def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('turtlebot_state_machine', anonymous=True) self.mode = Mode.EXPLORE # current nav cmd self.cmd_nav = Pose2D() # map = OccupancyGrid() self.map_meta_data = MapMetaData() self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max) self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max) self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max) # publishers self.map_pub = rospy.Publisher('/map', OccupancyGrid, queue_size=10) self.map_meta_data_pub = rospy.Publisher('/map_meta_data', MapMetaData, queue_size=10) self.cmd_nav_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_nav',Pose2D, queue_size=10) # subscribers #rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback) #rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback) #rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback) print "finished init"
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True) self.mode = Mode.IDLE self.mode_at_stop = None self.x_saved = None self.y_saved = None self.theta_saved = None # current state self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 # history tracking of controls self.history_cnt = 0 self.V_history = np.zeros(CMD_HISTORY_SIZE) self.om_history = np.zeros(CMD_HISTORY_SIZE) self.backing_cnt = 0 #laser scans for collision self.laser_ranges = [] self.laser_angle_increment = 0.01 # this gets updated self.chunky_radius = 0.1 #TODO: Tune this! # goal state self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.th_init = 0.0 self.iters = 0 # map parameters self.map_width = 0 self.map_height = 0 self.map_resolution = 0 self.map_origin = [0, 0] self.map_probs = [] self.occupancy = None self.occupancy_updated = False # plan parameters self.plan_resolution = 0.1 self.plan_horizon = 15 # time when we started following the plan self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = 0 self.plan_start = [0., 0.] # Robot limits self.v_max = rospy.get_param("~v_max", 0.2) #0.2 # maximum velocity self.om_max = rospy.get_param("~om_max", 0.4) #0.4 # maximum angular velocity self.v_des = 0.12 # desired cruising velocity self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05 # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2 # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control self.near_thresh = 0.2 self.at_thresh = 0.02 self.at_thresh_theta = (2.0 * np.pi) / 20.0 #0.05 # trajectory smoothing self.spline_alpha = 0.01 self.traj_dt = 0.1 # trajectory tracking controller parameters self.kpx = 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 # heading controller parameters self.kp_th = 2. self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max) self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max) self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max) # Publishers self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback) #communication with squirtle_fsm to inform goal status self.publish_squirtle = rospy.Publisher('/post/squirtle_fsm', String, queue_size=10) # Subscriber Constructors rospy.Subscriber('/post/nav_fsm', Bool, self.post_callback) #service queue rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.laser_callback) rospy.Subscriber('debug/nav_fsm', String, self.debug_callback) print "finished init"
class Navigator: """ This node handles point to point turtlebot motion, avoiding obstacles. It is the sole node that should publish to cmd_vel """ def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True) self.mode = Mode.IDLE self.mode_at_stop = None self.x_saved = None self.y_saved = None self.theta_saved = None # current state self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 # history tracking of controls self.history_cnt = 0 self.V_history = np.zeros(CMD_HISTORY_SIZE) self.om_history = np.zeros(CMD_HISTORY_SIZE) self.backing_cnt = 0 #laser scans for collision self.laser_ranges = [] self.laser_angle_increment = 0.01 # this gets updated self.chunky_radius = 0.1 #TODO: Tune this! # goal state self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.th_init = 0.0 self.iters = 0 # map parameters self.map_width = 0 self.map_height = 0 self.map_resolution = 0 self.map_origin = [0, 0] self.map_probs = [] self.occupancy = None self.occupancy_updated = False # plan parameters self.plan_resolution = 0.1 self.plan_horizon = 15 # time when we started following the plan self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = 0 self.plan_start = [0., 0.] # Robot limits self.v_max = rospy.get_param("~v_max", 0.2) #0.2 # maximum velocity self.om_max = rospy.get_param("~om_max", 0.4) #0.4 # maximum angular velocity self.v_des = 0.12 # desired cruising velocity self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05 # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2 # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control self.near_thresh = 0.2 self.at_thresh = 0.02 self.at_thresh_theta = (2.0 * np.pi) / 20.0 #0.05 # trajectory smoothing self.spline_alpha = 0.01 self.traj_dt = 0.1 # trajectory tracking controller parameters self.kpx = 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 # heading controller parameters self.kp_th = 2. self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max) self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max) self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max) # Publishers self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback) #communication with squirtle_fsm to inform goal status self.publish_squirtle = rospy.Publisher('/post/squirtle_fsm', String, queue_size=10) # Subscriber Constructors rospy.Subscriber('/post/nav_fsm', Bool, self.post_callback) #service queue rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.laser_callback) rospy.Subscriber('debug/nav_fsm', String, self.debug_callback) print "finished init" #------------------------------------------------------------------ # Subscriber Callbacks #------------------------------------------------------------------ #for in terminal debug def debug_callback(self, msg): if == "query_goal": print('[NAV DEBUG]: The goal is: %f, %f, %f' % (self.x_g, self.y_g, self.theta_g)) elif == "query_state": print("[NAV DEBUG]: The current state is: %s" % str(self.mode)) elif == "why_u_do_dis?": print("[NAV DEBUG]: The current position delta is: %f, %f, %f" % (self.x_g - self.x, self.y_g - self.y, self.theta_g - self.theta)) else: print("[NAV DEBUG]: Invalid debug message") #for the interface topic between nav and supervisor def post_callback(self, data): rospy.loginfo("Received from interface topic") # received true = stop if is True: # store current goal self.x_saved = self.x_g self.y_saved = self.y_g self.theta_saved = self.theta_g # set goal to nothing self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None #put machine back into idle self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) return # for getting the laser data def laser_callback(self, msg): """ callback for thr laser rangefinder """ self.laser_ranges = msg.ranges self.laser_angle_increment = msg.angle_increment def dyn_cfg_callback(self, config, level): rospy.loginfo( "Reconfigure Request: k1:{k1}, k2:{k2}, k3:{k3}, spline_alpha:{spline_alpha}" .format(**config)) self.pose_controller.k1 = config["k1"] self.pose_controller.k2 = config["k2"] self.pose_controller.k3 = config["k3"] self.spline_alpha = config["spline_alpha"] self.traj_controller.kpx = config["kpx"] self.traj_controller.kpy = config["kpy"] self.traj_controller.kdx = config["kdx"] self.traj_controller.kdy = config["kdy"] self.traj_controller.V_max = config["V_max"] self.traj_controller.om_max = config["om_max"] self.chunky_radius = config["chunky_radius"] return config def cmd_nav_callback(self, data): """ loads in goal if different from current goal, and replans """ if data.x != self.x_g or data.y != self.y_g or data.theta != self.theta_g: self.x_g = data.x self.y_g = data.y self.theta_g = data.theta self.replan() #tell squirtle we are no longer at the goal #msg = String() = "not_at_goal" #self.publish_squirtle.publish(msg) def map_md_callback(self, msg): """ receives maps meta data and stores it """ self.map_width = msg.width self.map_height = msg.height self.map_resolution = msg.resolution self.map_origin = (msg.origin.position.x, msg.origin.position.y) def map_callback(self, msg): """ receives new map info and updates the map """ self.map_probs = # if we've received the map metadata and have a way to update it: if self.map_width > 0 and self.map_height > 0 and len( self.map_probs) > 0: self.occupancy = StochOccupancyGrid2D( self.map_resolution, self.map_width, self.map_height, self.map_origin[0], self.map_origin[1], 8, self.map_probs) if self.x_g is not None: # if we have a goal to plan to, replan rospy.loginfo("replanning because of new map") self.replan() # new map, need to replan def shutdown_callback(self): """ publishes zero velocities upon rospy shutdown """ cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = 0.0 cmd_vel.angular.z = 0.0 self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) def near_goal(self): """ returns whether the robot is close enough in position to the goal to start using the pose controller """ return linalg.norm(np.array([self.x - self.x_g, self.y - self.y_g ])) < self.near_thresh def at_goal(self): """ returns whether the robot has reached the goal position with enough accuracy to return to idle state """ # if the goal is none, it's already there you dumb Winnebago if self.x_g is None: return True return (linalg.norm(np.array( [self.x - self.x_g, self.y - self.y_g])) < self.at_thresh and abs( wrapToPi(self.theta - self.theta_g)) < self.at_thresh_theta) def aligned(self): """ returns whether robot is aligned with starting direction of path (enough to switch to tracking controller) """ return (abs(wrapToPi(self.theta - self.th_init)) < self.theta_start_thresh) def close_to_plan_start(self): return (abs(self.x - self.plan_start[0]) < self.start_pos_thresh and abs(self.y - self.plan_start[1]) < self.start_pos_thresh) def snap_to_grid(self, x): return (self.plan_resolution * round(x[0] / self.plan_resolution), self.plan_resolution * round(x[1] / self.plan_resolution)) def switch_mode(self, new_mode): rospy.loginfo("Switching from %s -> %s", self.mode, new_mode) self.mode = new_mode #------------------------------------------------------------------ # Publishers #------------------------------------------------------------------ def publish_planned_path(self, path, publisher): # publish planned plan for visualization path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' for state in path: pose_st = PoseStamped() pose_st.pose.position.x = state[0] pose_st.pose.position.y = state[1] pose_st.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose_st.header.frame_id = 'map' path_msg.poses.append(pose_st) publisher.publish(path_msg) def publish_smoothed_path(self, traj, publisher): # publish planned plan for visualization path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' for i in range(traj.shape[0]): pose_st = PoseStamped() pose_st.pose.position.x = traj[i, 0] pose_st.pose.position.y = traj[i, 1] pose_st.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose_st.header.frame_id = 'map' path_msg.poses.append(pose_st) publisher.publish(path_msg) def publish_control(self): """ Runs appropriate controller depending on the mode. Assumes all controllers are all properly set up / with the correct goals loaded """ #------------------------------------- # helper functions for LIFO queue #------------------------------------- def enQ_buffer(V_in, om_in): #rospy.loginfo("Enqueuing controls") # roll right 1 [n]->[n+1] self.V_history = np.roll(self.V_history, 1, axis=None) self.om_history = np.roll(self.om_history, 1, axis=None) # load in the value self.V_history[0] = V_in self.om_history[0] = om_in def deQ_buffer(): #rospy.loginfo("Dequeuing controls") # get first value out V_out = -1.0 * self.V_history[0] om_out = -1.0 * self.om_history[0] # roll left 1 [n]<-[n+1] self.V_history = np.roll(self.V_history, -1, axis=None) self.om_history = np.roll(self.om_history, -1, axis=None) return V_out, om_out t = self.get_current_plan_time() if self.mode == Mode.PARK: V, om = self.pose_controller.compute_control( self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) elif self.mode == Mode.TRACK: V, om = self.traj_controller.compute_control( self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) elif self.mode == Mode.ALIGN: V, om = self.heading_controller.compute_control( self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) elif self.mode == Mode.BACKING_UP: #extract elements from the queue V, om = deQ_buffer() else: V = 0. om = 0. #enqueue for history tracking if self.mode is not Mode.BACKING_UP: enQ_buffer(V, om) cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = V cmd_vel.angular.z = om self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) def get_current_plan_time(self): t = (rospy.get_rostime() - self.current_plan_start_time).to_sec() return max(0.0, t) # clip negative time to 0 def replan(self): """ loads goal into pose controller runs planner based on current pose if plan long enough to track: smooths resulting traj, loads it into traj_controller sets self.current_plan_start_time sets mode to ALIGN else: sets mode to PARK """ # Make sure we have a map if not self.occupancy: rospy.loginfo( "Navigator: replanning canceled, waiting for occupancy map.") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) return # Attempt to plan a path state_min = self.snap_to_grid((-self.plan_horizon, -self.plan_horizon)) state_max = self.snap_to_grid((self.plan_horizon, self.plan_horizon)) x_init = self.snap_to_grid((self.x, self.y)) self.plan_start = x_init x_goal = self.snap_to_grid((self.x_g, self.y_g)) problem = AStar(state_min, state_max, x_init, x_goal, self.occupancy, self.plan_resolution) rospy.loginfo("Navigator: computing navigation plan") success = problem.solve() if not success: rospy.loginfo("Planning failed") return rospy.loginfo("Planning Succeeded") ''' self.iters = 0 success = False while not success: success = problem.solve() print("Ran Solve") if not success and not self.at_goal(): if self.iters < 5 and self.theta_g is not None: rospy.loginfo("Planning Iteration: %d", self.iters) rospy.loginfo("Planning failed, adjusting heading and retrying") #increment heading self.theta_g = wrapToPi(self.theta_g + np.pi/8.0) rospy.loginfo("New heading: %f", self.theta_g) #increment count self.iters += 1 else: rospy.loginfo("Planning failed") return rospy.loginfo("Planning Succeeded") ''' planned_path = problem.path # Check whether path is too short if self.at_goal(): rospy.loginfo("Path already at goal pose") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) return elif len(planned_path) < 4: rospy.loginfo("Path too short to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) return # Smooth and generate a trajectory traj_new, t_new = compute_smoothed_traj(planned_path, self.v_des, self.spline_alpha, self.traj_dt) # If currently tracking a trajectory, check whether new trajectory will take more time to follow if self.mode == Mode.TRACK: t_remaining_curr = self.current_plan_duration - self.get_current_plan_time( ) # Estimate duration of new trajectory th_init_new = traj_new[0, 2] th_err = wrapToPi(th_init_new - self.theta) t_init_align = abs(th_err / self.om_max) t_remaining_new = t_init_align + t_new[-1] if t_remaining_new > t_remaining_curr: rospy.loginfo( "New plan rejected (longer duration than current plan)") self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub) return # Otherwise follow the new plan self.publish_planned_path(planned_path, self.nav_planned_path_pub) self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_pub) self.pose_controller.load_goal(self.x_g, self.y_g, self.theta_g) self.traj_controller.load_traj(t_new, traj_new) self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = t_new[-1] self.th_init = traj_new[0, 2] self.heading_controller.load_goal(self.th_init) if not self.aligned(): rospy.loginfo("Not aligned with start direction") self.switch_mode(Mode.ALIGN) return rospy.loginfo("Ready to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK) def run(self): rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10 Hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # try to get state information to update self.x, self.y, self.theta try: (translation, rotation) = self.trans_listener.lookupTransform( '/map', '/base_footprint', rospy.Time(0)) self.x = translation[0] self.y = translation[1] euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(rotation) self.theta = euler[2] except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException) as e: self.current_plan = [] rospy.loginfo("Navigator: waiting for state info") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) print e pass """ def if_about_to_hit_wall(): # check if inflated turtlebot circumference will hit the wall #th_offset = np.pi/8.0 #arr = np.arange(wrapToPi(self.theta-th_offset), wrapToPi(self.theta+th_offset), 0.02) arr = np.arange(0, 2*np.pi, 0.02) for i in range(len(arr)): if not self.occupancy.is_free(np.array([self.x + np.cos(arr[i])*self.chunky_radius,self.y+np.sin(arr[i])*self.chunky_radius])): return True return False #return not self.occupancy.is_free(np.array([self.x ,self.y])) """ def if_about_to_hit_wall(laserRanges): #initialize return value to false returnFlag = False #remove the zeros #validRanges = [i for i, dist in enumerate(laserRanges) if dist != 0] #check the minimum scan distance #rospy.loginfo(laserRanges) minScanDist = min(laserRanges) #rospy.loginfo("Minimum Scan Distance: %f", minScanDist) #see if less that our boy's fat body if minScanDist < self.chunky_radius: #set flag to true returnFlag = True #return the flag return returnFlag # STATE MACHINE LOGIC # some transitions handled by callbacks if self.mode == Mode.IDLE: pass elif self.mode == Mode.ALIGN: if self.aligned(): self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK) elif self.mode == Mode.TRACK: if if_about_to_hit_wall(self.laser_ranges): rospy.loginfo("About to hit a wall") self.switch_mode(Mode.BACKING_UP) elif self.near_goal(): self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) elif not self.close_to_plan_start(): rospy.loginfo("replanning because far from start") self.replan() elif (rospy.get_rostime() - self.current_plan_start_time ).to_sec() > self.current_plan_duration: rospy.loginfo("replanning because out of time") self.replan( ) # we aren't near the goal but we thought we should have been, so replan elif self.mode == Mode.PARK: #if if_about_to_hit_wall(): # self.switch_mode(Mode.BACKING_UP) if self.at_goal(): # forget about goal: self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) #tell squirtle we are at the goal msg = String() = "at_goal" self.publish_squirtle.publish(msg) elif self.mode == Mode.BACKING_UP: # see if we have backed enough counts if (self.backing_cnt > CMD_HISTORY_SIZE ): # or if_about_to_hit_wall(self.laser_ranges): # NUKE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! self.history_cnt = 0 self.V_history = np.zeros(CMD_HISTORY_SIZE) self.om_history = np.zeros(CMD_HISTORY_SIZE) self.backing_cnt = 0 self.replan() #switches mode internally #self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK) else: # increment count self.backing_cnt += 1 self.publish_control() rate.sleep()
