def test_calls_argparse_function_argument_parser(self, mock_argument_parser): """ Unit test for ArgumentParser, checks that our argument parser was created correctly """ ticker_argument_parser() mock_argument_parser.assert_called_with( description="Select a file or feed to parse.", fromfile_prefix_chars='@')
def test_calls_argparse_function_argument_parser(self, mock_parser): """ Unit test for controller.utilities.ticker_argument_parser. Checks that our argument parser was reated correctly. """ self.description = "Select a file or feed to parse." ticker_argument_parser() mock_parser.assert_called_with(description=self.description, fromfile_prefix_chars='@')
def test_default_timer(self): """ Unit test for controller.utilities.ticker_argument_parser's default timer value. """ sys.argv = ['this is the prog field (the name of the program'] args = ticker_argument_parser() self.assertTrue(args.timer, args.logger) self.assertFalse(args.file) self.assertEqual(args.timer, 10)
def test_timer(self): """ Unit test for controller.utilities.ticker_argument_parser's timer argument. """ sys.argv = ['news ticker', '--timer', '17'] args = ticker_argument_parser() self.assertTrue(args.timer, args.logger) self.assertFalse(args.file) self.assertEqual(args.timer, 17)
def test_file(self): """ Unit test for controller.utilities.ticker_argument_parser's file argument. """ fake_file = ['fakefile.txt'] sys.argv = ['test', '--file', fake_file[0]] args = ticker_argument_parser() self.assertTrue(args.file, args.timer) self.assertEqual(args.file, fake_file)
def test_url(self): """ Unit test for controller.utilities.ticker_argument_parser's url argument. """ fake_url = [''] sys.argv = ['test', '--url', fake_url[0]] args = ticker_argument_parser() self.assertTrue(args.url, args.timer) self.assertEqual(args.url, fake_url)
def test_has_each_argument(self): """ Unit test for controller.utilities.ticker_argument_parser. Are all args present? """ sys.argv = ['PRSST'] args = ticker_argument_parser() self.assertTrue('url' in args) self.assertTrue('file' in args) self.assertTrue('logger' in args) self.assertTrue('timer' in args)
def test_logger(self): """ Unit test for controller.utilities.ticker_argument_parser's logger argument. """ fake_logger = ['WARNING'] sys.argv = ['test', '--logger', fake_logger[0]] args = ticker_argument_parser() self.assertTrue(args.logger, args.timer) self.assertFalse(args.file) self.assertEqual(args.logger, fake_logger)
def test_all_args(self): """ Unit test for controller.utilities.ticker_argument_parser testing the handling of all arguments at once.""" # TODO, finish this test. The argument needs to be expanded url = "" time = 13 file = 'some/file.txt' logger = 'ERROR' sys.argv = ['test', '--url', url] args = ticker_argument_parser() self.assertEqual(args.url[0], url)
def test_multiple_urls(self): """ Unit test for controller.utilities.ticker_argument_parser's url argument with multiple urls. """ fake_url = ['', ''] sys.argv = ['test', '--url', fake_url[0], fake_url[1]] args = ticker_argument_parser() self.assertTrue(args.url, args.timer) self.assertEqual(args.url[0], fake_url[0]) self.assertEqual(args.url[1], fake_url[1])
def main(mainView): """ Controller.tiny_ticker.main gathers command-line args, calls the model, initiates the title loop Arguments: mainView: an instance of model.MainView """ tt_logger.debug('main') arguments = ticker_argument_parser() feed = parse(arguments.url[0]) feed.reverse() ten_second_loop(mainView, arguments.timer, feed)
Contains methods for mediating communication between this application's modules. It also initializes and runs the Tiny Ticker application. """ import threading from model import parser from typing import List from model.article import Article from view.main_view import start_main_view, MainView from model.feed_manager import create_feed_manager, FeedManager from controller.utilities import logger, ticker_argument_parser tt_logger = logger('controller.tiny_ticker') arguments = ticker_argument_parser() def ten_second_loop(main_view: MainView, cycle, feed_manager: FeedManager): """ controller.tiny_ticker.ten_second_loop Switches the display every <cycle> seconds. This function spans a timed looping thread. Every 'cycle' seconds this function calls it's self to continue the loop. It is a daemon thread so it acts in the background and it calls controller.title_loop.call_switch_display. Arguments: main_view -- the MainView which displays articles. cycle -- the amount of time between view changes. User input from the command line. feed_manager -- the FeedManager which will provide the next article to display """