def testSimulation(self):
        T = range(100)
        U = np.sin(T)

        # For now, just check calling syntax
        # TODO: add checks on output of simulations
        tout, yout = step_response(self.siso_ss1d)
        tout, yout = step_response(self.siso_ss1d, T)
        tout, yout = impulse_response(self.siso_ss1d, T)
        tout, yout = impulse_response(self.siso_ss1d)
        tout, yout, xout = forced_response(self.siso_ss1d, T, U, 0)
        tout, yout, xout = forced_response(self.siso_ss2d, T, U, 0)
        tout, yout, xout = forced_response(self.siso_ss3d, T, U, 0)
Exemple #2
    def testSimulation(self):
        T = range(100)
        U = np.sin(T)

        # For now, just check calling syntax
        # TODO: add checks on output of simulations
        tout, yout = step_response(self.siso_ss1d)
        tout, yout = step_response(self.siso_ss1d, T)
        tout, yout = impulse_response(self.siso_ss1d, T)
        tout, yout = impulse_response(self.siso_ss1d)
        tout, yout, xout = forced_response(self.siso_ss1d, T, U, 0)
        tout, yout, xout = forced_response(self.siso_ss2d, T, U, 0)
        tout, yout, xout = forced_response(self.siso_ss3d, T, U, 0)
Exemple #3
    def test_forced_response_mimo(self, tsystem, useT):
        """Test forced response of MIMO system"""
        # first system: initial value, second system: step response
        sys = tsystem.sys
        t = tsystem.t
        u = np.array([[0., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [1., 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]])
        x0 = np.array([[.5], [1], [0], [0]])
        yref = np.vstack([tsystem.yinitial, tsystem.ystep])

        if useT:
            _t, yout = forced_response(sys, t, u, x0)
            _t, yout = forced_response(sys, U=u, X0=x0)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(yout, yref, decimal=4)
Exemple #4
    def test_forced_response_initial(self, tsystem, u):
        """Test forced response of SISO system as intitial response."""
        sys = tsystem.sys
        t = tsystem.t
        x0 = tsystem.X0
        yref = tsystem.yinitial

        if isinstance(sys, StateSpace):
            tout, yout = forced_response(sys, t, u, X0=x0)
            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(tout, t)
            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(yout, yref, decimal=4)
            with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="Non-zero initial condition "
                              "given for transfer function"):
                tout, yout = forced_response(sys, t, u, X0=x0)
Exemple #5
    def test_time_vector_interpolation(self, siso_dtf2, squeeze):
        """Test time vector handling in case of interpolation

        Interpolation of the input (to match scipy.signal.dlsim)

        gh-239, gh-295
        sys = siso_dtf2.sys
        t = np.arange(0, 10, 1.)
        u = np.sin(t)
        x0 = 0

        squeezekw = {} if squeeze is None else {"squeeze": squeeze}

        tout, yout = forced_response(sys,
        if squeeze is False or sys.noutputs > 1:
            assert yout.shape[0] == sys.noutputs
            assert yout.shape[1] == tout.shape[0]
            assert yout.shape == tout.shape
        assert np.allclose(tout[1:] - tout[:-1], sys.dt)
Exemple #6
 def test_forced_response_T_U(self, tsystem, fr_kwargs, refattr):
     """Test documented forced_response behavior for parameters T and U."""
     if refattr == 'yinitial':
         fr_kwargs['X0'] = tsystem.X0
     t, y = forced_response(tsystem.sys, **fr_kwargs)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(t, tsystem.t)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(y, getattr(tsystem, refattr), rtol=1e-3)
Exemple #7
    def test_forced_response_step(self, tsystem):
        """Test forced response of SISO systems as step response"""
        sys = tsystem.sys
        t = tsystem.t
        u = np.ones_like(t, dtype=float)
        yref = tsystem.ystep

        tout, yout = forced_response(sys, t, u)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(tout, t)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(yout, yref, decimal=4)
    def test_forced_response_initial(self, siso_ss1, u):
        """Test forced response of SISO system as intitial response"""
        sys = siso_ss1.sys
        t = siso_ss1.t
        x0 = np.array([[.5], [1.]])
        yref = siso_ss1.yinitial

