Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, config = None):

        Log.debug("GameEngine class init (GameEngine.py)...")
        self.mainMenu = None    #placeholder for main menu object - to prevent reinstantiation

        self.currentScene = None

        self.versionString = version  #stump: other version stuff moved to allow full version string to be retrieved without instantiating GameEngine
        self.uploadVersion = "%s-4.0" % Version.PROGRAM_NAME #akedrou - the version passed to the upload site.

        self.dataPath = Version.dataPath()
        Log.debug(self.versionString + " starting up...")
        Log.debug("Python version: " + sys.version.split(' ')[0])
        Log.debug("Pygame version: " + str(pygame.version.ver) )
        Log.debug("PyOpenGL version: " + OpenGL.__version__)
        Log.debug("Numpy version: " + np.__version__)
        Log.debug("PIL version: " + Image.VERSION)
        Log.debug("sys.argv: " + repr(sys.argv))
        Log.debug("os.name: " + os.name)
        Log.debug("sys.platform: " + sys.platform)
        if os.name == 'nt':
            import win32api
            Log.debug("win32api.GetVersionEx(1): " + repr(win32api.GetVersionEx(1)))
        elif os.name == 'posix':
            Log.debug("os.uname(): " + repr(os.uname()))

        @param config:  L{Config} instance for settings

        self.tutorialFolder = "tutorials"

        if not config:
            config = Config.load()

        self.config  = config

        fps          = self.config.get("video", "fps")

        self.tasks = []
        self.frameTasks = []
        self.fps = fps
        self.currentTask = None
        self.paused = []
        self.running = True
        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()

        self.title             = self.versionString
        self.restartRequested  = False

        # evilynux - Check if theme icon exists first, then fallback on FoFiX icon.
        themename = self.config.get("coffee", "themename")
        themeicon = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "themes", themename, "icon.png")
        fofixicon = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "fofix_icon.png")
        icon = None
        if os.path.exists(themeicon):
            icon = themeicon
        elif os.path.exists(fofixicon):
            icon = fofixicon

        self.video             = Video(self.title, icon)
        if self.config.get("video", "disable_screensaver"):

        self.audio             = Audio()
        self.frames            = 0
        self.fpsEstimate       = 0
        self.priority          = self.config.get("engine", "highpriority")
        self.show_fps          = self.config.get("video", "show_fps")
        self.advSettings       = self.config.get("game", "adv_settings")
        self.restartRequired   = False
        self.quicksetRestart   = False
        self.quicksetPerf      = self.config.get("quickset", "performance")
        self.scrollRate        = self.config.get("game", "scroll_rate")
        self.scrollDelay       = self.config.get("game", "scroll_delay")

        Log.debug("Initializing audio.")
        frequency    = self.config.get("audio", "frequency")
        bits         = self.config.get("audio", "bits")
        stereo       = self.config.get("audio", "stereo")
        bufferSize   = self.config.get("audio", "buffersize")
        self.audio.open(frequency = frequency, bits = bits, stereo = stereo, bufferSize = bufferSize)

        self.cmdPlay           = 0
        self.cmdMode           = None
        self.cmdDiff           = None
        self.cmdPart           = None

        self.gameStarted       = False
        self.world             = None

        self.audioSpeedFactor  = 1.0

        Log.debug("Initializing video.")
        #myfingershurt: ensuring windowed mode starts up in center of the screen instead of cascading positions:
        os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = 'center'

        width, height = [int(s) for s in self.config.get("video", "resolution").split("x")]
        fullscreen    = self.config.get("video", "fullscreen")
        multisamples  = self.config.get("video", "multisamples")
        self.video.setMode((width, height), fullscreen = fullscreen, multisamples = multisamples)
        Log.debug("OpenGL version: " + glGetString(GL_VERSION))
        Log.debug("OpenGL vendor: " + glGetString(GL_VENDOR))
        Log.debug("OpenGL renderer: " + glGetString(GL_RENDERER))
        Log.debug("OpenGL extensions: " + ' '.join(sorted(glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS).split())))

        if self.video.default:
            self.config.set("video", "fullscreen", False)
            self.config.set("video", "resolution", "800x600")

        if self.config.get("video", "shader_use"):
            shaders.set(os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "shaders"))

