def run(self): """Play the forward motion and loop on the walking cycle.""" walk = Motion('forward.motion') walk.setLoop(True) while True: # # This motor is not controlled by forward.motion. # self.RHipYawPitch.setPosition(-1) # print walk.getTime() # display the current time of the forward.motion if walk.getTime() == 1360: # we reached the end of forward.motion walk.setTime(360) # loop back to the beginning of the walking sequence # Perform a simulation step, quit if the simulation is over. if self.step(self.timeStep) == -1: break
class Nao(Robot): PHALANX_MAX = 8 # load motion files def loadMotionFiles(self): self.handWave = Motion('../../motions/HandWave.motion') self.forwards = Motion('../../motions/Forwards50.motion') self.backwards = Motion('../../motions/Backwards.motion') self.sideStepLeft = Motion('../../motions/SideStepLeft.motion') self.sideStepRight = Motion('../../motions/SideStepRight.motion') self.turnLeft60 = Motion('../../motions/TurnLeft60.motion') self.turnRight60 = Motion('../../motions/TurnRight60.motion') def startMotion(self, motion): # interrupt current motion if self.currentlyPlaying: self.currentlyPlaying.stop() # start new motion self.currentlyPlaying = motion # the accelerometer axes are oriented as on the real robot # however the sign of the returned values may be opposite def printAcceleration(self): acc = self.accelerometer.getValues() print('----------accelerometer----------') print('acceleration: [ x y z ] = [%f %f %f]' % (acc[0], acc[1], acc[2])) # the gyro axes are oriented as on the real robot # however the sign of the returned values may be opposite def printGyro(self): vel = self.gyro.getValues() print('----------gyro----------') # z value is meaningless due to the orientation of the Gyro print('angular velocity: [ x y ] = [%f %f]' % (vel[0], vel[1])) def printGps(self): p = self.gps.getValues() print('----------gps----------') print('position: [ x y z ] = [%f %f %f]' % (p[0], p[1], p[2])) # the InertialUnit roll/pitch angles are equal to naoqi's AngleX/AngleY def printInertialUnit(self): rpy = self.inertialUnit.getRollPitchYaw() print('----------inertial unit----------') print('roll/pitch/yaw: [%f %f %f]' % (rpy[0], rpy[1], rpy[2])) def printFootSensors(self): newtons = 0.0 fsv = [] # force sensor values fsv.append(self.fsr[0].getValues()) fsv.append(self.fsr[1].getValues()) l = [] r = [] newtonsLeft = 0 newtonsRight = 0 # The coefficients were calibrated against the real # robot so as to obtain realistic sensor values. l.append(fsv[0][2] / 3.4 + 1.5 * fsv[0][0] + 1.15 * fsv[0][1]) # Left Foot Front Left l.append(fsv[0][2] / 3.4 + 1.5 * fsv[0][0] - 1.15 * fsv[0][1]) # Left Foot Front Right l.append(fsv[0][2] / 3.4 - 1.5 * fsv[0][0] - 1.15 * fsv[0][1]) # Left Foot Rear Right l.append(fsv[0][2] / 3.4 - 1.5 * fsv[0][0] + 1.15 * fsv[0][1]) # Left Foot Rear Left r.append(fsv[1][2] / 3.4 + 1.5 * fsv[1][0] + 1.15 * fsv[1][1]) # Right Foot Front Left r.append(fsv[1][2] / 3.4 + 1.5 * fsv[1][0] - 1.15 * fsv[1][1]) # Right Foot Front Right r.append(fsv[1][2] / 3.4 - 1.5 * fsv[1][0] - 1.15 * fsv[1][1]) # Right Foot Rear Right r.append(fsv[1][2] / 3.4 - 1.5 * fsv[1][0] + 1.15 * fsv[1][1]) # Right Foot Rear Left for i in range(0, len(l)): l[i] = max(min(l[i], 25), 0) r[i] = max(min(r[i], 25), 0) newtonsLeft += l[i] newtonsRight += r[i] print('----------foot sensors----------') print('+ left ---- right +') print('+-------+ +-------+') print('|' + str(round(l[0],1)) + \ ' ' + str(round(l[1],1)) + \ '| |'+ str(round(r[0],1)) + \ ' ' + str(round(r[1],1)) + \ '| front') print('| ----- | | ----- |') print('|' + str(round(l[3],1)) + \ ' ' + str(round(l[2],1)) + \ '| |'+ str(round(r[3],1)) + \ ' ' + str(round(r[2],1)) + \ '| back') print('+-------+ +-------+') print('total: %f Newtons, %f kilograms' \ % ((newtonsLeft + newtonsRight), ((newtonsLeft + newtonsRight)/9.81))) def printFootBumpers(self): ll = self.lfootlbumper.getValue() lr = self.lfootrbumper.getValue() rl = self.rfootlbumper.getValue() rr = self.rfootrbumper.getValue() print('----------foot bumpers----------') print('+ left ------ right +') print('+--------+ +--------+') print('|' + str(ll) + ' ' + str(lr) + '| |' + str(rl) + ' ' + str(rr) + '|') print('| | | |') print('| | | |') print('+--------+ +--------+') def printUltrasoundSensors(self): dist = [] for i in range(0, len( dist.append([i].getValue()) print('-----ultrasound sensors-----') print('left: %f m, right %f m' % (dist[0], dist[1])) def printCameraImage(self, camera): scaled = 2 # defines by which factor the image is subsampled width = camera.getWidth() height = camera.getHeight() # read rgb pixel values from the camera image = camera.getImage() print('----------camera image (gray levels)---------') print('original resolution: %d x %d, scaled to %d x %f' \ % (width, height, width/scaled, height/scaled)) for y in range(0, height / scaled): line = '' for x in range(0, width / scaled): gray = camera.imageGetGray( image, width, x * scaled, y * scaled) * 9 / 255 # between 0 and instead of 0 and 255 line = line + str(int(gray)) print(line) def setAllLedsColor(self, rgb): # these leds take RGB values for i in range(0, len(self.leds)): self.leds[i].set(rgb) # ear leds are single color (blue) # and take values between 0 - 255 self.leds[5].set(rgb & 0xFF) self.leds[6].set(rgb & 0xFF) def setHandsAngle(self, angle): for i in range(0, self.PHALANX_MAX): clampedAngle = angle if clampedAngle > self.maxPhalanxMotorPosition[i]: clampedAngle = self.maxPhalanxMotorPosition[i] elif clampedAngle < self.minPhalanxMotorPosition[i]: clampedAngle = self.minPhalanxMotorPosition[i] if len(self.rphalanx) > i and self.rphalanx[i] is not None: self.rphalanx[i].setPosition(clampedAngle) if len(self.lphalanx) > i and self.lphalanx[i] is not None: self.lphalanx[i].setPosition(clampedAngle) def printHelp(self): print('----------nao_demo_python----------') print('Use the keyboard to control the robots (one at a time)') print('(The 3D window need to be focused)') print('[Up][Down]: move one step forward/backwards') print('[<-][->]: side step left/right') print('[Shift] + [<-][->]: turn left/right') print('[U]: print ultrasound sensors') print('[A]: print accelerometers') print('[G]: print gyros') print('[S]: print gps') print('[I]: print inertial unit (roll/pitch/yaw)') print('[F]: print foot sensors') print('[B]: print foot bumpers') print('[Home][End]: print scaled top/bottom camera image') print('[PageUp][PageDown]: open/close hands') print('[7][8][9]: change all leds RGB color') print('[0]: turn all leds off') print('[H]: print this help message') def findAndEnableDevices(self): # get the time step of the current world. self.timeStep = int(self.getBasicTimeStep()) # camera self.cameraTop = self.getCamera("CameraTop") self.cameraBottom = self.getCamera("CameraBottom") self.cameraTop.enable(4 * self.timeStep) self.cameraBottom.enable(4 * self.timeStep) # accelerometer self.accelerometer = self.getAccelerometer('accelerometer') self.accelerometer.enable(4 * self.timeStep) # gyro self.gyro = self.getGyro('gyro') self.gyro.enable(4 * self.timeStep) # gps self.gps = self.getGPS('gps') self.gps.enable(4 * self.timeStep) # inertial unit self.inertialUnit = self.getInertialUnit('inertial unit') self.inertialUnit.enable(self.timeStep) # ultrasound sensors = [] usNames = ['Sonar/Left', 'Sonar/Right'] for i in range(0, len(usNames)):[i]))[i].enable(self.timeStep) # foot sensors self.fsr = [] fsrNames = ['LFsr', 'RFsr'] for i in range(0, len(fsrNames)): self.fsr.append(self.getTouchSensor(fsrNames[i])) self.fsr[i].enable(self.timeStep) # foot bumpers self.lfootlbumper = self.getTouchSensor('LFoot/Bumper/Left') self.lfootrbumper = self.getTouchSensor('LFoot/Bumper/Right') self.rfootlbumper = self.getTouchSensor('RFoot/Bumper/Left') self.rfootrbumper = self.getTouchSensor('RFoot/Bumper/Right') self.lfootlbumper.enable(self.timeStep) self.lfootrbumper.enable(self.timeStep) self.rfootlbumper.enable(self.timeStep) self.rfootrbumper.enable(self.timeStep) # there are 7 controlable LED groups in Webots self.leds = [] self.leds.append(self.getLED('ChestBoard/Led')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('RFoot/Led')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('LFoot/Led')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('Face/Led/Right')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('Face/Led/Left')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('Ears/Led/Right')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('Ears/Led/Left')) # get