      elif num_times_strattle_new_year==2:
      elif num_times_strattle_new_year==3:# added this case when Lester Bell strattled the new year 3 times!!!
      # get name of school and teacher
      [PI,lab,depth]=read_codes_names(id_list[i]) # gets name, lab/school, and depth from codes.dat
      #get the totdist
      for n in range(1,len(lat_id)):
        #d,b = dist(lat_id[n-1], lon_id[n-1], lat_id[n], lon_id[n])
        d,b = distance((lat_id[n-1], lon_id[n-1]), (lat_id[n], lon_id[n]))
      #get the s2end
      #get the u,v,spd
      u,v,spd,jdn = ll2uv(jd_id,lat_id,lon_id)
      # maybe we should be using a different time here 

      #get the meanu,meanv,meanspd
      meanu = numpy.mean(u)
      meanv = numpy.mean(v)
      meanspd = numpy.mean(spd)
def multi_track(drifter_ids, depth, days, lat_incr, lon_incr, starttime):
    This function retrieves all the data needed and returns it all

    drifter = get_drifter(ID)                                                # Retrive drifter data
    print ID

    if starttime:

        if days:
            nodes_drifter = drifter.get_track(starttime,days)

            nodes_drifter = drifter.get_track(starttime)
        nodes_drifter = drifter.get_track()
    ''' determine latitude, longitude, start, and end times of the drifter?'''     

    lon, lat = nodes_drifter['lon'][0], nodes_drifter['lat'][0]
    # adjust for the added 5 hours in the models
    starttime = nodes_drifter['time'][0]-timedelta(hours=5)
    endtime = nodes_drifter['time'][-1]-timedelta(hours=5)
    print starttime

    ''' read data points from fvcom and roms websites and store them'''
    mod = '30yr'                                                           # mod has to be '30yr' or 'GOM3' or 'massbay'
    get_fvcom_obj = get_fvcom(mod)
    url_fvcom = get_fvcom_obj.get_url(starttime, endtime)
    nodes_fvcom = get_fvcom_obj.get_track(lon,lat,depth,url_fvcom)           # iterates fvcom's data
    get_roms_obj = get_roms()
    url_roms = get_roms_obj.get_url(starttime, endtime)
    nodes_roms = get_roms_obj.get_track(lon, lat, depth, url_roms)

    if type(nodes_roms['lat']) == np.float64:                             # ensures that the single point case still functions properly
        nodes_roms['lon'] = [nodes_roms['lon']] 
        nodes_roms['lat'] = [nodes_roms['lat']]
    '''Calculate the distance seperation'''

    dist_roms = distance((nodes_drifter['lat'][-1],nodes_drifter['lon'][-1]),(nodes_roms['lat'][-1],nodes_roms['lon'][-1]))
    dist_fvcom = distance((nodes_drifter['lat'][-1],nodes_drifter['lon'][-1]),(nodes_fvcom['lat'][-1],nodes_fvcom['lon'][-1]))
    print 'The seperation of roms was %f and of fvcom was %f kilometers from drifter %s' % (dist_roms[0], dist_fvcom[0], ID )

    ''' set latitude and longitude arrays for basemap'''

    lonsize = [min_data(nodes_drifter['lon'],nodes_fvcom['lon']),
    latsize = [min_data(nodes_drifter['lat'],nodes_fvcom['lat']),
    diff_lon = .1
    diff_lat = .1
    lonsize = [lonsize[0]-diff_lon,lonsize[1]+diff_lon]
    latsize = [latsize[0]-diff_lat,latsize[1]+diff_lat]
    return nodes_drifter, nodes_roms, nodes_fvcom, lonsize, latsize, starttime
Exemple #3
def get_w_depth(xi,yi):
    url='http://geoport.whoi.edu/thredds/dodsC/bathy/gom03_v1_0'#url='http://geoport.whoi.edu/thredds/dodsC/bathy/crm_vol1.nc' ):
    if xi[0]>999.: # if it comes in decimal -minutes, conert it
        #for kk in range(len(xi)):
        dataset = open_url(url)
        print 'Sorry, ' + url + ' is not available' 

    #read lat, lon,topo from url
    xgom_array = dataset['lon']
    ygom_array = dataset['lat']
    dgom_array = dataset['topo'].topo

    #print dgom_array.shape, xgom_array[5:9],dgom_array[5]

