def testMimoW123(self):
        """MIMO plant with all weights"""
        from control import augw, ss, append, minreal
        g = ss([[-1., -2], [-3, -4]], [[1., 0.], [0., 1.]],
               [[1., 0.], [0., 1.]], [[1., 0.], [0., 1.]])
        # this should be expaned to w1*I
        w1 = ss([-2.], [2.], [1.], [2.])
        # diagonal weighting
        w2 = append(ss([-3.], [3.], [1.], [3.]), ss([-4.], [4.], [1.], [4.]))
        # full weighting
        w3 = ss([[-4., -5], [-6, -7]], [[2., 3.], [5., 7.]],
                [[11., 13.], [17., 19.]], [[23., 29.], [31., 37.]])
        p = augw(g, w1, w2, w3)
        self.assertEqual(8, p.outputs)
        self.assertEqual(4, p.inputs)
        # w->z1 should be w1
        self.siso_almost_equal(w1, p[0, 0])
        self.siso_almost_equal(0, p[0, 1])
        self.siso_almost_equal(0, p[1, 0])
        self.siso_almost_equal(w1, p[1, 1])
        # w->z2 should be 0
        self.siso_almost_equal(0, p[2, 0])
        self.siso_almost_equal(0, p[2, 1])
        self.siso_almost_equal(0, p[3, 0])
        self.siso_almost_equal(0, p[3, 1])
        # w->z3 should be 0
        self.siso_almost_equal(0, p[4, 0])
        self.siso_almost_equal(0, p[4, 1])
        self.siso_almost_equal(0, p[5, 0])
        self.siso_almost_equal(0, p[5, 1])
        # w->v should be I
        self.siso_almost_equal(1, p[6, 0])
        self.siso_almost_equal(0, p[6, 1])
        self.siso_almost_equal(0, p[7, 0])
        self.siso_almost_equal(1, p[7, 1])

        # u->z1 should be -w1*g
        self.siso_almost_equal(-w1 * g[0, 0], p[0, 2])
        self.siso_almost_equal(-w1 * g[0, 1], p[0, 3])
        self.siso_almost_equal(-w1 * g[1, 0], p[1, 2])
        self.siso_almost_equal(-w1 * g[1, 1], p[1, 3])
        # u->z2 should be w2
        self.siso_almost_equal(w2[0, 0], p[2, 2])
        self.siso_almost_equal(w2[0, 1], p[2, 3])
        self.siso_almost_equal(w2[1, 0], p[3, 2])
        self.siso_almost_equal(w2[1, 1], p[3, 3])
        # u->z3 should be w3*g
        w3g = w3 * g
        self.siso_almost_equal(w3g[0, 0], minreal(p[4, 2]))
        self.siso_almost_equal(w3g[0, 1], minreal(p[4, 3]))
        self.siso_almost_equal(w3g[1, 0], minreal(p[5, 2]))
        self.siso_almost_equal(w3g[1, 1], minreal(p[5, 3]))
        # u->v should be -g
        self.siso_almost_equal(-g[0, 0], p[6, 2])
        self.siso_almost_equal(-g[0, 1], p[6, 3])
        self.siso_almost_equal(-g[1, 0], p[7, 2])
        self.siso_almost_equal(-g[1, 1], p[7, 3])
def ss_error(g, err_step=None, err_ramp=None, err_para=None):
    s = ct.TransferFunction([1, 0], [1])
    kx = None
    ess = None
    if err_step is not None:
        ess = ct.evalfr(ct.minreal(g), 0j)
        kx = 1 / err_step
    elif err_ramp is not None:
        ess = ct.evalfr(ct.minreal(s*g), 0j)
        kx = 1 / err_ramp
    elif err_para is not None:
        ess = ct.evalfr(ct.minreal(s**2*g), 0j)
        kx = 1 / err_para

    return kx, ess
Exemple #3
 def step_system(xopt, label, ax):
     kp, tz1, tz2, tz3, tp = xopt
     Co = kp * (tz1 * s + 1) * (tz2 * s + 1) * (tz3 * s +
                                                1) / (s * s * (tp * s + 1))
     To = control.minreal(Co * Go / (1 + Co * Go), verbose=False)
     _, yout = control.forced_response(To, T, U=ramp, squeeze=True)
     ax.plot(T, yout, label=label)
Exemple #4
    def get_plant_op(self, u_h, reduce_states):
        Interpolate system matrices using wind speed operating point uh_op = mean(u_h)

        inputs: u_h timeseries of wind speeds


        uh_op = np.mean(u_h)

        if len(self.u_h) > 1:
            f_A = sp.interpolate.interp1d(self.u_h, self.A_ops)
            f_B = sp.interpolate.interp1d(self.u_h, self.B_ops)
            f_C = sp.interpolate.interp1d(self.u_h, self.C_ops)
            f_D = sp.interpolate.interp1d(self.u_h, self.D_ops)

            f_u = sp.interpolate.interp1d(self.u_h, self.u_ops)
            f_y = sp.interpolate.interp1d(self.u_h, self.y_ops)
            f_x = sp.interpolate.interp1d(self.u_h, self.x_ops)

