def runRoundPlayer(self,player,winner): score = 0 closeType = 1 if winner == player: closeType = readInput("{} close type: ".format(player),int,lambda x: x in [1,2,3,4],"Sorry, invalid Close Type number [1,2,3,4].") else: score = readInput("{} round score: ".format(player),int,lambda x: x>0,"Sorry, invalid score number.") self.addRoundInfo(player,score,{'closeType':closeType})
def runStubRoundPlayer(self, player, winner=None): score = readInput("{} score: ".format(player), int, lambda x: x > 0, "Sorry, invalid score number.") errmsg = "Sorry, invalid kind [{}]".format( ",".join(self.match.getEntryKinds())) kind = readInput("Kind: ", str, lambda x: x in self.match.getEntryKinds(), errmsg) self.addEntry(player, score, {'kind': kind})
def runStubRoundPlayer(self,player,winner): score = 0 cleared = 1 if self.getPhasesInOrderFlag(): try: a_phase = self.getCompletedPhasesFromPlayer(player)[-1] + 1 except IndexError: a_phase = 1 else: a_phase = readInput("{} aimed phase number: ".format(player),int,lambda x: x > 0 and self.hasPhaseRemaining(player,x),"Sorry, phase not valid or already completed.") if not winner == player: score = readInput("{} round score: ".format(player),int,lambda x: x>0,"Sorry, invalid score number.") if (score>=50): cleared = readInput("Did {} complete phase {}?[1/0]: ".format(player,a_phase),int,lambda x: x in [0,1]) self.addRoundInfo(player,score, {'aimedPhase':a_phase, 'isCompleted':cleared})
def extraStubConfig(self): pio = readInput("Follow phases in order? [1/0]: ",int,lambda x: x in (0,1)) self.setPhasesInOrderFlag(bool(pio))
def extraStubConfig(self): pio = readInput("Follow phases in order? [1/0]: ",int,lambda x: x in (0,1)) self.setPhasesInOrderFlag(bool(pio)) def getPhasesInOrderFlag(self): return self.match.getPhasesInOrderFlag() def setPhasesInOrderFlag(self,flag): self.match.setPhasesInOrderFlag(flag) class Phase10MasterEngine(Phase10Engine): def __init__(self): super(Phase10MasterEngine,self).__init__() = "Phase10Master" if __name__ == "__main__": game = readInput('Game to play (Phase10/Phase10Master): ',str,lambda x: x in ['Phase10','Phase10Master']) if game == 'Phase10': pe = Phase10Engine() else: pe = Phase10MasterEngine() pe.gameStub() class Phase10StatsEngine(StatsEngine): _worst_phases=""" SELECT game, nick, min(pc) AS min_phases from ( SELECT m.Game_name as game,m.idMatch AS match ,rs.nick AS nick ,count(value) AS pc FROM RoundStatistics AS rs,Match AS m WHERE rs.idMatch = m.idMatch AND key = "PhaseCompleted" AND value <> 0 AND state = 1 GROUP BY game, m.idMatch, rs.nick
def runRoundPlayer(self, player, winner): score = readInput("{} round score: ".format(player), int, lambda x: True, "Sorry, invalid score number.") self.addRoundInfo(player, score)
def extraStubConfig(self): top = readInput("Top score: ",int,lambda x: x > 0) self.setTop(top)
for idMatch,match in self.candidates.items(): cur = db.execute("SELECT nick FROM MatchPlayer WHERE idMatch={}".format(idMatch)) for row in cur: match['players'].append(str(row['nick'])) def getCandidates(self): return self.candidates def resume(self,idMatch): engine = GameEngineFactory.createMatch( if engine and engine.resume(idMatch): return engine return None if __name__ == "__main__": if not db.isConnected(): db.connectDB("../db/gamelog.db") game = readInput('Game to play (Phase10/Phase10Master/Remigio/Ratuki/Carcassone): ',str,lambda x: x in ['Phase10','Phase10Master','Remigio','Ratuki','Carcassone']) re = ResumeEngine(game) candidates = re.getCandidates() if not len(candidates): print("No {} matches to restore found".format(game)) exit() else: print("Matches to restore:") for idMatch,match in candidates.items(): print("{}) {} player match started at {}. Time played: {}. Players:{}".format(idMatch,len(match['players']),match['started'],match['elapsed'],match['players'])) print("") idMatch = readInput('idMatch to resume: ',int,lambda x: x in candidates.keys()) print("Restoring match #{}".format(idMatch)) engine = re.resume(idMatch) if not engine: print("Could not restore match #{}".format(idMatch))
def getCandidates(self): return self.candidates def resume(self, idMatch): engine = GameEngineFactory.createMatch( if engine and engine.resume(idMatch): return engine return None if __name__ == "__main__": if not db.isConnected(): db.connectDB("../db/gamelog.db") pmt = 'Game to play (Phase10/Phase10Master/Remigio/Ratuki/Carcassone): ' game = readInput(pmt, str, lambda x: x in ['Phase10', 'Phase10Master', 'Remigio', 'Ratuki', 'Carcassone']) re = ResumeEngine(game) candidates = re.getCandidates() if not len(candidates): print("No {} matches to restore found".format(game)) exit() else: print("Matches to restore:") for idMatch, match in candidates.items(): msg = ("{}) {} player match started at {}. " "Time played: {}. Players:{}") print(msg.format(idMatch, len(match['players']), match['started'], match['elapsed'], match['players'])) print("")