Exemple #1
def joystick_thread():
    """Manage the joysticks with PyGame"""
    global PLAYERS
    global bulletSpawnOk


    # Wait until we have a joystick
    # TODO: Doesn't account for unplugged.
    while not pygame.joystick.get_count():
        print "No Joystick detected!"

    # This loop will avoid trying to initialize any disconnected controllers (such as wii-mote)
    initjoy = -1
    for iX in range(0, pygame.joystick.get_count()):
        js = pygame.joystick.Joystick(iX)
        if js.get_numaxes() > 0:
            initjoy = js
            print "Joystick #%i %s axis=%s btn=%s" % (
                iX, js.get_name(), js.get_numaxes(), js.get_numbuttons())

    p1 = Player(initjoy, rgb=COLOR_PINK)


    numButtons = p1.js.get_numbuttons()  # XXX NO!
    bulletLastFired = datetime.now()

    # Controller wrapper (Xbox, PS3, etc.)
    controller = setup_controls(p1.js)

    # Bullet color increment
    ship = STATE.ship
    ci = 0

    while True:
        e = pygame.event.get()

        for p in PLAYERS:
            lVert, lHori, rVert, rHori = (0, 0, 0, 0)

            lVert = controller.getLeftVert()
            lHori = controller.getLeftHori()
            rVert = controller.getRightVert()
            rHori = controller.getRightHori()

            if abs(rVert) > 0.2:
                y = ship.y
                y += -1 * int(rVert * SIMPLE_TRANSLATION_SPD)
                if MIN_Y < y < MAX_Y:
                    ship.y = y

            if abs(rHori) > 0.2:
                x = ship.x
                x += -1 * int(rHori * SIMPLE_TRANSLATION_SPD)
                if MIN_X < x < MAX_X:
                    ship.x = x

            # Player rotation
            t = math.atan2(lVert, lHori)
            ship.theta = t

            # Health Bar Location
            STATE.healthbar.x = ship.x
            STATE.healthbar.y = ship.y - 2500

            # Both triggers shoot
            tOff = [0.0, -1.0]
            trigger = True

            if controller.getLeftTrigger() in tOff and \
              controller.getRightTrigger() in tOff:
                trigger = False

            if bulletSpawnOk and trigger:
                td = timedelta(milliseconds=150)  # TODO: Cache this.
                if datetime.now() > bulletLastFired + td:
                    ang = ship.theta + math.pi

                    ci = (ci + 1) % len(colors)
                    color = colors[ci]
                    b = Bullet(ship.x, ship.y, rgb=color, shotAngle=ang)
                    bulletLastFired = datetime.now()
                    ch = pew.play()

        time.sleep(0.02)  # Keep this thread from hogging CPU
def joystick_thread():
	"""Manage the joysticks with PyGame"""
	global PLAYERS
	global bulletSpawnOk


	# Wait until we have a joystick
	# TODO: Doesn't account for unplugged. 
	while not pygame.joystick.get_count():
		print "No Joystick detected!"

	p1 = Player(pygame.joystick.Joystick(0),
			rgb = COLOR_PINK)


	numButtons = p1.js.get_numbuttons() # XXX NO!
	bulletLastFired = datetime.now()

	# Controller wrapper (Xbox, PS3, etc.)
	controller = setup_controls(p1.js)

	# Bullet color increment
	ship = STATE.ship
	ci = 0

	while True:
		e = pygame.event.get()

		for p in PLAYERS:
			lVert, lHori, rVert, rHori = (0, 0, 0, 0)

			lVert = controller.getLeftVert()
			lHori = controller.getLeftHori()
			rVert = controller.getRightVert()
			rHori = controller.getRightHori()

			if abs(rVert) > 0.2:
				y = ship.y
				y += -1 * int(rVert * SIMPLE_TRANSLATION_SPD)
				if MIN_Y < y < MAX_Y:
					ship.y = y

			if abs(rHori) > 0.2:
				x = ship.x
				x += -1 * int(rHori * SIMPLE_TRANSLATION_SPD)
				if MIN_X < x < MAX_X:
					ship.x = x