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True) self.mode = Mode.IDLE self.xlist = [] self.ylist = [] self.tlist = [] self.object_dic = {} with open('locations.json', 'r') as f: self.object_dic = json.load(f) for i in self.object_dic: print i cal_points(self.object_dic) print(point_mat) # current state self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 # goal state self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.th_init = 0.0 # map parameters self.map_width = 0 self.map_height = 0 self.map_resolution = 0 self.map_origin = [0, 0] self.map_probs = [] self.occupancy = None self.occupancy_updated = False # plan parameters self.plan_resolution = 0.1 self.plan_horizon = 15 # time when we started following the plan self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = 0 self.plan_start = [0., 0.] # Robot limits self.v_max = 0.2 self.om_max = 0.5 #0.5 self.v_des = 0.12 # desired cruising velocity self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05 # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2 # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control self.near_thresh = 0.2 self.at_thresh = 0.02 self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05 # trajectory smoothing self.spline_alpha = 0.15 self.traj_dt = 0.1 # trajectory tracking controller parameters self.kpx = 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 #try self.kpx = 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 # heading controller parameters self.kp_th = 2. self.kp_th = 5. #try self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max) self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max) self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max) self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.vis_pub = rospy.Publisher('marker_topic', Marker, queue_size=10) self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback) self.stop_min_dist = 1.0 self.stop_time = 3.0 self.crossing_time = 10.0 rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/detector/stop_sign', DetectedObject, self.stop_sign_detected_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/detector/broccoli', DetectedObject, self.broccoli_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/detector/cake', DetectedObject, self.cake_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/detector/bowl', DetectedObject, self.bowl_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/detector/banana', DetectedObject, self.banana_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/detector/donut', DetectedObject, self.donut_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/delivery_request', String, self.delivery_callback) self.initPos = False = False self.broccoli = 0 self.cake = 1 self.bowl = 2 self.banana = 3 self.donut = 4 self.control = False print "finished init"
class Navigator: """ This node handles point to point turtlebot motion, avoiding obstacles. It is the sole node that should publish to cmd_vel """ def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True) self.mode = Mode.IDLE self.xlist = [] self.ylist = [] self.tlist = [] self.object_dic = {} with open('locations.json', 'r') as f: self.object_dic = json.load(f) for i in self.object_dic: print i cal_points(self.object_dic) print(point_mat) # current state self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 # goal state self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.th_init = 0.0 # map parameters self.map_width = 0 self.map_height = 0 self.map_resolution = 0 self.map_origin = [0, 0] self.map_probs = [] self.occupancy = None self.occupancy_updated = False # plan parameters self.plan_resolution = 0.1 self.plan_horizon = 15 # time when we started following the plan self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = 0 self.plan_start = [0., 0.] # Robot limits self.v_max = 0.2 self.om_max = 0.5 #0.5 self.v_des = 0.12 # desired cruising velocity self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05 # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2 # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control self.near_thresh = 0.2 self.at_thresh = 0.02 self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05 # trajectory smoothing self.spline_alpha = 0.15 self.traj_dt = 0.1 # trajectory tracking controller parameters self.kpx = 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 #try self.kpx = 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 # heading controller parameters self.kp_th = 2. self.kp_th = 5. #try self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max) self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max) self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max) self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.vis_pub = rospy.Publisher('marker_topic', Marker, queue_size=10) self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback) self.stop_min_dist = 1.0 self.stop_time = 3.0 self.crossing_time = 10.0 rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/detector/stop_sign', DetectedObject, self.stop_sign_detected_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/detector/broccoli', DetectedObject, self.broccoli_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/detector/cake', DetectedObject, self.cake_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/detector/bowl', DetectedObject, self.bowl_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/detector/banana', DetectedObject, self.banana_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/detector/donut', DetectedObject, self.donut_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/delivery_request', String, self.delivery_callback) self.initPos = False = False self.broccoli = 0 self.cake = 1 self.bowl = 2 self.banana = 3 self.donut = 4 self.control = False print "finished init" def startPlan(self): for i in range(5): if i == self.broccoli: print i print "broccoli" if 'broccoli' in self.object_dic: x, y, t = self.object_dic['broccoli'] self.xlist.append(x) self.ylist.append(y) self.tlist.append(t) elif i == self.cake: print i print "cake" if 'cake' in self.object_dic: x, y, t = self.object_dic['cake'] self.xlist.append(x) self.ylist.append(y) self.tlist.append(t) elif i == self.bowl: print i print "bowl" if 'bowl' in self.object_dic: x, y, t = self.object_dic['bowl'] self.xlist.append(x) self.ylist.append(y) self.tlist.append(t) elif i == self.banana: print i print "banana" if 'banana' in self.object_dic: x, y, t = self.object_dic['banana'] self.xlist.append(x) self.ylist.append(y) self.tlist.append(t) elif i == self.donut: print i print "donut" if 'donut' in self.object_dic: x, y, t = self.object_dic['donut'] self.xlist.append(x) self.ylist.append(y) self.tlist.append(t) print 4 print "Destination" x, y, t = self.object_dic['start'] self.xlist.append(x) self.ylist.append(y) self.tlist.append(t) def show(self, idx, x, y, r, g, b, t): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "map" marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time() = idx marker.type = t # sphere marker.pose.position.x = x marker.pose.position.y = y marker.pose.position.z = 0 marker.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 marker.scale.x = 0.2 marker.scale.y = 0.2 marker.scale.z = 0.2 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.r = r marker.color.g = g marker.color.b = b self.vis_pub.publish(marker) def delivery_callback(self, msg): obj = destination_list = obj.split(',') for dest in destination_list: if dest in self.object_dic: x, y, t = self.object_dic[dest] if x in self.xlist or x == self.x: print "Request already taken" else: print "New request: " + dest n = len(self.xlist) self.xlist.append(x) self.ylist.append(y) self.tlist.append(t) key = self.object_dic.keys() # for k in key: # point_mat[(k, dest)] = np.sqrt((x - self.object_dic[k][0])**2 + (y - self.object_dic[k][1])**2) def helper(lst): if len(lst) == 1: return [lst] res = [] for i in range(len(lst)): lst_del = lst[:i] + lst[i + 1:] pre_res = helper(lst_del) for r in pre_res: res.append(r + [lst[i]]) print(res) return res pts_lst = destination_list[:-1] route = helper(pts_lst) # possible route index costs = [] for i in range(len(route)): route[i] = [destination_list[-1] ] + route[i] + [destination_list[-1]] cost = 0 for j in range(len(route[i]) - 1): cost += point_mat[(route[i][j], route[i][j + 1])] costs.append(cost) opt_route = route[costs.index(min(costs))] print(costs) print(route) #print(opt_route) xlist, ylist, tlist = [], [], [] for i in range(len(opt_route)): xlist.append(self.object_dic[opt_route[i]][0]) ylist.append(self.object_dic[opt_route[i]][1]) tlist.append(self.object_dic[opt_route[i]][2]) self.xlist = xlist self.ylist = ylist self.tlist = tlist def broccoli_callback(self, msg): self.object_dic['broccoli'] = (self.x, self.y, self.theta) print 'broccoli' print self.object_dic['broccoli'], self.x, self.y, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2) def cake_callback(self, msg): self.object_dic['cake'] = (self.x, self.y, self.theta) print 'cake' print self.object_dic['cake'], self.x, self.y, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2) def bowl_callback(self, msg): self.object_dic['bowl'] = (self.x, self.y, self.theta) print 'bowl' print self.object_dic['bowl'], self.x, self.y, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2) def banana_callback(self, msg): self.object_dic['banana'] = (self.x, self.y, self.theta) print 'banana' print self.object_dic['banana'], self.x, self.y, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2) def donut_callback(self, msg): self.object_dic['donut'] = (self.x, self.y, self.theta) print 'donut' print self.object_dic['donut'], self.x, self.y, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2) def stop_sign_detected_callback(self, msg): """ callback for when the detector has found a stop sign. Note that a distance of 0 can mean that the lidar did not pickup the stop sign at all """ # distance of the stop sign # print "Stop Sign Destected" dist = msg.distance # if self.mode==Mode.TRACK: # if close enough and in nav mode, stop if dist > 0 and dist < self.stop_min_dist and self.mode == Mode.TRACK: print "Stop Sign Countdown" self.init_stop_sign() def init_stop_sign(self): """ initiates a stop sign maneuver """ self.stop_sign_start = rospy.get_rostime() self.mode = Mode.STOP # print "initial stop sign" # print self.stop_sign_start def has_stopped(self): """ checks if stop sign maneuver is over """ return self.mode == Mode.STOP and \ rospy.get_rostime() - self.stop_sign_start > rospy.Duration.from_sec(self.stop_time) def init_crossing(self): """ initiates an intersection crossing maneuver """ self.cross_start = rospy.get_rostime() self.mode = Mode.CROSS # print "Start crossing" # print self.cross_start def has_crossed(self): """ checks if crossing maneuver is over """ return self.mode == Mode.CROSS and \ rospy.get_rostime() - self.cross_start > rospy.Duration.from_sec(self.crossing_time) def dyn_cfg_callback(self, config, level): # rospy.loginfo("Reconfigure Request: k1:{k1}, k2:{k2}, k3:{k3},vm:{vm},sa:{sa},td:{td}".format(**config)) self.pose_controller.k1 = config["k1"] self.pose_controller.k2 = config["k2"] self.pose_controller.k3 = config["k3"] self.v_max = config["vm"] self.spline_alpha = config["sa"] self.traj_dt = config["td"] = config["auto"] self.broccoli = config["broccoli"] self.cake = config["cake"] self.bowl = config["bowl"] self.banana = config["banana"] self.donut = config["donut"] return config def cmd_nav_callback(self, data): """ loads in goal if different from current goal, and replans """ if data.x != self.x_g or data.y != self.y_g or data.theta != self.theta_g: self.x_g = data.x self.y_g = data.y self.theta_g = data.theta self.replan() # print(self.x_g,self.y_g,self.theta_g) def map_md_callback(self, msg): """ receives maps meta data and stores it """ self.map_width = msg.width self.map_height = msg.height self.map_resolution = msg.resolution self.map_origin = (msg.origin.position.x, msg.origin.position.y) def map_callback(self, msg): """ receives new map info and updates the map """ self.map_probs = # if we've received the map metadata and have a way to update it: if self.map_width > 0 and self.map_height > 0 and len( self.map_probs) > 0: self.occupancy = StochOccupancyGrid2D(self.map_resolution, self.map_width, self.map_height, self.map_origin[0], self.map_origin[1], 16, self.map_probs, thresh=0.3) if self.x_g is not None: # if we have a goal to plan to, replan # rospy.loginfo("replanning because of new map") self.replan() # new map, need to replan def shutdown_callback(self): """ publishes zero velocities upon rospy shutdown """ cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = 0.0 cmd_vel.angular.z = 0.0 self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) def near_goal(self): """ returns whether the robot is close enough in position to the goal to start using the pose controller """ return linalg.norm(np.array([self.x - self.x_g, self.y - self.y_g ])) < self.near_thresh def at_goal(self): """ returns whether the robot has reached the goal position with enough accuracy to return to idle state """ return (linalg.norm(np.array([self.x - self.x_g, self.y - self.y_g])) < self.near_thresh and abs(wrapToPi(self.theta - self.theta_g)) < self.at_thresh_theta) def aligned(self): """ returns whether robot is aligned with starting direction of path (enough to switch to tracking controller) """ return (abs(wrapToPi(self.theta - self.th_init)) < self.theta_start_thresh) def close_to_plan_start(self): return (abs(self.x - self.plan_start[0]) < self.start_pos_thresh and abs(self.y - self.plan_start[1]) < self.start_pos_thresh) def snap_to_grid(self, x): return (self.plan_resolution * round(x[0] / self.plan_resolution), self.plan_resolution * round(x[1] / self.plan_resolution)) def switch_mode(self, new_mode): rospy.loginfo("Switching from %s -> %s", self.mode, new_mode) self.mode = new_mode def publish_planned_path(self, path, publisher): # publish planned plan for visualization path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' for state in path: pose_st = PoseStamped() pose_st.pose.position.x = state[0] pose_st.pose.position.y = state[1] pose_st.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose_st.header.frame_id = 'map' path_msg.poses.append(pose_st) publisher.publish(path_msg) def publish_smoothed_path(self, traj, publisher): # publish planned plan for visualization path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' for i in range(traj.shape[0]): pose_st = PoseStamped() pose_st.pose.position.x = traj[i, 0] pose_st.pose.position.y = traj[i, 1] pose_st.