def beamy(self, feed, freq):

        bpat = visibility.cylinder_beam(self._angpos, self.zenith,
                                        self.illumination_y * self.cylinder_width / self.wavelengths[freq])

        bm = np.zeros_like(self._angpos)
        if self.ortho_pol:
            bm[:, 0] = bpat
            thatz, phatz = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(self.zenith)
            thatp, phatp = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(self._angpos)
            bm[:, 0] =, thatz) * bpat
            bm[:, 1] =, thatz) * bpat
        return bm
Exemple #2
def polpattern(angpos, dipole):
    """Calculate the unit polarisation vectors at each position on the sphere
    for a dipole direction.

    angpos : np.ndarray[npoints, 2]
        The positions on the sphere to calculate at.
    dipole : np.ndarray[2 or 3]
        The unit vector for the dipole direction. If length is 2, assume in
        vector is in spherical polars, if 3 it's cartesian.

    vectors : np.ndarray[npoints, 2]
        Vector at each point in thetahat, phihat basis.

    if dipole.shape[0] == 2:
        dipole = coord.sph_to_cart(dipole)

    thatp, phatp = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(angpos)

    polvec = np.zeros(angpos.shape[:-1] + (2,), dtype=angpos.dtype)

    # Calculate components by projecting into basis.
    polvec[..., 0] =, dipole)
    polvec[..., 1] =, dipole)

    # Normalise length to unity.

    return polvec
Exemple #3
def beam_y(angpos, zenith, width, fwhm_e, fwhm_h, rot=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]):
    """Beam amplitude across the sky for the Y dipole (points N).

    Using ExpTan model.

    angpos : np.ndarray[npoints, 2]
        Angular position on the sky.
    zenith : np.ndarray[2]
        Position of zenith in spherical polars.
    width : scalar
        Cylinder width in wavelengths.
    fwhm_e, fwhm_h
        Full with at half power in the E and H planes of the antenna.

    beam : np.ndarray[npoints, 2]
        Amplitude vector of beam at each point (in thetahat, phihat)
    # Reverse as thetahat points south
    that, phat = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(zenith)
    xhat, yhat, zhat = rotate_ypr(rot, phat, -that, coord.sph_to_cart(zenith))

    pvec = polpattern(angpos, yhat)

    amp = beam_amp(angpos, zenith, width, fwhm_h, fwhm_e, rot=rot)

    return amp[:, np.newaxis] * pvec
Exemple #4
def polpattern(angpos, dipole):
    """Calculate the unit polarisation vectors at each position on the sphere
    for a dipole direction.

    angpos : np.ndarray[npoints, 2]
        The positions on the sphere to calculate at.
    dipole : np.ndarray[2 or 3]
        The unit vector for the dipole direction. If length is 2, assume in
        vector is in spherical polars, if 3 it's cartesian.

    vectors : np.ndarray[npoints, 2]
        Vector at each point in thetahat, phihat basis.

    if dipole.shape[0] == 2:
        dipole = coord.sph_to_cart(dipole)

    thatp, phatp = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(angpos)

    polvec = np.zeros(angpos.shape[:-1] + (2,), dtype=angpos.dtype)

    # Calculate components by projecting into basis.
    polvec[..., 0] =, dipole)
    polvec[..., 1] =, dipole)

    # Normalise length to unity.
    polvec = polvec * (np.sum(polvec**2, axis=-1)**-0.5)[..., np.newaxis]

    return polvec
Exemple #5
def beam_y(angpos, zenith, width, fwhm_e, fwhm_h, rot=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]):
    """Beam amplitude across the sky for the Y dipole (points N).

    Using ExpTan model.

    angpos : np.ndarray[npoints, 2]
        Angular position on the sky.
    zenith : np.ndarray[2]
        Position of zenith in spherical polars.
    width : scalar
        Cylinder width in wavelengths.
    fwhm_e, fwhm_h
        Full with at half power in the E and H planes of the antenna.

    beam : np.ndarray[npoints, 2]
        Amplitude vector of beam at each point (in thetahat, phihat)
    # Reverse as thetahat points south
    that, phat = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(zenith)
    xhat, yhat, zhat = rotate_ypr(rot, phat, -that, coord.sph_to_cart(zenith))

    pvec = polpattern(angpos, yhat)

    amp = beam_amp(angpos, zenith, width, fwhm_h, fwhm_e, rot=rot)

    return amp[:, np.newaxis] * pvec
Exemple #6
    def beamy(self, feed, freq):

        bpat = visibility.cylinder_beam(
            self._angpos, self.zenith,
            self.illumination_y * self.cylinder_width / self.wavelengths[freq])

        bm = np.zeros_like(self._angpos)
        if self.ortho_pol:
            bm[:, 0] = bpat
            thatz, phatz = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(self.zenith)
            thatp, phatp = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(self._angpos)
            bm[:, 0] =, thatz) * bpat
            bm[:, 1] =, thatz) * bpat

        return bm
    def _setup_gridbeam_interpolation(self):
        # grid beam coordinates
        self._x_grid = self._primary_beam.phi[:]
        self._y_grid = self._primary_beam.theta[:]

