as tf_record_close_stack: output_tfrecords = tf_record_creation_util.open_sharded_output_tfrecords( tf_record_close_stack, os.path.join(tf.test.get_temp_dir(), 'test.tfrec'), 10) for idx in range(10): output_tfrecords[idx].write('test_{}'.format(idx)) for idx in range(10): tf_record_path = '{}-{:05d}-of-00010'.format( os.path.join(tf.test.get_temp_dir(), 'test.tfrec'), idx) records = list(tf.python_io.tf_record_iterator(tf_record_path)) self.assertAllEqual(records, ['test_{}'.format(idx)])
def test_filters_empty_strings_from_command_args_when_shell_is_false(self): with contextlib2.ExitStack() as stack: logs = stack.enter_context(self.capture_logging()) popen_calls = stack.enter_context(self._swap_popen()) stack.enter_context( common.managed_process(['', 'a', '', 1], shell=False, timeout_secs=10)) self.assertEqual(logs, []) self.assertEqual(popen_calls, [self.POPEN_CALL(['a', '1'], {'shell': False})])
def create_tf_record(output_filename, file_pars): # Your code here print(output_filename) with contextlib2.ExitStack() as tf_record_close_stack: writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) for data,label in file_pars: #print(data) #print(label) example = dict_to_tf_example(data,label) if example == None: print(data + " is null!") else: writer.write(example.SerializeToString())
def test_kills_child_processes(self): with contextlib2.ExitStack() as stack: logs = stack.enter_context(self.capture_logging()) stack.enter_context(self._swap_popen( make_processes_unresponsive=True, num_children=3)) proc = stack.enter_context( common.managed_process(['a'], timeout_secs=10)) pids = [ for c in proc.children()] + [] self.assertEqual(len(pids), 4) self.assertItemsEqual( logs, ['Process killed (pid=%d)' % p for p in pids])
def install(self, test): """Installs a new instance of the stub on the given test class. The stub will emulate an initially-empty Firebase authentication server. Args: test: test_utils.TestBase. The test to install the stub on. """ self._test = test with contextlib2.ExitStack() as swap_stack: swap_stack.enter_context( test.swap_to_always_return(firebase_admin, 'initialize_app', value=object())) swap_stack.enter_context( test.swap_to_always_return(firebase_admin, 'delete_app')) swap_stack.enter_context( test.swap(firebase_admin.auth, 'create_session_cookie', self._create_session_cookie)) swap_stack.enter_context( test.swap(firebase_admin.auth, 'verify_session_cookie', self._verify_session_cookie)) swap_stack.enter_context( test.swap(firebase_admin.auth, 'import_users', self._import_users)) swap_stack.enter_context( test.swap(firebase_admin.auth, 'verify_id_token', self._verify_id_token)) swap_stack.enter_context( test.swap(firebase_admin.auth, 'get_user', self._get_user)) swap_stack.enter_context( test.swap(firebase_admin.auth, 'delete_user', self._delete_user)) swap_stack.enter_context( test.swap(firebase_admin.auth, 'update_user', self._update_user)) for function_name in self._UNIMPLEMENTED_SDK_FUNCTION_NAMES: swap_stack.enter_context( test.swap_to_always_raise(firebase_admin.auth, function_name, NotImplementedError)) # Standard usage of ExitStack: enter a bunch of context managers # from the safety of an ExitStack's context. Once they've all been # opened, pop_all() of them off of the original context so they can # *stay* open. Calling the function returned will exit all of them # in reverse order. # self._swap_stack = swap_stack.pop_all()
def _create_tf_record(annotation_file: str, label_names_file: str, label_source: LabelSource, image_dir: str, output_path: str, include_masks: bool = False, include_keypoint: bool = False, num_shards: int = 1): """ Load labelme annotation json files and converts to tf.Record format. :param annotations_file: text file, each line is name of file label :param image_dir: Directory containing the image files. :param output_path: Path to output tf.Record fil . :param num_shards: number of output file shards. :return: """ with contextlib2.ExitStack() as tf_record_close_stack, \ tf.gfile.GFile(annotation_file, 'r') as fid: output_tfrecords = open_sharded_output_tfrecords( tf_record_close_stack, output_path, num_shards) cat2idx, idx2cat = get_category_mapping(label_names_file) for i, line in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(fid)): if line.startswith("#"): continue label_path = line.strip() if label_source == LabelSource.LABEL_ME: annotation = ObjectsImage.get_from_labelme( label_path, image_dir, cat2idx, idx2cat) elif label_source == LabelSource.LABEL_VOC: annotation = ObjectsImage.get_from_voc(label_path, image_dir, cat2idx, idx2cat) elif label_source == LabelSource.LABEL_YOLO: annotation = ObjectsImage.get_from_yolo( label_path, image_dir, cat2idx, idx2cat) else: raise Exception(f"Can't process source {label_source}") try: tf_example = create_tf_example( annotation, include_keypoint=include_keypoint, include_masks=include_masks) shard_idx = i % num_shards if tf_example: output_tfrecords[shard_idx].write( tf_example.SerializeToString()) except Exception as e: print(e) print("Error at:", label_path) traceback.print_exc()