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose_st.header.frame_id = 'map' path_msg.poses.append(pose_st) publisher.publish(path_msg) def publish_control(self): """ Runs appropriate controller depending on the mode. Assumes all controllers are all properly set up / with the correct goals loaded """ t = self.get_current_plan_time() if self.mode == Mode.PARK: V, om = self.pose_controller.compute_control( self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) elif self.mode == Mode.TRACK or self.mode == Mode.CROSS: V, om = self.traj_controller.compute_control( self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) elif self.mode == Mode.ALIGN: V, om = self.heading_controller.compute_control( self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) else: V = 0. om = 0. cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = V cmd_vel.angular.z = om self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) def get_current_plan_time(self): t = (rospy.get_rostime() - self.current_plan_start_time).to_sec() return max(0.0, t) # clip negative time to 0 def replan(self): """ loads goal into pose controller runs planner based on current pose if plan long enough to track: smooths resulting traj, loads it into traj_controller sets self.current_plan_start_time sets mode to ALIGN else: sets mode to PARK """ # Make sure we have a map if not self.occupancy: rospy.loginfo( "Navigator: replanning canceled, waiting for occupancy map.") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) return # Attempt to plan a path state_min = self.snap_to_grid((-self.plan_horizon, -self.plan_horizon)) state_max = self.snap_to_grid((self.plan_horizon, self.plan_horizon)) x_init = self.snap_to_grid((self.x, self.y)) self.plan_start = x_init x_goal = self.snap_to_grid((self.x_g, self.y_g)) problem = AStar(state_min, state_max, x_init, x_goal, self.occupancy, self.plan_resolution) rospy.loginfo("Navigator: computing navigation plan") success = problem.solve() if not success: rospy.loginfo("Planning failed") return rospy.loginfo("Planning Succeeded") planned_path = problem.path # Check whether path is too short if len(planned_path) < 4: rospy.loginfo("Path too short to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) return # Smooth and generate a trajectory traj_new, t_new = compute_smoothed_traj(planned_path, self.v_des, self.spline_alpha, self.traj_dt) # If currently tracking a trajectory, check whether new trajectory will take more time to follow if self.mode == Mode.TRACK: t_remaining_curr = self.current_plan_duration - self.get_current_plan_time( ) # Estimate duration of new trajectory th_init_new = traj_new[0, 2] th_err = wrapToPi(th_init_new - self.theta) t_init_align = abs(th_err / self.om_max) t_remaining_new = t_init_align + t_new[-1] if t_remaining_new > t_remaining_curr: # rospy.loginfo("New plan rejected (longer duration than current plan)") self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub) return # Otherwise follow the new plan self.publish_planned_path(planned_path, self.nav_planned_path_pub) self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_pub) self.pose_controller.load_goal(self.x_g, self.y_g, self.theta_g) self.traj_controller.load_traj(t_new, traj_new) self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = t_new[-1] self.th_init = traj_new[0, 2] self.heading_controller.load_goal(self.th_init) if self.mode == Mode.STOP or self.mode == Mode.CROSS: return if not self.aligned(): rospy.loginfo("Not aligned with start direction") self.switch_mode(Mode.ALIGN) return rospy.loginfo("Ready to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK) def run(self): rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10 Hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # try to get state information to update self.x, self.y, self.theta try: (translation, rotation) = self.trans_listener.lookupTransform( '/map', '/base_footprint', rospy.Time(0)) self.x = translation[0] self.y = translation[1] euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(rotation) self.theta = euler[2] if self.initPos == False: self.object_dic['start'] = (self.x, self.y, self.theta) print 'start position' print self.object_dic['start'] self.initPos = True, self.x, self.y, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException) as e: self.current_plan = [] # rospy.loginfo("Navigator: waiting for state info") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) print e pass # STATE MACHINE LOGIC # some transitions handled by callbacks if self.mode == Mode.IDLE: if self.control = True print "Delivery start" self.startPlan() = False if self.xlist: print "Read next goal" time.sleep(3) self.x_g = self.xlist.pop(0) self.y_g = self.ylist.pop(0) self.theta_g = self.tlist.pop(0) self.replan() else: pass elif self.mode == Mode.ALIGN: if self.aligned(): self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK) elif self.mode == Mode.TRACK: if self.near_goal(): self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) elif not self.close_to_plan_start(): # rospy.loginfo("replanning because far from start") self.replan() elif (rospy.get_rostime() - self.current_plan_start_time ).to_sec() > self.current_plan_duration: # rospy.loginfo("replanning because out of time") self.replan( ) # we aren't near the goal but we thought we should have been, so replan elif self.mode == Mode.PARK: if self.at_goal(): # forget about goal: self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) elif self.mode == Mode.STOP: if self.has_stopped(): print rospy.get_rostime() self.init_crossing() elif self.mode == Mode.CROSS: # Crossing an intersection if self.has_crossed(): print rospy.get_rostime() self.mode = Mode.TRACK self.publish_control() rate.sleep()
class Navigator: """ This class handles point to point turtlebot motion, avoiding obstacles. It is the sole node that should publish to cmd_vel """ def __init__(self): # current state self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 # goal state self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.th_init = 0.0 # map parameters self.map_width = 0 self.map_height = 0 self.map_resolution = 0 self.map_origin = [0, 0] self.map_probs = [] self.occupancy = None self.occupancy_updated = False # plan parameters self.plan_resolution = 0.1 self.plan_horizon = 15 # time when we started following the plan self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = 0 self.plan_start = [0., 0.] # Robot limits self.v_max = 0.2 # maximum velocity self.om_max = 0.4 # maximum angular velocity self.v_des = 0.12 # desired cruising velocity self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05 # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2 # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control self.near_thresh = 0.2 self.at_thresh = 0.02 self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05 # trajectory smoothing self.spline_alpha = 0.15 self.traj_dt = 0.1 # trajectory tracking controller parameters self.kpx = 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 # heading controller parameters self.kp_th = 2. self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max) self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max) self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max) self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback) self.new_cmd_nav = False self.new_map = False def dyn_cfg_callback(self, config, level): rospy.loginfo( "Reconfigure Request: k1:{k1}, k2:{k2}, k3:{k3}".format(**config)) self.pose_controller.k1 = config["k1"] self.pose_controller.k2 = config["k2"] self.pose_controller.k3 = config["k3"] return config def cmd_nav_callback(self, data): """ loads in goal if different from current goal, and replans """ if data.x != self.x_g or data.y != self.y_g or data.theta != self.theta_g: self.x_g = data.x self.y_g = data.y self.theta_g = data.theta self.new_cmd_nav = True def map_md_callback(self, msg): """ receives maps meta data and stores it """ self.map_width = msg.width self.map_height = msg.height self.map_resolution = msg.resolution self.map_origin = (msg.origin.position.x, msg.origin.position.y) def map_callback(self, msg): """ receives new map info and updates the map """ self.map_probs = # if we've received the map metadata and have a way to update it: if self.map_width > 0 and self.map_height > 0 and len( self.map_probs) > 0: self.occupancy = StochOccupancyGrid2D( self.map_resolution, self.map_width, self.map_height, self.map_origin[0], self.map_origin[1], 8, self.map_probs) self.new_map = True def near_goal(self): """ returns whether the robot is close enough in position to the goal to start using the pose controller """ return linalg.norm(np.array([self.x - self.x_g, self.y - self.y_g ])) < self.near_thresh def at_goal(self): """ returns whether the robot has reached the goal position with enough accuracy to return to idle state """ return (linalg.norm(np.array( [self.x - self.x_g, self.y - self.y_g])) < self.at_thresh and abs( wrapToPi(self.theta - self.theta_g)) < self.at_thresh_theta) def aligned(self): """ returns whether robot is aligned with starting direction of path (enough to switch to tracking controller) """ return (abs(wrapToPi(self.theta - self.th_init)) < self.theta_start_thresh) def close_to_plan_start(self): return (abs(self.x - self.plan_start[0]) < self.start_pos_thresh and abs(self.y - self.plan_start[1]) < self.start_pos_thresh) def snap_to_grid(self, x): return (self.plan_resolution * round(x[0] / self.plan_resolution), self.plan_resolution * round(x[1] / self.plan_resolution)) def publish_planned_path(self, path, publisher): # publish planned plan for visualization path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' for state in path: pose_st = PoseStamped() pose_st.pose.position.x = state[0] pose_st.pose.position.y = state[1] pose_st.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose_st.header.frame_id = 'map' path_msg.poses.append(pose_st) publisher.publish(path_msg) def publish_smoothed_path(self, traj, publisher): # publish planned plan for visualization path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' for i in range(traj.shape[0]): pose_st = PoseStamped() pose_st.pose.position.x = traj[i, 0] pose_st.pose.position.y = traj[i, 1] pose_st.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose_st.header.frame_id = 'map' path_msg.poses.append(pose_st) publisher.publish(path_msg) def publish_control(self): """ Runs appropriate controller depending on the mode. Assumes all controllers are all properly set up / with the correct goals loaded """ t = self.get_current_plan_time() V, om = self.traj_controller.compute_control(self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = V cmd_vel.angular.z = om self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) def get_current_plan_time(self): t = (rospy.get_rostime() - self.current_plan_start_time).to_sec() return max(0.0, t) # clip negative time to 0 # ============Added to take in delivery request================ def detected_objects_name_callback(self, msg): rospy.loginfo("There are %i detected objects" % len(msg.objects)) #self.detected_objects = msg for obj in msg.objects: rospy.loginfo("obj1: %s" % msg.objects[0]) self.detected_objects[obj] = (self.x, self.y, self.theta) self.last_box_time = rospy.get_rostime() def delivery_request_callback(self, msg): if in self.detected_objects: rospy.loginfo("New order: %s, set goal: %s" % (, str(self.detected_objects[]))) self.x_g, self.y_g, self.theta_g = self.detected_objects[] self.switch_mode(Mode.ALIGN) self.replan() else: rospy.loginfo("New order: %s, no goal found. " % ( self.last_box_time = rospy.get_rostime()
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True) self.mode = Mode.IDLE # WE CHANGED THIS STUFF # Time to stop at a stop sign self.stop_time = rospy.get_param("~stop_time", 3.) # Minimum distance from a stop sign to obey it (originally 0.5) self.stop_min_dist = rospy.get_param("~stop_min_dist", 1.) # Time taken to cross an intersection self.crossing_time = rospy.get_param("~crossing_time", 3.) # Stop sign detector rospy.Subscriber('/detector/stop_sign', DetectedObject, self.stop_sign_detected_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/detector/hot_dog', DetectedObject, self.hot_dog_detected_callback) # END OF WE CHANGED THIS STUFF # current state self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 # goal state self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.th_init = 0.0 # map parameters self.map_width = 0 self.map_height = 0 self.map_resolution = 0 self.map_origin = [0, 0] self.map_probs = [] self.occupancy = None self.occupancy_updated = False # plan parameters self.plan_resolution = 0.1 self.plan_horizon = 15 # time when we started following the plan self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = 0 self.plan_start = [0., 0.] # Robot limits #self.v_max = 0.2 # maximum velocity self.v_max = 0.5 #self.om_max = 0.4 # maximum angular velocity self.om_max = 0.8 self.v_des = 0.12 # desired cruising velocity self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05 # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2 # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control self.near_thresh = 0.2 self.at_thresh = 0.02 self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05 # trajectory smoothing self.spline_alpha = 0.15 self.traj_dt = 0.1 # trajectory tracking controller parameters self.kpx = 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 # heading controller parameters self.kp_th = 2. self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max) self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max) self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max) self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback) # ADD CURRENT STATE PUBLISHER (11/15/20 DEM) self.current_state_pub = rospy.Publisher('/current_state', Pose2D, queue_size=10) print "finished init"
class Navigator: """ This node handles point to point turtlebot motion, avoiding obstacles. It is the sole node that should publish to cmd_vel """ def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True) self.mode = Mode.IDLE # WE CHANGED THIS STUFF # Time to stop at a stop sign self.stop_time = rospy.get_param("~stop_time", 3.) # Minimum distance from a stop sign to obey it (originally 0.5) self.stop_min_dist = rospy.get_param("~stop_min_dist", 0.7) # Time taken to cross an intersection self.crossing_time = rospy.get_param("~crossing_time", 3.) # Number of stop sign detections in a row self.stop_detections = 0 # Stop sign detector rospy.Subscriber('/detector/stop_sign', DetectedObject, self.stop_sign_detected_callback) # END OF WE CHANGED THIS STUFF # current state self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 # goal state self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.th_init = 0.0 # map parameters self.map_width = 0 self.map_height = 0 self.map_resolution = 0 self.map_origin = [0, 0] self.map_probs = [] self.occupancy = None self.occupancy_updated = False # plan parameters self.plan_resolution = 0.1 self.plan_horizon = 15 # time when we started following the plan self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = 0 self.plan_start = [0., 0.] # Robot limits self.v_max = 0.2 # maximum velocity self.om_max = 0.4 # maximum angular velocity self.v_des = 0.12 # desired cruising velocity #self.v_des = 0.2 self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05 # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2 # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control self.near_thresh = 0.2 # goal state threshold self.at_thresh = 0.09 #0.05 self.at_thresh_theta = 0.2 #0.1 # trajectory smoothing self.spline_alpha = 0.005 #0.01 #0.05 # 0.15 self.traj_dt = 0.1 # trajectory tracking controller parameters self.kpx = 0.5 # 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 # 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 # 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 # 1.5 # heading controller parameters self.kp_th = 2. self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max) self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max) self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max) self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback) # ADD CURRENT STATE PUBLISHER (11/15/20 DEM) self.current_state_pub = rospy.Publisher('/current_state', Pose2D, queue_size=10) print "finished init" ######## CALLBACK FUNCTIONS ######## def stop_sign_detected_callback(self, msg): """ callback for when the detector has found a stop sign. Note that a distance of 0 can mean that the lidar did not pickup the stop sign at all """ # distance of the stop sign dist = msg.distance # confidence of stop sign conf = msg.confidence # if close enough and in nav mode, stop if dist > 0 and dist < self.stop_min_dist and self.mode == Mode.TRACK and conf > 0.8: self.stop_detections = self.stop_detections + 1 rospy.loginfo("Our stop sign distance is " + str(dist)) rospy.loginfo("Our stop sign confidence is " + str(conf)) else: self.stop_detections = 0 # reset (might want to delete this??) # if we've made a detection more than twice in a row if self.stop_detections > 2: self.stop_detections = 0 self.init_stop_sign() def dyn_cfg_callback(self, config, level): rospy.loginfo( "Reconfigure Request: k1:{k1}, k2:{k2}, k3:{k3}".format(**config)) self.pose_controller.k1 = config["k1"] self.pose_controller.k2 = config["k2"] self.pose_controller.k3 = config["k3"] return config def cmd_nav_callback(self, data): """ loads in goal if different from current goal, and replans """ if data.x != self.x_g or data.y != self.y_g or data.theta != self.theta_g: self.x_g = data.x self.y_g = data.y self.theta_g = data.theta rospy.loginfo("Replanning because of new cmd nav goal") self.replan() def map_md_callback(self, msg): """ receives maps meta data and stores it """ self.map_width = msg.width self.map_height = msg.height self.map_resolution = msg.resolution self.map_origin = (msg.origin.position.x, msg.origin.position.y) def map_callback(self, msg): """ receives new map info and updates the map """ self.map_probs = # if we've received the map metadata and have a way to update it: if self.map_width > 0 and self.map_height > 0 and len( self.map_probs) > 0: self.occupancy = StochOccupancyGrid2D( self.map_resolution, self.map_width, self.map_height, self.map_origin[0], self.map_origin[1], 8, self.map_probs) if self.x_g is not None: # if we have a goal to plan to, replan # EREZ added condition 11/11/20 if self.mode == Mode.TRACK: rospy.loginfo("replanning because of new map") self.replan() # new map, need to replan rospy.loginfo("replanning at state:" + str(self.mode)) def shutdown_callback(self): """ publishes zero velocities upon rospy shutdown """ cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = 0.0 cmd_vel.angular.z = 0.0 self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) ######## STATE MACHINE ACTIONS ######## def init_stop_sign(self): """ initiates a stop sign maneuver """ self.stop_sign_start = rospy.get_rostime() self.switch_mode(Mode.STOP) def has_stopped(self): """ checks if stop sign maneuver is over """ return self.mode == Mode.STOP and \ rospy.get_rostime() - self.stop_sign_start > rospy.Duration.from_sec(self.stop_time) def init_crossing(self): """ initiates an intersection crossing maneuver """ self.cross_start = rospy.get_rostime() self.switch_mode(Mode.CROSS) def has_crossed(self): """ checks if crossing maneuver is over """ return self.mode == Mode.CROSS and \ rospy.get_rostime() - self.cross_start > rospy.Duration.from_sec(self.crossing_time) def near_goal(self): """ returns whether the robot is close enough in position to the goal to start using the pose controller """ return linalg.norm(np.array([self.x - self.x_g, self.y - self.y_g ])) < self.near_thresh def at_goal(self): """ returns whether the robot has reached the goal position with enough accuracy to return to idle state """ # CHANGED FROM NEAR_THRESH TO AT_THRESH return (linalg.norm(np.array( [self.x - self.x_g, self.y - self.y_g])) < self.at_thresh and abs( wrapToPi(self.theta - self.theta_g)) < self.at_thresh_theta) def aligned(self): """ returns whether robot is aligned with starting direction of path (enough to switch to tracking controller) """ return (abs(wrapToPi(self.theta - self.th_init)) < self.theta_start_thresh) def close_to_plan_start(self): return (abs(self.x - self.plan_start[0]) < self.start_pos_thresh and abs(self.y - self.plan_start[1]) < self.start_pos_thresh) def snap_to_grid(self, x): return (self.plan_resolution * round(x[0] / self.plan_resolution), self.plan_resolution * round(x[1] / self.plan_resolution)) def switch_mode(self, new_mode): rospy.loginfo("NAVIGatOR: switching from %s -> %s", self.mode, new_mode) self.mode = new_mode def publish_planned_path(self, path, publisher): # publish planned plan for visualization path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' for state in path: pose_st = PoseStamped() pose_st.pose.position.x = state[0] pose_st.pose.position.y = state[1] pose_st.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose_st.header.frame_id = 'map' path_msg.poses.append(pose_st) publisher.publish(path_msg) def publish_smoothed_path(self, traj, publisher): # publish planned plan for visualization path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' for i in range(traj.shape[0]): pose_st = PoseStamped() pose_st.pose.position.x = traj[i, 0] pose_st.pose.position.y = traj[i, 1] pose_st.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose_st.header.frame_id = 'map' path_msg.poses.append(pose_st) publisher.publish(path_msg) def publish_control(self): """ Runs appropriate controller depending on the mode. Assumes all controllers are all properly set up / with the correct goals loaded """ t = self.get_current_plan_time() if self.mode == Mode.PARK: V, om = self.pose_controller.compute_control( self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) elif self.mode == Mode.TRACK or self.mode == Mode.CROSS: V, om = self.traj_controller.compute_control( self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) elif self.mode == Mode.ALIGN: V, om = self.heading_controller.compute_control( self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) else: # STOP/IDLE V = 0. om = 0. cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = V cmd_vel.angular.z = om self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) def get_current_plan_time(self): t = (rospy.get_rostime() - self.current_plan_start_time).to_sec() return max(0.0, t) # clip negative time to 0 def replan(self): """ loads goal into pose controller runs planner based on current pose if plan long enough to track: smooths resulting traj, loads it into traj_controller sets self.current_plan_start_time sets mode to ALIGN else: sets mode to PARK """ # Make sure we have a map if not self.occupancy: rospy.loginfo( "Navigator: replanning canceled, waiting for occupancy map.") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) return # Attempt to plan a path state_min = self.snap_to_grid((-self.plan_horizon, -self.plan_horizon)) state_max = self.snap_to_grid((self.plan_horizon, self.plan_horizon)) x_init = self.snap_to_grid((self.x, self.y)) self.plan_start = x_init x_goal = self.snap_to_grid((self.x_g, self.y_g)) astar_problem = AStar(state_min, state_max, x_init, x_goal, self.occupancy, self.plan_resolution) rrt_problem = GeometricRRTConnect(state_min, state_max, x_init, x_goal, self.occupancy, self.plan_resolution) rospy.loginfo("Navigator: computing navigation plan") rospy.loginfo("Current mode: " + str(self.mode)) astar_success = astar_problem.solve() astar_path = astar_problem.path rrt_success = rrt_problem.solve() rrt_path = rrt_problem.path success = (astar_success or rrt_success) if not success: rospy.loginfo("Planning failed") return else: rospy.loginfo("Planning Succeeded") if astar_success: traj_new_astar, t_new_astar, path_length_astar = compute_smoothed_traj( astar_path, self.v_des, self.spline_alpha, self.traj_dt) else: path_length_astar = np.Inf if rrt_success: traj_new_rrt, t_new_rrt, path_length_rrt = compute_smoothed_traj( rrt_path, self.v_des, self.spline_alpha, self.traj_dt) else: path_length_rrt = np.Inf if path_length_astar <= path_length_rrt: traj_new = traj_new_astar t_new = t_new_astar planned_path = astar_path rospy.loginfo("AStar Gave Shortest Path") else: traj_new = traj_new_rrt t_new = t_new_rrt planned_path = rrt_path rospy.loginfo("RRT Gave Shortest Path") # load goal into pose controller self.pose_controller.load_goal(self.x_g, self.y_g, self.theta_g) # Check whether path is too short ''' if len(planned_path) < 4: rospy.loginfo("Path too short to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) return ''' # Smooth and generate a trajectory # If currently tracking a trajectory, check whether new trajectory will take more time to follow if self.mode == Mode.TRACK: t_remaining_curr = self.current_plan_duration - self.get_current_plan_time( ) # Estimate duration of new trajectory th_init_new = traj_new[0, 2] th_err = wrapToPi(th_init_new - self.theta) t_init_align = abs(th_err / self.om_max) t_remaining_new = t_init_align + t_new[-1] if t_remaining_new > t_remaining_curr: rospy.loginfo( "New plan rejected (longer duration than current plan)") self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub) return # Otherwise follow the new plan self.publish_planned_path(planned_path, self.nav_planned_path_pub) self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_pub) self.traj_controller.load_traj(t_new, traj_new) self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = t_new[-1] self.th_init = traj_new[0, 2] self.heading_controller.load_goal(self.th_init) if (not self.aligned() and self.mode != Mode.CROSS and self.mode != Mode.STOP) \ or (self.mode == Mode.IDLE): rospy.loginfo("Not aligned with start direction") self.switch_mode(Mode.ALIGN) return # COMMENTED OUT #rospy.loginfo("Ready to track") #self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK) def run(self): rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10 Hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # try to get state information to update self.x, self.y, self.theta try: (translation, rotation) = self.trans_listener.lookupTransform( '/map', '/base_footprint', rospy.Time(0)) self.x = translation[0] self.y = translation[1] euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(rotation) self.theta = euler[2] # PUBLISH CURRENT STATE (11/15/20 DEM) current_state = Pose2D() current_state.x = self.x current_state.y = self.y current_state.theta = self.theta self.current_state_pub.publish(current_state) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException) as e: self.current_plan = [] rospy.loginfo("Navigator: waiting for state info") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) print e pass # STATE MACHINE LOGIC # some transitions handled by callbacks if self.mode == Mode.IDLE: pass elif self.mode == Mode.ALIGN: if self.aligned(): self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK) elif self.mode == Mode.TRACK: # if near goal switch to PARK mode if self.near_goal(): self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) elif not self.close_to_plan_start(): rospy.loginfo("replanning because far from start") self.replan() elif (rospy.get_rostime() - self.current_plan_start_time ).to_sec() > self.current_plan_duration: rospy.loginfo("replanning because out of time") self.replan( ) # we aren't near the goal but we thought we should have been, so replan elif self.mode == Mode.PARK: if self.at_goal(): # forget about goal: # EREZ COMMENTED OUT 11/18/20 #self.x_g = None #self.y_g = None #self.theta_g = None self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) elif self.mode == Mode.STOP: if self.has_stopped(): self.init_crossing() # otherwise we will be commanding 0 velocity elif self.mode == Mode.CROSS: # crossing the intersection if self.has_crossed(): self.switch_mode(Mode.ALIGN) else: raise Exception("This mode is not supported: {}".format( str(self.mode))) self.publish_control() rate.sleep()
class Navigator: """ This node handles point to point turtlebot motion, avoiding obstacles. It is the sole node that should publish to cmd_vel """ def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True) self.mode = Mode.EXPLORE self.delivery_locations = {} self.requests = [] self.vendor_marker_ids = {} # current state self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 # goal state self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.th_init = 0.0 # map parameters self.map_width = 0 self.map_height = 0 self.map_resolution = 0 self.map_origin = [0, 0] self.map_probs = [] self.occupancy = None self.occupancy_updated = False # plan parameters self.plan_resolution = 0.1 self.plan_horizon = 20 # NOTE: Changed this to incraese the plan horizon for testing # time when we started following the plan self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = 0 self.plan_start = [0., 0.] # Robot limits self.v_max = 0.2 # maximum velocity self.om_max = 0.4 # maximum angular velocity self.v_des = 0.12 # desired cruising velocity self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05 # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2 # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control self.near_thresh = 0.2 self.at_thresh = 0.02 self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05 #self.at_thresh_theta = 0.1 # trajectory smoothing self.spline_alpha = 0.15 self.traj_dt = 0.1 # trajectory tracking controller parameters self.kpx = 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 # heading controller parameters self.kp_th = 2. self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max) self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max) self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max) self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback) #stop sign parameters self.stop_min_dist = 2 self.stop_sign_roll_start = 0 self.stop_sign_stop_time = 4 self.wait_time = 1 self.first_seen_time = -1 rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback) #For the stop sign rospy.Subscriber('/detector/stop_sign', DetectedObject, self.stop_sign_detected_callback) # For ETA rviz markers self.vis_pub = rospy.Publisher('/eta', Marker, queue_size=10) # For landmark rviz markers self.vis_pub = rospy.Publisher('/marker_topic', Marker, queue_size=10) # Listen to object detector and save locations of interest rospy.Subscriber('/detector/objects', DetectedObjectList, self.detected_objects_callback, queue_size=10) rospy.Subscriber('/delivery_request', String, self.request_callback) print "finished init" def dyn_cfg_callback(self, config, level): rospy.loginfo( "NAVIGATOR: Reconfigure Request: k1:{k1}, k2:{k2}, k3:{k3}".format( **config)) self.pose_controller.k1 = config["k1"] self.pose_controller.k2 = config["k2"] self.pose_controller.k3 = config["k3"] return config def cmd_nav_callback(self, data): """ loads in goal if different from current goal, and replans """ if data.x != self.x_g or data.y != self.y_g or data.theta != self.theta_g: self.x_g = data.x self.y_g = data.y self.theta_g = data.theta self.replan() def map_md_callback(self, msg): """ receives maps meta data and stores it """ self.map_width = msg.width self.map_height = msg.height self.map_resolution = msg.resolution self.map_origin = (msg.origin.position.x, msg.origin.position.y) def map_callback(self, msg): """ receives new map info and updates the map """ self.map_probs = # if we've received the map metadata and have a way to update it: if self.map_width > 0 and self.map_height > 0 and len( self.map_probs) > 0: #self.occupancy = StochOccupancyGrid2D(self.map_resolution, #self.map_width, #self.map_height, #self.map_origin[0], #self.map_origin[1], #8, #self.map_probs) self.occupancy = StochOccupancyGrid2D( self.map_resolution, self.map_width, self.map_height, self.map_origin[0], self.map_origin[1], 8, # NOTE: Made the window size larger self.map_probs) # NOTE: Made the probability lower if self.x_g is not None: # if we have a goal to plan to, replan rospy.loginfo("NAVIGATOR: replanning because of new map") self.replan() # new map, need to replan def shutdown_callback(self): """ publishes zero velocities upon rospy shutdown """ cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = 0.0 cmd_vel.angular.z = 0.0 self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) def stop_sign_detected_callback(self, msg): """ callback for when the detector has found a stop sign. Note that a distance of 0 can mean that the lidar did not pickup the stop sign at all """ # distance of the stop sign dist = msg.distance rospy.loginfo("Detected stop sign") rospy.loginfo(dist) if dist > 0 and dist < self.stop_min_dist and self.mode == Mode.TRACK and msg.confidence > OBJECT_CONFIDENCE_THESH: if self.first_seen_time == -1: self.first_seen_time = rospy.get_rostime() elif rospy.get_rostime( ) - self.first_seen_time > rospy.Duration.from_sec( self.wait_time) and self.mode == Mode.TRACK: rospy.loginfo("Initializing roll and changing v_max and v_des") self.init_stop_sign() def calculate_bounding_box_area(self, corners): ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax = corners return (ymax - ymin) * (xmax - xmin) def detected_objects_callback(self, msg): # Iterate through all of the objects found by the detector for name, obj in zip(msg.objects, msg.ob_msgs): # Check to see if the object has not already been seen and if it is an object of interest if name not in self.delivery_locations.keys( ) and name in OBJECTS_OF_INTEREST: print(self.calculate_bounding_box_area(obj.corners)) # Ensure that the object detected is of high confidence and close to the robot print('Detected object info') print(obj.confidence) print(obj.distance) print(self.calculate_bounding_box_area(obj.corners)) if (obj.confidence < OBJECT_CONFIDENCE_THESH and obj.distance < OBJECT_DISTANCE_THESH and self.calculate_bounding_box_area( obj.corners) > BOUNDING_BOX_AREA_THRESH): # Add the object to the robot list print('adding object') currentPose = Pose2D() currentPose.x = self.x currentPose.y = self.y currentPose.theta = self.theta self.delivery_locations[name] = currentPose print(self.delivery_locations) # Once all objects have been found, then start the request cycle if len(self.delivery_locations.keys() ) == NUM_LOCATIONS_EXPLORED: rospy.loginfo( "NAVIGATOR: Found all delivery locations.") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) # to be tested: if object detected again, update location in case opponent moved it elif name in self.delivery_locations.keys(): prev_loc = self.delivery_locations[name] dist = math.sqrt((prev_loc.x - self.x)**2 + (prev_loc.y - self.y)**2) if dist > 8: # todo: tune this distance threshold self.delivery_locations[name].x = self.x self.delivery_locations[name].y = self.y self.delivery_locations[name].theta = self.theta rospy.loginfo( "NAVIGATOR: Updating detected object location to current position" ) def request_callback(self, msg): rospy.loginfo("NAVIGATOR: Receiving request {}".format( if == 'clear': self.requests = [] self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) return if len(self.requests) == 0: for location in','): if location not in self.delivery_locations.keys(): rospy.loginfo("NAVIGATOR: Location %s invalid. Skipping.", location) continue else: rospy.loginfo("NAVIGATOR: Processing request...") self.requests.append(location) if len(self.requests) > 0: self.requests.append(HOME_LOCATION) self.go_to_next_request() def init_stop_sign(self): self.stop_sign_roll_start = rospy.get_rostime() self.traj_controller.V_max = 0.05 self.pose_controller.V_max = 0.05 self.v_des = 0.04 self.switch_mode(Mode.ROLL) def has_rolled(self): return (self.mode == Mode.ROLL and rospy.get_rostime() - self.stop_sign_roll_start > rospy.Duration.from_sec(self.stop_sign_stop_time)) def near_goal(self): """ returns whether the robot is close enough in position to the goal to start using the pose controller """ return linalg.norm(np.array([self.x - self.x_g, self.y - self.y_g ])) < self.near_thresh def at_goal(self): """ returns whether the robot has reached the goal position with enough accuracy to return to idle state """ return (linalg.norm(np.array([self.x - self.x_g, self.y - self.y_g])) < self.near_thresh and abs(wrapToPi(self.theta - self.theta_g)) < self.at_thresh_theta) def aligned(self): """ returns whether robot is aligned with starting direction of path (enough to switch to tracking controller) """ return (abs(wrapToPi(self.theta - self.th_init)) < self.theta_start_thresh) def close_to_plan_start(self): return (abs(self.x - self.plan_start[0]) < self.start_pos_thresh and abs(self.y - self.plan_start[1]) < self.start_pos_thresh) def snap_to_grid(self, x): return (self.plan_resolution * round(x[0] / self.plan_resolution), self.plan_resolution * round(x[1] / self.plan_resolution)) def switch_mode(self, new_mode): rospy.loginfo("NAVIGATOR: Switching from %s -> %s", self.mode, new_mode) self.mode = new_mode def publish_planned_path(self, path, publisher): # publish planned plan for visualization path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' for state in path: pose_st = PoseStamped() pose_st.pose.position.x = state[0] pose_st.pose.position.y = state[1] pose_st.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose_st.header.frame_id = 'map' path_msg.poses.append(pose_st) publisher.publish(path_msg) def publish_smoothed_path(self, traj, publisher): # publish planned plan for visualization path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' for i in range(traj.shape[0]): pose_st = PoseStamped() pose_st.pose.position.x = traj[i, 0] pose_st.pose.position.y = traj[i, 1] pose_st.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose_st.header.frame_id = 'map' path_msg.poses.append(pose_st) publisher.publish(path_msg) def publish_control(self): """ Runs appropriate controller depending on the mode. Assumes all controllers are all properly set up / with the correct goals loaded """ t = self.get_current_plan_time() if self.mode == Mode.PARK: V, om = self.pose_controller.compute_control( self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) elif self.mode == Mode.TRACK or self.mode == Mode.ROLL: V, om = self.traj_controller.compute_control( self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) elif self.mode == Mode.ALIGN: V, om = self.heading_controller.compute_control( self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) elif self.mode == Mode.EXPLORE: return else: V = 0. om = 0. cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = V cmd_vel.angular.z = om self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) def get_current_plan_time(self): t = (rospy.get_rostime() - self.current_plan_start_time).to_sec() return max(0.0, t) # clip negative time to 0 def go_to_next_request(self): goal_pose = self.delivery_locations[self.requests[0]] if goal_pose.x != self.x_g or goal_pose.y != self.y_g or goal_pose.theta != self.theta_g: rospy.loginfo("NAVIGATOR: Going to a new location") self.x_g = goal_pose.x self.y_g = goal_pose.y self.theta_g = goal_pose.theta self.replan() def replan(self): """ loads goal into pose controller runs planner based on current pose if plan long enough to track: smooths resulting traj, loads it into traj_controller sets self.current_plan_start_time sets mode to ALIGN else: sets mode to PARK """ # Make sure we have a map if not self.occupancy: rospy.loginfo( "NAVIGATOR: replanning canceled, waiting for occupancy map.") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) return # Attempt to plan a path state_min = self.snap_to_grid((-self.plan_horizon, -self.plan_horizon)) state_max = self.snap_to_grid((self.plan_horizon, self.plan_horizon)) x_init = self.snap_to_grid((self.x, self.y)) self.plan_start = x_init x_goal = self.snap_to_grid((self.x_g, self.y_g)) problem = AStar(state_min, state_max, x_init, x_goal, self.occupancy, self.plan_resolution) rospy.loginfo("NAVIGATOR: computing navigation plan") success = problem.solve() if not success: rospy.loginfo("NAVIGATOR: Planning failed") return rospy.loginfo("NAVIGATOR: Planning Succeeded") planned_path = problem.path # Check whether path is too short try: if len(planned_path) < 4: rospy.loginfo("NAVIGATOR: Path too short to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) return except: rospy.loginfo( "NAVIGATOR: len(path_planned) attempt failed. Switching to park. Try a new path." ) self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) return # Smooth and generate a trajectory traj_new, t_new = compute_smoothed_traj(planned_path, self.v_des, self.spline_alpha, self.traj_dt) # If currently tracking a trajectory, check whether new trajectory will take more time to follow if self.mode == Mode.TRACK: t_remaining_curr = self.current_plan_duration - self.get_current_plan_time( ) # Estimate duration of new trajectory th_init_new = traj_new[0, 2] th_err = wrapToPi(th_init_new - self.theta) t_init_align = abs(th_err / self.om_max) t_remaining_new = t_init_align + t_new[-1] if t_remaining_new > t_remaining_curr: rospy.loginfo( "NAVIGATOR: New plan rejected (longer duration than current plan)" ) self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub) return # Otherwise follow the new plan self.publish_planned_path(planned_path, self.nav_planned_path_pub) self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_pub) self.pose_controller.load_goal(self.x_g, self.y_g, self.theta_g) self.traj_controller.load_traj(t_new, traj_new) self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = t_new[-1] self.th_init = traj_new[0, 2] self.heading_controller.load_goal(self.th_init) if not self.aligned(): rospy.loginfo("NAVIGATOR: Not aligned with start direction") self.switch_mode(Mode.ALIGN) return rospy.loginfo("NAVIGATOR: Ready to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK) def run(self): rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10 Hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # try to get state information to update self.x, self.y, self.theta try: (translation, rotation) = self.trans_listener.lookupTransform( '/map', '/base_footprint', rospy.Time(0)) self.x = translation[0] self.y = translation[1] euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(rotation) self.theta = euler[2] except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException) as e: self.current_plan = [] rospy.loginfo("NAVIGATOR: waiting for state info") if (self.mode != Mode.EXPLORE): self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) print e pass # STATE MACHINE LOGIC # some transitions handled by callbacks if self.mode == Mode.IDLE: pass elif self.mode == Mode.ALIGN: if self.aligned(): self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK) elif self.mode == Mode.TRACK: if self.near_goal(): self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) elif not self.close_to_plan_start(): rospy.loginfo( "NAVIGATOR: replanning because far from start") self.replan() elif (rospy.get_rostime() - self.current_plan_start_time ).to_sec() > self.current_plan_duration: rospy.loginfo("NAVIGATOR: replanning because out of time") self.replan( ) # we aren't near the goal but we thought we should have been, so replan self.displayETA() elif self.mode == Mode.PARK: if self.at_goal(): # Forget about the current goal self.requests.pop(0) self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) # Check to see if there are more places that must be visited if len(self.requests) > 0: self.go_to_next_request() elif self.mode == Mode.ROLL: rospy.loginfo("Rolling...") if self.has_rolled(): rospy.loginfo("Finishd rolling") self.traj_controller.V_max = 0.2 self.pose_controller.V_max = 0.2 self.v_des = 0.12 self.mode = Mode.TRACK self.first_seen_time = -1 # publish vendor and robot locations self.publish_vendor_locs() self.publish_robot_loc() self.publish_control() rate.sleep() ########## RVIZ VISUALIZATION ########## def publish_vendor_locs(self): for name, loc in self.delivery_locations.items(): # add marker marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "/map" marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time() # so we don't create millions of markers over time if name in self.vendor_marker_ids.keys(): = self.vendor_marker_ids[name] else: next_avail_id = len(self.vendor_marker_ids ) + 1 # robot is 0, so increment from 1 = next_avail_id self.vendor_marker_ids[name] = next_avail_id marker.type = 1 # cube marker.pose.position.x = loc.x marker.pose.position.y = loc.y #marker.pose.position.x = loc[0] #marker.pose.position.y = loc[1] marker.pose.position.z = 0.1 marker.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 marker.scale.x = 0.2 marker.scale.y = 0.2 marker.scale.z = 0.2 if name == HOME_LOCATION: marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.r = 1.0 marker.color.g = 0.0 marker.color.b = 0.0 else: marker.color.a = 1.0 # Don't forget to set the alpha! marker.color.r = 0.5 marker.color.g = 0.0 marker.color.b = 1.0 self.vis_pub.publish(marker) def publish_robot_loc(self): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "base_footprint" marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time() = 0 # robot marker id is 0 marker.type = 0 # arrow marker.pose.position.x = 0.0 marker.pose.position.y = 0.0 marker.pose.position.z = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 marker.scale.x = 0.4 marker.scale.y = 0.1 marker.scale.z = 0.1 marker.color.a = 1.0 # Don't forget to set the alpha! marker.color.r = 0.5 marker.color.g = 1.0 marker.color.b = 0.5 self.vis_pub.publish(marker) def displayETA(self): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "base_footprint" marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time() = 1234 marker.type = Marker.TEXT_VIEW_FACING marker.pose.position.x = 0.0 marker.pose.position.y = 0.0 marker.pose.position.z = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 marker.scale.x = 0.4 marker.scale.y = 0.1 marker.scale.z = 0.2 marker.color.a = 1.0 # Don't forget to set the alpha! marker.color.r = 0.02 marker.color.g = 0.84 marker.color.b = 1.0 marker.text = "ETA to destination: {}".format( self.current_plan_duration) self.vis_pub.publish(marker)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True) self.mode = Mode.IDLE # current state self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 # goal state self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.vendor_queue = [] = 65 self.th_init = 0.0 # map parameters self.map_width = 0 self.map_height = 0 self.map_resolution = 0 self.map_origin = [0,0] self.map_probs = [] self.occupancy = None self.occupancy_updated = False self.vendors = {'apple': None, 'banana': None, 'broccoli': None, 'pizza': None, 'donut': None, 'home': None} #self.vendors = {'apple': (0.27, 1), 'banana': (1, 0.27), 'broccoli': (1.85, 2.8), 'pizza': (1.15, 1.65), 'donut': (2.2, 1.85), 'home': (3.3, 1.6)} self.intermediate_left = (2.5, 0.3) self.intermediate_right = (2.5, 2.7) # plan parameters self.plan_resolution = 0.1 self.plan_horizon = 15 self.fail_count = 0 # Stop sign related parameters # Time to stop at a stop sign self.stop_time = rospy.get_param("~stop_time", 3.) # Minimum distance from a stop sign to obey it self.stop_min_dist = rospy.get_param("~stop_min_dist", 0.4) # Time taken to cross an intersection self.crossing_time = rospy.get_param("~crossing_time", 3.5) self.crossing_vel = 0.125 self.vendor_detector_dist = 0.4 self.vendor_time = rospy.get_param("~vendor_stop_time", 5.) self.vendor_stop_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() # time when we started following the plan self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = 0 self.plan_start = [0.,0.] # Robot limits self.v_max = 0.2 # maximum velocity self.om_max = 0.4 # maximum angular velocity #self.v_max = rospy.get_param("~v_max") #self.om_max = rospy.get_param("~om_max") self.v_des = 0.12 # desired cruising velocity self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05 # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2 # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control self.near_thresh = 0.2 self.at_thresh = 0.02 self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05 # cfg # trajectory smoothing self.spline_alpha = 0.1 #need to change in cfg self.traj_dt = 0.1 # trajectory tracking controller parameters self.kpx = 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 # heading controller parameters self.kp_th = 2. self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max) self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max) self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max) self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('/vendor_loc', Pose2D, queue_size=10) self.goal_marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('/goal_loc', Pose2D, queue_size=10) self.hungry_pub = rospy.Publisher('/hungry', String, queue_size=10) self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback) # Stop sign detector rospy.Subscriber('/detector/stop_sign', DetectedObject, self.stop_sign_detected_callback) # Vendor detector rospy.Subscriber('/detector/objects', DetectedObjectList, self.vendor_detected_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/delivery_request', String, self.order_callback) print "finished init"
