Exemple #1
    # Classes        
    ekf = dEKF( x, PP, Q, R )
    H = array( [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ],
               [0, 1, 0, 0, 0]] )    
    torque = np.concatenate( ( np.ones( ( 1, len( sw ) / 4 ) ) * 5, np.ones( ( 1, 3 * len( sw ) / 4 ) ) * 10 ), axis = 1 );
    #Simulation loop
    for i in range( len( sw ) - N ):
        ( Ak, Bk, Ck, Dk ) = pmsm.mdss( xk, Ts )     
        # Calculation the optimal control signal
        U = dlqr.calcU( xk, array( [sw[i:i + N]] ) , Ak = Ak, Bk = Bk, Ck = Ck ) 
        # Voltages inverse transformation

        Ulb = ct.inv_rotor_coordinate( U, P * xk[4, 0] )        
        U_abc[ i] = ct.inv_clarke_m_i( Ulb[0, 0], Ulb[1, 0] )[:, 0]
        #Limitating the signal
        for k in range( 0, U_abc.shape[1] ):            
            if( np.abs( U_abc[i, k] ) > 380 ):
                U_abc[i, k] = np.sign( U_abc[i, k] ) * 380;
        #Voltages transformation
        Ulb = ct.clarke_m_i( U_abc[ i, 0], U_abc[ i, 1], U_abc[ i, 2] )  
Exemple #2
	x_est = array( [[0], [0], [ 0]] )
	x_est_o = array( [[0], [ 0], [ 0]] )
	H = array( [[1., 0., 0.]] )
	( Ak, Bk, Ck, Dk ) = dc2.dss( Ts, "ZOH" )
	N = 15
	dlqr = DSTLQR( Ak, Bk, Ck, N )
	kf = dKF( x_est, Ak, Bk, H )
	for i in range( len( pw ) - N ):		
		# Calculation the optimal control signal
		U = dlqr.calcU( x_est, array( [pw[i:i + N]] ) )	
# 		if( abs( U ) > 220 ):
# 			U = sign( U ) * 220;
		# Simulating
		( sw, x ) = dc2.dlsim( U, torque[0, i ], Ts = Ts );
		y_out[i, :] = sw
		u_out[i, :] = U
		# Estimating the states
		( x_est, P, error ) = kf.update( x[0, 0] , U )
		y_est[i, :] = x_est[1]; 
		if( i % 1000 ) == 0:
			print "%d of %d" % ( i, len( pw ) )