        # celestial coordinates
        angpos = hputil.ang_positions(self._nside)
        x_cel = coord.sph_to_cart(angpos).T

        # rotate to telescope coords
        # first align y with N, then polar axis with NCP
        self._x_tel = cylbeam.rotate_ypr(
            (1.5 * np.pi, np.radians(90.0 - self.latitude), 0), *x_cel)

        # mask any pixels outside grid
        x_t, y_t, z_t = self._x_tel
        self._pix_mask = ((z_t > 0)
                          & (np.abs(x_t) < np.abs(self._x_grid.max()))
                          & (np.abs(y_t) < np.abs(self._y_grid.max())))

        # pre-compute polarisation pattern
        # taken from driftscan
        zenith = np.array([np.pi / 2.0 - np.radians(self.latitude), 0.0])
        that, phat = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(zenith)
        xhat, yhat, zhat = cylbeam.rotate_ypr([-self.rotation_angle, 0.0, 0.0],
                                              phat, -that,

        self._pvec_x = cylbeam.polpattern(angpos, xhat)
        self._pvec_y = cylbeam.polpattern(angpos, yhat)
Exemple #8
def pol_IQU(sph_arr, zenith, feed1, feed2):
    r"""The polarisation tensors at each point, projected onto two

    sph_arr : np.ndarray
        Angular positions (in spherical polar co-ordinates).
    zenith : np.ndarray
        The zenith vector in spherical polar-coordinates.
    feed1, feed2 : np.ndarray
        Unit vectors for the two feeds. Should be given in (u,v)

    pI, pQ, pU : np.ndarray
        The projected polarisations at each angular position.

    For each position :math:`\hat{n}` in `sph_arr` calculate:

    .. math:: f_1^a f_2^b \mathcal{P}^X_{ab}

    where X is one of I, Q or U.

    The co-ordinate system defining the polarisation at each point is
    :math:`(\hat{\theta}, \hat{\phi})`.

    # Get theta, phi plane at each point.
    t_hat, p_hat = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(sph_arr)

    # Get feed vectors in 3D Cartesian co-ordinates
    uhat, vhat = uv_plane_cart(zenith)
    f1c = feed1[0] * uhat + feed1[1] * vhat
    f2c = feed2[0] * uhat + feed2[1] * vhat

    # Project feed vectors into theta-phi plane.
    f1_t = np.inner(t_hat, f1c)
    f1_p = np.inner(p_hat, f1c)
    f2_t = np.inner(t_hat, f2c)
    f2_p = np.inner(p_hat, f2c)

    pI = 0.5 * (f1_t * f2_t + f1_p * f2_p)  # I
    pQ = 0.5 * (f1_t * f2_t - f1_p * f2_p)  # Q
    pU = 0.5 * (f1_t * f2_p + f1_p * f2_t)  # U

    return pI, pQ, pU
def pol_IQU(sph_arr, zenith, feed1, feed2):
    r"""The polarisation tensors at each point, projected onto two

    sph_arr : np.ndarray
        Angular positions (in spherical polar co-ordinates).
    zenith : np.ndarray
        The zenith vector in spherical polar-coordinates.
    feed1, feed2 : np.ndarray
        Unit vectors for the two feeds. Should be given in (u,v)

    pI, pQ, pU : np.ndarray
        The projected polarisations at each angular position.

    For each position :math:`\hat{n}` in `sph_arr` calculate:

    .. math:: f_1^a f_2^b \mathcal{P}^X_{ab}

    where X is one of I, Q or U.

    The co-ordinate system defining the polarisation at each point is
    :math:`(\hat{\theta}, \hat{\phi})`.
    # Get theta, phi plane at each point.
    t_hat, p_hat = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(sph_arr)

    # Get feed vectors in 3D Cartesian co-ordinates
    uhat, vhat = uv_plane_cart(zenith)
    f1c = feed1[0] * uhat + feed1[1] * vhat
    f2c = feed2[0] * uhat + feed2[1] * vhat

    # Project feed vectors into theta-phi plane.
    f1_t = np.inner(t_hat, f1c)
    f1_p = np.inner(p_hat, f1c)
    f2_t = np.inner(t_hat, f2c)
    f2_p = np.inner(p_hat, f2c)

    pI = 0.5*(f1_t*f2_t + f1_p*f2_p)  # I
    pQ = 0.5*(f1_t*f2_t - f1_p*f2_p)  # Q
    pU = 0.5*(f1_t*f2_p + f1_p*f2_t)  # U

    return pI, pQ, pU
Exemple #10
def uv_plane_cart(zenith):
    r"""Fetch unit vectors in the UV plane.

    zenith : np.ndarray
        The zenith vector in spherical polar-coordinates.

    uhat, vhat : np.ndarray
        Unit vectors in the UV plane. `uhat` points East, and `vhat`
        points North.
    t_hat, phat = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(zenith)
    return phat, -t_hat
Exemple #11
def uv_plane_cart(zenith):
    r"""Fetch unit vectors in the UV plane.

    zenith : np.ndarray
        The zenith vector in spherical polar-coordinates.

    uhat, vhat : np.ndarray
        Unit vectors in the UV plane. `uhat` points East, and `vhat`
        points North.
    t_hat, phat = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(zenith)
    return phat, -t_hat
Exemple #12
def beam_amp(angpos, zenith, width, fwhm_x, fwhm_y, rot=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]):
    """Beam amplitude across the sky.

    angpos : np.ndarray[npoints]
        Angular position on the sky.
    zenith : np.ndarray[2]
        Position of zenith on spherical polars.
    width : scalar
        Cylinder width in wavelengths.
    fwhm_x, fwhm_y : scalar
        Full with at half power in the x and y directions.
    rot : [yaw, pitch, roll]
        Rotation to apply to cylinder in yaw, pitch and roll from North.

    beam : np.ndarray[npoints]
        Amplitude of beam at each point.
    global _beam_pat_cache

    if _beam_pat_cache is None:
        _beam_pat_cache = cachetools.LRUCache(maxsize=100)

    that, phat = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(zenith)

    xhat, yhat, zhat = rotate_ypr(rot, phat, -that, coord.sph_to_cart(zenith))

    yplane = lambda t: beam_exptan(t, fwhm_y)

    # Get the diffracted beam pattern from the cache, or calculate it if it's not
    # present
    bpkey = (fwhm_x, width)
    if bpkey not in _beam_pat_cache:
        xplane = lambda t: beam_exptan(t, fwhm_x)
        _beam_pat_cache[bpkey] = fraunhofer_cylinder(xplane, width)
    beampat = _beam_pat_cache[bpkey]

    cvec = coord.sph_to_cart(angpos)
    horizon = (, coord.sph_to_cart(zenith)) > 0.0).astype(np.float64)

    ew_amp = beampat(, xhat))
    ns_amp = yplane(, yhat))

    return ew_amp * ns_amp * horizon
Exemple #13
def beam_amp(angpos, zenith, width, fwhm_x, fwhm_y, rot=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]):
    """Beam amplitude across the sky.

    angpos : np.ndarray[npoints]
        Angular position on the sky.
    zenith : np.ndarray[2]
        Position of zenin on spherical polars.
    width : scalar
        Cylinder width in wavelengths.
    fwhm_x, fwhm_y : scalar
        Full with at half power in the x and y directions.
    rot : [yaw, pitch, roll]
        Rotation to apply to cylinder in yaw, pitch and roll from North.

    beam : np.ndarray[npoints]
        Amplitude of beam at each point.

    that, phat = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(zenith)

    xhat, yhat, zhat = rotate_ypr(rot, phat, -that, coord.sph_to_cart(zenith))

    xplane = lambda t: beam_exptan(t, fwhm_x)
    yplane = lambda t: beam_exptan(t, fwhm_y)

    beampat = fraunhofer_cylinder(xplane, width)

    cvec = coord.sph_to_cart(angpos)
    horizon = (, coord.sph_to_cart(zenith)) > 0.0).astype(

    ew_amp = beampat(, xhat))
    ns_amp = yplane(np.arcsin(, yhat)))

    return ew_amp * ns_amp * horizon
Exemple #14
def beam_amp(angpos, zenith, width, fwhm_x, fwhm_y, rot=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]):
    """Beam amplitude across the sky.

    angpos : np.ndarray[npoints]
        Angular position on the sky.
    zenith : np.ndarray[2]
        Position of zenin on spherical polars.
    width : scalar
        Cylinder width in wavelengths.
    fwhm_x, fwhm_y : scalar
        Full with at half power in the x and y directions.
    rot : [yaw, pitch, roll]
        Rotation to apply to cylinder in yaw, pitch and roll from North.

    beam : np.ndarray[npoints]
        Amplitude of beam at each point.

    that, phat = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(zenith)

    xhat, yhat, zhat = rotate_ypr(rot, phat, -that, coord.sph_to_cart(zenith))

    xplane = lambda t: beam_exptan(t, fwhm_x)
    yplane = lambda t: beam_exptan(t, fwhm_y)

    beampat = fraunhofer_cylinder(xplane, width)

    cvec = coord.sph_to_cart(angpos)
    horizon = (, coord.sph_to_cart(zenith)) > 0.0).astype(np.float64)

    ew_amp = beampat(, xhat))
    ns_amp = yplane(np.arcsin(, yhat)))

    return (ew_amp * ns_amp * horizon)