class Navigator: """ This node handles point to point turtlebot motion, avoiding obstacles. It is the sole node that should publish to cmd_vel """ def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True) self.mode = Mode.IDLE # current state self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 # goal state self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.vendor_queue = [] = 65 self.th_init = 0.0 # map parameters self.map_width = 0 self.map_height = 0 self.map_resolution = 0 self.map_origin = [0,0] self.map_probs = [] self.occupancy = None self.occupancy_updated = False self.vendors = {'apple': None, 'banana': None, 'broccoli': None, 'pizza': None, 'donut': None, 'home': None} #self.vendors = {'apple': (0.27, 1), 'banana': (1, 0.27), 'broccoli': (1.85, 2.8), 'pizza': (1.15, 1.65), 'donut': (2.2, 1.85), 'home': (3.3, 1.6)} self.intermediate_left = (2.5, 0.3) self.intermediate_right = (2.5, 2.7) # plan parameters self.plan_resolution = 0.1 self.plan_horizon = 15 self.fail_count = 0 # Stop sign related parameters # Time to stop at a stop sign self.stop_time = rospy.get_param("~stop_time", 3.) # Minimum distance from a stop sign to obey it self.stop_min_dist = rospy.get_param("~stop_min_dist", 0.4) # Time taken to cross an intersection self.crossing_time = rospy.get_param("~crossing_time", 3.5) self.crossing_vel = 0.125 self.vendor_detector_dist = 0.4 self.vendor_time = rospy.get_param("~vendor_stop_time", 5.) self.vendor_stop_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() # time when we started following the plan self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = 0 self.plan_start = [0.,0.] # Robot limits self.v_max = 0.2 # maximum velocity self.om_max = 0.4 # maximum angular velocity #self.v_max = rospy.get_param("~v_max") #self.om_max = rospy.get_param("~om_max") self.v_des = 0.12 # desired cruising velocity self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05 # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2 # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control self.near_thresh = 0.2 self.at_thresh = 0.02 self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05 # cfg # trajectory smoothing self.spline_alpha = 0.1 #need to change in cfg self.traj_dt = 0.1 # trajectory tracking controller parameters self.kpx = 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 # heading controller parameters self.kp_th = 2. self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max) self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max) self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max) self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('/vendor_loc', Pose2D, queue_size=10) self.goal_marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('/goal_loc', Pose2D, queue_size=10) self.hungry_pub = rospy.Publisher('/hungry', String, queue_size=10) self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback) # Stop sign detector rospy.Subscriber('/detector/stop_sign', DetectedObject, self.stop_sign_detected_callback) # Vendor detector rospy.Subscriber('/detector/objects', DetectedObjectList, self.vendor_detected_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/delivery_request', String, self.order_callback) print "finished init" def dyn_cfg_callback(self, config, level): rospy.loginfo("Reconfigure Request: k1:{k1}, k2:{k2}, k3:{k3}, spline_alpha:{spline_alpha}".format(**config)) self.pose_controller.k1 = config["k1"] #default: 0.8 self.pose_controller.k2 = config["k2"] #default: 0.4 self.pose_controller.k3 = config["k3"] #default: 0.4 self.spline_alpha = config["spline_alpha"] #default: 0.15 self.at_thresh_theta = config["at_thresh_theta"] #default: 0.05 return config def cmd_nav_callback(self, data): """ loads in goal if different from current goal, and replans """ if data.x != self.x_g or data.y != self.y_g or data.theta != self.theta_g: self.x_g = data.x self.y_g = data.y self.theta_g = data.theta self.replan() def map_md_callback(self, msg): """ receives maps meta data and stores it """ self.map_width = msg.width self.map_height = msg.height self.map_resolution = msg.resolution self.map_origin = (msg.origin.position.x,msg.origin.position.y) def map_callback(self,msg): """ receives new map info and updates the map """ self.map_probs = # if we've received the map metadata and have a way to update it: if self.map_width>0 and self.map_height>0 and len(self.map_probs)>0: self.occupancy = StochOccupancyGrid2D(self.map_resolution, self.map_width, self.map_height, self.map_origin[0], self.map_origin[1], 10, self.map_probs) if self.x_g is not None: # if we have a goal to plan to, replan rospy.loginfo("replanning because of new map") self.replan() # new map, need to replan def stop_sign_detected_callback(self, msg): """ callback for when the detector has found a stop sign. Note that a distance of 0 can mean that the lidar did not pickup the stop sign at all """ # distance of the stop sign thetaleft = msg.thetaleft - 2*np.pi if msg.thetaleft > np.pi else msg.thetaleft thetaright = msg.thetaright - 2*np.pi if msg.thetaright > np.pi else msg.thetaright camera_theta = (thetaleft + thetaright)/2 dist = msg.distance*np.cos(camera_theta) # if close enough and in nav mode, stop if dist > 0 and dist < self.stop_min_dist and self.mode == Mode.TRACK and msg.confidence > 0.8: self.init_stop_sign() print('stop sign detected') def vendor_detected_callback(self, msg): ''' callback for when the detector has found a vendor logo it is looking for ''' msg = msg.ob_msgs[-1] print(, msg.distance) if in self.vendors.keys() and msg.distance < self.vendor_detector_dist and self.vendors[] == None: print("Vendor detected") thetaleft = msg.thetaleft - 2*np.pi if msg.thetaleft > np.pi else msg.thetaleft thetaright = msg.thetaright - 2*np.pi if msg.thetaright > np.pi else msg.thetaright camera_theta = (thetaleft + thetaright)/2 dist = msg.distance self.vendors[] = (self.x+dist*np.cos(self.theta+camera_theta), self.y+dist*np.sin(self.theta+camera_theta)) pub_msg = Pose2D() pub_msg.x, pub_msg.y = self.vendors[] self.marker_pub.publish(pub_msg) self.vendors[] = self.snap_to_grid((self.x, self.y)) def order_callback(self, msg): ''' callback for when there is an order request ''' vendorList = str(msg)[7:-1].split(',') if vendorList == ['']: self.vendor_queue.append(self.vendors['home']) else: locations = [self.vendors['home']] for v in vendorList: if v != '': locations.append(self.vendors[v]) state_min = self.snap_to_grid((-self.plan_horizon, -self.plan_horizon)) state_max = self.snap_to_grid((self.plan_horizon, self.plan_horizon)) edges, cost_matrix = tsp_solver(state_min, state_max, self.occupancy, self.plan_resolution, self.v_des, self.spline_alpha, self.traj_dt, locations) print(edges, cost_matrix) queue_temp = [] cost_list = [0] for edge in edges[1:]: queue_temp.append(locations[edge[1]]) cost_list.append(cost_list[-1]+cost_matrix[edge[0]][edge[1]]) print(cost_list) energy_fill_times = 0 while cost_list[-1] > index = len(cost_list)-1 while index >= 0 and cost_list[index] > index -= 1 while index >= 0 and cost_list[index] + compute_path_cost(state_min, state_max, self.occupancy, self.plan_resolution, self.v_des, self.spline_alpha, self.traj_dt, self.vendors['donut'], locations[edges[index][1]]) > index -= 1 queue_temp.insert(index+energy_fill_times, self.vendors['donut']) energy_fill_times += 1 # update cost_list cost_list[index+1:] = cost_list[index+1:] - cost_list[index+1] + compute_path_cost(state_min, state_max, self.occupancy, self.plan_resolution, self.v_des, self.spline_alpha, self.traj_dt, self.vendors['donut'], locations[edges[index+1][1]]) print(queue_temp) self.vendor_queue = queue_temp def shutdown_callback(self): """ publishes zero velocities upon rospy shutdown """ cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = 0.0 cmd_vel.angular.z = 0.0 self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) def stay_idle(self): """ sends zero velocity to stay put """ vel_g_msg = Twist() self.nav_vel_pub.publish(vel_g_msg) def init_stop_sign(self): """ initiates a stop sign maneuver """ self.stop_sign_start = rospy.get_rostime() self.mode = Mode.STOP def has_stopped(self): """ checks if stop sign maneuver is over """ return self.mode == Mode.STOP and \ rospy.get_rostime() - self.stop_sign_start > rospy.Duration.from_sec(self.stop_time) def init_crossing(self): """ initiates an intersection crossing maneuver """ self.cross_start = rospy.get_rostime() self.mode = Mode.CROSS print("init crossing") def has_crossed(self): """ checks if crossing maneuver is over """ return self.mode == Mode.CROSS and \ rospy.get_rostime() - self.cross_start > rospy.Duration.from_sec(self.crossing_time) def near_goal(self): """ returns whether the robot is close enough in position to the goal to start using the pose controller """ return linalg.norm(np.array([self.x-self.x_g, self.y-self.y_g])) < self.near_thresh def at_goal(self): """ returns whether the robot has reached the goal position with enough accuracy to return to idle state """ if self.x_g == None or self.y_g == None or self.theta_g == None: return True if (self.vendor_queue and linalg.norm(np.array([self.x-self.vendor_queue[0][0], self.y-self.vendor_queue[0][1]])) < self.near_thresh) or (linalg.norm(np.array([self.x-self.intermediate_left[0], self.y-self.intermediate_left[1]])) < self.near_thresh) or (linalg.norm(np.array([self.x-self.intermediate_right[0], self.y-self.intermediate_right[1]])) < self.near_thresh): return linalg.norm(np.array([self.x-self.x_g, self.y-self.y_g])) < self.at_thresh else: return (linalg.norm(np.array([self.x-self.x_g, self.y-self.y_g])) < self.at_thresh and abs(wrapToPi(self.theta - self.theta_g)) < self.at_thresh_theta) def aligned(self): """ returns whether robot is aligned with starting direction of path (enough to switch to tracking controller) """ return (abs(wrapToPi(self.theta - self.th_init)) < self.theta_start_thresh) def close_to_plan_start(self): return (abs(self.x - self.plan_start[0]) < self.start_pos_thresh and abs(self.y - self.plan_start[1]) < self.start_pos_thresh) def snap_to_grid(self, x): return (self.plan_resolution*round(x[0]/self.plan_resolution), self.plan_resolution*round(x[1]/self.plan_resolution)) def switch_mode(self, new_mode): rospy.loginfo("Switching from %s -> %s", self.mode, new_mode) self.mode = new_mode def publish_planned_path(self, path, publisher): # publish planned plan for visualization path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' for state in path: pose_st = PoseStamped() pose_st.pose.position.x = state[0] pose_st.pose.position.y = state[1] pose_st.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose_st.header.frame_id = 'map' path_msg.poses.append(pose_st) publisher.publish(path_msg) def publish_smoothed_path(self, traj, publisher): # publish planned plan for visualization path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' for i in range(traj.shape[0]): pose_st = PoseStamped() pose_st.pose.position.x = traj[i,0] pose_st.pose.position.y = traj[i,1] pose_st.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose_st.header.frame_id = 'map' path_msg.poses.append(pose_st) publisher.publish(path_msg) def publish_control(self): """ Runs appropriate controller depending on the mode. Assumes all controllers are all properly set up / with the correct goals loaded """ t = self.get_current_plan_time() if self.mode == Mode.PARK: V, om = self.pose_controller.compute_control(self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) elif self.mode == Mode.TRACK: V, om = self.traj_controller.compute_control(self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) elif self.mode == Mode.ALIGN: V, om = self.heading_controller.compute_control(self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) elif self.mode == Mode.CROSS: V = self.crossing_vel om = 0. else: V = 0. om = 0. cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = V cmd_vel.angular.z = om self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) def get_current_plan_time(self): t = (rospy.get_rostime()-self.current_plan_start_time).to_sec() return max(0.0, t) # clip negative time to 0 def replan(self): """ loads goal into pose controller runs planner based on current pose if plan long enough to track: smooths resulting traj, loads it into traj_controller sets self.current_plan_start_time sets mode to ALIGN else: sets mode to PARK """ # Make sure we have a map if not self.occupancy: rospy.loginfo("Navigator: replanning canceled, waiting for occupancy map.") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) return # Attempt to plan a path state_min = self.snap_to_grid((-self.plan_horizon, -self.plan_horizon)) state_max = self.snap_to_grid((self.plan_horizon, self.plan_horizon)) x_init = self.snap_to_grid((self.x, self.y)) self.plan_start = x_init x_goal = self.snap_to_grid((self.x_g, self.y_g)) problem = AStar(state_min,state_max,x_init,x_goal,self.occupancy,self.plan_resolution) rospy.loginfo("Navigator: computing navigation plan") success = problem.solve() # deal with goal that is too far from where we are if not success: rospy.loginfo("Planning failed") self.fail_count += 1 if self.fail_count > 3: self.fail_count = 0 left = abs(self.y - self.intermediate_left[1]) right = abs(self.y - self.intermediate_right[1]) self.x_g = 2.5 if left < right: self.y_g = self.intermediate_left[1] else: self.y_g = self.intermediate_right[1] rospy.loginfo("Goal position reset due to failed plan") return rospy.loginfo("Planning Succeeded") planned_path = problem.path # Check whether path is too short if len(planned_path) < 4: rospy.loginfo("Path too short to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) self.pose_controller.load_goal(self.x_g, self.y_g, self.theta_g) return # Smooth and generate a trajectory traj_new, t_new = compute_smoothed_traj(planned_path, self.v_des, self.spline_alpha, self.traj_dt) # If currently tracking a trajectory, check whether new trajectory will take more time to follow if self.mode == Mode.TRACK: t_remaining_curr = self.current_plan_duration - self.get_current_plan_time() # Estimate duration of new trajectory th_init_new = traj_new[0,2] th_err = wrapToPi(th_init_new - self.theta) t_init_align = abs(th_err/self.om_max) t_remaining_new = t_init_align + t_new[-1] if t_remaining_new > t_remaining_curr: rospy.loginfo("New plan rejected (longer duration than current plan)") self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub) return # Otherwise follow the new plan self.publish_planned_path(planned_path, self.nav_planned_path_pub) self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_pub) self.pose_controller.load_goal(self.x_g, self.y_g, self.theta_g) self.traj_controller.load_traj(t_new, traj_new) self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = t_new[-1] self.th_init = traj_new[0,2] self.heading_controller.load_goal(self.th_init) if not self.aligned(): rospy.loginfo("Not aligned with start direction") if not self.mode == Mode.STOP: if not (self.mode == Mode.CROSS and not self.has_crossed()): self.switch_mode(Mode.ALIGN) return if not self.mode == Mode.STOP: if not (self.mode == Mode.CROSS and not self.has_crossed()): rospy.loginfo("Ready to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK) def run(self): rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10 Hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # try to get state information to update self.x, self.y, self.theta try: (translation,rotation) = self.trans_listener.lookupTransform('/map', '/base_footprint', rospy.Time(0)) self.x = translation[0] self.y = translation[1] euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(rotation) self.theta = euler[2] except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException) as e: self.current_plan = [] rospy.loginfo("Navigator: waiting for state info") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) print e pass # STATE MACHINE LOGIC # some transitions handled by callbacks if self.mode == Mode.IDLE: if self.vendors['home'] == None and self.x != 0 and self.y != 0: self.vendors['home'] = self.snap_to_grid((self.x + 0.2, self.y)) msg = Pose2D() msg.x, msg.y = self.vendors['home'] self.marker_pub.publish(msg) if self.vendor_queue and (rospy.get_rostime() - self.vendor_stop_start_time) > rospy.Duration.from_sec(self.vendor_time): self.x_g = self.vendor_queue[0][0] self.y_g = self.vendor_queue[0][1] #start from home if (linalg.norm(np.array([self.x-self.vendors['home'][0], self.y-self.vendors['home'][1]])) < self.at_thresh): left = abs(self.y_g - self.intermediate_left[1]) right = abs(self.y_g - self.intermediate_right[1]) self.x_g = 2.5 if left < right: self.y_g = self.intermediate_left[1] else: self.y_g = self.intermediate_right[1] #return to home elif ((self.x_g==self.vendors['home'][0]) and (self.y_g==self.vendors['home'][1])) and not (linalg.norm(np.array([self.x-self.intermediate_left[0], self.y-self.intermediate_left[1]])) < self.at_thresh or linalg.norm(np.array([self.x-self.intermediate_right[0], self.y-self.intermediate_right[1]])) < self.at_thresh) and self.x < 3: left = abs(self.y - self.intermediate_left[1]) right = abs(self.y - self.intermediate_right[1]) self.x_g = 2.5 if left < right: self.y_g = self.intermediate_left[1] else: self.y_g = self.intermediate_right[1] self.theta_g = 0 self.replan() elif self.mode == Mode.ALIGN: if self.aligned(): self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK) elif self.mode == Mode.TRACK: if self.near_goal(): self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) elif not self.close_to_plan_start(): rospy.loginfo("replanning because far from start") self.replan() elif (rospy.get_rostime() - self.current_plan_start_time).to_sec() > self.current_plan_duration: rospy.loginfo("replanning because out of time") self.replan() # we aren't near the goal but we thought we should have been, so replan elif self.mode == Mode.PARK: if self.at_goal(): if self.vendor_queue and linalg.norm(np.array([self.x-self.vendor_queue[0][0], self.y-self.vendor_queue[0][1]])) < self.at_thresh: self.vendor_stop_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.vendor_queue.pop(0) # forget about goal: self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) elif self.mode == Mode.STOP: # At a stop sign if self.has_stopped(): self.init_crossing() else: self.stay_idle() elif self.mode == Mode.CROSS: # Crossing an intersection if self.at_goal(): self.mode = Mode.IDLE elif self.has_crossed(): print("crossed") self.replan() else: print("crossing") cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = self.crossing_vel cmd_vel.angular.z = 0 self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) self.publish_control() # Publish goal marker if self.x_g and self.y_g: goal = Pose2D() goal.x, goal.y = self.x_g, self.y_g self.goal_marker_pub.publish(goal) # Publish hungry message if self.vendors['donut'] and self.x_g == self.vendors['donut'][0] and self.y_g == self.vendors['donut'][1]: msg = String() = "I am so hungry! I have to grab some donuts before I starve to die!!!" self.hungry_pub.publish(msg) rate.sleep()
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True) self.mode = Mode.IDLE # current state self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 # goal state self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.th_init = 0.0 # map parameters self.map_width = 0 self.map_height = 0 self.map_resolution = 0 self.map_origin = [0,0] self.map_probs = [] self.occupancy = None self.occupancy_updated = False # plan parameters self.plan_resolution = 0.1 self.plan_horizon = 15 # time when we started following the plan self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = 0 self.plan_start = [0.,0.] # Robot limits self.v_max = rospy.get_param("~v_max", 0.2) # 0.2 # maximum velocity self.om_max = rospy.get_param("~om_max", 0.4) # 0.4 # maximum angular velocity self.v_des = 0.12 # desired cruising velocity self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05 # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2 # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control self.near_thresh = 0.2 self.at_thresh = 0.02 self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05 # trajectory smoothing self.spline_alpha = 0.15 self.traj_dt = 0.1 # trajectory tracking controller parameters self.kpx = 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 # heading controller parameters self.kp_th = 2. self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max) self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max) self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max) self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback) self.detected_objects = {} rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback) # Food delivery rospy.Subscriber('/delivery_request', String, self.delivery_request_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/detector/objects', DetectedObjectList, self.detected_objects_name_callback, queue_size=10) # Vendor state self.vendor_start = None # Starting time of vendor state self.vendor_time = 4.0 # 3-5s stop time self.gotovendor = False self.home_location = [3.15,1.6,0.0] ############################################################# # Stop state # Time to stop at a stop sign self.stop_time = rospy.get_param("~stop_time", 5.) # Minimum distance from a stop sign to obey it self.stop_min_dist = rospy.get_param("~stop_min_dist", 0.6) # original value 0.5 # Time taken to cross an intersection self.crossing_time = rospy.get_param("~crossing_time", 3.) # Stop sign detector rospy.Subscriber('/detector/stop_sign', DetectedObject, self.stop_sign_detected_callback) self.stopped = False self.v = 0.0 self.stop_sign_start = None ############################################################# print "finished init"
class Navigator: """ This node handles point to point turtlebot motion, avoiding obstacles. It is the sole node that should publish to cmd_vel """ def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True) self.mode = Mode.IDLE # current state self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 # goal state self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.th_init = 0.0 # map parameters self.map_width = 0 self.map_height = 0 self.map_resolution = 0 self.map_origin = [0,0] self.map_probs = [] self.occupancy = None self.occupancy_updated = False # plan parameters self.plan_resolution = 0.1 self.plan_horizon = 15 # time when we started following the plan self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = 0 self.plan_start = [0.,0.] # Robot limits self.v_max = rospy.get_param("~v_max", 0.2) # 0.2 # maximum velocity self.om_max = rospy.get_param("~om_max", 0.4) # 0.4 # maximum angular velocity self.v_des = 0.12 # desired cruising velocity self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05 # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2 # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control self.near_thresh = 0.2 self.at_thresh = 0.02 self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05 # trajectory smoothing self.spline_alpha = 0.15 self.traj_dt = 0.1 # trajectory tracking controller parameters self.kpx = 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 # heading controller parameters self.kp_th = 2. self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max) self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max) self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max) self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback) self.detected_objects = {} rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback) # Food delivery rospy.Subscriber('/delivery_request', String, self.delivery_request_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/detector/objects', DetectedObjectList, self.detected_objects_name_callback, queue_size=10) # Vendor state self.vendor_start = None # Starting time of vendor state self.vendor_time = 4.0 # 3-5s stop time self.gotovendor = False self.home_location = [3.15,1.6,0.0] ############################################################# # Stop state # Time to stop at a stop sign self.stop_time = rospy.get_param("~stop_time", 5.) # Minimum distance from a stop sign to obey it self.stop_min_dist = rospy.get_param("~stop_min_dist", 0.6) # original value 0.5 # Time taken to cross an intersection self.crossing_time = rospy.get_param("~crossing_time", 3.) # Stop sign detector rospy.Subscriber('/detector/stop_sign', DetectedObject, self.stop_sign_detected_callback) self.stopped = False self.v = 0.0 self.stop_sign_start = None ############################################################# print "finished init" def stop_sign_detected_callback(self, msg): """ callback for when the detector has found a stop sign. Note that a distance of 0 can mean that the lidar did not pickup the stop sign at all """ #rospy.loginfo("Detected stop sign") # distance of the stop sign dist = msg.distance # if close enough and in track mode, stop #print("stop sign dust: %s, stopped: %s " % (dist, self.stopped)) if dist > 0 and dist < self.stop_min_dist and (self.mode == Mode.TRACK or self.mode == Mode.VENDOR) and not self.stopped: #rospy.loginfo("Start stopping") self.init_stop_sign() def init_stop_sign(self): """ initiates a stop sign maneuver """ self.stop_sign_start = rospy.get_rostime() self.stopped = True self.switch_mode(Mode.STOP) def has_stopped(self): """ checks if stop sign maneuver is over """ return self.mode == Mode.STOP and \ rospy.get_rostime() - self.stop_sign_start > rospy.Duration.from_sec(self.stop_time) def stay_idle(self): """ sends zero velocity to stay put """ vel_g_msg = Twist() self.nav_vel_pub.publish(vel_g_msg) def dyn_cfg_callback(self, config, level): rospy.loginfo("Reconfigure Request: k1:{k1}, k2:{k2}, k3:{k3}, spline_alpha:{spline_alpha}, traj_dt:{traj_dt}".format(**config)) self.pose_controller.k1 = config["k1"] self.pose_controller.k2 = config["k2"] self.pose_controller.k3 = config["k3"] self.spline_alpha = config["spline_alpha"] self.traj_dt = config["traj_dt"] return config def detected_objects_name_callback(self, msg): #rospy.loginfo("There are %i detected objects" % len(msg.objects)) #self.detected_objects = msg for obj in msg.objects: #rospy.loginfo("obj1: %s" % obj) self.detected_objects[obj] = (self.x, self.y, self.theta) self.last_box_time = rospy.get_rostime() def deliver_one(self): if not self.orderlist: self.vendor_start,self.gotovendor = None,False return data = self.orderlist.pop(0) if data in self.detected_objects: rospy.loginfo("Popping order: %s, set goal: %s" % (data, str(self.detected_objects[data]))) self.x_g, self.y_g, self.theta_g = self.detected_objects[data] self.gotovendor = True self.replan() else: rospy.loginfo("New order: %s, no goal found. " % ( def delivery_request_callback(self, msg): self.orderlist =',') self.deliver_one() # plan the robot self.last_box_time = rospy.get_rostime() def cmd_nav_callback(self, data): """ loads in goal if different from current goal, and replans """ if data.x != self.x_g or data.y != self.y_g or data.theta != self.theta_g: self.x_g = data.x self.y_g = data.y self.theta_g = data.theta # start over everytime we change the pose #self.switch_mode(Mode.ALIGN) self.replan() def map_md_callback(self, msg): """ receives maps meta data and stores it """ self.map_width = msg.width self.map_height = msg.height self.map_resolution = msg.resolution self.map_origin = (msg.origin.position.x,msg.origin.position.y) def map_callback(self,msg): """ receives new map info and updates the map """ self.map_probs = # if we've received the map metadata and have a way to update it: if self.map_width>0 and self.map_height>0 and len(self.map_probs)>0: self.occupancy = StochOccupancyGrid2D(self.map_resolution, self.map_width, self.map_height, self.map_origin[0], self.map_origin[1], 6, # TODO: was 8 self.map_probs) if self.x_g is not None and self.mode != Mode.STOP: # if we have a goal to plan to, replan rospy.loginfo("replanning because of new map") self.replan() # new map, need to replan def shutdown_callback(self): """ publishes zero velocities upon rospy shutdown """ cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = 0.0 cmd_vel.angular.z = 0.0 self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) def near_goal(self): """ returns whether the robot is close enough in position to the goal to start using the pose controller """ return linalg.norm(np.array([self.x-self.x_g, self.y-self.y_g])) < self.near_thresh def at_goal(self): """ returns whether the robot has reached the goal position with enough accuracy to return to idle state """ #print(linalg.norm(np.array([self.x-self.x_g, self.y-self.y_g]))) return (linalg.norm(np.array([self.x-self.x_g, self.y-self.y_g])) < self.at_thresh and abs(wrapToPi(self.theta - self.theta_g)) < self.at_thresh_theta) def aligned(self): """ returns whether robot is aligned with starting direction of path (enough to switch to tracking controller) """ return (abs(wrapToPi(self.theta - self.th_init)) < self.theta_start_thresh) def close_to_plan_start(self): return (abs(self.x - self.plan_start[0]) < self.start_pos_thresh and abs(self.y - self.plan_start[1]) < self.start_pos_thresh) def snap_to_grid(self, x): return (self.plan_resolution*round(x[0]/self.plan_resolution), self.plan_resolution*round(x[1]/self.plan_resolution)) def switch_mode(self, new_mode): rospy.loginfo("Switching from %s -> %s", self.mode, new_mode) self.mode = new_mode def publish_planned_path(self, path, publisher): # publish planned plan for visualization path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' for state in path: pose_st = PoseStamped() pose_st.pose.position.x = state[0] pose_st.pose.position.y = state[1] pose_st.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose_st.header.frame_id = 'map' path_msg.poses.append(pose_st) publisher.publish(path_msg) def publish_smoothed_path(self, traj, publisher): # publish planned plan for visualization path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' for i in range(traj.shape[0]): pose_st = PoseStamped() pose_st.pose.position.x = traj[i,0] pose_st.pose.position.y = traj[i,1] pose_st.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose_st.header.frame_id = 'map' path_msg.poses.append(pose_st) publisher.publish(path_msg) def publish_control(self): """ Runs appropriate controller depending on the mode. Assumes all controllers are all properly set up / with the correct goals loaded """ t = self.get_current_plan_time() if self.mode == Mode.PARK: V, om = self.pose_controller.compute_control(self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) elif self.mode == Mode.TRACK: V, om = self.traj_controller.compute_control(self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) elif self.mode == Mode.ALIGN: V, om = self.heading_controller.compute_control(self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) else: V = 0. om = 0. self.v = V cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = V cmd_vel.angular.z = om # rospy.loginfo("Reconfigure Request: V: %f, om:%f, mode: %s" % (V, om, self.mode)) self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) def get_current_plan_time(self): t = (rospy.get_rostime()-self.current_plan_start_time).to_sec() return max(0.0, t) # clip negative time to 0 def replan(self): """ loads goal into pose controller runs planner based on current pose if plan long enough to track: smooths resulting traj, loads it into traj_controller sets self.current_plan_start_time sets mode to ALIGN else: sets mode to PARK """ # Make sure we have a map if not self.occupancy: rospy.loginfo("Navigator: replanning canceled, waiting for occupancy map.") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) return # Attempt to plan a path state_min = self.snap_to_grid((-self.plan_horizon, -self.plan_horizon)) state_max = self.snap_to_grid((self.plan_horizon, self.plan_horizon)) x_init = self.snap_to_grid((self.x, self.y)) self.plan_start = x_init x_goal = self.snap_to_grid((self.x_g, self.y_g)) problem = AStar(state_min,state_max,x_init,x_goal,self.occupancy,self.plan_resolution) rospy.loginfo("Navigator: computing navigation plan") success = problem.solve() if success: rospy.loginfo("Navigator: computing navigation plan SUCCESS!!!!!!!!") else: rospy.loginfo("Navigator: computing navigation plan FAILLLLL!!") if not success: self.gotovendor = False rospy.loginfo("Planning failed") return rospy.loginfo("Planning Succeeded") planned_path = problem.path # Check whether path is too short if len(planned_path) < 4: rospy.loginfo("Path too short to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) return # Smooth and generate a trajectory traj_new, t_new = compute_smoothed_traj(planned_path, self.v_des, self.spline_alpha, self.traj_dt) # If currently tracking a trajectory, check whether new trajectory will take more time to follow if self.mode == Mode.TRACK: t_remaining_curr = self.current_plan_duration - self.get_current_plan_time() # Estimate duration of new trajectory th_init_new = traj_new[0,2] th_err = wrapToPi(th_init_new - self.theta) t_init_align = abs(th_err/self.om_max) t_remaining_new = t_init_align + t_new[-1] if t_remaining_new > t_remaining_curr: rospy.loginfo("New plan rejected (longer duration than current plan)") self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub) return # Otherwise follow the new plan self.publish_planned_path(planned_path, self.nav_planned_path_pub) self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_pub) self.pose_controller.load_goal(self.x_g, self.y_g, self.theta_g) self.traj_controller.load_traj(t_new, traj_new) self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = t_new[-1] self.th_init = traj_new[0,2] self.heading_controller.load_goal(self.th_init) if not self.aligned(): rospy.loginfo("Not aligned with start direction") self.switch_mode(Mode.ALIGN) return rospy.loginfo("Ready to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK) def run(self): rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10 Hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # try to get state information to update self.x, self.y, self.theta try: (translation,rotation) = self.trans_listener.lookupTransform('/map', '/base_footprint', rospy.Time(0)) self.x = translation[0] self.y = translation[1] euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(rotation) self.theta = euler[2] except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException) as e: self.current_plan = [] rospy.loginfo("Navigator: waiting for state info") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) print e pass # STATE MACHINE LOGIC # some transitions handled by callbacks if self.mode == Mode.IDLE: self.stopped = False elif self.mode == Mode.ALIGN: if self.aligned(): self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK) elif self.mode == Mode.TRACK: if self.near_goal(): self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) elif not self.close_to_plan_start(): rospy.loginfo("replanning because far from start") self.replan() elif (rospy.get_rostime() - self.current_plan_start_time).to_sec() > self.current_plan_duration: rospy.loginfo("replanning because out of time") self.replan() # we aren't near the goal but we thought we should have been, so replan elif self.mode == Mode.PARK: if self.at_goal(): # forget about goal: self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None if self.gotovendor: self.switch_mode(Mode.VENDOR) else: self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) elif self.mode == Mode.VENDOR: if self.vendor_start == None: self.vendor_start = rospy.get_rostime() t_vendor = (rospy.get_rostime()-self.vendor_start).to_sec() if t_vendor > self.vendor_time: if not self.orderlist: self.x_g,self.y_g,self.theta_g = self.home_location self.vendor_start,self.gotovendor = None,False self.replan() else: self.deliver_one() elif self.mode == Mode.STOP: # At a stop sign if self.has_stopped(): self.replan() self.stop_sign_start = None else: self.stay_idle() self.publish_control() rate.sleep()
