Exemple #1
def ngram_loader(n,
                 query=['counts', 'order', 'frequencies', 'sum'],
                 sep=' '):
    ngrams = {}
    ret = {}
    file = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
        __name__, 'data/' + lang + '/' + ngramfiles[n])

    for line in open(file):
        key, count = line.split(sep)
        key = key.lower()
        ngrams[key] = int(count)

    L = len(key)
    N = sum([ngrams[k] for k in ngrams])
    #print (file)

    if 'counts' in query:
        ret['counts'] = shallowcopy(ngrams)
    if 'order' in query:
        ret['order'] = [
            k[0] for k in sorted([[k, ngrams[k]] for k in ngrams],
                                 key=lambda x: x[1])
    if 'frequencies' in query:
        for ngram in ngrams:
            ngrams[ngram] = ngrams[ngram] / N
        ret['frequencies'] = shallowcopy(ngrams)
    if 'sum' in query:
        ret['sum'] = N

    return ret
Exemple #2
    def copy(self):
        Create a copy of this object and return it.

        new_me = self.__class__()

        for name in self._valid_attrs.keys():
            if name in self._alias_attrs:
            new_me._attributes[name] = shallowcopy(self._attributes[name])
            new_me._attr_defaults[name] = shallowcopy(

        new_me._loader = self._loader
        new_me._variable_manager = self._variable_manager
        new_me._validated = self._validated
        new_me._finalized = self._finalized
        new_me._uuid = self._uuid

        # if the ds value was set on the object, copy it to the new copy too
        if hasattr(self, '_ds'):
            new_me._ds = self._ds

        return new_me
Exemple #3
 def copy(x):
     if not x._son:
         return shallowcopy(x)
         x_ = shallowcopy(x)
         x_._son = [Ego.copy(t) if isinstance(t, Ego) else t for t in x._son]
         return x_
Exemple #4
    def copy(self):
        Create a copy of this object and return it.

            new_me = self.__class__()
        except RuntimeError as e:
            raise AnsibleError(
                "Exceeded maximum object depth. This may have been caused by excessive role recursion",

        for name in self._valid_attrs.keys():
            if name in self._alias_attrs:
            new_me._attributes[name] = shallowcopy(self._attributes[name])
            new_me._attr_defaults[name] = shallowcopy(

        new_me._loader = self._loader
        new_me._variable_manager = self._variable_manager
        new_me._validated = self._validated
        new_me._finalized = self._finalized
        new_me._uuid = self._uuid

        # if the ds value was set on the object, copy it to the new copy too
        if hasattr(self, '_ds'):
            new_me._ds = self._ds

        return new_me
Exemple #5
    def signal(self, frame: Union[Beads, Cycles], key=None) -> np.ndarray:
        "returns the signal to subtract from beads"
        task = self.task

        next(iter(frame.keys()))  # unlazyfy # type: ignore

        # Discard the FixedBeadDetectionProcessor from the
        # frame as it will created an exception which is
        # meaningless in this context
        frame = shallowcopy(frame)
        frame.data = shallowcopy(frame.data)
        frame.data.actions = [
            i for i in frame.data.actions
            if 'FixedBeadDetectionProcessor' not in str(i)
        data = cast(Dict, frame.data)

        itr = (cast(Iterable[int], task.beads) if key is None else cast(
            Iterable[int], list(zip(task.beads, repeat(key)))))
        if len(task.beads) == 0:
            sub = 0.

        elif len(task.beads) == 1:
            sub = np.copy(data[task.beads[0]])

            sub = task.agg.process(itr, frame)

        return task.filter(sub) if task.filter else sub
    def _iter(self, sel=None) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, np.ndarray]]:
        if isinstance(self.data, Beads) and self.cycles is None:
            beads = cast(Beads, self.data)
            if sel is None:
                sel = self.selected

            if sel is None:
                yield from beads.__iter__()  # pylint: disable=no-member

            elif beads.selected:
                parent = frozenset(beads.keys())
                sel = [
                    i for i in shallowcopy(beads).selecting(sel, True).keys()
                    if i in parent
            yield from shallowcopy(beads).selecting(sel, clear=True).__iter__()

        itr = ((bead, self.data[bead]) for bead in self.keys(sel))
        if self.cycles is not None:
            cyc = self.cycles