			# Player rotation
			t = math.atan2(lVert, lHori)
			ship.theta = t

			# Health Bar Location
			STATE.healthbar.x = ship.x
			STATE.healthbar.y = ship.y - 2500

			# Both triggers shoot
			tOff = [0.0, -1.0]
			trigger = True

			if controller.getLeftTrigger() in tOff and \
					controller.getRightTrigger() in tOff:
				trigger = False

			if bulletSpawnOk and trigger:
				td = timedelta(milliseconds=150) # TODO: Cache this.
				if datetime.now() > bulletLastFired + td:
					ang = ship.theta + math.pi

					ci = (ci+1) % len(colors)
					color = colors[ci]
					b = Bullet(ship.x, ship.y, rgb=color, shotAngle=ang)
					bulletLastFired = datetime.now()

		time.sleep(0.02) # Keep this thread from hogging CPU
Exemple #3
def joystick_thread():
	"""Manage the joysticks with PyGame"""
	global PLAYERS
        global player
	global bulletSpawnOk


	# Wait until we have a joystick
	# TODO: Doesn't account for unplugged. 
	while not pygame.joystick.get_count():
		print "No Joystick detected!"

	p1 = Player(pygame.joystick.Joystick(0),
			rgb = COLOR_PINK)

        player = p1

	numButtons = p1.js.get_numbuttons() # XXX NO!
	bulletLastFired = datetime.now()

	# Controller wrapper (Xbox, PS3, etc.)
	controller = setup_controls(p1.js)
        print controller

	# Bullet color increment
	ci = 0

	while True:
                ship = STATE.ship
		e = pygame.event.get()
                if e:
                        print e
		for p in PLAYERS:
			lVert, lHori, rVert, rHori = (0, 0, 0, 0)

			lVert = controller.getLeftVert()
			lHori = controller.getLeftHori()
			rVert = controller.getRightVert()
			rHori = controller.getRightHori()

			if abs(rVert) > 0.2:
				y = ship.y
				y += -1 * rVert * SIMPLE_TRANSLATION_SPD
                                if y > MAX_Y:
                                        y = MIN_Y
                                if y < MIN_Y:
                                        y = MAX_Y
				if MIN_Y <= y <= MAX_Y:
					ship.y = y

			if abs(rHori) > 0.2:
				x = ship.x
				x += 1 * rHori * SIMPLE_TRANSLATION_SPD
                                if x > MAX_X:
                                        x = MIN_X
                                if x < MIN_X:
                                        x = MAX_X
				if MIN_X <= x <= MAX_X:
					ship.x = x

                        if controller.getThrustButton() not in [0.0, -1.0]:
                                accel = 0.0005
                                accelX = accel * math.cos(ship.theta)
                                accelY = accel * math.sin(ship.theta)
                                ship.xVel -= accelX
                                ship.yVel -= accelY
                                MAX_V = 0.04
                                if ship.xVel > MAX_V:
                                        ship.xVel = MAX_V
                                if ship.xVel < -MAX_V:
                                        ship.xVel = -MAX_V
                                if ship.yVel > MAX_V:
                                        ship.yVel = MAX_V
                                if ship.yVel < -MAX_V:
                                        ship.yVel = -MAX_V
                                ship.vel = math.sqrt(ship.yVel * ship.yVel + ship.xVel * ship.xVel)
                                vel_theta = math.atan2(ship.yVel, ship.xVel)
                        elif abs(ship.vel) > 0.0:
                                if ship.vel > 0.0:
                                        ship.vel -= 0.0001
                                        if ship.vel < 0.0:
                                                ship.vel = 0.0
                                if ship.vel < 0.0:
                                        ship.vel += 0.0001
                                        if ship.vel > 0.0:
                                                ship.vel = 0.0
                                ship.xVel = ship.vel * math.cos(vel_theta)
                                ship.yVel = ship.vel * math.sin(vel_theta)

                        print "accel_theta, vel, xvel, yvel = ", ship.accel_theta, ship.vel, ship.xVel, ship.yVel

			# Player rotation
			#t = math.atan2(lVert, -lHori)
			ship.theta -= lHori * 0.1

			# Health Bar Location
			#STATE.healthbar.x = ship.x
			#STATE.healthbar.y = ship.y + 0.1

			# Both triggers shoot
			tOff = [0.0, -1.0]
			trigger = True
                        #print controller.getLeftTrigger()
			if controller.getLeftTrigger() in tOff and \
					controller.getRightTrigger() in tOff:
				trigger = False

			if bulletSpawnOk and trigger:
				td = timedelta(milliseconds=150) # TODO: Cache this.
				if datetime.now() > bulletLastFired + td:
					ang = ship.theta + math.pi

					ci = (ci+1) % len(colors)
					color = colors[ci]
					b = Bullet(ship.x, ship.y, rgb=color, shotAngle=ang)
					bulletLastFired = datetime.now()
                        if STATE.gameOver and controller.getStartButton() not in [0.0, -1.0]:
                                STATE.startNewGame = True

		time.sleep(0.02) # Keep this thread from hogging CPU