def get_offset_center(f, plot=False, interactive=False): ''' Given a fits image, returns the offset in Ra, DEC, that needs to be applied for the telescope tp go from the current pointing position, to the coodinates of the object specified in the fits file. ''' if(not os.path.isfile(f)): print "File %s does not exist! Returning Zero offsets..."%f return -1, 0,0 else: image = wcs = pywcs.WCS(image[0].header) rra, rdec = cc.hour2deg(image[0].header['OBJRA'],image[0].header['OBJDEC'] ) x, y = np.round(wcs.wcs_sky2pix(rra, rdec, 0), 0) pra, pdec = wcs.wcs_pix2sky(np.array([[1293., 1280.]] , np.float_), 0)[0] dra, ddec = cc.get_offset(pra, pdec, rra, rdec) xl, yu = np.round(wcs.wcs_sky2pix(rra+90./3600, rdec-90./3600, 0), 0) xu, yl = np.round(wcs.wcs_sky2pix(rra-90./3600, rdec+90./3600, 0), 0) imageloc = image[0].data.T[xl:xu,yl:yu] if imageloc.shape[0]==0 or imageloc.shape[1]==0: logger.warn( "Astrometry has FAILED on this! The object is outside the frame! Resending to the numb astrometric solution") logger.error("Astrometry has FAILED on this! The object is outside the frame! Resending to the numb astrometric solution") print "Pixels are", xl, xu, yl, yu try: code, dra, ddec = get_offset_center_failed_astro(f, plot=plot, interactive=interactive) return 2, dra, ddec except: return -1,0,0 if(plot): plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) zmin, zmax = zscale.zscale(imageloc) #print zmin, zmax, imageloc, (xl,xu,yl,yu) obj = fitsutils.get_par(f, "OBJECT") plt.suptitle(obj, fontsize=20) plt.imshow(imageloc.T, extent=(xl[0],xu[0],yl[0],yu[0]), aspect="equal", interpolation="none", origin="lower", vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax) plt.plot(1293., 1280., "ws", ms=7, label="Current pointing") plt.plot(x, y, "b*", ms=10, label="Target pointing") plt.gca().invert_xaxis() plt.legend() if (interactive): else: plt.savefig(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f).replace("raw", "phot"), os.path.basename(f).replace(".fits", "_a.png"))) plt.clf() return 0, dra, ddec
def get_offset_ref_pixel(f): if(not os.path.isfile(f)): print "File %s does not exist! Returning Zero offsets..."%f return 0,0 else: image = wcs = pywcs.WCS(image[0].header) rra, rdec = cc.hour2deg(image[0].header['OBRA'],image[0].header['OBDEC'] ) pra, pdec = wcs.wcs_pix2sky(np.array([[1293., 1280.]] , np.float_), 1)[0] dra, ddec = cc.get_offset(pra, pdec, rra, rdec) return dra, ddec
def plot_offset_shift(dirname): dras = [] ddecs = [] d = [] r = [] m = [] for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, "*new")): image = wcs = pywcs.WCS(image[0].header) rra, rdec = cc.hour2deg(image[0].header['RA'], image[0].header['DEC']) pra, pdec = wcs.wcs_pix2sky(np.array([[1293., 1280.]], np.float_), 1)[0] dra, ddec = cc.get_offset(pra, pdec, rra, rdec) if np.abs(dra) > 100 or np.abs(ddec) > 100: continue print f, image[ 0].data.shape, "(", rra, rdec, ") vs. (", pra, pdec, ")", dra, ddec dras.append(dra) ddecs.append(ddec) d.append(rdec) r.append(rra) m.append(image[0].header['JD']) dras = np.array(dras) ddecs = np.array(ddecs) plt.scatter(dras, ddecs, c=np.array(r),, s=130) plt.xlabel('dRA [arcsec]') plt.ylabel('dDEC [arcsec]') cb = plt.colorbar(label='RA [deg]') f = plt.figure() plt.scatter(dras, ddecs, c=np.array(d),, s=120) plt.xlabel('dRA [arcsec]') plt.ylabel('dDEC [arcsec]') cb = plt.colorbar(label='DEC [deg]') f = plt.figure() plt.scatter(dras, ddecs, c=(np.array(m) - np.min(m)) * 24,, s=130) plt.xlabel('dRA [arcsec]') plt.ylabel('dDEC [arcsec]') cb = plt.colorbar(label='JD [hours since first image]')