            def _get(arr):
                ind1 = None if cyc.start is None else self.track.phases[
                    cyc.start, 0]
                ind2 = None if cyc.stop is None else self.track.phases[
                    cyc.stop, 0]
                return arr[ind1:ind2]

            itr = ((bead, _get(arr)) for bead, arr in itr)

        yield from itr
    def __init__(
            self,  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
            data: DataType,
            task: Task = None,
            pool: ProcessPoolExecutor = None,
            gen: Iterator[TrackView] = None,
            start: Iterator[TrackView] = None,
            level: Level = Level(0),
            **_) -> None:
        if isinstance(task, ProcessPoolExecutor):
            assert pool is None
            task, pool = None, task

        data = (Cache(list(pickle.loads(data)))
                if isinstance(data, bytes) else data if isinstance(
                    data, Cache) else Cache(list(data))).keepupto(task)
        if pool is not None and not hasattr(pool, 'nworkers'):
            nproc = getattr(pool, '_max_workers', None)
            if nproc is None:
                nproc = cpu_count()
            setattr(pool, 'nworkers', nproc)

        gen = (iter(shallowcopy(i)
                    for i in start) if start is not None else iter(
                        for i in gen) if gen is not None else None)
        level = toenum(Level, level)

        self.data: Cache = data
        self.pool: Optional[ProcessPoolExecutor] = pool
        self.gen: Optional[Iterator[TrackView]] = gen
        self.level: Level = toenum(Level, level)
Exemple #8
def renamebeads(trk: TRACKS, *beads: Tuple[int, int]) -> TRACKS:
    "returns a track without the given beads"
    if isinstance(trk, TracksDict):
        return _applytodict(renamebeads, trk, beads, {})

    cpy = shallowcopy(trk)
    rep = dict(beads)

    cpy.data = {rep.get(i, i): j for i, j in trk.data.items()}
    cpy.fov = shallowcopy(trk.fov)
    cpy.fov.beads = {rep.get(i, i): j for i, j in trk.fov.beads.items()}
    return cpy
Exemple #9
    def __getitem__(self:TSelf, keys) -> Union[TSelf, np.ndarray]:
        if (isellipsis(keys)
                or (isinstance(keys, tuple) and all(isellipsis(i) for i in keys))):
            return shallowcopy(self)

        if (isinstance(keys, _m_KEYS)
                or (isinstance(keys, tuple)
                    and all(isinstance(i, _m_KEYS) for i in keys))):
            # this is NOT a slice
            return self.get(keys)

        # consider this a slice
        cpy = shallowcopy(self)
        return (cpy.new() if cpy.selected else cpy).selecting(keys)
Exemple #10
    def copy(self):
        new = type(self)(path=self._db_path, active_table=self._active_table, columns=shallowcopy(self.columns),

        new.columns = shallowcopy(self.columns)
        new.has_internal_ids = self.has_internal_ids
        new._n_rows = self._n_rows
        new._state_query = shallowcopy(self._state_query)
        new._col_types = shallowcopy(self._col_types)
        new._queries_wo_optimize = self._queries_wo_optimize
        new._n_rows_before_opt = self._n_rows_before_opt
        new._user_vec_cache_limit = self._default_user_vec_cache_limit
        new._item_vec_cache_limit = self._default_item_vec_cache_limit

