def rent(self, rentalId, clientId, movieId, n, client_repo, movie_repo): """ Creates a new rental with the given parameters The function checks if the movie is available (either has not been rented or the return dat is set != None Takes the number of days for the rental and uses it to create a due_date """ returned_date = None # None # fa-l input cu numarul de zile rented_date = due_date = + timedelta(days=n) print(clientId, movieId, client_repo.get_position(clientId)) if client_repo.find_by_id(clientId): if movie_repo.find_by_id(movieId) == True: client = client_repo[client_repo.get_position(clientId)] movie = movie_repo[movie_repo.get_position(movieId)] print("The Client:",, "rented the movie: ", movie.title, " ") rental = Rental(rentalId,,, rented_date, due_date, returned_date) undo = FunctionCall(self.remove_by_clientId, self.__rentalList.size() - 1) redo = FunctionCall(self.add, rental) op = Operation(undo, redo) self.__undo_controller.addOperation(op) self.__rentalList.add(rental)
def updateRental(self, id, bookId, clientId, rentedDate, dueDate, returnedDate, recordForUndo=True): """ Updates the rental with a given id with the given data """ rental = Rental(id, bookId, clientId, rentedDate, dueDate, returnedDate) oldRental = copy.deepcopy(self.getRentalById(id)) index = self.getIndexById(oldRental.getId()) self._rentalRepo.update(index, rental) if recordForUndo == True: undo = FunctionCall(self.updateRental, oldRental.getId(), oldRental.getBookId(), oldRental.getClientId(), oldRental.getRentedDate(), oldRental.getDueDate(), oldRental.getReturnedDate(), False) redo = FunctionCall(self.updateRental, id, bookId, clientId, rentedDate, dueDate, returnedDate, False) operation = Operation(redo, undo) self._undoController.recordOperation(operation) return oldRental
def updateBook(self, id, title, description, author, recordForUndo=True): """ Updates the book with the given id with a new book :param id: int :param title: the new title :param description: the new description :param author: the new author :return:the book before it was updated """ okId = False for i in self._bookRepo.getAll(): if id == i.getId(): okId = True if not okId: raise InvalidIdException lastBook = copy.deepcopy(self.findBookByBookId(id)) index = self.findIndexInRepo(id) book = Book(id, title, description, author) if recordForUndo == True: undo = FunctionCall(self.updateBook, id, lastBook.getTitle(), lastBook.getDescription(), lastBook.getAuthor(), False) redo = FunctionCall(self.updateBook, id, title, description, author, False) operation = Operation(redo, undo) self._undoController.recordOperation(operation) self._bookRepo.update(index, book) return lastBook
def removeBook(self, id, recordForUndo=True): """ Removes the book with a given id :param id: the id of the book that will be removed :return: the removed book if book was removed Exception otherwise """ book = self.findBookByBookId(id) index = self.findIndexInRepo(id) cascadeOp = CascadeOperation() if recordForUndo: list = self._rentalController.removeRentalByBookId(id) for i in range(len(list) - 1, -1, -1): undo_casc = FunctionCall(self._rentalController.addRental, list[i].getId(), list[i].getBookId(), list[i].getClientId(), list[i].getRentedDate(), list[i].getDueDate(), list[i].getReturnedDate(), False) redo_casc = FunctionCall(self._rentalController.removeRental, list[i].getId(), False) op = Operation(redo_casc, undo_casc) cascadeOp.add(op) undo = FunctionCall(self.addBook, book.getId(), book.getTitle(), book.getDescription(), book.getAuthor(), False) redo = FunctionCall(self.removeBook, book.getId(), False) operation = Operation(redo, undo) cascadeOp.add(operation) self._undoController.recordOperation(cascadeOp) self._bookRepo.remove(book) return book
def addRental(self, id, bookId, clientId, rentalDate=datetime.timedelta(0), dueDate=datetime.timedelta(0), returnedDate="", recordForUndo=True): """ Adds a new rent to repository :param rent: rent class :return: rental """ if self.checkId(id) == False: raise InvalidIdException if rentalDate == datetime.timedelta(0): rentalDate = if dueDate == datetime.timedelta(0): dueDate = rentalDate + datetime.timedelta(days=10) rental = self.validation(id, bookId, clientId, rentalDate, dueDate, returnedDate) self._rentalRepo.add(rental) if recordForUndo == True: undo = FunctionCall(self.removeRental, id, False) redo = FunctionCall(self.addRental, id, bookId, clientId, rentalDate, dueDate, returnedDate, False) operation = Operation(redo, undo) self._undoController.recordOperation(operation) return rental
def removeStudent(self, studentID): name_up = self.searchByID(studentID).name self.__student_repository.delete(studentID) redo = FunctionCall(self.removeStudent, studentID) undo = FunctionCall(self.addStudent, studentID, name_up) operation = Operation(redo, undo) self.__undoController.recordOperation(operation)