def plot_offset_shift(dirname): dras = [] ddecs = [] d = [] r = [] m = [] for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname,"*new")): image = wcs = pywcs.WCS(image[0].header) rra, rdec = cc.hour2deg(image[0].header['RA'],image[0].header['DEC'] ) pra, pdec = wcs.wcs_pix2sky(np.array([[1293., 1280.]] , np.float_), 1)[0] dra, ddec = cc.get_offset(pra, pdec, rra, rdec) if np.abs(dra) > 100 or np.abs(ddec)>100: continue print f, image[0].data.shape , "(",rra, rdec, ") vs. (", pra, pdec, ")", dra, ddec dras.append(dra) ddecs.append(ddec) d.append(rdec) r.append(rra) m.append(image[0].header['JD']) dras = np.array(dras) ddecs = np.array(ddecs) plt.scatter(dras, ddecs, c=np.array(r),, s=130) plt.xlabel('dRA [arcsec]') plt.ylabel('dDEC [arcsec]') cb = plt.colorbar(label='RA [deg]') f = plt.figure() plt.scatter(dras, ddecs, c=np.array(d),, s=120) plt.xlabel('dRA [arcsec]') plt.ylabel('dDEC [arcsec]') cb = plt.colorbar(label='DEC [deg]') f = plt.figure() plt.scatter(dras, ddecs, c=(np.array(m)-np.min(m))*24,, s=130) plt.xlabel('dRA [arcsec]') plt.ylabel('dDEC [arcsec]') cb = plt.colorbar(label='JD [hours since first image]')
def get_offset_center(f, plot=False, interactive=False): ''' Given a fits image, returns the offset in Ra, DEC, that needs to be applied for the telescope tp go from the current pointing position, to the coodinates of the object specified in the fits file. ''' if (not os.path.isfile(f)): print "File %s does not exist! Returning Zero offsets..." % f return -1, 0, 0 else: image = wcs = pywcs.WCS(image[0].header) rra, rdec = cc.hour2deg(image[0].header['OBJRA'], image[0].header['OBJDEC']) x, y = np.round(wcs.wcs_sky2pix(rra, rdec, 0), 0) pra, pdec = wcs.wcs_pix2sky(np.array([[1293., 1280.]], np.float_), 0)[0] dra, ddec = cc.get_offset(pra, pdec, rra, rdec) xl, yu = np.round( wcs.wcs_sky2pix(rra + 90. / 3600, rdec - 90. / 3600, 0), 0) xu, yl = np.round( wcs.wcs_sky2pix(rra - 90. / 3600, rdec + 90. / 3600, 0), 0) imageloc = image[0].data.T[xl:xu, yl:yu] if imageloc.shape[0] == 0 or imageloc.shape[1] == 0: logger.warn( "Astrometry has FAILED on this! The object is outside the frame! Resending to the numb astrometric solution" ) logger.error( "Astrometry has FAILED on this! The object is outside the frame! Resending to the numb astrometric solution" ) print "Pixels are", xl, xu, yl, yu try: code, dra, ddec = get_offset_center_failed_astro( f, plot=plot, interactive=interactive) return 2, dra, ddec except: return -1, 0, 0 if (plot): plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) zmin, zmax = zscale.zscale(imageloc) #print zmin, zmax, imageloc, (xl,xu,yl,yu) obj = fitsutils.get_par(f, "OBJECT") plt.suptitle(obj, fontsize=20) plt.imshow(imageloc.T, extent=(xl[0], xu[0], yl[0], yu[0]), aspect="equal", interpolation="none", origin="lower", vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax) plt.plot(1293., 1280., "ws", ms=7, label="Current pointing") plt.plot(x, y, "b*", ms=10, label="Target pointing") plt.gca().invert_xaxis() plt.legend() if (interactive): else: plt.savefig( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(f).replace("raw", "phot"), os.path.basename(f).replace(".fits", "_a.png"))) plt.clf() return 0, dra, ddec
def get_offset_center_failed_astro(f, plot=False, interactive=True): ''' For fields where astrometry is challenging, there is a simple solution. Find the brightest peak within the pointing error of the telescope. As this fields will usually be centered in Standard stars and very short exposure time, the fit intends to ''' image = data = image[0].data wcs = pywcs.WCS(image[0].header) ra, dec = cc.hour2deg(image[0].header['OBJRA'], image[0].header['OBJDEC']) pra, pdec = wcs.wcs_sky2pix(ra, dec, 0) #Get a local image #xl, yl = np.array(wcs.wcs_sky2pix(ra+(60./3600)*np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec)), dec-60./3600, 