def send_chosen_letter(self): """ Send's the chosen letter :return: void """ choice = str(self.comboBox.currentText()) choice = 0x0000 + ord(choice) controller.connect() res = controller.set_drive_letter(choice) if res == "0x0": driveoptions.save_letter_option(choice) self.close() else: self.label.setText("The drive program was not tracebale. Sorry but you\ could consider reinstalling your ZelDrive.\nThanks")
def del_image(path): """ Borra la imagen de un animal """ success = False con = controller.connect() c = con.cursor() pos = 0 name = "" if path != "": while path[pos] != ".": name = name + path[pos] pos += 1 query = """DELETE FROM imagen WHERE ubicacion=?""" try: c.execute(query,[name]) con.commit() success = True except sqlite3.Error as e: success = False print "Error:", e.args[0] con.close() return success else: return success
def get_image(id_animal): """ Obtiene la imagen de un animal especifico """ con = controller.connect() c = con.cursor() query = """SELECT ubicacion, formato FROM imagen WHERE fk_id_animal=?""" c.execute(query,[id_animal]) image = c.fetchone() return image
def get_id_animal(animal): """ Obtiene el id del animal """ con = controller.connect() c = con.cursor() query = """SELECT id_animal FROM animal WHERE nombre_comun=?""" c.execute(query, [animal]) id_animal = c.fetchone() result = id_animal[0] con.close() return result
def get_id_type(tipo): """ Obtiene el id del tipo """ con = controller.connect() c = con.cursor() query = """SELECT id_tipo FROM tipo WHERE nombre=?""" c.execute(query, [tipo]) id_tipo = c.fetchone() result = id_tipo[0] con.close() return result
def get_image_pix(id_animal): """ Carga la imagen ya almacenada en la base de datos """ con = controller.connect() c = con.cursor() query = """SELECT ubicacion, formato FROM imagen WHERE fk_id_animal=?""" c.execute(query,[id_animal]) result = c.fetchone() if result: path = result[0] format = result[1] image = QDir.currentPath()+"/images/"+path+format pixMap = QPixmap(image) return pixMap
def search_image(id_animal, Ifile): """ Busca imagen de un animal """ success = False con = controller.connect() c = con.cursor() query = """SELECT ubicacion, formato FROM imagen WHERE fk_id_animal =?""" c.execute(query,[id_animal]) result = c.fetchone() try: if not result: success = True except: print "asdfasdf" success = False return success
def add_animal(common,cientific,data,id_type): """ Agrega un nuevo animal a la base de datos """ success = False con = controller.connect() c = con.cursor() values = [common,cientific,data,id_type] query = """INSERT INTO animal (nombre_comun, nombre_cientifico, datos, fk_id_tipo) VALUES(?,?,?,?)""" try: result = c.execute(query, values) success = True con.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: success = False print "Error: ", e.args[0] con.close() return success
def add_image_dir(animal,path): """ Agrega la imagen a la base de datos """ con = controller.connect() c = con.cursor() pos = 0 name = "" while path[pos] != ".": name = name + path[pos] pos += 1 format = "" while pos <= len(path)-1: format = format + path[pos] pos += 1 query = """INSERT INTO imagen (ubicacion,formato,fk_id_animal) VALUES(?,?,?)""" c.execute(query,[name,format,animal]) con.commit() con.close
def edit_animal(id_animal,common,cientific,data,id_type): """ Actualiza el animal en la base de datos """ success = False con = controller.connect() c = con.cursor() values = [common,cientific,data,id_type,id_animal] query = """UPDATE animal SET nombre_comun=?, nombre_cientifico =?, datos=?, fk_id_tipo=? WHERE id_animal=?""" try: result = c.execute(query, values) success = True con.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: success = False print "Error: ", e.args[0] con.close() return success
import controller import data if __name__ == '__main__': log = open('log.txt', 'a+') #defining a file with logs data._DEV, data._COMM_LIB = controller.connect() while 1: data._TIME, data._CARD = controller.get_event(data._DEV, data._COMM_LIB) code = controller.hash_query(data._TIME, data._CARD, data.API_KEY) controller.perform_query(code) controller.contorl_device(data._RESP) log.write('\n' + repr(data._LOG.value))
import argparse import controller from controller import LED_SIZE, LED_COUNT def colorize(val, max_val): return int(1.0 * val / max_val * 255) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test that blinkenbox maan!') parser.add_argument('dev', help='The device to send commands to') args = parser.parse_args() with controller.connect( as con: for x in range(LED_SIZE.w): for y in range(LED_SIZE.h): controller.set_pixel(con, (x, y), colorize(x, LED_SIZE.h), colorize(y, LED_SIZE.w), colorize(x * y, LED_COUNT)) controller.end_frame(con)
def DBSession(): session = connect('drinking.db') return session()