def test_respects_processes_that_are_killed_early(self): with contextlib2.ExitStack() as stack: logs = stack.enter_context(self.capture_logging()) stack.enter_context(self._swap_popen()) proc = stack.enter_context(common.managed_process( ['a'], timeout_secs=10)) time.sleep(1) proc.kill() proc.wait() self.assert_proc_was_managed_as_expected( logs,, manager_should_have_sent_terminate_signal=False)
def main(_): tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) required_flags = [ 'input_box_annotations_csv', 'input_images_directory', 'input_label_map', 'output_tf_record_path_prefix' ] for flag_name in required_flags: if not getattr(FLAGS, flag_name): raise ValueError('Flag --{} is required'.format(flag_name)) label_map = label_map_util.get_label_map_dict(FLAGS.input_label_map) all_box_annotations = pd.read_csv(FLAGS.input_box_annotations_csv) if FLAGS.input_image_label_annotations_csv: all_label_annotations = pd.read_csv(FLAGS.input_image_label_annotations_csv) all_label_annotations.rename( columns={'Confidence': 'ConfidenceImageLabel'}, inplace=True) else: all_label_annotations = None all_images = tf.gfile.Glob( os.path.join(FLAGS.input_images_directory, '*.jpg')) all_image_ids = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(v))[0] for v in all_images] all_image_ids = pd.DataFrame({'ImageID': all_image_ids}) all_annotations = pd.concat( [all_box_annotations, all_image_ids, all_label_annotations]) tf.logging.log(tf.logging.INFO, 'Found %d images...', len(all_image_ids)) with contextlib2.ExitStack() as tf_record_close_stack: output_tfrecords = open_sharded_output_tfrecords( tf_record_close_stack, FLAGS.output_tf_record_path_prefix, FLAGS.num_shards) for counter, image_data in enumerate(all_annotations.groupby('ImageID')): tf.logging.log_every_n(tf.logging.INFO, 'Processed %d images...', 1000, counter) image_id, image_annotations = image_data # In OID image file names are formed by appending ".jpg" to the image ID. image_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.input_images_directory, image_id + '.jpg') if not os.path.exists(image_path): continue with tf.gfile.Open(image_path, 'rb') as image_file: encoded_image = tf_example = oid_tfrecord_creation.tf_example_from_annotations_data_frame( image_annotations, label_map, encoded_image) if tf_example: shard_idx = int(image_id, 16) % FLAGS.num_shards output_tfrecords[shard_idx].write(tf_example.SerializeToString())
def gen_tfrecord(panda_df, output_path, num_shards = 10): """Creates a TFRecord of the current dataframe into the output file""" with contextlib2.ExitStack() as tf_record_close_stack: writer = tf_record_creation_util.open_sharded_output_tfrecords( tf_record_close_stack, output_path, num_shards) grouped = split(panda_df, 'filename') for idx, group in enumerate(grouped): if idx % 100 == 0: print("On image " + str(idx) + " of " + str(len(grouped))) tf_example = create_tf_example(group, "./images/raw") shard_idx = idx % num_shards writer[shard_idx].write(tf_example.SerializeToString()) print("Successfully creates the TFRecords: {}".format(output_path))
def test_inspect_cpu_l3_cache(self): fake_stats = [({}, {'perf.cmt': 90112})] connection = self.inspector.connection with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: stack.enter_context( mock.patch.object(connection, 'lookupByUUIDString', return_value=self.domain)) stack.enter_context( mock.patch.object(connection, 'domainListGetStats', return_value=fake_stats)) cpu_info = self.inspector.inspect_cpu_l3_cache(self.instance) self.assertEqual(90112, cpu_info.l3_cache_usage)