        return new
Exemple #11
def smart_copy(obj, memo=None, shared_attrs=(), shallowcopy_attrs=(), deepcopy_attrs=(),
               check_intersections=True, **options):
    """This function can be used as a direct replacement of __deepcopy__ in classes wishing to
    provide their own implementation. It uses 'deepcopy_attrs' and 'shallowcopy_attrs' to determine
    which object attributes should be deep-copied and those which should be shallow-copied."""
    # determine which attributes are shared, and which to make shallow or deep copies of
    shared_attrs = _determine_attr_set(shared_attrs, obj)
    shallowcopy_attrs = _determine_attr_set(shallowcopy_attrs, obj)
    deepcopy_attrs = _determine_attr_set(deepcopy_attrs, obj)
    # check if all attribute sets are empty
    if len(shared_attrs) == 0 and len(shallowcopy_attrs) == 0 and len(deepcopy_attrs) == 0:
        raise Exception("all copy sets are empty - nothing to copy")
    # check for intersections between attribute sets
    if check_intersections:
        attr_sets = [set(shared_attrs), set(shallowcopy_attrs), set(deepcopy_attrs)]
        for attr_set1, attr_set2 in itertools.combinations(attr_sets, 2):
            conflicting_attrs = attr_set1.intersection(attr_set2)
            if len(conflicting_attrs) > 0:
                raise Exception("intersection between attribute sets - %s" % (conflicting_attrs,))
    # initialize memo if necessary, and update it with the provided options
    if memo is None:
        memo = {}
    if len(options) > 0:
    # fetch or create a clone object and fill it
    clone = fetch_copy(obj, memo)
    for attr in shared_attrs:
        setattr(clone, attr, getattr(obj, attr))
    for attr in shallowcopy_attrs:
        setattr(clone, attr, shallowcopy(getattr(obj, attr)))
    for attr in deepcopy_attrs:
        setattr(clone, attr, deepcopy(getattr(obj, attr), memo))
    return clone
Exemple #12
 def __ior__(self, other):
     for key, value in other.items():
         if key in self:
             self[key] |= value
             self[key] = shallowcopy(value)
     return self
Exemple #13
    def copy(self):
        Create a copy of this object and return it.

            new_me = self.__class__()
        except RuntimeError as e:
            raise AnsibleError(
                "Exceeded maximum object depth. This may have been caused by excessive role recursion",

        for name in self.fattributes:
            setattr(new_me, name,
                    shallowcopy(getattr(self, f'_{name}', Sentinel)))

        new_me._loader = self._loader
        new_me._variable_manager = self._variable_manager
        new_me._validated = self._validated
        new_me._finalized = self._finalized
        new_me._uuid = self._uuid

        # if the ds value was set on the object, copy it to the new copy too
        if hasattr(self, '_ds'):
            new_me._ds = self._ds

        return new_me
Exemple #14
        def process_segment(chunk, delimiter):
            c = self._open_cursor()
            projected_cols = shallowcopy(self.columns)
            # rid is never read from file - remove it to not cause issues with zip(row, projected_cols)

                csv_reader = csv.reader(chunk, delimiter=delimiter)
                records = []
                for row in csv_reader:
                    record = []
                    for value, col in zip(row, projected_cols):
                        if col is None:  # accept None cols when reading as skip cols
                        elif col == 'interaction': # todo: do we really want this?
                    records.append(tuple(record) + (self._n_rows,))
                    self._n_rows += 1
            except ValueError as e:
                raise Exception('Failed to process dataset chunk: Make sure that the data you\'re loading does not '
                                'have a header - if it does, set the argument "has_header" to true.\n'
                                'More details: {e}'.format(e=str(e)))

            projected_cols.append('rid')  # since rid is automatically added (explicitly) add to projected_cols
            projected_cols = [col for col in projected_cols if col is not None]  # remove any skip cols

            cols = ','.join(projected_cols)
            vars = ','.join('?' * len(projected_cols))
            c.executemany(f'INSERT INTO interactions ({cols}) VALUES ({vars})', records)
Exemple #15
 def __ixor__(self, other):
     for key, value in other.iteritems():
         if key in self:
             self[key] ^= value
             self[key] = shallowcopy(value)
     return self
Exemple #16
 def join_pipe(self, pipes):
   assert len(pipes) > 0, 'No sense making a null pipe'
   assert isinstance(pipes[0],Pipe), '%s is not a Pipe object' % pipes[0]
   jp = shallowcopy(pipes[0])
   for p in pipes[1:]:
     assert isinstance(p,Pipe), '%s is not a Pipe object' % p
     jp = jp.curry(p)
   return jp
Exemple #17
def dropbeads(trk: TRACKS, *beads: int) -> TRACKS:
    "returns a track without the given beads"
    if isinstance(trk, TracksDict):
        return _applytodict(dropbeads, trk, beads, {})

    if len(beads) == 1 and isinstance(beads[0], (tuple, list, set, frozenset)):
        beads = tuple(beads[0])
    cpy = shallowcopy(trk)
    good = frozenset(trk.data.keys()) - frozenset(beads)
    cpy.data = {i: trk.data[i] for i in good}