        # Enable the high priority timer if configured
        if self.priority:
            Log.debug("Enabling high priority timer.")
            self.fps = 0 # High priority

        # evilynux - This was generating an error on the first pass (at least under
        #            GNU/Linux) as the Viewport was not set yet.
            viewport = glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT)
            viewport = [0, 0, width, height]
        h = viewport[3] - viewport[1]
        w = viewport[2] - viewport[0]
        geometry = (0, 0, w, h)
        self.svg = SvgContext(geometry)
        glViewport(int(viewport[0]), int(viewport[1]), int(viewport[2]), int(viewport[3]))

        self.startupMessages   = self.video.error
        self.input     = Input()
        self.view      = View(self, geometry)
        self.resizeScreen(w, h)

        self.resource  = Resource(Version.dataPath())
        self.mainloop  = self.loading
        self.menuMusic = False

        self.setlistMsg = None

        # Load game modifications
        self.addTask(self.input, synchronized = False)

        self.addTask(self.view, synchronized = False)

        self.addTask(self.resource, synchronized = False)

        self.data = Data(self.resource, self.svg)

        ##MFH: Animated stage folder selection option
        #<themename>\Stages still contains the backgrounds for when stage rotation is off, and practice.png
        #subfolders under Stages\ will each be treated as a separate animated stage set

        self.stageFolders = []
        currentTheme = themename

        stagespath = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "themes", currentTheme, "backgrounds")
        themepath  = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "themes", currentTheme)
        if os.path.exists(stagespath):
            self.stageFolders = []
            allFolders = os.listdir(stagespath)   #this also includes all the stage files - so check to see if there is at least one .png file inside each folder to be sure it's an animated stage folder
            for name in allFolders:
                aniStageFolderListing = []
                thisIsAnAnimatedStageFolder = False
                    aniStageFolderListing = os.listdir(os.path.join(stagespath,name))
                except Exception:
                    thisIsAnAnimatedStageFolder = False
                for aniFile in aniStageFolderListing:
                    if os.path.splitext(aniFile)[1] == ".png" or os.path.splitext(aniFile)[1] ==  ".jpg" or os.path.splitext(aniFile)[1] == ".jpeg":  #we've found at least one .png file here, chances are this is a valid animated stage folder
                        thisIsAnAnimatedStageFolder = True
                if thisIsAnAnimatedStageFolder:

            i = len(self.stageFolders)
            if i > 0: #only set default to first animated subfolder if one exists - otherwise use Normal!
                defaultAniStage = str(self.stageFolders[0])
                defaultAniStage = "Normal"
            Log.debug("Default animated stage for " + currentTheme + " theme = " + defaultAniStage)
            aniStageOptions = dict([(str(self.stageFolders[n]),self.stageFolders[n]) for n in range(0, i)])
            if i > 1:   #only add Random setting if more than one animated stage exists
            Config.define("game", "animated_stage_folder", str, defaultAniStage, text = _("Animated Stage"), options = aniStageOptions )

            #MFH: here, need to track and check a new ini entry for last theme - so when theme changes we can re-default animated stage to first found
            lastTheme = self.config.get("game","last_theme")
            if lastTheme == "" or lastTheme != currentTheme:   #MFH - no last theme, and theme just changed:
                self.config.set("game","animated_stage_folder",defaultAniStage)   #force defaultAniStage

            selectedAnimatedStage = self.config.get("game", "animated_stage_folder")
            if selectedAnimatedStage != "Normal" and selectedAnimatedStage != "Random":
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(stagespath,selectedAnimatedStage)):
                    Log.warn("Selected animated stage folder " + selectedAnimatedStage + " does not exist, forcing Normal.")
                    self.config.set("game","animated_stage_folder","Normal") #MFH: force "Standard" currently selected animated stage folder is invalid
            Config.define("game", "animated_stage_folder", str, "None", text = _("Animated Stage"), options = ["None",_("None")])
            Log.warn("No stages\ folder found, forcing None setting for Animated Stage.")
            self.config.set("game","animated_stage_folder", "None") #MFH: force "None" when Stages folder can't be found

            fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module("CustomTheme",[themepath])
            theme = imp.load_module("CustomTheme", fp, pathname, description)
            self.theme = theme.CustomTheme(themepath, themename)
        except ImportError:
            self.theme = Theme(themepath, themename)


        self.input.addKeyListener(FullScreenSwitcher(self), priority = True)

        self.debugLayer         = None
        self.startupLayer       = None
        self.loadingScreenShown = False
        self.graphicMenuShown   = False