def create_tf_record(output_filename, num_shards, label_map_dict, annotations_dir, image_dir, examples, use_alt_names): """Creates a TFRecord file from examples. Args: output_filename: Path to where output file is saved. num_shards: Number of shards for output file. label_map_dict: The label map dictionary. annotations_dir: Directory where annotation files are stored. image_dir: Directory where image files are stored. examples: Examples to parse and save to tf record. use_alt_names: use alternative class name mapping. """ with contextlib2.ExitStack() as tf_record_close_stack: output_tfrecords = tf_record_creation_util.open_sharded_output_tfrecords( tf_record_close_stack, output_filename, num_shards) for idx, example in enumerate(examples): if idx % 10 == 0:'On image %d of %d', idx, len(examples)) xml_path = os.path.join(annotations_dir, 'xmls', example + '.xml') if not os.path.exists(xml_path): logger.warning('Could not find %s, ignoring example.', xml_path) continue with, 'r') as fid: xml_str = xml = etree.fromstring(xml_str) data = dataset_util.recursive_parse_xml_to_dict(xml)['annotation'] try: tf_example = dict_to_tf_example( data=data, label_map_dict=label_map_dict, image_subdirectory=image_dir, use_alt_names=use_alt_names) if tf_example: shard_idx = idx % num_shards output_tfrecords[shard_idx].write(tf_example.SerializeToString()) except ValueError: logger.warning('Invalid example: %s, ignoring.', xml_path)
def test_inspect_disks_with_domain_shutoff(self): connection = self.inspector.connection with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: stack.enter_context( mock.patch.object(connection, 'lookupByUUIDString', return_value=self.domain)) stack.enter_context( mock.patch.object(self.domain, 'info', return_value=(5, 0, 0, 2, 999999))) inspect = self.inspector.inspect_disks self.assertRaises(virt_inspector.InstanceShutOffException, list, inspect(self.instance))
def main(image_directory: str, annotation_directory: str, output_path_training_split: str, output_path_validation_split: str, output_path_test_split: str, label_map_path: str, number_of_shards: int, included_classes: List[str]): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path_training_split), exist_ok=True) label_map_dict = label_map_util.get_label_map_dict(label_map_path) all_jpg_image_paths = glob(f"{image_directory}/**/*.jpg", recursive=True) all_png_image_paths = glob(f"{image_directory}/**/*.png", recursive=True) all_image_paths = all_jpg_image_paths + all_png_image_paths all_annotation_paths = glob(f"{annotation_directory}/**/*.json", recursive=True) # Filter out the dataset.json files, which are complete dataset annotations all_annotation_paths = [a for a in all_annotation_paths if "dataset.json" not in a] training_sample_indices, validation_sample_indices, test_sample_indices = get_training_validation_test_indices( all_image_paths) all_annotation_paths = sorted(all_annotation_paths) all_image_paths = sorted(all_image_paths) if len(all_image_paths) != len(all_annotation_paths): print("Not every image has annotations") for annotation_path, image_path in zip(all_annotation_paths, all_image_paths): if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_path))[0] not in annotation_path: print("Invalid annotations detected: {0}, {1}".format(image_path, annotation_path)) print(f"Exporting\n" f"- {len(training_sample_indices)} training samples\n" f"- {len(validation_sample_indices)} validation samples\n" f"- {len(test_sample_indices)} test samples") with contextlib2.ExitStack() as tf_record_close_stack: training_tf_records = tf_record_creation_util.open_sharded_output_tfrecords( tf_record_close_stack, output_path_training_split, number_of_shards) validation_tf_records = tf_record_creation_util.open_sharded_output_tfrecords( tf_record_close_stack, output_path_validation_split, number_of_shards) test_tf_records = tf_record_creation_util.open_sharded_output_tfrecords( tf_record_close_stack, output_path_test_split, number_of_shards) index = 0 for tf_example in annotations_to_tf_example_list(all_image_paths, all_annotation_paths, label_map_dict, included_classes): shard_index = index % number_of_shards index += 1 if index in training_sample_indices: training_tf_records[shard_index].write(tf_example.SerializeToString()) elif index in validation_sample_indices: validation_tf_records[shard_index].write(tf_example.SerializeToString()) elif index in test_sample_indices: test_tf_records[shard_index].write(tf_example.SerializeToString())
