Exemple #1
	def __init__( self, name = None ):
		MObject.__init__( self, name )

		self.__mixedPart = MIMEMultipart( 'mixed' )
		self.__mixedPart.set_charset( "utf-8" )

		self.__recipients = []
Exemple #2
	def __init__( self, revision = None, location = None, branch = None, tag = None, path = None, script = None, name = None, rootTrunk = False ):
		MObject.__init__( self, name )
		self.setRevision( revision )
		self.setBuildscript( script )
		self.setLocation( location )
		self.setBranch( branch )
		self.setTag( tag )
		self.setPath( path )
		self.setRootTrunk( rootTrunk )
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, name=None):
     MObject.__init__(self, name)
     self.__timeKeeper = TimeKeeper()
     self.__workingDir = None
     self.__started = False
     self.__finished = False
     self.__aborted = False
     self.__result = None
Exemple #4
	def __init__( self, stepName = None ):
		MObject.__init__( self, stepName )
		self.setStatus( Step.Status.New )
		self.setResult( Step.Result.NotExecuted )
		self.__timeKeeper = TimeKeeper()
		self.__enabled = True
		self.__ignorePreviousFailure = False
		self.__preActions = [] # list of preparation actions
		self.__mainActions = [] # list of main actions
		self.__postActions = [] # list of post actions
		self.__logfilePath = None
Exemple #5
	def __init__( self, name = None ):
		MObject.__init__( self, name )
		self.setBuildId( None )
		self.setProjectName( None )
		self.setPriority( None )
		self.setBuildStatus( BuildInfo.Status.NoStatus )
		self.setBuildType( None )
		self.setRevision( None )
		self.setUrl( None )
		self.setBranch( None )
		self.setTag( None )
		self.setBuildScript( None )
	def __init__( self, xmlReport ):
		MObject.__init__( self )

		mApp().debugN( self, 4, "Using following etree implementation: {0}. XSLT support: {1}".format( etree.__name__, self.hasXsltSupport() ) )
		if not self.hasXsltSupport():
			mApp().debug( self, "Lacking support for XSLT transformations. Support for HTML conversion not available. Please install the python-lxml package." )

		self.__xmlReport = xmlReport

		# ElementTree.fromstring requires encoded data, fails otherwise
		encodedData = xmlReport.getReport().encode( "utf-8" )
		self.__elementTree = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring( encodedData ) # cache ElementTree object

		self.__xslTemplateSnippets = {}
		self.__xmlTemplateFunctions = {}
		self.__registeredPlugins = []

		self._fetchTemplates( mApp() )
	def __init__( self, cmd, timeoutSeconds = None, combineOutput = False, searchPaths = None, captureOutput = True ):
		MObject.__init__( self )
		check_for_list_of_paths( cmd, "The command must be a list of strings." )
		self.__cmd = cmd
		if timeoutSeconds:
			check_for_positive_int( timeoutSeconds, "The timeout period must be a positive integer number! " )
		self.__timeoutSeconds = timeoutSeconds
		self.__workingDir = None
		self.__captureOutput = captureOutput
		self.__combineOutput = combineOutput
		self.__stdOut = None
		self.__stdErr = None
		self.__returnCode = None
		self.__timedOut = False
		if searchPaths is None:
			self.__searchPaths = []
			check_for_list_of_paths( searchPaths, "The search paths must be a list of strings." )
			self.__searchPaths = searchPaths
	def __init__( self, buildScript, name = None ):
		MObject.__init__( self, name )
		self.setBuildScript( buildScript )
Exemple #9
	def __init__( self, name = None ):
		MObject.__init__( self, name )

		parser = self._createOptionParser()
		self.setParser( parser )
		( self.__options, self.__args ) = self.__parser.parse_args() # populate options and args 
Exemple #10
	def __init__( self, name = None ):
		MObject.__init__( self, name )
		self.__server = None
Exemple #11
	def __init__( self, name = None ):
		MObject.__init__( self, name )
		self.setDatabaseFilename( None )
Exemple #12
	def __init__( self, name = None ):
		MObject.__init__( self, name )