            A = f_A(uh_op)
            B = f_B(uh_op)
            C = f_C(uh_op)
            D = f_D(uh_op)

            u_op = f_u(uh_op)
            x_op = f_x(uh_op)
            y_op = f_y(uh_op)
            print('WARNING: Only one linearization, at ' + str(self.u_h[0]) +
                  ' m/s')
            print('Simulation operating point is ' + str(uh_op) + 'm/s')
            print('Results may not be as expected')

            # Set linear system to only linearization
            A = self.A_ops[:, :, 0]
            B = self.B_ops[:, :, 0]
            C = self.C_ops[:, :, 0]
            D = self.D_ops[:, :, 0]

            u_op = self.u_ops[:, 0]
            y_op = self.y_ops[:, 0]
            x_op = self.x_ops[:, 0]

        # form state space model  TODO: generalize using linear description strings
        P_op = co.StateSpace(A, B, C, D)
        if reduce_states:
            P_op = co.minreal(P_op, tol=1e-7, verbose=False)
        P_op.InputName = ['RtVAvgxh', 'BldPitch']
        P_op.OutputName = ['GenSpeed', 'TwrBsMyt', 'PtfmPitch', 'NcIMUTAzs']

        # operating points dict
        ops = {}
        ops['u'] = u_op[self.ind_fast_inps]
        ops['uh'] = uh_op
        ops['y'] = y_op[self.ind_fast_outs]
        ops['x'] = x_op

        return ops, P_op
Exemple #5
 def siso_almost_equal(self,g,h):
     """siso_almost_equal(g,h) -> None
     Raises AssertionError if g and h, two SISO LTI objects, are not almost equal"""
     from control import tf, minreal
     gmh = tf(minreal(g-h,verbose=False))
     if not (gmh.num[0][0]<self.TOL).all():
         maxnum = max(abs(gmh.num[0][0]))
         raise AssertionError('systems not approx equal; max num. coeff is {}\nsys 1:\n{}\nsys 2:\n{}'.format(maxnum,g,h))
Exemple #6
 def objective(x, metric=ise):
     kp, tz1, tz2, tz3, tp = x
     Co = kp * (tz1 * s + 1) * (tz2 * s + 1) * (tz3 * s +
                                                1) / (s * s * (tp * s + 1))
     So = control.minreal(1 / (1 + Co * Go), verbose=False)
     T = np.arange(0.0, sim_time, 1e-5)
     ramp = T * gradient
     _, yout = control.forced_response(So, T, U=ramp, squeeze=True)
     return (metric(T, yout) / sim_time, )
    def siso_almost_equal(self, g, h):
        """siso_almost_equal(g,h) -> None

        Raises AssertionError if g and h, two SISO LTI objects, are not almost
        # TODO: use pytest's assertion rewriting feature
        gmh = tf(minreal(g - h, verbose=False))
        if not (gmh.num[0][0] < self.TOL).all():
            maxnum = max(abs(gmh.num[0][0]))
            raise AssertionError("systems not approx equal; "
                                 "max num. coeff is {}\n"
                                 "sys 1:\n"
                                 "sys 2:\n"
                                 "{}".format(maxnum, g, h))
Exemple #8
 def print_TF(self,
     transfer_function = self.get_TF(entry1, entry2)
     if min:
         transfer_function = co.minreal(transfer_function)
     label2 = tk.Label(window,
                       font="comicsans " + fontsize), rely=rely, relwidth=relwidth)
Exemple #9
D = 0.0
G = con.StateSpace(A, B, C, D)