def _ThreadProc(self): """Handles one whole test from start to finish.""" self._exit_stack = None self._test_state = None self._output_thread = None with contextlib.ExitStack() as exit_stack, \ LogSleepSuppress() as suppressor: # Top level steps required to run a single iteration of the Test.'Starting test %s', # Any access to self._exit_stack must be done while holding this lock. with self._lock: # Initial setup of exit stack and final cleanup of attributes. self._exit_stack = exit_stack # Wait here until the test start trigger returns a DUT ID. Don't hold # self._lock while we do this, or else calls to Stop() will deadlock. # Create plugs while we're here because that may also take a while and # we don't want to hold self._lock while we wait. dut_id = self._WaitForTestStart(suppressor) self._status = self.FrameworkStatus.INITIALIZING self._InitializePlugs(suppressor) with self._lock: if not self._exit_stack: # We shouldn't get here, but just in case something went weird with a # call to Stop() and we ended up resuming execution here but the # exit stack was already cleared, bail. Try to tear down plugs on a # best-effort basis. self._plug_manager.TearDownPlugs() raise TestStopError('Test Stopped.') # Tear down plugs first, then output test record. exit_stack.callback(self._plug_manager.TearDownPlugs) # Perform initialization of some top-level stuff we need. self._test_state = self._MakeTestState(dut_id, suppressor) executor = self._MakePhaseExecutor(exit_stack, suppressor) # Everything is set, set status and begin test execution. Note we don't # protect this with a try: block because the PhaseExecutor handles any # exceptions from test code. Any exceptions here are caused by the # framework, and we probably want them to interrupt framework state # changes (like the transition to FINISHING). self._status = self.FrameworkStatus.EXECUTING suppressor.failure_reason = 'Failed to execute test.' self._ExecuteTestPhases(executor) self._status = self.FrameworkStatus.FINISHING
def __init__(self, path, num_shards=10): self.stack = contextlib2.ExitStack() base_path = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.isdir(base_path): os.makedirs(base_path) self.filenames = [ '{}-{:05d}-of-{:05d}'.format(path, idx, num_shards) for idx in range(num_shards) ] self.shards = [ self.stack.enter_context( for filename in self.filenames ] self.index = 0 self.num_shards = num_shards
def setUp(self): super(PopulateFirebaseAccountsOneOffJobTests, self).setUp() self._auth_id_generator = itertools.count() self.exit_stack = contextlib2.ExitStack() self.sdk_stub = firebase_auth_services_test.FirebaseAdminSdkStub() self.sdk_stub.install(self) self.exit_stack.callback(self.sdk_stub.uninstall) # Forces all users to produce the same hash value during unit tests to # prevent them from being sharded and complicating the testing logic. self.exit_stack.enter_context( self.swap_to_always_return(auth_jobs, 'ID_HASHING_FUNCTION', value=1))
def _set_arg_scope_defaults(defaults): """Sets arg scope defaults for all items present in defaults. Args: defaults: dictionary mapping function to default_dict Yields: context manager """ with contextlib2.ExitStack() as stack: _ = [ stack.enter_context(slim.arg_scope(func, **default_arg)) for func, default_arg in defaults.items() ] yield
def vlan_set(primary_iface): "constructor to create a variable set of macvlan interfaces" with contextlib2.ExitStack() as stack: def inner(count): try: return [ stack.enter_context(network.MacVLan(primary_iface)) for _ in range(count) ] except network.NetlinkError as err: vlan_handle_error(err) yield inner
def test_sync_across_cluster(default_data_center, default_cluster, host_0_up, host_1_up): cluster_hosts_up = (host_0_up, host_1_up) with clusterlib.new_assigned_network('sync-net', default_data_center, default_cluster) as sync_net: with contextlib2.ExitStack() as stack: for i, host in enumerate(cluster_hosts_up): att_datum = create_attachment(sync_net, i) stack.enter_context(hostlib.setup_networks( host, (att_datum, ))) stack.enter_context(unsynced_host_network(host)) default_cluster.sync_all_networks() for host in cluster_hosts_up: host.wait_for_networks_in_sync()
def remote_tunnel(self): with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: if self.ssh_tunnel: output = stack.enter_context( contextlib.closing(open(os.devnull, 'w'))) # noqa # forward sys.stdout to os.devnull to prevent # printing debug messages by fab.remote_tunnel stack.enter_context(utils.patch(sys, 'stdout', output)) stack.enter_context( fab.remote_tunnel( remote_bind_address=self.ssh_tunnel.bind_address, remote_port=self.ssh_tunnel.port,, local_port=self.ssh_tunnel.host_port, )) yield