class Navigator: """ This node handles point to point turtlebot motion, avoiding obstacles. It is the sole node that should publish to cmd_vel """ def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True) self.mode = Mode.IDLE # current state self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 # goal state self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.th_init = 0.0 # map parameters self.map_width = 0 self.map_height = 0 self.map_resolution = 0 self.map_origin = [0, 0] self.map_probs = [] self.occupancy = None self.occupancy_updated = False # plan parameters self.plan_resolution = 0.1 self.plan_horizon = 15 # time when we started following the plan self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = 0 self.plan_start = [0., 0.] # Robot limits self.v_max = 0.2 # maximum velocity self.om_max = 0.4 # maximum angular velocity self.v_des = 0.12 # desired cruising velocity self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05 # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2 # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control self.near_thresh = 0.2 self.at_thresh = 0.02 self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05 # trajectory smoothing self.spline_alpha = 0.15 self.traj_dt = 0.1 # trajectory tracking controller parameters self.kpx = 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 # heading controller parameters self.kp_th = 2. self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max) self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max) self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max) self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback) # Section 6 print "finished init" def dyn_cfg_callback(self, config, level): rospy.loginfo( "Reconfigure Request: k1:{k1}, k2:{k2}, k3:{k3}".format(**config)) self.pose_controller.k1 = config["k1"] self.pose_controller.k2 = config["k2"] self.pose_controller.k3 = config["k3"] return config def cmd_nav_callback(self, data): """ loads in goal if different from current goal, and replans """ if data.x != self.x_g or data.y != self.y_g or data.theta != self.theta_g: self.x_g = data.x self.y_g = data.y self.theta_g = data.theta self.replan() def map_md_callback(self, msg): """ receives maps meta data and stores it """ self.map_width = msg.width self.map_height = msg.height self.map_resolution = msg.resolution self.map_origin = (msg.origin.position.x, msg.origin.position.y) def map_callback(self, msg): """ receives new map info and updates the map """ self.map_probs = # if we've received the map metadata and have a way to update it: if self.map_width > 0 and self.map_height > 0 and len( self.map_probs) > 0: self.occupancy = StochOccupancyGrid2D( self.map_resolution, self.map_width, self.map_height, self.map_origin[0], self.map_origin[1], 8, self.map_probs) if self.x_g is not None: # if we have a goal to plan to, replan rospy.loginfo("replanning because of new map") self.replan() # new map, need to replan def shutdown_callback(self): """ publishes zero velocities upon rospy shutdown """ cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = 0.0 cmd_vel.angular.z = 0.0 self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) def near_goal(self): """ returns whether the robot is close enough in position to the goal to start using the pose controller """ return linalg.norm(np.array([self.x - self.x_g, self.y - self.y_g ])) < self.near_thresh def at_goal(self): """ returns whether the robot has reached the goal position with enough accuracy to return to idle state """ return (linalg.norm(np.array([self.x - self.x_g, self.y - self.y_g])) < self.near_thresh and abs(wrapToPi(self.theta - self.theta_g)) < self.at_thresh_theta) def aligned(self): """ returns whether robot is aligned with starting direction of path (enough to switch to tracking controller) """ return (abs(wrapToPi(self.theta - self.th_init)) < self.theta_start_thresh) def close_to_plan_start(self): return (abs(self.x - self.plan_start[0]) < self.start_pos_thresh and abs(self.y - self.plan_start[1]) < self.start_pos_thresh) def snap_to_grid(self, x): return (self.plan_resolution * round(x[0] / self.plan_resolution), self.plan_resolution * round(x[1] / self.plan_resolution)) def switch_mode(self, new_mode): rospy.loginfo("Switching from %s -> %s", self.mode, new_mode) self.mode = new_mode def publish_planned_path(self, path, publisher): # publish planned plan for visualization path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' for state in path: pose_st = PoseStamped() pose_st.pose.position.x = state[0] pose_st.pose.position.y = state[1] pose_st.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose_st.header.frame_id = 'map' path_msg.poses.append(pose_st) publisher.publish(path_msg) def publish_smoothed_path(self, traj, publisher): # publish planned plan for visualization path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' for i in range(traj.shape[0]): pose_st = PoseStamped() pose_st.pose.position.x = traj[i, 0] pose_st.pose.position.y = traj[i, 1] pose_st.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose_st.header.frame_id = 'map' path_msg.poses.append(pose_st) publisher.publish(path_msg) def publish_control(self): """ Runs appropriate controller depending on the mode. Assumes all controllers are all properly set up / with the correct goals loaded """ t = self.get_current_plan_time() if self.mode == Mode.PARK: V, om = self.pose_controller.compute_control( self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) elif self.mode == Mode.TRACK: V, om = self.traj_controller.compute_control( self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) elif self.mode == Mode.ALIGN: V, om = self.heading_controller.compute_control( self.x, self.y, self.theta, t) else: V = 0. om = 0. cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = V cmd_vel.angular.z = om self.nav_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) def get_current_plan_time(self): t = (rospy.get_rostime() - self.current_plan_start_time).to_sec() return max(0.0, t) # clip negative time to 0 def replan(self): """ loads goal into pose controller runs planner based on current pose if plan long enough to track: smooths resulting traj, loads it into traj_controller sets self.current_plan_start_time sets mode to ALIGN else: sets mode to PARK """ # Make sure we have a map if not self.occupancy: rospy.loginfo( "Navigator: replanning canceled, waiting for occupancy map.") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) return # Attempt to plan a path state_min = self.snap_to_grid((-self.plan_horizon, -self.plan_horizon)) state_max = self.snap_to_grid((self.plan_horizon, self.plan_horizon)) x_init = self.snap_to_grid((self.x, self.y)) self.plan_start = x_init x_goal = self.snap_to_grid((self.x_g, self.y_g)) problem = AStar(state_min, state_max, x_init, x_goal, self.occupancy, self.plan_resolution) rospy.loginfo("Navigator: computing navigation plan") success = problem.solve() if not success: rospy.loginfo("Planning failed") return rospy.loginfo("Planning Succeeded") planned_path = problem.path # Check whether path is too short if len(planned_path) < 4: rospy.loginfo("Path too short to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) return # Smooth and generate a trajectory traj_new, t_new = compute_smoothed_traj(planned_path, self.v_des, self.spline_alpha, self.traj_dt) # If currently tracking a trajectory, check whether new trajectory will take more time to follow if self.mode == Mode.TRACK: t_remaining_curr = self.current_plan_duration - self.get_current_plan_time( ) # Estimate duration of new trajectory th_init_new = traj_new[0, 2] th_err = wrapToPi(th_init_new - self.theta) t_init_align = abs(th_err / self.om_max) t_remaining_new = t_init_align + t_new[-1] if t_remaining_new > t_remaining_curr: rospy.loginfo( "New plan rejected (longer duration than current plan)") self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub) return # Otherwise follow the new plan self.publish_planned_path(planned_path, self.nav_planned_path_pub) self.publish_smoothed_path(traj_new, self.nav_smoothed_path_pub) self.pose_controller.load_goal(self.x_g, self.y_g, self.theta_g) self.traj_controller.load_traj(t_new, traj_new) self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = t_new[-1] self.th_init = traj_new[0, 2] self.heading_controller.load_goal(self.th_init) if not self.aligned(): rospy.loginfo("Not aligned with start direction") self.switch_mode(Mode.ALIGN) return rospy.loginfo("Ready to track") self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK) def run(self): rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10 Hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # try to get state information to update self.x, self.y, self.theta try: (translation, rotation) = self.trans_listener.lookupTransform( '/map', '/base_footprint', rospy.Time(0)) self.x = translation[0] self.y = translation[1] euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(rotation) self.theta = euler[2] except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException) as e: self.current_plan = [] rospy.loginfo("Navigator: waiting for state info") self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) print e pass # STATE MACHINE LOGIC # some transitions handled by callbacks if self.mode == Mode.IDLE: pass elif self.mode == Mode.ALIGN: if self.aligned(): self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.switch_mode(Mode.TRACK) elif self.mode == Mode.TRACK: if self.near_goal(): self.switch_mode(Mode.PARK) elif not self.close_to_plan_start(): rospy.loginfo("replanning because far from start") self.replan() elif (rospy.get_rostime() - self.current_plan_start_time ).to_sec() > self.current_plan_duration: rospy.loginfo("replanning because out of time") self.replan( ) # we aren't near the goal but we thought we should have been, so replan elif self.mode == Mode.PARK: if self.at_goal(): # forget about goal: self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.switch_mode(Mode.IDLE) self.publish_control() self.pose_controller.publish() # For section 6 rate.sleep()
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True) self.mode = Mode.EXPLORE self.delivery_locations = {} self.requests = [] self.vendor_marker_ids = {} # current state self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 # goal state self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.th_init = 0.0 # map parameters self.map_width = 0 self.map_height = 0 self.map_resolution = 0 self.map_origin = [0, 0] self.map_probs = [] self.occupancy = None self.occupancy_updated = False # plan parameters self.plan_resolution = 0.1 self.plan_horizon = 20 # NOTE: Changed this to incraese the plan horizon for testing # time when we started following the plan self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = 0 self.plan_start = [0., 0.] # Robot limits self.v_max = 0.2 # maximum velocity self.om_max = 0.4 # maximum angular velocity self.v_des = 0.12 # desired cruising velocity self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05 # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2 # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control self.near_thresh = 0.2 self.at_thresh = 0.02 self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05 #self.at_thresh_theta = 0.1 # trajectory smoothing self.spline_alpha = 0.15 self.traj_dt = 0.1 # trajectory tracking controller parameters self.kpx = 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 # heading controller parameters self.kp_th = 2. self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max) self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max) self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max) self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback) #stop sign parameters self.stop_min_dist = 2 self.stop_sign_roll_start = 0 self.stop_sign_stop_time = 4 self.wait_time = 1 self.first_seen_time = -1 rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback) #For the stop sign rospy.Subscriber('/detector/stop_sign', DetectedObject, self.stop_sign_detected_callback) # For ETA rviz markers self.vis_pub = rospy.Publisher('/eta', Marker, queue_size=10) # For landmark rviz markers self.vis_pub = rospy.Publisher('/marker_topic', Marker, queue_size=10) # Listen to object detector and save locations of interest rospy.Subscriber('/detector/objects', DetectedObjectList, self.detected_objects_callback, queue_size=10) rospy.Subscriber('/delivery_request', String, self.request_callback) print "finished init"
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True) self.mode = Mode.IDLE # current state self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 # goal state self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.th_init = 0.0 # map parameters self.map_width = 0 self.map_height = 0 self.map_resolution = 0 self.map_origin = [0, 0] self.map_probs = [] self.occupancy = None self.occupancy_updated = False # plan parameters self.plan_resolution = 0.1 self.plan_horizon = 15 # time when we started following the plan self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = 0 self.plan_start = [0., 0.] # Robot limits self.v_max = 0.2 # maximum velocity self.om_max = 0.4 # maximum angular velocity self.v_des = 0.12 # desired cruising velocity self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05 # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2 # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control self.near_thresh = 0.2 self.at_thresh = 0.02 self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05 # trajectory smoothing self.spline_alpha = 0.15 self.traj_dt = 0.1 # trajectory tracking controller parameters self.kpx = 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 # heading controller parameters self.kp_th = 2. self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max) self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max) self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max) self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback) # Section 6 print "finished init"
def __init__(self): rospack = rospkg.RosPack() package_dir = rospack.get_path("final_project") self.points_path = package_dir + "/scripts/points.txt" rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True) if SAVE_POINTS: with open(self.points_path, "w") as f: f.write("x, y, theta\n") self.mode = Mode.IDLE # current state self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 # goal state self.x_g = None self.y_g = None self.theta_g = None self.th_init = 0.0 # map parameters self.map_width = 0 self.map_height = 0 self.map_resolution = 0 self.map_origin = [0,0] self.map_probs = [] self.occupancy = None self.occupancy_updated = False # plan parameters self.plan_resolution = 0.1 self.plan_horizon = 15 # time when we started following the plan self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime() self.current_plan_duration = 0 self.plan_start = [0.,0.] # Robot limits self.v_max = 0.2 # maximum velocity self.om_max = 0.4 # maximum angular velocity self.v_des = 0.12 # desired cruising velocity self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05 # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2 # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control self.near_thresh = 0.2 self.at_thresh = 0.02 self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05 # trajectory smoothing self.spline_alpha = 0.05 self.traj_dt = 0.1 # trajectory tracking controller parameters self.kpx = 0.5 self.kpy = 0.5 self.kdx = 1.5 self.kdy = 1.5 self.stop_time = 0.0 # heading controller parameters self.kp_th = 2. self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max) self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max) self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max) self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10) self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.nav_mode_pub = rospy.Publisher('/nav_mode', Int16, queue_size=10) # Publish robot's perception of own state self.robot_pose_current_pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/pose/current', Pose2D, queue_size=10) self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map_inflated', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/detector/objects', DetectedObjectList, self.object_detected_callback) print "finished init"