# Weighting functions
w0 = 8.0  # Desired closed-loop bandwidth
A = 1 / 100  # Desired disturbance attenuation inside bandwidth
M = 1.5  # Desired bound on hinfnorm(S) & hinfnorm(T)

w1 = con.TransferFunction([1 / M, w0], [1.0, w0 * A])  #sensitivity weight
w2 = con.TransferFunction([1.0, 0.1], [1, 100])  # K*S weight
# w3 = []  #empty control weight on T
k, cl, info = con.mixsyn(G, w1, w2, w3=None)
print(info[0])  #gamma
L = G * k
Ltf = con.ss2tf(L)
Ltf = con.minreal(Ltf)
S = 1.0 / (1.0 + Ltf)
T = 1 - S

sw1 = triv_sigma(1.0 / w1, w)
sigS = triv_sigma(S, w)
plt.semilogx(w, 20 * np.log10(sw1[:, 0]), label=r'$\sigma_1(1/W1)$')
plt.semilogx(w, 20 * np.log10(sigS[:, 0]), label=r'$\sigma_1(S)$')
plt.ylim([-60, 10])
plt.ylabel('magnitude [dB]')
plt.xlim([1e-3, 1e3])
plt.xlabel('freq [rad/s]')
plt.title('Singular values of S')
Exemple #10
import control as co
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

G1 =[2,5],[1,2,3]) # 2s + 5 / s^2 + 2s + 3 --- Provided only the coeficients

G2 = 5*[-2,-5]), np.poly([-4,-5,-9])) # Provided the 'zeros' and the 'poles' of the function

# Algebrism is supported
G3 = G1+G2
G4 = G1*G2
G5 = G1/G2
G6 = G1-G2
G7 =,G2)

# Minimum Realization (Pole-Zero Cancellation)

# TF Properties
print('DC Gain: '+ str(co.dcgain(G1)))      # DC Gain
print('Pole: ' + str(co.pole(G1)))          # Pole for G6
print('Zero: ' + str(          # Zero for G6

Exemple #11
def code_generation():
    x = ca.SX.sym('x', 14)
    x_gz = ca.SX.sym('x_gz', 14)
    p = ca.SX.sym('p', 16)
    u = ca.SX.sym('u', 4)
    t = ca.SX.sym('t')
    dt = ca.SX.sym('dt')
    gz_eqs = gazebo_equations()
    f_state = gz_eqs['state_from_gz']
    eqs = rocket_equations()
    C_FLT_FRB = gz_eqs['C_FLT_FRB']
    F_FRB, M_FRB = eqs['force_moment'](x, u, p)
    F_FLT = ca.mtimes(C_FLT_FRB, F_FRB)
    M_FLT = ca.mtimes(C_FLT_FRB, M_FRB)
    f_u_to_fin = ca.Function('rocket_u_to_fin', [u], [u_to_fin(u)], ['u'],
    f_force_moment = ca.Function('rocket_force_moment', [x, u, p],
                                 [F_FLT, M_FLT], ['x', 'u', 'p'],
                                 ['F_FLT', 'M_FLT'])
    u_control = eqs['control'](x, p, t, dt)
    f_control = ca.Function('rocket_control', [x, p, t, dt], [u_control],
                            ['x', 'p', 't', 'dt'], ['u'])
    gen = ca.CodeGenerator('casadi_gen.c', {
        'main': False,
        'mex': False,
        'with_header': True,
        'with_mem': True

    x0, u0, p0 = do_trim(vt=100, gamma_deg=60, m_fuel=0.8, z=60)
    x1, u1, p1 = do_trim(vt=100, gamma_deg=75, m_fuel=0.6, z=90)
    x2, u2, p2 = do_trim(vt=100, gamma_deg=90, m_fuel=0.3, z=100)
    # x3, u3, p3 = do_trim(vt=100, gamma_deg=85, m_fuel=0, z=100)

    lin = linearize()
    import control
    sys1 =*lin(x0, u0, p0))
    sys2 =*lin(x1, u1, p1))
    sys3 =*lin(x2, u2, p2))
    # sys4 =*lin(x3, u3, p3))

    G1 = control.ss2tf(sys1[1, 2])
    G2 = control.ss2tf(sys2[1, 2])
    G3 = control.ss2tf(sys3[1, 2])
    # G4 = control.ss2tf(sys4[1, 2])

    G1 = control.c2d(G1, .01)
    G2 = control.c2d(G2, .01)
    G3 = control.c2d(G3, .01)
    # G4 = control.c2d(G4, .01)

    s =[1, 0], [0, 1])
    Hd1 = (20 + 3 / s)
    Hd2 = (20 + 3 / s)
    Hd3 = (20 + 3 / s)

    G1 = control.minreal(G1 * Hd1)
    G2 = control.minreal(G2 * Hd2)
    G3 = control.minreal(G3 * Hd3)

    G1 = control.tf2ss(G1)
    G2 = control.tf2ss(G2)
    G3 = control.tf2ss(G3)