def updateStudent(self, studentID, name): student = Student(studentID, name) name_up = self.searchByID(studentID).name self.__student_repository.update(student) redo = FunctionCall(self.updateStudent, studentID, name) undo = FunctionCall(self.updateStudent, studentID, name_up) operation = Operation(redo, undo) self.__undoController.recordOperation(operation)
def add(self, new_rental): """ Adds a new rental to the list """ undo = FunctionCall(self.remove_by_clientId, new_rental.clientId) redo = FunctionCall(self.add, new_rental) op = Operation(undo, redo) self.__undo_controller.addOperation(op) self.__rentalList.add(new_rental)
def addGrade(self, disciplineID, studentID, gradeValue): grade = Grade(disciplineID, studentID, gradeValue) self.checkExistentIdInRepository(grade, self.__student_repository, self.__discipline_repository) redo = FunctionCall(self.addGrade, disciplineID, studentID, gradeValue) undo = FunctionCall(self.removeGrade, disciplineID, studentID, gradeValue) operation = Operation(redo, undo) self.__undoController.recordOperation(operation)
def _return(self, pos): """ Function for returning a movie The returned_date is set to """ returned_date = self.__rentalList[pos].set_returned_date(returned_date) undo = FunctionCall(self.__rentalList[pos].set_returned_date, None) redo = FunctionCall(self.__rentalList[pos].set_returned_date, operation = Operation(undo, redo) self.__undo_controller.addOperation(operation)
def remove_by_disciplineID(self, disciplineID): lstGrade = self.get_all_grade() lst_removed_disciplines = [] for i in lstGrade: if int(i.disciplineID) == int(disciplineID): self.__grade_repository.delete(i.entity_ID) lst_removed_disciplines.append(i) redo = FunctionCall(self.remove_by_studentID, disciplineID) undo = FunctionCall(self.add_removed, lst_removed_disciplines) operation = Operation(redo, undo) self.__undoController.recordOperation(operation)
def updateDiscipline(self, disciplineID, name): """ Update a discipline from the repository :param args: the discipline arguments :return: None. """ discipline = Discipline(disciplineID, name) self.__discipline_repository.update(discipline) redo = FunctionCall(self.updateDiscipline, disciplineID, name) undo = FunctionCall(self.updateDiscipline, disciplineID) operation = Operation(redo, undo) self.__undoController.recordOperation(operation)
def removeDiscipline(self, disciplineID): """ Remove a discipline from the repository :param args: the discipline arguments :return: None. """ name_up = self.searchByID(disciplineID).name self.__discipline_repository.delete(disciplineID) redo = FunctionCall(self.removeDiscipline, disciplineID) undo = FunctionCall(self.addDiscipline, disciplineID, name_up) operation = Operation(redo, undo) self.__undoController.recordOperation(operation)
def addDiscipline(self, disciplineID, name): """ Add a discipline to the repository :param args: the discipline arguments :return: None. """ discipline = Discipline(disciplineID, name) redo = FunctionCall(self.addDiscipline, disciplineID, name) undo = FunctionCall(self.removeDiscipline, disciplineID) operation = Operation(redo, undo) self.__undoController.recordOperation(operation)
def addStudent(self, studentID, name): """ Add a student to the repository :param args: the student arguments :return: None. """ student = Student(studentID, name) redo = FunctionCall(self.addStudent, studentID, name) undo = FunctionCall(self.removeStudent, studentID) operation = Operation(redo, undo) self.__undoController.recordOperation(operation)
def removeRental(self, id, recordForUndo=True): rental = self.getRentalById(id) oldRental = copy.deepcopy(rental) if recordForUndo: undo = FunctionCall(self.addRental, oldRental.getId(), oldRental.getBookId(), oldRental.getClientId(), oldRental.getRentedDate(), oldRental.getDueDate(), oldRental.getReturnedDate(), False) redo = FunctionCall(self.removeRental, oldRental.getId(), False) operation = Operation(redo, undo) self._undoController.recordOperation(operation) self._rentalRepo.remove(rental) return oldRental
def addBook(self, id, title, description, author, recordForUndo=True): """ Adds a new book :param book: class Book :return: book - for undo/redo """ if self.checkId(id) == False: raise InvalidIdException book = Book(id, title, description, author) self._bookRepo.add(book) if recordForUndo == True: undo = FunctionCall(self.removeBook, id, False) redo = FunctionCall(self.addBook, id, title, description, author, False) operation = Operation(redo, undo) self._undoController.recordOperation(operation) return book