    cpy.fov = shallowcopy(trk.fov)
    good = good & frozenset(trk.fov.beads)
    cpy.fov.beads = {i: trk.fov.beads[i] for i in good}
    setattr(cpy, '_secondaries', dict(getattr(trk, '_secondaries')))
    return cpy
    def __getitem__(self: TDictType,
                    key: Union[List, Any]) -> Union[TDictType, TrackType]:
        if isellipsis(key):
            return shallowcopy(self)

        if isinstance(key,
                      str) and len(key) and key[0] == '~' and key not in self:
            key = ['~', key[1:]]

        if isinstance(key, list):
            other = shallowcopy(self)
            bad = set(key) - {'~'} if '~' in key else set(other) - set(key)
            for i in bad:
            return other

        return super().__getitem__(key)
 def clone(self,envother):
     """Clones the interface into another environment
     clone = shallowcopy(self)
     clone.prob = RaveCreateModule(envother,'TaskManipulation')
     clone.robot = envother.GetRobot(self.robot.GetName())
     return clone
Exemple #20
    def __init__(self, event, subscribers=[]):
        if inspect.isclass(event):
            self.event = event()
            self.event = shallowcopy(event)
        self.subscribers = subscribers

Exemple #21
 def _newRound(self, round_id):
     self.round = self.RoundClass(
 def clone(self,envother):
     """Clones the interface into another environment
     clone = shallowcopy(self)
     clone.prob = RaveCreateModule(envother,'VisualFeedback')
     clone.robot = envother.GetRobot(self.robot.GetName())
     if envother.AddModule(clone.prob,clone.args) != 0:
         raise ValueError('module failed to initialize')
     return clone
 def copy(self, deep=False):
     if deep:
         math_func = deepcopy(self)
         math_func = shallowcopy(self)
         math_func.Cond = deepcopy(math_func.Cond)   # need to be careful with Cond and Scope
         math_func.Scope = deepcopy(math_func.Scope)   # need to be careful with Cond and Scope
     math_func.CompyledFunc = None   # remove compiled version because changes are likely to be made on the copy
     return math_func
Exemple #24
 def plugins(command, env):
     return [
         # PluginPrint(debug=False),
         # PluginWrite(stdout='foo.log'.format(**env), stderr='bar.log'),
         # PluginProgress(name=str(env) if env else command),
         # PluginProgress(name=command.format(**env)),
         PluginJson(details={'bin': "{bin}".format(**env)}),
Exemple #25
 def clone(self,envother):
     """Clones the interface into another environment
     clone = shallowcopy(self)
     clone.prob = RaveCreateModule(envother,'Grasper')
     clone.robot = envother.GetRobot(self.robot.GetName())
     clone.avoidlinks = [clone.robot.GetLink(link.GetName()) for link in self.avoidlinks]
     return clone
Exemple #26
 def clone(self,envother):
     """Clones the interface into another environment
     clone = shallowcopy(self)
     clone.prob = RaveCreateModule(envother,'Grasper')
     clone.robot = envother.GetRobot(self.robot.GetName())
     clone.avoidlinks = [clone.robot.GetLink(link.GetName()) for link in self.avoidlinks]
     return clone
Exemple #27
        def infer_col_types(first_line):
            projected_cols = shallowcopy(self.columns)
            # rid is never read from file - remove it to not cause issues with zip(row, projected_cols)

            col_types = {'rid': int}
            for value, col in zip(first_line, projected_cols):
                col_types[col] = self._infer_value_type(value)

            return col_types
Exemple #28
 def clone(self,envother):
     clone = shallowcopy(self)
     clone.env = envother
     clone.robot = clone.env.GetRobot(self.robot.GetName())
     clone.irmodels = []
     for irmodel in self.irmodels:
         except openrave_exception,e:
             print e
Exemple #29
 def clone(self,envother):
     """Clones the interface into another environment
     clone = shallowcopy(self)
     clone.prob = RaveCreateModule(envother,'Grasper')
     clone.robot = envother.GetRobot(self.robot.GetName())
     clone.avoidlinks = [clone.robot.GetLink(link.GetName()) for link in self.avoidlinks]
     if envother.AddModule(clone.prob,clone.args) != 0:
         raise ValueError('module failed to initialize')
     return clone
Exemple #30
 def clone(self,envother):
     clone = shallowcopy(self)
     clone.env = envother
     clone.envreal = self.env
     clone.robot = clone.env.GetRobot(self.robot.GetName())
     clone.grmodel = self.grmodel.clone(envother) if self.grmodel is not None else None
     clone.basemanip = self.basemanip.clone(envother)
     clone.taskmanip = self.taskmanip.clone(envother)
     if clone.switchpatterns is not None:
     return clone
    def subtractbeads(self, **kwa) -> TracksDict:
        "creates a new TracksDict with subtracted beads"
        alg = FixedBeadDetection(**kwa)
        itr = ((i, alg, j) for i, j in self.tracks.items())
        with ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool:
            info = dict(pool.map(self._subtractbeads, itr))