    # G4 = control.minreal(G4)

    #print (G3)

    x0 = ca.SX.sym('x0', 8)
    u = ca.SX.sym('u', 1)

    x = ca.mtimes(G1.A, x0) + ca.mtimes(G1.B, u)
    y = ca.mtimes(G1.C, x0) + ca.mtimes(G1.D, u)
    controller1 = ca.Function('controller1', [x0, u], [x, y])

    x = ca.mtimes(G2.A, x0) + ca.mtimes(G2.B, u)
    y = ca.mtimes(G2.C, x0) + ca.mtimes(G2.D, u)
    controller2 = ca.Function('controller2', [x0, u], [x, y])

    x0 = ca.SX.sym('x', 4)

    x = ca.mtimes(G3.A, x0) + ca.mtimes(G3.B, u)
    y = ca.mtimes(G3.C, x0) + ca.mtimes(G3.D, u)
    controller3 = ca.Function('controller3', [x0, u], [x, y])

    return {
        'controller1': controller1,
        'controller2': controller2,
        'controller3': controller3
Exemple #12
[time2, yout2] = con.step_response(t_function, time_simulation,
plt.plot(time2, yout2, 'r')

plt.plot(t, y_out, 'b*', t, input_u,
         'g-')  #ploting time x output and time x input

print("natural frequency = ", wn)
print("damping constant = ", zetas)
print("system poles = ", poles)

#take the transfer function and now getting an space state

[a, b, c, d] = con.ssdata(t_function)

state_space_2 =, b, c, d)

my_sys = con.minreal(state_space_2)

print("G(s) = ", t_function)  #function transfer
print(my_sys)  # state space
Exemple #13
Z2 = R2 / (1 + s * R2 * C2)
# Z2 = 1 / (s * C3) * (R2 + 1 / (s * C2)) / (1 / (s * C3) + (R2 + 1 / (s * C2)))

# sys_und_tst = (s) / (1000 + s)
# sys_und_tst = 1 / (s ** 3 + 2 * s ** 2 + 2 * s)
sys_und_tst = Z2 / (Z1 + Z2)

# discrete

# sys_und_tst = z / (z - 1)
# sys_und_tst = 1 / (z - 1)
# sys_und_tst = 1 + z ** -1 + z ** -2


sim_sys = con.minreal(sys_und_tst)


sys_und_tst = sim_sys

gg = s_plot_val_func(sys_und_tst.num, sys_und_tst.den, x)

g = sp.lambdify([x], gg)

fstop_c = 10e3
nsamp_pos_neg = 1000
nsamp_single = int(nsamp_pos_neg / 2)
Exemple #14
pi_regulator =[Kp, Kp * Ki], [1, 0])
# figure()
# mag, phase, omega = bode_plot(dc_motor, 2*np.pi*np.logspace(-2,4,1000), dB=1, Hz=1, deg=1)
# figure()
# mag, phase, omega = bode_plot(pi_regulator, 2*np.pi*np.logspace(-2,4,1000), dB=1, Hz=1, deg=1)

open_sys = control.series(pi_regulator, dc_motor)
closed_sys =, pi_regulator, sign=-1)

# open_sys = pi_regulator * dc_motor
closed_sys = open_sys / (1 + open_sys)

closed_sys = control.minreal(closed_sys)

# figure()
# mag, phase, omega = bode_plot(open_sys, 2*np.pi*np.logspace(-2,4,1000), dB=1, Hz=1, deg=1)
mag, phase, omega = bode_plot(closed_sys,
                              2 * np.pi * np.logspace(-2, 4, 1000),

T, yout = control.step_response(closed_sys, np.arange(0, 2, 1e-4))
plt.plot(T, yout)
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, lin_file, reduceStates=False, fromMat=False):
            inputs: lin_file - directory of linear file outputs from OpenFAST
                             - if fromMat = True, lin_file is .mat from matlab version of mbc3
        if not fromMat:
            # figure out number of linear cases
            out_prefix = 'lin'
            out_suffix = '.outb'
            out_files = glob.glob(
                os.path.join(lin_file, out_prefix + '*' + out_suffix))

            n_lin_cases = len(out_files)

            if not n_lin_cases:
                print('No linear outputs found in ' + lin_file)

            if n_lin_cases <= 10:
                num_string = '%01d'
                num_string = '%02d'

            u_ops = np.array([], [])
            for iCase in range(0, n_lin_cases):
                lin_files_i = glob.glob(
                        out_prefix + '_' + num_string % (iCase) + '.*.lin'))