    #convert the array to a list
    xgom, ygom = [], []
    for i in xgom_array:
        if i > xi[0] - 0.00834 and i < xi[0] + 0.00834:
    for i  in ygom_array:
        if i > yi[0] - 0.00834 and i < yi[0] + 0.00834:

    x_index, y_index = [], []
    (ys, xs) = dgom_array.shape

    for i in range(0, len(xgom)):
        x_index.append(int(round(np.interp(xgom[i], xgom_array, range(xs)))))
    for i in range(0, len(ygom)):
        y_index.append(int(round(np.interp(ygom[i], ygom_array, range(ys)))))
    dep, distkm, dist1 = [], [], []

    for k in range(len(x_index)):
        for j in range(len(y_index)):
            dep.append(dgom_array[(y_index[j], x_index[k])])
            distkm, b = distance((ygom[j], xgom[k]), (yi[0], xi[0]))

    #get the nearest,second nearest,third nearest point.
    dist_f_nearest = sorted(dist1)[0]
    dist_s_nearest = sorted(dist1)[1]
    dist_t_nearest = sorted(dist1)[2]
    index_dist_nearest = range(len(dist1))
    index_dist_nearest.sort(lambda x, y:cmp(dist1[x], dist1[y]))
    dep_f_nearest = dep[index_dist_nearest[0]]
    dep_s_nearest = dep[index_dist_nearest[1]]
    dep_t_nearest = dep[index_dist_nearest[2]]

    #compute the finally depth
    d1 = dist_f_nearest
    d2 = dist_s_nearest
    d3 = dist_t_nearest
    def1 = dep_f_nearest
    def2 = dep_s_nearest
    def3 = dep_t_nearest
    depth_finally = def1 * d2 * d3 / (d1 * d2 + d2 * d3 + d1 * d3) + def2 * d1 * d3 / (d1 * d2 + d2 * d3 + d1 * d3) + def3 * d2 * d1 / (d1 * d2 + d2 * d3 + d1 * d3)

    return depth_finally
Exemple #4
    get_fvcom_obj = get_fvcom(mod)
    url_fvcom = get_fvcom_obj.get_url(starttime, endtime)
    nodes_fvcom = get_fvcom_obj.get_track(lon,lat,depth,url_fvcom)           # iterates fvcom's data
    #get_roms_obj = get_roms()
    #url_roms = get_roms_obj.get_url(starttime, endtime)
    #nodes_roms = get_roms_obj.get_track(lon, lat, depth, url_roms)
    #if type(nodes_roms['lat']) == np.float64:                             # ensures that the single point case still functions properly
      #  nodes_roms['lon'] = [nodes_roms['lon']] 
       # nodes_roms['lat'] = [nodes_roms['lat']]
    '''Calculate the distance seperation'''

    #dist_roms = distance((nodes_drifter['lat'][-1],nodes_drifter['lon'][-1]),(nodes_roms['lat'][-1],nodes_roms['lon'][-1]))
    dist_fvcom = distance((nodes_drifter['lat'][-1],nodes_drifter['lon'][-1]),(nodes_fvcom['lat'][-1],nodes_fvcom['lon'][-1]))
    #print 'The seperation of roms was %f and of fvcom was %f kilometers for drifter %s' % (dist_roms[0], dist_fvcom[0], ID )

    ''' set latitude and longitude arrays for basemap'''

    lonsize = [min_data(nodes_drifter['lon'],nodes_fvcom['lon']),
    latsize = [min_data(nodes_drifter['lat'],nodes_fvcom['lat']),
    diff_lon = (lonsize[0]-lonsize[1])*4   
    diff_lat = (latsize[1]-latsize[0])*4      
    lonsize = [lonsize[0]-diff_lon,lonsize[1]+diff_lon]
    latsize = [latsize[0]-diff_lat,latsize[1]+diff_lat]
def get_w_depth(xi, yi):  #xi:lon  yi:lat
    url = 'http://geoport.whoi.edu/thredds/dodsC/bathy/gom03_v1_0'  #url='http://geoport.whoi.edu/thredds/dodsC/bathy/crm_vol1.nc' ):
    if xi[0] > 999.:  # if it comes in decimal -minutes, conert it
        #for kk in range(len(xi)):
        (y2, x2) = dm2dd(yi[0], xi[0])
        yi[0] = y2
        xi[0] = x2
        dataset = open_url(url)

        print 'Sorry, ' + url + ' is not available'

    #read lat, lon,topo from url
    xgom_array = dataset['lon']
    ygom_array = dataset['lat']
    dgom_array = dataset['topo'].topo

    #print dgom_array.shape, xgom_array[5:9],dgom_array[5]