phalanx motor tags # the real Nao has only 2 motors for RHand/LHand # but in Webots we must implement RHand/LHand with 2x8 motors self.lphalanx = [] self.rphalanx = [] self.maxPhalanxMotorPosition = [] self.minPhalanxMotorPosition = [] for i in range(0, self.PHALANX_MAX): self.lphalanx.append(self.getMotor("LPhalanx%d" % (i + 1))) self.rphalanx.append(self.getMotor("RPhalanx%d" % (i + 1))) # assume right and left hands have the same motor position bounds self.maxPhalanxMotorPosition.append( self.rphalanx[i].getMaxPosition()) self.minPhalanxMotorPosition.append( self.rphalanx[i].getMinPosition()) # shoulder pitch motors self.RShoulderPitch = self.getMotor("RShoulderPitch") self.LShoulderPitch = self.getMotor("LShoulderPitch") # keyboard self.keyboard = self.getKeyboard() self.keyboard.enable(10 * self.timeStep) def __init__(self): Robot.__init__(self) self.currentlyPlaying = False # initialize stuff self.findAndEnableDevices() self.loadMotionFiles() self.printHelp() def run(self): self.handWave.setLoop(True) # until a key is pressed key = -1 while robot.step(self.timeStep) != -1: key = self.keyboard.getKey() if key > 0: break self.handWave.setLoop(False) while True: key = self.keyboard.getKey() if key == Keyboard.LEFT: self.startMotion(self.sideStepLeft) elif key == Keyboard.RIGHT: self.startMotion(self.sideStepRight) elif key == Keyboard.UP: self.startMotion(self.forwards) elif key == Keyboard.DOWN: self.startMotion(self.backwards) elif key == Keyboard.LEFT | Keyboard.SHIFT: self.startMotion(self.turnLeft60) elif key == Keyboard.RIGHT | Keyboard.SHIFT: self.startMotion(self.turnRight60) elif key == ord('A'): self.printAcceleration() elif key == ord('G'): self.printGyro() elif key == ord('S'): self.printGps() elif key == ord('I'): self.printInertialUnit() elif key == ord('F'): self.printFootSensors() elif key == ord('B'): self.printFootBumpers() elif key == ord('U'): self.printUltrasoundSensors() elif key == Keyboard.HOME: self.printCameraImage(self.cameraTop) elif key == Keyboard.END: self.printCameraImage(self.cameraBottom) elif key == Keyboard.PAGEUP: self.setHandsAngle(0.96) elif key == Keyboard.PAGEDOWN: self.setHandsAngle(0.0) elif key == ord('7'): self.setAllLedsColor(0xff0000) # red elif key == ord('8'): self.setAllLedsColor(0x00ff00) # green elif key == ord('9'): self.setAllLedsColor(0x0000ff) # blue elif key == ord('0'): self.setAllLedsColor(0x000000) # off elif key == ord('H'): self.printHelp() if robot.step(self.timeStep) == -1: break
class Nao(Robot): PHALANX_MAX = 8 def startMindwave(self): self.outfile = "data_eeg.csv" p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, ''], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # load motion files def loadMotionFiles(self): self.handWave = Motion('../../motions/HandWave.motion') self.forwards = Motion('../../motions/Forwards50.motion') self.backwards = Motion('../../motions/Backwards.motion') self.sideStepLeft = Motion('../../motions/SideStepLeft.motion') self.sideStepRight = Motion('../../motions/SideStepRight.motion') self.turnLeft60 = Motion('../../motions/TurnLeft60.motion') self.turnRight60 = Motion('../../motions/TurnRight60.motion') def startMotion(self, motion): # interrupt current motion if self.currentlyPlaying: self.currentlyPlaying.stop() # start new motion self.currentlyPlaying = motion def setAllLedsColor(self, rgb): # these leds take RGB values for i in range(0, len(self.leds)): self.leds[i].set(rgb) # ear leds are single color (blue) # and take values between 0 - 255 self.leds[5].set(rgb & 0xFF) self.leds[6].set(rgb & 0xFF) def setHandsAngle(self, angle): for i in range(0, self.PHALANX_MAX): clampedAngle = angle if clampedAngle > self.maxPhalanxMotorPosition[i]: clampedAngle = self.maxPhalanxMotorPosition[i] elif clampedAngle < self.minPhalanxMotorPosition[i]: clampedAngle = self.minPhalanxMotorPosition[i] if len(self.rphalanx) > i and self.rphalanx[i] is not None: self.rphalanx[i].setPosition(clampedAngle) if len(self.lphalanx) > i and self.lphalanx[i] is not None: self.lphalanx[i].setPosition(clampedAngle) def