Exemple #2
class GameEngine(object):
    """The main game engine."""
    def __init__(self, config = None):

        Log.debug("GameEngine class init (GameEngine.py)...")
        self.mainMenu = None    #placeholder for main menu object - to prevent reinstantiation

        self.currentScene = None

        self.versionString = version  #stump: other version stuff moved to allow full version string to be retrieved without instantiating GameEngine
        self.uploadVersion = "%s-4.0" % Version.PROGRAM_NAME #akedrou - the version passed to the upload site.

        self.dataPath = Version.dataPath()
        Log.debug(self.versionString + " starting up...")
        Log.debug("Python version: " + sys.version.split(' ')[0])
        Log.debug("Pygame version: " + str(pygame.version.ver) )
        Log.debug("PyOpenGL version: " + OpenGL.__version__)
        Log.debug("Numpy version: " + np.__version__)
        Log.debug("PIL version: " + Image.VERSION)
        Log.debug("sys.argv: " + repr(sys.argv))
        Log.debug("os.name: " + os.name)
        Log.debug("sys.platform: " + sys.platform)
        if os.name == 'nt':
            import win32api
            Log.debug("win32api.GetVersionEx(1): " + repr(win32api.GetVersionEx(1)))
        elif os.name == 'posix':
            Log.debug("os.uname(): " + repr(os.uname()))

        @param config:  L{Config} instance for settings

        self.tutorialFolder = "tutorials"

        if not config:
            config = Config.load()

        self.config  = config

        fps          = self.config.get("video", "fps")

        self.tasks = []
        self.frameTasks = []
        self.fps = fps
        self.currentTask = None
        self.paused = []
        self.running = True
        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()

        self.title             = self.versionString
        self.restartRequested  = False

        # evilynux - Check if theme icon exists first, then fallback on FoFiX icon.
        themename = self.config.get("coffee", "themename")
        themeicon = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "themes", themename, "icon.png")
        fofixicon = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "fofix_icon.png")
        icon = None
        if os.path.exists(themeicon):
            icon = themeicon
        elif os.path.exists(fofixicon):
            icon = fofixicon

        self.video             = Video(self.title, icon)
        if self.config.get("video", "disable_screensaver"):

        self.audio             = Audio()
        self.frames            = 0
        self.fpsEstimate       = 0
        self.priority          = self.config.get("engine", "highpriority")
        self.show_fps          = self.config.get("video", "show_fps")
        self.advSettings       = self.config.get("game", "adv_settings")
        self.restartRequired   = False
        self.quicksetRestart   = False
        self.quicksetPerf      = self.config.get("quickset", "performance")
        self.scrollRate        = self.config.get("game", "scroll_rate")
        self.scrollDelay       = self.config.get("game", "scroll_delay")

        Log.debug("Initializing audio.")
        frequency    = self.config.get("audio", "frequency")
        bits         = self.config.get("audio", "bits")
        stereo       = self.config.get("audio", "stereo")
        bufferSize   = self.config.get("audio", "buffersize")
        self.audio.open(frequency = frequency, bits = bits, stereo = stereo, bufferSize = bufferSize)

        self.cmdPlay           = 0
        self.cmdMode           = None
        self.cmdDiff           = None
        self.cmdPart           = None

        self.gameStarted       = False
        self.world             = None

        self.audioSpeedFactor  = 1.0

        Log.debug("Initializing video.")
        #myfingershurt: ensuring windowed mode starts up in center of the screen instead of cascading positions:
        os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = 'center'

        width, height = [int(s) for s in self.config.get("video", "resolution").split("x")]
        fullscreen    = self.config.get("video", "fullscreen")
        multisamples  = self.config.get("video", "multisamples")
        self.video.setMode((width, height), fullscreen = fullscreen, multisamples = multisamples)
        Log.debug("OpenGL version: " + glGetString(GL_VERSION))
        Log.debug("OpenGL vendor: " + glGetString(GL_VENDOR))
        Log.debug("OpenGL renderer: " + glGetString(GL_RENDERER))
        Log.debug("OpenGL extensions: " + ' '.join(sorted(glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS).split())))

        if self.video.default:
            self.config.set("video", "fullscreen", False)
            self.config.set("video", "resolution", "800x600")

        if self.config.get("video", "shader_use"):
            shaders.set(os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "shaders"))