0), #xu, yu = np.array(wcs.wcs_sky2pix(ra-(60./3600)*np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec)), dec+60./3600, 0), imageloc = image[0].data.T[1293 - 150:1293 + 150, 1280 - 150:1280 + 150] nx = 300 ny = 300 def_x = np.argmax(np.sum(imageloc, axis=0)) def_y = np.argmax(np.sum(imageloc, axis=1)) newx = pra - nx / 2. + def_x newy = pdec - ny / 2. + def_y pra, pdec = wcs.wcs_pix2sky(np.array([[newx[0], newy[0]]], np.float_), 0)[0] dra, ddec = cc.get_offset(ra, dec, pra, pdec) print "Offset", dra, ddec, "Position RA,DEC", pra, pdec x, y, fwhmx, fwhmy, bkg, amp = fit_utils.fit_gauss(imageloc) if (plot): plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) obj = fitsutils.get_par(f, "OBJECT") plt.suptitle(obj, fontsize=20) zmin, zmax = zscale.zscale(imageloc) plt.imshow(imageloc, aspect="auto", interpolation="none", origin="lower", vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax, extent=(0, +300, 0, +300)) plt.plot(x, y, "go", ms=20, label="Centroid using gaussiuan fit.") plt.plot(def_x, def_y, "b*", ms=20, label="Centroid using max/min.") plt.plot(150, 150, "wo", ms=20, label="Initial pointing") plt.legend() '''zmin, zmax = zscale.zscale(data) plt.imshow(data, aspect="auto", interpolation="none", origin="lower", vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax) plt.plot(newx, newy, "go")''' if (interactive): else: plt.savefig( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(f).replace("raw", "phot"), os.path.basename(f).replace(".fits", "_std.png"))) plt.clf() return 1, ddec, dra
def get_offset_center_failed_astro(f, plot=False, interactive=True): ''' For fields where astrometry is challenging, there is a simple solution. Find the brightest peak within the pointing error of the telescope. As this fields will usually be centered in Standard stars and very short exposure time, the fit intends to ''' image = data = image[0].data wcs = pywcs.WCS(image[0].header) ra, dec = cc.hour2deg(image[0].header['OBJRA'], image[0].header['OBJDEC'] ) pra, pdec = wcs.wcs_sky2pix(ra, dec, 0) #Get a local image #xl, yl = np.array(wcs.wcs_sky2pix(ra+(60./3600)*np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec)), dec-60./3600, 0), #xu, yu = np.array(wcs.wcs_sky2pix(ra-(60./3600)*np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec)), dec+60./3600, 0), imageloc = image[0].data.T[1293-150:1293+150,1280-150:1280+150] nx = 300 ny=300 def_x = np.argmax(np.sum(imageloc, axis=0)) def_y = np.argmax(np.sum(imageloc, axis=1)) newx = pra-nx/2.+def_x newy = pdec-ny/2.+def_y pra, pdec = wcs.wcs_pix2sky(np.array([[newx[0], newy[0]]] , np.float_), 0)[0] dra, ddec = cc.get_offset(ra, dec, pra, pdec) print "Offset", dra, ddec, "Position RA,DEC", pra, pdec x,y, fwhmx, fwhmy, bkg, amp = fit_utils.fit_gauss(imageloc) if (plot): plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) obj = fitsutils.get_par(f, "OBJECT") plt.suptitle(obj, fontsize=20) zmin, zmax = zscale.zscale(imageloc) plt.imshow(imageloc, aspect="auto", interpolation="none", origin="lower", vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax, extent=(0,+300,0,+300)) plt.plot(x, y, "go", ms=20, label="Centroid using gaussiuan fit.") plt.plot(def_x, def_y, "b*", ms=20, label="Centroid using max/min.") plt.plot(150,150,"wo", ms=20, label="Initial pointing") plt.legend() '''zmin, zmax = zscale.zscale(data) plt.imshow(data, aspect="auto", interpolation="none", origin="lower", vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax) plt.plot(newx, newy, "go")''' if (interactive): else: plt.savefig(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f).replace("raw", "phot"), os.path.basename(f).replace(".fits", "_std.png"))) plt.clf() return 1, ddec, dra