findAndEnableDevices(self): # get the time step of the current world. self.timeStep = int(self.getBasicTimeStep()) # camera self.cameraTop = self.getCamera("CameraTop") self.cameraBottom = self.getCamera("CameraBottom") self.cameraTop.enable(4 * self.timeStep) self.cameraBottom.enable(4 * self.timeStep) # accelerometer self.accelerometer = self.getAccelerometer('accelerometer') self.accelerometer.enable(4 * self.timeStep) # gyro self.gyro = self.getGyro('gyro') self.gyro.enable(4 * self.timeStep) # gps self.gps = self.getGPS('gps') self.gps.enable(4 * self.timeStep) # inertial unit self.inertialUnit = self.getInertialUnit('inertial unit') self.inertialUnit.enable(self.timeStep) # ultrasound sensors = [] usNames = ['Sonar/Left', 'Sonar/Right'] for i in range(0, len(usNames)):[i]))[i].enable(self.timeStep) # foot sensors self.fsr = [] fsrNames = ['LFsr', 'RFsr'] for i in range(0, len(fsrNames)): self.fsr.append(self.getTouchSensor(fsrNames[i])) self.fsr[i].enable(self.timeStep) # foot bumpers self.lfootlbumper = self.getTouchSensor('LFoot/Bumper/Left') self.lfootrbumper = self.getTouchSensor('LFoot/Bumper/Right') self.rfootlbumper = self.getTouchSensor('RFoot/Bumper/Left') self.rfootrbumper = self.getTouchSensor('RFoot/Bumper/Right') self.lfootlbumper.enable(self.timeStep) self.lfootrbumper.enable(self.timeStep) self.rfootlbumper.enable(self.timeStep) self.rfootrbumper.enable(self.timeStep) # there are 7 controlable LED groups in Webots self.leds = [] self.leds.append(self.getLED('ChestBoard/Led')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('RFoot/Led')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('LFoot/Led')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('Face/Led/Right')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('Face/Led/Left')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('Ears/Led/Right')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('Ears/Led/Left')) # get phalanx motor tags # the real Nao has only 2 motors for RHand/LHand # but in Webots we must implement RHand/LHand with 2x8 motors self.lphalanx = [] self.rphalanx = [] self.maxPhalanxMotorPosition = [] self.minPhalanxMotorPosition = [] for i in range(0, self.PHALANX_MAX): self.lphalanx.append(self.getMotor("LPhalanx%d" % (i + 1))) self.rphalanx.append(self.getMotor("RPhalanx%d" % (i + 1))) # assume right and left hands have the same motor position bounds self.maxPhalanxMotorPosition.append( self.rphalanx[i].getMaxPosition()) self.minPhalanxMotorPosition.append( self.rphalanx[i].getMinPosition()) # shoulder pitch motors self.RShoulderPitch = self.getMotor("RShoulderPitch") self.LShoulderPitch = self.getMotor("LShoulderPitch") # keyboard self.keyboard = self.getKeyboard() self.keyboard.enable(10 * self.timeStep) def __init__(self): Robot.__init__(self) self.currentlyPlaying = False # initialize stuff self.findAndEnableDevices() self.loadMotionFiles() self.startMindwave() def getWaves(self): poorSignalLevel = blinkStrength = attention = meditation = 0 with open(self.outfile, 'rb') as f: lines = f.readlines() f.close() last5 = np.genfromtxt(lines[-3:], delimiter=',') poorSignalLevel = last5[:, 0] blinkStrength = last5[:, 1] attention = last5[:, 2] meditation = last5[:, 3] poors = sum(poorSignalLevel > 0) blinks = sum(blinkStrength > 40) att = sum(attention > 50) med = sum(meditation < 40) #print(str(blinks)+","+str(att)) return poors, blinks, att, med def run(self): #self.handWave.setLoop(True) self.handWave.setLoop(False) turnAround = True while True: poorSignalLevel, blink_count, attention_count, meditation_count = self.getWaves( ) if poorSignalLevel > 0: self.setAllLedsColor(0xff0000) # red print("poor signal!!!") elif (blink_count > 0) and turnAround: print("turn around") self.setAllLedsColor(0x00ff00) # green while turnAround: for k in range(3 * self.timeStep): self.startMotion(self.turnRight60) robot.step(self.timeStep) poorSignalLevel, blink_count, attention_count, meditation_count = self.getWaves( ) if blink_count > 0: print("exit loop") turnAround = False elif attention_count > 0: print("go forward") turnAround = True self.setAllLedsColor(0x0000ff) # blue for k in range(3 * self.timeStep): self.startMotion(self.forwards) robot.step(self.timeStep) elif meditation_count > 0: self.setAllLedsColor(0x000000) # off #print("i am not cool") if robot.step(self.timeStep) == -1: break self.sock.close()
