Exemple #1
def sample_list_dict_low_mem(d, k):
    """Given a dictionary with lists as values, samples a given number
    of sub-elements uniformly at random.

    Consumes less memory than :func:`dict_list_random_sample` for large

    :param d: a dictionary whose values are lists or other enumerable,
        iterable types
    :param k: number of sub-elements in the returned dictionary
    :returns: a dictionary with the given number of sub-elements

    # Let's say our data structure is
    #     d = {
    #         'key1': [1, 5, 9],
    #         'key2': [6, 42],
    #         'key3': [7, 9001]
    #     }
    # Conceptually, we will be flattening this data structure to
    # something like
    #     [('key1', 1), ('key1', 5), ('key1', 9), ('key2', 6),
    #      ('key2', 42), ('key3', 7), ('key3', 9001)]
    # but we are retaining the data structure as is and instead
    # flattening the index into it.

    # Change d.keys() to list(d.keys()) in Python 3.
    keys = d.keys()  # keys == ['key1', 'key2', 'key3']
    cum_index_bins = list(cumsum(len(v) for v in d.values()))
    # We'll shift all the indices over by one so that we can pull a
    # subtraction trick below to get the sub-index.
    cum_index_bins.insert(0, 0)  # cum_index_bins == [0, 3, 5, 7]

    total_num_elements = cum_index_bins[-1]  # total_num_elements == 7
    sampled_indices = random.sample(range(total_num_elements), k)
    sampled_d = defaultdict(list)
    for index in sampled_indices:
        # say index == 3 (the fourth item, ('key2', 6) in this case)
        cum_index = bisect.bisect(cum_index_bins, index)  # cum_index == 2
        key_index = cum_index - 1  # key_index == 1
        key = keys[key_index]  # key == 'key2'
        # A trick to get the index into the list of d at that key.
        value_index = index - cum_index_bins[key_index]  # value_index == (3 - 3) = 0
        actual_value = d[key][value_index]  # actual_value == 6

    return dict(sampled_d)
 def test_no_items(self):
     case = []
     expected = []
     result = list(utils.cumsum(case))
     self.assertEqual(result, expected)
 def test_cumsum(self):
     case = [5, 8, 3, 3, 7]
     expected = [5, 13, 16, 19, 26]
     result = list(utils.cumsum(case))
     self.assertEqual(result, expected)