                MBC, matData, FAST_linData = mbc.fx_mbc3(lin_files_i)

                if not iCase:  # first time through
                    # Initialize operating points, matrices
                    u_ops = np.zeros((matData['NumInputs'], n_lin_cases))
                    y_ops = np.zeros((matData['NumOutputs'], n_lin_cases))
                    x_ops = np.zeros((matData['NumStates'], n_lin_cases))

                # operating points
                # u_ops \in real(n_inps,n_ops)
                u_ops[:, iCase] = np.mean(matData['u_op'], 1)

                # y_ops \in real(n_outs,n_ops)
                y_ops[:, iCase] = np.mean(matData['y_op'], 1)

                # x_ops \in real(n_states,n_ops), note this is un-reduced state space model states, with all hydro states
                x_ops[:, iCase] = np.mean(matData['xop'], 1)

                # Matrices, TODO: automate index selection here

                PitchDesc = 'ED Extended input: collective blade-pitch command, rad'
                WindDesc = 'IfW Extended input: horizontal wind speed (steady/uniform wind), m/s'
                GenDesc = 'ED GenSpeed, (rpm)'
                TwrDesc = 'ED TwrBsMyt, (kN-m)'
                AzDesc = 'ED Variable speed generator DOF (internal DOF index = DOF_GeAz), rad'
                PltPitchDesc = 'ED PtfmPitch, (deg)'
                NacIMUFADesc = 'ED NcIMURAxs, (deg/s^2)'

                indPitch = matData['DescCntrlInpt'].index(PitchDesc)
                indWind = matData['DescCntrlInpt'].index(WindDesc)
                indGen = matData['DescOutput'].index(GenDesc)
                indTwr = matData['DescOutput'].index(TwrDesc)
                indAz = matData['DescStates'].index(AzDesc)
                indPltPitch = matData['DescOutput'].index(PltPitchDesc)
                indNacIMU = matData['DescOutput'].index(NacIMUFADesc)

                indOuts = np.array([indGen, indTwr, indPltPitch,
                                    indNacIMU]).reshape(-1, 1)
                indInps = np.array([indWind, indPitch]).reshape(-1, 1)
                # TODO: add torque

                # remove azimuth state
                indStates = np.arange(0, matData['NumStates'])
                indStates = np.delete(indStates, indAz)
                indStates = indStates.reshape(-1, 1)

                if not iCase:
                    A_ops = np.zeros(
                        (len(indStates), len(indStates), n_lin_cases))
                    B_ops = np.zeros(
                        (len(indStates), len(indInps), n_lin_cases))
                    C_ops = np.zeros(
                        (len(indOuts), len(indStates), n_lin_cases))
                    D_ops = np.zeros((len(indOuts), len(indInps), n_lin_cases))

                # A \in real(n_states,n_states,n_ops)
                A_ops[:, :, iCase] = MBC['AvgA'][indStates, indStates.T]

                # B \in real(n_states,n_inputs,n_ops)
                B_ops[:, :, iCase] = MBC['AvgB'][indStates, indInps.T]

                # C \in real(n_outs,n_states,n_ops)
                C_ops[:, :, iCase] = MBC['AvgC'][indOuts, indStates.T]

                # D \in real(n_outs,n_inputs,n_ops)
                D_ops[:, :, iCase] = MBC['AvgD'][indOuts, indInps.T]

                if reduceStates:
                    if not iCase:
                        n_states = np.zeros((n_lin_cases, 1), dtype=int)
                    P = co.StateSpace(A_ops[:, :, iCase],
                                      B_ops[:, :, iCase],
                                      C_ops[:, :, iCase],
                                      D_ops[:, :, iCase],

                    # figure out minimum number of states for the systems at each operating point
                    P_min = co.minreal(P, tol=1e-7, verbose=False)
                    n_states[iCase] = P_min.states

            # Now loop through and reduce number of states to maximum of n_states
            # This is broken!!  Works fine if reduceStates = False and isn't problematic to have all the extra states...yet
            if reduceStates:
                for iCase in range(0, n_lin_cases):
                    if not iCase:
                        self.A_ops = np.zeros(
                            (max(n_states)[0], max(n_states)[0], n_lin_cases))
                        self.B_ops = np.zeros(
                            (max(n_states)[0], len(indInps), n_lin_cases))
                        self.C_ops = np.zeros(
                            (len(indOuts), max(n_states)[0], n_lin_cases))
                        self.D_ops = np.zeros(
                            (len(indOuts), len(indInps), n_lin_cases))

                    P = co.StateSpace(A_ops[:, :, iCase],
                                      B_ops[:, :, iCase],
                                      C_ops[:, :, iCase],
                                      D_ops[:, :, iCase],
                    P_red = co.balred(
                        P, max(n_states)[0], method='matchdc'
                    )  # I don't know why it's not reducing to max(n_states), must add 2
                    # P_red = co.minreal(P,tol=1e-7,verbose=False)         # I don't know why it's not reducing to max(n_states), must add 2
                    self.A_ops[:, :, iCase] = P_red.A
                    self.B_ops[:, :, iCase] = P_red.B
                    self.C_ops[:, :, iCase] = P_red.C
                    self.D_ops[:, :, iCase] = P_red.D

                self.A_ops = A_ops
                self.B_ops = B_ops
                self.C_ops = C_ops
                self.D_ops = D_ops

            # Save wind speed as own array since that's what we'll schedule over to start

            self.u_ops = u_ops
            self.u_h = self.u_ops[0]
            self.y_ops = y_ops
            self.x_ops = x_ops

            # Input/Output Indices
            self.ind_fast_inps = indInps.squeeze()
            self.ind_fast_outs = indOuts.squeeze()

        else:  # from matlab .mat file m
            matDict = loadmat(lin_file)

            # operating points
            # u_ops \in real(n_inps,n_ops)
            u_ops = np.zeros(matDict['u_ops'][0][0].shape)
            for u_op in matDict['u_ops'][0]:
                u_ops = np.concatenate((u_ops, u_op), axis=1)

            self.u_ops = u_ops[:, 1:]

            # y_ops \in real(n_outs,n_ops)
            y_ops = np.zeros(matDict['y_ops'][0][0].shape)
            for y_op in matDict['y_ops'][0]:
                y_ops = np.concatenate((y_ops, y_op), axis=1)

            self.y_ops = y_ops[:, 1:]

            # x_ops \in real(n_states,n_ops), note this is un-reduced state space model states, with all hydro states
            x_ops = np.zeros(matDict['x_ops'][0][0].shape)
            for x_op in matDict['x_ops'][0]:
                x_ops = np.concatenate((x_ops, x_op), axis=1)

            self.x_ops = x_ops[:, 1:]

            # Matrices

            # A \in real(n_states,n_states,n_ops)
            n_states = np.shape(matDict['A'][0][0])[0]
            A_ops = np.zeros((n_states, n_states, 1))
            for A_op in matDict['A'][0]:
                A_ops = np.concatenate((A_ops, np.expand_dims(A_op, 2)),

            self.A_ops = A_ops[:, :, 1:]

            # B \in real(n_states,n_inputs,n_ops)
            n_states = np.shape(matDict['B'][0][0])[0]
            n_inputs = np.shape(matDict['B'][0][0])[1]
            B_ops = np.zeros((n_states, n_inputs, 1))
            for B_op in matDict['B'][0]:
                B_ops = np.concatenate((B_ops, np.expand_dims(B_op, 2)),

            self.B_ops = B_ops[:, :, 1:]

            # C \in real(n_outs,n_states,n_ops)
            n_states = np.shape(matDict['C'][0][0])[1]
            n_outs = np.shape(matDict['C'][0][0])[0]
            C_ops = np.zeros((n_outs, n_states, 1))
            for C_op in matDict['C'][0]:
                C_ops = np.concatenate((C_ops, np.expand_dims(C_op, 2)),

            self.C_ops = C_ops[:, :, 1:]

            # D \in real(n_outs,n_inputs,n_ops)
            n_states = np.shape(matDict['D'][0][0])[1]
            n_outs = np.shape(matDict['D'][0][0])[0]
            D_ops = np.zeros((n_outs, n_inputs, 1))
            for D_op in matDict['D'][0]:
                D_ops = np.concatenate((D_ops, np.expand_dims(D_op, 2)),

            self.D_ops = D_ops[:, :, 1:]

            # Save wind speed as own array since that's what we'll schedule over to start
            self.u_h = self.u_ops[0]

            # Input/Output Indices
            self.ind_fast_inps = matDict['indInps'][0] - 1

            self.ind_fast_outs = matDict['indOuts'][0] - 1
Exemple #16
wn_h = wn_th / 20.0
kph = 2 * damp_h * wn_h / (k_thDC * Va)
kih = wn_h**2 / (k_thDC * Va)

# successive loop closure to form transfer function from h_c to h
# transfer function from del_e to q
q_del_e =[a_theta3, 0], [1, a_theta1, a_theta2])

# close pitch rate loop to get del_e_c to q
q_del_e_c =, kdth)

# integrator 1/s to get theta from q
integrator =, [1, 0])

# transfer function from theta_c to theta
th_th_c = ctrl.minreal( * q_del_e_c * integrator, 1))

# implementation of altitude PI control
pi_control =[kph, kih], [1, 0])

# close PI feedback loop on altitude to get h_c to h
h_h_c = * th_th_c * Va * integrator, 1)

# (note this h_h_c transfer function does not approximate th_th_c as KthDC
# instead it contains the full linearlized altitude dynamics)

# step response
t = 0.1 * np.arange(600)
t, h = ctrl.step_response(h_h_c, t)  # response to unit step command

altitude_step_size = 100.0
Exemple #17
A = [[Y_b/u_0, -(1.0-Y_r/u_0)],[N_b, N_r]]  # x1 = beta, x2 = r
B = [[0.0,Y_dr/u_0],[N_da,N_dr]]         #u1 = delta_a, u2 = delta_r
C = [[1.0,0.0],[0.0,1.0]]                               # y1 = beta, y2 = r
D = [[0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0]]
G = ss(A,B,C,D)

#weighting function
w1 = weighting(2, 2, 0.005)
w1 = ss(w1) #needs to be converted for append
wp = w1.append(w1)
wu = ss([], [], [], np.eye(2)) #unwieghted actuator authority size of 2

#Augmented plant need to make by hand for hinf syn
I = ss([], [], [], np.eye(2))
P = augw(G,wp,wu) #generalized plant P
P = minreal(P)
wps = tf(wp)
Gs= tf(G)
Is= tf(I)

# correct generalized plant
p11 = wps
p12 = wps*Gs
p21 = -Is
p22 = -Gs

K2 = h2syn(P, 2, 2)
K, CL, gam, rcond = hinfsyn(P,2,2) #generalized plant incorrect so doing mixsyn
Exemple #18
    def __call__(self, variant: int, codeddata: str, _globals: dict):
        Check whether a given answer is within tolerance.

        This checks the variable defined in the constructor against
        a reference value in the codeddata.

        variant : int
            Variant of the answer.
        codeddata : str
            Encoded answer array.

        testname : str
            Short name for the test
        score : float
            Normalized score, 0 or 1
        result : str
            Text describing the result
        studentanswer : str
            Student's answer, as interpreted
        modelanswer : str
            Reference answer
        dec = json.JSONDecoder()
        Aref, Bref, Cref, Dref = map(
        sys_ref = StateSpace(Aref, Bref, Cref, Dref)

        # checking function
        def within_tolerance(xr, x):
            return np.allclose(xr, x, self.d_rel, self.d_abs)

        fails = 0
        value = self._extractValue(_globals)

            A = np.array(value["A"])
            B = np.array(value["B"])
            C = np.array(value["C"])
            D = np.array(value["D"])
            dt = value["dt"]
            value = StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt)
        except Exception:
            return self._return(0.0, "1 is not a state-space system",
                                _globals[self.var], sys_ref)

        report = []
            if A.shape != Aref.shape:
                value = minreal(value)
                A = value.A
                B = value.B
                C = value.C
                if A.shape == Aref.shape:
                    fails += round(self.threshold / 2)
                    report.append('system is not minimal realization')
            if A.shape != Aref.shape:
                fails += self.threshold
                report.append('incorrect system order')
            if B.shape[1] != Bref.shape[1]:
                fails += self.threshold
                report.append('incorrect number of inputs')
            if C.shape[0] != Cref.shape[0]:
                fails += self.threshold
                report.append('incorrect number of outputs')

            if fails > self.threshold:
                return self._return(0.0, "\n".join(report),
                                    value, sys_ref)

            # d matrix
            ndfail = Dref.size - \
                np.sum(np.isclose(Dref, D, self.d_rel, self.d_abs))
            if ndfail:
                report.append('{ndfail} incorrect elements in D matrix'
                fails += ndfail

            # orders/sizes correct, can now check transfers
            zpk_ref = ss_to_zpk(Aref, Bref, Cref)
            zpk_val = ss_to_zpk(A, B, C)
            for im in range(len(zpk_ref)):
                for ip in range(len(zpk_ref[0])):
                    ok, r = zpk_ref[im][ip].check(zpk_val[im][ip], im, ip,
                    if not ok:
                        fails += 1

        except Exception:
            return self._return(0.0, "not a valid state-space system",
                                value, sys_ref)

        score = max(round(
            (self.threshold + 1 - fails) / (self.threshold + 1), 3), 0.0)
        return self._return(
            score, ((not report) and "answer is correct") or "\n".join(report),
            value, sys_ref)
C = [0.0, 1.0]
D = 0.0
G = con.StateSpace(A, B, C, D)