class Nao(Robot): PHALANX_MAX = 8 # load motion files def loadMotionFiles(self): self.handWave = Motion('../../motions/HandWave.motion') self.forwards = Motion('../../motions/Forwards50.motion') self.backwards = Motion('../../motions/Backwards.motion') self.sideStepLeft = Motion('../../motions/SideStepLeft.motion') self.sideStepRight = Motion('../../motions/SideStepRight.motion') self.turnLeft60 = Motion('../../motions/TurnLeft60.motion') self.turnRight60 = Motion('../../motions/TurnRight60.motion') def startMotion(self, motion): # interrupt current motion # if self.currentlyPlaying: # self.currentlyPlaying.stop() if (self.currentlyPlaying and self.currentlyPlaying != self.turnLeft60 and self.currentlyPlaying != self.turnRight60): self.currentlyPlaying.stop() self.updateOdometry() self.currentlyPlaying = motion else: self.currentlyPlaying = motion # start new motion # # self.currentlyPlaying = motion # the accelerometer axes are oriented as on the real robot # however the sign of the returned values may be opposite def printAcceleration(self): acc = self.accelerometer.getValues() print '----------accelerometer----------' print 'acceleration: [ x y z ] = [%f %f %f]' % (acc[0], acc[1], acc[2]) # the gyro axes are oriented as on the real robot # however the sign of the returned values may be opposite def printGyro(self): vel = self.gyro.getValues() print '----------gyro----------' # z value is meaningless due to the orientation of the Gyro print 'angular velocity: [ x y ] = [%f %f]' % (vel[0], vel[1]) def printGps(self): p = self.gps.getValues() print '----------gps----------' print 'position: [ x y z ] = [%f %f %f]' % (p[0], p[1], p[2]) p = self.HeadPitchS.getValue() print '----------HeadPitchS----------' print 'HeadPitchS : %f' % p p = self.RElbowRollS.getValue() print '----------RElbowRollS----------' print 'RElbowRollS : %f' % p p = self.LElbowRollS.getValue() a = self.LElbowRollS.getType() print '----------LElbowRollS----------' print 'LElbowRollS : %f %f' % (p, a) p = self.RShoulderPitchS.getValue() print '----------RShoulderPitchS----------' print 'RShoulderPitchS : %f' % p p = self.RAnklePitchS.getValue() print '----------RAnklePitchS----------' print 'RAnklePitchS : %f' % p # the InertialUnit roll/pitch angles are equal to naoqi's AngleX/AngleY def printInertialUnit(self): rpy = self.inertialUnit.getRollPitchYaw() print '----------inertial unit----------' print 'roll/pitch/yaw: [%f %f %f]' % (rpy[0], rpy[1], rpy[2]) def printFootSensors(self): newtons = 0.0 fsv = [] # force sensor values fsv.append(self.fsr[0].getValues()) fsv.append(self.fsr[1].getValues()) #a = self.getMotor("HeadYaw") l = [] r = [] newtonsLeft = 0 newtonsRight = 0 # The coefficients were calibrated against the real # robot so as to obtain realistic sensor values. l.append(fsv[0][2] / 3.4 + 1.5 * fsv[0][0] + 1.15 * fsv[0][1]) # Left Foot Front Left l.append(fsv[0][2] / 3.4 + 1.5 * fsv[0][0] - 1.15 * fsv[0][1]) # Left Foot Front Right l.append(fsv[0][2] / 3.4 - 1.5 * fsv[0][0] - 1.15 * fsv[0][1]) # Left Foot Rear Right l.append(fsv[0][2] / 3.4 - 1.5 * fsv[0][0] + 1.15 * fsv[0][1]) # Left Foot Rear Left r.append(fsv[1][2] / 3.4 + 1.5 * fsv[1][0] + 1.15 * fsv[1][1]) # Right Foot Front Left r.append(fsv[1][2] / 3.4 + 1.5 * fsv[1][0] - 1.15 * fsv[1][1]) # Right Foot Front Right r.append(fsv[1][2] / 3.4 - 1.5 * fsv[1][0] - 1.15 * fsv[1][1]) # Right Foot Rear Right r.append(fsv[1][2] / 3.4 - 1.5 * fsv[1][0] + 1.15 * fsv[1][1]) # Right Foot Rear Left for i in range(0, len(l)): l[i] = max(min(l[i], 25), 0) r[i] = max(min(r[i], 25), 0) newtonsLeft += l[i] newtonsRight += r[i] print '----------foot sensors----------' print '+ left ---- right +' print '+-------+ +-------+' print '|' + str(round(l[0],1)) + \ ' ' + str(round(l[1],1)) + \ '| |'+ str(round(r[0],1)) + \ ' ' + str(round(r[1],1)) + \ '| front' print '| ----- | | ----- |' print '|' + str(round(l[3],1)) + \ ' ' + str(round(l[2],1)) + \ '| |'+ str(round(r[3],1)) + \ ' ' + str(round(r[2],1)) + \ '| back' print '+-------+ +-------+' print 'total: %f Newtons, %f kilograms' \ % ((newtonsLeft + newtonsRight), ((newtonsLeft + newtonsRight)/9.81)) def printFootBumpers(self): ll = self.lfootlbumper.getValue() lr = self.lfootrbumper.getValue() rl = self.rfootlbumper.getValue() rr = self.rfootrbumper.getValue() print '----------foot bumpers----------' print '+ left ------ right +' print '+--------+ +--------+' print '|' + str(ll) + ' ' + str(lr) + '| |' + str(rl) + ' ' + str( rr) + '|' print '| | | |' print '| | | |' print '+--------+ +--------+' def printUltrasoundSensors(self): dist = [] for i in range(0, len( dist.append([i].getValue()) print '-----ultrasound sensors-----' print 'left: %f m, right %f m' % (dist[0], dist[1]) def printCameraImage(self, camera): scaled = 2 # defines by which factor the image is subsampled width = camera.getWidth() height = camera.getHeight() # read rgb pixel values from the camera image = camera.getImage() focal = camera.getFov() print "field of view ", print focal print '----------camera image (gray levels)---------' print 'original resolution: %d x %d, scaled to %d x %f' \ % (width, height, width/scaled, height/scaled) for y in range(0, height / scaled): line = '' for x in range(0, width / scaled): gray = camera.imageGetGray( image, width, x * scaled, y * scaled) * 9 / 255 # between 0 and instead of 0 and 255 line = line + str(int(gray)) print line def setAllLedsColor(self, rgb): # these leds take RGB values for i in range(0, len(self.leds)): self.leds[i].set(rgb) # ear leds are single color (blue) # and take values between 0 - 255 self.leds[5].set(rgb & 0xFF) self.leds[6].set(rgb & 0xFF) def setHandsAngle(self, angle): for i in range(0, self.PHALANX_MAX): clampedAngle = angle if clampedAngle > self.maxPhalanxMotorPosition[i]: clampedAngle = self.maxPhalanxMotorPosition[i] elif clampedAngle < self.minPhalanxMotorPosition[i]: clampedAngle = self.minPhalanxMotorPosition[i] if len(self.rphalanx) > i and self.rphalanx[i] is not None: self.rphalanx[i].setPosition(clampedAngle) if len(self.lphalanx) > i and self.lphalanx[i] is not None: self.lphalanx[i].setPosition(clampedAngle) def printHelp(self): print '----------nao_demo_python----------' print 'Use the keyboard to control the robots (one at a time)' print '(The 3D window need to be focused)' print '[Up][Down]: move one step forward/backwards' print '[<-][->]: side step left/right' print '[Shift] + [<-][->]: turn left/right' print '[U]: print ultrasound sensors' print '[A]: print accelerometers' print '[G]: print gyros' print '[S]: print gps' print '[I]: print inertial unit (roll/pitch/yaw)' print '[F]: print foot sensors' print '[B]: print foot bumpers' print '[Home][End]: print scaled top/bottom camera image' print '[PageUp][PageDown]: open/close hands' print '[7][8][9]: change all leds RGB color' print '[0]: turn all leds off' print '[H]: print this help message' def findAndEnableDevices(self): # get the time step of the current world. self.timeStep = int(self.getBasicTimeStep()) # camera self.cameraTop = self.getCamera("CameraTop") self.cameraBottom = self.getCamera("CameraBottom") self.cameraTop.enable(4 * self.timeStep) self.cameraBottom.enable(4 * self.timeStep) # accelerometer self.accelerometer = self.getAccelerometer('accelerometer') self.accelerometer.enable(4 * self.timeStep) # gyro self.gyro = self.getGyro('gyro') self.gyro.enable(4 * self.timeStep) # gps self.gps = self.getGPS('gps') self.gps.enable(4 * self.timeStep) # inertial unit self.inertialUnit = self.getInertialUnit('inertial unit') self.inertialUnit.enable(self.timeStep) # ultrasound sensors = [] usNames = ['Sonar/Left', 'Sonar/Right'] for i in range(0, len(usNames)):[i]))[i].enable(self.timeStep) # foot sensors self.fsr = [] fsrNames = ['LFsr', 'RFsr'] for i in range(0, len(fsrNames)): self.fsr.append(self.getTouchSensor(fsrNames[i])) self.fsr[i].enable(self.timeStep) # foot bumpers self.lfootlbumper = self.getTouchSensor('LFoot/Bumper/Left') self.lfootrbumper = self.getTouchSensor('LFoot/Bumper/Right') self.rfootlbumper = self.getTouchSensor('RFoot/Bumper/Left') self.rfootrbumper = self.getTouchSensor('RFoot/Bumper/Right') self.lfootlbumper.enable(self.timeStep) self.lfootrbumper.enable(self.timeStep) self.rfootlbumper.enable(self.timeStep) self.rfootrbumper.enable(self.timeStep) # there