        # Enable the high priority timer if configured
        if self.priority:
            Log.debug("Enabling high priority timer.")
            self.fps = 0 # High priority

        # evilynux - This was generating an error on the first pass (at least under
        #            GNU/Linux) as the Viewport was not set yet.
            viewport = glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT)
            viewport = [0, 0, width, height]
        h = viewport[3] - viewport[1]
        w = viewport[2] - viewport[0]
        geometry = (0, 0, w, h)
        self.svg = SvgContext(geometry)
        glViewport(int(viewport[0]), int(viewport[1]), int(viewport[2]), int(viewport[3]))

        self.startupMessages   = self.video.error
        self.input     = Input()
        self.view      = View(self, geometry)
        self.resizeScreen(w, h)

        self.resource  = Resource(Version.dataPath())
        self.mainloop  = self.loading
        self.menuMusic = False

        self.setlistMsg = None

        # Load game modifications
        self.addTask(self.input, synchronized = False)

        self.addTask(self.view, synchronized = False)

        self.addTask(self.resource, synchronized = False)

        self.data = Data(self.resource, self.svg)

        ##MFH: Animated stage folder selection option
        #<themename>\Stages still contains the backgrounds for when stage rotation is off, and practice.png
        #subfolders under Stages\ will each be treated as a separate animated stage set

        self.stageFolders = []
        currentTheme = themename

        stagespath = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "themes", currentTheme, "backgrounds")
        themepath  = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "themes", currentTheme)
        if os.path.exists(stagespath):
            self.stageFolders = []
            allFolders = os.listdir(stagespath)   #this also includes all the stage files - so check to see if there is at least one .png file inside each folder to be sure it's an animated stage folder
            for name in allFolders:
                aniStageFolderListing = []
                thisIsAnAnimatedStageFolder = False
                    aniStageFolderListing = os.listdir(os.path.join(stagespath,name))
                except Exception:
                    thisIsAnAnimatedStageFolder = False
                for aniFile in aniStageFolderListing:
                    if os.path.splitext(aniFile)[1] == ".png" or os.path.splitext(aniFile)[1] ==  ".jpg" or os.path.splitext(aniFile)[1] == ".jpeg":  #we've found at least one .png file here, chances are this is a valid animated stage folder
                        thisIsAnAnimatedStageFolder = True
                if thisIsAnAnimatedStageFolder:

            i = len(self.stageFolders)
            if i > 0: #only set default to first animated subfolder if one exists - otherwise use Normal!
                defaultAniStage = str(self.stageFolders[0])
                defaultAniStage = "Normal"
            Log.debug("Default animated stage for " + currentTheme + " theme = " + defaultAniStage)
            aniStageOptions = dict([(str(self.stageFolders[n]),self.stageFolders[n]) for n in range(0, i)])
            if i > 1:   #only add Random setting if more than one animated stage exists
            Config.define("game", "animated_stage_folder", str, defaultAniStage, text = _("Animated Stage"), options = aniStageOptions )

            #MFH: here, need to track and check a new ini entry for last theme - so when theme changes we can re-default animated stage to first found
            lastTheme = self.config.get("game","last_theme")
            if lastTheme == "" or lastTheme != currentTheme:   #MFH - no last theme, and theme just changed:
                self.config.set("game","animated_stage_folder",defaultAniStage)   #force defaultAniStage

            selectedAnimatedStage = self.config.get("game", "animated_stage_folder")
            if selectedAnimatedStage != "Normal" and selectedAnimatedStage != "Random":
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(stagespath,selectedAnimatedStage)):
                    Log.warn("Selected animated stage folder " + selectedAnimatedStage + " does not exist, forcing Normal.")
                    self.config.set("game","animated_stage_folder","Normal") #MFH: force "Standard" currently selected animated stage folder is invalid
            Config.define("game", "animated_stage_folder", str, "None", text = _("Animated Stage"), options = ["None",_("None")])
            Log.warn("No stages\ folder found, forcing None setting for Animated Stage.")
            self.config.set("game","animated_stage_folder", "None") #MFH: force "None" when Stages folder can't be found

            fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module("CustomTheme",[themepath])
            theme = imp.load_module("CustomTheme", fp, pathname, description)
            self.theme = theme.CustomTheme(themepath, themename)
        except ImportError:
            self.theme = Theme(themepath, themename)


        self.input.addKeyListener(FullScreenSwitcher(self), priority = True)

        self.debugLayer         = None
        self.startupLayer       = None
        self.loadingScreenShown = False
        self.graphicMenuShown   = False


    # evilynux - This stops the crowd cheers if they're still playing (issue 317).
    def quit(self):
        # evilynux - self.audio.close() crashes when we attempt to restart
        if not self.restartRequested:
        for t in list(self.tasks + self.frameTasks):
        self.running = False

    def setStartupLayer(self, startupLayer):
        Set the L{Layer} that will be shown when the all
        the resources have been loaded. See L{Data}

        @param startupLayer:    Startup L{Layer}
        self.startupLayer = startupLayer

    def isDebugModeEnabled(self):
        return bool(self.debugLayer)

    def setDebugModeEnabled(self, enabled):
        Show or hide the debug layer.

        @type enabled: bool
        if enabled:
            self.debugLayer = DebugLayer(self)
            self.debugLayer = None

    def toggleFullscreen(self):
        Toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode.

        @return: True on success
        if not self.video.toggleFullscreen():
            # on windows, the fullscreen toggle kills our textures, se we must restart the whole game
            self.config.set("video", "fullscreen", not self.video.fullscreen)
            return True
        self.config.set("video", "fullscreen", self.video.fullscreen)
        return True

    def restart(self):
        """Restart the game."""
        if not self.restartRequested:
            self.restartRequested = True

    def resizeScreen(self, width, height):
        Resize the game screen.

        @param width:   New width in pixels
        @param height:  New height in pixels
        self.view.setGeometry((0, 0, width, height))
        self.svg.setGeometry((0, 0, width, height))

    def startWorld(self, players, maxplayers = None, gameMode = 0, multiMode = 0, allowGuitar = True, allowDrum = True, allowMic = False, tutorial = False):
        self.world = World(self, players, maxplayers, gameMode, multiMode, allowGuitar, allowDrum, allowMic, tutorial)

    def finishGame(self):
        if not self.world:
            Log.notice("GameEngine.finishGame called before World created.")
        self.world = None
        self.gameStarted = False

    def loadImgDrawing(self, target, name, fileName, textureSize = None):
        Load an SVG drawing synchronously.

        @param target:      An object that will own the drawing
        @param name:        The name of the attribute the drawing will be assigned to
        @param fileName:    The name of the file in the data directory
        @param textureSize: Either None or (x, y), in which case the file will
                            be rendered to an x by y texture
        @return:            L{ImgDrawing} instance
        return self.data.loadImgDrawing(target, name, fileName, textureSize)

    def drawStarScore(self, screenwidth, screenheight, xpos, ypos, stars, scale = None, horiz_spacing = 1.2, space = 1.0, hqStar = False, align = LEFT):
        minScale = 0.02
        w = screenwidth
        h = screenheight
        if not scale:
            scale = minScale
        elif scale < minScale:
            scale = minScale
        if self.data.fcStars and stars == 7:
            star = self.data.starFC
            star = self.data.starPerfect
        wide = scale * horiz_spacing
        if align == CENTER: #center - akedrou (simplifying the alignment...)
            xpos  -= (2 * wide)
        elif align == RIGHT: #right
            xpos  -= (4 * wide)
        if stars > 5:
            for j in range(5):