    #convert the array to a list
    xgom, ygom = [], []

    for i in xgom_array:
        if i > xi[0] - 0.00834 and i < xi[0] + 0.00834:

    for i in ygom_array:
        if i > yi[0] - 0.00834 and i < yi[0] + 0.00834:

    x_index, y_index = [], []
    (ys, xs) = dgom_array.shape

    for i in range(0, len(xgom)):
        x_index.append(int(round(np.interp(xgom[i], xgom_array, range(xs)))))
    for i in range(0, len(ygom)):
        y_index.append(int(round(np.interp(ygom[i], ygom_array, range(ys)))))

    dep, distkm, dist1 = [], [], []

    for k in range(len(x_index)):
        for j in range(len(y_index)):
            dep.append(dgom_array[(y_index[j], x_index[k])])

            distkm, b = distance((ygom[j], xgom[k]), (yi[0], xi[0]))
    #print dist1
    if len(dist1) >= 3:
        #get the nearest,second nearest,third nearest point.
        dist_f_nearest = sorted(dist1)[0]
        dist_s_nearest = sorted(dist1)[1]
        dist_t_nearest = sorted(dist1)[2]

        index_dist_nearest = range(len(dist1))
        index_dist_nearest.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(dist1[x], dist1[y]))

        dep_f_nearest = dep[index_dist_nearest[0]]
        dep_s_nearest = dep[index_dist_nearest[1]]
        dep_t_nearest = dep[index_dist_nearest[2]]

        #compute the finally depth
        d1 = dist_f_nearest
        d2 = dist_s_nearest
        d3 = dist_t_nearest
        def1 = dep_f_nearest
        def2 = dep_s_nearest
        def3 = dep_t_nearest
        depth_finally = def1 * d2 * d3 / (
            d1 * d2 + d2 * d3 + d1 * d3) + def2 * d1 * d3 / (
                d1 * d2 + d2 * d3 +
                d1 * d3) + def3 * d2 * d1 / (d1 * d2 + d2 * d3 + d1 * d3)
        depth_finally = np.array([[-9999]])
    return depth_finally
Exemple #6
def get_w_depth(xi, yi, url='http://geoport.whoi.edu/thredds/dodsC/bathy/gom03_v1_0'):# xi is longitude,like [-69.2,-69.1].yi is latitude,like[41.0,41.1]
        dataset = open_url(url)
        print 'Sorry, ' + url + ' is not available'

    #read lat, lon,topo from url
    xgom_array = dataset['lon']
    ygom_array = dataset['lat']
    dgom_array = dataset['topo'].topo
    print np.shape(xgom_array),xgom_array[0],xi[0]
    #print dgom_array.shape, xgom_array[5:9],dgom_array[5]

    #convert the array to a list
    xgom, ygom = [], []
    for i in xgom_array:
        if i > xi[0] - 0.000834 and i < xi[0] + 0.000834:
        #if i > xi[0] - 0.0834 and i < xi[0] + 0.0834:
    for i in ygom_array:
        if i > yi[0] - 0.000834 and i < yi[0] + 0.000834:
        #if i > yi[0] - 0.0834 and i < yi[0] + 0.0834:
    print np.shape(xgom)        
    x_index, y_index = [], []
    (ys, xs) = dgom_array.shape

    for i in range(0, len(xgom)):
        x_index.append(int(round(np.interp(xgom[i], xgom_array, range(xs)))))
    for i in range(0, len(ygom)):
        y_index.append(int(round(np.interp(ygom[i], ygom_array, range(ys)))))
    dep, distkm, dist1 = [], [], []

    for k in range(len(x_index)):
        for j in range(len(y_index)):
            dep.append(dgom_array[(y_index[j], x_index[k])])
            #distkm, b = dist(ygom[j], xgom[k], yi[0], xi[0],)
            distkm, b = distance((ygom[j], xgom[k]),( yi[0], xi[0]))

    #get the nearest,second nearest,third nearest point.
    dist_f_nearest = sorted(dist1)[0]
    dist_s_nearest = sorted(dist1)[1]
    dist_t_nearest = sorted(dist1)[2]
    index_dist_nearest = range(len(dist1))
    index_dist_nearest.sort(lambda x, y:cmp(dist1[x], dist1[y]))
    dep_f_nearest = dep[index_dist_nearest[0]]
    dep_s_nearest = dep[index_dist_nearest[1]]
    dep_t_nearest = dep[index_dist_nearest[2]]

    #compute the finally depth
    d1 = dist_f_nearest
    d2 = dist_s_nearest
    d3 = dist_t_nearest
    def1 = dep_f_nearest
    def2 = dep_s_nearest
    def3 = dep_t_nearest
    depth_finally = def1 * d2 * d3 / (d1 * d2 + d2 * d3 + d1 * d3) + def2 * d1 * d3 / (d1 * d2 + d2 * d3 + d1 * d3) + def3 * d2 * d1 / (d1 * d2 + d2 * d3 + d1 * d3)

    return depth_finally[0]