are 7 controlable LED groups in Webots self.leds = [] self.leds.append(self.getLED('ChestBoard/Led')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('RFoot/Led')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('LFoot/Led')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('Face/Led/Right')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('Face/Led/Left')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('Ears/Led/Right')) self.leds.append(self.getLED('Ears/Led/Left')) # get phalanx motor tags # the real Nao has only 2 motors for RHand/LHand # but in Webots we must implement RHand/LHand with 2x8 motors self.lphalanx = [] self.rphalanx = [] self.maxPhalanxMotorPosition = [] self.minPhalanxMotorPosition = [] for i in range(0, self.PHALANX_MAX): self.lphalanx.append(self.getMotor("LPhalanx%d" % (i + 1))) self.rphalanx.append(self.getMotor("RPhalanx%d" % (i + 1))) # assume right and left hands have the same motor position bounds self.maxPhalanxMotorPosition.append( self.rphalanx[i].getMaxPosition()) self.minPhalanxMotorPosition.append( self.rphalanx[i].getMinPosition()) #head self.HeadYaw = self.getMotor("HeadYaw") self.HeadPitch = self.getMotor("HeadPitch") #leftarm self.LShoulderPitch = self.getMotor("LShoulderPitch") self.LShoulderRoll = self.getMotor("LShoulderRoll") self.LElbowYaw = self.getMotor("LElbowYaw") self.LElbowRoll = self.getMotor("LElbowRoll") #shouldarm self.RShoulderPitch = self.getMotor("RShoulderPitch") self.RShoulderRoll = self.getMotor("RShoulderRoll") self.RElbowYaw = self.getMotor("RElbowYaw") self.RElbowRoll = self.getMotor("RElbowRoll") #left leg self.LHipYawPitch = self.getMotor("LHipYawPitch") self.LHipRoll = self.getMotor("LHipRoll") self.LHipPitch = self.getMotor("LHipPitch") self.LKneePitch = self.getMotor("LKneePitch") self.LAnklePitch = self.getMotor("LAnklePitch") self.LAnkleRoll = self.getMotor("LAnkleRoll") #right leg self.RHipYawPitch = self.getMotor("RHipYawPitch") self.RHipRoll = self.getMotor("RHipRoll") self.RHipPitch = self.getMotor("RHipPitch") self.RKneePitch = self.getMotor("RKneePitch") self.RAnklePitch = self.getMotor("RAnklePitch") self.RAnkleRoll = self.getMotor("RAnkleRoll") self.RElbowRollS = self.getPositionSensor("RElbowRollS") self.RElbowRollS.enable(self.timeStep) self.LElbowRollS = self.getPositionSensor("LElbowRollS") self.LElbowRollS.enable(self.timeStep) self.HeadPitchS = self.getPositionSensor("HeadPitchS") self.HeadPitchS.enable(self.timeStep) self.RShoulderPitchS = self.getPositionSensor("RShoulderPitchS") self.RShoulderPitchS.enable(self.timeStep) self.RAnklePitchS = self.getPositionSensor("RAnklePitchS") self.RAnklePitchS.enable(self.timeStep) # keyboard self.keyboard = self.getKeyboard() self.keyboard.enable(10 * self.timeStep) #self.gps esta retornando nan #possivel fix: passar as coordenadas direto e nao o objeto gps como referencia self.odometryProvider = None # values = self.gps.getValues() # print("Values: %f %f" % (values[0], values[2])) # values = self.gps.getValues() # self.odometryProvider = BasicOdometryProvider(float(values[0]), float(values[2])) self.lastOdometry = OdometryData(0, 0, 0) # self.particleFilter = ParticleFilter() def __init__(self): Robot.__init__(self) self.currentlyPlaying = False self.shouldTurn120Degrees = False self.turnsMade = 0 # initialize stuff self.findAndEnableDevices() self.loadMotionFiles() self.printHelp() def testSocketColor(self): # s.send("RECEBEESSAPORRA") # image = np.array(self.cameraTop.getImageArray()) # dump = pickle.dumps(image) # compactLen = struct.pack("i", len(dump)) # s.send(compactLen) # s.send(dump) stringImage = "GPS" dump = pickle.dumps(stringImage) compactLen = struct.pack("i", len(dump)) s.send(compactLen) s.send(dump) p = self.gps.getValues() dump = pickle.dumps(p) compactLen = struct.pack("i", len(dump)) s.send(compactLen) s.send(dump) # p = [self.lastOdometry.x, self.lastOdometry.z, self.lastOdometry[2]) stringImage = "IMAGE" dump = pickle.dumps(stringImage) compactLen = struct.pack("i", len(dump)) s.send(compactLen) s.send(dump) image = np.array(self.cameraTop.getImageArray()) dump = pickle.dumps(image) compactLen = struct.pack("i", len(dump)) s.send(compactLen) s.send(dump) def updateOdometry(self): # self.currentlyPlaying = None # print("updateOdometry") if (self.currentlyPlaying == self.turnLeft60): #send message self.lastOdometry = self.odometryProvider.rotationUpdate(False) elif (self.currentlyPlaying == self.turnRight60): self.lastOdometry = self.odometryProvider.rotationUpdate(True) else: values = self.gps.getValues() self.lastOdometry = self.odometryProvider.linearMovementUpdate( float(values[0]), float(values[2])) self.currentlyPlaying = False # print(self.lastOdometry) # stringImage = "ODOMETRY" # dump = pickle.dumps(stringImage) # compactLen = struct.pack("i", len(dump)) # s.send(compactLen) # s.send(dump) # data = [self.lastOdometry.x, self.lastOdometry.z, self.lastOdometry.angle] # dump = pickle.dumps(data) # compactLen = struct.pack("i", len(dump)) # s.send(compactLen) # s.send(dump) # self.particleFilter.updateParticlesWithOdometry(self.lastOdometry) def automaticMovement(self, currentX, currentZ): if (self.turnsMade == 1): if (self.currentlyPlaying is False): self.startMotion(self.turnRight60) self.turnsMade = 2 elif (self.turnsMade == 2): if (self.currentlyPlaying is False): self.turnsMade = 0 self.startMotion(self.forwards) elif (currentX + 0.6 > 4.5 or currentX - 0.6 < -4.5 or currentZ + 0.6 > 3.0 or currentZ - 0.6 < -3.0): #do two turns # self.currentlyPlaying.stop() self.startMotion(self.turnRight60) self.turnsMade = 1 else: if (self.currentlyPlaying is False): self.startMotion(self.forwards) def run(self): shouldUseAutomaticMovement = True #turn to False if you want to control robot movement self.handWave.setLoop(True) # until a key is pressed key = -1 while robot.step(self.timeStep) != -1: key = self.keyboard.getKey() if key > 0: break self.handWave.setLoop(False) limitCounter = 0 while True: # naive counter to avoid socket overload limitCounter = limitCounter + 1 if self.odometryProvider is None: values = self.gps.getValues() # print(values) if values[0] == values[0]: print("Initializing odometry") self.odometryProvider = BasicOdometryProvider( float(values[0]), float(values[2])) if (self.currentlyPlaying and self.currentlyPlaying.isOver()): self.updateOdometry() if (shouldUseAutomaticMovement is True): values = self.gps.getValues() if values[0] == values[0]: self.automaticMovement(float(values[0]), float(values[2])) key = self.keyboard.getKey() key = False if (limitCounter > 1): self.testSocketColor() limitCounter = 0 if key == Keyboard.LEFT: self.startMotion(self.sideStepLeft) elif key == Keyboard.RIGHT: self.startMotion(self.sideStepRight) elif key == Keyboard.UP: self.startMotion(self.forwards) elif key == Keyboard.DOWN: self.startMotion(self.backwards) elif key == Keyboard.LEFT | Keyboard.SHIFT: self.startMotion(self.turnLeft60) elif key == Keyboard.RIGHT | Keyboard.SHIFT: self.startMotion(self.turnRight60) elif key == ord('A'): self.testSocket() elif key == ord('G'): self.printGyro() elif key == ord('S'): self.printGps() elif key == ord('I'): self.printInertialUnit() elif key == ord('F'): self.printFootSensors() elif key == ord('B'): self.printFootBumpers() elif key == ord('U'): self.printUltrasoundSensors() elif key == Keyboard.HOME: self.printCameraImage(self.cameraTop) elif key == Keyboard.END: self.printCameraImage(self.cameraBottom) elif key == Keyboard.PAGEUP: self.setHandsAngle(0.96) elif key == Keyboard.PAGEDOWN: self.setHandsAngle(0.0) elif key == ord('7'): self.setAllLedsColor(0xff0000) # red elif key == ord('8'): self.setAllLedsColor(0x00ff00) # green elif key == ord('9'): self.setAllLedsColor(0x0000ff) # blue elif key == ord('0'): self.setAllLedsColor(0x000000) # off elif key == ord('H'): self.printHelp() if robot.step(self.timeStep) == -1: break
"""nao_test controller.""" from controller import Robot, Motion from time import sleep import os # create the Robot instance. robot = Robot() print(os.getcwd()) # get the time step of the current world. timestep = int(robot.getBasicTimeStep()) # get motion file handWave = Motion('../../motions/sample.motion') handWave.setLoop(True) # Main loop: # nao move by using motion file while robot.step(timestep) != -1: