def nefitGasHistory(event): httpHeader = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} # Get the number of gas usage pages from Nefit server response = requests.get(NEFIT_BRIDGE_URL + "/ecus/rrc/recordings/gasusagePointer", headers=httpHeader) if response.status_code != 200: nefitGasHistory.log.warn( "NefitEasy - Invalid API status response [{}]".format(response)) events.sendCommand("CV_Retry_GasUsage", "ON") #Set retry switch else: nefitGasHistory.log.debug("Received Pages JSON data [{}]".format( response.json())) page = int(math.ceil((float(response.json()["value"]) - 1) / 32)) # Get the last web page for yesterdays data response = requests.get(NEFIT_BRIDGE_URL + "/ecus/rrc/recordings/gasusage?page=" + str(page), headers=httpHeader) if response.status_code != 200: nefitGasHistory.log.warn( "NefitEasy - Invalid API status response [{}]".format( response)) events.sendCommand("CV_Retry_GasUsage", "ON") #Set retry switch else: # Walk through JSON Array and find yesterday's entry. yesterday ="dd-MM-yyyy") for g in response.json()['value']: if g['d'] == yesterday: hotWater = "{0:.3f}".format( float(g['hw']) * GAS_CONVERSION) centralHeating = "{0:.3f}".format( float(g['ch']) * GAS_CONVERSION) influxTimestamp = ).minusSeconds(1).millis "Yesterdays Hot Water [{}], Central Heating [{}]". format(hotWater, centralHeating)) cmd = "/bin/sh@@-c@@/usr/bin/curl -s -X POST " + INFLUXDB_URL + "write?db=" + INFLUXDB + "\\&precision=ms --data-binary '" + NEFIT_HW_SERIES + " value=" + hotWater + " " + str( influxTimestamp) + "'" response = Exec.executeCommandLine(cmd, 4000) if response != "": nefitGasHistory.log.warn( "Error writing " + NEFIT_HW_SERIES + " value to InfluxDB [{}]".format(response)) cmd = "/bin/sh@@-c@@/usr/bin/curl -s -X POST " + INFLUXDB_URL + "write?db=" + INFLUXDB + "\\&precision=ms --data-binary '" + NEFIT_CH_SERIES + " value=" + centralHeating + " " + str( influxTimestamp) + "'" Exec.executeCommandLine(cmd, 4000) if response != "": nefitGasHistory.log.warn( "Error writing " + NEFIT_HW_SERIES + " value to InfluxDB [{}]".format(response)) return nefitGasHistory.log.warn( "No historic gas usage entry found for [{}]".format(yesterday))
def cb(): global logTitle current_state = str(things.get(ThingUID(binding_thing_name)).status) if current_state == "ONLINE": LogAction.logInfo(logTitle, u"No need to restart {} (status={})".format(binding_name, current_state)) if notify_restart is True: NotificationAction.sendBroadcastNotification(u"Auto restart canceled for {} (status={})".format(binding_name, current_state)) else: LogAction.logInfo(logTitle, u"Will now restart {} (status={})".format(binding_name, current_state)) # Keep track of binding restarts restart_counter = binding_restarts.get(binding_id) if restart_counter is None: binding_restarts[binding_id] = 1 else: binding_restarts[binding_id] = int(restart_counter) + 1 if notify_restart is True: NotificationAction.sendBroadcastNotification(u"Auto restart of {} (status={})".format(binding_name, current_state)) # Restart the binding (use the 'openhab-karaf' entry in ssh config file) Exec.executeCommandLine("/bin/sh@@-c@@ssh openhab-karaf bundle:restart {}".format(binding_id)) timers[binding_id] = None
def tts_converter(content): LOG.debug(u"start:\n{}".format(content).decode('utf-8')) # Get the file object for the appropriate prefix sound and if the content # always changes, then don't save the file (recycle it) openhab_conf = System.getenv("OPENHAB_CONF") alert_prefix = File.separator.join([openhab_conf, "html", "TTS", "Alert_Prefix.mp3"]) recycled = False if "Weather Alert:" in content: alert_prefix = File.separator.join([openhab_conf, "html", "TTS", "Alert_Weather.mp3"]) recycled = True elif any(alert_type in content for alert_type in FLITE_TTS_CONFIGURATION["recycle"]): recycled = True file_name = "recycled.wav" if not recycled: # Since the file is being saved, truncate the filename to 150 allowed characters file_name = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]", "", content) if len(file_name) > 149: file_name = file_name[0:149] file_name = "{}.wav".format(file_name) # Substitute text to help TTS pronounce some words content_scrubbed = content for key, value in FLITE_TTS_CONFIGURATION["substitutions"].items(): content_scrubbed = content_scrubbed.replace(key, value) # Set paths and files, creating them if they do not exist voice = File(FLITE_TTS_CONFIGURATION["path_to_voice"]).getName() directory_path_name = File.separator.join([openhab_conf, "html", "TTS", voice]) directory_path = File(directory_path_name) if not directory_path.exists(): directory_path.mkdir() file_path_name = File.separator.join([directory_path_name, file_name]) file_path = File(file_path_name.replace(".wav", ".mp3")) # If it does not yet exist, generate the TTS if recycled or not file_path.exists(): Exec.executeCommandLine(u"{}@@-voice@@{}@@-t@@{}@@-o@@{}".format(FLITE_TTS_CONFIGURATION["path_to_flite"], FLITE_TTS_CONFIGURATION["path_to_voice"], content_scrubbed, file_path_name), 60000) Exec.executeCommandLine(u"{}@@-y@@-i@@{}@@-af@@volume=10, highpass=f=500, lowpass=f=3000@@{}".format(FLITE_TTS_CONFIGURATION["path_to_ffmpeg"], file_path_name, file_path_name.replace(".wav", ".mp3")), 60000) Exec.executeCommandLine(u"{} -y -i \"concat:{}|{}\" -c copy {}".format(FLITE_TTS_CONFIGURATION["path_to_ffmpeg"], alert_prefix, file_path_name.replace(".wav", ".mp3"), file_path_name.replace(".wav", ".combined.mp3")), 60000) # Create the URL used in the PlayURI result = "http://{}:{}/static/TTS/{}/{}".format(HOST_PORT_CONFIGURATION.get("openhab").get("host"), HOST_PORT_CONFIGURATION.get("openhab").get("port"), voice, file_name.replace(".wav", ".combined.mp3")) LOG.debug(u"complete:\n{}".format(content).decode('utf-8')) return result
def deleteRediscoverZwaveThings(event): deleteRediscoverZwaveThings.log.debug("Delete Z-Wave Things: Start") statusMap = { "DeletionSuccess": 0, "DeletionFailure": 0, "DiscoveryFailure": 0, "ThingsAdded": 0, "ThingsNotAdded": 0 } thingUIDList = Exec.executeCommandLine( "/bin/sh@@-c@@/usr/bin/curl -s --connect-timeout 10 -m 10 -X GET --header \"Accept: application/json\" \"http://*****:*****@@-c@@/usr/bin/curl -o /dev/null -s -w \"%{{http_code}}\" --connect-timeout 10 -m 10 -X DELETE --header \"Accept: application/json\" \"http://*****:*****@@-c@@/usr/bin/curl -s --connect-timeout 10 -m 10 -X GET --header \"Accept: application/json\" \"http://*****:*****@@-c@@/usr/bin/curl -o /dev/null -s -w \"%{http_code}\" --connect-timeout 10 -m 10 -X POST --header \"Content-Type: application/json\" --header \"Accept: text/plain\" \"http://*****:*****@@-c@@/usr/bin/curl -s --connect-timeout 10 -m 10 -X GET --header \"Accept: application/json\" \"http://*****:*****@@-c@@/usr/bin/curl -o /dev/null -s -w \"%{{http_code}}\" --connect-timeout 10 -m 10 -X POST --header \"Content-Type: text/plain\" --header \"Accept: application/json\" -d \"{}\" \"http://localhost:8080/rest/inbox/{}/approve\"" .format(inboxList[index + 1], inboxList[index]), 10000) # approve Thing in Inbox deleteRediscoverZwaveThings.log.debug( "Delete Z-Wave Things: Inbox approval: approvalResponse=[{}], Thing=[{}], label=[{}]" .format(approvalResponse, inboxList[index], inboxList[index + 1])) if approvalResponse == "200": statusMap["ThingsAdded"] += 1 else: statusMap["ThingsNotAdded"] += 1 else: deleteRediscoverZwaveThings.log.debug( "Delete Z-Wave Things: {} Z-Wave Things were not deleted, so did not start Z-Wave Discovery. thingUIDList=[{}]" .format(len(thingUIDList), thingUIDList)) deleteRediscoverZwaveThings.log.debug( "Delete Z-Wave Things: End: {}".format(statusMap))
def getSnapshotImage(url, img): tmpFile = "/tmp/" + img + ".png" Exec.executeCommandLine("wget -O " + tmpFile + " \"" + url + "\"", 12000) with open(tmpFile, "rb") as f: return "data:image/png;base64," + base64.b64encode(