def write_sharded_tf_records(examples, output_filebase, num_shards): """Writes encoded TFRecords to `num_shards` files. Args: examples: encoded TFRecord examples. output_filebase: Path to the destination directory. num_shards: number of output shards. """ with contextlib2.ExitStack() as tf_record_close_stack: output_tfrecords = tf_record_creation_util.open_sharded_output_tfrecords( tf_record_close_stack, output_filebase, num_shards) for index, example in examples.enumerate(): tf_example = create_tf_example(example) output_shard_index = index % num_shards output_tfrecords[output_shard_index].write( tf_example.SerializeToString())
def test_kills_child_processes(self): with contextlib2.ExitStack() as stack: logs = stack.enter_context(self.capture_logging()) stack.enter_context(self._swap_popen( num_children=3, make_procs_unresponsive=True)) proc = stack.enter_context( common.managed_process(['a'], timeout_secs=10)) pids = [ for c in proc.children()] + [] self.assertEqual(len(set(pids)), 4) for pid in pids: self.assert_proc_was_managed_as_expected( logs, pid, manager_should_have_sent_terminate_signal=True, manager_should_have_sent_kill_signal=True)
def main(_): LOG_FILE = FLAGS.log_path if LOG_FILE is not None: with open(LOG_FILE, 'w') as log: log.write("IMG_PATH\n") label_map_dict = label_map_util.get_label_map_dict(FLAGS.label_map_path) DATASET_PATH = os.path.normpath(FLAGS.data_dir) OUTPUT_PATH = os.path.normpath(FLAGS.output_path) if '%TYPE%' in DATASET_PATH: PATHS = [(DATASET_PATH.replace('%TYPE%', datasetType), OUTPUT_PATH.replace('%TYPE%', datasetType)) for datasetType in ['train', 'val']] else: PATHS = [(DATASET_PATH, FLAGS.output_path)] for datasetPath, outputPath in PATHS:'Using {datasetPath}') start = time() imageDirList = os.listdir(datasetPath) nbImage = len(imageDirList) record_dir = os.path.dirname(outputPath) if not os.path.exists(record_dir): os.makedirs(record_dir, exist_ok=True) num_shards = max( 1, nbImage // IMG_PER_SHARD + (0 if nbImage % IMG_PER_SHARD < IMG_PER_SHARD * 0.2 else 1)) if FLAGS.no_shard: num_shards = 1 with contextlib2.ExitStack() as tf_record_close_stack: output_tfrecords = tf_record_creation_util.open_sharded_output_tfrecords( tf_record_close_stack, outputPath, num_shards) for idx, imageDir in enumerate(imageDirList): if LOG_FILE is not None: with open(LOG_FILE, 'a') as log: log.write(f"{imageDir}\n") if idx % 50 == 0:'On image {idx} of {len(imageDirList)}') IMAGE_DIR_PATH = os.path.join(datasetPath, imageDir) data = getImageData(str(IMAGE_DIR_PATH), label_map_dict) tf_example = data2TFExample(data) output_tfrecords[idx % num_shards].write( tf_example.SerializeToString()) total_time = time() - start m = int(total_time) // 60 s = int(total_time) % 60 print(f"{m:02d}:{s:02d}", flush=True)
def _capture_variables(self): """Adds variables used by this module to self._all_variables. Upon entering this context manager the module adds itself onto the top of the module call stack. Any variables created with `tf.get_variable()` inside `_build()` or `_enter_variable_scope()` while this module is on top of the call stack will be added to `self._all_variables`. Before exiting the context the module removes itself from the top of the call stack, and adds all of the variables in `self._all_variables` to its parent module (the new top) of the call stack. Yields: Nothing, the yield just transfers focus back to the inner context. """ module_stack = get_module_stack() module_stack.append(self) try: with contextlib2.ExitStack() as stack: # Ideally move re-entering store into Template.variable_scope. template_store = getattr(self._template, "_template_store", None) if template_store is not None: # In eager mode, the template store keeps references to created # variables such that they survive even if there are no references to # them in Python code. Variables added to an eager template store are # also added to TensorFlow global collections (unlike regular # variables created in eager mode). stack.enter_context(template_store.as_default()) stack.enter_context( util.notify_about_new_variables(self._all_variables.add)) yield if self._original_name: self._all_variables.update(self._template.variables) finally: # Remove `self` from `module_stack`, this happens as part of cleanup # even if an error is raised. module_stack.pop() if module_stack: # Peek into the stack to add created variables to the parent parent_module = module_stack[-1] parent_module._all_variables.update(self._all_variables) # pylint: disable=protected-access