# Controller synthesis
wb = 8  # Desired closed-loop bandwidth
A = 1 / 100  # Desired disturbance attenuation inside bandwidth
M = 1.5  # Desired bound on hinfnorm(S) & hinfnorm(T)
w1 = con.TransferFunction([1 / M, wb],
                          [1.0, wb * A])  #tracking/disturbance weight
w2 = con.TransferFunction([1.0, 0.1],
                          [1, 100])  #K*S (actuator authority) weight

# Augmented plant
P = con.augw(G, w1, w2)  #generalized plant P
P = con.minreal(P)

K2 = con.h2syn(P, 1, 1)

L = G * K2
Ltf = con.ss2tf(L)
So2 = 1.0 / (1.0 + Ltf)
So2 = con.minreal(So2)
To2 = G * K2 * So2
To2 = con.minreal(To2)

K, CL, gam, rcond = con.hinfsyn(P, 1, 1)
print('GFB aka Feedback Gain (GFB)')

K = 0.5

unreduced_Gcl = (K * GF) / (1 + K * GF * GFB)
    'Using equation GCL_SetLev_Pout = GF/(1+GOL) aka GCL_SetLev_Pout = GF/(1+GF*GFB) with K={}'
# looking at McNeill's notes, you can see GOL should be better termed as Loop Gain
# Forward Gain GF (from input to output)
# Feedback Gain GFB (from output to - term of sum node)
# Loop Gain aka Open Loop Gain GOL (break loop at - term, GF*GFB)
reduced_sys = con.minreal((K * GF) / (1 + K * GF * GFB))
    'Reduced GCL_SetLev_Pout. It should be the same as GCL_SetLev_Pout returned from * GF, GFB) with K={}'

n = np.arange(25)
# step is done on the closed loop system

GCL_SetLev_Pout = * GF, GFB)
# step respoonse for when Set Level is increased from 0 to 1500, GCL_SetLev_Pout => Set Level to Pout
step_size = 1500  # bits
n, yout = con.step_response(step_size * GCL_SetLev_Pout, T=n)
print('GCL_SetLev_Pout from with K={}'.format(K))
Exemple #21
def _nq_serial_decomposition(system: "IdealSystem",
                             q: StaticQuantizer,
                             verbose: bool) -> Tuple["DynamicQuantizer", float]:
    Finds the stable and optimal dynamic quantizer for `system`
    using serial decomposition[1]_.

    system : IdealSystem
    q : StaticQuantizer
    T : int
    gain_wv : float
    verbose : bool
    dim : int

    (Q, E) : Tuple[DynamicQuantizer, float]
    if verbose:
        print("Trying to calculate quantizer using serial system decomposition...")
    tf = system.P.tf1
    zeros_ =
    poles = _ctrl.pole(tf)

    unstable_zeros = [zero for zero in zeros_ if abs(zero) > 1]

    z = _ctrl.TransferFunction.z
    z.dt = tf.dt

    if len(unstable_zeros) == 0:
        n_time_delay = len([p for p in poles if p == 0])  # count pole-zero
        G = 1 / z**n_time_delay
        F = tf / G
        F_ss = _ctrl.tf2ss(F)
        B_F = matrix(F_ss.B)
        C_F = matrix(F_ss.C)

        E = abs(C_F @ B_F)[0, 0] *
    elif len(unstable_zeros) == 1:
        i = len(poles) - len(zeros_)  # relative order
        if i < 1:
            return None, inf
        a = unstable_zeros[0]
        G = (z - a) / z**i
        F = _ctrl.minreal(tf / G, verbose=False)
        F_ss = _ctrl.tf2ss(F)
        B_F = matrix(F_ss.B)
        C_F = matrix(F_ss.C)

        E = (1 + abs(a)) * abs(C_F @ B_F)[0, 0] *
        return None, inf

    A_F = matrix(F_ss.A)
    D_F = matrix(F_ss.D)

    # check
    if (C_F @ B_F)[0, 0] == 0:
        if verbose:
            print("CF @ BF == 0 became true. Couldn't calculate by using serial system decomposition.")
        return None, inf
    if D_F[0, 0] != 0:
        if verbose:
            print("DF == 0 became true. Couldn't calculate by using serial system decomposition.")
        return None, inf
    Q = DynamicQuantizer(
        C=- 1 / (C_F @ B_F)[0, 0] * C_F @ A_F,
    if verbose:
    return Q, E