        itms = cast(TracksDict, type(self.tracks)())
        for i, beads in info.items():
            itms[i] = shallowcopy(self.tracks[i])
            itms[i].tasks.subtraction = [j[-1] for j in beads]
        return itms
Exemple #32
    def path(cls, pathtype, path, **kwa):
        "creates a path using provided arguments"
        if isinstance(path, dict):
            return pathtype(**path, **kwa)

        if isinstance(path, pathtype):
            return update(shallowcopy(path), **kwa)

        if isinstance(path, (tuple, str, Path)):
            return pathtype(track=path, **kwa)

        raise TypeError('Could not create {} using {}'.format(pathtype, path))
Exemple #33
    def __enter__(self):
        if self.ctrl is None:
            return None

        data = super().__enter__()
        if data is not self.ctrl.data:
            ctrl = shallowcopy(self.ctrl)
            ctrl.data = data
            ctrl = self.ctrl
        return ctrl if self.copy is None else next(
Exemple #34
    def _cfg_subslvr_dims(self, subslvr_cfg, P):
        for dim in self._dims.itervalues():
            name = dim.name
            if name in P:
                # Copy dimension data for reconfiguration
                sub_dim = shallowcopy(dim)
                    lower_extent=0, upper_extent=P[name])

                subslvr_cfg[name] = sub_dim

        return subslvr_cfg
Exemple #35
def _savetrack(args):
    if not isinstance(args[2], dict):
            PickleIO.save(args[1], args[2])
        except Exception as exc:
            raise TrackIOError(
                f"Could not save {args[2].path} [{args[2].key}]") from exc
        PickleIO.save(args[1], args[2])
    new = type(args[2]).__new__(type(args[2]))  # type: ignore
    setattr(new, '_path', args[1])
    return args[0], new
Exemple #36
    def _cfg_subslvr_dims(self, subslvr_cfg, P):
        for dim in self._dims.itervalues():
            name = dim.name
            if name in P:
                # Copy dimension data for reconfiguration
                sub_dim = shallowcopy(dim)

                subslvr_cfg[name] = sub_dim

        return subslvr_cfg
Exemple #37
    def __getitem__(self, beads) -> Track:
        if isinstance(beads, list):
            return selectbeads(self._trk, *beads)

        if np.isscalar(beads):
            return selectbeads(self._trk, beads)

        if isinstance(beads, tuple):
            if len(beads) != 2:
                raise KeyError("Key should be a (beads, cycles) tuple")
            trk = self._trk if isellipsis(beads[0]) else self.__getitem__(
            trk = trk if isellipsis(beads[1]) else selectcycles(trk, beads[1])
            return shallowcopy(self._trk) if trk is self._trk else trk
        raise NotImplementedError()
    def _iter(self, sel=None) -> Iterator[Tuple[CYCLEKEY, np.ndarray]]:
        if isinstance(self.data, Cycles):
            cycles = cast(Cycles, self.data)
            if sel is None:
                sel = self.selected

            if sel is None:
                yield from cycles.__iter__()  # pylint: disable=no-member
            if cycles.selected:
                parent = frozenset(cycles.keys())
                sel = [
                    i for i in shallowcopy(cycles).selecting(sel, True).keys()
                    if i in parent
            yield from shallowcopy(cycles).selecting(sel,

        elif self.direct:
            tmp = cast(dict, self.data)
            yield from ((key, tmp[key]) for key in self.keys(sel))

            yield from self.__iterfrombeads(sel)
Exemple #39
def clone(trk: TRACKS) -> TRACKS:
    Deeper shallow copy of the track.