                if self.data.maskStars:
                    if self.data.theme == 2:
                        drawImage(star, scale = (scale,-scale), coord = (w*(xpos+wide*j)*space**4,h*ypos), color = (1, 1, 0, 1), stretched = KEEP_ASPECT | FIT_WIDTH)
                        drawImage(star, scale = (scale,-scale), coord = (w*(xpos+wide*j)*space**4,h*ypos), color = (0, 1, 0, 1), stretched = KEEP_ASPECT | FIT_WIDTH)
                    drawImage(star, scale = (scale,-scale), coord = (w*(xpos+wide*j)*space**4,h*ypos), stretched = KEEP_ASPECT | FIT_WIDTH)
            for j in range(5):
                if j < stars:
                    if hqStar:
                        star = self.data.star4
                        star = self.data.star2
                    if hqStar:
                        star = self.data.star3
                        star = self.data.star1
                drawImage(star, scale = (scale,-scale), coord = (w*(xpos+wide*j)*space**4,h*ypos), stretched = KEEP_ASPECT | FIT_WIDTH)

    #glorandwarf: renamed to retrieve the path of the file
    def fileExists(self, fileName):
        return self.data.fileExists(fileName)

    def getPath(self, fileName):
        return self.data.getPath(fileName)

    def loading(self):
        """Loading state loop."""
        done = self.doRun()

        if self.data.essentialResourcesLoaded():
            if not self.loadingScreenShown:
                self.loadingScreenShown = True
                Dialogs.showLoadingScreen(self, self.data.resourcesLoaded)
                if self.startupLayer:
                self.mainloop = self.main
        return done

    def clearScreen(self):

    def fadeScreen(self, v):
        Fade the screen to a dark color to make whatever is on top easier to read.

        @param v: Visibility factor [0..1], 0 is fully visible

        glColor4f(0, 0, 0, .3 - v * .3)
        glVertex2f(0, 0)
        glColor4f(0, 0, 0, .3 - v * .3)
        glVertex2f(1, 0)
        glColor4f(0, 0, 0, .9 - v * .9)
        glVertex2f(0, 1)
        glColor4f(0, 0, 0, .9 - v * .9)
        glVertex2f(1, 1)

    def addTask(self, task, synchronized = True):
        Add a task to the engine.

        @param task:          L{Task} to add
        @type  synchronized:  bool
        @param synchronized:  If True, the task will be run with small
                              timesteps tied to the engine clock.
                              Otherwise the task will be run once per frame.
        if synchronized:
            queue = self.tasks
            queue = self.frameTasks

        if not task in queue:

    def removeTask(self, task):
        Remove a task from the engine.

        @param task:    L{Task} to remove
        queues = self._getTaskQueues(task)
        for q in queues:
        if queues:

    def _getTaskQueues(self, task):
        queues = []
        for queue in [self.tasks, self.frameTasks]:
            if task in queue:
        return queues

    def pauseTask(self, task):
        Pause a task.

        @param task:  L{Task} to pause

    def resumeTask(self, task):
        Resume a paused task.

        @param task:  L{Task} to resume

    def enableGarbageCollection(self, enabled):
        Enable or disable garbage collection whenever a random garbage
        collection run would be undesirable. Disabling the garbage collector
        has the unfortunate side-effect that your memory usage will skyrocket.
        if enabled:

    def collectGarbage(self):
        Run a garbage collection run.

    def _runTask(self, task, ticks = 0):
        if not task in self.paused:
            self.currentTask = task
            self.currentTask = None

    def main(self):
        """Main state loop."""
        done = self.doRun()
        if self.debugLayer:
            self.debugLayer.render(1.0, True)
        # evilynux - Estimate the rendered frames per second.
        self.frames = self.frames+1
        # Estimate every 120 frames when highpriority is True.
        # Estimate every 2*config.fps when highpriority is False,
        # if you are on target, that should be every 2 seconds.
        if( not self.priority and self.frames == (self.fps << 1) ) or ( self.priority and self.frames == 120 ):
            self.fpsEstimate = self.clock.get_fps()
            # evilynux - Printing on the console with a frozen binary may cause a crash.
            if self.show_fps and not Version.isWindowsExe():
                print("%.2f fps" % self.fpsEstimate)
            self.frames = 0
        return done

    def doRun(self):
        """Run one cycle of the task scheduler engine."""
        if not self.frameTasks and not self.tasks:
            return False

        for task in self.frameTasks:
        tick = self.clock.get_time()
        for task in self.tasks:
            self._runTask(task, tick)
        return True

    def run(self):
        return self.mainloop()