        tout, yout = forced_response(sys, t, u, X0=x0)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(tout, t)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(yout, yref, decimal=4)
Exemple #9
def lsim(sys, U=0., T=None, X0=0., **keywords):
    Simulate the output of a linear system.
    As a convenience for parameters `U`, `X0`:
    Numbers (scalars) are converted to constant arrays with the correct shape.
    The correct shape is inferred from arguments `sys` and `T`. 
    sys: Lti (StateSpace, or TransferFunction)
        LTI system to simulate
    U: array-like or number, optional
        Input array giving input at each time `T` (default = 0).
        If `U` is ``None`` or ``0``, a special algorithm is used. This special 
        algorithm is faster than the general algorithm, which is used otherwise.
    T: array-like 
        Time steps at which the input is defined, numbers must be (strictly 
        monotonic) increasing. 
    X0: array-like or number, optional
        Initial condition (default = 0). 

        Additional keyword arguments control the solution algorithm for the 
        differential equations. These arguments are passed on to the function
        :func:`scipy.integrate.odeint`. See the documentation for
        :func:`scipy.integrate.odeint` for information about these

    yout: array
        Response of the system. 
    T: array
        Time values of the output. 
    xout: array
        Time evolution of the state vector. 
    See Also
    step, initial, impulse
    >>> T, yout, xout = lsim(sys, U, T, X0)
    T, yout, xout = timeresp.forced_response(sys, T, U, X0,
                                             transpose = True, **keywords)
    return yout, T, xout
Exemple #10
def lsim(sys, U=0., T=None, X0=0., **keywords):
    Simulate the output of a linear system.
    As a convenience for parameters `U`, `X0`:
    Numbers (scalars) are converted to constant arrays with the correct shape.
    The correct shape is inferred from arguments `sys` and `T`. 
    sys: Lti (StateSpace, or TransferFunction)
        LTI system to simulate
    U: array-like or number, optional
        Input array giving input at each time `T` (default = 0).
        If `U` is ``None`` or ``0``, a special algorithm is used. This special 
        algorithm is faster than the general algorithm, which is used otherwise.
    T: array-like 
        Time steps at which the input is defined, numbers must be (strictly 
        monotonic) increasing. 
    X0: array-like or number, optional
        Initial condition (default = 0). 

        Additional keyword arguments control the solution algorithm for the 
        differential equations. These arguments are passed on to the function
        :func:`scipy.integrate.odeint`. See the documentation for
        :func:`scipy.integrate.odeint` for information about these

    yout: array
        Response of the system. 
    T: array
        Time values of the output. 
    xout: array
        Time evolution of the state vector. 
    See Also
    step, initial, impulse
    >>> T, yout, xout = lsim(sys, U, T, X0)
    T, yout, xout = timeresp.forced_response(sys, T, U, X0,
                                             transpose = True, **keywords)
    return yout, T, xout
Exemple #11
    def test_lsim_double_integrator(self, u, x0, xtrue):
        """Test forced response of double integrator"""
        # Note: scipy.signal.lsim fails if A is not invertible
        A = np.array([[0., 1.], [0., 0.]])
        B = np.array([[0.], [1.]])
        C = np.array([[1., 0.]])
        D = 0.
        sys = StateSpace(A, B, C, D)
        t = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)

        _t, yout, xout = forced_response(sys, t, u, x0, return_x=True)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(xout, xtrue, decimal=6)
        ytrue = np.squeeze(np.asarray(
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(yout, ytrue, decimal=6)
Exemple #12
 def test_forced_response_invalid_c(self, tsystem):
     """Test invalid parameters."""
     with pytest.raises(TypeError,
         forced_response("not a system")
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="T.*is mandatory for continuous"):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="time values must be equally "
         forced_response(tsystem.sys, [0, 0.1, 0.12, 0.4])
Exemple #13
 def test_forced_response_invalid_d(self, tsystem):
     """Test invalid parameters dtime with sys.dt > 0."""
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="can't both be zero"):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must have same elements"):
                         T=tsystem.t, U=np.random.randn(1, 12))
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must have same elements"):
                         T=tsystem.t, U=np.random.randn(12))
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must match sampling time"):
         forced_response(tsystem.sys, T=tsystem.t*0.9)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be multiples of "
                                          "sampling time"):
         forced_response(tsystem.sys, T=tsystem.t*1.1)
     # but this is ok
     forced_response(tsystem.sys, T=tsystem.t*2)