    The track containers are copied but the numpy arrays are the same.
    if isinstance(trk, Track):
        track = cast(Track, trk)
        state = track.__getstate__()
        state.pop('fov', None)
        state = deepcopy(state)
        for i in ('data', 'secondaries', 'fov'):
            state[i] = shallowcopy(getattr(track, f'_{i}'))
        return type(track)(**state)

    return type(trk)({i: clone(j) for i, j in cast(TracksDict, trk).items()})
Exemple #40
 def plugins(command, env):
     return [
         # PluginWrite(stdout='foo.log'.format(**env), stderr='bar.log'),
         # PluginProgress(name=str(env) if env else command),
             name="x{nproc} {flow123d} -s {problem_config}".format(
                 flow123d=io.end_path(env['flow123d'], 2),
                 problem_config=io.end_path(env['problem_config'], 2),
         # PluginJson(details={ 'problem_config': "{problem_config}".format(**env) }),
Exemple #41
def get_binary_info():
    def plugins(command, env):
        return [
            # PluginPrint(debug=False),
            # PluginWrite(stdout='foo.log'.format(**env), stderr='bar.log'),
            # PluginProgress(name=str(env) if env else command),
            # PluginProgress(name=command.format(**env)),
            PluginJson(details={'bin': "{bin}".format(**env)}),

    # exec_util.exec_all(command, options.variables, plugins)
    info = dict()
    variables = ['bin:git g++ gcc python java mono perl fortran gfortran make cmake']
    which_cmd = 'where "{bin}"' if platform.system() == "Windows" else 'which "{bin}"'
    for executor in exec_util.exec_all(which_cmd, variables, plugins):

        # grab environment
        env = executor.plugins.get('PluginEnv').env
        bin_name = env['bin']

        # clean up json
        json = shallowcopy(executor.plugins.get('PluginJson').json)
        json['path'] = ''.join(json['stdout']).strip()
        del json['stdout']
        del json['stderr']
        del json['command']
        del json['exit_code']

        # try to get more info about binary
        env['version'] = bin_version_flag.get(bin_name, '--version')
        result = exec_util.exec_all('{bin} {version}'.format(**env))[0]
        output = ' '.join(result.stderr + result.stdout).replace('\n', ' ')
        results = re.findall(bin_version_regexp.get(bin_name, bin_version_regexp['']), output)

        # some --version return non zero exit code
        if not results:
            if not json['path']:
                json['missing'] = True
                del json['path']
            json['version'] = results[0]

        info[bin_name] = json

    return info
	def encodew( self, w, d_encode):
		d_encode_local = shallowcopy(d_encode)
		l_res = []
		casestr = isinstance(w, basestring)
		for p in w:
			if p in d_encode_local:
				l_res.append( d_encode_local[p] )
			if isinstance (p , basestring )  and casestr == True: #sinon produira un join
				d_encode_local[p] = p
				l_res.append( p )
			else :
				d_encode_local[p] = unichr(len(d_encode_local)+128)
				l_res.append( d_encode_local[p] )
		res = ''.join([ d_encode_local[p] for p in w ])
		return res, d_encode_local
Exemple #43
def run_benchmarks(tests=None, cores=None, timeout=0.4, tries=2):
    tests = shallowcopy(all_tests.keys()) if tests is None else set(tests)
    cores = range(1, 5) if cores is None else cores

    measurement = BenchmarkMeasurement()
    measurement.configure(timeout, tries, cores)

    info = dict()
    for test in all_tests:
        if test not in tests:

            info[test] = measurement.measure(all_tests.get(test), test)
        except Exception as e:
            print e

    return info
Exemple #44
    def copy(self):
        Create a copy of this object and return it.

        new_me = self.__class__()

        for name in self._valid_attrs.keys():
            new_me._attributes[name] = shallowcopy(self._attributes[name])

        new_me._loader = self._loader
        new_me._variable_manager = self._variable_manager
        new_me._validated = self._validated
        new_me._finalized = self._finalized
        new_me._uuid = self._uuid

        # if the ds value was set on the object, copy it to the new copy too
        if hasattr(self, '_ds'):
            new_me._ds = self._ds

        return new_me
Exemple #45
 def _resolve_function(self, name, args):
   assert name in self.pipes, 'No such pipe: %s' % name
   pipe = shallowcopy(self.pipes[name])
   pipe.fill_args(map(self.resolve, args))
   return pipe
Exemple #46
 def deck_generator(this):
     deck = shallowcopy(this.__deck)
     return (card for card in deck) # returns a generator